Welcome To UA High: 3-A Gradu...

Autorstwa Justromy5

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"UA High, the prestigious school that's turned out many of the heroes we see today. Hi, my name is Ochaco Ur... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 53

13 1 0
Autorstwa Justromy5

As Saturday rolled around and everyone was running around in a frenzy trying their best to get ready for the big dance later that day, Uraraka found herself lazily lying in bed staring at her alarm clock which already read 9:30 am and debating on whether to get up or not. Tiredly groaning when her phone alerted her of another message. "It's Saturday, a Saturday we're finally off and people want to wake me..." she grumbled turning over and reaching for her phone.

Mina: Hey babe you up?

Mina: Ochaco!

Mina: Don't tell me you're still in bed sleeping, I know you hear your phone!

Group chat:

Tsu: Ochaco are you up yet?

Momo: Girls we're scheduled to be at the beauty parlor at exactly 10:30 sharp.

Jirou: and clearly not a minute earlier 😒

Mina: Not our fault you're not a morning person.

Tsu: I don't really think any of us are at this point.

Mina: Well today we are!

Kaminari: Gotta agree with Tsu on this one 😴

Hagakure: Alright, how do you keep finding our chats?!

Kaminari: I've got my secrets.

Mina: Jirou!

Tsu: Jirou

Hagakure: JIROU!

Momo: Of course

Jirou: Hey it wasn't me!

Hagakure: Tell that to the jury!

Giggling Uraraka scrolled down to her other notifications.

Katsuki: Hey whenever you decide to come down, breakfast will be ready.

Deku: Hey Uraraka, feel like joining us for breakfast anytime soon? Kacchans cooking right now but keeps smacking our hands away until you show up. I think he's worried we're going to eat it all 😋

Todoroki: Uraraka are you awake by any chance?

Shinso: Please tell me you're up?

Mina: Girl you better get down here!

Kirishima: Uraraka you know I love you and everything but a man's gotta eat! 😭

Present Mic: Yo girl get down here, I'm starving!

"Wait- what?" Smiling to herself she reluctantly got up, headed to the bathroom, and got ready for the day. The minute she stepped out of the elevator yawning she looked up to see everyones eyes on her. "Erm...good morning?

"Good morning Uraraka! Why don't you come and have a seat." Iida quickly stood up waving his arms to gesture her over.

Awkwardly smiling, she situated herself between him and Deku, fully aware that everyone was watching her every movement. "You guys didn't have to wait for me."

Chuckling Kirishima turned to look at Bakugo walking around in the kitchen. "Yeah, well it's not like we really had a choice in the matter."

"Cram it Shitty hair!" Placing the rest of the food on the table, Bakugo walked back to the kitchen.

"Katsuki, did you really make everyone wait for me?" she scolded watching him click his tongue and eyeing everyone as he set the last of the plates down.

"They'll be fine." Leaning back in his chair he saw everyones eyes dart from the food back him questioningly before he rolled his eyes slamming his hands on the table. "Eat damn it!"

"Don't gotta tell me twice." Sero chuckled, reaching over for some bread.

Lowering his newspaper, Mr. Aizawa reached over for his coffee shaking his head when he saw Present Mic stuff his face. "Why are you here again?"

"Because I'm good company. Besides I heard it was Bakugos turn to cook. Never thought I'd have to deal with starvation first though."

With a small smile, Mr. Aizawa just continued to read.

After cleaning up breakfast Uraraka took the elevator back up to their floor happily rubbing her belly with Bakugo next to her. "That was so yummy!"

"You should know by now, my cooking kicks ass." He lazily walked behind her intertwining their fingers as they stepped out of the elevator until they came to a complete stop hearing shouting coming from down the hall. "What now?"

"Admit it! I don't know why you just can't come out and say it!" Mina pointed a finger in Kirishima's chest.

"Mina, I don't even know what you're talking about." Kirishima calmly lifted his hands. "Come on let's just talk-"

"No, I think you've done plenty of that already Mr. Kirishima."

