
By TheRealBertMccracken

643 42 0

"I love you more than anything, Gerard Way. I want your soul, your every breath, your very existence. Will yo... More

1. Marriage
2. Dinner
3. Cross
4. Punishment
5. A Psychopath
6. Manipulation
7. Whispers Of Charity
8. Secret Room
9. Party
10. Obey Or...
11. A Dearly Slap
12. Whip
13. Defeated
14. Choker
15. Puppy
16. Good For Daddy
17. Confrontation
18. Escape
19. Under Your Spell
21. Mikey
22. Invisible Ties
23. Where Did I go Wrong
24. Disorder
25. The Ghost Of You
26. Leaving
27. I Feel Safe In Your Arms
28. You Can Run Away With Me
29. The Last Warning
30. The End

20. Don't Touch Him

10 0 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

*TW: Smut*

The Ways entered the church and the pews were filled to capacity, the townspeople eager to catch a glimpse of the esteemed family. Gerard glanced around, feeling all eyes on him and his parents and he could sense the whispers and murmurs that followed their every move. As Gerard and his parents made their way through the crowded church, they were intercepted by Mr. and Mrs. Radke, longtime friends of Donald and Donna. "Donald, Donna, it's so good to see you," Mr. Radke exclaimed warmly, clasping Donald's hand in a firm handshake and Donna smiled warmly in return, exchanging pleasantries with Mrs. Radke. "Likewise, Mr. and Mrs. Radke," she replied graciously. "How have you been?" Before they could answer, Mrs. Radke turned her attention to Hayley, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "And congratulations, Hayley, on your pregnancy!" she exclaimed, reaching out to give Hayley a congratulatory hug and Hayley's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she accepted the well-wishes, exchanging polite smiles with Mr. and Mrs. Radke. "Thank you," she replied softly.

Gerard forced a smile and nodded along, doing his best to appear gracious. "Gerard, my boy, you're looking quite dashing today," Mr. Radke remarked, giving Gerard a hearty pat on the back and Gerard nodded, his smile feeling strained as he replied, "Thank you, Mr. Radke. I appreciate it."Mrs. Radke chimed in. "And Hayley, my dear, you positively glow with motherhood," she gushed, reaching out to place a hand on Hayley's arm and Hayley smiled, her cheeks flushing. "Thank you, Mrs. Radke," she murmured. "Thank you for your kind words," Gerard said, his voice faltering slightly as he tried to steer the conversation. "Hayley and I should probably take our seats first. She's been feeling a bit tired lately and shouldn't stand for too long." Hayley nodded in agreement, grateful for the excuse to sit down. "Yes, that would be lovely," she added, offering Mr. and Mrs. Radke a polite smile. "Of course, Hayley," Mrs. Radke replied. "Take care of yourself, dear." As they reached their seats, Hayley's hand slipped from Gerard's arm to clutch at her stomach, a grimace of pain crossing her face. "Gerard," she whispered and Gerard's heart clenched with concern as he turned to Hayley, his hand reaching out instinctively to support her. "Are you okay, Hayley?" he asked.

Hayley nodded weakly, her grip on Gerard's arm tightening. "It's just a little cramp," she replied, trying to force a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine." But Gerard could see through her facade. "Let me help you to your seat," he insisted, gently guiding her into the pew beside him and as they settled into their seats, Frank, the pastor, approached them. Suppressing the urge to reach out to him, Gerard put on a facade of polite detachment, pretending as if they weren't close. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Way," Frank greeted them with a warm smile, his eyes lingering on Gerard for a moment longer than necessary. "Good morning, Pastor," Gerard replied evenly, forcing himself to maintain eye contact and Hayley nodded politely in response, offering Frank a small smile. "Good morning, Pastor," she echoed. Frank's smile faltered slightly at the lack of warmth in their responses, but he quickly recovered, choosing to ignore the tension. "I hope you guys will enjoy today's service," he said.

As Frank ascended the stage, the congregation fell into hushed silence, their attention turning towards him as he prepared to lead the Sunday church service. "Good morning, everyone," Frank began as he addressed the gathered crowd. "I hope you're all doing well on this beautiful Sunday morning." The congregation murmured their greetings in response, their eyes fixed on Frank and with a nod of acknowledgment, Frank continued. "Today, let us come together in prayer and reflection, as we seek guidance and strength from a higher power." As Frank led the congregation in song and prayer, Gerard felt a familiar warmth spreading through his chest. With each word Frank spoke and each note he sang, Gerard found himself falling in love all over again. The way Frank commanded the attention of the congregation, his dedication to his role as pastor, it all reminded Gerard of the reasons why he had fallen for Frank in the first place. Frank and Gerard made occasional eye contact throughout the service and at times, Gerard couldn't help but smirk in response, the corners of his lips curling up involuntarily. His cheeks would flush with a rosy hue.

