I was Reincarnated as an Ant...

De KonoXwrite

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Inspired from "So I'm a Spider, so What?" a light novel written by Okina Baba and illustrated by Tsukasa Kiry... Mais

Prologue - Skills don't end without completion...
Chapter 0 - Soulmate's Apprehension
Chapter 0.5 - Soulmate's Apprehension pt2
Chapter 01 - Dungeon Twins!
Chapter 02 - Hi, am Jan!
Chapter 2.5 - Hi, am Jan!
Chapter 2.5.5 - Hi, am Jan!
Chapter 03 - Fated Twice, but not Twins.
Chapter 3.5- Jan, The Gladiator
Chapter 3.5.5 - Jan, The Hero
Chapter - Cont. (Extended)
Chapter 04 - The World of S-Class
Chapter 4.1: Nih's Tale
Chapter 4.1.1: Nih's Tale
Chapter Nih's Tale
Chapter 4.2.1: Nih's Tale
Chapter Nih's Tale
Chapter 4.3: Nih's Tale
Chapter 4.4: Nih's Tale
Chapter 4.5: Divinity of the OverSighters
Chapter 4.5.5: Divinity of the OverSighters

Chapter 4.2: Nih's Tale

13 1 14
De KonoXwrite

"You're quite a character. There's been a certain number of people like you who've gone missing lately. I should thank you for ridding us of them, but I know your motives are purely selfish," I retorted, drawing my two daggers as my black serpents slithered down my arms, the wind whipping up sand around us.

"We don't want to fight you," Jan interjected, drawing his blade with a stance that signaled readiness for a semi-aggressive confrontation, contradicting his typically passive demeanor.

"Jan, Formation Inversion," I commanded, prompting Jan to recall our extensive training sessions and discussions on formations. Given my track record of the highest head counts of people eliminated by my hand, Dyaldic assumed command next, but only in situations where I was incapacitated. Each of us had designated roles within the team, and in combat scenarios, I served as the general, orchestrating our maneuvers.

"What! Why?" Jan exclaimed, having scanned them with [Appraisal] to gain insights. However, the information gleaned was deceptive. I recalled from records and my father's explanations that these two displayed false appraisal data to those with the ability to scan them accurately. Their true nature remained shrouded in mystery, adding a layer of complexity to our current predicament.

Aed would have been invaluable in this situation, his ability to possessing a counter skills, one capable of even countering the challenging false information and providing us with accurate insights. His absence was keenly felt as I glared at Jan, who still seemed perplexed by the unfolding events.

Meanwhile, the rest of our group had heeded our instructions and gathered away from the potential conflict. Dyaldic, though still groggy, stood ready to assist. The two adversaries appeared amused by the spectacle, making no aggressive moves. Their display of superiority irked me; to them, we were mere children, easily disposed of. They underestimated the danger we posed, a misconception I intended to correct.

Like a cat stalking mice, the outcome seemed predetermined. However, mice and rats were not one and the same. Rats thrived through resilience, while mice ventured into experimental territories. Each had its survival strategy. In the current scenario, the two adversaries remained unaware of the serpent in our midst—Fed, our counterfeit Aed.

"Yeshia, I'm sorry, but it's more effective this way," I'd express, sensing her disagreement. Yet, as our eyes met, her shock was palpable, and she turned to Jan with a gaze filled with disbelief. "Jan, listen. Nih wouldn't say it, if he wasn't serious."

"Okay, but what about them? What if they attack our allies? This plan doesn't account for their potential aggression!" Jan retorted angrily, his frustration evident. He recognized that the formation only addressed internal security concerns, neglecting external threats. While we had other formations in reserve, I couldn't risk deploying them against these particular adversaries without prior practice sessions. Jan's impulsive reaction overlooked this crucial consideration, appearing somewhat childish in the heat of the moment.

"They'll form a separated alibi-supporting faction. We can't ensure their protection, but they should either create distance or cause disorder," I explained, maintaining my focus on the enemies before us, who seemed bored with the unfolding scenario. It had only been two minutes, yet the mage had drawn her staff, while the knight placed his sword into his shield before resting his hands on his hips.