Sharing a confused look, the two slowly made their way over to the pair. "Is everything ok?" Uraraka asked.


"No, everythings not ok." Mina whipped her head in their direction.

Scratching the back of his head Kirishima kept his eyes on his angry girlfriend. "Mina seems to think that I've been talking with Keiko." Turning his gaze to his two friends, Kirishima saw them staring back with a blank expression. "That one girl from the support course, from the race."

"Ohhh..." they both said in unison now remembering who that was, while Mina scoffed crossing her arms.

"Mina I already told you, it's only been a handful of times I talked to her as friends. Nothing more." Kirishima said.

"That's not what Tsu told me she saw this morning, and she wouldn't lie!" Mina shouted. "Back me up here Ochaco."

"Hmm?" Bouncing her eyes between the two Uraraka forced a weak smile. "I'm not real-"

"Oi, whatever you two are arguing over has nothing to do with her, and I'm sure it's something you morons can easily fix. Now I don't know what exactly frog face saw but dipshit over here was at the gym with me and Deku this morning."

"You see!"

"Ugh you would say that." Mina rolled her eyes before storming off. "You guys always stick together!"

"The fuck does that mean?!"

Rubbing her temple Uraraka stared pointedly at the two boys. "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" Kirishima laced his fingers on top of his head taking a deep calm breath. "Out of nowhere Mina walked in on me while I was in my room earlier accusing me of hitting on girls!"

Snorting Bakugo saw Kirishima furiously nod his head in agreement.

"I know!"

"Shitty hair took years to even attempt to flirt with Pinky, let alone with anyone else."

"Hey now! And how long did it take you?" Kirishima proudly crossed his arms when he saw Bakugo snap his mouth shut for a minute before speaking again.

"Anyways, rocks for brains was out training with damn Deku and I."

"Alright, I'll go check on her. We have to leave anyways." Uraraka said getting on her tip toes and placing a quick kiss on his cheek before leaving for Minas room.


"I'm telling you, it's probably a big misunderstanding." Uraraka said leaning back in her massage chair. They were currently getting their toenails done in one of Yaoyorozu private spas at her home.

"I don't know Ochaco, they seemed pretty cozy to me." Tsu said next to her with genuine concern on her face.

Frowning Uraraka turned her eyes to a quiet Mina who looked deep in thought.

"But do you really see Kirishima doing something like that? He doesn't seem like the type." Yaoyorozu spoke next.

"Maybe Kaminari, but not Kirishima -no offense Jirou." Hagakure said missing the forced smile on the other girl's face.

"Well Kaminari has changed quite a bit too." Yaoyorozu offered Jirou a warm smile.

"He has." Uraraka smiled. "I wouldn't worry."

"Are you sure?" Hagakure said. "Their eyes could wander off every once in a while."

Pressing her lips together Yaoyorozu could see the atmosphere in the room suddenly change "Ok, well who's up for some dessert before we get our manicures?"

The ride home was quieter than usual with the girls mostly listening to the radio. She didn't know why but the mood suddenly changed from that of excitement to this uncomfortable tension. So, they tried their best to lighten the mood once they got home.

"Ok so we don't have to get ready until later, so what should we do in the meantime?"

"I don't know Chako I'm kind of beat." Mina said, already heading for the elevator.

"But Mina-"

"Why don't you just go get Bakugo, he's probably with Kirishima." Mina spoke over her shoulder. "they're best friends after all, no room for anybody else."

"Mina." Tsu frowned disapprovingly shaking her head.

Pursing her lips, Uraraka forced down her quick reply knowing that Mina was just upset. "That's not what I meant."

"Isn't it? You've been spending more time with Bakugo than any of us now." Mina snapped before realizing what she had said. "Ochaco I'm sorry, it's just been bad day. I didn't mean it."

"It's fine. Just go get some rest." Uraraka saw Mina nod and walk off.


