everybody's watching her, but...

Od JayClayton2

472K 11.1K 894

After a viral TikTok of Leah Williamson's Smash or Pass game on a radio show, the England captain has taken i... Více

insta intros
The Viral Interview
Interview with British Vogue
Got your number
I dont wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips
I can see you up against the wall with me
Feed her to the Lions
Wembley N1
A Supercut of Us
Past Mistakes, Periods & Parties
The Calm before the Storm
Start Spreading the News
North London Forever
Social Media Snippets
Seeing Red
Damage, controlled.
The Lovefest part 1
The Lovefest part 2
Distance & Doting
Jealousy, Jealousy.
A Christmas Carnage
Seven day Baecation
A House of Hijinks
The Party
Social Media Snippets pt. 2
Forever is in the Details part 1
Forever is in the Details part 2
Wish You Were Here
The Knock-on Effect
How to Steal The Show
That's Amore
Prepare For Arrival: Part 1
Prepare For Arrival: Part 2

It's All About You

9.8K 301 28
Od JayClayton2

I'm lost in a naughty dream when I'm roused by a warm sensation between my legs. As I slowly open my sleepy eyes, my mind takes a moment to register what's going on in between my thighs. A wave of hot breath teases my skin, igniting a thrill that courses down my spine. It suddenly clicks - Leah is indulging me with a surprise.

My heart races as I feel her lips and tongue exploring me, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I struggle to contain my moans, still in the in between of sleep as my body becomes more alert.

I was exhilarated by the unexpected wake-up call. Still naked and pliant from the night before, I surrender myself to her lips and tongue. She grips my thighs and I lose myself in the moment, I feel her touch and the intensity of her desire for me. Her mouth works wonders, her tongue flicks expertly in various ways that quickly drive me to desperation.

As I reach the peak of pleasure, I can't help but let out a sharp gasp. She looks up at me with a smirk, her eyes filled with desire.

I come undone quickly after that, gripping the sheets beneath me as I moan out her name, and she gently coaxes me as I come down from my high.

"Happy Birthday, my pretty girl." She has the audacity to smirk as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Did you sleep well?" She teases as she comes back up the bed to lay beside me. She props her head up on her hand whilst she trails her other up my stomach and along my chest.

My birthday. Right.

My thoughts are a jumbled mess as I attempt to regain my composure, my breath hitches from the delightful onslaught. "I—well, yes," I finally sputter out with a smirk. "Waking up definitely got an upgrade today. Thanks for that."

"It's all about you today!" She declares with a proud smile, leaning in to plant a swift kiss on my lips. "And I must say, Miss Styles... you're looking very good for 29."

"Could you kindly pass on the message to that Twitter account claiming I peaked at 23?" I banter with a wink.

We exchange soft, loving smiles with each other.

"Oh, Happy Valentine's Day!" I blurt out, finally connecting the dots as my brain power catches up, while my body is still reveling in the aftermath of my orgasm. I notice her start to frown, so I swiftly place a finger on her lips. "Before you protest, love, these occasions can totally coexist—been proving it for twenty-nine fabulous years."

I giggle at her playful pout, but my attempt to protest is swiftly dismissed as she pushes my finger aside. With a mischievous tilt of her head, she gazes at me in a way that, had I not already been lying on my back with my legs spread, would have certainly put me in that position.

"And how many times do I have to remind you? Today is all about you." She counters with a flirtatious grin. "Whatever Valentine's Day surprise you have up your sleeve can definitely wait until tomorrow."

"Who said I got you anything?" I flirt with a teasing grin as she playfully scoffs.

"Knowing you, you at least got me lingerie." Well, shit. "Oh my god, am I right?"

"Nooooo?" I drawl out, attempting to play it cool and keep a straight face, but her radiant smile gives me away. "Besides, isn't today supposed to be all about me? At least, that's what you said, isn't it?"

Her laughter fills the room, a sweet, high-pitched giggle that makes my heart flutter and reminds me why I fell in love with her so quickly again and again.

