Daughter Of The Fox

By MoonlightXXXWolfie

680 21 22

What will happen when the hottest band in the world, KISS took an interview at the hospital only to find tha... More

The Interview That Took A Wild Turn
The First Step
Erica's First Words And Steps
After Band Practice
A Trip To Chicago
The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Search Begins! (Part 1)
The Search Begins! (Part 2)
The Search Begins (Part 3)
The Search Begins! (Part 4)
The Search Begins! (Part 5) The Final Search Comes To An End!
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 2)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 3)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 4)
It's Time For The Birthday!
Time Flies By So Fast

The Aftermath And Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 1)

47 2 3
By MoonlightXXXWolfie


At the hospital, Eric stayed outside of Erica's room while the doctor and the nurses treat her wounds.

Then, the rest of the Kiss members arrived at the hospital and walked towards Eric.

"Eric," Paul started, his voice soft, "How's she doing?" Paul asked.

"The doctor and the nurses are still in there and they told me to wait outside." Eric replied as he sigh out of worry.

Then, the door towards Erica's room opened and the doctor came out.

"So, how is she, doctor?" Eric asked in a hurry. "Her condition is stable. But, knowing what she's been through, we're going to have to schedule a therapy session with your daughter soon." Said Doctor Alexander. "Thank you so much, doctor." Eric said. "You may see her now. But, let her rest first." The doctor said again.

"Of course. Thank you again so much, doctor." Eric said. Eric walked in first.

Now, Eric Carr sat by the hospital bed, his eyes never leaving the small, bandaged figure of his two-year-old daughter, Erica. His heart ached as he watched her sleep, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath.

Just then, the door towards Erica's room at the hospital room creaked open. Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, and Vinnie Vincent walked in, their faces etched with concern.

"So, what did the doctor told you?" Paul asked.

Eric sighed, his gaze never leaving his sleeping daughter. "She's a fighter, just like her old man. But it's hard...seeing her like this." Eric replied with a worried tone in his voice.

Gene stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Eric's shoulder. "We know, Eric. But you're not alone in this. We're here for you." Gene said as he reassured Eric regarding this whole situation.

Ace, always the joker, tried to lighten the mood. "Remember when we used to think the toughest thing we'd face was the next gig? Now look at us, dealing with real-life superheroes." He gestured towards Erica, a soft smile on his face.

Peter and Bruce exchanged glances before Peter spoke up. "Eric, we've seen you face a lot of things. And every time, you've come out stronger. This will be no different." Peter said.

Vinnie, the last to speak, added, "We're your band, Eric. And that means we're family. We're going to get through this, together." Vinnie said next.

As they spoke, Eric felt a sense of warmth. He was not alone. He had his band, his brothers, by his side. They were a team, on and off stage, and together, they'd help his little girl fight her biggest battle yet.

A few hours past and days turned into nights as Erica was still showing no sign of waking up soon.

~The Next Day~

They all visited Eric and his daughter, Erica as they all chatted to past by time.

"Do you think, she's going to be scared after all of this?" Vinnie asked.

"This whole situation is very overwhelming for a kid her age." Gene said.

The room fell silent after Gene's and Vinnie's words, each man lost in his thoughts. The only sound was the soft beeping of the machines monitoring Erica's condition.

Breaking the silence, Bruce spoke up, "Eric, do you remember that time during the 'Crazy Nights' tour when we got lost in that small town? We were all panicking, but you, you kept your cool. You got us out of there."

Eric chuckled softly, "I remember. I had no idea where we were going. I just didn't want you guys to worry." Eric said as he was feeling a little bit better.

"That's just it, Eric," Bruce continued, "You've always been the rock. Even when you're scared, you put on a brave face for the rest of us. Erica's got that same spirit in her."

"Speaking of which, whatever happened to those two teenagers that helped Erica?" Paul suddenly asked.

"Oh, there right there. Next to Erica's bed." Eric said as he pointed towards the two beds next to Erica's, where both Xavier and Akira laid unconscious with Xavier's head bandaged and Akira's left hand was on a cast.

"They both actually helped us. We should thank them once they wake up." Bruce said. "I got that covered guys. Don't worry." Eric said.


5 p.m

The rest of them started playing the game 'UNO' to passed by time.

"Hah! UNO last card!" Paul yelled. "That was way to quick, man!" Peter said. "UNO last card!" Eric said too as both Paul and Eric glanced at each other.

Then, Eric could feel his hands were being held tight by his daughter's hands. "Erica?" He asked as he stopped playing with his friends.


As Erica opened her eyes, her bright gaze met the loving faces of her father and his bandmates. A smile spread across her face, and the room filled with joy and relief.

