Magic Within Us

By MissWorld2o15

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The Bennett sisters fight to learn what it means to be witches in a world filled with supernatural creatures. More

The Return
Brave New World
Bad Moon Rising
Memory Lane
Kill or be Killed
Plan B
Masquerade Part I
Masquerade Part II
The Sacrifice
The Descent
Daddy Issues
Crying Wolf
The Dinner Party
The House Guest Part I
The House Guest Part II
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance Part 1
The Last Dance Part II
Klaus Part I
Klaus Part II
The Last Day Part I
The Last Day Part II
The Sun Also Rises Part I
The Sun Also Rises Part II
The Sun Also Rises Part III
As I Lay Dying Part I
As I Lay Dying Part II
Part 3

By the Light of the Moon

47 3 0
By MissWorld2o15

"So his dad is back in town and working for the enemy?" Jeremy asked.

"I know, it sounds crazy." Alisha called out from the bathroom as she finished up brushing her teeth.

She had spent the night and slept over because Bonnie had done the same for Elena. But mostly to keep an eye on Jeremy.

He had done something stupid and crazy impulsive for her.

She had a feeling that it must have stemmed from him maybe not feeling too useful in her life.

Which was far from the truth.

But Alisha already had her sisters doing crazy things and taking insane risks for her. She didn't need that from Jeremy as well.

"Try a step over crazy."

Alisha unlocked the door and stepped out of the room.

"He already feels bad about lying about it." Alisha told Jeremy. "And it's not like he wasn't going to tell me. He was just trying to figure a few things out before he did."

"Like how to lie to you properly?" Jeremy asked sarcastically.

Alisha pouted at him.

He raised his hands in defence. "Just saying. You know you don't exactly have the best track record with guys."

"You know, you're technically one of those guys." Alisha spoke as they started walking down the hallway.

"My point exactly." Jeremy spoke.

Alisha shook her head but cracked a smile.

She knew where Jeremy was coming from but she didn't think there was anything to worry about.

She had known long ago that Tobey had a past that he didn't like talking about.

It was his baggage and she chose to like him anyway.

There was a lot of trauma there and she had to be patient with him as he unpacked it all.

"Sasha spoke to him and she doesn't seem worried. You shouldn't either." Alisha told him.

Jeremy didn't say anything. Alisha needed to understand that he would always worry about her.

And even though Alisha was trying to play it cool, a small part of her couldn't help but feel bothered that Tobey hadn't told her initially.

And she couldn't help but wonder, would he have told her if he hadn't been caught?

Jeremy and Ali stopped in the hallway when they heard raised voices coming from Elena's room.

They shared a look and sighed before going there.

The door was already open.

Alisha walked in why Jeremy leaned against the door.

"What are you guys arguing about?" He asked.

Bonnie looked back at them.

"We're not arguing about anything." She spoke.

Alisha watched as she walked to her bag and put something in it.

When she turned around she exchanged a glance with Jeremy and Alisha who immediately knew what it meant.

"I need a coffee." Bonnie spoke as she turned to leave.

Jeremy and Ali remained looking at Elena.

"What?" Elena asked when she noticed their gazes.

"Why are you on some suicide mission?" Jeremy asked.

"I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt." Elena responded.

"Oh so, bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get yourself killed is okay?" Jeremy asked.

"Not to mention I would have to do the spell that kills you. You know that, right?" Alisha asked.

Alisha wondered what Elena had been thinking going out to sacrifice herself to Klaus.

Was she even thinking of her? Of how Klaus would need her to?

Jeremy just shook his head and turned to leave.

"Come on Ali." He spoke.

Ali paused a bit, still looking at Elena.

"Sacrificing yourself is not the answer, Elena. All you're gonna do is hurt the people you love." With that, Ali turned to leave.

She went down the stairs and found Bonnie waiting.

Bonnie raised her brows. "Do you think she fell for it?"

When they had come up with this plan, Jeremy had bet that Elena would fall for it, definitely.

Alisha frowned. "Let's give her the benefit of the doubt."

Bonnie shrugged but Ali could tell she didn't have much faith in Elena either.

They heard footsteps and saw that Elena was coming down the stairs.

Alisha saw that she had a car keys in her hands.

She looked at Bonnie and sighed.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie asked as she stepped forward.

Elena turned around surprised to see them standing by the staircase.

"Um, to see Stefan." She responded.

"You're lying." Bonnie spoke bluntly.

"No, I'm not." Elena argued.

"Really? Tell your face." Bonnie replied.

"Are you serious?" Elena asked genuinely looking upset.

"She took the moonstone." Jeremy announced as he appeared at the top of the stairs with Bonnie's empty bag.

Elena looked surprised. "How did you..."

"We tested you, and you failed." Bonnie replied.

"Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen." Elena spoke looking at all three of them.

Bonnie and Alisha shared a look. They then stepped aside to let Elena leave.

Elena looked mildy confused but she walked towards the door and opened it to leave.

As she tried to walk out, an invisible barrier prevented her.

Elena turned around and looked at them.

"What did you guys do?" She asked doubding upset.

"It's for the best, Elena." Bonnie spoke calmly.

Elena turned and continued to try and break the barrier, to no avail.

Bonnie and Alisha shared a look and sighed.


"So Elena is officially trapped." Bonnie explained over the phone.

Sasha was balancing it between her shoulder and her cheek as she studied the files in her hands.

"Well that will keep her from doing anything else that's stupid." She commented as she crossed the road.

"She asked where you were by the way." Bonnie spoke.

Sasha shut the file she had been going through and placed it back into her bag before taking the phone in her hand and placing it to her other ear.

"Tell her I'm still mad at her for putting her life as well as Ali's in danger." Sasha spoke bluntly.

She didn't know what would have happened if Elijah hadn't accepted her deal.

She still didn't trust the guy not to go back on his word but so far, he seemed somewhat genuine.

"I think she knows that." Bonnie spoke.

Sasha sighed. "Just take care of her."

She knew she wouldn't stay mad at Elena for long.

She was one of her oldest friends. But that didn't change the fact that what she had done was stupid and not to mention selfish.

"Will do." She heard Bonnie speak.

Sasha heard her sister pause. "And the... uhm... the Stefan thing."

Sasha felt her face heat up at the mention.

She was trying really hard to ignore her feelings for Stefan. She had been trying really hard for the longest time but now that more people knew, it was becoming more difficult.

She stopped in her tracks on the sidewalk.

"Stefan isn't my problem." She spoke. "We agreed on that. I'm keeping my distance."

She didn't like the idea of Stefan being trapped. And she especially knew that Elena was irritated that he had to be trapped with Katherine of all people.

Sasha wanted to help get him out but she needed to separate and distance herself from Stefan entirely. For the sake of her friendship with Elena which she valued above all other things.

Hence Bonnie and Ali trying to figure out a spell to get him out of there. Hopefully Tobey and Maliyah could help as well.

"My main focus is Elijah." Sasha added.

"Are you there already?" Bonnie asked.

"Not yet." Sasha spoke. "I gotta meet Jenna at the Grill first." She explained.

"I don't know about this, Bonnie. I don't like the idea of you so close to him." She spoke.

Sasha had taken Elijah up on the internship he had offered. She needed the experience for college and the money and most importantly, she wanted to keep an eye on him.

"I'll be fine." Sasha assured her sister.