It always hits me how absolutely smitten I am with her. She's like a beautiful contradiction - fiery yet delicate, with a heart that overflows with love for everyone and everything. I can't help but picture a future where I get to call her my wife and share all the adventures life throws our way. She isn't just my love; she's my favourite kind of chaos, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Before I could profess my adoration for her, she playfully slaps my thigh. "Right!" She commands with a twinkle in her eye. "Go get showered and ready, then meet me downstairs in twenty minutes. Breakfast will be served."

"Oh, so bossy." I tease, playfully turning onto my side to reach for her hips. "What if I want you for breakfast instead?" I say in a low voice, burying my head in the crook of her neck and placing soft kisses there.

"That's a tempting offer." She breathes out and I can feel her pulse racing under my lips. "Think you're going to prefer what's coming though."

"Is anything better than having you?" I say smoothly and smirk against her neck. "Cus' I don't think so."

"Not even a famous Dolly's breakfast bagel?" She teases playfully.

I freeze for a moment, then gasp and pull away from her neck, looking into her adoring eyes with mock horror. "You're kidding, right? Please don't wind me up like that."

She giggles. "I'm serious!" She lightly pushes my chin up, closing my open-mouthed shock. "I promise. They'll be delivering it at nine thirty."

A beaming smile breaks out on my face. "How did you do that!? The owner retired two years ago!"

"I have my ways." She says with a mischievous smile, making it hard for me to resist proposing on the spot. "And let's be real, you've been praising that bagel like it's royalty since day one. I think it might just be your one true love."

"Well, there's always room for two in my heart." I reply with a wink.

"Smooth as ever." She quips back, her eyes sparkling with affection.


Liked by izzystyles, bethmead_ and others
leahwilliamsonn: 🎉🎈✨ Happy Birthday to the love of my life, @izzystyles! Every day with you is a celebration of laughter, love, and endless joy. You are the kindest soul I know, and being with you feels like coming home to my heart's truest place. Here's to you, my soulmate, my partner-in-crime, and my forever source of happiness. 🤍

izzystyles: I love you so much 🥺❤️
bethmead_: LC can't believe you stole what was going to be MY caption! 😂😂 @izzystyles happy bday bestie 😘
katie_mccabe11: 📸 Caught being soppy LW! Happy birthday to the missus 🥳🎉
mayajama: you twooooo 😩❤️

usera: This is so beautiful 😩 I wish my love life was as lit as theirs
userb: you two are such a power couple! Love seeing the love and support you have for each other 🥰
userc: this love story is giving me LIFE
userd: HOW can you upload something so sweet and not put a ring on it 😩😩😩😩😩
usere: 🥰🥰😘 thanks mum for dropping unseens of our other mum
userf: our girl is soooo in love
userg: god... I've seen what you've done for others 😔
izzyleahupdates: Izzy is definitely your soulmate, Leah. You can see the love and happiness in your eyes. Wishing you both all the best 💕


After donning my red jacket and slipping in my gold hoop earrings, I step back to admire my outfit. Leah lets out a low wolf whistle, causing me to giggle. As we wait for her family to arrive, I feel a deep sense of love knowing they want to celebrate my birthday with us. Despite Leah not playing in the game tonight, I'm oddly excited to spend the evening at the match in Dartford, no matter how unglamorous it may seem. She hints at having plans to drive us somewhere afterward, which only adds to the anticipation.

"I know you told me not to worry, but I'm really upset about tonight." She exclaims. "I had these amazing, romantic plans for us, and it got thrown completely off track."

"Sweetheart," I say gently, "It's not your fault the match got rescheduled. Everything will be okay, I promise."

"But it's your birthday." She says with a hint of sadness, and my heart swells at her words. "I wish I could spend every moment of the day with you." She sighs with an adorable pout. "It's frustrating that I'm just being rested on the bench as well."

"Stop frowning," I playfully tease, trying to brighten her mood. "You're so sexy when you do it, it's making me want to jump your bones. But I can't, because your family will be here in—" I dramatically check my vintage Gucci watch, a gift from Leah, who smiles at the gesture. "Five minutes."

"Okay, I'll try to relax." She concedes. "But only because you said I look sexy when I frown." She quips, playing along with the joke. "And because I can't resist you either."

I chuckle and feel a surge of affection for her playful spirit. "You're such a tease!" I say with a smile and reach out to pull her into my arms.