"Shit. Everyone, stay out of this fight! Protect yourselves. Act only if we're harmed! Jan, be prepared! Aed, attack with 100% lethality!" My Ultimate Skill alerted me to imminent threats and provided situational awareness. In this moment, I received a warning of the impending danger encompassing the vast range around us. Mana pulsed throughout the area, enveloping us in an invisible barrier.

Suddenly, Fed transformed into pure mana, his speed accelerating to the point where I couldn't track his movements. Like an explosion, we were all thrown back, but Jan seemed to have vanished. Scanning the scene, I spotted him with Fed, cradling the entity in his arms as he approached us. However, he was unable to reach us, as if held back by an invisible barrier. My ultimate skill granted me insight—it was a dimensional mana domain type Ultimate Skill. The mage's prowess was fearsome, clarifying why the knight had ceased his attacks.

They had us firmly in their grasp, and my mana-dependent abilities seemed ineffective in allowing us to escape the confines of this space. With a bored expression, Yeshia instantaneously summoned us outside the barrier. How she accomplished this remained a mystery, yet her swift action demonstrated her formidable capabilities.

Yeshia collapsed onto the ground, her strength drained. Jan approached, handling Fed, and began, "...the formation seemed a bit ineffective, yet so..."

"No, it wasn't. Aed, what did you anticipate?" I inquired, turning to the red ant for insight. "Based on the provided data, the identified skill appears to be categorized as an Ultimate Skill. Despite its formidable nature, it proved impervious to bypassing due to its heightened interactivity. Notably, spiritual affinity skills possess the capability to circumvent its defenses. Additionally, it's imperative to note that Madam Yeshia remains operational; I will utilize my mana skills to facilitate the transfer and siphoning of mana to her. Given the tactical significance of the formation, investing time into it proves to be highly beneficial," it explained.

Jan glared at me, his frustration evident, while I maintained a composed smile. "Watch closely. Your job is defense. Now, play your role. Dyaldic, let's go," I instructed, emphasizing the importance of our respective roles in the unfolding situation.

This formation altered our dynamics: offense transitioned into defensive support, support took on an offensive role, and defense shifted to support. While it diminished our efficiency, it allowed us to buy time for our multi-class member, Fed, to become a decisive force in the battle. Once the initial action concluded, we would transition to another formation better suited to the evolving circumstances.

Yeshia remained within the widening barrier, fatigued and vulnerable to the enemies' advances. However, our focus shifted towards targeting the knight. Typically, the mage would utilize her Ultimate to eliminate the strongest opponents first, before dealing with the weaker ones afterward. This pattern was predictable, and we aimed to exploit it to our advantage.

The knight's attention was fixed on Fed, his gaze filled with amazement as he analyzed the situation. I was confident he would soon realize that our Fed was a skill in manifesto. Meanwhile, the Mage remained focused on the battle against us, assuming the aggressive role, while the knight took on the analytical role, assessing the situation and serving as backup insurance in case of unforeseen allies of his enemies emerged from the air or sand.

As she reached for the distance, manipulating the sands, her actions weren't directed at us, but rather beyond her range. It became apparent that she was targeting the desert Black Sea ants. Fed had undoubtedly summoned his kin to aid us, but she saw through his intentions. Ice encased a dome around us, serving as a barrier, while she engaged the other allies who had huddled up in their respective teams.

As our skills and Dyaldic's guidance propelled us into her mid-range, she finally acknowledged our presence. With a swift motion, she unleashed her Ultimate Skill, intending to hurl us backwards. However, just as the force was about to send us reeling, her gaze shifted to Fed. Yeshia rose to her feet, while Jan assumed his Red-Ant Super form, marked by his red antennas and instantaneous growth. The knight instinctively drew his blade, but Dyaldic intervened, shielding me from the impending slash and falling to the ground in the process. I could sense Dyaldic's life slipping away, but Yeshia, using her Ultimate skills, prevented his demise. Unperturbed by the outcome, the knight pressed past us, determined to defeat our allies.