"He's one of the oldest vampires in history." Bonnie spoke. "Can you really blame me for being worried?"

"No. No I can't."

Sasha hadn't expected to hear Damon's voice.

She turned to see him behind her.

Sasha huffed.

"Bon, I'm gonna call you later."

She hang up and looked at Damon.

"Are you following me?" She asked irritably.

"Yes." Damon spoke without any guilt or embarrassment. "It seems someone has to because apparently you're on a suicide mission."

He spoke as he stepped up to her.

Sasha folded her arms across her chest.

"Excuse me?"

"I hear you're making deals with the enemy now." Damon spoke angrily.

Sasha shook her head. "My deal is keeping everyone safe." She spoke defensively.

"For now. Do you really think that guy in suits is gonna keep his word?" He asked stepping even closer until he was staring Sasha down.

He just didn't get why she constantly put herself in such dangerous scenarios for people.

"I know what I'm doing Damon!" Sasha snapped back. "I'm not stupid."

"You're acting like you are." He retaliated. "Working for the guy? Are you serious? Do you even know how dangerous that is?"

Sasha clenched her fists. She wondered if he had overhead that part or if someone had told him.

"I've got everything handled." She spoke emphasising on her words.

Damon simply shook his head. Especially when he saw she wasn't backing down.

She was such a stubborn know it all.

He took a step back as if accepting defeat.

"Fine. If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to Stefan." He spoke.

Sasha's eyes widened. "Why the hell do you want to involve Stefan in this?"

Damon smirked knowing that he had hit a nerve.

Sasha realised what he was doing.

She took in a breath. Giving Damon a reaction would just make things worse.

"I'm doing what's best for my family and friends. Do me a favour, Damon, and stay out of my way." With that she turned and started storming off.

"He wants to talk to you, you know!"

Sasha froze in her steps at the sound of Damon's voice.

"He'll just never admit it." Damon spoke.

Sasha swallowed hard. She chose to ignore Damon as she marched ahead.

Who did he think he was coming at her for what she was trying to do to keep everyone safe?

Not that he even deserves that much from her.

Sasha got to the Grill.

She knew Matt was off today so she didn't count on being able to say a quick hello.

She spotted Jenna by a table with Alaric.

She walked towards them.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." She announced as she leaned over to give Jenna a hug.

"Late? Don't worry about it kid, we still have like thirty minutes to go." Jenna spoke reassuring her. "Want to order a drink? It's on me."

Sasha eyed Jenna's coffee and shook her head.

Her nerves wouldn't let her eat if she tried.

"So, Sasha, how are you feeling about your new internship?" Alaric asked before taking a bite of his bagel.

Sasha knew that he probably knew the real reason she had sought out this internship.

"Uhm nervous. I've never really had a job before. Unless you count the times Elena made Bonnie and I volunteer at the hospital with her mum. Hate blood. Hate hospitals. Definitely wasn't for me."

"Mm, same." Jenna spoke. "And don't worry, I will walk you through the ropes of everything. This will look so good on your college application."

"Sure but I mean if you wanted a job, I have some writing buddies I could have called." Alaric spoke clearly disapproving of Sasha's dangerous plan.

Sasha gave him a warning look. She really wasn't up for another argument.

"Ric, don't be ridiculous. This is perfect." Jenna spoke. "Besides if I'm playing historical society hostess to some writer who's doing his book on small town Virginia, I'd rather Sasha be by my side so that it's not too boring."

"Jenna." Sasha spoke not able to hide her laugh.

Jenna shrugged.

"I know you like history and literature but it's never been my thing. And I wouldn't even be doing this if Carol Lockwood hadn't played the "dead husband" card, said she was too busy to deal. Plus, my sister kept most of the archives, so there you have it."

Sasha shook her head.

She understood Mrs Lockwood not really wanting to get into all this hostess stuff just yet.

But even though this was a crafted plan, Sasha didn't mind so much.

History had always fascinated her. Even Mystic Falls history which could be boring to other people.

But to her, she saw it as an opportunity to dig more into her roots.

Sasha saw the door of the grill open.

She sat up straight when she saw it was Tyler and Caroline.

She froze. She hadn't seen or spoken to them since she had ran out on both after finding out Caroline still hadn't told Tyler about Mason's death.

Sash swallowed hard.

Tyler's eyes locked on her and he immediately walked towards her.

"Sash, can we talk?" He asked hurriedly.

Caroline stood behind him quietly.

Sasha opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"Oh go ahead. I'll let you know when it's time to leave." Jenna urged Sasha pretty much answering for her and not reading the situation at all.

Sasha sighed before getting up.

She let Tyler lead her and Caroline to another table.

Tyler and Caroline sat on one side while Sasha took the seat opposite them.

She looked up at her best friend and her other friend.

"What's up?" She asked nonchalantly.

Tyler looked at her incredulously. "What's up? You - you just left yesterday with no explanation."

Tyler didn't sound angry. Just hurt.

He knew he had been mad at Sasha for the Mason thing. But he felt ridiculous for it now. I mean if anything, he should have been mad at Mason.

Mason... his super unreliable uncle who wasn't even here when he needed him most.

Sasha's eyes drifted to Caroline who shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

Apparently they were still lying.

She looked at Tyler.

"I just - I couldn't be at your house."

"Because of Mason?" Tyler asked.

Sasha looked back at Caroline. Her green eyes were pleading with her silently.

She turned back to Tyler.

"Yeah." She spoke.

Part of her hated herself.

Caroline's reason for lying to Tyler was apparently to protect him incase he decided to seek vengeance for Mason's death.

Sasha didn't want Damon killing someone else she cared about. But she still didn't believe lying about something this huge was right in any way.

Tyler watched Sasha. No part of him was convinced of her answer. He knew her too well.

"We brought the thumb drive." Caroline suddenly blurted out before Tyler could say anything else.

She dug into her purse and quickly slid it to Sasha.

"That and a couple of Mason's journals." Caroline added looking right at Sasha.

Sasha bit the insides of her cheeks hard. She hadn't been left with much to remember Mason.

And here they were with stuff that had belonged to him, presenting them to her not knowing how much it stung that she couldn't even go to the Lockwood house and look Carol in the eye. That Mason wouldn't have the luxury of a proper burial.

That once again she was reminded that he died a death where no one could honour him.

Sasha tried to appear indifferent.

"Is this the one with Mason documenting his shifts?" She asked remembering what they had told her the night at Tyler's house.

"Tonight is a full moon." Tyler told her, his tone filled with urgency.

Sasha's face softened when she realised what her friend would have to go through.

"Oh." Was all she could say.

She sucked in a deep breath. "And there's a plan?"

She didn't want to be part of this lying scheme. But she knew she needed to suck it up and help Tyler.

Tyler huffed. "I honestly don't know what to do. Mason locked himself in the old Lockwood cellar and pretty much drugged himself with wolfsbane but it all seemed so... painful."

Sasha saw the fear in Tyler's eyes. Her face softened, especially when she looked at Caroline and saw the same.

She sighed.

"We'll figure it out." She looked at Caroline. "Together."

Caroline gave her an appreciative nod.

Sasha figured she could look through the grimoire. Maybe there were some spells concerning werewolves.

Tyler was filled with relief. He knew things still didn't seem completely right between himself and Sasha but he hoped this was the first step back. Mason had abandoned them both.