Frank, too, would return Gerard's gaze with a subtle twinkle in his eyes. Unbeknownst to them, Hayley noticed the frequent eye contact exchanged between Frank and Gerard. With each shared glance, a sense of unease settled in her chest, a nagging suspicion that something was amiss. Unable to ignore the strange dynamics unfolding before her, Hayley found herself growing increasingly uncomfortable. The subtle smirks and blushes that passed between Frank and Gerard seemed out of place, especially considering Gerard was her husband and Frank was their pastor. As Hayley observed the interactions between the two men, a knot formed in the pit of her stomach. It was strange to see her husband and the pastor behaving in such a familiar manner. As the service concluded, Frank made his way over to where the Way family stood, a warm smile gracing his features. "Good morning, Pastor Frank," Donald greeted him with a firm handshake. "Good morning, Donald, Donna," Frank replied warmly, returning the handshake. "I hope you enjoyed today's service."

Donna nodded in agreement, her smile brightening. "It was wonderful, Pastor," she replied graciously. "Your sermons are always so inspiring." Frank chuckled modestly, his cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment. "Thank you, Donna. I'm glad you think so," he replied humbly and as they exchanged pleasantries, Gerard stood nearby, his gaze flickering between Frank and his parents. Despite the tension, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the sight of Frank engaging with his family. "It's always a pleasure to see you here, Gerard," Frank said with a warm smile. "Young, married men like yourself don't often make it to church these days." Gerard forced a polite smile in response. "Thank you, Pastor," he replied. "I'm trying to make more time for it." Donald and Donna nodded in agreement. "It's good to see you taking an interest in your faith, son," Donald remarked and Gerard nodded in acknowledgment, though inwardly he felt guilty at the deception he was perpetuating.

As the conversation between Frank, the Way family, and Gerard continued, the church was suddenly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Mikey. He made his way confidently onto the stage, his presence commanding the attention of the congregation. "Excuse me, everyone," Mikey announced, his voice projecting clearly through the church. "I have an important announcement to make, so if you could all please pay attention for a moment." The congregation turned their focus towards Mikey, curious murmurs rippling through the pews as they awaited his announcement. Gerard exchanged a puzzled glance with Frank, wondering what could be so urgent that Mikey felt the need to interrupt the service. With all eyes on him, Mikey took a deep breath before delivering his announcement, his words echoing through the church. "Everyone, I need to tell you the truth about Frank. He's not who you think he is. He's been controlling- " Mikey started but before Mikey could say another word, Frank stepped forward. "Mikey, I think it's best if you leave now. You're not welcome here." he interjected.

Mikey's eyes widened in surprise at Frank's interruption, momentarily thrown off guard by the unexpected intervention. "But Frank-" Mikey protested and Frank shook his head. "I won't ask again. Leave," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of warning. Mikey, undeterred by Frank's interruption, stepped closer to him. "Listen, everyone, Gerard has been suffering because of Frank," Mikey began and Frank calmly raised a hand. "Mikey, that's enough. I won't tolerate these baseless accusations any longer," he interjected and Mikey bristled at Frank's dismissal. "They're not baseless, Frank. I've seen how-" he retorted and Frank's gaze hardened, his patience wearing thin. "Leave or I'll take further action, Mikey," he replied sternly. Undeterred, Mikey pressed on, his frustration mounting with each interruption. "Frank has been manipulating Gerard, and it's time you all knew the truth," he exclaimed but Frank remained unfazed, his composure unshaken as he calmly interjected, "Mikey, I won't allow you to spread lies about me." Mikey gritted his teeth in frustration, his determination faltering slightly in the face of Frank's unwavering resolve. Yet, he refused to be silenced, his voice growing more insistent as he continued to speak out against Frank's attempts to suppress the truth.

