More Than a Dream (COUNTRYHUM...

By hkiggifffjudjjdd

954 50 576


The Accident
Back to Normal
Little Sister
Unpleasant Memories
Just Your Average Monday
The Zoo
Sick Day
A Stumble Through the Memory Lane
Shattered Glass
Not Worth Crying Over
The Date
Tearful Greetings
Epilogue: More Than a Dream
Thank You!


37 2 20
By hkiggifffjudjjdd

Written: January 19, 2024


"Hello." South's voice was like another empty whisper of the wind. Okinawa stared at her once-thought deceased older siblings in fear and disbelief. She jumped out of North's arms with childlike joy and hugged South and Japan. North stepped back, his arms prepared to attack.

Okinawa hugged her older siblings, unaware of the dull, rusty knife Japan held over the prefecture's head.

"No!" North shouted as Japan struck Okinawa hard, her skull opening with a sickening crack-like an egg dropped onto the floor. An ear-piercing scream rang out before Okinawa fell back, blood gushing out of her like a spring of water, her skin graying, cracking.


Okinawa lay on the ground, a knife jammed in her skull. North Korea's stomach churned as the sea of blood spilled onto the ground, staining it an eerily luminous mahogany. North Korea's breath caught in his throat. Japan and South Korea stared off into the distance as the child rose, her eyes robbed of their light. The teal was now an empty midnight green.

"North?" Okinawa's usual inquisitive tone took a flatter edge. Her voice was dead and monotone. Okinawa wiggled out the knife lodged in her head and threw it aside. "Why are you scared?"

North Korea's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted away from the nightmarish scene, the echoes of Okinawa's lifeless voice haunting his every step. The world around him seemed distorted, the colors bleeding into a surreal panorama of horror.

He stumbled, gasping for breath, but the relentless images of Japan and South Korea, with their cold, vacant stares, urged him to keep running. The air felt thick with dread as he desperately tried to escape the twisted reality that had replaced the once-familiar landscape.

As North distanced himself from the ghastly tableau, he entered an eerie, desolate space. The ground beneath him felt uneven, the shadows playing tricks on his senses. His surroundings morphed into a surreal dreamscape, a distorted reflection of the world he thought he knew.

A voice whispered through the air, a chilling melody that seemed to emanate from the very fabric of this nightmarish realm. "North," it called, the sound sending shivers down his spine. He turned around to find Russia standing amidst the surreal landscape, her figure obscured by the shifting shadows.

North Korea's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the enigmatic figure. The twisted version of his sister, Okinawa, stood beside Russia, her eyes void of life, a mere puppet in this distorted reality. The air crackled with an unsettling energy as Russia spoke, her voice a haunting echo in the empty space.

"Why run, North?" Russia's words were a subtle caress, a paradoxical blend of warmth and coldness. "There's nowhere to hide. Embrace the inevitable. Become one with us."

Confusion and fear churned within North Korea as he tried to comprehend the surreal scenario unfolding before him. The boundaries between reality and nightmare blurred, and he felt the weight of a decision hanging over him.

A disconcerting calm settled within North as he cautiously approached Russia. The nightmarish landscape shifted, warping into a distorted fusion of their respective territories. Russia's eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity, and North hesitated, grappling with the conflicting emotions that surged within him.

As he stood at the precipice of a decision, the specters of Japan, South Korea, and the lifeless version of Okinawa lingered in the shadows, silent witnesses to the unfolding drama. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and North Korea's fate hung in the balance.

The distorted reality beckoned, and North felt a strange pull as if the fabric of his existence was unraveling. The choice before him was both a surrender and a defiance, a merging of destinies that transcended the boundaries of life and death.

In the silent abyss of the field, North Korea faced the enigmatic figure of Russia, her presence a confluence of power and mystery. The next steps remained uncertain, and the echoes of Okinawa's lifeless voice lingered, a haunting reminder of the choices that would shape the course of North's fate.

"Don't be afraid, North." Russia reached out. "We're stronger together." Despite the void in her eyes, Russia's voice was soothing and warm. North Korea reluctantly stepped closer and held Russia's hand. He felt the same tingling, stretching sensation as he fused into Russia.

Once North was one with Russia, he heard another voice in his head: Russia's.

"Why am I wearing a skirt?" North thought.

"Why are we so short?" Russia added.

"Hey, I'm a decent height." North responded.

"No, North, I feel like a gremlin in this body."

South Korea cackled wildly like a jackal.

"I'm sorry, but if you have a child and it looks like this, I'm not considering it my...niece? Nephew?" South paused for a moment. "Or whatever genderfluid crap this is. Bottom line, y'all ugly."

The country glared at South. "Right. What do we call ourselves?" They pondered aloud.

"Commie Paradise." South chuckled. "We'll call you CP for short." In the midst of their peculiar fusion, North Korea, now united with Russia, faced the challenge of navigating this shared existence. The merging of voices and thoughts created a cacophony in North's mind, a surreal experience of cohabiting with Russia's consciousness.

As the newly formed entity, CP (Commie Paradise), contemplated their identity, South Korea's irreverent commentary echoed within. The bizarre banter continued, adding an unexpected layer of humor to the gravity of the situation.

Russia's enigmatic presence emanated a sense of wisdom, contrasting with the lighthearted exchanges. "We may be an unconventional union, but our strength lies in unity," Russia's voice resonated within North's mind.