They had to stick together.

Sasha rose, shouldering her bag. "I have to head to work but... I'll come find you guys as soon as I get off."

"Oh and something else," Tyler spoke. He looked at Sasha then Caroline and sighed. Something was clearly troubling him. "This girl Mason knows stopped by the house. She said he never made it back to Florida. My mom is freaking out and she was on the phone with your mom when I left." He looked at Caroline.

Sasha did too.

Caroline looked panicked.

Sasha opened her mouth but she couldn't say anything.

She suddenly felt an arm around her shoulder.

She turned quickly to find it was only Jenna.

She seemed amused by Sasha's fear.

"Okay there Tiger." She spoke. "We gotta get going. Say bye to your friends."

Sasha looked back at them. Caroline in particular.

"I'll catch you guys later." She spoke before turning to leave.


"The answer is... nine?" Jeremy asked as he looked up from his notebook.

"I got twelve." Alisha spoke from where she sat across from him at the Gilbert dining table.

Jeremy looked back at his working confused.

Alisha leaned over, standing on her feet to peek at his paper. "Did you carry the four."

"Of course I..." he trailed off. "Dang it."

Jeremy scribbled some numbers off the page.

Alisha shook her head as she settled back down looked for the next question only to realise it had been the last one.

She set her pen down and took a sip of her lemonade.

"Looks like we're done." She spoke settling back into the chair.

"And I'm still messing up." Jeremy grumbled.

Alisha frowned. She reached forward and placed a hand on Jeremy's.

"Hey, you only got like two out of the twenty wrong. You are doing great."

Jeremy looked down at the hand Alisha had innocently placed on his.

He cleared his throat. "Uhm I guess it could have been worse."

Alisha beamed seeing that he was better.

She took her hand off of his and leaned back.

"You're gonna ace the test on Monday." She told him.

With all the vampire and supernatural craziness, Alisha felt the only way to truly stay sane would be through them acting like actual kids and worrying about stuff like math tests.

Alisha took out a note book.

Jeremy peeked over and found that she was scribbling something that didn't even look like English.

"Uh, what you doing over there?"

Alisha looked up at him and sighed. "I've been playing around with some spells I saw in Emily's grimoire. Bonnie and I are still trying to figure out a way to get Stefan out."

Guilt came over Jeremy. "Once again, I know how much I messed up there. I'm an idiot and I will say sorry like a thousand more times even if you keep insisting you're not mad anymore."

Alisha let out a huff and shut her book.

"Jer, I guess I really am not as mad anymore. And if I'm being completely honest, I'm pretty sure I would have made the exact same decision if I the roles had been reversed."

Jeremy sighed and sank back in his seat.

"Are we in a toxic friendship?" He asked half grinning.

Alisha giggled. "Toxic? I don't think so? A little reckless? Yes. But who isn't reckless when it comes to the ones they love?"

Jeremy barely had the time to process the fact that Alisha had used the word love when he heard the front door.

"You should really lock your door. Oh, come on, pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity."

Alisha and Jeremy shared a look.

"Damon's here." Jeremy announced.

They both got up to join Elena and Damon in the living room.

"Do you think this is funny?" Elena was asking Damon still looking upset.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life."

"What does Stefan say about this?"

"We had a good laugh." Damon responded.

"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Elena asked.

Damon sat down next to her on the couch, putting his arm behind her head.

"Yeah, that...I didn't tell him."

"Why not?" Elena asked.

"Well A: he can't do anything about it; and B:...what I just said."

"Also because he's evil." Jeremy shrugged as he went to sit next to Elena and tossed Damon's hand away from where it had been behind Elena.

Damon gave him a wry smile.

He turned to look at Alisha who was still standing.

"Wait, are you two the babysitters? Where is Bonnie?" He asked.

Alisha folded her arms across her chest.

"She had a date. And we are more than capable of handling watching over Elena." Alisha spoke with indignation.

"Oh my gosh." Elena spoke in clear annoyance.

Damon rose his brows.

"Okay Bambi. That's cute but she's supposed to be on moonstone duty."

"I'm on moonstone duty and Tobey is coming over to help me." Alisha spoke.

She had the moonstone with her.


She was as surprised as Damon was when Bonnie and Sasha had entrusted her with such an important task.

She hoped this was as a result of them finally beginning to trust her with bigger witch responsibilities.

"I've got it under control." Alisha spoke sounding confident.

"Okay." Damon spoke with a roll of his eyes.

But if Alisha was anything like his sisters, he knew she meant it.

"Well if the little pixie here is on moonstone duty, I'm on Elena patrol -"

"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Jeremy asked.

"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it, and I said, why not? Figured if she screwed up, he'll bite her and then I'll be rid of two of my problems." Damon spoke breezily like what he had said wasn't at all terrifying.

"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon?" Elena asked in worry.

"Yep, but you were too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice."

"We can't let Caroline handle Tyler, it's too dangerous." Elena spoke.

"Relax, she said Sasha agreed to help but I don't see how she'll find the time since she insists on this suicide mission being Elijah's little assistant." Damon muttered the last part to himself.

Alisha had heard him though and she too felt uneasy.

In the spirit of them trusting each other more, Sasha had told them about her plan with Elijah.

Both Bonnie and Alisha thought it was a terrible idea getting so close to this person they didn't know enough to trust.

But Sasha being her usual stubborn self wasn't budging with her decision.

She honestly thought it was what was best. But she had agreed to signal them the minute there was any danger.

Elena didn't want Sasha getting hurt either. But she knew that she was the last person she wanted to hear from right now.

Damon's phone suddenly started to ring.

He got up and answered it.

Alisha took his place next to Elena and gave the irritated looking brunette a smile.

"What?" Damon suddenly yelled getting their attention,

"What? Why?... What girl?... That's not good. Where are you?... I'm on my way." He hang up and turned to them.

"What's going on?" Alisha asked.

"Change of plans." Damon spoke. "You babysit."

Jeremy laid down on the couch, resting his head on Elena's lap.

Damon started to leave but paused at the door. Turning to look at Elena.

"Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can't."

Elena threw a cushion at him. Jeremy laughed. She pushed him off of her and he rolled onto the floor.

Damon opened the door and came face to face with Tobey who was carrying a backpack.

"Oh great. The boy witch is here." He spoke.

"Warlock, dick." Tobey shot back.

Damon simply smirked.

Alisha rushed forward, pushing past Damon and grabbing Tobey's hand.

She pulled him into the room.

"Ignore him."

Damon walked away, leaving.

Tobey looked down at Alisha. Seeing her was like a breath of fresh air.

Especially with all the family drama at home. His dad was back, making promises, Mal was mad at him for not saying anything immediately... it was a lot.

"Hey, you." He greeted pulling her in for a hug.

Alisha felt warm all over. She couldn't remember the last time a boy made her feel this way.

When Tobey pulled away, he looked like he was going in for a kiss.

Jeremy cleared his throat.

Tobey rolled his eyes in irritation.

He looked up at Elena and Jeremy.

Jeremy waved.

"Hey, we're here too." He spoke brightly.

"Right." Tobey muttered.

He was always around.

"I'm going to my room." Elena mumbled as she got up to leave.

"Climbing out your window won't work, you know!" Jeremy called out to her.

They just heard a huff of annoyance.

Tobey raised his brows at Ali. "Barrier spell?"