"Mikey, I've had enough of your baseless accusations," Frank interjected. "Perhaps it's time everyone knew the truth about you." Mikey's eyes widened in alarm, realizing Frank's intent. "Frank, what are you talking about?" With a smile, Frank turned towards everyone, his tone dripping with false concern. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I think it's important that you know about Mikey's past. He's not as innocent as he appears." Gerard exchanged a worried glance with Mikey, knowing Frank was unstoppable when he was upset. "What do you mean, Frank? What past?" Mikey asked and Frank's smile widened. "Mikey has a history of deceit and manipulation. He's been hiding a secret life from all of you." Mikey's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides as Frank continued tell his story. "He's been involved with multiple women, deceiving them with false promises and leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake," Frank continued, his voice gaining momentum. "And that's not all. Mikey has children—secret children—scattered across the towns, all born from his reckless behavior."

Gerard gasped, a hand flying to his mouth in shock and the congregation expression mirrored his disbelief as Frank's words sank in. "Pastor, is this true?" Mikey's father whispered and Frank nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so, Ms. Yan. Mikey has been hiding his true nature from all of us, but the truth always has a way of coming to light." Mikey's face paled as he struggled to find the words to defend himself. "I-I can explain," Mikey stammered. "It's not like that, I swear—" But Frank silenced him with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Save your excuses, Mikey. The truth speaks for itself." As Mikey's protests fell on deaf ears, Frank turned towards his parents, ready to solidify his victory. "Now that you know the truth, perhaps you'll see things differently," Frank said and as murmurs of disbelief rippled through the congregation, Klaus remained composed, ready to bolster his narrative with a convincing explanation. "Pastor, how did you find out about this?" one parishioner ventured, voicing the question that lingered in everyone's minds.

Frank smiled serenely, his gaze sweeping over the congregation as he prepared to deliver his response. "As a pastor, it's my duty to counsel and guide those in need," he began. "The women who were deceived by Mikey sought solace in their faith, and they came to me for guidance." Gasps of astonishment filled the air as Frank's words sunk in, his role as a spiritual leader lending credence to his claims. "And it was through their courage and strength that the truth was revealed," Frank continued. "God works in mysterious ways, and it is my duty to shine a light on the darkness that threatens to consume us." Nods of understanding rippled through the congregation, Frank's words striking a chord with those who looked to him for guidance. "And so, it is with a heavy heart that I bring this to your attention," Frank concluded. "But know that it is not out of malice, but out of love and devotion to our community and our faith."

The sudden escalation took everyone by surprise as Mikey's frustration boiled over, leading him to lash out and deliver a punch straight to Frank's jaw. Gasps filled the air as the congregation watched in shock at the unexpected turn of events. Before anyone could react, Gerard's instincts kicked in as he witnessed his boyfriend being attacked. Without a second thought, he lunged forward and delivered a swift punch to Mikey's jaw, his protective instincts overriding any sense of rationality. "Gerard, no!" Hayley cried out in alarm as she watched her husband engage in the altercation. But Gerard paid no heed to her pleas as his focus solely on defending Frank from further harm. His actions were fueled by an instinct to protect the person he loved, regardless of the consequences. As the chaos unfolded, the congregation looked on in disbelief, stunned by the sudden outburst of violence in their midst. Feeling Frank's firm grip on his arm, Gerard paused mid-action, his chest heaving with exertion as he locked eyes with his boyfriend. In that moment, Frank's silent signal spoke volumes, a reminder to Gerard of the delicate balance they were treading. "Gerard, calm down," Frank whispered urgently, his voice barely audible above the murmurs of the congregation. "We can't afford to draw any more attention to ourselves."

Gerard's breathing slowed as he took in Frank's words. Despite his lingering anger, he knew Frank was right. Any further escalation could jeopardize their carefully guarded secret, inviting unwanted scrutiny from the prying eyes of the church community. With a nod of understanding, Gerard reluctantly relented, allowing Frank to guide him away from the confrontation. As they retreated from the scene, Gerard cast a wary glance back at Mikey, his jaw clenched with pent-up frustration. Suddenly, Mikey made another desperate attempt to strike Frank and a collective gasp echoed through the church as the congregation sprang into action to restrain him. "Stop, Mikey!" someone shouted from the crowd and with swift reflexes, several members of the congregation lunged forward, grabbing hold of Mikey and pulling him back before his fist could connect with Frank's face. Frank, his eyes tightly shut in anticipation of the blow, let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding as he felt the tension dissipate around him. The sounds of scuffling and shouts filled the air as the congregation wrestled Mikey to the ground, their collective efforts preventing any further violence from erupting.