Leaving the bored mage behind, I attempted to shadow step behind her, only to find myself airborne once more. She had teleported me! The feat indicated that her mana cost was remarkably low, yet her ability to perform such actions effortlessly through her skill's usage suggested she had an abundance of hidden mana at her disposal.

Utilizing my Light affinity snake's abilities, I levitated before bolting down to face her once more. It became apparent that she was aware of the Divine Class imprint upon my daggers, including the [permanent damage] skill. A single slash or stab from these weapons could potentially end the fight. As I closed the distance, she attempted to teleport me again, but my speed surpassed her efforts. Meanwhile, Dyaldic activated his Ultimate skill, a revelation made possible by my own Ultimate skill's insights.

His skill was Imprisonment Defense, which meant that offensive skills only affected him as the target. Despite this, she unleashed another Ultimate skill, rendering us immobile. However, Yeshia intervened, releasing us with her own Ultimate skill. The mage then spoke, "Surrender. It seems the Hero will be killed if you don't."

Taking in the scene, I glanced at Jan, who was barely clinging to life, while Fed lay torn apart, and several others appeared either dead or grievously injured. Blue flames and white steams emanated from the area, indicating the severity of the situation. It became evident that the two adversaries had merely been toying with us from the beginning. With a heavy heart, I uttered, "We surrender."

"No, we don't!" Jan exclaimed, struggling to stand amidst his anger. As he fought to rise, I walked back and tapped Dyaldic, signaling him to undo his Ultimate skill, which he obediently did. Yeshia followed me as I moved away from the confrontation. Clent smiled as he moved away with his malevolent companion, both now approaching us. Our group was ravaged, barely recognizable, and I pondered whether we should continue the fight.

"I'll heal what I can, but we still have no choice. We can't go back; it won't do," Yeshia declared, glaring at me. I offered her a reassuring smile, understanding the gravity of our situation.

"Clent, I'm sure you want the red ant, right?" He whispered to his companion, then shot me a glare. "Fine. You get to live today. I couldn't get my hands on it, and the one here is a mere imitation of the real beast somewhere. My partner here will make a contract vow that will soul bind you and the rest to give me the beast," he declared, his voice laced with a chilling resolve.

"Sure, let's agree to that," I responded, noting the discontent among the group at my decision. They wanted to continue the futile fight, but my gesture made them reconsider.

"Aye, that's the story, little donkey Kong. We shall take the princess next time," Clent remarked, his choice of words leaving me perplexed. His manner of expression seemed beyond conventional understanding, likely stemming from the outlandish references my father had warned me about. The Outworlders possessed unique ideas, speech, and skills, making them both detestable and intriguing. I harbored a desire to emulate them, yet I knew it was a futile dream.

"The beast isn't with us, and this imitation is merely a skill of it," I explained calmly, meeting the mage's glare with a steady gaze. "It has evolved far beyond these lands and had to undergo a ritual to reproduce with its kin. Thus, it will return to Jan, as he is its master, in approximately ten years. I'm sure that time is inconsequential to you?" I added, acknowledging the mage's impatience and gesturing towards Jan, who stood as the master of the beast.

As they deliberated among themselves, Jan's angry gaze fixed on me while the rest sought healing. We had lost four companions, with ten others injured beyond recognition. Yeshia deemed it best to seek further treatment at the next temple to ensure they would be fit for service once more. The remaining members received the necessary healing and prepared for future battles. Jan had grown significantly from this experience, but he still paled in comparison to the mastery possessed by our adversaries, who now also knew of his [Hero] status.

The decision not to kill Jan seemed perplexing at first glance, but it likely hinted at grander plans or circumstances surrounding their pursuit of Aed. I knew I had to ponder this carefully, as it undoubtedly held implications for our future encounters.

"Nih, your father was a nuisance to me, but he was the only person left in this world who truly knew me," the mage spoke, her tone carrying a mix of bitterness and resignation. "What you know of the past is true, but there's nothing else I will divulge. If you plan on fighting the Demonlord, forget it. You'll likely perish before you even bring the hero to face her. She's such a monstrous force that even Divine Intervention can no longer handle her. And if you assume you can liberate this nation from her influence, well, dream on. Provoking a dragon will only result in serving yourself as its next meal."