"Yep." Alisha responded

"Smart." Tobey commented with a nod.

He stepped into the house.

"You ready to work on the moonstone?"

Alisha saw Jeremy give her a knowing look.

He knew her well enough to know that the moonstone wasn't exactly what she wanted to talk to him about right now. I mean sure it was the most important but she wanted to know where his head was right now.

I mean his father just got back.

The same father who had abandoned him and Maliyah.

As someone who didn't know who her biological father even was, Alisha was concerned.

"Jeremy said we could do it in his room."

"By 'do it' I meant the spell." Jeremy spoke as he stood up from the couch.

Alisha's face warmed up. She glared at him.

"Tobey, let's go." She spoke grabbing his hand and leading the way.

"I'm serious keep it PG 13 on my bed."

"I won't make any promises." Tobey called out.

Alisha smacked his chest but he only chuckled.


"Okay so first thing's first." Tobey spoke.

They sat on Jeremy's bed facing each other as Tobey took out three old looking books from the backpack he carried.

"What's our goal with this spell? What are we trying to do?" He asked.

Alisha thought about it.

"Uhm, we're trying to break the bind between a talisman and a spell?" She guessed.

Tobey looked up at gave her the adorable grin she loved so much.


Alisha was pleased with herself. She knew that he wanted her to learn as much magic as she could. So every spell they did was a lesson opportunity.

"Spells are unique and very specific. And this one isn't so easy either because of how ancient it is. I don't even know which witch bound it."

Alisha frowned. "Does that mean me can't break it?"

"One thing you should know about me, Alisha Bennett is that I rarely ever accept defeat." Tobey spoke.

Alisha smiled. "I like this confidence on you. It's kind of hot."

Alisha couldn't believe she has just admitted that out loud but she couldn't help it, it had just slipped out.

Tobey chuckled as he started flipping through pages.

"Yeah well, growing up I learnt it was kind of compulsory. Be confident or at the very least fake it." He shrugged. "It was the only way to survive."

Alisha watched Tobey, she wanted to pry and ask more questions but she wasn't sure if that would make him close off or want to leave.

He already had a hard time admitting that his father was back the night before. And he hadn't really given her many details. Or at least not as many as she would have wanted.

She had so many questions but it had been clear that he wasn't ready to answer them.

"Are these grimoires?" Alisha asked as she pulled one of the books towards her. "Where'd you get all these?"

She was confused. Her and her sisters had to share the one grimoire left from their ancestor and here Tobey was with three.

"Witches from all over the world have collected their spells in grimoires, but over the centuries, most of them have gotten lost and my dad is obsessed with finding them, and making sure that our family's heritage stays intact." Tobey explained. "He offered them to me as a sort of peace treaty. Or a bribe. Depends on how you look at it."

Alisha saw Tobey subtly roll his eyes.

She didn't know how to assure him once again that he could talk to her about what was bothering him.

"These all belong to your family?" She asked.

"Well the way he sees it, all witches are family. We're all bound together by a code of loyalty to help each other." He spoke. He looked up at Alisha. "I guess my mum believed in that too."

Alisha's face softened. His mum definitely isn't someone he mentioned often.

"Are you okay?" She finally blurted out.

Tobey looked at her seeming confused by the question.

Alisha sighed and scooted closer.

"It's just that... you didn't really say yesterday when your father came back and there was that question he asked you which you didn't answer either."

Tobey knew the question she was talking about.

Jonas' offer for him and Maliyah to join him and Elijah so that they could ultimately have their freedom from Emmeline and be a true family again.

Tobey had never ever regarded the idea of having his family reunited.

He had long ago accepted that it would always be Mal and him against the world.

Even meeting Ali and getting close to her felt strange for him. And if he was being honest, it scared him.

"Mal thinks it's a bad idea to trust him." Tobey spoke.

Alisha nodded showing that she was listening.

"I mean the guy has no right to come in and talk like he knows what's best for us. After our mum died, he let the coven take us. Our grandmother was the only one still willing to keep us safe and he let them kill her. He let them kill his own mother." Tobey spoke in disgust and hatred, shaking his head.

Alisha scooted closer to him and placed her hand on his knee.

"Tobe, I'm so sorry."

Tobey tried to keep his emotions bottled up. He didn't look at Alisha. He didn't want her to know how extremely vulnerable he was being right now.

He was never vulnerable. He had never let anyone close enough to be this vulnerable.

"The Propos coven is a f*cked up group of witches who were pretty much sired to Emmeline to help break her curse." Tobey explained.

Alisha followed in interest. "Hence her marking you." She spoke looking at where the mark had been on Tobey's wrist.

"Yeah." Tobey spoke.

Alisha was still confused about something.

"What was the curse?" She asked. "Was it the werewolf one? Was Emmeline half wolf? Like me?"

Tobey let out a breath. "I don't know. As I said, the Propos witches are crazy. Most of them didn't actually know much about the curse it was their life's purpose to break."

Alisha furrowed her brows. "Then how were they supposed to figure it out?"

Tobey ran a hand down his face. "There were crazy and specific divisions. It's like it was one huge puzzle and none of us were allowed to see the other's pieces. It was all part of some weird secrecy thing to protect Emma."

Alisha thought about something Sasha had said when talking to Katherine.

"If Emmeline had been alive thousands of years ago, how would she still be alive today?" Alisha asked.

Witches weren't immortal. Neither were werewolves.

Tobey shrugged. He then let out a breath. "Honestly, I and a lot of people think she actually did die years ago."

Katherine constantly threatened him and Maliyah with Emma.

But neither of them had ever even met her. And as far as they knew, only a select few in their crazy cult coven had claimed to have seen her.

But Tobey had grown up hearing stories of her. She was to them what the boogie man was to other kids.

He didn't know how not to be afraid of her.

"But then again the spell on the Propos witches wouldn't still exist if she was truly gone."

Alisha nodded.

"So going along with this deal with your father? You think it will offer you some freedom?"

Tobey looked at Alisha. He raised his hand to cup her cheek. "You already did that by taking away Mal's and my marks."

Alisha leaned into his hold.

"Jonas is full of it but he has a point. If the original vampires are popping up, Emma might too. And I don't think she'll take kindly to deserters."

Alisha could hear the fear in his voice even though he tried to mask it

Alisha got on her knees on the bed and moved directly in front of Tobey.

She took both his hands in hers.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here. And I already told you, we're willing to help you."

Tobey didn't know how to tell Alisha that none of them stood a chance against the likes of Elijah or Klaus and especially not Emma.

He leaned over and placed his forehead on hers.

"I know, poppet."

Alisha couldn't help but smile. "Poppet?"

Tobey pulled back and grinned. "Yeah well you called me 'Tobe'."

Alisha hadn't even realised that she had given him a nick name.

"What? You don't like it?"

Tobey shook his head. "I do. But only because it's coming from you."

"Okay." Alisha laughed. "I'll try not to ruin your 'street cred' by calling you that in public."

"I appreciate poppet."

"What does poppet even mean?" Alisha asked in amusement.

Tobey shrugged. He had picked it up when he had lived next to some British guy while him and Maliyah were on the run.

"Something about a really lovable and sweet person. I'm talking cavity sweet. So if anything, it suits you perfectly."

Alisha rose her brows. "You say it like you've used it on someone else before." She spoke suspiciously.