"Ah, after the match I'll need you for a few hours. Once we're done with that—." She tilts her head at me with a flicker of lust in her eyes. "—Then you can have your wicked way with me." She says with a demanding finality. I know that tone of voice and absolutely love it.


As I slip into the stands incognito, my deep red leather coat caught the light and immediately gave me away. It seemed like every Arsenal fan within a five-mile radius suddenly recognised me. Instead of blending in, I found myself surrounded by eager fans asking for selfies and autographs. I couldn't help but oblige, flashing my signature smile and doing various awkward thumbs up and peace signs. Who knew trying to be inconspicuous at a football match would turn into a mini meet and greet of its own?

As the fans gathered around me, snapping selfies and asking for autographs, a few voices started singing, "Happy Birthday!" I couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected serenade, feeling grateful for their warm wishes and the joyous atmosphere surrounding me. It was a birthday celebration I hadn't anticipated, but one that filled my heart with happiness and appreciation for the supportive fans.

Leah catches my eye from her warm-up on the pitch and blows me kisses, a sweet gesture that warms my heart. The fans around us notice the exchange and quickly pull out their phones to capture the moment, recording videos of the affectionate display between us.

I find myself stuck at the back of the small stand with Leah's family, eagerly awaiting kick-off, when a pint-sized powerhouse of cuteness, no older than three, waddles over to me. With a rose in hand, she shyly wishes me a happy Valentine's Day and birthday, throwing me off guard in the best possible way.

"What's your name?" I ask, bending down to the shy little girl's height with a warm smile. She looks up at me with big eyes, her face lights up as she tells me her name, Ellie. I gladly accept the rose she hands me, feeling touched by her gesture. "It's nice to meet you Ellie." I say with a grin, delighted by her innocence and excitement. As her mother looks on in shock, I give her a reassuring smile before turning back to Ellie. "Would you like a picture?" I offer, knowing how much it would mean to her. Seeing her nod eagerly, I wrap my arm around her little waist and lift her up into my arms, earning the sweetest excited giggle as we pose for a photo. I take my time speaking to her about her favourite animals and hobbies and her mother thanks me profusely.

As the first half kicks off, I feel a little embarrassed by the attention I'm receiving. Fans' eyes whip back to me as I stand and try to watch the game, and I can't help but feel self-conscious. Despite being a public figure, moments like these can still make me feel a bit uncomfortable. I try to focus on the match, but the glances and whispers from the crowd make it hard to fully enjoy the game. I remind myself that this comes with the territory of being in the spotlight and try to embrace the attention with grace, but there are times when I just want to blend in and be a regular fan like everyone else, especially when it comes to Leah's job.

"You alright love?" Leah's grandma asks, noticing my discomfort.

I offer her a grateful smile and nod, appreciating her concern. "Just getting used to all the attention. It's quite small here, so I feel a little boxed in." I reply with a small laugh, hoping to lighten the mood.

She nods understandingly, her kind eyes showing empathy. "It's cold out tonight, I don't know about you but I could use a hot drink." She says, a glint in her eyes. "Fancy keeping me company at half-time? There's a nice late-night cafe around the corner."

I notice a genuine warmth in her invitation and appreciate the opportunity to step away from the attention for a while.

I nod gratefully, touched by her kindness. "That sounds lovely, thank you." I reply with a smile.

Just before half-time, we slip out and make our way to the cafe together, I feel a sense of relief when we walk the near empty streets towards it, her arm linked in mine as she takes my mind off any anxieties with all her little stories.

The drink at half-time ends up becoming another as we sit and chatter, to the point where we miss the first few minutes of the second half. Feeling a bit panicked about missing part of the game, I bring it up, but she just looks at me with a knowing smile.

"You seem a lot more relaxed now. It must be tough for you, having everyone swarm you like that." She says, her eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. "No one knows who you are here. Look — it's full of old, washed up biddies!" She says with a cackle. "And I can say that because I am one!"

"Nah, you're the hottest one here by a mile." I fire back with a grin as we clink mugs together. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"You mean the world to Leah." She begins warmly, her affection for her granddaughter shines through her eyes. "So you mean the world to me." She adds sincerely. "I may not be able to fill your Nan's shoes, but I hope to offer you the love she shared."

