Chorus Festival - A Luke Hemm...

By irwinxx5sos

1.8K 35 2

"If he's mean to you, he likes you.." That is something Addison never thought would be true. While in an all... More

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - Meeting Luke
Chapter 3 - Warning
Chapter 4 - She Will Be Loved
Chapter 5 - Thinking
Chapter 6 - Medicine
Chapter 7 - Chasing
Chapter 8 - Ignored and Chasing
Chapter 9 - Sorry
Chapter 10 - Stopped
Chapter 11 - Birthday Gift
Chapter 12 - Concert
Chapter 13 - Dance
Chapter 14 - Luke's House
Chapter 15 - Hidden
Chapter 16 - The Band
Chapter 17 - Announced
Chapter 18 - Go Away
Chapter 19 - Love
Chapter 20 - Thinking of Tour
Chapter 21 - Cupcakes
Chapter 22 - Hotel
Chapter 23 - Daddy
Chapter 24 - 37 times
Chapter 25 - Symptoms
Chapter 26 - Positive and Negative

Chapter 27 - Skype

61 3 0
By irwinxx5sos

"When do you want to tell our parents?" Luke asked, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers.

"I don't know. I'm scared, though," I admitted to him.

"Don't worry, baby, it'll be fine. I'll be right here with you. We need to Skype them and tell them soon, though. If we wait until our next break, they'll be mad.."

"That is true.. Want to tell them now? Skype them now?" I asked.

"Yeah, we better.." He said, grabbing my laptop from beside the bed.

When I opened the laptop, I went straight to Skype. I then clicked on my mum's name, but I wasn't sure about this.

When her face came onto the screen, I knew it was time. She smiled at us, also wondering what we wanted to talk to her about.

"Hey mum," I smiled back at her slightly.

"Hi Addie.. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good.." I answered.

"What about you, Luke? How are you?" She wondered.

"Better than ever," he was smiling from ear to ear, staring at me.

"That's great. What'd you guys call about?"

"Well, we wanted to tell you that.." I couldn't say it. I didn't want to.. Luke noticed this, so he finished my sentence for me, "she's pregnant."

"WHAT!?!" My mother's screams came out of the laptop speakers.

"Mum.. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"How could you? You promised not to, and you promised you'd be protected if you did," she explained the promises I broke.

"I know, but I was on birth control. And yes, I did take it every time I was meant to. It just failed.." I told her what happened.

"You should've used a condom!" She scolded.

"Condoms are expensive, mum!"

"Not for only one time!"

"Well try twenty times! That's a lot of condoms!" I was almost screaming at her. I had blurted out that we had sex twenty times.

"What!? Twenty times! Why'd you have sex that much? You're becoming a slut.. I should've never let you go on that tour!"

"Mum," I was offended my the term 'slut', "we thought it would be cool to have sex in every new place we went to, so we've had sex twenty times.."

"You disgust me.." She spat at me and ended the call.

"What's gonna happen now, Lukey?" I asked him, tearing up. He pulled my head into his chest, telling me not to cry.

"You'll be okay.. She's not going to hate you just for this. She can't hate you just for this.." He soothed.

"I love you," I whispered into his chest while still crying.

"Don't worry, baby.. She still loves you. Maybe not a such as I do, but she still loves you," he smiled at me.

"Yeah," I cracked a smile back at him.

"There's my beautiful babygirl's smile.."

"Luke, let's just call your mum.. We need to tell her too."

"Yeah, let's do it now to get it over with. I don't want her to be very mad at us. I know she will be, though.."

"Okay," I had then clicked on Liz's name. Her face soon popped up. I froze up. I didn't want to tell her. Liz is amazing, and she's so protective over Luke. I don't want to disappoint her and make her think Luke and I aren't good together.

"Hey Luke.. Hey Addie.. How are you guys?" She asked, smiling.

"We're good," Luke answered her, then looked over at me to see me frozen.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked, kissing my forehead.

I unfroze, still not wanting to tell Liz. I looked over at Luke and told him, "I don't want to tell her, though.."

"It's okay.."

"Tell me what?" Liz wondered.

"Well, we're pregnant," he just said it plainly.

"Oh-" She was cut off by her handing up the call.

I looked over at Luke who was sitting right beside me. He looked at me and seemed confused. I was too. I had no idea what had just happened. She must be pretty mad at us..

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