For the next couple of hours Bakugo found himself absently wandering the halls along with Kirishima looking for Uraraka. Glancing down at his phone for what seemed like the 10th time with no reply Bakugo was about to knock on her door to see if she wanted to hang out with them but was stopped when Mina walked up.

"If you're looking for Ochaco she's not there." Mina swiftly passed them. "Saw her walking off with Todoroki some time ago. Think they were headed to the cafeteria."

"Hey Mina about earlier-"

"Nothing for us to talk about Kiri." Looking over her shoulder she meets his pleading look with a cold one of her own before settling on Bakugo. "Better go look for her Bakubro, wouldn't want him to steal her from you now, would you?"

"Watch it Raccoon eyes." Dangerously narrowing his eyes, Bakugo watched her continue on her way.

"Looks like someone's still not over it." She smiled walking down the stairwell.

Clenching his fists, he glanced sideways at a quiet Kirishima who was staring hard at the ground. "You alright?"

"Y-yeah." Kirishima gave him a sad smile gesturing for them to keep walking. "I'm sure once she calms down everything will be fine."


"So, I'm thinking, that once we're done here, we could check out the decorations at the school gym?" Uraraka happily smiled down at her food. "You know before everyone starts to make me get ready."

"Why so early?" Todoroki frowned confused.

Giggling Uraraka shrugged her shoulders. "I guess it's because we have things like hair and makeup to do." She smiled when he gave her an understanding nod.

"I guess that's true." He thought for a moment before finishing his soba. "You don't think I should do anything different to my hair?"

Laughing Uraraka shook her head, not believing that little joke Todoroki tried to make as he grabbed the ends of his hair. "Wow Todoroki is making a joke and no one's here to hear it!" She continued to laugh, watching the slight upturn of his lips as he leaned forward.

"I can be funny."

"I bet you can. Deku told me about you Mr. Hand crusher."

"He did?"

"Yup, so did Iida." She nodded before playfully ruffling his hair until he just stared blankly at her with his hair now sticking up in various directions. "There, see all better."

Leaning back to study her handy work she stopped when they heard someone clear their throat. Curiously turning their heads, they saw Kirishima uncomfortably smiling down at them with an unreadable Bakugo.

"Um, I hope we're not interrupting anything."

"Of course not." She smiled gesturing to Todorokis hair while he slowly blinked up at the two boys not even bothering to fix it at the moment.

"How does it look?" he asked.

Chuckling Kirishima gave him a thumbs up. "Nice man. Right Bakubro?"

Shoving his hands in his pocket, he let his eyes drift between the two not knowing why the hell he was suddenly feeling this way. He knew that he was over the whole thing, and he knew he trusted them. This wasn't after all the first time they hung out together. Did he still get a little jealous here and there? Of course he did. But he did trust all of them, even with his life, so he knew there was nothing that would make him question it otherwise.

But after what Mina just said not long ago, he couldn't shake the sudden idea that was now planted in his head. Shaking his head to get all those ridiculous thoughts out of his head he shrugged his shoulders. "Couldn't care less."

"You guys feel like joining us?"

"Actually, we're heading over to Kaminaris room to play some video games." Kirishima said following Todoroki as he dumped his tray.

"Well, that sounds like fun." She said getting up just as Bakugo picked up her tray. "How long will you guys be?"

"Not sure." Bakugo said looking over at Kirishima who still looked down and was doing a bad job at trying to hide it. "But I know he could use it."

"Right." She said trying to hide her disappointment at not getting to spend any time with him today. "Still hasn't talk to Mina?"

"He's tried, but she's still set on being pissed."

"Just give her some time." She gave him a small smile when he peered down at her which just made his eyes soften and wondering why the hell he was even upset in the first place.

After they left Uraraka and Todoroki made their way to meet up with Iida and Shinso at the gym, surprised to see Iida frantically running around making sure the decorations were perfect.

"Woah Iida look at you go!" she energetically pumped her fists sideways.

