Not him, HER

By InsaneMaker

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{Second Book} In where two best friends since childhood are finally happy in a serious relationship. They end... More

{ Cast }
{Life Aesthetic}
{1- Party}
{3- Sgf2}
{4- Sgf2 Part.1}
{5- Pt.2}
{6- Pt.3}
{7- New Crew}
{Cast Pt.2}
{Life Aesthetic pt.2}
{8- Learning Her Past}
{9- Uncovering The Truth}
{10 -Mental Illness}
{11- One Step Closer}
{12- Confusion Strikes Again}
[13- The Return}
{14- Revealing The Truth}
{15- A Break}
{16- Start Of Vengeance}
{17- This Love}
{18- Uncertanteties}
{19- Happiness & goodbyes}
{20- The Good & The Bad}
{21- MAMA Awards}
{22- Mama's pt.2}
{23- Happiness Doesn't Last Long}
{24- Sdgf2 Final}
{25- The Proposal}
{26- Swf2 Concert}
{ 27 - Knowing Bros}
{28 - The Documentary}
{29- The Plot Twist}

{2 -Where Is The Dull Truth?}

566 37 15
By InsaneMaker

The brunette girl sat in between two of her members who have joined her on Street Girl Fighter 2. She sat still allowing the makeup artist to finish her lipstick. Ivy and Yujin teased each other around, Ivy shoving the younger girl to the side as they tried to grab Leah's attention. "Unnie, who's prettier?" Yujina yelled, as she playfully shoved Ivy to the side, almost knocking her onto the ground. The older girl scoffed in shock, almost tripping over her own feet. She could have fallen due to the high heels she's wearing but luckily she was able to regain balance. The brunette girl stared at the makeup artist waiting patiently for her to finish. The older girl began to shake at the intense stare feeling a bit shy and intimidated by her. When the makeup artist finished she made sure to excuse herself and run off away from the camera. "Stop arguing and sit down." She said with a stern voice feeling a headache starting to form. She was feeling under the weather from the amount of drinks she had last night. She had woken up in a sour mood and had to rush to her hair appointment. She got her haircut and dyed darker making her skin and features stand out more. She looked down at the card on her lap fixing them up to see who they were going up against.

The staff members made sure to announce when they started to record. The three girls smiled brightly at the camera. "Hello, we are the cutest, species and sexiest women, we are Eternal!" The two girls joined yelling their group name out. The girls all smiled waving at the camera proud and happy to be here. Every group was really shocked when they flipped the card after seeing Eternal's name. Harimu let out a scream in surprise and excitement seeing the girls have also joined in. Bada's mouth fell wide open upon seeing her girlfriend on the card. Her jaw almost hitting the ground lost for words. She turned to look at Tatter who let out a surprise chuckle. Kirsten jumped out of her seat screaming in happiness seeing that her dear friend would be joining too. It seemed like most of them were happy that they were joining the competition.

"What made you guys want to keep your arrival a secret?"

"We wanted to keep a secret because when we received the invitation a few of us were busy filming for our channels and other major events coming out soon. Some of us also went out for vacation so we were unsure if we would be able to film. We also wanted to surprise not only the crews but the rest of the fans and dancers. I'm glad it worked that way and that we are here!"

Ivy raised her hands up forming them into fist as she excitedly squealed. She shook her hands side to side looking at the camera. Leah chuckled, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. Her eyes glued on the older girl who wasn't afraid to express her emotions. As the girls looked at the crews joining as mentors they expressed their thoughts. Yujina slides her chair closer to the older girl to get a better view of the cards. The smile on her face never left as she would look between the cards and the camera. The girl reached over for two cards. She raised them up showing Jam and BEBE.

"I'm a bit nervous because we had to go up against BEBE and Jam Republic. Both groups are incredibly talented and strong, if anything they continue to be our number one competitors. I'm also thrilled to see what the rest of the mentors have to offer. I've been a huge fan of Aiki.. Wait, don't you know her, unnie?"

The brunette girl nodded her head agreeing with the younger girl. No matter what, the three groups always keep being placed against each other. Leah giggled at her question knowing what she's talking about. She does know Aiki and never imagined working with her. Well she hoped to work with her some day but didn't think that day would come this fast. She shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the staff behind the camera telling her to talk about it. She shook her head no, but they continued to get her to talk, causing her to laugh.

