Komi Komi Literature Club!

By Alex13Creations

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A small new Literature Club appears in Komi's school and catches her interest. In an effort to make more frie... More

Chapter 1: The School Festival
Chapter 2: The Invitation
Chapter 3: The Guest
Chapter 4: The Interruption
Chapter 5: The Kindred Spirit
Chapter 6: The Concern
Chapter 7: The Slump
Chapter 8: The Short Poem
Chapter 9: The Incident
Chapter 10: The Backstory
Chapter 11: The Boy With Curly Hair
Chapter 12: The Full Club
Chapter 13: The Rainy Day
Chapter 14: The Friend Group
Chapter 15: The Circle
Chapter 16: The Group Chat
Chapter 17: The Cute Clothes
Chapter 18: The Silence
Chapter 19: The Walk Home
Chapter 20: The Guy Friend
Chapter 21: The Bad Dream
Chapter 22: The Garden
Chapter 23: The Arcade Date
Chapter 24: The Arcade (Part One)
Chapter 25: The Arcade (Part Two)
Chapter 26: The Cafe
Chapter 27: The Skate Rink
Chapter 28: The Black Cat Cupcakes
Chapter 29: The Guys' Sleepover
Chapter 30: The Delusion Dates
Chapter 31: The Winter Season Begins!
Chapter 32: The Cold Sets In
Chapter 33: The Chuunibyou
Chapter 34: The Snow Day
Chapter 35: The Altercation
Chapter 36: The Winter Poems
Chapter 37: The Exchange
Chapter 38: The Attention
Chapter 39: The Joys of Winter
You have unlocked a special poem! Would you like to read it?
Chapter 41: The Train Ride
Chapter 42: The First Day At Kyoto
Chapter 44: The Second Day At Kyoto (M/S)
Chapter 45: The Second Day At Kyoto (N/Y)
Chapter 46: The Second Night At Kyoto
Chapter 47: The Ride Home
Chapter 48: The Encouragement
Chapter 49: The Valentine
You have unlocked a special poem! Would you like to read it?

Chapter 43: The First Night At Kyoto

15 1 0
By Alex13Creations

"I wonder how much this whole school trip thing costs. This is like really nice." Natsuki said. She along with Monika, Yuri, and Sayori were all sitting around the hotel hanging out that same night after spending all day touring through the different temples.

"It doesn't appear that they spared any expense. Not that I'm complaining." Yuri commented, sitting comfortably in her chair.

"I don't think I've ever stayed in a hotel this nice before." Sayori giggled, stretching her arms out and kicking her feet up.

"I doubt I have either," Monika smiled. "Yuri, I know you were looking forward to seeing all of the cultural stuff. Was your appetite satisfied?" She asked, amused by her own question.

"I would say so," Yuri replied with a nod. "I found myself meditating on the different themes and life lessons that were implemented into the designs of each temple. I think that I would like to do something similar with my next few poems."

"What was your favorite thing that you saw today?" Sayori asked her.

"Hmm...I think it would have to be the gates of the Nishi Honganji Temple. Something about them seemed...otherworldly to me, like portals to a distant place." She answered thoughtfully.

"That sounds like it would make for a really fun topic to write about!" Sayori said enthusiastically.

"It certainly would, although I think that would do better as the subject of a novel or a short story even. Even a lengthy poem might not do it proper justice." Yuri considered.

"I couldn't see you writing an isekai poem, Yuri. Doesn't really seem like you're cup of tea." Natsuki commented.

"Well, perhaps it could be fun to try something different – abstract, as Alex likes to call it." Yuri shrugged.

"Well since you asked, Sayori, what was your favorite thing you saw today?" Monika asked.

"Oh, definitely the room full of gold! That was probably my favorite temple overall actually! Everything was so cool. I loved the trees and the water and the gold room." Sayori summarized.

"I see you really liked the gold room, huh?" Natsuki noticed with a chuckle.

"Yeah! How could you tell?" Sayori asked with a light laugh.

"Heheh, I really liked the view from the Kiyomizu Temple. I could've stood out there all day just taking in the view of all those trees." Monika said, getting the conversation back on track now.

"I wish it wasn't so secluded. It would be nice to go back and just sit there." Sayori said with a smile.

"Agreed. But if it wasn't where it was, we wouldn't have the view now, would we?" Yuri pointed out.

"Very true. You're so wise, Yuri. You're like a wisdom expert." Sayori giggled.

"I...thank you...?" She stuttered in her short response, unsure of how else to respond to that.

"Hey, how come no one has asked me what my favorite thing from today was?" Natsuki asked, pouting a little after pointing out her realization.

"Yes, of course. What was your favorite part of the trip, Natsuki?" Monika asked.

"It was...the art inside the Nishi Honganji Temple. I actually took a lot of pictures of the different paintings! It was like looking back in time!" Natsuki said, her enthusiasm quickly rising to the surface as she talked about it.

"Ooh yeah I liked that too! It was like...looking through a window into the past." Sayori described dramatically, sweeping her hand in front of her.

"Would you step inside if you could actually go back?" Monika asked Natsuki curiously.

"Mm...maybe just to visit." She answered with a faint chuckle.

"That feels like a reference to something, doesn't it...?" Monika wondered aloud.

"Oh hey, Komi! Come and sit with us!" Sayori noticed Komi lingering in the hallway. The others hadn't noticed her, so there was no telling how long she had been there.

"Mm!" She flinched in surprise when Sayori called her name. She shyly walked over and sat with the other members of the group.

