bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilber...

By RideWithTheDevil

68.2K 944 2.9K

There's a random phone number written in the bathroom stall and Jake is the only dumb ass willing to text it... More

CH.1- How did you get my number?
CH.2 -i wanna get to know you
CH.3- weekend
CH.4- concert
CH.5 we're all gay or?
CH.6 -Can you spend the night?
CH.7 - Party
CH.9 - back to normal
CH.10 - ... trying to keep things normal
CH.12 - the truth comes out
CH.13 - Some things never change
CH.14 - Can I say "I love you" without it being weird?
CH.15 - hungover
ch.16 - just fuck off
CH.17 - Getting help
CH. 18 - I feel like dancin'
CH.20 - using you (Valentines Day date)
CH.21 - what are we?
CH.22 - A little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me"
CH.23 - Dance, Dance
CH.24 - All your fault
CH.25 - breathe in, breathe out
Ch.26 - Flesh
CH.27 - bad feeling
CH.28 - N.M.E
CH.19 - Coming out
CH.29 - dose he love me?
CH.30 - Peach
CH.31 - you don't need to protect me
CH.32 - problem solved
CH.33 - end of the year
2nd book

CH.11 - I can't continue like this

2K 32 216
By RideWithTheDevil

Jake's pov:

I wake up with a frown not seeing Johnnie. That frown soon turned to a smile once I look down and see his arms wrapped around my torso, hugging me tight. Not wanting to wake him up I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram as he keeps holding me tighter. I can't believe that I actually woke up before him, usually I'm the last up. I completely forgot what day it was until Colby barged into the room.

"Guys you have to get up." He yells

"Huh?" Johnnie groans, hiding his face in my back

"Wake up otherwise your walking." Colby smiles as he walks out the room

"I don't wanna." Johnnie muffled

"I don't want to either but we gotta." I sigh as I sit up

"Ughh." Johnnie moans as he gets up as well

We get up and get dressed in the clothes we wore yesterday.

"Should we switch hoodies?" I ask

"For what?" Johnnie questions as he puts in his shoes

"So people don't think that were wearing the same clothes." I jokingly roll my eyes

"I guess." Johnnie yawns

I jump up and put on his hoodie and throw the one I wore yesterday to him. I watch as he puts it on and smile as we walk out the door.

"You guys took forever." Sam groans as he reaches for his keys

"Sorry guys, I forgot it was a school day." I laugh

"Whatever, let's go." Sam opens the door

It's not like we were late to school. We actually arrived on time. I don't know what they are complaining about but whatever. Its none of my business. I got to cuddle with Johnnie all morning so I have no complaints.....who the fuck us talking to Johnnie the the car window?

"Are you serious?" Johnnie groans

"Yeah..I'm sorry dude but you know that I cant do anything." The guy from yesterday said...I think his name was Jordan

"Okay...sorry guys I gotta go do something." Johnnie frowns

"Will I see you later?" I ask

"Yeah, I'll see you after first period okay." He smiles as he gets out of the car and walks away

Johnnies pov:

Fuck...I can't believe's like he never fucking left my life. I can't get away from him. I sigh as I walk closer to the janitors closet.

"Glade you actually came." Bryan smiles

"What do you want." I ask, cold

"I want you to stay away from Jake." His grin gets wider

"Why? For what?" I ask

"Because if you don't I'll tell him what happened. I'll tell him everything."

" don't scare me." I say trying to stand my ground

"Really? Then you wouldn't care if I told him right now then." Bryan says as he starts walking away

"No! Don't... please." I frown
"Fine I won't be with him.....just..don't tell him."I feel like crying

"Good." He smiles as he kicks us out of the closet

"Dude, are you actually going to ignore him all day?" Jordan asks

"I have to...he can't know." I frown

"It's okay...I'm sure that he'll understand."

The bell rings and I walk to class.


Hey I'm so sorry but I can't be seen with you anymore
*Delivered at 7:30am*
*Seen at 7:31 am*

*Delivered at 7:32 am*

*Delivered at 7:34 am*

Awnser me
*Delivered at 7:36 am*


Fuck...I can't believe I'm doing this. I know I won't be able to go a whole day without missing him...once the bell rang at the end of first period Jake came over looking for me.

"Johnnie?" Jake asks
"Please, did I do something?" He whispers

"No Jake, it's me...just leave me alone. I'm sorry." I say as I push past him

I feel like crying. The whole class I try my best at hiding my tears. Just the way he spoke he sounded broken. When lunch came around it felt weird to not say anything to Jake as I walked past him. I'm glad I have other friends that I can talk to but being away from Jake was horrible. The whole lunch i had my head down, not wanting to think about anything. I also had to walk home at the end of the day. I haven't done this in a while. I could have asked my other friends for a ride but I don't...I don't deserve it I guess. The walk felt like it took forever. As soon as I got home I jumped in bed wanting this day to end.

