The Taker of Magic; A Black C...

By Krticiical

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War is coming, Queen Grinberryalls relations with The Wizard King and the other kingdoms is starting to fall... More

Act I - Enter Asta
Battle Between Knights of Justice
Rivals at War
New Moon
Heavens Solider
Act II - Running Out of Options
Ugly Creature Created From Sin
Worst Case Scenario
A Devil
At All Costs
The Prince of Spade
To Win
I Need You, Asta
Act III - Wanted: Dead or Alive
The Vice Captain
Bye Jack
Act IV - Mad World
Malice Within My Heart
Royal Knights of Justice
Return of The Kid
The Day Before Passing
Act V - Judgement Day
Times Up
Writers Note

Torn Hearts

53 4 0
By Krticiical

"Devil union huh?" Zaraki says as he holds up his blade, Asta looking at him as anti magic swirls around him

"The two managed to go into devil union? Impressive for the short amount of the time theyve been in contact with one another" Rias says inside Noelles head as shes confused

"Whats devil union?" She asks as Rias looks at them through Noelles eyes

"Devil union is the unifactaton of a devil and a human host, this usally happens when the two are the closest they can be emotionally" Rias says as Noelle nods, looking as Asta holds his blade high


Asta brings down his blade, the slam shattering the ground as the ground begins moving up and down as it breaks, Asta charging in as Zaraki is stunned by this and holds his blade to block as Asta slams it into him, throwing Zaraki into the air as he grunts in pain

"Hes power!" Zaraki says as he kicks the air, charging back in as Asta flashes forward, Zaraki shocked by the sudden increase in speed as Asta dodges a stirke from Zaraki


A huge blast of light magic erupts from Astas palm, blasting Zaraki as hes thrown backwards and into the ground hard as Noelle looks in awe

"His power has far ecilpsed mine..." Noelle says as she has a bit of a smile

"Im glad... we can go home n-" Noelle says as a body flies through the forrest and slams into the ground in front of the warriors, Asta turning as Zaraki does as well, seeing someone lying on the floor, weapon in hand as they groan in pain

"CAPTAIN YAMI!" Asta and Noelle say as he lays bloody and bruised in front of them, Yami looking at them as he has a small smile on his face

"Hey dumbasses" Yami says as two figures appear above him

Azazel stands above Yami, two grey and black wings out of his back as he has black markings over his body, Dante very injured and by his side

"Wheres Nero?" Noelle asks hurt as Azazel shakes his head

"Shes fine, knocked her unconious and left her there" Azazel says as he sticks his hand out

"I see you still have spunk in you kid, dont make me beat it out of you" Azazel says as Asta holds his blade high

"No... get out of here, i dont want to go with you for the last time!" Asta says as he raises his blade

"Dont make me fight you brother" Azazel says as he raises his blade, moving it to his side as a huge blowback of force shakes the area

"For the sake of the kingdom, and the sake of Yami... ILL WIN!" Asta says as he puts his blade up, Yami looking at him

"Kid.... dont" Yami says as he rises up slowly, looking at the devils

"Come on... you gang up on a poor guy like me?" Yami says as Azazel smirks

"Youre dangerous, I knew well to respect your power, i even knew Asta and the girl would be able to stop Zaraki" Azazel says as Zaraki looks at him

"Hm" Zaraki says as he holds his blade high, Asta looking at Azazel as Azazel looks at the two

"Dont say i didnt warn you..." Azazel says as he takes a step, blasting forward as he slams his fist into Yami, Yami coughing as he falls back

"I already beat you enough, youre the real issue" Azazel says as he holds his blade, moon magic gathering into it


Asta dodges some of the slashes, cutting through the last one somewhat shakily

"Even with this power.... he clipses it so easy!" Asta says as Azazel steps forward

""I dont want to hurt you more then i have too" Azazel says as he runs forward, slamming his blade into Astas blade as his entire body shakes

"His power...." Asta says as he is thrown backward

"We're outclasses bad Asta!" Liebe says as Asta raises his hand


Azazel grabs his hand, kicking Asta in the face and throwing him into the ground as he stomps on his chest

"Im tired of having to plead with you, father wouldnt be happy" Azazel says as Asta grits his teeth

"I dont care!" Asta says as he rasies his hand, but Azazel stops on him again, causing a huge crater

"ASTA!" NOelle says as she tries to get up, but falls back to her knees as Azazel looks at her

"Hmph, sorry Asta, this is the end of the world for your little trip" Azazel says as he grabs Asta, picking him up as he knees him in the face, before punching him hard in the gut as his devil union fades away

"No..." Noelle says as Dante looks at whats in front of him, smiling

"And thasts our final piece..." Dante says as Noelle looks at him

"Final piece? What about Captain WIllam?!" Noelle asks as Dante has a sly grin on his face

"Like I said... our final piece" Dante says as Noelle gets up, limping as she looks at the trio of power in front of her, biting her lip as blood leaks out

"Come on... lets go" Azazel says as he hoists Asta over his shoulder as Asta looks at Noelle, a small smile overcoming his face

"Dont worry..." Asta says as the portal opens, Azazel taking a step through as Noelle looks at Astas smile... but instead of sitting and taking it quietly, she makes a drastic move

"NOOOOOO!" Noelle screams as magic shoots out of her, Azazel and the others stopping as magic envelops around her

"I wont let you have your way, espically not with the boy i..." Noelle says as they look at her, her magic continuing to shoot more and more around her as she looks at Azazel, pure hate in her eyes

"I WONT LET YOU TAKE THE BOY I LOVE!!!" She yells as Azazels eyes open wide as he hears the words leaving her mouth

Me and you will be together.... forever!

