The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

52.2K 1K 180

The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation


622 13 4
By mmultixaep0

Two months have passed since Mount Weather. A recap of what's been happening is that Jaycee has been learning some more Trigedasleng with Lincoln and Octavia.

Jaycee and Bellamy never told them or anyone else about Nova because Jaycee wanted to protect her.

There were still others who didn't like grounders and didn't trust them, and she didn't want to put Nova in any danger.

Jaycee was between working with Raven and Wick and training with Octavia and Lincoln.

Jaycee did talk with Jasper a couple of days after her discharge with Abby. It didn't go so well. Jasper was upset because of Maya. Jaycee would try and be there for her brother but he would simply push her away saying she didn't know what it felt like to lose someone she loved.

But that's not true. She did lose someone she loved. She lost her mother, Jaycee knew it wasn't the same as losing your soulmate but it was almost similar.

After that, they didn't speak to each other. Jaycee would try but he would still be stubborn and not talk to anyone.

She and Monty were still close. There was a time when Jaycee stayed in Monty's room so they could talk about what they should do about Jasper. Jaycee knew that Jasper was getting worse. But she truly did want to help him.

He was her only family left.


With Nova

Nova would always go out to meet Jaycee and Bellamy, she grew very fond of Jaycee but Bellamy was a different story.

She was on her way back when someone had pulled her aside.

It was a much older woman. Maybe 20 years old.
"Wer yu don Yu been sneak ig off seintaim?!" (Where have you been sneaking off to?!) the girl asked Nova.

Nova looked up at the girl.

"os hunting, ban op Ai alone." (Just hunting, leave me alone) the smaller grounder said.

The older grounder didn't buy her story. "sha? Yu didm't cacto en Yu al ways cacto sumting. Tel Ai tru th!" (Yeah? You didn't catch anything, you always catch something! Tell me the truth!)

Nova knew she was caught too she ended up telling the older grounder everything about what she'd been doing and who she had been meeting.


It was the next morning after Bellamy got hit by a pine cone.

Jaycee had been living with Bellamy for over a month now. Bellamy insisted since they were always together at night and Jaycee leaving in the morning was always annoying for the both of them.

So she moved in. Everyone now knew about the two of them, some questioned it, others thought it was sweet, some thought Jaycee was too good for Bellamy but she shrugged it off since she really did love Bellamy.

The alarm went off at 7 in the morning and Jaycee groaned. She tried to hit the snooze button but it didn't work. She then grabbed her shoe that was near her and threw it at the clock. It worked. It shut off.

"You know we have to get up regardless right?" Bellamy said as he lay next to her

"I need 5 more minutes..." Jaycee mumbled, still having her eyes closed

Bellamy looked at her and smiled fondly

"Cmon, we have jobs to do" Bellamy then got up to change

"No. Being an adult is hard work. I need rest" Jaycee said still not moving

Bellamy put on his shirt walked up to Jaycee and kneeled

"Cmon. You don't want Kane on your ass for not being on your shift do you?" Bellamy smirked

Jaycee finally opened her eyes and she was not happy.

"Now there's those eyes I love" Bellamy smiled and kissed her head

"Cmon, we gotta go," Bell said

Again Jaycee groaned and got up, she changed into black cargo pants, and a grey t-shirt that belonged to Bellamy, she then put her guard jacket on and then out on her boots. She put her hair in a bun.

"Ugh, I hate being tired..." Jaycee mumbled

Bellamy laughed "I mean you were the one who stayed up late," Jaycee looked up at him.

"Not true, your snoring kept me up all night," Jaycee said as she opened their door and walked out.

Bellamy scoffed. "I do not snore" Jaycee walked away to her post and said, "Yes you do!"


Jaycee was on post for about 2 hours. Yeah, a long time.

After her shift was up, it was now Jaycee and Bellamy's time to go out into the forest and see Nova.

They both walked into Kane's office once again to ask.

Bellamy was the one to knock this time. They heard a "come in"

Kane looked at both of them.

"Let me guess, permission to go out?"

Jaycee gasped then smiled "How did you know?" She said sarcastically

"I guess you can say I can see the future" Kane smiled

"Do you see the future of my brother getting better?" Jaycee mumbled only for Bellamy to hear.