Meanwhile, Gerard stood frozen in shock, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the chaotic scene unfold before him. The realization of how close they had come to disaster sent a shiver down his spine. As order was restored and Mikey was subdued, the church fell into a stunned silence. With the chaos finally quelled, Frank took a deep breath to steady himself before addressing the congregation. "I want to thank everyone for their quick action in defusing the situation," Frank began. "I know tensions were high, but I believe Mikey was acting out of frustration and confusion." The congregation listened attentively, their eyes fixed on Frank as he continued to speak. "I want to assure you all that I'm okay," Frank reassured them, offering a small smile despite the lingering ache in his jaw. "Sometimes, we all have moments of weakness, and it's important to show compassion and understanding." As murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, Frank glanced at Gerard, silently urging him to follow his lead and Gerard gave him a nod of understanding.

As Frank and Gerard made their way towards the exit, Gerard discreetly signaled for Frank to wait for him outside. With a subtle movement, he slipped his hand behind his back, his fingers curling into a silent gesture. Understanding the signal, Frank nodded subtly, his gaze meeting Gerard's with a silent acknowledgment. Meanwhile, Hayley approached Gerard. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, her hand reaching out to touch his arm and Gerard offered her a reassuring smile, his eyes flickering towards his parents who stood nearby. "I'm fine, Hayley," he replied. "Let's go home." Hayley nodded, her fingers intertwining with Gerard's as they fell into step beside Donald and Donna. As they reached the car, Gerard's heart raced with anticipation as he prepared to execute his plan. With a deep breath to steady himself, he turned to his parents and Hayley. "Oh, shoot, I just got some news," Gerard began. "A friend of mine has been in an accident, and I need to go check on them."

Donald and Donna exchanged worried glances. "Oh no, Gerard, is your friend alright?" Donna asked and Gerard nodded. "I'm not sure yet, but I need to go to the hospital to find out," he replied and Hayley's grip tightened on Gerard's hand. "I'll come with you," she offered and Gerard shook his head gently, offering her a reassuring smile. "No, it's okay, Hayley. You're going him because you need rest," he insisted and with that, Gerard quickly made his excuses, his mind focused on one thing: being with Frank. As they settled into the car, Gerard gently guided Hayley to the backseat, his hand lingering on her shoulder for a moment before he leaned in to press a soft kiss to her cheek. "I'll be home later, Hayley," Gerard murmured. "Take care, okay?" Hayley nodded. "Drive safe, Gerard," she replied softly, returning his kiss with a tender smile. With one last glance at Hayley, Gerard turned his attention to his father, who sat behind the wheel. Without a word, Gerard watched as his father started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

As the car driven by Donald vanished from sight, Gerard found himself standing alone in the church parking lot. He scanned the rows of vehicles as he searched for any sign of Frank's car. Finally, his eyes fell upon the familiar sight of Frank's vehicle, nestled among the other cars. With a surge of excitement, Gerard quickened his pace, his footsteps echoing in the empty space. Approaching Frank's car, he reached out to touch the familiar metal of the door handle and opened the car door and climbed inside. Without hesitation, he reached out and gently cupped Frank's jaw in his hands. "Are you okay?" Gerard asked as he carefully examined Frank's jaw for any signs of injury and Frank winced slightly at the touch. "I'm fine, Gerard," he assured him. "It's just a bit sore, that's all." But Gerard wasn't convinced as he continued to scrutinize Frank's jaw for any signs of damage. "You took quite a hit," he remarked. "I just want to make sure you're okay." Frank offered Gerard a small, grateful smile. "I appreciate it, Gerard," he replied. "But really, I'm fine. It's nothing serious."

Reluctantly, Gerard released his hold on Frank's jaw. "If you're sure," he murmured and Frank nodded reassuringly, reaching out to gently squeeze Gerard's hand in his own. "I'm sure," he insisted, his voice warm with affection. "Now, let's focus on getting home safely, okay?" With a nod of agreement, Gerard leaned back in his seat, his worry gradually easing as he settled in beside Frank. Frank started the engine, the soft purr of the car filling the air as they pulled out of the church parking lot. He navigated the familiar streets, his hands steady on the wheel as they made their way towards their secret house. Gerard stole glances at Frank, his concern evident in his eyes, but Frank offered him a reassuring smile, silently promising that everything would be okay. Finally, they arrived at their secluded hideaway, tucked away from prying eyes. Frank parked the car in the driveway, cutting the engine as they came to a stop. "We're here," Frank announced softly, turning to look at Gerard with a reassuring smile. "Home sweet home." Gerard nodded as he stepped out of the car and together, they made their way to the front door.