"He was one of the first to arrive." Yaoyorozu smiled standing by one of the tables covered with various types of streamers ready to be put up. "I'm glad you guys could make it."

"We asked Bakugo and Kirishima to join us, but they were unavailable." Todoroki turned to stare at all the decorations.

"Where is everyone else?" Uraraka curiously surveyed the area since she was sure she had heard the others mention that they would be here.

"Well Hagakure said something about not feeling up to it and the rest have been coming and going. Can't blame them since it is a rather busy day." Yaoyorozu said with a heavy sigh.

"Well just tell us where you need us." Uraraka smiled knowing that they could use all the help they could get.

About half an hour later Uraraka was helping Tokoyami hang some of the balloons up when she turned just in time to see Todoroki drop one of the boxes he was carrying on one of the tables by Yaoyorozu. Usually, she wouldn't have thought anything of it, but it was the shocked look on his face that caught her off guard. "Wonder what that's about..." she thought out loud as the fire and ice wielder turned to walk past them. "Todoroki?"

"I'll see you guys later." He coldly said not meeting any of their eyes.

"That is odd. Even for someone like Todoroki." Dark Shadow said scratching its head.

"I must agree."

"Seems like everyone's on edge lately. Maybe everyone's just worked up over tonight." She reasoned.

"Well, that would explain it." Tokoyami said looking down.

'Seems like I'm not the only one who's noticed.' She thought. "You know what, I think what we need is more ballons." Once she made it to the table, she saw Yaoyorozu frowning down at the same box Todoroki had dropped. "Hey um Momo...is everything ok with Todoroki?"

"As far as I know yes." She said not meeting her eyes and instead handing her more balloons.

"Are you sure? He didn't seem like it."

"Why are you always so worried about him?" Yaoyorozu lifted her brows questioningly as if she really wanted to know. "Shouldn't you be worried about Bakugo? He is your boyfriend after all is he not?"

"He is, and I was asking because Todoroki is one of my close friends." Uraraka said with a stern expression. "It's nothing else."

"If you say so." Yaoyorozu exhaled loudly. "I suppose we have different meaning with the word close, and I'm sure Bakugo's noticed too."

Clearing her throat at the last statement, Uraraka felt the anger rise to her chest at the hidden meaning behind it. "Momo, I already apologized about that."

"Does that mean it makes it alright?"


"And to think that I even defended you when everyone at school was calling you names."

"Where is this coming from? Momo, you're my friend so please if you want to say something then say it."

"Uraraka, you've got the balloons?" Tokoyami said from behind her eyeing both girls cautiously. He had observed what was going on from a safe distance and thought now was a good time as any to intervene.

"Yeah, got them right here." She said lifting her hand, eyes fixated on Yaoyorozu's.

"Ochaco, I'm sorry I suppose things have been just... hectic today." Yaoyorozu said shaking her head and heading for the bathrooms. "Excuse me."

"We were saying." Tokoyami settled Uraraka with a pointed look.


"Oh hey Todoroki, is everyone already at the gym?" Deku asked only receiving a slight nod from his friend before he disappeared into the kitchen. "Um...ok then..."

Opening the fridge, Todoroki took out one of the water bottles, staring out the window and taking one big gulp. He didn't know what had gotten into Yaoyorozu to say things like that. He knew she was a good person but to insinuate that he only showed interest in Uraraka because she was already taken or that maybe if Yaoyorozu herself was more forceful, he would pay more attention to her instead was just ridiculous. He tried to explain that there was no romantic relationship between them and that they were good friends, but it seemed like she didn't believe him. And last but not least how she had practically dodged a bullet with him since Uraraka had mentioned how emotionally unavailable he was.

'Something on your mind half n half?"

"I'm fine." Todoroki frowned thinking of why Yaoyorozu would behave that way or why Uraraka would even say something like that to someone.

"If you say so." Bakugo shrugged, walking past him, and digging into the fridge. "Not like I could give two shits anyways." After not receiving a reply Bakugo looked over his shoulder before grabbing a soda. "Shouldn't you be out there helping my girl or some shit?"

