More Than a Dream (COUNTRYHUM...

By ineedtoeatpotatos

933 31 575


The Accident
Back to Normal
Little Sister
Unpleasant Memories
Just Your Average Monday
The Zoo
Sick Day
A Stumble Through the Memory Lane
Shattered Glass
Not Worth Crying Over
The Date
Tearful Greetings
Epilogue: More Than a Dream
Thank You!


38 1 37
By ineedtoeatpotatos

Written: January 21, 2024
CP, South Korea, Japan, and Okinawa were strolling through the woods, which had trees made of building blocks and rivers of glass shards. Okinawa got over her grudge on Japan and agreed to be her guide. Okinawa endlessly chattered on about how rivers are just inanimate snakes, while South walked alongside CP.

"CP?" South chirped. "Want to talk?" CP nodded. A smile tugged on South's lips. South Korea giddily quickened his pace, CP having to follow.

"What do you want to talk about?" CP asked.

"Well, I want to talk about North." South answered. "It's been a while since we had a friendly conversation." CP nodded in understanding. As they walked through the surreal landscape of building block trees and glass shard rivers, Okinawa's chatter filled the air, and an unexpected conversation unfolded between South Korea and CP.

"So, about North," South Korea began, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Remember the times when we didn't have to worry about you being a mix of countries?"

CP nodded, reflecting on the complexities of their current existence. The nostalgia mingled with the weight of their shared responsibilities. South Korea continued, "Do you think we'll ever get back to just being ourselves?"

CP pondered the question, the echoes of Russia's and North Korea's thoughts intertwining. The journey through the whimsical yet foreboding landscape became a backdrop for the intricate tapestry of their conversations and reflections.

"Maybe when we beat America." CP calmly answered. South Korea pursed his lips.

"Yeah, uhm, I for one, really can't wait!" South replied with an edge of anxiety. "I never thought I'd actually miss you, North." A soft chuckle escaped South.

"Likewise." CP replied. "When you died, I freaked out." He admitted. The admission hung in the air, a rare moment of vulnerability amidst the fantastical journey. South Korea's anxiety softened into a quiet understanding, a shared acknowledgment of the bonds that transcended their current amalgamated form.

As they continued their stroll through the surreal landscape, a sense of camaraderie blossomed, woven into the fabric of their collective consciousness. The whimsical surroundings mirrored the complexity of their relationships, offering glimpses of unity and discord, much like the landscape they aimed to reshape.

"Say, North—I mean, CP?" South blurted into the silence.

"Hm?" CP replied, waiting for South's answer.

"I know I don't say it a lot, but I love you."

CP's response was a quiet resonance in their shared thoughts, a moment of connection transcending the boundaries of individuality. "I love you too, South," echoed through the amalgamated consciousness, a sentiment woven into the intricate tapestry of their existence. In that fantastical realm, where nations merged and transformed, the threads of affection intertwined with the unpredictable dance of their collective fate.

Okinawa and Japan chatted in the background. Okinawa was wiping her forehead clean of debris, while Japan ran her hand over the area she stabbed. There was a tender, fleshy stop where she stabbed her sister.

"Oki..." Japan started but never continued. There was nothing to say about such an atrocity. Okinawa shrugged, visibly showing indifference to her condition. The desolate landscape bore witness to the silent exchange between Okinawa and Japan, their unspoken words echoing the complexities of sibling bonds and the scars left by unforgivable acts. In the midst of a world in flux, where international struggles manifested in surreal landscapes, the wounds of the past lingered as an echoing reminder of the choices that shaped their dynamics.

South and CP, well, North's conscious thoughts, had some heartfelt discussions about the twin life.

"What's it like being the favorite?" CP ventured. South hesitated. South's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, reminiscing about a life that once thrived with sibling rivalry and shared laughter.

"It's not as great as you might think," South admitted. "Sure, there were perks, but the expectations and constant comparisons could be suffocating. Always living in the shadow of someone else's approval."

"So, being like North, but to the people who expect great things from you." CP tried to process the answer South had given them. "Must be tough." Russia's consciousness within CP understood South, though she wasn't the favorite child. She was the oldest and was predisposed to high expectations.

"It's almost suffocating sometimes." South admitted. "I'm only majoring in engineering because Dad made me." He sighed. "Otherwise, I'd be a musician." The clinking of the shard glass river filled the silence as South and CP subconsciously held hands.