Tobey paused. "Uhm, well maybe... but - but it has only ever felt right with you."

Alisha rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's work on this spell, Casanova."

Tobey chuckled. "Okay, where's the stone?"

Alisha took the object out of her backpack and handed it to him.

Tobey smoothed his thumb over it, studying it carefully.

He held out his hand for Ali's.

She held it out. He placed the stone in her hand and held it.

"Close your eyes and repeat after me." He instructed.

Alisha complied.

They both closed their eyes and Tobey begun leading the spell.

The stone started rising up.

Alisha could feel Tobey's magic within her as they chanted as one.

Suddenly she heard a snap. She opened her eye just in time to see the stone exploding in a shower of sparks.

She let out a laugh of disbelief.

She looked back at Tobey who was simply smiling at her.

Alisha hadn't realised he had been looking.

In the moment of excitement, she suddenly moved forward planting her lips on him as the sparks rained down around them.


"I wonder how he managed to talk the Russo's into selling this place to him." Jenna commented as she led Sasha into Elijah's office space.

"I'm sure he can be quite persuasive." Sasha muttered to herself as she walked in behind Jenna.

"Oh, goodie, company." Mildred spoke when she spotted them.

The elderly woman stood up and smiled at Jenna and Sasha.


Jenna leaned into Sasha. "She's extremely nice." She commented.

"I only employ the best."

They both turned to see Elijah emerge from his office.

Jenna gave a smile. "I'm sure you do." She outstretched her hand. "Hi, I'm Jenna Sommers, Mayor Lockwood -"

"Appointed you as my guide, yes." Elijah spoke. "Lovely to meet you."

He turned to Sasha. "And miss Bennett, I'm so glad you took me up on my offer."

"I kept telling her interning is such a good way to get experience." Jenna spoke. "And she's absolutely the best. I promise you, you'll enjoy her company so much. Hardest working young lady I know."

Elijah simply smiled at Sasha. "I expect nothing less."

"So," Jenna started as she placed her hands together. "Where do you want to start, Mr Smith. There's so much rich history in Mystic Falls. I'm sure we'll find plenty of material for your book."

"Please, call me Elijah." He spoke as he straightened his jacket. "And actually, I was hoping we could start in a less practical approach. I'd like to do more research on the places in Mystic Falls I'd like to visit before actually going there."

"Oh." Jenna spoke. "That actually sounds like a great idea."

"There's lots of stuff in our local library." Sasha pipped up knowing this because of the many times she had scoured the history section for school work.

"I was thinking more personal and detailed accounts." Elijah spoke.

Sasha furrowed her brows.

"You must mean Miranda's personal store." She spoke.

Sasha looked at her in confusion.

"Miranda kept most of the town's archived stuff, I told you that. It ran deep in the Gilbert roots."

Sasha nodded. "Oh and they are?"

"At the house." Jenna spoke with a sigh. She looked at Elijah apologetically. "I'm sorry but they might require a bit of digging up. Miranda had them in storage for safe keeping."

"Oh I don't mind tagging along and waiting at all." Elijah spoke with a friendly smile.

"Or, I could pick them up and drop them over. You don't have to disturb what I'm sure is a really busy schedule." She spoke with a nervous laugh.

Elijah remained composed as he looked at her. "Oh believe me, it's no problem at all."

Sasha immediately grew suspicious.

"Great. Let's go." Jenna spoke. "We can use my car."

She led the way. When Jenna was far enough, Sasha looked at Elijah.

"What are you up to?" She asked him.

Elijah smiled slightly. "Do you ever trust anyone, Sasha?"

Sasha knew that he was referring to their deal but she hadn't said anything about trusting Elijah.

She stepped forward.

"Why do you want to go to Elena's house? That's suspicious behaviour. Jenna will obviously invite you in and then you'll have access to my friend who by the way you promised you didn't want to hand over to Klaus."

Elijah nodded. "All true. And I do intend on keeping my word." He insisted.

"But I think it's about time I had a little conversation with all of you. Just to make sure we're all on the same page."

"I'm the mediator Elijah. You don't get through them except through me." She spoke.

Sasha knew the risk she was taking with this deal and if anyone was going to be collateral, it would be her.

Elijah nodded slowly. "I understand but I insist this happens. Not because I want some upper hand or because I intend on endangering any one's life... let's just take this conversation as... an olive branch."

Sasha looked at Elijah still not fully trusting him no matter how much he tried to sway her with his words and smooth talking.

"Something tells me you're not asking for my permission-"

"Oh but I am." Elijah spoke. He paused for a second. "This is a partnership and you have already earned my respect so I will treat this relationship with honour."

Sasha eyed him still not convinced but she found herself nodding slowly.

"Fine, if Elena and Ali want to talk to you - and only then will you have this discussion."

Elijah nodded. "As you wish, Miss Bennett."


"I can't believe you don't like pizza." Alisha spoke.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." Tobey spoke as he eyed the slice he had just taken out of the box.

"I just don't believe it's real food." He commented.

"Not real food? It doesn't get any more real than this." Jeremy spoke pointing at the slice with his mouth stuffed.

Alisha shook her head with a smile as she handed him a napkin.

"Jer would eat pizza for the rest of his life if he could." She giggled as she took her seat beside Tobey at the dining table.

Jeremy sat opposite them currently devouring his food.

"It's true." Jeremy nodded as he slid a fruit punch can to Alisha.

Tobey watched them work together like it was clockwork, the other never having to ask when the other needed something.

"It's unhealthy." Tobey pointed out.

And not just a he pizza.

"And you're taking out the pineapples? Come on man!" Jeremy yelled when he saw Tobey picking at his food.

"I don't like pineapples on pizza." Tobey shrugged.

Both Alisha and Jeremy gasped dramatically.

Tobey rolled his eyes at them. "What? Don't tell me there's some sacred pineapple on pizza rule with you two." He asked dryly.

He could tell neither Ali nor Jeremy had picked up on his sarcasm.

He had had a total of five good minutes with Ali. But before they could take anything further, Jeremy had burst in announcing food had arrived.

Tobey honestly wondered if this guy would spontaneously combust if he wasn't around Alisha for five minutes

"Not really." Alisha spoke. "Jer and I have always loved Hawaiian pizza. Our mum's used to call us Lilo and Stitch." She giggled as she looked at Jeremy.

"Course I was Stitch." Jeremy spoke with a roll of his eyes.

"Lilo and Stitch?" Tobey asked in confusion.

"It's this Disney movie." Alisha explained.

She figured this was one of the things Tobey had missed out on as a child.

"Yet another movie we have to add to our roster." She spoke as she leaned into him.

"You guys have a movie roster?" Jeremy asked curiously.

"Yeah. Harry Potter's first." Alisha spoke excitedly.

"Good luck with that one man. Harry Potter is probably the one thing she takes the most seriously in this lifetime." Jeremy told Tobey.

"I don't need luck with Ali." Tobey spoke cooly.

Jeremy stared at him for a second wondering if there was a double meaning to that statement.

"Okay man." Jeremy muttered.

"After doing your movie thing, I definitely have to cook for you so that you'll discover there's more to life than pizza." Tobey spoke as he turned to Ali.

She licked some sauce off the tip of her pinky.

"Oooh you can cook?" She asked seeming interested.

This gave Tobey the confidence boost he needed.