Her words held a weighty truth that echoed through the conversation, emphasizing the perilous nature of our ambitions and the formidable adversary we faced.

"Red Robin Hood Gang, that's what I see, after the big bad wolf only to learn it's not one, but a pack. If you think it's possible with even a hero, you're wrong. A [True Hero] has better luck, but one without a [Holy Sword], it's barely possible but, let's see in ten years. We shall be back for our pet," the Knight remarked, his words carrying a warning as he glanced once more at the red ant imitation and then at Jan. With that, they disappeared as swiftly as they had arrived, leaving behind a lingering sense of foreboding.

The mage, someone unfamiliar to me but evidently connected to Clent for a long period, left me with questions. Why had they bestowed upon us such valuable information? Why did they depart without much resistance from us? It was an experience fraught with ominous undertones, yet Jan seemed more resolute than ever, his eyes shining with newfound determination. Despite the uncertainty, his unwavering resolve was reassuring after such an extraordinary encounter. They could have easily eliminated us and coerced Jan into revealing Aed's whereabouts, but their departure left me with a sense that something was amiss.

"Nih, I have an Ultimate Skill now," Jan declared, his words sparking surprise in me as Yeshia laughed, falling to her knees. Glancing at Dyaldic, who appeared weary from the tension, I approached Jan as he beckoned me closer.

As I moved towards him, eager to learn more about his Ultimate Skill, Jan unexpectedly punched me hard in the private area. The pain was excruciating, causing me to double over and roll around in agony. Everything seemed to blur as I heard ringing in my ears, while Jan yelled at me and Fed leaped onto his shoulder. Laughter erupted from some, while others avoided making eye contact, unsure of how to react to the unexpected turn of events.


Later that evening, as everyone's morale remained low and somber, we set up our tents in silence. Despite our efforts to come together as a team, the atmosphere was tinged with a sense of melancholy. Yeshia attempted to strike a balance between acknowledging our hardships and fostering unity among us.

I learned more about Jan's Ultimate Skill, which he called [Heroism's Charismatic Favored]. Essentially, it seemed to offer little of tangible consequence but played into his whims and desires, imbuing him with a sense of luck driven by the Divine. Fed mentioned feeling a sharp pain when Jan awakened the skill, but none of the others shared the same experience.

As we gathered in our tents, the weight of our recent experiences hung heavy upon us, overshadowing any sense of hope or optimism.

Yeshia, however, expressed a sense of spiritual confidence and encouragement derived from the flow of Divinity emanating from Jan. She seemed to have become more prophetic lately, as she glanced at Fed before gesturing towards me.

"Give Jan a scar, if you believe his Ultimate skill is situational," she suggested, her words carrying a weight of implication and foresight.

I glanced at Jan, who seemed wary of Yeshia's suggestion. She kissed him on the cheek and gestured to where the scar would be, whispering in his ear. I enhanced my hearing to catch her words, instantly regretting it as I sensed her attempt at seduction. She wanted him to desire a scar on his face, but I knew that would only complicate matters further.

Quickly, I drew my dagger and made a slight slash on Jan's arm, ensuring it left a permanent mark. My daggers were known for inflicting wounds that would never heal. Yeshia attempted basic healing on him, only to witness the wound fade away before her eyes.

"See? He's like Aed, an anomaly now too. My sweet Janny," I remarked, noting the unexpected nature of Jan's newfound resilience.

I was filled with a mixture of awe and fear at the prospect. Jan was now undeniably powerful, perhaps even reaching the level of an S-tier adventurer. His skill was a double-edged sword, possessing incredible potential but also vulnerabilities. I understood its weaknesses, and Yeshia silently gestured towards her lips, indicating that I should keep it a secret.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, I nodded silently, recognizing the importance of safeguarding Jan's newfound abilities from those who might seek to exploit them.