The symphony of glass shards beneath their feet accompanied their shared moment of vulnerability. CP, embodying the amalgamation of North and Russia, found a flicker of peace in South Korea's candid admission. Together, they navigated not just the surreal landscape but also the colorful complexities of sibling dynamics and the shared weight of familial expectations.

"That reminds me: Isn't Oki's birth name Ryukyu?" North interjected to the silence.

"Actually, it's Luchu, but you know how we get confused with L's and R's in this family." South corrected.

CP and South Korea continued their stroll through the whimsical landscape, the glass shards beneath their feet creating a melody that resonated with the fragments of their shared consciousness. As CP's voice interjected, the conversation meandered into the realm of names and familial intricacies.

"Ryukyu, Luchu, Oki—what's the story behind the names?" CP (Russia's side) inquired, curious about the nuances within their family tapestry.

South Korea chuckled. "Our naming conventions are a bit of a mess. Ryukyu is the old name for Okinawa, and Luchu is another pronunciation mix-up. But the real kicker is Oki's birth name—Luchu. It comes from the original Chinese inhabitants."

CP nodded, amused by the linguistic quirks that echoed through Korea's familial history. The glass river shimmered beside them as they continued their journey. South Korea's gaze shifted, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

"You know, names hold more weight than we realize. They carry our history, our identity," South mused. "But sometimes, they can also be a burden."

CP furrowed their brow, prompting South to elaborate. "Oki's name, Ryukyu, carries the weight of a complex history, a mix of tradition and conflict. It's a name that reflects not just her individual identity but also the collective struggles of her land."

As they walked, the glass trees cast intricate shadows on the path, playing with the dappled sunlight. The fusion of North and Russia within CP contemplated the profound significance of names, realizing that in the tapestry of their existence, each name bore the weight of a unique narrative.

South's expression turned introspective. "In the end, though, a name is just a label. It's the person behind it that truly matters. And, well, Oki might be Ryukyu, but she's still our sister."

CP nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in South's words. The glass shards beneath their feet seemed to echo the resonance of shared understanding as they continued their journey, the symphony of their footsteps blending with the whispers of their intertwined thoughts.

"We call her Okinawa because of Dad." South reminded. "Imperialism."

"Damn imperialists!" Both Russia and North's minds blurted. South Korea chuckled for a moment.

"I was right calling you Commie Paradise."

Japan and Okinawa joined South and CP at the clearing of the forest. There was a plague of stars and stripes in the scenery, choking the air with the pollution of the worst kind of imperialism of all: American Imperialism.

Okinawa held tightly to Japan, guiding her through the curses of blindness. An aura of profound sadness radiated from Japan, causing CP to look in her direction. In an attempt to cheer her up, they said.

"You know, Palestine once told me that true blindness is in the heart, not in eyesight." They offered Japan a half-smile, hoping she'd feel its essence.

"Isn't that from his holy book?" South inquired.

"Yeah, he said something similar." CP, embodying both North and Russia, nodded. "But it's a perspective worth considering, especially in our current state." The presence of American Imperialism in the surreal landscape cast a gloom over the atmosphere, a reminder of the challenges awaiting CP and their siblings.

Japan, guided by Okinawa, absorbed the words with a contemplative silence. The profound sadness enveloping her seemed to momentarily ease, as if the shared wisdom brought a glimmer of solace. CP continued, addressing Japan's internal struggle.

"Blindness of the heart, regardless of eyesight, is a universal challenge. We all carry our burdens and navigate our paths, trying to find meaning in a world that often feels chaotic." The echoes of Russia's and North's thoughts blended seamlessly in CP's words. "Together, we can overcome not just the physical obstacles but the intangible ones that change us for the worse."

As the group stood in the clearing, surrounded by the stars and stripes of American Imperialism, a sense of unity and determination permeated the air. The fusion of North and Russia, alongside South, Japan, and Okinawa, faced the challenges ahead with a shared purpose—to reshape the world and redefine their destinies.

China and Taiwan stood coldly by the horizon, awaiting orders from America. The siblings stared at their possessed cousins. The siblings, now fused as CP, approached the distant figures of China and Taiwan. The air crackled with tension as they faced their possessed cousins, unsure of the true nature of the orders awaiting them from America. The surreal landscape seemed to amplify the gravity of the moment, emphasizing the geopolitical stakes woven into their dangling fates.

CP's voice, carrying the echoes of North and Russia, resonated with authority. "China, Taiwan, we need you to break free from America's control. We're here to rescue you."

China's gaze remained fixed, a stoic facade concealing the internal struggle. Taiwan, standing beside, exhibited a mixture of defiance and uncertainty. The fusion of North and Russia, along with South, Japan, and Okinawa, stood united, ready to confront the complexities that unfolded in their world.