"Yeah, my grandmother taught Mal and I. She always used to say there's nothing a good meal can't fix." He spoke.

Alisha smiled thinking that was sweet.

"Well then dinner and a movie? Sounds like a date. I love to cook too so maybe one day I can cook you something."

Tobey liked how Ali got so excited at the mere idea of a date between the two of them.

He liked that she actually enjoyed spending time with him.

He had only spent time around Mal. They had been girls sure but brief flings that never had the intentions of going anywhere.

Jeremy cleared his throat.

"I'm gonna see if Elena wants something to eat."

Alisha frowned as her eyes followed Jeremy.

She wondered if she was being insensitive with hanging out with Tobey in front of him.

But then she thought about the night at the Masquerade ball. He's the one who had said they were just friends. And he had encouraged her to go for Tobey.

"You okay?" Tobey asked when he noticed where Alisha's eyes had gone.

"Yeah." She spoke forcing a smile at him.

She then turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, your play is tomorrow right?" He spoke.

"Yeah." Alisha spoke with a smiled immediately perking up.

"I just had the final fitting for my dress and it's so perfect." Alisha spoke wondering how the school had even gotten the budget for such a lovely dress.

"Yeah? Can't wait to see you in it. Mal said she would come as well." Tobey spoke.

Alisha beamed. "I would love that. But spoiler alert, you might have to meet my dad."

Alisha figured it would be weird if her boyfriend and father were in the same place and hadn't met.

Given her history with boys, she didn't want to introduce Tobey to him too soon but she just knew her father was observant enough to notice something was going on.

"Cool." Tobey spoke. "Hopefully he won't be too charmed by me."

"Confident, are we?" Alisha asked amused.

"If he likes me, I get to spend more time with you so yeah, count me in on that challenge."

"Speaking of challenges." Alisha but her bottom lip. "I need your help with something magic related."

"Sure." Tobey asked not knowing how to tell her he probably couldn't say no to her if he tried.

"Well you might have heard that Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine-"

"And you want me to help you open it?" Tobey guessed.

Alisha sighed. "There's no alternative in the grimoires and after Bonnie and I tried last time-"

"First of all, that's a huge spell that you shouldn't have even been trying Ali." Tobey spoke in concern.

Already a powerful source like the full moon was needed to draw for such spells. It took a lot of magic.

"And secondly, I wish I could help but finding an alternative for that kind of spell is above even me and Maliyah." He explained.

Alisha visibly appeared dejected.

She huffed.

"I get it. Thanks anyway." She spoke reaching out to touch his shoulder.

She was bummed. She had really wanted to help Stefan. Especially what he had done for Jeremy.

Alisha got up to start collecting hers and Jeremy's plates and clean up.

"But-" Tobey let out a huff as he got Ali's attention. "There is someone else I could ask."

Alisha saw how mad Tobey looked already and immediately knew what was coming.

"Your dad?"

Tobey nodded. "His been studying ancient spells most of his life if anyone knows how to open that tomb, it's him."

"Tobey if you don't want to ask him. I'm not going to make you." Alisha spoke. There was already this ultimatum hanging in the air.

What if Jonas used this favour to manipulateTobey into agreeing to it.

She wasn't okay with that.

The front door suddenly opened and in walked Jenna followed by a face Alisha would never forget.

She gasped slightly and stumbled back.

Tobey immediately sat up.


He turned and saw Elijah as well.

His face hardened.

Sasha came in last behind all of them.

"Jenna, you're back early." Jeremy spoke as he walked back into the room.

He also stopped once he noticed Elijah.

He looked at Alisha immediately to check if she was okay.

Jenna rose her brows at everyone wondering why they were all acting so strange.

"Uhm, yeah - are you kids having fun?" She asked looking at them.

"Uhm, Jenna, that's Tobey. Ali's boyfriend." Jeremy introduced them.

"Ali's -oh okay." Jenna spoke.

Jeremy fought the urge to slap his forehead.

Please don't be weird. He thought to himself.

"Nice to meet you Tobey." She spoke.

Tobey nodded. "You too." He held onto the table all the while his eyes drifting to Elijah.

"Oh." Jenna spoke. "This is Elijah Smith, he's in town doing research on Mystic Falls." She explained. "Ali and I are helping out. And since you boys are here, I'm sure neither of you will mind helping me lift some heave boxes with your mum's files from the Historical Society."

"Why?" Jeremy asked looking at Elijah suspiciously.

"Because I just said he needs them for research." Jenna spoke hoping Jeremy wouldn't start being all rude. "Now come on."

She waved them over.

Jeremy followed reluctantly.

Tobey also got up.

He looked at Ali.

"You okay?"

Alisha swallowed but nodded all the same.

"I'll be fine."

Tobey nodded before walking away with them.

When she looked up, Elijah's eyes were on her. He smiled slightly.

Sasha walked up to Alisha standing in front of her.

She looked her sister in the eyes.

"Why is he here?" Alisha asked nodding at Elijah.

"It's okay." Sasha spoke rubbing her shoulder. "He wants to talk but only with yours and Elena's permission. Is that okay?"

Alisha turned and looked at Elijah.

All she saw was the man who had ripped Trevor's heart out of his chest like it had been nothing.

Alisha looked at her sister. "Is this a good idea?"

They suddenly heard footsteps and heard Elena's voice.

"Sasha? Is that your voice I -" she stopped when she saw Elijah.

She looked around. "What's going on?" She asked cautiously.

Elijah looked at her.

"I'm here to have a little chat."


"What is this about?" Elena asked as she shut her bedroom door behind her.

Alisha was seated on Elena's bed while Sasha stood beside her protectively.

Elijah sat on a chair by Elena's window.

"Forgive the intrusion. I mean neither of your families harm." He spoke looking at Sasha then Elena.

"Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?" Elena wondered out loud.

"Because I didn't want you to be taken." Elijah explained simply.

"Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelgänger and the bound witch exist, there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you both to him and I can't have that." Elijah spoke.

"Why do you want to protect them?" Sasha asked. There was obviously an ulterior motive here.

"Yeah isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?"

"Let's just say that my goal is not to break the curse." Elijah spoke.

Alisha furrowed her brows.

"So, what is your goal?"

Elijah felt uncomfortable when she spoke. She looked and sounded exactly like her.

Elijah shifted but not before Sasha noticed the slight change in his demeanour after Ali had spoken.

"Klaus's obsession has made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle." He explained.

"Like you?" Sasha asked.

"Not anymore." Elijah added curtly.

Elena looked at Sasha seeming unsure.

"You don't know where he is, do you? So you're trying to use me to draw him out." She spoke.

"Well, to do that I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed." Elijah asked not denying it.

"You're not using my sister as bait." Sasha spoke.

Elijah looked at her.

He stood up and strolled to her.

Sasha only put herself in front of Alisha.

"Did I not promise that she would not get hurt?" He asked as he stopped in front of her.

"You say that like it should be a chance I'm willing to take."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Elena asked.

Elijah pulled away from Sasha and looked at Elena.

"If I wasn't being truthful, all your family would be dead and I'd be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead, I'm here and I'm prepared to offer you a deal." He turned to Sasha again wanting her to hear his words and know he was being truthful.

"What kind of a deal?" Elena asked.