It's been a week and I can't take it anymore. I keep getting calls from Jake that I can't answer and texts that I don't even bother to read because I already know how heartbreaking it will be. Sam and Colby have also messaged me but I can't respond to that to. I just can't. The stress of Bryan telling Jake what happened mixed with the fact that Jake definitely hates me has caused me to loose my appetite. I barely eat a full meal through the day, most days I don't eat at all. I also haven't really talked to anyone this week other than Bryan. I just don't want to bother my other friends with my sorrow so I've been eating lunch in the bathrooms.  I don't know how long I can do this.

Jake's pov:

It's been a month since I've talked to Johnnie. I have no idea why he won't talk to me, Sam, or Colby. Even at work he said very few things to Colby. I don't know what's going on but I can't fucking take it. I've been getting angry each time I think about it. Whenever I see him laughing in the hallways I just get pissed off and it's been effecting my friends as well. I don't stay over at Sam or Colbys house anymore and I spend most of my time after school at home.. alone. Whoever there's a party I tend to drink myself into a "whining mess" as Colby would put it. I guess no matter how mad I get I'll still have feelings for Johnnie. I try to forget about him but I-i can't. He has me in a choke hold. I wear the hoodie that he let me borrow almost every day and I try not to get it dirty because I don't want to wash his sent off if it. Sound pathetic I know. I just refuse to lose him I guess.

Today I thought that it was going to be a normal Monday, aka the start of a depressing week where I miss the one thing that brought light to my life. But I was wrong. It was the start of lunch and I watch as Johnnie walks outside the school building. This time instead of walking to the tree that he sits alone at he walks to one of the janitor closets. As soon as he knocks on the door and angry Bryan awnsers. I don't know why he bothers to talk to the guy. I thought that he didn't like him. Whatever. I watch as there conversation turns into a yelling fight.

"Dude I know that Johnnie is refusing to talk to us but...I feel like we should stop there argument." Kat says as she looks in there direction

"Yeah, it seems to be getting pretty serious." Colby adds

"No, they always talk like this. Its none of our business anyway." I say with anger in my voice

4 minutes into their argument Bryan grabs Johnnie by the shoulders and kissed him....what the fuck? Johnnie looks to be struggling to push him off...

"Fuck it." I say as I get up and rush over to them

"Get the fuck off of him." I yell as I pull Bryan off of Johnnie

"Fuck off." He says

"Bryan just go." I say back as he walks away

I turn to look back at Johnnie and he's...he's crying?

"Johnnie?" I question

"I'm...I'm so sorry." He cry's
"I should have told you sooner and..." The rest of his sentences were muffled by his whines

"'s okay."I frown as I wipe the tears falling down his cheeks
"Do you wanna sit with us?" I ask as I hold his hand

He nods his head "yes" as we walk over to the table. Everyone looks over and can see the tears still falling from Johnnies eyes. The table goes back to talking, not wanting Johnnie to feel uncomfortable. Once we sit down I can feel him shivering. Not wanting to make him more nervous I don't say anything. The rest of the lunch goes on as normal. Once the bell rings Johnnie is still shaken up. So I tell Colby that he can go to class without me and that I'll see him later and to tell the teacher that I might be late. Once everyone leaves I look over to Johnnie who seems not to have noticed that the bell has rung.

"Hey, its time to go to class." I say

"O-oh." He jumps

"Are you okay? So still seem shaken up."

"Y-yeah..." He stutters

"Let take you to the nurse... I don't think that you should be in class right now. You also look exhausted." I frown

I take his hand and we make our way to the nurses office. Not wanting to tell the nurse exactly what happened because im not in the position to be telling people Johnnies business, I tell her that he seems to be in the verge of a panic attack and that she should get some rest. The nurse agreed and let me walk him to one of the room. There's no bed but there are some chairs that I lined up for him and had him sit down. I found a throw blanket that I also handed to him as I was in my way out.

"W-wait...can you stay here for a little longer?" Johnnie asks softly

"I'll stay till I get kicked out" I joke as I sit down next to him.

Eventually Johnnie puts his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. I smile as I play with his hair and watch as he takes little breaths. As long as he's not crying I can't complain.. I then get comfortable and fall asleep as well. Soon enough the nurse gently wakes me up.

"I'm so sorry but I can't have both if you in here, you'll have to go to class." She apologizes in a soft voice

"no, that's okay." I smile as I try to get up

"No.." Johnnie whispers as he holds onto me tighter

"I have to go." I whisper to him but he doesn't let go

"I won't be able to sleep without you..." He says as he puts his head on my chest causing me to blush

"It's okay hun. If he wants you to say here and if that'll keep him calm then you can stay. I'll message your teacher and tell them that you won't be attending class." She smiles as she shuts the door

I can't believe that he wants me to stay. I thought he hated me. I bet Bryan had something to do with it. Ugh, the next time I see the blond fuck imma punch him. I swear. To calm my nerves I pull out my phone to text Colby what's going on.

Wannabe Gerard way 😚

I'm not coming to class
*Delivered at 2:35*
*Seen at 2:37*

Yeah I kinda assumed that
U just ditching or???

No uh
Johnnie actually wanted me to stay with him...


He said he wouldn't be able to sleep without me here so
I'm not complaining

Lmao I bet
I guess that means he missed you to
Did he tell you why he's been ignoring us?

