Daughter Of The Fox

By MoonlightXXXWolfie

682 21 22

What will happen when the hottest band in the world, KISS took an interview at the hospital only to find tha... More

The Interview That Took A Wild Turn
The First Step
Erica's First Words And Steps
After Band Practice
A Trip To Chicago
The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Search Begins! (Part 1)
The Search Begins! (Part 2)
The Search Begins (Part 3)
The Search Begins! (Part 5) The Final Search Comes To An End!
The Aftermath And Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 1)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 2)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 3)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 4)
It's Time For The Birthday!
Time Flies By So Fast

The Search Begins! (Part 4)

25 1 0
By MoonlightXXXWolfie


The next day, Xavier and Akira were entertaining Erica as Tony and his new friends started to go over the plan again.

As night turns into days, two weeks and 3 days have passed.

Xavier and Akira had been planning their escape for weeks, carefully devising an intricate plan to break free from Tony's grasp. They had managed to gather enough information and resources to make their escape that night. However, just as they were about to put their plan into action, Tony discovered their intentions.

Tony, furious and feeling betrayed, confronted Xavier and Akira. The tension in the room was palpable as Tony's anger filled the air. Erica, a two-year-old who had become attached to Xavier and Akira during their time in captivity, watched in terror as the events unfolded before her innocent eyes.

"Xavier, Akira, how could you do this to me!?" Tony shouted, his voice filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me!?" Tony shouted which made Erica terrified at the scene in front of her.

Xavier, his face bruised and bloodied from the scuffle that had ensued, tried to reason with Tony. "Tony, we had no choice. We couldn't continue living like this. We deserve freedom, just like everyone else." Xavier said as he tries to reason with Tony.

Akira, nursing a broken arm, added, "We're not your prisoners, Tony. We deserve to live our lives without fear and oppression." Akira said as she made sure that Erica was safe.

Tony's new friends, who had joined him in the room, looked on with a mix of curiosity and concern. They had been loyal to Tony, but witnessing the brutality inflicted upon Xavier and Akira made them question their allegiance.

Erica, trembling with fear, clung to her stuffed animal, her eyes wide with terror. She couldn't comprehend the violence unfolding before her. Her innocent world had been shattered, and she didn't understand why people she cared about were being hurt.

Tony, his anger subsiding slightly, looked at Erica and realized the impact his actions were having on her. He took a deep breath, trying to regain control of his emotions. "I never wanted it to come to this," he said, his voice filled with regret. "But I can't let you go. You know too much." Tony said as he glanced towards both Xavier and Akira.

Xavier, his voice filled with determination, looked Tony in the eye. "Tony, you can't keep us here forever. We will find a way to escape, no matter what." Xavier said as he stood by his words.

Akira, despite her injuries, stood tall beside Xavier. "We won't let you break our spirits, Tony. We will fight for our freedom." Akira said.

Tony, torn between his anger and a glimmer of remorse, realized that he had lost the trust and loyalty of those he cared about. He knew deep down that he had made a grave mistake, and the consequences of his actions were now unfolding before him.

As the room fell into a tense silence, Erica, still terrified, reached out her tiny hand towards Xavier and Akira. In that moment, Tony realized the impact his actions had not only on those he had hurt, but also on the innocent child who had witnessed it all.

Tony took a deep breath and glanced towards Leo. "Leo, I want to take you up on that offer. Let's send this girl's father a threat video." Leo said as he came over and kicked Xavier out of the way. He picked Erica up and sat her in a chair with her hands tied behind her back.


~Back with the band KISS~

"Mr. Carravello! It's me, Lauren. I came by to say-" Lauren was cut off by Eric. "Don't worry. I'm not going to press charges on you. I'm exhausted as it is right now." Eric said.

"No! Mr. Carravello! I came by to say that I might know how to track down that GPS on your daughter's necklace easily." Lauren said as this information caught Eric's attention.

"Really!?" Eric said as Lauren nodded. Then, both of them went back to the security office.

At the security office, Lauren sat at one of the computers and started working with her skills. "I might be able to track down the necklace if they sent us a video or something." Lauren said.

Eric Carr, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, and Ace Frehley were gathered at the security office along side with Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick and Vinnie Vincent, reminiscing about their past adventures and upcoming plans for their band. Suddenly, Eric received a disturbing message on his phone. It was a video sent by an unknown number. As they watched in horror, they saw Erica, Eric's beloved daughter, bruised and injured, with Tony's menacing voice in the background.

Tony: Listen carefully, Eric Carr. If you don't send me the money I asked for by tomorrow, I won't hesitate to end your daughter's life. You have 24 hours.

Shocked and enraged, Eric, Paul, Gene, and Ace exchanged worried glances. The video had struck a nerve, igniting a fierce determination within them to protect Erica at all costs.

"We can't let this happen! We need to find Tony and put an end to this madness." Eric said as his anger was boiling hotter than an erupting volcano.

"Absolutely, Eric. We won't let him get away with this. We're a family, and we'll do whatever it takes to keep Erica safe." Paul said as determination took over him.

"No one messes with our loved ones. We'll track down this Tony and make sure he pays for his actions." Gene said as he almost break one of the glass that was filled with water.

"I can't believe someone would stoop so low. Let's gather all the information we have and come up with a plan." Ace said.

