
By Caleb_Brosme

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Nathan Bryce is the next alpha in line, his pack has lived in River Valley for generations. Caleb Brosme is a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Author's Note

Chapter L

323 13 1
By Caleb_Brosme

- Nathan -

            After a very, emphasize very, needed cold shower, I finally managed to get some self-control again. While Caleb was downstairs talking to Mary, I dried myself and changed into my clothes as fast as possible. I didn't want to risk him entering and seducing me. I don't think I have the self-control to deal with that a second time. Looking at the clock I read 23:45, which means that the ceremony is about to take place. We should probably get going. I rush down the stairs and to the kitchen only to be taken aback by a man I've never seen before. They are all standing at a different edge of the kitchen, their eyes drift to me. I think I might've interrupted something important.

- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. – I say, turning around.

- No, it's okay. Stay. – Caleb says. He extends his hand and I take it, feeling his nerves through the mate bond. – I should introduce you guys. Nate, this is my father, Allan. Dad, this is my mate, Nathan. – he speaks uncomfortably.

My Goddess, I didn't suspect a thing. I guess the session earlier is still clouding my judgment. Looking attentively at the man I start to notice the similarities. They have the same raven hair and nose; they are about the same height and completion. Although he does look way older than I thought we would, with wrinkles on his forehead and underneath his eyes. The older man has brownish-green eyes and a paler skin tone than my mate. Realization hits me, this is Caleb's dad, and they are angry at each other. Shit, what do I do? How do I say?

- I-It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. – I stutter extending my hand shakily, the nerves getting the better of me for a second.

The older man smiles widely, exhaling happily as if my gesture amused him. I start to feel a bit insecure about my actions since he's not shaking my hand. Instead, he walks up to me and hugs me tightly. My head snaps around to my mate, he simply smiles and nods slightly. I chuckle and hug back. We separate after a while, and he is beaming a smile back at me. I'm just glad he doesn't hate me.

- The pleasure is all mine. – he speaks politely. – I'm so glad my son found a mate as brave and strong as you. – he says from the bottom of his heart.

- Thank you, sir. – I say, a little embarrassed frankly.

- Oh, please. You are family, call me Allan. – he says joyfully. Well, he's a cheery one, wonder why Caleb came out all moody and quiet.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hate to break the bonding moment right here, but it's almost midnight, we gotta go. – Jamie calls just outside the kitchen with Josh and Ally by her side.

- Callie! –

Off went the little girl, rushing towards her brother like usual. I just can't help but picture her biting the shit out of Maya. Just picturing me makes me want to laugh. Josh walked to his father who carried him with ease. Okay, so, Ally is obsessed with Cal, Josh loves his father, which means that Jamie and Mary must be close. I think I might start figuring this family out.

- We should get going. – Mary agrees.

We head outside, the chilling wind of midnight brushing against my skin. It's a cold night, with the moon shining brightly on the sky, delighting us with all her glory. This is certainly not how I pictured my first full moon next to Caleb would be. Well, to be honest, earlier in the shower was more like it, but I didn't know how to manage it. I glance at my mate, dressed in a black shirt and a lighter tone of black jeans. He's carrying Ally on his shoulders; the little girl looks so happy. My Goddess is that man perfect.

It takes us about ten more minutes to arrive at the place. It's on the outside border opposite River Valley, next to the river. The whole pack has gathered around, and you can feel the heavy atmosphere in the air. There's so much sorrow and pain, that it's hard to push all the feelings away. I try my best not to succumb to the pain, but it's certainly a challenge. I turn to face Caleb and his family. At some point, he let down Ally, who is now walking by his side. Her bright smile disappeared, taking a more serious look. I inspect all of them, but they don't look as affected or, maybe, they are just better at hiding it. Many gazes turn to me as we pass by, I'm not sure how to feel about it. It's hard to know what they are feeling with so many emotions through the pack link and I don't understand what they are saying either. My nerves started to spike, maybe it was a mistake to come. It's a very intimate tradition and I feel like an outsider. A warm hand grabs my own, making my head turn immediately.

- It's okay. – Cal's voice says lovingly. – I'm here. – he squeezes my hand reassuringly.

- Thanks. – I respond, feeling much better.

There's a bigger concentration of people the further we walk. I can't help but notice how diverse everyone looks. There are people of all colors and races, I don't think even River Valley has so much diversity despite being twice as big. I'm honestly taken aback. There is one thing in common, however... everyone is hurting right now. I don't need the pack link to tell, anyone could see it. Their faces are low, with sad eyes, and a huge feeling of dread in the air. It's heartbreaking and I admit I feel a little guilty. Eventually, we came to a stop. Everyone is standing in a crescent shape, with Alaric and Lawrence in the center.

- Thank you all for coming. – Alaric's voice sounds clear, even from so far away. – I know the last couple of days have been tough for us all. We lost many people... we lost loving and caring mothers, fathers, children... - his tone crumbles a little at the last words. - ... it is hard. They were taken from us... far too early. We are gathered here tonight to pay our respects, to honor our loved ones, but above all... we are here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. – the Alpha says.

