Near Death Experience (18+) โœ”๏ธ

By Winterlanessss

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"๐’๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ฆ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฎ๐ฌ, ๐๐š๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ . ๐‹๐ž๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ฅ๐ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐›๐ž๐ฅ๏ฟฝ... More

Author Note & Depictions


689 20 8
By Winterlanessss

In the dimly lit room, the palpable weight of my suffering cast a haunting atmosphere, with the scent of smoke and the metallic tang of blood intertwining in a morbid dance. My trembling figure stood as a poignant tableau of despair, the aftermath of the dungeons etched into the very fabric of my being. The disquieting stillness enveloped me, magnifying the scene's gravity like a mournful symphony echoing through the silence.

My once-pristine clothes, now tainted with the stark evidence of the dungeons' brutality, clung to my form, serving as a visceral reminder of the ordeal I had endured. The desperate grip on the cigarette mirrored my internal turmoil, a feeble attempt to find solace amid profound desolation.

The room, now a spectral witness to my silent suffering, bore the traces of time in the scattered remnants of spent cigarettes and ashes beneath my feet. Each discarded butt, a silent marker of the relentless passage of moments, attested to the duration of my anguished vigil. The air hung heavy with the acrid residue of my pain.

Elijah, a silent observer in the corner of the room, grappled with a mélange of emotions as he witnessed my silent ordeal. The aftermath of Askel's blood infusion had transformed my cries into an eerie silence, a deadened look now residing in my eyes. The desk bore witness to the coping mechanisms I had sought in my distress – an almost empty bottle of whiskey and a depleted pack of cigarettes.

The silence was now broken, as the chamber room doors burst open revealing my two distressed beloveds. Knox and Xander entered the room with no care, their eyes directly focusing on my quiet being before them. 

Knox and Xander's abrupt entry shattered the room's eerie stillness, their presence injecting a surge of urgency into the stagnant air. I, however, remained an immovable figure, seemingly impervious to their arrival. My bloodied hands clutched the cigarette with a grip that spoke of both defiance and desperation. 

At the same time, my vacant gaze glossed over and devoid of focus, portrayed a detachment that transcended the immediate surroundings. My mind was empty, dried tears washed away a streak of blood showing the terror and death I had endured.

As Knox and Xander took in the disquieting scene, the gravity of the moment settled heavily upon them. My unresponsive demeanour added an extra layer of complexity to the unfolding drama as if I were a spectre caught between the tangible and the ethereal.

A terse silence hung in the air, pregnant with the unsaid and the unresolved. Knox and Xander, faced with my stoic silence, were left to navigate the enigma that unfolded before them, each step forward fraught with the anticipation of revelations and the shadows of unspoken truths.

"She hasn't spoken since she got in here," Elijah said with a certain bluntness that made me want to give him a pointed look. Knox's head whips to look at Elijah, a deathly stare in his eyes. Knox suddenly is holding Elijah against the wall, holding him by the collar of his shirt as he snarls at the man before him.

"Why the fuck would you let her down there?!" Knox's voice seared through the room, a torrent of anger and accusation.

"She came up with the plan, it's not my fault Cassandra was on a murder-suicide mission," Elijah retorted, his words a defence laced with a touch of defiance.

Knox, unable to contain his fury, launched a powerful punch at Elijah's nose, the crack of bone echoing in the tense air. The violence of the act resonated, mirroring the depth of his anguish and frustration. Elijah's nose was pouring blood out of his nostril, but he had no pain etched onto his face as he watched Knox with a defiant glare.

"Enough," my voice finally cut through the tumult, a plea for a respite from the escalating confrontation. The single word carried the weight of weariness and a plea for understanding. The room, still steeped in the aftermath of my ordeal, hung on the precipice, caught between the storm of emotions and the fragile threads of reconciliation.

Their eyes were on me, as Xander tried to walk towards me, but I flicked my hand up to make him stop. I slowly hit the cigarette in my hand, blowing out the smoke with a sigh.