Leaving the tent, I allowed Jan and Yeshia to enjoy their time together. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Jan. Aed would have prevented this one-sided affair, I thought. However, it occurred to me that Jan might be a submissive man, a notion that intrigued me. I knew he was comfortable with either gender, much like Aed, but one thing was certain: he seemed to enjoy being dominated. It was a peculiar aspect of his personality, one that I found rather curious.

Using the sound baffling item, Jan and Yeshia enjoyed their private moment while I stood guard, distancing myself from the rest of the group. Despite their attempts to offer support and engage in conversation, I pushed them away, needing time to process the sudden turn of events.

As I gazed above the horizon, I felt a profound sense of uncertainty wash over me. It was as if everything had been meticulously planned, orchestrated by forces beyond our understanding. Looking to the sky, I found myself compelled to ask the Gods for guidance, a gesture that marked the first time I had ever sought divine intervention in my life.

When Yeshia came to relieve me of my post, her words struck a chord. "You okay? You seem more impacted by this situation than others. Mind praying with me?"

Her invitation caught me off guard, but I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of solace in the idea of seeking guidance together. As we bowed our heads in prayer, I found a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty, grateful for the opportunity to share this moment of reflection with Yeshia.

"I'm okay. Just feeling really tired and in need of some sleep," I replied, offering a small smile before turning away to head to my tent. While the invitation to pray was kind, after that moment, my mind was too preoccupied with thoughts and worries to find continued solace in prayer.

As I lay in my tent, I knew sleep would elude me. The impending morning weighed heavy on my mind, filled with plans and assessments that demanded my attention. My friends relied on me for guidance and leadership, and I couldn't afford to falter. There was much to consider and strategize for, and I needed to ensure I was prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead. The weight of responsibility bore down on me, driving me to remain vigilant and focused throughout the restless night.

The morning arrived, and as I yawned repeatedly, it was evident to everyone that I had barely slept. A sense of paranoia gnawed at me, as if unseen eyes were watching my every move. Jan exuded vitality, rejuvenated by Yeshia's presence, which was a welcome sight. Dyaldic, too, seemed back to his usual self, yet noticeably stronger than before. It appeared that the influence of Jan and Yeshia had contributed to their growth.

Meanwhile, Yeshia and I seemed to lag behind in terms of personal development, but we had gleaned valuable lessons from the recent events. We understood that the demons and the forces aligned with the demonlord posed a formidable threat, akin to the challenges we had faced. Only a select few were aware that Jan was the Hero, and Yeshia took it upon herself to caution them against revealing this information to others. It was a matter that each individual needed to discover in their own time.

Among the dwindling group of intriguing individuals, only four remained, their presence still holding my interest while others faded into the background. The elf persisted, her resilience a testament to her strength. The imp-girl, too, survived the ordeal, her survival defying expectations. The older monk beastman exhibited a vitality that belied his age, his demeanor reflecting wisdom earned through experience. And then there was the young kid who had spoken out and been saved by Yeshia—his remarkable growth hinted at Jan's influence, a testament to the hero's impact.

Their survival and growth underscored the transformative power of the challenges we faced, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and admiration toward these resilient individuals who continued to persevere in the face of adversity.

As Jan rode on the wagon, I couldn't shake the curiosity about his skill and its insight into the "[Heroic Force: OverSighters]." With a gulp, he met our questioning gaze, a sense of mischief dancing in his eyes. Despite his attempt to play it cool, we could all sense that something significant lay beneath the surface. With a nervous chuckle, Jan's response of "Oops!" only added to the mystery.

Amidst the playful scolding and chastisement directed at Jan for his cryptic actions, we discovered that four additional individuals had been inducted into the OverSighters, bringing the total count to seven out of ten members. The revelation sparked a question that hung in the air: "Jan, do you have any intention of inviting Aed to join this group?"

A hushed silence enveloped us as the bickering momentarily ceased, allowing Jan's response to echo through the air. His words carried a weight of finality, signaling a definitive decision. Despite his usual attempts to diffuse tensions, Jan's demeanor now reflected a solemn determination as he uttered a simple yet resolute "No."