I've only known Alaric for a few days. He's such an imponent and strong man... seeing him like this, so... vulnerable makes my stomach drop and there's a dreadful feeling growing in me making me want to cry. Looking around, a lot of people have already started crying, sobbing quietly in their places. It's so bizarre, the emotions are overwhelming. The more I focus on it, the more pain I share. Caleb's hand squeezes mine harder, bringing me some comfort.

- How are you holding? – he whispers, looking at me with concerned eyes.

- I'm okay. – I answer lowly, nodding. He simply smiles back at me and we look back at the center.

- What happened was a tragedy. I share your pain brothers, sisters... and I swear to you that I'll work my hardest to ensure that something like this shall never happen again. I swear it before the Moon Goddess. – his voice cracks a little. – It's true, we lost many loved ones, but we still have each other. So, tonight... let us mourn, let us lean against each other to cry... and more importantly, let's heal together like family... like a pack. – he speaks, the words hitting like a truck. – Lawrence... - he says, giving the word to the elder.

- Thank you so much for such kind words, Alpha. – he acknowledges politely. The elder sighs deeply before speaking. – The Moon Goddess is loving and caring; she watches over all her children every night. We owe her everything... thanks to her we are connected like a pack. - he pauses to breathe and calm himself. – She teaches that all life around us is sacred and we must love and cherish it. A life short-lived can be a life well lived... we can learn just as much from an old man's life as a newborn's. The Moon Goddess is fair and just; she grants us security, love, and energy to live our lives... but all energy is only borrowed and, eventually, we have to give it back. – He pauses again, thinking about his words. – Yes, losing someone is hard, especially when some were just children. - his voice remains stern. – But we must remember that they are now in a better place. The Moon Goddess holds all her children in her light and us... as her children... we must be grateful. We got to know and love them so much, even if the time wasn't enough. Let us pay our respects with a minute of silence. – he speaks.

The place fell quiet as everyone's head looked down. The only coming from the forest. The winds howled swiftly, and the nightlife came to life. The sound of cricketing could be heard from different areas and the occasional howl of the owls would echo in the forest. Sometimes, I could hear a light sob from a woman a couple of feet away. I look up to the Moon. I've never seen one this big and so close, its endearing light covers me like a soft blanket, filling me with energy. It's almost mystical, indescribable but standing here, under her glory... I just know that all this pain, all this sorrow it's just temporary; we will survive.

- I will continue by calling the names of all the diseased. – Lawrence spoke, breaking the silence. - Marcus Thorn, Andrea Lightwood, Oliver Fassi, Cora Wyle, Genene Jones, Nile Steel.... – he spoke slowly and clearly.

I recognize that name, it's the wolf who almost caught Maya and me the night of the challenge. I only took a glimpse at him that day, for fear of being discovered. He was so young, perhaps my age or a little older, but he looked so friendly. He smiled and greeted Maya with so much content. I can only wonder if maybe we could've saved him under other circumstances. What his life could've turned out? Maybe, we could've been friends? It doesn't matter now, he's dead. I feel my stomach revolt and I get a sensation of throwing up. I hold it in not to make a scene. I hold myself together as Lawrence goes through all 18 names.

- ... and Melissa Cox. - he finished, giving some seconds of silence. - May the Moon Goddess hold you in her loving light, and may you go in peace to her loving embrace knowing you will be missed, knowing you were loved and cherished, and that you lived a good life. We shall meet again one day, but until then, may you dance upon the stars with our brothers and sisters. We will look upon you from the far and remember all the moments we shared, and know for certain, that you will forever live in our hearts. – he finishes.

Well, that was unexpectedly moving. I've only ever been to one funeral in my entire life, and it wasn't even from the pack. Nadia's grandfather passed away about ten months ago from old age. A sad event, nonetheless, but the whole family was already expecting it, which made things a little more bearable. The ceremony took place in the morning, and I was expected to assist since we were dating. People said some words and many cried, but aside from that I didn't feel the overwhelming need to cry. This is nothing like that, you can literally feel the sorrow in the air. Even Caleb is suffering underneath, I can sense it from the mate bond.

A young woman with long brown hair walked towards the middle. She's probably the size of Nadia but certainly looks younger than all of us. She wiped some tears away and started singing with the most magical voice I've ever heard in my life.

" "

Would you know my name?

If I saw you in heaven,

Would it be the same?

If I saw you in heaven.

I must be string,

And carry on...

'Cause I know that you belong,

Here in heaven.

Would you hold my hand?

If I saw you in heaven.

Would you help me stand?

If I saw you in heaven.

I'll find my way,

Through night and day.

'Cause I know that you belong,

Here in heaven...

" "

Her voice was expressed so much love and sorrow that it gave me chills. I've never heard someone sing so beautifully from the bottom of their heart. It inspired others to sing along. Soon, everyone was singing with her, creating a delightful harmony in the forest. The aura of the place simply lifted, it was like I could feel their hands on my back, supporting me. This must be what the pack link feels like. Their love, their worry, their emotions... it's magical. The forest's echoes only add to the beauty of the moment.

" "

Time can bring you down.

Time can bend your knees.

Time can break your heart,

Having you begging, please.

Begging, please.