"So can we sir?" Bellamy asked

Kane was looking at a map as he reasoned "Permission granted,"

Jaycee smiled

"Ms. Jordan, I would like to speak to you alone after you and Mr Blake come back okay?" Kane said

"Yes sir" Jaycee nodded and then the two adults left the chancellor's office

"Man. I hate being in trouble for something I possibly did" Jaycee said with a straight face

Bellamy looked down at the girl and laughed as he put an arm around her shoulder


Jaycee and Bellamy always met Nova at a certain location, at the same time every time.

but when she was late, they got worried. They waited almost over an hour. They knew they had to head back so they left the rations and were going to go back to camp.

Then Jaycee heard someone say her name. She turned around to see Nova with a slightly older woman

"Nova?" Jaycee asked

Bellamy looked at the two grounders, not knowing who this older woman was so he took out of gun and pointed it at the older woman.

The older girl had short Black hair, her eyes were a light brown color.

The older girl then pulled out her bow and arrow and pointed it to Bellamy, "Woah! Woah! Stop!" Jaycee said as she guided her hand to Bellamy's gun to put it down. Jaycee looked at Bellamy "Calm down, alright." Bellamy looked at the two and put his gun down

"Jaycee. This is my sister, she means no harm." Nova spoke in English

Jaycee turned around, shocked that she could even speak English. She thought she could only speak trigedasleng.

"What. the. fuck?" Bellamy said out loud.

"Nova... since when the hell could you speak English?" Jaycee asked a little upset.

"For a long time now," she said hesitantly

"Why did you lie?" Jaycee asked sadly

"Because at first I was afraid. When I first met you. I was afraid of telling you. I wanted to get to know you first." Nova said

Jaycee was lost for words.

"I know I lied, and for that, I am truly sorry. I was sneaking around meeting you without telling my sister, she wanted to speak to you," Jaycee looked at the older girl

"My name is Lily Kom Trikru" Lily the older grounder said.

"My sister said that you have been meeting with her for almost two months now, feeding her and such. Keeping her company" Lily said

Jaycee nodded her head.

"I thank you, she also said you helped her when the missile launched on our village, and again, I wish to thank you," Lily said

"Of course, she needed help, so I helped her" Jaycee responded

Nova walked up the Jaycee "I really am sorry, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness for lying to you, and you were trying so hard to get to know me in my language." Nova looked down

Bellamy was still shocked. Nova spoke English?! It was very crazy right now.

Jaycee kneeled on one knee "I'm not upset with you kid, I just wish that you would have told me sooner so I didn't have to embarrass myself trying to speak trigedasleng with you." Jaycee smiled

Nova laughed slightly "Yeah, your pronunciation is terrible" Lily looked at the two and smiled

"Hey at least my pronunciation is better than bell over here," Jaycee said

They all laughed.

"I'm getting better," Bellamy said

Nova looked at Jaycee and hugged the girl for the first time ever since they met.

"Thank you for not being upset" Nova spoke into jaycees ear as she hugged her

"Yeah, no problem kiddo" Jaycee hugged back and smiled.

She then looked up at Lily.

"So, you guys know Lincoln then?"  Bellamy asked

"Yes," Lily said.

"Well you guys are more than welcome to come back with us to see him," Jaycee said

Nova looked up at her older sister and smiled "No, maybe another time, thank you" Lily said

Nova looked down and frowned

"Let us know tomorrow if you change your mind" Bellamy said.

"You're still going to meet with me?" Nova asked Bellamy "Of course kid, I mean you are my favorite person" Bellamy smiled

"Hey!" Jaycee said as she smacked Bellamy on the arm

"Okay okay," Bellamy laughed

"Cya tomorrow kid," Bellamy said

They then walked away from each other.


It was almost dark out now, Bellamy went to their room and Jaycee went to go talk to Kane.

She knocked on the door and heard a "come in"

"You needed to speak with me chancellor sir?" Jaycee smiled

"Yes, I did. Have a seat" Kane pointed

"Oh, gods. What did I do now?" Jaycee asked

Kane smiled "Nothing, I just wanted to speak with you."