"Yes, I'm not that close with her but she's someone I admire. Uhm.. I know her due to my older brother who's friends with her and naturally I met her. We've only talked here and there but never to the point where we hang out or had the chance to collaborate. If anything I'm excited to see her again."

Leah chuckled, shuffling through her cards. Her mind was confused with many thoughts as she looked at the pictures of each member. Her eyes landed on team BEBE, seeing her beautiful girlfriend's face. Her eyes lingered on her picture for a few seconds after she changed the card. She finally landed on the last card as the girls moved closer to her. They read the card with their eyes letting out a small gasp. Ivy covered her mouth in surprise but also thrilled about the whole thing. "Masters will have to compete too." Yujin stood up from her seat with a wide mouth. She ran her fingers through her now black hair in frustration. They literally had just finished competing against other crews. The months of competing were exhausting. Leah couldn't help but laugh at the situation. She figured there would be some type of twist in this competition. "Are you serious? Do you know how much you guys have put us through? I could cry!" Yejina screamed dramatically, throwing a tantrum. She pouted, stomping her feet on the ground like a toddler. The brunette girl laughed as she reached over, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. She landed on her lap for the first time ever not feeling uncomfortable.

Over the last few months she's gotten a lot closer and touchy with Leah. Not only did she see her like an older sister but like a mother figure too. Just the way she took care of each member and made sure to give them their undivine attention. "It's fine, I'm sure with our gorgeous faces and mesmerizing dance moves will captivate them like medusa." She winked at the camera with a smile on her face. Yujina jumped off her lap, taking a seat next to her. The three girls were good at acting not only the opposite but the same sex. Especially Leah and Yujin who knew what girls looked for and wanted. Plus the beautiful girl with green blue eyes had made many hearts flutter. The way she danced and carried herself was enough to have everyone weak on their knees. Mostly when she spoke Spanish, they way she spoke so confidence would make many hearts flutter and make girls cave in. Most of the time the half Mexican Korean girl didn't even try, she was being sarcastic or nice but people would interpret it as flirting. "That's right, the rest of the dancers have nothing on us. After all we won first place, we are the queens!" Ivy sang the last part and brought a crown over her head with her hands. She smiled at the camera making Leah chuckled softly.

The raven haired girl thought they were done filming; she didn't think the camera was still rolling. She turned on her seat looking at the short haired girl. "Why are you so cute today?" The cameraman zoomed into Ivy's face seeing how she had such a confused face. She tilted her head to the side scanning her face trying to find out what it was. Normally she didn't compliment Leah that much because she was aware of her confidence. She didn't need to be complemented for her to know she's beautiful inside and outside. "Will you go out with me?" Leah asked in a serious tone. She raised her right hand up, running her fingers through her hair. She adjusted it waiting for Ivy's response. The older girl made a scrunching face unsure of what made her think that. They always flirted with one another, a playful one. It was never serious where they would have feelings for one another. If anything they adored each other like sisters and would never risk ruining that. "No, do any of you guys want her?" She turned to face the staff causing them all to laugh out loud.

The girls quickly moved on to taking pictures for the show. In which Leah stood in front of Ivy fixing her hair, she made sure to fix her bangs. She fixed them individually making sure there wasn't one sticking out. Her eyes glanced down at her makeup seeing it was intact and she hadn't messed it up. She nodded her head telling her she's good to go. Yujina didn't hesitate to stand in front of her, also wanting her to check her appearance. A stylist offered Leah a brush in which she quickly thanked them for it. She brushed her hair making sure her bangs didn't stick out. Yujin wanted to grow them out instead of having it covering her forehead. She felt pretty confident with and without bangs, she didn't mind exposing her forehead to the entire world. The brunette girl made sure to fix her hair, her eyes traveling down to her makeup not seeing one single smudge. She offered her a kind smile, making her nod her head. Leah gave back the brush to the stylist as she fixed her own fair. She made her way around the set catching up with the girls. They were told to gather in front of the camera and just post however they wish. Whatever made them feel comfortable and like them.