"I just...needed a moment alone I guess."

"I bet." Bakugo huffed taking a sip of his drink and leaned against the counter. "So, what is it? Can't seem to be around my girlfriend long enough without trying something?"

Whipping his head in his direction, Todoroki frowned with anger. "What?"

"You heard me." Bakugo smirked finishing his soda. "Not like you never tried before."

"Weren't we passed this?"

"Never really said that to you now did I?" Snickering Bakugo pushed off the counter to standing in front of him with arms crossed. "And it's not like I don't know that you were thinking about her right before I walked in."

Inhaling through his nose Todoroki was really starting to get tired of everyone today. "As I said before. We're just friends. I wouldn't do that to either of you. And I'm actually happy for the both of you."

"Are you really?"


"Or are you just upset because there's something else I beat you in?"

"What?" Narrowing his eyes Todoroki felt his flames trying to come up through the surface which only made Bakugo's smirk widen.

"Just admit it. I won." Meeting Todoroki's eyes Bakugo just scoffed in return. "I won and you didn't."

"That's not-"

"This must be eating you up inside huh? That I got there first..." Grinning at the shocked and angry expression on Todoroki face, Bakugo chuckled.


Rolling his eyes, he turned to see Tsu standing at the entrance not at all pleased.

"What is it frog face? We were in the middle of something."

"I believe you're done." Crossing her arms, she kept her eyes glued to his crimson ones.

Looking back at Todoroki he nodded before leaving. "I guess so, just had to make a few things clear."

After Bakugo left, Tsu turned to see Todoroki silently staring at the ground with a slight tremble in his posture.

"Todoroki?" she asked worriedly, only watching him clench his fists tighter before swiftly walking pass her.


"Not it."

"No way."

"I think I'll pass."

Slouching his shoulders in defeat Kirishima stared between all of his friends faces staring at the screen. "What, why not?"

"There's no way in hell I'm leaving this room." Bakugo shook his head leaning forward in the chair, controller in hand.

"I second that." Kaminari lifted his hand groaning when his character got hit with yet another shell. "Dude stop doing that!"

"Suck it up!" Bakugo cackled now being in first place.

"So, I guess I'm stuck on beverage duty." Kirishima huffed, looking down at his phone to check the time.

"Hey make sure you get a soda for me!" Kaminari shouted.


"Anything's fine with me." Sero shrugged.

"Yeah, because you all are so busy to get it yourselves." Kirishima spoke over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him.

"It's not that." Kaminari spoke thinking back on his previous conversation with Hagakure and how he found out that Jirou was still talking to the guy she had gone on a date with before. 'Why wouldn't she tell me?'

"Earth to Sparky! Get your head in the game!" Bakugo barked noticing the odd look on Kaminari's face. He had already crossed the finish line and was waiting for Kaminaris character to finally cross instead of just going in circles.

"Sorry." Kaminari quietly said.

Keeping his eyes to the ground Kirishima frustratingly kicked the air wondering why he hadn't heard anything from Mina yet. "Speaking of...." Grinning when he saw the same girl walking down the hall unaware of his presence until he lifted his hand. "Hey Mina, I'm glad I caught you."

"Why?" She tilted her head with a bored expression.

"Well, I've been wanting to talk to you all day." he said nervously rubbing his neck. "About earlier."

"Listen Kiri, I don't have time for this." She huffed crossing her arms. "I was actually on my way to find Sero."


"Yeah, is he with you?"

"Well yeah, but I kind of think we should talk." He frowned.

"Fine, tell him that I've been looking for him." She waved off. "Oh, and do you have any idea where Izuko might be?"

"Midoriya? Why?"

"Beats me, Ochaco was looking for him earlier said something about needing to speak with him but to make sure Bakugo wasn't around."

"Why would she-"


"Wait Mina hang on! What is going on with you?" he quickly jogged up to catch up to her.