"Why would you do this, Adelaide? You were told to stay away," Xander's concern and frustration edged his voice. My eyes rolled as the fury in my veins rose; the fireplace flickering dangerously high across the room.

"Shut up," I interrupted him with a sharp retort, my gaze fixed on some distant point, the weight of my experiences etched in the lines on my face.

"Why did you say?" Knox's voice cut through the heavy air, his inquiry demanding an explanation for the choices that had led to this moment.

I remained silent for a beat, the room pregnant with anticipation. The smoke from the cigarette hung in the air like a veil, a tangible manifestation of the tension swirling around us.

"I said shut the fuck up!" My voice, sharp and cutting, echoed through the room, a desperate attempt to silence the barrage of words that threatened to unravel my fragile composure. I quickly turned to them, my hands in the air as I looked at them with so many mixed emotions I couldn't count.

"I know that I fucked up, you think I don't know that! Look at me!" I continued the intensity in my eyes reflecting a tumultuous mix of guilt, anguish, and defiance that bordered on recklessness. I wanted them to see the literal blood on my hands, the death I caused.

"Adelaide," Xander's voice, a plea for reason, cut through the escalating chaos.

"Please, save me the lecture. I have gone through enough today," I responded my tone a blend of exhaustion and a plea for respite.

"Cassandra is dead! You almost died! Again!" Knox's words, a stark reminder of the consequences of my actions, hung in the air.

"Shut up!" I snapped once more, the weight of the day's events pressing down on me, the room reverberating with the echoes of pain and the unspoken words that lingered between us. The clash of emotions painted an intricate tableau of brokenness, each word and gesture adding another layer to the complex narrative unfolding in the dimly lit room.

"You should've left me in Scotland! You should've never brought me here," I declared, the words a bitter acknowledgment of the consequences of my entanglement in this web of tragedy.

"Adelaide, stop!" Xander's voice, laden with concern and perhaps a tinge of regret, pleaded for a pause in the self-blame and recriminations.

"No! I wish I never fucking met you both," I continued, the weight of remorse and grief seeping into my words.

"If I stayed away..." I trailed off, the unspoken thoughts hanging heavily in the air, a contemplation of the alternate reality where the choices I made had led to a different outcome.

"She would be alive right now, and Fredrik..." My voice caught on the unsaid, the mention of Fredrik a painful reminder of the losses and sacrifices that had marked this harrowing journey. The room, a witness to the unravelling of emotions, remained shrouded in heavy silence, each word a step deeper into the abyss of regret and what-ifs.

"Out, Elijah," Knox's command sliced through the charged atmosphere, his demand for solitude resonating with the urgency of the moment.

"No, he can stay for this!" I interjected, a stubborn insistence in my voice, unwilling to face the tumultuous emotions alone.

"OUT," Knox's response came with a forceful edge, the weight of his authority demanding compliance. Elijah stood slowly watching me, before turning and leaving the room making me shake my head in a dark chuckle.

"I hate you," I spat out the words, the venom lacing each syllable, a manifestation of the tumult within as I stared deep into Knox's eyes.

"You can hate me all you want, I am just trying to keep you alive, girl," Knox's retort carried a mix of resignation and a thread of genuine concern. The room, now stripped of any witnesses, became the arena for a raw confrontation between emotions, a battleground where love and resentment collided in a tempest of unspoken truths. The air hung heavy with the echoes of discord, each word etching its mark on the fragile fabric of our connections.

"Why?!" I exclaimed, the weight of despair echoing in my voice.

"What?" Xander questioned, his brow furrowed with confusion.

"Why must I live?! All my life has given you both is pain and destruction, that is all that I am," I confessed, the bitterness of my existence laid bare.

"You said it Xander, I am weak," I continued, the admission hanging in the air like a heavy truth.

"I didn't mean it, Adelaide," Xander responded, a note of regret and reassurance in his voice.