As Frank fumbled with the keys in his pocket, Gerard's patience began to wane. Unable to resist any longer, he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against Frank's. Surprised by Gerard's sudden boldness, Frank's hands stilled as he melted into the kiss, his body relaxing against Gerard's embrace. The taste of Frank's lips was intoxicating and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Finally, as they reluctantly pulled away, Frank's fingers finally found the key in his pocket, a small smile playing on his lips. "Got it," he murmured as he unlocked the door. With the door closing behind them, Gerard pressed Frank against the door, his lips crashing against Frank's and Frank responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around Gerard's waist as he returned the kiss with equal fervor. Their bodies pressed together and they didn't break the kiss even as they began to shed their clothes. Hands fumbled eagerly, fingers deftly undoing buttons and pulling at fabric as they sought to reveal the flesh beneath. With a growl, Frank seized Gerard by the waist and forcefully guided him towards the nearby couch. He urged Gerard to bend over, his hands pressing against Gerard's back to steady him. Gerard complied eagerly as he leaned over the couch, his body quivering. Gerard stole a glance over his shoulder, meeting Frank's gaze and their eyes locked.

Feeling Frank's eager presence behind him, Gerard's pulse quickened with excitement as he reached for the packet of lube in the nearby cabinet. His fingers trembled slightly as he grasped the small packet and as he turned to face Frank, he was met with the sight of his lover's flushed cheeks and hungry gaze. Without a word, Gerard tore open the packet of lube as he prepared himself. Sensing Gerard's readiness, Frank closed the distance between them, pressing his body against Gerard's back. His cock throbbed against Gerard's back and with a soft groan, Gerard leaned back into Frank. With a primal growl of desire, Frank's self-control snapped as he couldn't resist the overwhelming urge any longer. In one swift motion, he positioned himself behind Gerard and shoved his cock inside him. Gerard gasped  as Frank entered him, his body yielding to the delicious pressure. Frank began to pound into Gerard and moans of pleasure filled the air.

"Harder, Frank," Gerard gasped. "I want to feel you deep inside me, pounding me until I can't think straight." Frank's fingers tangled in Gerard's hair, pulling him closer as he responded to Gerard's plea with renewed fervor. With each tug, Gerard's arousal intensified. "God, you feel so good," Gerard moaned, his breath hitching as Frank's movements grew more intense. "I want you to take me, to make me yours completely." Frank ground his cock deep inside Gerard, savoring the tight, enveloping warmth that surrounded him. With each grind of his hips, he drove Gerard to the edge of madness. "God, you feel incredible," Frank groaned as he buried himself deep inside Gerard. "I never want this to end." Gerard's response was lost in a haze of pleasure as he clung to the couch. With each precise thrust, Frank hit Gerard's sweet spot, sending waves of pleasure crashing over him. "God, Frank," Gerard gasped. "Right there, don't stop." Frank's movements became more deliberate, his focus honing in on the spot that elicited such intense reactions from Gerard. He wanted nothing more than to drive Gerard wild, to see him completely lost.

"Talk to me, Gerard," Frank urged. "Tell me what you want." Gerard's response was immediate, his words tumbling from his lips. "I want you to keep hitting that spot," he moaned, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I want you to make me yours completely." With each word, Gerard's arousal intensified and Frank continued to pound into him. Frank continued his relentless assault on Gerard's sweet spot and Gerard's moans grew louder with each contact, his body writhing beneath Frank's touch. "More, Frank," Gerard pleaded. "I need more." Frank's response was immediate as he redoubled his efforts to drive into Gerard. With each thrust, he pushed them both closer. With a roar, Frank's release flooding through him and he buried himself deep inside Gerard, filling him completely. Gerard cried out as he felt Frank's hot seed spilling inside him, their bodies fused together. As Frank's climax reached its peak, he drove himself deep into Gerard, his movements becoming more urgent as he poured himself into him with reckless abandon. With each pulse of his release, waves of pleasure washed over them both. As they rode their orgasms together, Gerard felt himself propelled towards the most intense orgasm of his lifetime. Every nerve in his body tingled.