"Me?" she grinned walking up to him. "Why would there be anything wrong with me. Maybe it's you who has the problem."

"What are you getting at?"

"Well maybe I've finally snapped. Did you ever think of that? Maybe I'm just now realizing how bored I've been in this relationship this whole time. Always trying my best to please you."

Parting his mouth as if he just got the wind knocked out of him, Kirishima tried to suppress the hurt look on his face. "Why would you have to do that?"

"I already told you I'm boredddd. It's taken you what- years to finally make a move or even give a girl what she really needs. And even then, it's just... ok."

"Ok....?" Averting his gaze to try and keep calm, he tried to think what he could possibly have done wrong. "I'll admit, maybe I was nervous before telling you how I felt-"

"There you see! I'm already bored with this conversation." She whined, turning away, and speaking over her shoulder. "Tell Sero or hell even Bakugo that I'm looking for him. Since according to Uraraka he can probably get the job done."


Throwing the controller on the ground Kaminari crossed his arms glaring frustratingly at the game. "One day! That's all I need...one day I'll beat you at this game Bakubro you just wait and see!"

"In your drea-" Turning their heads and flinching when Kirishima slammed the door closed behind him, they quietly saw him eyeing both Sero and Bakugo.

'Well at least I'm in the clear for once.' Kaminari breathes a sigh of relief clutching his chest.

"What's with the death stare all of a sudden?" Sero awkwardly grins taking a cautious step back.

"And where the hell are our damn drinks?! I'm thirsty!" Bakugo eyed Kirishimas empty hands.

"Dude, I really don't think you should be focusing on that right now." Sero grimaced.

"Everything alright my dude?" Kaminari asked.

"I just spoke with Mina, and apparently she's looking for Sero."

"Oh really?" Sero asked, still confused as to why Kirishima was so upset. "And that's bad because....?"

"Apparently she told me that I'm boring."

"Well-" Bakugo smirked opening his mouth just for Sero to cut in.

"Bakugo... now's not the time dude." Sero pleaded fully aware of the hostility in the red heads eyes while Bakugo seemed to not even care.

"Why would she think that?" Kaminari curiously turned his whole body to look at the scene from the floor.

"I don't know, Sero why would she?" Kirishima took another dangerous step forward.

"Hey man I don't know what you mean." Sero lifted his hands up in surrender.

Rolling his eyes Bakugo quickly stepped in between them. "Alright as much as I'd love to see which one of you idiots would lose in a pathetic fight-"

"She mentioned you too."

"What? Eww what?" Bakugo gawked. "Don't include me into your weird shit!"

"-And that Uraraka was looking for Midoriya but not to tell you."

"Midoriya?" Kaminari frowned watching as Bakugo's brows shot up in surprise.

"That's what Mina said." Kirishima paced the room frustratingly clenching and unclenching his fists. "She said that I was boring in our whole relationship and said that she was looking for Sero." he pointed and accusing finger. "And Bakugo since 'according to Uraraka' he could probably get the job done."

Kind of proud about hearing what his girlfriend had to say about him was quickly replaced with furry upon hearing Kirishima blurt that out in front of other people. "YOU IDIOT!"


"Really?!" both Sero and Kaminari gaped. "Since when?"

"Crap..." Rolling his eyes Kirishima gave Bakugo an apologetic look before walking out of the room.

"Oi!" Stomping down the stairs and following closely behind him, they quickly came to an abrupt stop once exiting the stairwell. "What the...."

"Woah..." Sero whistled surprised to see everyone downstairs yelling at each other. "What did we step into."

"You got me." Mina yawned standing next to them.

"The hell you come from?!" Bakugo and Sero jumped away making her roll her eyes.

"Ok I get it. I'm not the best looking after a nap."

"Or awake." Bakugo replied letting his eyes look between Tsu and Iida arguing, to Jirou marching up to them and poking Kaminari repeatedly with her earphone jacks.

"You got a lot of explaining to do."

"Ouch Jirou stop!"