"We were all just talking about the temples we saw today. It was fun, wasn't it?" Yuri asked.

"Mhmm." Komi nodded.

"What was your favorite thing you saw today?" Sayori asked with a grin, leaning towards Komi.

"Mm...hmm..." Komi took some time to consider this. She found herself unable to decide on any one thing that she enjoyed above all else. Did she have to choose?

"I liked everything for different reasons. I don't think I would be able to choose. Sorry. I just enjoyed spending time with everyone." She wrote down a meek answer.

"Aw, don't be sorry! That's great! I'm glad you had fun today." Monika said with a smile.

"Yo, what're you all doing here?" Alex asked after noticing them as he was passing by. He rested his hands in his pockets as he walked over to stand by where they were sitting.

"Hey, Alex! We're all just talking." Monika waved and smiled at him.

"Shouldn't you be with the other guys?" Natsuki asked.

"Yeah, I mean I was, but now they're all flexing and taking shirtless pics, sooo I decided to go for a walk." Alex explained with a shrug and an awkward chuckle.

"Huh?!" There was a collective exclamation of confusion among the group.

"I'm not sure why they're doing it either." Komi blushed at the thought of it.

"Why are guys so weird?!" Natsuki questioned.

"Beats me. I don't get it either," Alex shrugged and sat on the corner of Sayori's chair. "So what ya'll talkin' about?"

"Oh! Oh! Tell us your favorite part of the trip today!" Sayori said, nudging his leg with her arm.

"Uh...the gold room." He responded simply.

"Me too!"

"Of course," Natsuki chuckled at this. "For the music video, right?"

"Yeah! Haha, I'm surprised you remembered. I don't remember half the jokes I make sometimes. I just say things." Alex said with a laugh.

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me." Yuri commented teasingly. This caused everyone else to burst out laughing.

"Wow! Wow, Yuri! It's like that, huh?" Alex laughed.

"Dang, Yuri. That was a good one. Great job." Natsuki snickered.

"I didn't mean anything harmful by it. I was only teasing." Yuri smiled and blushed while looking away. She didn't have much more to say, but she was pleased with herself in that moment.

"I didn't know you had a sassy side to you, Yuri. We need to see it more!" Natsuki said with a laugh.

"I...can't make any promises on that." Yuri said with a shy smile.

"Heheh, you know what? This school trip is starting to feel a lot more like a vacation! I can't wait for tomorrow!" Sayori said with an excited laugh, grinning from ear to ear.

"Mm!" Komi's head popped up. She looked around for something to write on but couldn't immediately find anything. She looked from side to side trying to figure out what to do.

"Hm? Are you alright, Komi? What's wrong?" Monika asked, noticing her distress.

"Mm...mm..." She shifted nervously in her seat. "Uh...um...w-what...are y-you...your plans...f-for...to...tomorrow?" She asked slowly, keeping her face to the ground to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

"God, her voice is so cute." Alex thought to himself.

"Oh shoot. We haven't coordinated that like at all." Natsuki realized, looking to Yuri now.

"We'll have to discuss that with Hana tonight." Yuri said.

"Who's Hana?" Monika asked curiously.

"She's the third girl in our party for tomorrow's free day. To answer your earlier question, Komi, we haven't officially decided on what we're going to be doing tomorrow, but I'm sure Natsuki will have some suggestions. I know I do as well." Yuri summarized.

"I have a couple ideas." Natsuki said with a smirk.

"Monika, did we decide what we were going to do?" Sayori asked her.

"Yes! We're going to do some shopping after we visit the Fushimi Inari Shrine! That's the one with the path of 10,000 gates." Monika answered.

"Oh yeahhh! I can't wait! What about you, Alex? Where are you and your group going tomorrow?" Sayori asked, nudging his leg with her elbow again.

"No idea. We'll see. Might just go around the city. Take some pictures. Hit the club." Alex answered with a shrug.

"Try not to get beat up." Natsuki chuckled.

"I won't." Alex replied with a smile.

"And you, Komi? What will you be doing tomorrow?" Sayori asked.

"Um...I-I...d...don't...know." She answered slowly while her fingers nervously fidgeted with her clothes.

"Bedtime, students. Everyone get to your rooms." One of the teachers called out from down the hall. Everyone immediately jumped to their feet and began to shuffle back to their rooms.

"Welp, see you guys tomorrow! It's gonna be fun!" Sayori waved.

"I look forward to hearing all about it." Yuri agreed.

"Mhmm." Komi hummed in agreement, nodding and bowing respectfully before taking her leave.

"Alex? One sec." Monika called to him. She lingered behind and signaled for him to do the same.

"Hm? Is everything alright...?" He asked, looking back at her.

"Mhmm. I just wanted to ask you what your favorite thing about today was." She brought up with a sheepish smile.

"Huh? I mean I said that already, didn't I?" Alex asked, trying to recall their earlier discussion about it.

"Well tell me anyways." She insisted.

"Heh, well...there was this super cute girl that I saw over on the balcony. She had like brown hair with a white bow. Sound familiar?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Ahaha, I don't know. Does she have a name? Do I know this girl? Is she prettier than me?" She asked in a teasing tone, folding her hands behind her back and tilting her head playfully.

"...you know I feel like there's no right way to answer that question." He observed with a chuckle before giving her a quick kiss.

"I'm only messing with you, silly." She grinned after the exchange.

"I know. I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a chuckle as he made his way to his room.

"Wait, you still didn't answer my question! Your favorite thing from today!" She reminded him.

"Gold room!" He called back to her without turning around. Monika scoffed and shook her head at this...

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