Eric couldn't contain his happiness as he scooped Erica up into his arms, tears of joy streaming down his face. "You're awake, my little warrior! We've missed you so much!" Eric was crying tears of joy as Erica just giggled and hugged her father back as Erica started crying and kept calling her father's name. "Daddy! Erica missed you!" She said. "I missed you too, my little rockstar!" Eric called back.

Paul, Gene, Ace, Peter, Bruce, and Vinnie gathered around, their faces beaming with delight. "Welcome back, Erica!" Paul exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth.

Gene playfully tickled Erica's side, eliciting giggles from the little girl. "You gave us quite a scare, kiddo, but you're strong, just like your dad."

Ace knelt down to Erica's level, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Hey, Erica, now that you're awake, we can finally rock out together! We'll teach you how to play guitar!"

Peter joined in, his voice filled with excitement. "Yeah, and I'll show you some of my drumming tricks. We'll have our own little band!"

Bruce chimed in, "And when you're older, we'll take you to our concerts. You'll be the coolest rockstar kid around!"

Erica's eyes widened with wonder as she listened to their plans. She felt surrounded by love and friendship, and she knew she was part of something special.


The doctor soon came in and told Eric that Erica can be discharged tonight. "Do you hear that, my little rockstar!? You can go home now!" Eric said as Erica giggled at the sight of her father's excitement.

"Home! Home!" She said as she continued to giggled.

"See, your daughter is just like you, Eric! A strong fighter!" Gene said.

~Back at the hotel~

"Today was exhausting!" Peter said. "I know right!" Ace chimed in.

Eric placed Erica on the bed. "Seems like she's not tired yet." Eric said as Erica was playing with her father's drumsticks.

Paul then got an idea as he picked up a guitar and started strumming a familiar tune, his voice filling the room with melody. "Erica, this one's for you," he sang, and the others joined in, creating a beautiful harmony that brought smiles to everyone's faces.

Gene, always the entertainer, transformed into his persona, the Demon making funny faces and performing magic tricks to keep Erica giggling. "I've got a trick up my sleeve just for you, Erica. Watch closely!"

Ace, with his guitar strapped around his shoulder, played a catchy riff, inviting Erica to dance along. "Come on, little rockstar! Show us your moves!" Ace said.

"Hey, guys! What about a party tonight?" Bruce asked as everyone agreed. Then, Erica stood up and walked towards Peter as this caught his attention towards Erica.


Peter, ever the storyteller, sat down beside Erica, captivating her with tales of their adventures on the road. "You won't believe the crazy things we've seen, Erica. We've traveled the world together, and now you're part of our story." Peter said as he started telling Erica the stories of the band together.

Bruce, with his gentle demeanor, took out a sketchbook and began drawing. "Erica, I'm going to capture your beautiful smile on paper. You're an inspiration to all of us." Bruce said as Erica was jumping on Bruce's shoulders.

Vinnie, usually reserved, surprised everyone by pulling out a deck of cards and performing mind-boggling card tricks. "Erica, I'm going to make this card disappear. Watch closely, it's magic!" Erica was giggling at the tricks shown to her.

As the night went on, the room was filled with laughter, music, and love. The bandmates and Eric took turns sharing stories, jokes, and memories, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Paul smiled, raising his glass in a toast. "To Erica, the newest member of our rock 'n' roll family. May her journey be filled with joy, love, and endless music."

They all clinked their glasses together, their voices filled with a resounding "Cheers!" The night continued with laughter, music, and cherished moments that would forever be etched in their hearts.

As the evening drew to a close, Erica, tired but content, snuggled in Eric's arms. She knew she was surrounded by a family that extended beyond blood. She had a father who loved her unconditionally and bandmates who would always be there for her.

And as they said their goodnights, the room filled with a sense of warmth and belonging. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by the power of friendship and the love they shared.

~The Next Day~

As everyone was eating breakfast, Erica was on the bed, playing with her fox plushie. Ace and Peter were watching over her so, Eric could eat his food.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the bandmates had gathered at the hotel room for a relaxing day off. Erica, now a curious and talkative toddler, was exploring the living room while Ace and Peter sat on the couch, engrossed in a conversation.

Unbeknownst to them, little Erica was listening intently, absorbing every word they said. Ace, known for his playful nature, decided to teach Erica a funny phrase that would surely make her giggle. He leaned in and whispered, "Say 'banana hammock'!"

Peter, catching on to the mischief, chuckled and added, "Yeah, Erica, it's a secret funny phrase. Try saying it!"

Erica, eager to join in on the fun, repeated the words, "Banana hammock!"

Just as Erica proudly exclaimed the phrase, Eric walked into the room, his eyes widening in surprise. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Erica, where did you learn that?" Eric asked, trying to hide his amusement.

Ace and Peter exchanged guilty glances, realizing their innocent prank had backfired. They knew they were in for some trouble.