"Hey what's going on?!" Mina shouted, making everyones attention go to them before all hell broke loose and people started yelling at them now.

"You just had to say something didn't you?" Bakugo said turning his head just in time to see Uraraka walk in with Shinso, Deku and Melissa who had just arrived after her long trip to Japan.

"Um...did we come at a bad time?" Deku uncomfortably shifted his weight from one foot to the other when he felt Bakugos familiar glare aimed directly in his direction, but it's been a while since he was at the receiving end of it.

"Is it always like this?" Melissa leaned over and whispered to Uraraka having just been dropped off by her Uncle Might.

"Not really." Uraraka widened her eyes just as confused as them.


"Ok well at least there's Katsuki." She chuckled at the familiar shouting, watching him trying to push his way through but getting stopped every so often by someone else talking to him.

Managing to grab Tsu by the arm Shinso quickly asked her what was going on.

"Ok so pretty much everyones-"

"Fuckin crazy!" Bakugo shouted over his shoulder once he managed to approach them.

"Hey, don't look at me! I have no idea what's going on." Mina frowned when she saw Yaoyorozu and Jirou glaring at her.

"Oh, no? So, you don't think I'm boring?"

"Kiri of course not!" she gasped.

"And when you mentioned Sero and Bakugo?!"


"About looking for Sero since I'm so boring you even-"

"Shitty hair don't you dare finish that sentence!" Bakugos eye twitched just as Kirishimas continued talking.

"-looking for Bakugo since Uraraka can vouch that he's so good in bed!"

"WHAT?!" Gasping, everyone turned to look at them with wide eyes.

Cringing Bakugo hesitantly peeked an eye open to look sideways at a horrified Uraraka. "KIRISHIMA!"


"I didn't say anything, I swear!" Mina pleadingly looked at her hoping she would believe her.

Repeatedly opening and closing her mouth in shock, Uraraka felt like the earth could swallow her whole right now and she would prefer that instead of everyone staring at her slack jawed, until she heard the next words tumbling out of her boyfriends mouth.

"Alright fuck this. I don't care if everyone knows alright! And I don't give a shit what you all think. I can't help it if my girlfriend knows I'm awesome in the sack!"

"K-Katsuki!" she screeched feeling her face turn bright red and wondering if it was possible to faint from embarrassment.

"Oh right - and so is she!" he proudly nodded. "I can't even tell you how many times she's-"

"Katsuki please stop!"

"Too much...?" he cringed seeing both Deku and Melissa awkwardly look down nodding.

"Just a tad." Deku said just as embarrassed for his friend.

"Well, who hasn't done things right?" Mina awkwardly waved her hands around.

Clearing his throat Iida pretended to fix his glasses with this uncomfortable development. "Well....um...this isn't something we should be discussing..."

"See glasses gets it!" Bakugo pointed out hearing Uraraka groan and hide her face.

Shaking her head Yaoyorozu turned to leave. "I agree, we should start getting ready. The school dance is soon after all."

"Ok so I guess we're still going..." Shinso rubbed the back of his head wondering how the night was going to go.


"Ochaco it's not that bad." Melissa tried to reassure her again knowing that Uraraka was still a blubbering mess after that.

"Yeah, at least you two are together. So that's not a surprise that something like that can happen." Jirou said from behind them.

"Can we please stop talking about this." Uraraka quietly said to which they nodded in understanding. Everyone was still pretty upset about everything that happened today but tried to push it aside at least a little bit knowing that this would be their only and final dance.

Nervously fidgeting with her fingerpads Uraraka took one more look at her dress.

She wasn't going to lie and say that she wasn't nervous because she really was. She's never had the chance to go to anything like this before let alone with someone else. When they found out about the dance, she remembered Bakugo didn't waste any time in asking her if she wanted to go. It startled her at first since she was pretty sure he wasn't the type to want to go to events such as these, so she pretty much dismissed the idea all together at first until he came up to her after class one day.

She remembered that even though they'd been dating for some time now how nervous the usual confident boy had still looked in front of her when he asked her.