CP, despite the initial disorientation, found a semblance of harmony in their shared thoughts. As they ventured forth, the fusion of North and Russia embarked on a journey that would reshape the geopolitical landscape, leaving behind the echoes of their individual pasts.

"So, America killed me, as you can see." South gestured to his body which was punctured with bullets.

"And me too." Japan added, shoving her internal organs back inside her. "Also, I'm blind." She pointed to the dark chasms that once held her eyes. Okinawa looked flatly at Japan.

"And Anee-chan killed me." She remarked, a tad disgruntled.

"Anyway, we need to stop America because all of us are hideous now. Especially CP."

"Hey!" CP called out.

"I've never seen someone so feminine yet so masculine, so beautiful but so ugly, and so strong yet so petite," South added, handing CP a mirror.

CP had Russia's base colors with electric blue lines dividing them. There was a white circle with a red star in the center. One eye was amber while the other was violet. The roots and ends of the snowy white hair were blue, styled in a mullet.

As CP confronted their altered appearance, a reflection of Russia's and North's attributes, the eccentricities of their combined features became apparent. South Korea's irreverent comments added a touch of levity to the situation, emphasizing the unique and contradictory nature of CP's existence.

Amidst the banter, the gravity of their mission lingered. The wounds inflicted by America, the conflicts among siblings, and the altered states of being urged CP to forge ahead in their quest to reshape the world. The geopolitical landscape awaited transformation, and the amalgamation of North and Russia was destined to play a pivotal role in this cosmic dance of nations.

"I'm all for kicking America's butt only if Japan isn't a homicidal lunatic." Okinawa declared. Japan scoffed.

"I wasn't in my right mind when I stabbed you, Oki. Plus, I'm blind." South Korea took Japan's hand.

"I'll help you along." He offered. Okinawa glared at Japan for a little longer. She hugged her teddy bear which was soaked with blood. Okinawa's forehead was littered with fragments of her skull and dried blood.

CP started the way through the desolate landscape, the voices of Russia and North Korea deliberating between each other.

"He's still at China and Taiwan's." North's mind argued.

"He can't be. Even if he was, he'll make it impossible for us to reach him." Russia's logic retorted. As CP embarked on their journey with North's siblings, the internal dialogue between North and Russia echoed the complexities of their shared existence. The scars of the past were palpable among the siblings, yet a common purpose united them against the looming threat of America.

Okinawa's lingering distrust toward Japan and the haunting remnants of her own injuries underscored the challenges they faced. Despite these internal conflicts, South Korea's willingness to aid Japan hinted at a potential path to reconciliation within the newly-formed entity of CP.

The mention of China and Taiwan hinted at the (literal) chessboard they were about to navigate to find them. The road ahead was fraught with uncertainties, and the fate of nations hung in the balance as CP ventured forth into the desolate landscape, guided by the mixed consciousness of North and Russia.

The crew stood at the edge of the chessboard, watching as the pieces conversed. "Anyone know how to play chess?" Japan asked, hearing commotion between two rooks.

"I do!" CP answered. "Well, Russia does."

On the edge of the chessboard, CP observed as the countryhumans took their places as chess pieces, each representing a nation in this game of strategy. The rooks engaged in heated conversation, while the pawns bickered.

Russia's voice resonated within CP's mind, "It's a game of strategy. Watch and learn." CP, the fusion of North and Russia, approached the chessboard.

As the pieces started to move, each with its own voice and personality, the diplomatic dance unfolded. "I'm tired of being a pawn!" South Korea exclaimed, morphing into a knight.

Japan, now a rook, declared, "I can't see the board, but I can strategize. Okinawa, keep an eye on the bishops." Okinawa, now a bishop, nodded with her teddy bear clutched in her arms.

CP assumed the role of the queen. "Our objective is to reach China and Taiwan. Let the game begin."

The pieces moved with purpose, their dialogue a symphony of graceful maneuvers on the chessboard, mirroring the intricate dance of mating birds.

With time and a few yelps from the four of them, they won the game and progressed through the glitched out land. Japan bumped into various elements of the landscape. Trees, rocks, bushes; everything seemed to be her enemy, and her lack of eyes didn't make it any better. South Korea snickered behind her.

"You said you'd be helping me." Japan interrupted. "Now get over here, liar!" As they navigated the glitched landscape, Japan's struggles with the obstacles became a source of amusement for South Korea. The echoes of their banter intertwined with the surreal surroundings, creating a whimsical atmosphere.

"I'll guide you, but you need to trust me," South Korea teased, dancing around Japan as she bumped into various elements. Laughter filled the air, merging with the distant echoes of the geopolitical chess game they had conquered.

Despite the challenges, the amalgamated entity CP pressed on, a fusion of North and Russia, leading the way with an air of determination. The journey through the glitched land was a testament to their newfound unity and shared purpose.

I suck at art, but here is the gang as chess pieces

Okinawa is such an underrated countryball/countryhuman. It has so much potential for lore and its own stories (the only media I've read/watched that mentions Okinawa is Cobra Kai and Grenade) Okinawa is a beautiful place with an amazing history. It has lily festivals in Iejima (not to be confused with Iwojima) and battle sites and memorials (I hiked them a couple of years ago and it was an awesome experience. So many stairs though)

Our bbg needs more attention.

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