Adam Goldberg x Reader- Last...

By KarinaDeSousa235

362 9 2

Y/n and Adam are partnered up for a school assignment when she starts falling in love with him she remembers... More

Chapter 1- Alone
Chapter 2- I Go Crazy
Chapter 3- Shadows Of The Night
Chapter 4- Waiting For a Girl Like You
Chapter 5- Faithfully
Chapter 6- Send Me An Angel
Chapter 7- Tougher Than The Rest

Chapter 8- Last Christmas

47 1 0
By KarinaDeSousa235

"You lied?" Y/n announced as she slightly pulled away from Adam nervously, "What do you mean you lied?"

As soon as Adam said it he knew that he couldn't take it back. At that moment he understood that what he was about to say would potentially ruin everything that he had with Y/n. "Y/n I didn't think that I would like you," he started, "and spending time with you made me realize how much fun you are, and how-"

"Adam," Y/n wanted him to make his point already, "just tell me."

"The day you were at my house, I didn't want to kiss you," he finally said.

"I understand Adam," Y/n reassured "It's okay, you just got out of a relationship."

"Y/n I was still dating Jackie at the time!" Adam declared openly. He felt as though he was ready to burst open. "I lied about breaking up with her at the time because I had already had feelings for you."

Y/n slowly slipped away from Adam's arms, it was a feeling that he hated.

"You were stretching out the project just so I could come to your house?" Y/n asked looking up at him in disbelief.

"Yes," Adam replied hoping that it would brighten up the situation.

"You were just trying to get me alone in your house?" Y/n uttered frowning. "You were just trying to make a pass at me?"

"No, it's not like that!" Adam declared as he tried to reach out for Y/n only causing her to pull away.

"You're just like Johnathan," Y/n muttered, "you never really cared about me you just wanted me for my-"

"No Y/n it's not like that at all," Adam tried his best to explain. "Listen, I felt terrible about even being around you while with Jackie, I couldn't kiss you or be with you-"

"Ya, because you were dating someone," Y/n shook her head in disbelief. "I just wanna go home," she said turning around in anguished, "Where's my coat?"

"Y/n, I broke up with Jackie to be with you," Adam announced following her through the crowd of dancing couples.

"I broke up a relationship?!" Y/n spun around to face Adam, "I didn't want to be that person."

"You're not you did nothing wrong," Adam said grabbing her hand, "Y/n I'm so sorry-"

"I gotta go, Adam," Y/n said pulling her hand away, "I just want to go home." The night had felt ruined in Y/n's eyes, she had been harassed and lied to. "I wanna go home Adam, please let me go home."

Adam slowly let go of Y/n hand in despair. He didn't want her to leave, he thought telling her would make him feel better but it only made the situation worse. And with that, she left Adam alone feeling terrible on the dance floor.

Adam didn't know whether or not he should go after her, he didn't know where else he could turn to.

"Um?" A voice spoke up while tapping him on the shoulder, "What just happened?"

"Maggie!" Adam said relieved, "Maggie I need to talk to you, something happened."

"Okay," Maggie spoke softly as she pulled him aside, "tell me everything."


It had been three days into winter break and locked herself in her room, she took the liberty of unplugging her phone from the wall so no one could bother her. She just needed a break from everything and everyone, especially Adam.


Y/n's head spun around to see a snowball hitting her window, she quickly got up from her bed to see who was behind the commotion.

"Maggie?!" Y/n called out as she opened her window.

"I've been calling you like crazy," her best friend called out, "look could you just open the door." Y/n and Maggie retreated to her room, where the girls confided with each other. Maggie went on to explain after what I just told her at the dance how everything was just a complete misunderstanding, and how truly awful he felt about bending the truth.

"Listen Y/n," Maggie out as she took her friend's hand while sitting on her bed, "I know that Adam wasn't completely honest but-"

"It's not just that Maggie," Y/n let out as she looked at her lap. "It's not just about what Adam did, the way that I felt. I mean, I didn't want to be somebody to break up a relationship ever."

"You didn't break anything," Maggie told truthfully, " Adam was telling me how much he wanted to break it off with Jackie even before he liked you." Y/n looked up at her friend not knowing what to say. "You should talk to him before the break ends," Maggie voiced her opinion.

"You mean like, see him?" Y/n asked wide-eyed.

"Or call, Ya," Maggie giggled.

"I should see him," Y/n announced as she got up and rummaged through her closet for something to wear.

"Right now?" Maggie asked from the bed.

"Yes!" Y/n said as she took her clothes to the bathroom.

"Y/n today is Christmas Eve," Maggie reminded as she followed Y/n to her bathroom.

"All the more reason to go," Y/n said looking back at her friend.

With a Little Help from Maggie, Y/n got ready to see Adam for the first time since the dance. It wasn't much of a walk from her house to his but the entire time she couldn't stop thinking of what she should say. Y/n didn't mean to be dramatic about the situation and hoped that Adam would want to talk to her, let alone see her face. That's what she was dreading the most; what if Adam wanted nothing to do with her anymore?

There Y/n was, at the steps of Adam's front door. She slowly raised her fist and knocked lightly three times on the door, praying that no one would answer. She waited for a little while not wanting to knock again, turning on her heels she began to walk down the steps that was until the door opened.

"Y/n?" Adam called out to her from the front door.

"I- eh," Y/n stuttered, "I just wanted to"

"I'm so sorry Y/n," Adam said as he closed the door behind him and met Y/n on the steps of his front door with only a t-shirt on. "I've been trying to call you but your line's been busy."

"Eh ya," Y/n muttered as she recalled unplugging her phone.

"If I could do it all over again and do it the right way I would," he let out wanting nothing more than to be with Y/n, "I never wanted you to feel like you were somewhere you didn't belong."

Y/n looked up at Adam to find someone who was Sincere and apologetic, she hadn't met somebody like that in a long time. " I'm sorry for saying that you were like Jonathan," Y/n apologized as she looked up at the curly-haired boy.

"It's okay," Adam smiled down at her, "I know you didn't mean it."

"And I want to be with you," Y/n blurted out. Adam looked down at Y/n with complete admiration in his eyes. Not waiting for Adam to make his move Y/n lightly grabbed the back of his neck and planted a sweet kiss on his lips making his eyes widen.

"Would you like to come inside?" Adam asked shyly, "Only if you want, I mean my mother will be there and my father and there might be some questions and it's Christmas Eve and-"

"I would love to," Y/n blushed as she grabbed Adam's hand, and with that, the couple was treated from the cold into the warm home.

Thank you so much for reading the story I appreciate it very much.💕

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