"Well, it's true. I am weak, and all my life I had tried to make up for it but..." I trailed off, the weight of my insecurities and perceived shortcomings lingering in the unspoken words.

In an instant, Xander was in front of me, his hands grasping my cheeks as he looked deep into my eyes. The intensity of his gaze spoke volumes, a silent promise of understanding and a plea for me to see beyond the self-imposed labels. The room, now a witness to the vulnerability laid bare, awaited the unfolding resolution of a shared struggle against the shadows that threatened to engulf us.

"You are not weak. I was. I said those things out of anger, my love... I-" Xander began, his voice laced with regret.

"It doesn't matter," I cut him off, pushing away his hands, a resolute expression on my face.

"I'm leaving," I declared, a sombre decision hanging in the air.

"No, you aren't," Knox countered, his tone firm, a steadfast refusal to let me walk away.

"If I stay, you both will die... I-I can't let that happen," I confessed, the weight of responsibility and a grim understanding shaping my resolve. The room, caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions, became a battleground for the choices that threatened to reshape our destinies. The unspoken tension hung heavy, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices and heartaches that loomed on the horizon.

"What are you talking about?" Xander's confusion hung in the air, a reflection of the sudden revelation.

"Elijah told me. If you both complete the bond with me, you'll die when I do," I disclosed, the weight of the truth heavy in the room.

"Adelaide, please, we want this," Xander pleaded his voice a mixture of desperation and determination.

"No. How can I allow you to die? How can I make that decision as if it wasn't the most selfish thing I could do in my life?" I countered, the internal struggle evident in my words.

"You aren't leaving, Adelaide, end of story," Knox asserted, his tone final, a declaration that brooked no argument. The room, now a battlefield of conflicting desires, became the stage for a poignant confrontation between love and self-sacrifice. Each word and gesture etched a narrative of choices, consequences, and the unyielding bonds that tethered us together in the face of an uncertain fate.

"You can't make me," I asserted, defiance laced in my words.

"Oh, yes, I can," Knox countered, his tone unyielding.

"I will tie you to that fucking bed because that's the difference between you and us," he continued, the gravity of his words hanging in the air.

"We are selfish," Knox confessed, his admission a raw acknowledgment of the lengths he and Xander were willing to go to for the sake of our shared connection. The room, now fraught with the weight of conflicting desires and a sense of inevitability, bore witness to the intensity of emotions that defined our complex entanglement. The unspoken sacrifices, the uncharted territories of love and selflessness, painted a poignant tableau of devotion in the face of an uncertain future.

"Do you realize what even happened today?! Cassandra is dead, your brother will die soon," I confronted, the raw pain of recent events fueling the urgency in my words.

"It was bound to happen," Knox replied with a detached calmness that sent shivers down my spine.

"How can you say that? He's your brother?" I pressed, unable to comprehend the apparent acceptance of such a tragic fate.

"Everyone understands what it means to be bonded, and to be honest..." Xander began, his voice tinged with a heavy solemnity.

"No one wants to live when their beloved dies, you want to join them," Xander continued, a stark truth laid bare in his words.

"Even if you leave, when you die..." Knox interjected, his voice carrying a weight of inevitability.

"We will go with you, into death," Knox concluded, the declaration echoing in the room. The revelation of their unwavering commitment, a willingness to follow me into the depths of mortality, hung in the air like an unspoken vow. The gravity of the moment settled heavily upon us, a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of life and death.

Knox walked over to me slowly, my gaze never flicking from his, watching his every step until he was mere inches away. His hand raised, and his thumb padded over my neck, which was now healing from Askel's blood, albeit barely. The skin was raw and tender, still in the process of regeneration. I could feel the sparks from his touch soothing the pain that lingered in my body, making me sigh deeply.

"How could you leave us, darling?" Xander's voice held a mixture of hurt and concern.

"I-I," I stammered, struggling to find the right words in the emotions swirling around us.