As the evening descended, Frank and Gerard found themselves seated at the dining table, bathed in the soft glow of flickering candles. The table was set with their favorite dishes, each one carefully prepared by Frank and as they dined, their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter. They talked about their hopes and dreams for the future. Between bites, they stole tender glances at each other, their hearts fluttering. Frank leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Gerard. "So, tell me, Gerard," he began. "What type of men do you find attractive?" Gerard considered the question for a moment. "Hmm," he mused, tapping his chin in contemplation. "I think I'm drawn to someone confident and assertive." Frank's eyebrows raised in interest, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Oh, really?" he teased, leaning back in his chair. "And what is it about confident and assertive men that you find so appealing?" Gerard chuckled softly. "Well," he replied, "there's just something about a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it. It's... attractive."

Frank's curiosity piqued further as he leaned in, his eyes narrowing in interest. "And what about physical appearance?" he inquired. "Do you have a specific type?" Gerard pondered the question for a moment, his gaze drifting to the flickering candlelight as he considered his response. "I don't have a specific type, per se," he admitted with a shrug. "But I do tend to be drawn to tall, dark-haired men." There was a brief pause as Frank processed Gerard's answer. Then, to Gerard's surprise, a flicker of something unreadable crossed Frank's features, almost imperceptible. "Ah, I see," Frank replied evenly. "Tall and dark-haired, huh? Interesting." Gerard couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Frank's demeanor, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had said something to unsettle his partner. "Frank, is everything alright?" he asked softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Frank's arm. Suddenly, Frank slammed his hand down on the table, the sound echoing through the room. "What's wrong?" he snapped. "What's wrong is that you were describing someone who was completely the opposite of me!"

Gerard recoiled slightly, taken aback by Frank's sudden outburst. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to process Frank's words. "I-I didn't mean..." Gerard stammered, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the right words to say. "Do you even see me, Gerard?" Frank demanded, his voice trembling. "Or am I just some... some placeholder until you find someone who fits your 'type' better?" Gerard's heart ached at the pain in Frank's voice, the realization dawning on him and he reached out to touch Frank's hand, his fingers trembling. "Frank, I..." Gerard began but before he could finish, Frank stood abruptly, knocking his chair back with a harsh scrape against the floor. "I need some air," Frank muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. Without another word, he turned and stormed out of the room and tears welled up in Gerard's eyes as he watched Frank storm out of the room. He sank back into his chair, his hands trembling as he tried to process what had just happened.

"I didn't mean to hurt him," Gerard whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing. He buried his face in his hands and after awhile, he wiped away his tears with shaking hands, his chest tight. He knew he had to find a way to make things right with Frank. Gerard rose from his chair and made his way to the door. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing the man he loved over a careless mistake. As he stepped outside into the cool night air, he whispered a silent prayer, hoping against hope that Frank would find it in his heart to forgive him. Gerard approached Frank cautiously and he could see Frank standing, a cigarette dangling from his lips as he stared off into the distance. "Baby..." Gerard began tentatively. "I'm so sorry." Frank remained silent, his gaze fixed on some distant point in the darkness. His shoulders were tense as he took a long drag from his cigarette. "I didn't mean to upset you," Gerard continued. "I never meant to make you feel like you weren't enough." Still, Frank said nothing and Gerard felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to find the right words to say."I love you, Frank," Gerard whispered. "I love you more than anything in this world. Please, let me make it right." But still, Frank remained silent as he stared into the distance and Gerard reached out to touch Frank's arm, hoping against hope that he could somehow reach him. But Frank flinched away, his eyes flashing with pain as he pulled away.

Gerard watched as Frank slowly turned to face him, his heart pounding. He held his breath, waiting for Frank's response, unsure of what to expect. After what felt like an eternity, Frank finally spoke. "I forgive you, Gerard," he said. "I know you didn't mean it." Relief flooded through Gerard, washing away the guilt. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he reached out to take Frank's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Thank you, Frank," Gerard whispered. "Thank you for understanding." Frank offered him a small, reassuring smile. "We've been through too much together to let something like this tear us apart," he said and Gerard nodded. Frank tossed his cigarette aside as he stepped closer to Gerard. Without a word, he reached out and pulled Gerard into a tight hug, his arms wrapping around him protectively. Gerard melted into Frank's embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against his own. He buried his face in Frank's chest, breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne mingled with the faint aroma of cigarette smoke. For a long moment, they simply stood there, lost in each other's arms.

Finally, Frank pulled back slightly, his hands cupping Gerard's face as he looked into his eyes and Gerard leaned in and pressed his lips to Frank's. "I love you, Frank Way," Gerard whispered as he looked into Frank's eyes. Frank's heart swelled as he gazed back at Gerard. "I love you too, Gerard Iero," he replied.


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