Jaycee nodded and looked confused "What about?"

Kane sighed "How's your leg?" Jaycee looked down up at Kane

"It's fine Kane. I've healed" Jaycee said

"You still have the limp?" Kane asked

Jaycee sighed "Yeah..."

Kane nodded his head

"Kane, what is this about?" Jay asked

"Abby went through your charts again. She said that extracting too much bone marrow from a person could lead to various complications. It's crucial to follow established medical procedures and guidelines to ensure your safety for you" Kane said

"So? What does that mean? I mean I feel fine" Jaycee said.

"Taking too much bone marrow can lead to complications such as excessive bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues," Kane said hesitantly

"So, I need to take it easy?" Jaycee asked

Kane nodded "Abby wants to double-check, you have an appointment with her tomorrow morning, I've already assigned someone else for your shift," Kane said

"Okay, taking it easy is not my specialty" Jaycee sighed

"Yes, I know, but we need to make sure that whatever is going on, doesn't get worse," Kane said as he looked at Jaycee

"So much for getting better. I don't understand, I've been fine, I have had no symptoms." Jaycee said

"Abby said it could be later symptoms, you had the most bone marrow taken out of you, she just wants you to be safe," Kane said

Jaycee nodded her head "Yeah, okay, is that all?" Jaycee asked.

Kane nodded his head


After Jaycee's conversation with Kane, she started thinking, she was angry and that she needed to take it easy. She didn't want to take it easy. She wasn't going to tell anyone about it, she didn't care if she had symptoms.

Jaycee got back to her room and flopped on the bed. Not saying anything to Bellamy.

"You okay?" He asked

"Just peachy," Jaycee said in a muffled way as her head was against a pillow

"Want to talk about what Kane said?" Bellamy asked

Jaycee sat up, she thought about telling Bellamy but then she knew that he wouldn't let her do anything.

"He just said what a good job I'm doing and how much I've come along since we've landed"

"That's good, I'm proud of you" Bellamy smiled

Jaycee felt bad for lying but she did it because she didn't want to seem pathetic and weak.

She just didn't want to cause any problems. She then lay down and Bellamy smiled at her and kissed her forehead then they fell asleep.


It was the next morning and Jaycee got up bright and early to go see Abby, Jaycee left a note for Bellamy saying she was going to speak to Abby about something.

She got dressed, she was wearing black pants, and a grey tank top. She then did her hair in a ponytail and walked into the Medical room.

As soon as Jaycee walked in she was greeted by Jackson, "Hey, ready for your checkup with Abby?" Jackson asked Jaycee.

"Yep, I just want to get this over with already," Jaycee smiled.

Jackson nodded his head and led Jaycee to where Abby was.

"Ms. Jordan, hello," Abby smiled.

"Hey, Doc," Jaycee smiled lightly

"I know you're nervous, but I wanted to do some more testing just in case there is any tissue damage or anything worse as Marcus said." Abby looked at her

"Yeah, okay," Jaycee agreed.

It had been 30 minutes, and Abby just finished the tests she did on Jaycee, "Okay, I have good news and some bad news,"

"Lay it on my doc," Jaycee said nervously

"The good news is that your lab results came back and you are healthy so far, but..." Abby paused for a second

"But what?" Jaycee asked.

Abby sighed, "But you have something called Aplastic anemia. It is a disease in which the body fails to produce blood cells in sufficient numbers. All types of blood cells are affected including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow by stem cells that reside there. Thus their production is affected. It is more common in teens and the elderly," Abby paused then continued, "Your body can produce bone marrow, but once it is taken, somehow your body can no longer produce it,"

"What does that exactly mean?" Jaycee asked. "I mean, all I need is rest and I'm good right?"

"The recovery time after being diagnosed with aplastic anemia varies based on individual factors and the severity of the condition. Treatment may include blood transfusions or immunosuppressive therapy, Some patients may achieve remission within months, while others may take several months to a year or more. Regular monitoring and follow-up with medical professionals are essential to assess progress and adjust treatment as needed," Abby said to the girl.

Jaycee started getting worried, she didn't want to die, she was just finally starting to feel normal.