Beyond the door,

There's peace, I'm sure.

And I know there'll be no more,

Tears in heaven.

Would you know my name?

If I saw you in heaven.

Would it be the same?

If I saw you in heaven.

I must be strong,

And carry on...

'Cause I know that you belong,

Here in heaven.

" "

By the end of the song, a couple of tears managed to escape without me noticing. It wasn't until my mate wiped them away, gently caressing my cheeks that I saw I was crying... Caleb explained that rogues bury their lost ones beside a weeping cherry tree. A beautiful tree with branches falling as if weeping, carrying lovely rose petals. He told me about the fable of the cherry tree.

When the Moon Goddess created the first werewolves, she had forgotten to create mates for them. With no love in their lives, the wolves carried on attacking every living being in their paths. The rage went so far that battles were fought within the same pack. We almost killed ourselves. But then, almost on the verge of extinction, the Moon Goddess created the first mate. Their love was forbidden because they belonged to two rival packs. So, on the night of a full moon, the two lovers escaped in the middle of the night to run away. They were discovered and killed just before their hands could touch one last time. However, in the ground where they were buried, a huge weeping cherry tree grew. The beautiful rose petals the size of a human being started growing until they fell and from the ground, more werewolves were born, mates to all the werewolves. The origin of mates can be traced down to the giant weeping cherry tree. 'Till this day, it is believed that when a werewolf is born, a petal from a cherry tree falls, giving birth to its mate.

- Wow, that's beautiful. – I say, bewildered.

- It's just a fable. Even now, centuries past, no one has ever seen the giant weeping cherry tree, but I don't know... - he pauses, looking up to the moon. – I like to think it's true, you know? That there's this magical destiny tying you to someone from the moment that you are born. – he adds, making me smile from ear to ear. He looks at me and laughs a little. – What? – he chuckles.

- I just love what a hopeless romantic you are. – I say, nudging him playfully.

- Shut up. – he jokes. We stare into each other gaze for a while, just losing ourselves. – Either way. When someone dies, we bury their body next to a weeping cherry tree. Besides, whenever we come to visit our loved ones, it feels much easier to speak to a living thing than a piece of stone. – he explains.

- Yeah... I guess so. – I say. - What about their mate? – I wonder sadly.

- When they die, we bury them together to honor the first of mates. – he adds. – This place is one of the reasons we settle next to your old pack. – he adds.

- Well, I'm glad you did. Cause I got to meet my mate. – I say, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips.

- Come. – he says, grabbing my hand. – I'll present you with the pack. –

The remainder of the ceremony was pretty similar to a human funeral. Caleb spent most of the time introducing me to people. Despite the circumstances, almost every one showed great support for our relationship. They were delighted to have a second alpha in the pack and couldn't be happier for us. Others were still too troubled by the loss of their loved ones to show too much appreciation, which is completely understandable. It's hard to lose someone, I can only imagine what it feels like. Oh, right, I don't cause the pack links allow me to share their pain. I'm still getting used to the whole dynamics of it all, but I'm managing just fine.

- What time is it? – I ask Cal.

- About three in the morning, why? –

- Wow, time truly flies by. – I simply comment. – I wonder where's Maya and Luke. – I say.

To be honest, I just want to speak with someone I already know. So many introductions have left me a little tired. Speaking with them might help me stay awake for a while longer. Besides, it would be nice to meet their mother. I've been looking forward to meeting the woman who raised Maya Hemming, she must be quite a character.

- I don't know. – he responds. – I think I saw them with Nymeria by the edge of the river. Why, do you want to go find them? – he asks. Before I can speak a voice calls us from behind.

- Cal, Nate... – Mary's voice calls, Allan next to her both carrying a sleepy kid in their arms. – How are you doing darling? – she asks me.

- I'm fine, everything is very emotional, but I'm okay. – I admit honestly.

- Good. – she smiles happily. – I wanted to ask you a favor. – she said to both. – I know it's still early, but Josh and Ally are practically falling asleep, and we wanted to stay a bit longer with Mrs. Fassi since her husband died. Maybe you could take the kids home and put them to bed? If it's not too much trouble. – she adds.

- Yes, sure – I say immediately. I turn to Caleb who seems to agree.

- Where's Jamie? – he asks.

- Oh, she said she wanted to stay a little longer. One of her friends died and she's comforting their parents. – Mary responds.

- Oh, okay. We'll take them, then. – he says, taking Ally of Mary's hand. I did the same, as Allan passed Josh gently to me. – Tell Mrs. Fassi that we send our condolences, and we'll visit her soon. – Caleb speaks softly, careful not to wake the little girl in his arms.

- Of course. Good night, guys. – they say.

- Good night. – we respond, calling it a night. Then I remember, jeez, I have school tomorrow.


The song is called "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton. The song at the top it's a cover from Iris Noëlle. I changed a little the lyrics to better suit the story.

Btw, the next chapter will contain smut, I repeat, it WILL have smut. (I know, it took me long enough, but I just couldn't decide whether to include sexual scenes or not) Either way, if you don't want to read it you can just skip it, you won't miss any major plot event.

Hope you are enjoying the story :)

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