Her heartfelt words bring tears to my eyes, touched by the kindness and understanding she extends. "Happy birthday, love." She says and wraps me in a comforting hug.


Leah arrives later to pick us up from outside the cafe, leaning against her car with a radiant smile, clearly pleased with the bond between her favourite ladies. After we drop off her Grandma at her parked spot and ensure her safe return to the family, she starts the engine and turns to me with a playful grin. "Feeling hungry?"

"Ravenous." I say flirtatiously. "What other tricks have you got up your sleeve, Miss Williamson?"

"You'll see," she says slyly, a mischievous smirk dancing on her lips. "Did you enjoy your cafe date?"

"Of course I did!" I reply with a signature smile. "We scored an invite to bingo next week from the women at the table next to us." I add with a grin, sniggering at the memory of their over-the-top enthusiasm.

She smirks as she asks, "So, are you planning on going or are you letting them down gently?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm not sure yet. One of them was quite intense - she kept grabbing my cheeks and telling me I had a lovely face."

"She's not wrong. Looks like I have some competition." She jokes in response. "I swear, we can't take you anywhere. You always have someone falling for you."

"Well, they should know by now that I'm head over heels for you." I tease, making her beam at the sentiment. "A lot of your fans were asking me what we had planned for Valentine's Day."

"Ah, what did you tell them?" She asks with a smile. "We heard the gasp of the crowd when you walked in. I proudly announced to the team, 'That must be my lady.'"

"Such a charmer." I say with a smirk, admiring her focused expression as she drives, her striking bone structure illuminated by the light. She's truly stunning. "Anyway," I continue, clearing my throat to refocus. "I told your fans it's a secret. I can't exactly announce that I plan on railing you into next week, can I?"

"Okay, that's definitely got my attention." She says with a teasing smile. "But we're here now, so can you contain yourself for a few hours?" She quips as she pulls her car in to park on the side of the road.

I glance around, my curiosity piqued. There are only a few bars and the occasional takeaway place. I crane my neck and spot a Nando's. Hold on.

"Baby." I start in a hushed tone, "Did you make a reservation for us at Nando's?" She answers me with the biggest grin. Realising the attention I attracted earlier, panic sets in. "I love the idea, but maybe we should just get takeout. We'll be swarmed if we go in."

"We won't be swarmed." She says confidently, giving my thigh a gentle rub. "I arranged to have the whole place to ourselves. It's technically closed to the public right now." I gape at her, then a huge grin spreads across my face. "I had initially planned a fancy private dinner in Mayfair, but the plans changed due to the game so I had to cancel." She says with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, and I have to resist the urge to pull her into a passionate kiss. "I know how much you love it here. You can finally enjoy your refillables in peace." She concludes with a loving smile.


As I walk into Nando's with Leah's hand in mine, we're greeted by the sight of the entire restaurant empty. I can't help but laugh in delight as I realise she's gone all out to make this evening unforgettable.

The staff, in on the surprise, greet us with knowing smiles and lead us to our table, tucked away in a cosy corner. Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she hands me a menu, knowing full well that I always order the same thing. But tonight, she's taken care of everything, ensuring that my favourite dishes are already on their way.

As we feast on delicious chicken and share stories and laughter, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and thoughtfulness that she has poured into this evening, despite her original plans being scarpered by the match reschedule.

The way she looks at me, the way she makes me laugh until tears stream down my face, it's clear that this night is not just about celebrating my birthday, but about celebrating us.

As the evening draws to a close, she surprises me with a cake adorned with sparklers, and the staff erupts into applause. In that moment, I know that I am the luckiest woman in the world to have her by my side.

We express gratitude to the staff as we depart, leaving a generous tip and happily posing for a photo with everyone. Their respect and kindness towards us are truly appreciated.

We walk hand in hand back to her car, I feel a flutter of excitement in my chest as she tells me she has one more surprise in store for me. My intrigue sparked, I shoot her a playful grin, wondering what other tricks she has up her sleeve.

"Here, put this on." She says with a grin as she reaches into the back seat and passes me a black hoody and sunglasses.

"Are we going to rob a bank?" I say through laughter but do as I'm told. "Honestly, what gets better than your girlfriend hiring out an entire Nando's? I'm afraid you've peaked too soon."