"If you have any symptoms like Rapid or irregular beating of the heart, Headaches, Shortness of breath, Dizziness, Cold feeling in the hands and feet, or any Nausea, you need to come see me, okay? I need you to not push yourself because this disorder can get worse, do you understand?" Abby told her.

Jaycee nodded, "Yeah, thanks Abby," Jaycee was going to walk out but she stopped and turned around, "Can we not mention this to anyone yet? I want to be the one to tell people if they ask, but I'm not ready," Jaycee asked Abby.

"Of course," Abby smiled sadly at the girl.

Jaycee then walked out of the room, wondering what she should do. She didn't need anyone knowing she was sick, that was the last thing she needed.

Jaycee took a deep breath and walked into the training room with Lincoln and Octavia.

"Hey Jaycee, what's up?" Octavia asked out of breath.

"I need to let out some steam, I need a partner," Jaycee said.

"Everything alright?" Lincoln asked.

Jaycee looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, just being a mechanic is hard and sometimes I need a break when Wick and Raven get on my nerves," Jaycee smiled.

"Okay, I'll be your sparring partner," Octavia smiled, "But I'm not taking it easy on you,"

"Good," Jaycee said.

They then both got ready to fight, Octavia was the first one to throw a punch. Jaycee immediately blocked it, she then punched Octavia in the stomach and the Blake girl took a step back and coughed

Jaycee smirked.

Octavia then ran at Jaycee and she ended up tackling her to the ground, Jaycee tried to break free, eventually, she did and she was not sitting on top of Octavia, they started to wrestle.

After a minute they both ended up getting off each other. Octavia then put her fist up, she then walked closely to Jaycee, and punched her in the gut, Jaycee groaned and fell on her knees.

She started coughing, and she stood back up, she put her fist in front of her, Octavia went towards her and tried to swing at her but Jaycee blocked it. Octavia tried once more then Jaycee had the opportunity to grab Octavia by the arm and twist it behind her back. Octavia then groaned in pain as she tapped out.

"Ha, I win," Jaycee smiled

"I let you win," Octavia told her,

"No, you didn't, I know when you try and don't try, you lose to her," Lincoln said to Octavia.

Jaycee laughed slightly, "Even your boyfriend agreed with me,"

Octavia glared at Lincoln, "Fine," She then looked at Jaycee, "You beat me fair in square, I guess training with me and Lincoln really paid off," Octavia smiled at her friend.

"Yeah, I guess it did," Jaycee smiled.

"Wanna run it again?" she asked Octavia.

"Sure, why not," Octavia smiled.

Octavia and Jaycee circled each other, their movements fluid and controlled. The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared for their sparring match. They both wore padded gear, a testament to their respect for each other's skills.

Octavia, quick strikes, initiated the first move. She lunged forward with a lightning-fast jab, but Jaycee effortlessly deflected the attack with a well-timed block. The sound of their protective gear meeting echoed in the open space.

As they continued their dance, Jaycee weaved in and out, attempting to exploit openings in Jaycee's defenses. Jay, however, maintained her composure, parrying Octavia's strikes and responding with calculated counterattacks. The rhythm of their sparring matched the tempo of their breaths, creating a synchronized cadence.

Octavia executed a series of high kicks, testing Jay's agility. She gracefully ducked and weaved, avoiding each kick with a practiced ease. Octavia then transitioned into a spinning back kick, aiming for Jaycee's midsection, but she sidestepped and countered with a swift elbow strike to his shoulder.

The sparring session evolved into a display of strategy and adaptability. Jaycee and Octavia seamlessly switched between offense and defense, their bodies moving in harmony. Each strike, block, and evasion showcased their understanding of the martial art they practiced.

Lincoln observed as the two sparred with precision. The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of camaraderie and competition, as Octavia and Jay pushed each other to their limits.

As the spar reached its climax, Jaycee attempted a sweeping leg kick, aiming to unbalance Octavia. She anticipated the move, however, and countered with a swift sweep of her own. Jaycee found herself on the mat, Octavia landed with one final blow and punched Jaycee.

Jaycee stayed on the mat, looking at the ceiling

"Yeah! I won this time my friend," Octavia gloated and Lincoln smiled at her.