The girls glance at one another thinking of what poses to do. "Let's do a serious one first." Leah suggested as the girls nodded. They gathered closer to each other placing either a serious face or a poker look. Leah stood in the center of them and she popped her right hip out, her right hand right above her pocket. She slid her thumb into it making it look more natural for her as she stared ahead with a serious look. A hair stylist came out with a reputation for their hair to make their faces stand out more. With the leader of the group she made sure to brush it out of her face. Due to her hair being shorter there was no way to pull it over her shoulders. Instead they focus on her face showing and her hair being brushed back. With a few more pictures taken of them changing their faces and repositioning their heads the photographer was satisfied. The next pose they went for was Ivy turning around to hug Leah tightly. The brunette girl wrapped her arms around her placing them just above her butt. Ivy's hand landed on her smaller waist as her cheeks leaned against one another. The raven haired girl smiled at the camera with her eyes closed meanwhile Leah made a kissy face with her eyes shut. Yujin thought of what to do and her last resort was to lean her body against the older girl.

She could feel her butt brushing against her side but didn't mind it at all. A smile formed on her lips at the feeling of Ivy's hand wrapping around her shoulders. She leaned her head against the back of Leah's head. Her eyes focused on the camera as they all posed together. On camera they might be the most intimidating group but in reality they were so playful and loving towards one another. They took a few more pictures while changing their facial expressions. It finally came to the last pose, something they weren't sure of what to do. Normally photographers had a vision of how they wanted the models to pose but now that they have the freedom to do whatever it feels unreal to them. "Why don't we do something silly? Something to show everyone we actually love each other?" Yujin spoke as she took a sip from her water bottle. The girls all agreed, forming a single line as they thought about something. Without uttering a world she wrapped her arms around Leah, proceeding to carry her out of nowhere. The brunette girl screamed in surprise as Ivy laughed, wrapping an arm around her.

Yujin being the dramatic one angled her feet a certain wait to make it seem as Leah was heavy. Her green blue eyes glanced down at her seeing how she made a struggling face. This caused her to start laughing, making the photographer start taking pictures without a hesitation. Hearing Leah and Ivy laugh cause Yujin to smile bright, her white teeth showing as they pose together.

The girls arrived at a different set for the last interview of the day, something they were definitely looking forward to, especially since it was almost the end of work. Leah couldn't wait to go home and sleep, she was exhausted and drained from all the people she's spoken to today. She sat in the middle once again keeping a distance between Ivy and Yujin who tended to play fight a lot. They would also constantly laugh at the most random times for no reason. The girls patiently waited for the interviewer who had run off to the bathroom real quick. The brunette girl took the chance to look at her phone real quickly. She had multiple messages from the girls of BEBE, mostly Bada specifically. She was bombarding her with questions about why she didn't say anything regarding Street Girl Fighter 2. She giggled, knowing she would have to deal with that later when she got home. She responded back that she would explain everything when she got home. Bada replying saying she was going to have dinner with Tatter and Lusher and wasn't sure when she would be home.

The short haired girl nodded her head agreeing, it didn't bother her at all. She actually loved how caring and loving Bada is with her team. She would rather spend time with them than sitting around at home waiting for her. Running her fingers through her soft fluffy hair she pushed it to the side. Her gaze looking up at the sound of heels echoing through the room. "Hello, I'm Eva." The girls quickly stood up bowing their heads in respect. Leah placed a hand over her chest trying not to expose herself to the staff. The woman told them to take a seat as they began the interview. She asked a few questions here and there about Swf2. "Did you guys ever imagen winning?" Ivy chuckled, shaking her head no. People thought they were being humble or fake whenever they answered these questions. But to tell the truth they never once imagined winning. It had never ran through there minds the possibility of winning the competition over everyone else.

"To tell the truth, no. We never imagined winning the competition nor was it our goal. Since the very beginning we were honest that we wanted not only to prove ourselves but show the world what Eternal is truly made of. I think we also focused too much on our struggles and trying to enjoy the moment that never crossed our minds. We.. We were entirely shocked that we won." Leah responded as she reached down to grab her water bottle. She carefully wrapped her lips around the straw taking a huge sip from it. She was actually really hungry from not eating anything other than a donut this morning. She had really bad breakfast habits and that's something she's been trying to work on. She constantly neglects breakfast and only has a cup of coffee. Something that her girlfriend has yelled at her about multiple times. "I think I speak for everyone but we were all shocked that you guys won. I mean from what I could see in the audience they were all cheering for you guys. How did you guys feel at that moment? When your name was called out?" As Leah was about to place her bottle down Yujin took it from her hand, placing it on the floor. She had noticed how she kept covering her chest from exposing herself to everyone.