"Well, you once told me one of the worst things about fame was you couldn't go to Nando's anymore." She says so thoughtfully, and I'm so in awe with how she remembers every detail of our conversations. "You remember the other thing?"

"A trip to big Tesco?" I say hopefully, unable to contain my laughter at how something so simple is bringing me so much happiness.

With a smirk that suggests she's keeping the biggest secret in the world, she nods in agreement with my words. "A trip to big Tesco."


Leah and I duck into Tesco, determined to satisfy our snack cravings incognito. With our sunglasses perched low on our noses and our hoodies pulled up, we looked more like undercover agents on a mission than a famous singer and footballer couple.

Navigating the aisles with the finesse of seasoned spies, we giggle like schoolgirls as we try to blend in with the late-night shoppers, throwing in some stealthy maneuvers to avoid being recognised. Our laughter echoes through the otherwise quiet store, drawing curious glances from the few other patrons who were lucky enough to witness our impromptu spy thriller.

As we snuck furtive glances at each other over the chocolate aisle, I couldn't help but marvel at how even a trip to Tesco could turn into a high-stakes adventure in the company of her. And as we made our daring escape with our illicit haul of snacks, I knew that even the most glamorous red carpet event couldn't hold a candle to the joy of sharing a laugh and a late-night snack run with the woman I loved.


We finally got home and I couldn't contain my excitement. I quickly ushered her to the en-suite, insisting that we get showered and ready for bed separately. I expertly led her away from the surprise I had waiting for her in the living room. Downstairs, I was all set and ready, eagerly waiting for her to discover the surprise.

I heard her calling out for me upstairs. "In the living room!" I call back, my veins practically buzzing with anticipation. She deserves this, especially after all the doting she had done to me today.

She walks in with a mischievous grin on her face, but that grin quickly turns into uncontrollable laughter when she sees me lying seductively on the chaise lounge by the fireplace with a rose between my teeth. Her eyes then dart to the multiple bouquets of roses and candles scattered around the room, and finally to the fort that's been set up.

Despite all Leah's master planning throughout the day, I had managed to arrange with my manager, Jenny, to have everything set up while we were out. The look of surprise and delight on her face made all the sneaking around worth it.

"You did all this for me?" She asks with adoration in her voice as she stalks over to me and plucks the rose out of my mouth. I purse my lips together and she leans down for a kiss. "I love you, baby." She says lowly between kisses, her words send a shiver down my spine.

"I have some tricks up my own sleeve, you know." I tease back as she helps me to my feet. Her eyes dart down to the silk robe I'm wearing, with some of my lace lingerie peeking out.

Her eyes widen with surprise and a playful smirk forms on her lips. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" She says, her voice filled with amusement.

I grin mischievously and step closer to her, letting the robe fall open slightly to reveal more of the lace underneath. "Just a little surprise for my favourite Valentine." I say and wink at her.

Her eyes sparkle with desire as she pulls me closer, her hands trail along the edges of the lace. "I think I like where this night is going." She whispers, her voice husky with anticipation.

"Come with me." I say as I take her hand and lead her to the fort. It was cosy and big enough for a double bed inside. At the side, there were strawberries and melted chocolate that we had purchased on our Tesco trip earlier.

Her eyes flash with lust as she lay back on the bed, she pulls the hem of her old Nike t-shirt down nervously. "I feel a little underdressed. You look like a goddess in red lace." She says with a hint of shyness in her voice.

I giggle and kneel beside her as I brush a strand of hair away from her face. "You look perfect, just the way you are." I whisper and plant a soft kiss on her lips. "But if it makes you feel more comfortable, I can help you with that." With a playful grin, I reach for the hem of her shirt.

She sits up and lets me take her shirt off, leaving her bare underneath. My eyes were glued to her body, admiring how perfectly toned and beautiful she was. I couldn't help but feel a rush of desire as I encouraged her to lie back on the bed.

"Wow, you are absolutely stunning." I whisper, my voice filled with admiration. I gently push her back, watching as she settles onto the soft sheets of the bed, her skin glowing in the soft light of the room.

She looks up at me with a mixture of love and desire in her eyes, her hand reaches out to trace my jawline. "And you, my love, are the most amazing gift I could ever ask for." She says softly, her words wrap around my heart like a warm embrace.