He then looked behind his girlfriend and noticed Jay was on the floor "She okay?" Lincoln asked.

Octavia was confused and then turned around, she saw Jay lying on the floor, it took her a minute then Jaycee sat up and started to breathe heavily, she couldn't catch her breath, so she moved her hands moved her hair back then placed them on her neck.

She couldn't control it. 

Octavia panicked and kneeled next to her as did Lincoln.

"Woah, woah, breathe Jay, what's wrong?" Octavia asked with a panicked voice.

Jaycee looked at her then Lincoln, she didn't want anyone seeing her like this so she immediately got up, took off her gear, grabbed her water and towel, and walked out of the training room.

Lincoln and Octavia just stayed there, not knowing what they should do.

Jaycee was long gone, she still couldn't breathe.

As Jaycee hurried up the hallways, her breaths became shallow and labored. The weight of a sudden tightness in her chest gripped her, making each inhalation a struggle. Anxiety gnawed at the edges of her consciousness as she reached the top landing.

Leaning against the wall, Jaycee tried to calm her racing heart. The air felt thin as if it refused to fill her lungs completely. She closed her eyes, attempting to steady her breathing, but the shortness of breath persisted. Panic set in, a cold realization that her body wasn't cooperating as it should.

A concerned person, noticing Jaycee's distress, approached with a supportive hand on her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" they asked, genuine worry etched on their face.

Jaycee nodded weakly, unable to form words, she didn't know who it was yet because her eyes were closed. Then at that moment, the world seemed to close in around her, and she focused on the simple act of breathing. The attempt to draw in the air felt like an uphill battle, and her chest felt constricted.

As the person guided her to the floor so she wouldn't fall, Jaycee tried to regulate her breathing, inhaling slowly and exhaling through pursed lips. The fear of the unknown lingered in her eyes, but the supportive presence offered a small comfort.

Minutes passed like an eternity, and gradually, Jaycee's breaths became deeper and more regular. The tightness in her chest slowly released its grip. Concerned murmurs and the distant sounds of an office continued around her, but she focused on the gradual return to normalcy, grateful for the steadying rhythm of her breaths.

The episode passed, leaving Jaycee shaken but determined to understand the cause. The shortness of breath lingered as a reminder of the delicate balance within her own body, urging her to prioritize self-care and seek the answers she needed.

"Hey, are you okay?" The voice sounded familiar.

Jaycee nodded and finally looked up and saw that it was Monty.

"Hey, what was that about?" Monty asked with a worried tone of voice.

"It was nothing," Jaycee lied. She looked down then back up to Monty, "Um, I was sparring with Octavia and I guess I lost my breath." Jaycee told her best friend.

"Are you sure you're okay? Want me to get Abby?" Monty asked.

"No," Jaycee shut that Idea down fast, she didn't need Abby to place her on bed rest because of her condition.

"Um, sorry, no thank you- Um, I'm good, I just need to lie down for a little," Jaycee told Monty.

Monty looked at her, "Here I'll take you to your room," Jaycee nodded

With the help of Monty, she stood up and started walking, Monty grabbed Jaycee by her waist and put her arms on over his shoulders.

After a couple of minutes, Monty opened her door, and they walked in, he then sat Jaycee on the bed, "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Monty asked.

Jaycee smiled at her best friend, angry at herself for lying to him. "Yeah, I'm sure, thanks Monty," Monty smiled at the girl and stood up, "Let me know if you need anything or change your mind about talking," Monty said as he opened the door.

"Okay," Jaycee said then the door shut.

Jaycee looked around, she felt super dizzy but didn't think much of it.

She felt terrible for lying to the people she loved, she wanted to tell them, but she didn't want them being overprotective or worrying about her every single time they saw her, she didn't want her friends and family to see her as a sick person.

So she took off her shoes and laid down on her bed, instantly falling asleep.


So, the sickness that Jaycee has, it's a real thing, I looked it up and did my research.

it's a real thing that has to do with too much of a bone marrow extraction.

Anyway, what will happen when they find out? Will they get mad, will they be supportive and help her out?

What will they do?!

Thanks for over 7k reads btw love you all!

(Word count 4043)

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