Yujin glanced to the side lost in thought thinking back to that moment. Although it hadn't been that long that it happened it still felt like a dream to them. "For me personally I had so many mixed emotions. I felt really nervous and anxious. I mean we were able to get through it because we were always there for each other. I think it affected us more because Leah unnie got injured on our last performance and we were all mostly just worried about her. It was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions and events. I wanna say I felt overjoyed and proud. It was such an amazing feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. It's definitely one of my favorite moments with these girls and I will cherish it forever." Yujin smiled softly as she stared at Eva who nodded her head. Both Ivy and Leah watched the younger girl with adoration in their eyes watching her. They were starting to love the person Yujin is starting to become. She's always been extremely introverted and keeps everything to herself. They were just glad that she's learning to slowly open up to them and the world about who she truly is.

Leah placed a hand on her tight making her look up at her. She winked at her, making her playful roll her eyes. Even though she's aware she's only doing it to comfort her and complement her she still loves to tease her unnie. "I personally felt really anxious and worried. I was the only one who walked into the room Leah was being treated. It wasn't that bad of an injury as you can tell but I think she had been under so much stress and pressure throughout the seven months. Not only because of the show but because of personal matters. For the first time in a long time I saw her crying, it truly broke my heart. I tried to keep the girls away and told them she just needed to rest. Hearing our name being called out was this sense of relief, I felt so much weight being lifted off my shoulders. I mean it was an insane day for us, and.. It made me realize that hard work does really pay off. And I can't help but be really thankful for all our amazing fans who support us. I also want to thank Leah who helped my dream of forming a group come true. Without her, there is a huge chance that Eternal would have never been created or maybe if it was it wouldn't be the same. Thank you and we love you 4evers!" Ivy sent kisses to the camera shouting out their fandom name. It was supposed to be a surprise being announced by them but the older girl kind of blurred it out on the moment.

The half Korean Mexican girl covered her face, finding her quite adorable. She also scrunched her nose knowing they weren't supposed to blur out the fandom name just yet. Ivy seemed to notice as she quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. She was definitely going to get scolded by their manager later. "Wait so you got injured before or after the final performance?" Eva asked out of pure curiosity. They still didn't realize behind the scenes from Street Woman Fighter 2 in which she's sure that they recorded her injury. The girls made sure not to include it in their behind the scenes final because they didn't want fans to worry about them. The older woman fixed her posture as she held cards in front of her which held the many questions she had already asked. "I got injured during the final performance. I kept pushing myself the entire week and a half that we had to prepare for the final. We had two concepts which were the Britney Spears performance and then our performance. Mixed with the Smoke performance it was all just too much going on during a small time period. Mina, our youngest, was struggling to lift Miyeon up, she almost dropped her twice so we had to switch her with someone. I started to feel this shoulder pain maybe like three days before the final. I just brushed it aside saying I was just swore."

The girls all nodded listening to the leader speak. Eva noticed how she sat up straight, her attention glued to her. Her eyes never seemed to leave her whenever she spoke. "It wasn't until I lifted up Miyeon in the performance when I felt my shoulder tighten almost like a muscle cramp. It started to shake and hurt ten times worse. At that moment Miyeon realized something was up by the look on my face, she could tell I wasn't acting it out anymore. Regardless she kept it professional and kept going. I'm fine now, I have made sure to rest these few days and had to cancel some of my classes." The girls soon wrapped up the interview ready to go home. They got into the van where there manager waited for them to drive them all home.

Yujin had been the first to fall fast asleep in the car ride and felt the most exhausted out of the three of them. Her head rested against the window as she slept peacefully. Her phone in her right hand, she had just sent a message to her girlfriend asking how the last finishing touches for her comeback were going. Ivy sat next to her in the back seat, her eyes glued to her phone. She looked through Instagram seeing a few of her friends posting. She also came across a few fan edits in which she made sure to like and repost on her story. Leah sat in the passenger side, her legs up on the chair as she stared out the window. She watched the sun starting to set. She didn't think this year would fly so quickly nor did she imagine being in a good place with herself. Not only did her team win first place but she's also in a happy healthy relationship. She couldn't help but smile and look forward to what the world has in store for them. A few minutes into the long car ride she looked back not hearing anything from Ivy. Her eyes landed on her sleeping figure seeing how her head naturally rolled over onto Yujin's shoulder. Both girls are sleeping peacefully together. She smiled, pulling out her phone and taking a picture of them both. "You guys are lucky that I posted the fandom name right before Ivy mentioned something in the interview." Beakhyun spoke with his eyes glued to the road in front of him.