"You are ours, Elskling..." Knox's declaration cut through the uncertainty, his touch a reassurance that transcended words.

"And we are yours," Xander added his voice a whisper that echoed the depth of our connection.

"Even in death," Knox concluded, his words carrying a solemn promise that hung in the air. The room, now a sanctuary for shared vulnerabilities and unspoken commitments, witnessed the delicate dance of love and acceptance, a tapestry woven with threads of intimacy and the unyielding bonds that tied us together.

"Stay," Xander pleaded, his voice a gentle entreaty.

"Stay for us," he urged, the sincerity in his words echoing the depths of his emotions.

"Don't you feel this, darling?" Xander continued his touch a tender caress.

"Answer him," Knox added, his gaze unwavering, a silent demand for a response.

"Yes..." I whispered, my admission hanging in the air like a fragile promise.

"Let us take away the pain," Knox implored, the earnestness in his voice pulling at the strings of my resolve.

"Give into us, my love," Xander entreated, the words a delicate plea.

"Give us you," Knox concluded, his desire and determination woven into the simple request.

"But..." I hesitated, the unspoken fears and uncertainties lingering on the precipice of my surrender. The room, now a haven for vulnerability and shared intimacy, awaited the resolution of the intricate dance between my reservations and the unwavering devotion of those who stood before me.

"Shhh... You are worth the death to come; we welcome it," Knox's words, a whispered acceptance of a shared fate, hung in the air like a solemn vow.

"A world without you is not a world I wish to be in," Xander confessed, his voice a poignant testament to the depth of his feelings.

"Say it, Eskling," Knox urged the weight of expectation in his eyes.

"Give us your pain," Knox continued a plea that echoed the desire to share the burdens that had marked my journey.

"Please," I whispered, the vulnerability of the moment laid bare.

"Say you'll stay..." Xander implored, his voice a plea laced with both longing and determination.

"And we will give you everything you want," Xander concluded, his promise hanging in the air like a delicate thread. The room, now a canvas painted with the hues of love, sacrifice, and shared destinies, awaited the resolution of the intricate dance between acceptance and the inexorable pull of our intertwined fates.

And I chose their fate with my words.

"I'll stay," I finally whispered, the weight of the decision resonating through the room.

As the words left my lips, Xander's longing transformed into a passionate urgency. Without hesitation, he closed the remaining distance between us, his lips pressing against mine with a fierce intensity, his desire to claim and reassure me palpable in every searing kiss. The heat of the moment sparked a fiery connection, an acknowledgment of the depth of our shared emotions.

I knew what this meant. I wasn't just giving into staying, I was giving myself over. To seal our fates together as one, tonight.

Meanwhile, Knox, with a primal instinct, began licking the blood around my throat, cleaning me with his tongue. The intimate act carried a sense of possession and a raw connection as if marking me as his own. The taste of our shared desires mingled with the heady scent of passion in the air, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that enveloped us in its embrace.

At that moment, the anger and turmoil that had gripped me seemed to dissolve. The physical and emotional connection between Xander and Knox became a powerful force, overwhelming any lingering resentment.

My mind forgot all the anger I felt for them. In that moment, the boundaries between love and hate blurred into an intoxicating mix of passion and fury. It was as if the intense emotions that had once fueled my anger were now channelled into a raw, consuming love that ignited every fibre of my being. The dichotomy of these emotions, so closely intertwined, reminded me that sometimes the greatest love can emerge from the depths of the darkest hatred.

As Xander's hands skillfully removed the fabric that clung to my body, his touch ignited a cascade of sensations that coursed through me. Meanwhile, Knox's lips claimed mine with an intensity that left me breathless, his every kiss a testament to the depth of his desire. In this passionate exchange, the boundaries blurred, intertwining love, desire, and the intoxicating mix of emotions that fueled our connection. Knox harshly grabbed my face, breaking our kiss as he panted out, "Du er vår. Bare vår."