"Hey listen about this stupid dance...I guess you'd want to go to something like that right?" he mumbled rubbing his hands on his pants.

Smiling, she grabbed his hands giving him a gently squeeze. "It's alright we don't have to go. We could just find something else to do and stay in."

"You sure?"

"Yup! We could take the night off and just watch a movie or something."

Tilting his head sideways he quickly pulled her to him, placing a kiss on her forehead. "We have all the time in the world to do that. But I'll be damn if I don't take you to that thing."

"Really we don't have to."

"We're going."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I guess it couldn't hurt to see those morons make a fool of themselves."

"Ever the romantic." She had giggled.

Entering the gym now, they stopped to stare at all the beautiful lights and decorations flooding the area. "This looks so different at night." She looked on in amazement. "Never thought it could be like this.

"Not too shabby." Tsu grinned, pointing at a table further away where most of their classmates sat.

"Tell me why I'm so nervous?!" Kaminari whimpered nervously chewing on his nails with his hair sleeked back.

"Because you're a dumbass, and every dumbass gets nervous from time to time." Bakugo chuckled leaning back against the wall with hands shoved inside his pants pockets.

"You're not helping dude!" Kaminari pouted.

Opening his mouth ready to reply Bakugo stood frozen the moment the girls walked in only able to nod once when Deku and Iida complemented them. He had seen her in uniform, both school and hero. He's seen her in a bathing suit which he quickly dismissed knowing right now wasn't the time. And he's seen her dressed up before on I-Island which that night he remembered having a hard time keeping his eyes off her, but he's never seen her look like that....

Her long light pink elegant yet simple satin dress clung to every curve of her body perfectly in a flattering way with spaghetti straps and sweetheart neckline that gave a shy peek at her chest but more so in an elegant way. Her hair was pint up with a few loose strands framing her face, but what really caught his eyes was the way her dress matched the pretty pink tint on her cheeks as she turned to face him, and saw her face light up, smiling in that way that made him momentarily forget where they were.

"Hey look everyone's already waiting for us!" Mina waved making a bee line to their table.

Blinking a couple of times Uraraka was brought back from her daze when Hagakure playfully nudged her to follow. Nodding she let her eyes focus on...nothing. Realizing that he was nowhere in sight she quickly whipped around to find him gone until she felt him walk up behind her lifting a single calla lily. "Katsuki..." she whispered smiling to herself and accepting it before turning to meet his nervous smile.

"About time you showed up." He shoved his hands in his pockets unable to keep his eyes from staring at her dress. "I was getting bored."

"I can imagine." She gestured to their class who were now talking and dancing amongst each other, but she could see most were still trying to keep clear of certain people.

"I still think you should've let me pick you up." he pouted obviously still sour about her refusal since she wanted to come with her friends.

"Well, I'm here now." She said letting him intertwine his fingers with hers as her eyes took in his still wild spikes of ash blond hair, smiling at the fact that it would always remain that way, his white button shirt that had the first few buttons undone, black slacks and coat completed with a light pink handkerchief. She was having a hard time trying not to drool at the sight.

"You look beautiful."

"T-thank you." Feeling her cheeks warm she gave him a shy smile. "You don't look so bad yourself Mr. Explosion Murder." Hearing him half chuckle she let him lead her to the others.

"Well let's go!"


The rest of the night went surprisingly great given the awkward atmosphere earlier on. It seemed that it wasn't just them who had the same realization that instead of fighting amongst each other it was better to try and enjoy themselves with the people they came to care a great deal for over the years.

They laughed and took too many pictures in Bakugos opinion, as he watched Uraraka enjoying herself dancing the night away with some of their classmates. He could stop the small smile appearing at how happy she looked. Turning back, he poured them something to drink knowing that she would most likely be thirsty after all the dancing until he heard a familiar voice next to him that made the smile instantly vanish.

"Well if it isn't Bakubabe. Looks like this night has finally become interesting."

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