"No, no, no." Sasha spoke stepping forward. "We already had a deal that you would leave my family and friends alone if we left you alone. Elena might be okay with offering herself as bait - which she really shouldn't be - but I'm not letting that happen to my baby sister. It's too dangerous."

Elena didn't know whether to be offended by Sasha's words or not.

"Sasha." Alisha spoke also getting up.

She walked up and tugged on her sister's hand pulling her back.

She knew how dangerous Elijah was and she didn't like how reckless she was being.

"You haven't even heard my new proposal yet." Elijah spoke once again amused by Sasha's defiance.

"I can't trust you with my sister's life." She spoke bluntly.

She didn't know the guy.

Sure he was coming off as maybe okay so far but she wouldn't allow herself to be blindsided. Her guard was all the way up.

Elijah stepped back.

"It will not come to that." He promised.

"What's your proposal?" Alisha asked having been silent almost the whole time. So her addition was a shock to them.

"Do nothing." Elijah spoke. "Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting and then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw out Klaus together and I shall make sure your friends remain unharmed."

Alisha furrowed her brows. That was all?

"And then what?" Elena asked.

"Then I kill him." Elijah shrugged.

"Just like that?" Elena asked.

"Just like that." Elijah nodded. He turned to Sasha. "I'm a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal."

"How are you gonna be able to keep everybody safe?" Elena asked.

Elijah looked at Alisha. "I noticed you have found a friend in Tobey Martin; and just like you and your sisters him and his family possess the gift of magic. I can assure you his father is one of the most gifted practitioner of magic I have ever met.

Together, we can protect everybody that matters to you. So, do we have a deal?"

Elena looked at Sasha, her brows raised.

Ali did the same. "I think it's a good idea." Alisha spoke in a small voice. "We're up against a lot with Klaus. Having an ally could be good."

"I agree." Elena spoke. "This way everyone remains safe.

Sasha looked at Elijah. She didn't want Elena getting hurt and she definitely didn't want her sister getting hurt but they were right, this was above them.

And as much as vampires had hurt her, she would be broken if anything happened to Caroline. They weren't on the best of terms right now but she wouldn't forgive herself.

And she hated to admit it but Damon and Stefan too.

Sasha suddenly remembered something.

"Fine." She spoke lifting her chin. "This decision is in my sister and Elena's hands really."

Sasha had to admit that she really wasn't the one in control right now.

"But," she stepped forward. "I need you to help do one more thing for me."

Elijah seemed amused. "We're negotiating now?"

"You started it." Sasha shot back.

He grinned. "What is it you need?"

Sasha heard her phone beep. She took it out and looked at it. It was a text from Caroline.

Something is happening. We need you.

Tyler. Sasha remembered.

She looked back at Elijah.

"I need your help getting a friend out of a bind."


Sasha heard him before even reaching the bottom of the steps of the cellar.

And even before she saw him her heart broke.

Tyler was on the ground writhing and groaning in pain.

He tugged on his chains in agitation.

Sasha walked slowly.

He was shirtless and sweaty.

What looked like throw up was there not too far away.

Caroline had her hand on his back trying to comfort him.

She turned when she heard footsteps.

Sasha saw tears on the blonde's face.

Her heart shattered all the more.

"Hey. Tyler. Tyler, Sasha's here now." She told him.

Tyler was heaving but he looked up. There was obvious relief on his face when he saw her.

Sasha shook herself out of her stupor and rushed towards him kneeling in front of him.

"Hey sport." She spoke weakly.

Tyler looked at her, his face contorted into a painful grimace.

He let out a loud cry.

Caroline flinched.

"I'm burning up. It burns, Sasha." He spoke.

Caroline rubbed his back.

"I know. Just breathe through this, okay?"

"I'm trying." Tyler groaned. "You should go. You should both leave."

"Not yet." Caroline spoke softly.

Sasha looked at her admiring how gentle she was being with him.

Tyler suddenly screamed.

Sasha heard the all too real and sickening sound of bones are breaking.

Caroline yelped too.

Sasha could see more tears in her eyes.

Just like that some came to her own.

She turned towards Tyler.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Look at me." She told him as she cupped his face and looked into his eyes.

Tyler whimpered. "It hurts, Sasha."

"I know." Sasha whispered. "But I'm here."

She placed her hand on his arm.

"I can make it a bit better."

She muttered a spell to herself.

Tyler's cries suddenly got a bit better.

Tyler looked up at her in shock.

"How are you-"

Sasha forced a smile. "I guess you can say I have some secrets of my own."

It felt like hours had passed and Tyler was now lying on the floor, his head in Sasha's lap.

Sasha kept the spell going but also stroked his hair.

She knew she hadn't taken away all his pain, she had only made it slightly dimmer so he was still experiencing it.

Especially when his bones would suddenly break startling both her and Caroline

"I want to help but I don't know what to do." Caroline whispered.

Sasha saw how broken she looked.

"There's nothing you can do." Tyler spoke.

"Let's just be here." Sasha told Caroline gently.

The blonde wiped her tears and nodded.

"So... a witch huh?" Tyler asked looking up at Sasha trying to grin.

"Told you I was magical." Sasha teased.

Tyler shook his head in disbelief. "Guess the world is crazier than I believed."

Sasha's face suddenly dropped remembering that he still didn't know about Stefan or Damon.

"You have no idea."

Tyler suddenly shot up.

The sound of his bones and his spine breaking. felt deafening.

He let out a loud scream.

Sasha gasped as she stood up, the spell having been broken.

Caroline sobbed as she stepped back.

Sasha saw his eyes shine a bright gold.

"Get out!" Tyler yelled.

"No!" Caroline screamed.

"Get out! I don't want to hurt you." He yelled.

"No! No." Caroline tried to run to Tyler but Sasha held her arm.

"Care, if he bites you, you're dead." She told him.

Caroline looked at Tyler her eyes widened.

She winced when he yelled out again.

"I don't want to leave him, Sasha."

Sasha frowned. She looked at Tyler as well, tears on the brim of spilling once again.

She blinked them back hard before looking back at Caroline. "I know, I know but we have to go."

Caroline gave one last wistful look at Tyler.

"It's okay. You'll fight through it, okay?" She told him.

Tyler's limbs suddenly spasmed, and more bones break.

He screamed out in pain.

The screams became more excruciating as more of his bones continued to break this time at a faster rate.

His eyes turned yellow and fangs jutted out of his mouth.

He looked at them. Sasha's heart stopped. Tyler suddenly growled at them.

"Care, now." Sasha yelled as she grabbed the blonde and pulled her.

Caroline held onto Sasha and sped them both out of there.

She closed the gate right behind them just as Tyler rushed over and lunged at them. He removed one of his chains and growled again.

Sasha was breathing rapidly as she stumbled back and fell on her butt.

Her eyes widened as she watched Tyler continue transforming.

Caroline was still on her feet sobbing.

Sasha thought it was over when she suddenly heard silence. She slowly pushed herself to her feet and looked into the cage.

She was shocked to see an actual wolf.

Just like Mason, Tyler had morphed into a huge brown wolf.

"Oh my gosh." She whispered.

Tyler suddenly jumped at the bars of the cage door causing it to rattle and making Caroline who was close by stumble back.

"I don't know if the bars will hold." Caroline spoke in panic.

She grabbed a huge wooden plank and stuffed it against the door.

She then turned to Sasha.

"We have to get out of here." She spoke grabbing her hand.

