PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse.

By Superfan2600

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Chapter 1: An Unholy Alliance.
Chapter 2: The Surprise for Chase
Chapter 3: A Dastardly Plan
Chapter 4: The Attack
Chapter 5: Aftermath
Chapter 6: The Return of A Tyrant
Chapter 8: The Return of the Son of Victoria
Chapter 9: An Escape Attempt
Chapter 10: The Infiltration into The Trap
Chapter 11: The Final Battle (part 1)
Chapter 12: The Final Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 13: The Final Battle (part 3)
Chapter 14: A Ton of Miracles
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 7: A Couple Pups vs Clone

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By Superfan2600

Suddenly, the computer beeped. The screen shows the Mighty Pups!

Victoria Vance: No! It can't be!

Sid Swashbuckle: Impossible!

Ryder: They're alive!

Tristan: What?!

Coral: Hooray! They're okay!

Nano: Alright!

Everest: Marshall!

Tundra: Rocky!

Clone: I thought YOU DESTROYED THEM!!!

Sweetie: I THOUGHT WE DID!!! DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!!! (Takes deep breath and calms down) You have you task. Clone. Go to the platform on this mountain and destroy the PAW Patrol

Ryder, Everest and Liberty: NO!!!

Tristan: Leave my son alone!

Coral: Don't you dare hurt my cousin!

Sweetie: Are you up for it?

Clone: Anything to make Chase suffer. Because I no longer seek to destroy other worlds. That's stupid. Now I want revenge. On that darn pup. Consider it done.

Then the tyrant races through the door. Sorrow, concern and worry washes over the captured good guys. Suddenly, the other villains come back, completely missing to meeting one of the most dangerous beings in the multiverse: they tyrannical Clone! Meanwhile, the Mighty Pups arrived and they landed at the bottom of the mountain because Skye is too tired to fly any higher or further. The bottom has scraps and remains of whatever they used to be. But the sight of what has become of the once peaceful kingdom has become.

Skye: (panting) Guys. I just . . . need a breather.

Zuma: Dudes! Are you sure we're in Barkingburg?

Rubble: Yeah. Why?

Rocky: Did you not notice the town is dark, everyone there is working like slaves, and there happens to be a mountain where the castle used to be that has a darker version of Minas Tirith from the Lord of the Rings on top of it?

Rubble: Maybe the bad guys did this.

Marshall: That's a most likely guess, considering they just annihilated the Lookout AND our vehicles.

Skye: Okay. I got my breather.

Chase: That's good to know. But we need to get up that mountain without being seen. So it looks like we're gonna have to scale this mountain the old-fashioned way.

Zuma: And that is?

Chase: Rubble. Can you use your claw arm to scale this thing? We also need you to help us get up that thing with that claw of yours once we have a harness,

Rubble: It might be a stretch, but not only would it get me more exercise (everybody chuckles) but I will give it a double-Rubble effort!

Chase: That's the spirit! Now Rocky. Can you use your energy tools to make some of the scrap and remains here into a hook, or - - or something for all of us to scale this mountain?

Rocky: (scoffs and grins) Do dogs have tails?

Marshall: Why not we charge up and I could just super-jump my way up there?

Chase: It's a good idea. But the idea is supposed to be discreet and stealthy.

Marshall: Good point.

Chase: Okay. We know what to do, right?

Zuma: Rocky makes a harness or hook line.

Marshall: Rubble helps us up with his claw arm

Skye: And we sneak in and save everyone.

Chase: Awesome. Now let's get to work.

Rubble: Arf! Claw arm! (his super-strong claw arm comes out)

Rocky makes energy tools and starts working. Then he makes the materials he had into a rope line that has a lasso end and also five harnesses.

Chase: Great work, Rocky.

Rocky: Your welcome.

Chase: Now let's get in. Rubble, you're up front. Marshall, tie that lasso end to Rubble's claw arm. You won first place undefeated in the Adventure County Knot-Knitting Contest.

Marshall: It's been 2014 since I held up that title. Sure thing, Chase.

Then Marshall does what he's told. Then everyone but Rubble gets in the harnesses. Rubble gets in front. The order of the harnesses are Skye, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Chase. (The leader is in the back to make sure nothing happens from behind). Then they stop at a platform. Rubble's claw is untied and everyone gets up on the platform, taking a breather.

Chase: Guys. This is the halfway point. We'll get there.

Marshall: (panting) Yeah. Just . . . just give me a couple minutes and I'll . . . I'll be ready for a ruff-ruff rescue.

Zuma: (panting) Ditto.

Rocky: At least the harnesses proved effective.