Erica innocently pointed at Ace and Peter, saying, "They told me, Daddy! It's funny!" Erica then giggled and clapped both her hands.

Eric couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. He knew his bandmates had unintentionally taught Erica a harmless phrase, though it might raise a few eyebrows if she said it in public.

Paul, Gene, Bruce, and Vinnie, who had been observing the situation from the sidelines, burst into laughter. "Oh, Ace and Peter, you guys are in for it now!" Paul exclaimed, unable to contain his amusement.

Gene, with a mischievous grin, added, "I think we have a new catchphrase for the band, boys!"

Ace and Peter, realizing the humor in the situation, joined in the laughter. "Alright, alright, we admit it was a silly idea," Ace said, trying to stifle his laughter.

Eric, still smiling, approached his bandmates. "Well, I suppose we'll have to keep a close eye on what we teach Erica from now on. But hey, at least it's a harmless phrase!"

Erica was playing Bruce now. As Bruce entertained Erica with a funny story.


2 p.m

"Hey, Eric. Is the plan still on?" Gene asked in a low voice. "Yeah. But, we need a plan B." Eric replied.

Then, Paul glanced towards Bruce as he nodded towards him and Bruce got the signal.

"Alright, guys, I've been thinking about Erica's upcoming birthday. After everything she's been through, I want to make it extra special for her. Her last party was canceled due to the unfortunate incident, and I want to give her a celebration she'll never forget." Eric started.

"Eric, that's a fantastic idea. We'll make sure this birthday party is one for the books. She deserves all the love and happiness in the world." Paul said as he agreed.

"Absolutely. We'll go all out and create an unforgettable experience for Erica. She's a strong little girl, and we want to show her how much she means to us." Gene chimed in.

"Count me in! I've got some ideas for decorations and entertainment. Let's make it a rock 'n' roll extravaganza!" Ace said too.

"I'll handle the cake, Eric. You know I've got a talent for baking. We'll make it the most delicious cake she's ever tasted." Peter said too as this caught Eric's attention.

Curious about what happened to the birthday cake from that canceled party, Eric turned to Peter Criss. "Hey, Peter, do you remember the cake from Erica's last birthday? What happened to it? Can we use it for her birthday party?"

Peter exchanged glances with Ace Frehley and Vinnie Vincent, a mischievous smile playing on their faces. They knew exactly what had happened to the cake, and a funny story was about to unfold.

Peter took a deep breath, trying to suppress his laughter. "Eric, you won't believe what happened to that cake. It's quite a story."

Eric raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Well, do tell, Peter. I'm all ears." Eric said with a serious face.

Ace couldn't contain himself any longer and burst into laughter. "Okay, Eric, here's what happened. We were all set to surprise Erica with the cake, but just as we were about to bring it out, we accidentally dropped it!" Ace said as he started to tell him the truth about the cake from the previous birthday party.

Eric's eyes widened in surprise. "You dropped the cake? Oh no!"

Vinnie chimed in, still chuckling. "But wait, it gets even better. As the cake fell, it somehow bounced off the table and landed... right on Peter's head!" Vinnie burst out laughing.

Peter, now laughing along with the others, added, "I had frosting all over my face, Eric! It was like a cake explosion!" Peter was now laughing too.

The bandmates erupted into laughter, reminiscing about the hilarious mishap. Eric couldn't help but join in, the image of Peter covered in cake frosting bringing a smile to his face.

After the laughter subsided, Eric wiped away tears of amusement. "Well, I guess we can't use that cake for Erica's secret party then!"

Paul Stanley, who had been listening to the conversation, approached the group with a mischievous grin. "Don't worry, Eric. We'll make sure to get an even better cake for Erica's party this time. No cake mishaps, I promise!" Paul said.

Gene Simmons nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. We'll make sure it's a cake fit for a rockstar princess like Erica."

Eric, still chuckling, appreciated the camaraderie and lightheartedness of his bandmates. "Thank you, guys. I'm glad we can laugh about it. Let's make this secret party unforgettable for Erica." Eric said as he was still laughing a bit.

Then, Bruce walked in towards them. "Hey, Bruce? Where's Erica?" Vinnie asked. "Oh,..she fell asleep on the bed. I'll keep an eye on her after taking a glass of water." Bruce replied.

"So, Bruce. The plan is a go!" Peter said. "The plan? Oh,...you mean that plan! Sure. But, who's going to keep an eye on Erica?" Bruce said and asked.

"Well, in order not to be suspicious, we'll take turns." Eric said as everyone agreed.

As they continued their preparations, the bandmates shared more stories and jokes, their laughter filling the room. They knew that no matter what obstacles they faced, they would always find a way to create joy and memorable moments together.

To be continued

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