Baekhyun has been their manager from the very beginning. He's seen their ups and downs, he's never once given up on them. He not only is their manager but their close friend. Something they see as an older brother and family. He always finds ways to compliment and encourage them. He's turning thirty pretty soon making them way older than all the girls. He's always made sure to take care of them. He would always bring them water, coffee, food, snacks and go beyond to offer up his jacket whenever they were cold. When their popularity as a group started to slowly rise up people thought of him as a creep. Mostly because he was older than all of them and was always around them. No one ever thought he was the manager. That was until Leah spoke up in the matter, hating how much hate he was getting for no reason. He meant a lot to the group and they would do anything for him, just like they know he would do anything for them. "I don't think it was her intention to slip up. If anything I think we're all trying to get used to not being under pressure or having countless hours of endless sleep for the competition." She looked away from the girls. She reached over to the cup holders grabbing her drink. She took a sip, her eyes focused on the bright night lights.

They ended up dropping off Yujin and Ivy before he dropped off Leah. "How have you been?" He asked out of the blue turning down a street. They were getting closer to her apartment. Her soft smile faded away as she thought about the question. Normally she didn't have to think about it but she knew why he was asking. He always made sure to check in with her, she always tended to keep things to herself. She dealt with pressure and stress a lot more differently than the other girls. He could always see it through her eyes even without her saying anything. "I'm okay, I think. It's just weird. I haven't felt this happy before and I feel.. I feel like I don't deserve it." Tears started to form in her eyes. She was always allowed to be herself around him. He too had gone through many difficult times. Leah had allowed him to lean his head against her shoulder. Both of them comforted each other and hid the pain from the other members. Beakhyun stopped at a red light, he turned to glance at the younger girl seeing the hesitation in her voice.

"I don't think it's that. I think you've lived such a struggling lonely life for years that now.. It's hard for you to accept that you have people who love and care for you. I know the feeling of being in the oblivious mist of how to feel. Let me tell you Leah, this is a good thing. Be happy and enjoy it, you better than anyone else knows you deserve it." Leah nodded her head with a smile on her face. She patted his shoulder thanking him for always being there for her. The sole reason they got along better than anyone else is because Baekhyun too had been diagnosed with depression when he was younger. Unlike her, he had to battle it all alone. He had no one to be there and lift up his spirit meanwhile Leah had her girls and him.

Making her way inside her apartment, her warm feet stepped over the cold floor. She threw her purse on the couch feeling quite exhausted. It wasn't that late at night but her day had been incredibly busy today. She fell onto her soft cozy couch, her mind wondering about her conversation with Howl earlier today. He has always seemed to threaten her with her weaknesses. She really wished she didn't have any weaknesses but it was common for everyone to have them. It's not like she could get rid of them easily, plus she can't erase the past at all. If anything she can only learn from it and become a better person. She let out a heavy sight letting his words echo through her mind. "Like your mother said, you and your kind are all sinners. You disgust every human being with just your mere existence." Tears formed in her eyes just thinking of what he said to her. He wasn't entirely wrong, there were people who wouldn't accept who she was or her sexuality. What he said or thought about her didn't matter. It's the fact he went really low to even mention her mother. Someone who she really loved so dearly and would do anything for. A tear rolled down her face remembering seeing her at the final. She didn't stay long because before they announced the winner she had left. Her eyes searched for her amongst the audience and there was no sign of her.

The tired girl threw her head back blinking away her tears and stopping herself from crying. She took a deep breath in trying to calm herself down. Her phone dinged in her purse making her rummage through it. She pulled her phone out seeing a message from Bada who told her she would be staying over with Tatter. She had too much to drink tonight and she wanted to take care of her. That was her last straw for the day. Tears started to roll down her face uncontrollably. She had tried so hard to stop Howl's words from running her day but she couldn't help it. Hearing him repeat the same words her mother told her couldn't stop running through her mind. She tried hard to keep a smile on her face and stay positive but when the world keeps reminding you. That not even your mothers loves or accepts you, it takes a toll on you. The thing that sucked the most is her mother is the closest thing she has to her grandfather.