"We've got a video. We might be able to trace it down now!" Bruce said as they all started working on finding out the whereabouts of the video.

Eric, Paul, Gene, and Ace started their investigation again, determined to find any leads that could help them locate Tony. They used their connections, both within and outside the music industry, to gather information.

"I've contacted the police and provided them with all the details we have. They're working on tracing the source of the video. I hope this works." Eric said as he clutched his phone.

"Great, Eric. We need to stay strong for Erica and each other. We'll get through this." Paul said as he placed an arm around Eric's shoulders.

"I've reached out to our security team. They're on high alert and will assist us in any way they can. This time there won't be any mistakes." Gene said.

"I've been looking into Tony's background. It seems he has a history of criminal activities. We might be onto something." Peter said as Ace was standing next to him.

5 hours has passed as they all went out to track down the video.

"Lauren! Any leads yet!?" Eric asked in a hurry. "Almost got it, sir!" Lauren said.

"And,....... I got it! According to my calculations, these coordinates seem to lead to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. It's worth investigating." Lauren said as she showed the authorities the coordinates.

"But, the problem is that it's located inside of a forest." Lauren said again. "A forest!?" Everyone was shocked.


Word had spread about the situation involving Eric Carr's daughter, and the authorities were determined to help. Captain Noah, a respected and skilled leader, took charge of the rescue operation. Helicopters and ambulances were gathered at the before heading out to the forest, ready to spring into action.

"Team, this is a high-stakes operation. We have received credible information about the location of Eric Carr's daughter. Our mission is to rescue her and bring her to safety. Let's move swiftly and efficiently." Captain Noah said towards his team.

"Captain Noah, can you share any details about the operation? The public is concerned about the safety of Eric Carr's daughter." Asked one the news reporter.

"At this time, we can't disclose too much information, but I assure you, we have a well-coordinated plan in place. Our priority is the safety and well-being of the girl." Captain Noah replied as he got himself ready.

"Are there any updates on the condition of Eric Carr's daughter? Is she injured?" Asked another news reporter.

"We are aware that she has been injured, but we can't provide specific details at the moment. Our medical team is prepared to provide immediate care upon her rescue." Captain Noah replied.


As the rescue operation commenced, the team of highly trained professionals, led by Captain Noah, worked together seamlessly. They carefully navigated the forest that night, ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

"Remember, this is a delicate situation. We need to be swift and cautious. Let's proceed with the utmost care." Captain Noah said as he reminded his team. "Sir, yes, sir!" All of his teammates replied.

"Captain Noah, our medical team is ready to provide immediate assistance to Eric Carr's daughter. We have equipped our ambulances with all the necessary medical supplies." Said one of the paramedics there.

"Thank you, Alexander. Your expertise will be crucial in ensuring her well-being. Let's make sure she receives the best medical care." Captain Noah said.

"Captain Noah, how confident are you in the success of this operation?" Asked one of the news reporter again.

"We have a highly skilled team, state-of-the-art equipment, and the determination to bring Eric Carr's daughter back safely. We are doing everything we can to ensure a successful outcome. And, please this is a dangerous situation." Captain Noah said in a strict voice.

As the rescue team advanced through the forest, they finally reached the location where Eric Carr's daughter was held captive. The atmosphere was tense, but the team remained focused on their mission.

"We've located the girl. Let's move it and secure her safety." Captain Noah said through his walkie talkie.

"We're right behind you, Captain. We'll provide immediate medical attention as soon as she's rescued." Alexander replied.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the crew faced another obstacle - a sudden downpour of rain. The rain poured relentlessly, turning the forest floor into a muddy mess and making it even more challenging to find any traces of the girl. Undeterred, Captain Noah and his crew donned their rain gear and pressed on, determined to complete their mission.

As they followed the GPS signal, they encountered a steep and treacherous cliff. The crew had to carefully maneuver their way down, ensuring the safety of everyone involved. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but their trust in each other and their unwavering determination kept them focused on their goal.

In the midst of their search, they stumbled upon a group of wild animals that guarded the area where Erica was believed to be. Captain Noah and his crew had to think quickly and come up with a plan to safely bypass the animals without disturbing them. Through their resourcefulness and quick thinking, they managed to find a detour that led them closer to their destination.

Throughout their journey, the crew faced moments of doubt and exhaustion. The weight of the responsibility they carried was immense, but their camaraderie and unwavering support for one another kept their spirits high. They encouraged each other, shared stories to lighten the mood, and reminded themselves of the importance of their mission.

As the rescue team approached the abandoned warehouse, their hearts raced with anticipation. However, their hopes were soon shattered as they witnessed a chilling scene as a mysterious figure was walking out with a rope behind him. Tony, the perpetrator, was holding not only Erica but also Xavier and Akira hostage.

Upon entering the dimly lit warehouse, a chilling sight awaited him. Tony, with a crazed look in his eyes, was pointing a gun at a terrified Erica, who was unconscious. Xavier and Akira stood nearby, their eyes filled with regret and conflict.

"My daughter!" Eric yelled as Paul and Gene grabbed hold of him. "Calm down, Eric!" Paul said.

"Do you really think, you can outsmart someone like me!? Pathetic!" Tony yelled as his voice started to sound like a maniac.

To be continued

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