Sasha only had a second to glimpse at Tyler one last time before Caroline carried her and vamp sped out of there.


Tobey walked into the house shutting the door behind him.

He walked to the living room and Jonas was seated casually reading a newspaper.

He lowered it slowly when he saw his son.

He smiled as he set down the paper.

"I knew you would make the right decision." He stood up and placed his hands together.

He looked around. "Where is your sister?"

"Mal stays out of this." He spoke.

Jonas rose his brows at his son.

"You've grown up to be quite outspoken. Just like your mum -"

"Stop. Stop with that Bs." Tobey took a step forward. "We're not gonna talk about mum and we sure as hell aren't going to talk about the good old days. We were never a family. Atleast not a real one."

Jonas nodded slowly. "I'm sorry that you feel that way."

"I don't feel that way. That's how it was. You ruined our family before we could even be one. So don't think you're going to come into Mal's and my life and ruin us too."

Jonas sighed. "So you came to reject my proposal and dig a knife into me?" He asked. "I already know I let you down son, I let you down and your mother and my own mother. And for that I can never be sorry enough."

Tobey scoffed.

He shook his head. He wasn't falling for it.

"I'm here to tell you exactly what a crap father and son you are." He spat. "But, I'm also here to tell you that I accept your deal."

Jonas looked up surprised.

Tobey dig into his pocket and took out the moonstone.

"Ali thinks it's been destroyed." He muttered not proud of his actions.

Jonas grinned. "Son, this is amazing. Elijah will be so -"

He tried to reach out for it but Tobey pulled it back.

"We're doing this on my terms." He spoke.

Jonas cocked his head to the side. "And what exactly are your terms, son?"

"Mal stays out of it." He spoke. "Ali stays safe."

Jonas sighed. "Alisha is trouble son. You know that a witch with that kind of power will never truly be safe. She'll keep attracting danger and -"

"I didn't ask you for dating advice old man. One of my terms is that Alisha stays safe. Take it or leave it."

Jonas seemed to ponder it. But then he nodded. "I'll let Elijah know."

Tobey finally handed him the stone. The very act made him sick. He hadn't wanted to lie to Ali.

Jonas placed the stone in a small wooden box on his desk.

He then turned to his son.

"May I ask what made you change your mind?"

He knew Tobey. He had always been a stubborn kid. And he doubted this change of heart had a genuine reason.

Tobey sucked in a deep breath.

He pulled down his sleeve revealing the 'X' on it. Now bigger than before.

"It's back." He spoke. "And I know it's only a matter of time until Mal's comes back."

Jonas' face dropped.

Oh no.


"Care." Sasha whispered as she walked over to the blonde girl who was sitting on a log.

It was late at night.

Sasha didn't even know what time it was.

She would probably get in trouble with her dad that was for sure.

But honestly, that was the last thing on her mind.

She squatted in front of Caroline who was staring at nothing.

"Hey." She spoke softly.

Caroline had been dazed and still like this for some time.

At first Sasha had given her her space.

I mean she was pretty freaked out too and had some processing of her own to do.

"The full moon is over." Caroline stated as she stared up at the sky.

Sasha looked as well.

"I guess it is." She spoke.

"We should go check on Ty." Caroline spoke.

Sasha nodded.

She stood up and held out her hand for Caroline.

Caroline took it. They could both use some strength from each other right about now.

The two made their way back to the old Lockwood property.

Caroline led the way knowing if they needed to make a quick escape she would be the first to see it coming.

The two girls advanced cautiously.

They went into the cellar silently.

There he was, a lump on the floor.

Tyler laid down butt naked.

"Tyler?" Caroline gasped.

Tyler lifted his head and looked at his friends.

"Caroline." He breathed in relief.

"Tyler." Caroline exhaled in relief before rushing towards him.

She picked up his jacket on the way and wrapped it around him before wrapping her arms around him as well.

"You're okay. You made it. You didn't get out. You're okay." She told him.

Sasha watched as the boy she hardly ever saw cry broke down in Caroline's arm.

"No, I'm not." He spoke his voice cracking.

Caroline held him closer.

She looked up at Sasha with a question in her eyes.

What were they going to do to help their friend?


When Sasha got home she could see the sun peaking out in the horizon.

She said her goodbyes to Caroline who had dropped her off before quietly heading in.

Sasha felt the sudden need to check on her sibling and her dad.

Just to make sure they were okay.

After seeing Tyler like that? I'm so much pain and there was nothing she could do to truly stop it.

Sasha walked to her room.

She walked to her closet and took out Mason's jacket. She pressed it to herself as she thought of him.

Is that why he had wanted to break the spell so desperately? If that's what he had to go through every full moon, Sasha completely understood.

"I wish you were here." She whispered before hanging the jacket back up.

Sasha wanted to take a shower and then sleep.

She wished she could have spent the night at Tyler's. Just to make sure he was okay after all that.

But she knew that was pushing it with her dad.

Sasha was just about to go into her bathroom when she heard a knock.

She furrowed her brows and looked at her window.

She cautiously walked over wondering who it could be.

Stefan's face emerged when she drew back the curtain.

She sighed before opening the window.

"Stefan. It's late." She told him.

Stefan stood on her roof, one hand in his jeans.

"I know." He told her.

Why was he here? Sasha wondered to herself.

This wasn't good at all. He must have known that.

"I just stopped by because Elijah told me that I have you to thank for my freedom." He spoke.

Sasha folded her arms across her chest.

"Yeah well, we struck a deal. And you can thank Elena for that. She's the one who asked him." Sasha was lying and she knew it. She had asked.

And if Elena hadn't been suspicious before. She must have been now.

Sasha didn't want to be a bad friend. She really didn't. But her feeling for Stefan had shocked even her.

Stefan stepped closer to the window.

"Damon told me about your deal with Elijah." He stated.

Stupid Damon. Sasha thought to herself.

She let out a huff. It really was late and an argument about her judgment skills is the last thing she needed.

"Before you say anything it was my choice and neither of you have the right to judge me, okay?"

They definitely didn't.

They killed her boyfriend.

Oh my gosh. Sasha thought to herself. How could she still have feelings for someone who was part of Mason's murder?

What the hell was wrong with her?

"I wasn't going to say anything Like that." Stefan spoke calmly. He looked at Sasha.

"Look, I know how smart you are Sasha, you don't do stuff without thinking them through.

I was going to say... I heard that the deal was to protect the ones you care about. Your friends and family..." Stefan paused he looked at Sasha with meaning behind his eyes.

"Does that make us friends again?"

Sasha stared at Stefan. Was he really asking her that? Did he even understand how difficult he was making things?

"It makes us nothing Stefan." She spoke.

She wasn't even angry. She was just tired.

She promised herself she would never hurt the ones she loved, Elena was on that list.

Allowing Stefan back in meant making way for her feelings to grow. The only way to make sure she didn't betray Elena was to cut him off for good.

Sasha started closing her window but Stefan held out his hand stopping her.

"I don't want to lose you as a friend Sasha." He spoke.

Sasha felt herself getting emotional.

She really didn't either.

But she couldn't out of good consciousness continue this.

"I can't, Stefan." She spoke. "I just can't."

She shut the window and closed the curtain before going over to her bed and plopping down in it.

Sasha let tears quietly escape her eyes as she thought about everything she has lost.

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