Jan's decision not to include Aed in the group skill raised a multitude of questions and speculations in my mind. While I couldn't fully grasp his reasons, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to it than met the eye. Perhaps Jan foresaw potential complications or risks associated with Aed's involvement, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was something deeper underlying his decision. Regardless, I resolved to leave no stone unturned and tasked Yeshia with investigating the matter further once we returned home.

As I observed everyone nonchalantly proceeding towards the next city, I couldn't shake off the feeling of detachment. It seemed that what was once perceived as my contemplative moments or efforts to rid demons had now become a normalized part of our journey. While part of me recognized the practicality in their acceptance, it stung to realize that my inner struggles had become commonplace among the group. It served as a sobering reminder of the burdens we each carried and the need for resilience.

Sarcasm laced my words as I glanced over the wagon, realizing the need for a newer one as we approached the next city. With the inclusion of the entire OverSighters in our meetings, courtesy of our esteemed and fearless leader, Jan, it seemed our nomadic presence would attract curiosity in the city ahead. The dynamics within our group were evolving, and our interactions would undoubtedly draw attention as we ventured forward.

The sight of the King of the Sands, a formidable beast that even demons respected, caught our attention as we journeyed onward. Jan and the rest of the OverSighters sensed its presence, indicating its significance. Clent had once mentioned encountering the creature, expressing a desire to confront it again. Its presence hinted at the mysteries and dangers lurking within the desert, including potential encounters with the Demonlord's forces.

The fact that it is alive suggests that Clent either surrendered his search or failed to locate it altogether. Aed's involvement appears inevitable; in any scenario of unknown mishaps, Aed invariably emerges as a factor. The desert's sovereign, epitomizing the ruler class of the domain, undoubtedly intertwines with Aed's affairs. If not, then Jan shoulders the blame, courtesy of his fortuitous ultimate skill, which seems to bend fate to his subconscious wishes. The intricate web of connections hints at deeper mysteries entwined within their fates, intricately woven yet shrouded in uncertainty.

Ruler class monsters resembled nobles and kings, possessing an innate understanding of their land's condition and limitations, dictated by the scope of their mana and entity abilities within their domain. They served as anchors, infusing their mana into the land to sustain its vitality and safeguarding it against unnatural or supernatural threats, extending protection solely to those creatures dwelling within its bounds by natural occurrence. This symbiotic relationship between ruler and land underscored a delicate balance, where power and responsibility intertwined to uphold the sanctity of their domain. I respected that.

The small city looming ahead rose from sandy glass and stone walls, bearing the unmistakable imprint of the Demonlord's dominion. Within its confines, a demon held sway, accompanied by a retinue of the Demonlord's loyal servants. While not entirely lawless, the city's fabric was gradually woven with the threads of servitude, its populace slipping into roles akin to lower-class servants. The once-autonomous governor, now reduced to a mere puppet, perpetuated the semblance of governance. Surprisingly, this shift bore unexpected outcomes: nobles found themselves in service, while the lower class discovered newfound avenues of opportunity amidst the shifting tides of power.

The unsettling aspect of this situation lay in the unchecked influence steadily encroaching upon the city, rendering freedom from the Demonlord's rule a daunting prospect. Reflecting on humanity's own history, we recognized parallels of domination and submission, a cycle we, the OverSighters, had once perpetuated. Yet, as a faction, we upheld the power of choice. Should conflict arise, we stood poised to push back against the oppressive tide, ensuring that the flame of liberty remained ablaze amidst the encroaching shadows of tyranny.

Our choice stood firm: anyone desiring a new sovereign, the hero Jan, could petition him and voice their grievances. Those unwilling to do so would depart to align with the Demonlord's domain, for her influence would no longer infiltrate our land. Our aim: to reclaim a domain liberated from her reign. This proclamation bore the weight of potential peril, risking our lives for the cause of freedom and autonomy.

Jan, resolute in his purpose, understood the gravity of the situation. Dyaldic, sensing the urgency, opted to delay our arrival, taking it upon himself to scout the city firsthand. Despite the city being a day's journey on foot and less than half by carriage, the mode of travel mattered little, as our entourage included those on foot. We erected tents and patiently awaited Dyaldic's return, our anticipation tinged with a blend of hope and apprehension.