The tall handsome girl sat in her living room along with Lusher, Tatter and Minah. She had lied to Leah that the girls had gotten too drunk and she was staying over to take care of them. She's never really lied to her girlfriend unless it included a surprise but after hearing Minah and Tatter whispering to one another during practice. It caused her ear to perk up and listen to their conversation hearing something about Leah and Howl. "Start from the beginning, what do you mean you saw Howl and Moonie talking?" The blonde girl let out a small sigh. She knew she shouldn't have said anything until after practice. She wanted to talk to Leah about it first before mentioning anything to Bada. The thing that sucked the most is Tatter is loyal to both girls and didn't want to screw them over in any way. She let out a sigh, her eyes staring down at her lap unsure if she should just come clean. Minah glanced her way with an awkward smile not liking the position they were both in. Lusher and Bada both stared at them like hawks wanting to hear what they were talking about earlier. "Okay, Leah unnie agreed to pick us up from Just Jerk Academy earlier. She had sent us a message that she would wait outside and for us not to rush with class. When we finished class we made sure to clean up everything and grab our things. When we made our way towards the front door I was about to dial unnie's number to see where she was."

Bada nodded her head telling her to keep going. She wanted to know what was happening because even the look across the younger girl's face is alarming to her. "I dropped my phone by accident by the door. Both of us naturally bent down to pick up but as I lifted my gaze up I spotted unnie Leah and oppa Howl talking. I quickly grabbed Tatter's hand, stopping her from walking out the door." Minah spoke as she leaned her body closer to Tatter. Lusher's eyes flickered to the older girl who leaned forwards her elbows on her knees as she stared at both girls. She held a straight face not wanting to show any reaction or emotions to what they were saying. Bada licked her lips interwinding her hands in front of her as she listened to them intensely. "I carefully opened the door not trying to cause any attention as we quietly made our way behind a wall. We listened to the conversation without their permission. I.. I couldn't help myself. The way that Leah unnie was looking at Howl showed so much anger and hate."

"No one is stopping you from chasing Bada, Howl. If you want to continue chasing her, by all means go for it, after all I'm in it for the long run. I'm thrilled to see what you have planned but don't expect her to come running back to you." Leah crossed her arms over her chest keeping a distance between them two. She hated when people invaded her personal space. He pinched the bridge of his nose in anger, not liking the way the girl was talking to him. She wasn't being rude at all, if anything she was talking to him with respect. She made sure to be formal with him especially because they didn't know each other. "Oh, I'll have fun because she will be mine once again."

As Tatter explained that she and Minah couldn't help but glance at each other. Both of them being extremely confused with the matter. They remembered Bada and Howl coming into some sort of agreement that they would only talk to each other regarding work. Apart from that she didn't want anything to do with him. "I pulled my phone out thinking I was taking a picture but in reality I accidentally recorded the whole thing." She pulled her phone out hesitating to play the video. Bada didn't hesitate to move closer to her, wanting her more than anything to hit play. Her eyes looked at Lusher who nodded her head. She pressed play on the video as the girls gathered closer to her.

"There you go again. Talking about her like she's an object. That's what I despite about guys like you, always controlling and referring to their significant others as objects. She's a person! She gets to choose who she wants to be with and how to live her life, not you." She screamed the last part with her chest hating how always spoke about Bada in such a terrible way. He always mentioned her as an object, he could easily toss to the trash and somehow get back. Her brows deeply furrowed as she took another step closer to him. She made sure to get all up on his face not being afraid of him at all. She might have been scared of him years ago but not now. Now everything has changed and she wasn't the same little scared fragile little girl. "And what makes you think you're any better. Like your mother said, you and your kind are all sinners. You disgust every human being with just your mere existence." Her right had turned into a fist as she grinded her teeth together. Her nose twitched as she felt her body fuming in anger the longer she started at him.

"I'll only warn you once, Howl. Keep your hands off my girlfriend, unless it has to do with work. I don't think you realize that I'm not the same scared little girl you dealt with eleven years ago. And who says I can't just tell her everything? What would she say when she finds out the actual truth of why I left?" Howl's eyes widen in fear knowing what she's talking about. He gulped feeling his throat starting to dry up, for once he felt scared. He was scared of the actual truth being told to Bada. Someone he loves and cares about dearly. His first love that he would do anything for. The tall male chuckled, a s he reached over to grab her hand. He pulled her closer, noticing the group of teens waking their way. He made sure to lean closer into her ear only for her to hear what he's about to say.