Rubble: (panting) I hope I  was effective.

Skye: (chuckles) You were, Rubble.

Clone: (voiceover) Yes. You were. I'll say the same for when all of you are no longer alive.

Marshall: Oh no.

Rocky: It can't be!

Chase: (looks around and spots a menacing face) YOU!!!!!!!!

Clone comes out of nowhere, once again frightening the pups.

Clone: I may longer be a cyborg, nor have I plans to destroy the PAWtiverse.

Zuma: Well THAT'S good to know.

Clone: But my mission to destroy a scrawny pup like you, Chase . . . (Chase growls) unwavering.


Rocky dpawns a giant, green, energy hammer that he whams at Clone but the tyrant dodges and  leaps towards Rocky, kicking him in the face.

Zuma and Skye: ROCKY!!!!!


Then Rubble's paws glow and he charges at Clone, sending a powerful blow to the chest. It sends Clone to the mountain wall and he gets back up, impressed.

Clone: Surprising.

Then Clone charges again and Marshall slams his paws on the ground, sending a heat wave towards Clone that doesn't stop him. Clone continues his pursuit.

Marshall: Aw. What I would give to have fireballs.

Then Clone whacks Marshall and throws him to Rubble, Zuma and Rocky, who was just getting up. The four become a pile. Clone was grinning until Skye makes a giant whirlwind that spins him around and around and around.

Skye: Not so strong without your Annihilation Army, eh, Clone?

Then Clone's backpack transforms a ray gun that aims at Skye. Skye gasps and lets Clone go. Chase notices Clone is still aiming his ray gun at Skye and it knocks her out. (It was a null ray)

Chase: SKYE!!! (charges at Clone with fury) YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!!

Then Chase and Clone get into a rematch. Clone tries to bite Chase, but Chase outmaneuvers Clone's attacks. Clone keeps trying to hit or bite. Chase smirks knowing this is reminiscent of Knuckles trying to punch Sonic, but not landing a hit. The video below is an example.

Clone: Oh my gosh! Is that Sweetie?

Chase: Where?!?! (Realizing) I wasn't supposed to look, was I?

Clone: Predictable.

Then Clone spins around and does an unexpected move. Chase lands on his face! Clone tries to kick him but Chase catches Clone in his act and throws him down.

Chase: Zuma! Now!

Then Zuma shoots water at Clone, annoying him while Rubble and Marshall charge up. Marshall holds Rubble's paw and he leaps. Then he spins around and throws Rubble down as the Bulldog becomes a wrecking ball, going towards the distracted tyrant.

Rubble: Let's wreck and roll!

Clone then notices and then catches Rubble like Po when he caught that final cannonball in Kung Fu Panda 2. (Skip to 1: 49  and stop at 1: 56 because this is what he does with Rubble)

Mirroring the epic moment from the video, Rubble crashes into everybody else and they all fall off the platform, seemingly gone.

Clone: (scoffs) That was easier than I thought it was gonna be.

Then his jet pack addition to his backpack opens up and he flies back to the castle. But what Clone doesn't know is that Rubble instantly got his claw arm out and grabbed onto the mountainside. Rocky was clinging on to Rubble as he uses his super vacuum keep Marshall from falling. Skye was using her Wind-rider wings to help her in the air as she uses her whirlwind powers to fly. She is hanging onto Chase, who is holding Zuma's paw to keep him from falling. Rubble throws Rocky back onto the platform and Marshall follows. Skye gets on the platform with Chase and Zuma.

Marshall: (sarcastically) Well that went great. 

Chase: We'll have to go to the darker, undetected sides of the mountain. Stay in the shadows.

Rubble: Great idea. (Covering his wound) I don't want another un-in with Clone. I think that crash made an impact on my ribs. 

And so the Mighty Pups, undeterred, go to the undetected sections of the towering mountain. But that battle with Clone has made Chase wonder . . . "What will Sweetie do next? When I see her, I'm gonna give that traitorous pup a piece of my mind." Chase continues to lead his friends through the undetectable parts of the mountain. This reminds him of his first run-in with Clone in Multiversal Massacre. But Chase's question was worth worrying about. What WILL Sweetie do next? Also, why couldn't Sweetie break EVERY SINGLE VILLAIN EVER out if prison? Find out in the next chapter of PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse!

This is outstanding! Chase and Clone have a rematch, and Clone thinks he finished them off! Please put down in the comments below what you think on why Sweetie didn't get LITERALLY every single villain like The Duke of Flappington, the Cheetah, or even the Ruff-Ruff Pack. But don't forget to leave a vote. Peace put, ya'll!

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