During this interval, several individuals began to discern the presence of a distinct group within our midst. Some sought to engage Jan in conversation, prompting Yeshia to intervene, sensing the importance of safeguarding Jan's identity. Yet, despite our efforts, the aura surrounding Jan had already begun to pique curiosity, casting light upon his significance. Taking a decisive stance, I ascended the carriage, commanding the attention of all present. "Attention, everyone! Listen closely!"

As some emerged from the tents, with a select few openly displaying adulation, I sighed, indifferent to their reverence. However, I deemed it imperative to address the assembled multitude with clarity. "Jan is the hero, and whether you acknowledge it or not, discussion on the matter is prohibited. Consider this my initial directive to those under contract. It's not unreasonable nor arbitrary; failure to comply will result in memory loss as stipulated in your contracts. Amongst ourselves, discussion of Jan is permissible, but outside this covenant, silence must prevail. Carry on!"

Jan, his cheeks flushed crimson, found himself the object of seductive gazes, only to be reminded of his allegiance to Yeshia. Meanwhile, I too noticed a myriad of similar glances directed my way, a surprising revelation. The notion of conversing with the new OverSighters lingered in the back of my mind, yet I hesitated, preferring to observe their survival through their initial encounter. With the exception of the two who crossed our path, their resilience would determine my willingness to engage further.

As I reclined on the carriage, my serpentine companions dutifully warding off any attempts to join me, I gazed up at the benevolent stars, longing for the familiarity of home. Despite the monotony of the journey, a sense of unease gnawed at me. What intentions lay behind the actions of those two individuals? Their knowledge of Aed intrigued me, yet their reluctance to pursue him spoke volumes. It was a puzzle I couldn't decipher, adding a layer of discomfort to our already precarious voyage.

The potential havoc those two could wreak back home weighed heavily on my mind. Their actions could cripple the guardian knights, leaving us vulnerable to unforeseen threats. However, such a drastic move would undoubtedly thrust them into dire straits as well. Clent's influence couldn't be dismissed lightly; his encounters with the Demonlord hinted at the gravity of our situation. Was it Jan's presence that incited such concern? His Ultimate skill held a promise of assurance, yet the possibility of it backfiring loomed ominously, casting doubt upon our path forward.

Completing my contemplations, I leaped off the carriage and approached Dyaldic, sensing a palpable tension in the air. "Hey... what's troubling you?" I inquired, my voice laced with concern.

Dyaldic's somber demeanor shifted as he revealed a pendant displaying his family's mana, revealing the existence of another son, filling him with paternal pride. Moved by his revelation, I offered a reassuring smile before responding to his inquiry. "I... I just wanted to inquire about the commotion," I replied, acknowledging his shy yet content expression.

As Dyaldic chuckled in apology, I returned his smile before strolling out to the sandy dune. Nightfall loomed ahead, as predictable as ever. Fed, or rather Aed's imitation, remained steadfast in its kindness, ensuring our safety from ambushes by monstrous ants that remained undeterred by stronger Aura or Mana. Unlike the typical denizens of the sands, the gang seemed to have overlooked this particular trait of Aed's protection.

Contemplating the enigmatic creature nestled in its cocoon, I pondered what tumultuous dreams might be swirling within its confines, contrasting with our perilous adventures in the outside world. Reflecting on Aed, I couldn't help but marvel at his peculiarities. Despite his mild superiority in strength, he harbored an irrational fear of snakes, much to the delight of my serpentine companions who fondly reminisced about their playful chases with him. It was a curious juxtaposition, highlighting the intricacies of Aed's chaotic adventures.

The comical spectacle of Aed's antics never failed to amuse, as he dashed, hid, or even attempted to intimidate my serpentine companions during their playful encounters. Amidst the laughter, memories of the past flitted through my mind, evoking a brief moment of nostalgia. Glancing up at the expansive sky, I acknowledged the daunting months ahead, contemplating Aed's prolonged stay in his city and the potential exploration of the dungeon looming on the horizon. With these thoughts in mind, I settled down to rest, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead.

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