With a surge of emotion, I lean down to capture her lips in a kiss, lost in the moment of pure love and connection between us.

Our bodies press close together, the heat between us grows with each passing moment. I can feel her desire matching my own as her hands wander over my body, igniting a fire within me.

I deepen the kiss, my tongue traces her lips before slipping into her mouth, tasting her. Her moans become more urgent, driving me to explore her further, as my hands move lower to tease her thighs.

I give her a smirk as I begin to trail my way down her body and slip my fingers under the waistband of her pants. She lifts her hips slightly, allowing me to pull them down a bit. With a wink, I lean down and take them in between my teeth and drag them slowly down her legs.

She maintains that intense eye contact as I toss her pants aside and spread her open by her knees. I lean down and place a soft kiss against her clit, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. Her hips lift up in search of more, but I playfully tut and make my way back up her body.

"Patience, baby." I whisper seductively as my hands trail over her breasts. She squirms and moans in desperation, exactly how I want her.

"Don't tease me." She pleads. "I need you so bad."

"You've been such a good girl today." I confess and place a soft kiss on her lips. With a playful nip, I add, "I'm going to take care of you tonight. Just what you deserve."

I can feel her heartbeat quicken beneath my touch, her body arches towards mine in silent plea for more. I oblige as my fingers find their way to the heat between her legs, feeling her wetness as she gasps in pleasure.

Our kiss becomes more urgent, more desperate, as I tease my fingers around her entrance and up to her clit.  Her moans fill the room as I trail kisses along her neck, expertly finding all the spots that drive her wild.

"You're so wet." I murmur between kisses, my voice low and husky with desire. "I could just slide three fingers inside you right now."

She gasps at my words and I feel her nod eagerly. "Please." She whispers sharply, her voice husky with need. Something about the desperation in her voice makes me waste no time, as I slide my fingers into her slick heat, I feel her walls clench around me as I move inside her. Her moans grow louder as her hips rock against my hand.

I maintain a ruthless pace, but I also take pleasure in teasing her when I feel she's getting too close, drawing out the anticipation as I occasionally pull my fingers out, I smirk against her neck as she begs me to keeping fucking her.

After a while, I can sense she's really close. I pull away from my onslaught of kisses on her neck and chest and abruptly stop my movements to pull out of her completely. I feel her shudder beneath me as she whines in frustration. Moving quickly down to settle between her legs, I give her no time to brace herself as I wrap my mouth around her clit and begin to suck while my fingers thrust inside her, curling in just the right spot.

She's loud as her orgasm hits, unashamedly expressing her pleasure. I feel myself throb in response, I can't resist as I reach into my lace underwear and touch myself with desperation. I catch up easily with her ongoing high, and reach my own climax. She grips my hair firmly as she thrusts her hips against my mouth, riding out every part of her orgasm as I continue to pleasure her. Eventually, she stills and settles back into the pillows beneath her, going completely slack. I trail light kisses along her thigh and with my hand wipe the remnants of her arousal from my mouth and chin.

Breathing heavily, she eventually looks down at me, and we both grin before we burst out laughing.

"Wow." she sighs dreamily.

"Wow." I echo her sentiment and lightly tap the underside of her thigh. "Don't relax too much, I'm far from done with you."Her head whips up, a look of disbelief mixed with desire in her eyes.

She's never been one to back down from a challenge.


After she's made me blow out every single candle, insisting she can barely move after the whirlwind of activity I put her through, we finally snuggle up in each other's arms.

I press a tender kiss to her lips and bury my head in the crook of her neck as she sighs contentedly and wraps her arms around me.

"Oi, you," she says playfully, giving me a gentle nudge. "I love you."

I smile and hum against her. "I love you too." I reply. "Thanks for making me feel so special today, all the little things you did were so thoughtful."

"Anything for my girl." she whispers, her voice filled with love and warmth.

A/N: 30 chapters baby! As I've said before, I have the initial plan of how this story will go, but anything you guys would like to potentially see (if it fits right with my narrative) please let me know and I'll see what I can do 😎 Again, thanks for all your votes and comments, I really do love writing this book! 💖

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