I watched as Knox's eyes changed to a searing crimson, his fangs growing by the second, making my hazy eyes widen.

As Knox's fangs pierced my neck, pain and pleasure mingled in an exquisite dance. I cried out, the sound a symphony of agony and ecstasy, as the primal instincts within me awakened. With each rhythmic thrust of his fangs, the boundaries between pain and pleasure blurred, the intensity of the moment consuming my senses. In that moment, I surrendered to the raw power of our connection, embracing the dichotomy of pleasure and pain that bound us together.

Simultaneously, as Xander bit into my skin from behind me, his fangs pierced into my shoulder as both their hands held me in place. The mixture of pain and pleasure created an intoxicating blend. The boundaries between agony and ecstasy blurred as his lips covered the wound, his desire to claim and possess me palpable in every drop of blood that spilled. The room became a battleground of sensations, each touch, kiss, and bite a testament to the complex, entangled web of emotions that defined our unconventional love.

Xander's husky voice sent shivers down my spine as he whispered into my ear, "You will never leave us, do you understand, little witch?" The words, laced with possessiveness and desire, further blurred the boundaries between pain and pleasure, solidifying the intense connection we shared.

"I-I," my voice was caught in my throat as my mind was swirling, and I felt so hazy. The intensity of the sensations overwhelmed any coherent thought, leaving me suspended in a realm where desire and surrender intertwined. The words spoken, a potent mixture of command and passion, echoed in the room, sealing a pact that transcended the physical realm. In that moment, I was caught between the realms of ecstasy and vulnerability, a willing captive to the complex emotions that bound us together.

"Answer me, darling," Xander's voice, a blend of command and warmth, demanded a response.

"Where did all that feist go?" Knox interjected, a teasing note in his voice, a stark contrast to the intensity of the moment as he trailed his fingers softly against my stomach itching to go lower.

"I won't leave you both, I-I swear," I managed to stammer out, my commitment to them a solemn promise that hung in the air.

"That's it, good girl," Xander praised his tone a mixture of approval and possessiveness.

My body was now bare in front of them, naked and exposed, while they remained dressed. The domination and power emanating from them were evident, pressing down onto me as they surrounded my very being. The vulnerability of my nakedness contrasted sharply with the clothed strength of Knox and Xander, creating a visual representation of the intricate power dynamics at play in our shared intimacy.

The room, charged with a heady mix of desire and submission, became a stage for the unspoken understanding that in this space, I willingly surrendered to their dominance. The dichotomy of exposure and control painted a vivid tableau of our complex connection, each nuance of the scene capturing the essence of the unconventional love that bound us together.

My body is quickly hoisted over Knox's shoulder, a loud yelp erupting from my throat as my cheeks burn bright. The sudden and unexpected movement added a playful element to the charged atmosphere, the mix of vulnerability and a hint of mischief heightening the intensity of the moment. I dangled over his shoulder, a willing captive to the physical strength that Knox effortlessly wielded, my heart pounding in sync with the pulse of the room.

"Where-", my voice was cut off as Xander followed Knox's steps watching me with his crimson gaze. "Time for you to find out what is behind that door", he muttered darkly, his voice laced deeply with lust making my stomach flip in anticipation.

The door. 


We are nearing the end of the book, and it's honestly very sad. I just want to thank you all that have stuck around, and that even clicked on this novel. It means so much to me so I'd like to thank every one of you. 

With that being said, I know Adelaide gave in so easily to them but we need to remember her character. She is a hardheaded, stubborn woman but she is also naive and trusting to those that try to be closer to her. She secretly craves love, but after the death of her mother, she pushes away most people who show her that emotion as she believes they would leave too. Her giving into them is not only the bond pushing them together, but her in the end finally accepting that love is safe for her to take. 

There will be about 4-5 more chapters, the last one being the epilogue from a different person's point of view. 

Love you all, 

-Winterwriter xx

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