The landscape quivered with anticipation as the possessed cousins awaited instructions, and the echoes of Okinawa's voice, still hauntingly present, served as a reminder of the stakes involved in this cosmic dance of nations. The outcome of this encounter would undoubtedly shape the destiny of the intertwined hands of the countries and the collective consciousness embodied in CP.

"Fuck it!" Okinawa screeched, charging at her cousins.

"WHO TAUGHT OKI HOW TO SWEAR?" Japan boomed. Okinawa toppled Taiwan over, yanking off his glasses and throwing them aside. She pulled at Taiwan's fair and yelled unsavory words at him.

"WAKE UP!" She screamed, slapping the unresponsive Taiwan. Taiwan remained still, staring ahead. That's when Okinawa noticed that her cousin was just a stuffed doll. She screamed and ran to South, hugging him tightly.

"The hell?" South examined China and Taiwan's bodies. They were still, silent, and unresponsive.

"I see you found my puppets!" America's voice echoed from the edge of the forest. CP, South, Okinawa, and Japan turned to America's direction.

"I'm so glad I can't see that hideous face of yours." Japan hissed. CP and South stood by each other, staring at the star spangled entity. 

America pulled out a gun and shot CP. As soon as the bullet hit them, CP split into Russia and North Korea. Okinawa was mangling her cousins, hoping they would wake up. South pried Okinawa off and put her on his shoulders.

"Oki, calm down!" South exclaimed. North Korea and Russia stood up, regaining their sense of self and charged towards America. Russia shouted some unsavory words while North was focused on breaking America's neck. He kept seeing glitches, making it hard to concentrate. Russia thrusted her fist into America's face, causing blood to spill out of his mouth.

"Fuck you." America growled, throwing Russia off him. South Korea tossed Okinawa to Russia.

"Can you try calming her down?" He yelled as he ran into the typhoon of fists. Russia nodded and did everything she could to relieve Okinawa of her emotional rabies. Japan stood by a tree at the edge of the forest, fisting her organs back inside her body. She fell to her knees, her liver and digestive system falling out. She cried out in pain as the organs stained the forest floor with blood.

"Japan!" the other three called out in unison, watching Japan as she took her final breaths and slumped over. North Korea clawed at America's skin in blind rage, offering a distraction so South could deliver blows.

"It's not so bad to work together." South admitted, fixing his torn suit. America yanked South by the tie, suspending him in the air, choking. North tugged at America's hair, taking in a fistful and yanking as hard as he could. America dropped South, who ripped off his tie and threw it aside.

South kicked America in the shins, causing him to yell and fall backwards. North held America in a headlock for as long as he could while South threw punches like missiles. Before either twin could think, America kicked South will all his force, throwing him back. South clutched at his stomach, taking deep, ragged breaths.

America pulled out a gun. His thumb rubbed its sleek black surface while the other loaded it with a copper bullet. Russia covered Okinawa's eyes, who protested. Russia's grip remained firm as she watched the scene unfold. As soon as North realized what was about to happen, she released America's head and rushed to his brother.

"North, watch out!" Was the last thing North heard before feeling a prick in his side, which then felt like a punch, and finally, a searing, burning pain as blood soaked through his shirt. His breaths were barely sufficient, and his eye closed for a moment.

Moments later, he saw South's tearful eyes staring down at him. North couldn't say a word, but smiled the slightest bit as South took his hands. North's tunnel vision began to fade, South's voice echoing in his ears.

"No." South's voice quivered. "Please!"

North Korea slumped in South's arms.

"Wake up!"


Don't ask me how I know what being shot feels like. Ask my search history.

Also, I had a super weird dream:

My and my family were out on a walk, and when we came back we found out the Israeli government took our house and all the houses in our neighborhood and gave them to the Zionists. Apparently, our neighborhood was now a Holocaust memorial site. I was chilling and thinking "why the fuq is our neighborhood occupied by the Israeli government?" Then, my mom decided to clone my little brother because he was "too annoying and we needed to start over." Next thing you know, I'm co-parenting my newborn brother and drinking formula because we have no access to our house and two Jewish women with guns lived there. At one point, me and my classmate were chilling across what used to be my house and a thunderbolt struck the memorial. Engraved was a message saying that Israel would fall and the people of Palestine would be free. Me and my classmate along with my mom and the other people in my dream bowed down in joy, thanking God.

I hope this dream comes true (The last part, ofc)

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