The tall girl reaches over grabbing the phone out of Tatter's hold. She brought it closer to her eye sight seeing how he whispered something into her ear. She could only see half of his face but his smirk didn't go unseen by her. Lusher furrowed her brows deeper as she moved closer to Bada getting a better view of them two.

Her nose twitched in anger, she wasn't surprised at all that he knew. If you dig deeper enough into her life the ongoing case would eventually pop out. Although it's being privatized and her manager is taking care of the matter, people have heard the rumors about it. What he didn't expect is to see the corner of her mouth twitch upside into a smile. She moved towards his ear as the groups of teenagers walked past them. She offered him a tight smile, placing her hand on his chest. She shoved him back once the group of teens left the scene.

Bada bit her lower lip in frustration not being able to hear anything being said between them. They were whispering to one another. From what she could tell they weren't good things because of the faces they were making to one another. She had never seen Leah act in such a way before, she came off as more intimidating than before. Her eyes are darker than their normal usual color. The video ended there because of Tatter, she proceeded to call her. Minah actually recorded the next part while Tatter was trying to get a hold of her. Their eyes shifted to Minah's phone watching her play the video.

"Go ahead. We're done anyways." He nudged for her to answer the call. He turned around walking away from her heading towards the front door. Leah ran her fingers through her short hair as she watched him leave. She bit her lower lip holding onto her phone tightly. The inner part of her hand turned white the longer she applied pressure onto it. Taking in a sharp inhale, the veins on her neck popped out. She let out an exhale allowing herself to keep her composure. "Howl!" She called out his name watching him stop on his tracks. He hesitated to turn around to look at her one last time. Shoving his hands into his front pockets he placed a foot behind him. He turned around his eyes, staring down at his phone in his hand. He was receiving a call from his sister who he hasn't seen in years. He lifted his gaze up landing on the brunette girl. "You're right about that saying, it's actually one of my favorites. It sounds better in Spanish though, Ojo por ojo, diente por diente y pariente por parient." She winked at him, answering the phone call. She pressed her phone against her ear as she made her way to her car.

Bada let out a small sigh, her brows deeply furrowed in confusion. Now she was more confused than ever. It didn't make sense to her why Howl would approach her girlfriend in such a way. She had made it pretty clear to him what they were from the very beginning. "I asked Ivy unnie, what it meant as she responded saying... 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a relative for a relative.' She said it's commonly used by Mexican cartels." The older girl slowly nodded her head unsure of what to think. Her mind went blank and she had no idea what was happening. She stood up from her seat running her fingers through her hair in frustration. She had never once seen both of them interact with one another, not even when they were teens. They would just say hello and that's about it. The three girls watched how she paced back and forth, trying to make senses of things. She had heard the cartel saying because of one of Leah's novelas. She loved watching Mexican novelas because they were interesting and dramatic. And two they made her feel closer to her culture. "So there is some word connection between them?" Lusher spoke as she stood up from her seat. She headed into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. Tatter knew about Leah's past and her abuse regarding Yoon Ah. She never told Bada because it wasn't her business to tell but Howl. That was something new even to her.

She also didn't understand the connection between either. She bit her lower thinking of anyone who might know more. "What if we ask Ivy unnie? Or Soo Ah? Those two are our best bet." Minah spoke up, her eyes glance between Bada and Lusher. Bada's brown eyes widen in realization, she's right. They are the only two that have known Leah the longest. Ivy and Leah met right after Cupcake had broken up. "You're right, the only problem would be if they're willing to talk." The tall girl responded as she placed her hands on each side of her hips.

Leah stood up from the couch whipping her tears away. She wasn't going to allow herself to cry over those stupid words. She took a deep breath in, making her way into her bedroom. She reach into her bedside drawer pulling out the medication. Her eyes lingering over the words 'Antidepressants.' She usually took them whenever her Depression or Anxiety came back stronger than the last. Although she's aware her anxiety is starting to creep back in she decided on not taking the pills. She shoved them back into the draw slamming it shut. She's been doing so well without them and she sure as hell didn't need them. She made her way into her bathroom to get ready for the night.

-Ahhhh this story will only continue to get more interesting. Lol, also so sorry for not updating My Demon. I've been coming up with many ideas for this story I had to put the other one on pause for a hot minute but I will continue to write it slowly. Any thoughts of what happened between Howl and Leah??? I hope you had or have a great day! -Luv L

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