You know she isn't good for you son... you know what you have to do.

"Little girl..." Rias says shocked as Noelle shakes her off

"SHUT UP!" Noelle says as rot magic rises around her, forming a large and beautiful flower around her as Azazel looks

"Azazel..." Zaraki says as Azazel nods

"Yeah... this will be an issue" Azazel says as the large flower blooms, Noelle rising up as she looks way different then before

Her clothes have faded away and off of her body, her bare naked body being loosely covered with patches of rot magic covering her breasts and lower area, giant wings shooting out of her back as she holds her blade from before, now coated in another layer of rot magic


"She's using the most of her rot power now..." Zaraki says as he holds his blade high, ready to attack as Azazel shakes his head, holding him back

"Shell kill you if she touches you... I got this" Azazel says as devil magic covers more of his body, his eyes growing a darker red


Azazel charges in, readying his blade as Noelle swings her blade, their blades clashing together as Azazel feels the pressure of her magic, before seeing his blade slowly starting to be chipped away as he quickly backs off

"Shell die with this amount of rot she's giving off" Azazel says as he runs around the area

"Not like I care!" Azazel says as he raises his blade



The two fire off two huge slashing attacks as they collide with each other as they explode, Zaraki looking in awe

"She can match his power? Even at 50%, his power is comparable to the kings" Zaraki says as Dante shutters at the power theyre putting out

"Noelle..." Asta says as he looks, seeing Noelle and Azazel clash as their blades shake the area around them, Azazel being challenged by Noelle as she looks full of hate

"You must care alot about him huh? Enough to kill yourself over him?" Azazel says as Noelle grits her teeth

"I love him... ill do anything" Noelle says as she kicks Azazel off, holding her blade as she thrust forward...


Noelles blade pierces Azazels shoulder, Azazel flinching in pain... but he returns the favor, Noelle looking down as Azazels blade pierces her leg

Azazel looks at his shoulder, seeing rot slowly consuming his wound as he kicks Noelle off, making hand signs with his hands as he raises it over the wound


His wound slowly heals, Noelle looking shocked

"That shouldve taken your arm..." Noelle says as Azazel nods

"This takes years off my life, but my father knew Id need to know something like this" Azazel says as he moves his shoulder around

"Youre dangerous... right now, youre almost as strong as I am, so I wont do you the unjustice of not giving my all against you" Azazel says as he spreads his arms, his magic starting to raise to incredible heights as his wings and magic grow around him, his horns shooting out as he looks at her


HRAH" Noelle yells as she charges in, teleporting and flash stepping as Azazel tries to track her


Noelle shoves a giant dragon spell in front of him as Azazel quickly reacts, cutting the dragon in half as he charges in, throwing a kick as Noelle dodges it, throwing her own as Azazel catches it with his hand

Noelle swings her blade, catching Azazel on his cheek as blood spurts out as she punches him off, Noelle flying backward as she aims her blade at him


Rot magic shoots out of her body, surrounding the area as it slowly begins to dry and rot away as Zaraki grabs the two clover mages bodys and back up along with Dante

"Truely beautiful magic" Azazel says as he holds his blade, closing his eyes as magic surrounds him, slowly enveloping into the air above him as a small moon forms


The moon shoots out a shockwave, blowing away Noelles magical attack as Azazel looks at her

"You wont win girl" Azazel says as Noelle raises her blade, landing on the ground as...


"AHHHH!" Noelle yells in pain as her foot snaps, Noelle landing on her butt as her foot is broken

"The rot..." Rias says as Noelle can see the rot slowly enveloping from her feet up, her yelling in pain as she still tries to get up, but falls right back to the ground as Azazel looks at her

"Its taking effect already" Azazel says as Asta gets up slowly, Azazel looking as Asta walks towards her

"Noelle..." Asta says battered and tired as Noelles form dissolves, falling to the ground as she moans and writhes in pain, Asta landing next to her as hes on his knees as he looks at her

"Noelle" He says as he lays next to her, Zaraki walking forward to grab him again as Azazel stands next to him, putting his hand in the way as his form dissolves, looking at the two young mages

"She's dying" Azazl says simply as Asta looks at Noelles rot slowly take over from the feet up, reaching her knees as he looks at Azazel, tears in his eyes

"Azazel... please do something!" Asta says as he gets up, pleading at his knees

"You dont understand... I just wanted to save her, I dont care if I die, I dont care if you pull my soul from my body, just save her!" Asta says as he looks at Asta, then at Noelle

I love you so much Azazel, nothing will tear us apart, no matter what our families say!

Azazel puts out his hands, forming hand signs as he holds his hand over Noelles body and another over Astas


Asta feels his energy being zapped away from his body as he falls to the ground, grasping at his chest as Noelles rot slowly fades away

"What the hell are you doing?! Youre saving h-" Dante says as Azazel gives him a mean glare, Dante backing up

"Cmon Asta" Azazel says as he grabs Yami, Asta slowly getting up as he looks over at the uncurious... but cured Noelle

He removes his shirt, putting it on her naked body along with his magic knights cape, putting her hand on her head as he plants a small kiss on her cheek... but Azazel notices something odd about the gesture

A portal opens as Asta follows Azazel and the other three, gulping as he walks through, now in the hands of the enemy.

One day later.

Breaking news from the Clover Kingdom Captaial and the Wizard King!

After recent reports, we can confirm that Noelle Silva has been brought back safely, but Yami Sukihero of the Black Bulls, the formally blamed Asta, and Willam Vangence of the Golden Dawn have been kidnapped and captured by the Spade Kingdom! While details are shaky, the magic knights ask for your cooperation at this time and ask to report anyone odd or any odd events going on!.

end of the Save Noelle arc.

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