I mean he tried to at lunch but he was crying so much I couldn't understand him :(

Hopefully he'll explain it soon

I'm not going 2 pressure him tho
He looks tired
Like I cold visibley see his eyebags and how dark they are
He also feels hella light
Like he weighs less than before
..I don't think he's been eating or sleeping since we stopped talking

Oh shit
That's not good
Good thing that he's sleeping now then
And we can go get food after school to make sure that he eats
Nothing much but it's better than nothing

That's if he still wants to talk to us after school

I'm sure he will
Well also not bring anything up
Actually like nothing happened
Just so that he doesn't feel stressed

Good idea

Shit I better go, teacher might start yelling at me


I smile as I look down to Johnnie holding onto me tighter. It's like nothing happened. Just then the bell rings and I have to wake him up. He yawns and smiles as he sits up in the chair.

"Sleep well?" I ask

"Could be better." He smiles

"Yeah, I don't remember expect the school chairs to be comfortable." I giggle
"Anyways do you want to uh...hang out? All good if not you-" I get cut off

"Yeah, I can hang out." He said happily
"Just uh...I'm so sorry for what I did. I know you have no reason to forgive me and I know that but trust me I'll explain it all to you just...I'm-"

"It's okay. I'm sure you have a good reason. You know I can never hate you." I smile as I grabe his hand so we can head out of the nurse office

Once we get to the car Sam and Colby smiles.

"Okay guys before we go to my house we're getting Taco Bell. Tell me what you guys want now so I can order it on my phone." Colby smiles

We all tell him what we want except Johnnie.

"Johnnie what did you want?" Colby asks

"Uh..i-im not really hungry." He gives a weak smile

"Are you sure?"


This cause me to frown. He looks so fragile and I can't bare to see him like this. As we get to Taco Bell we get our food and eat in Sam's car. I decided to eat outside with the nice weather. Johnnie soon come out of the car and sits next to me

"You sure your not hungry?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm fine."he smiles

"Here, just take a bite." I say as I pull a burrito out of the bag and unwrap it

"I'm good, really." He giggles as he pushes the food away

"Just one bite then I won't say anything about it. " I say as I put the burrito to his mouth

He takes a bite and smiles.

"Good?" I ask


"Take it. I know your hungry." I say as I give him the burrito

"I'm fine rea-" I cut him off

"I know you didn't eat lunch and there's a good chance all you had for breakfast was a cigarette. Just eat it."

"But it's your food." He frowns

"I got it for you because I know you weren't going to order anything." I laugh

He smiles then starts eating the burrito. Once he's halfway done with it he looks at me.

"Just so you know I didn't have just a cigarette this morning." He takes a bite
"I had a cigarette and half of one." He laughs

"Bro that's not good." I laugh back

We finish eating and get into Sam's car.

"Have fun making out our there?" Sam laughed as he starts his car

"A bit."Johnnie smiles causing me to blush

Fuck. Every time I stop talking to him I never lose feelings but when we get back together I turn into a blushing mess. I stutter and feel so nervous around him. Every time. I have no idea why but I don't mind. I love the feeling of being in love with him. Love when he makes me stutter. I love how red I get when I'm just sitting next to him. He might not feel the same but I don't care. He gives me a high that no drug ever could. I can't believe I'm saying this but...I'm addicted to Johnnie Guilbert.

Before I notice we're parked outside of Sam's house. We get out of the car and go straight to his room to play some videogames. After a few hours it turns dark and everyone goes to sleep I walk Johnnie to the guest room but don't walk in.

"Are you kot sleeping in here?" He asks

"I didn't know if you wanted me to or not." I frown

"I know I fucked up but..I still-i still like you. I don't want things to be awkward between us."

I just smile and walk over to the bed. I take off my hoodie before getting under the covers.

"I'm glad you don't want things to change because I've missed cuddling with you." I smile as I wrap my arm around his torso

"Yeah?" He asks

"Y-yeah." I stutter
"I've been so lonely lately. I really have missed you." I blush

"I missed you to.." he smiles

"No like... I really missed you. I would get so jealous whenever I saw you talking to someone in the hallway...even teachers" my face turns a bright pink

"Really?" He giggles

"It gets worse." I stutter
"I also got jealous whenever you were on your phone..let just say I got jealous whenever you would talk to someone that wasn't me. Hell I even got mad at Colby because he still was able to see you at work." My face is as red as it's ever been

"That's.." he starts

Shit, fuck. I probably fuck it up by telling him how jealous I get. He probably thinks I'm fucking crazy.

"That's adorable." He smiles

"What?" I say genuinely confused

"You know I like how jealous you get." He pulls in closer
" protective you get. I know you were watching me when I was talking to Bryan. I mean how else would you know that he kissed me."

"I-i..your right."

He then leans in and kisses me.

"S-sorry..I just missed kissing you I know I should have-"

I shut him up by kissing him back

"God, you apologize so much." I smile as I bite his lip


"You keep doing that i won't be able to control myself." I move our position so that he's sitting up against the bed and I'm on his lap

"What if I don't want you do?" He smiles as his face turns a light pink

I look him up and down as I slowly take off his shirt. The last time I saw him without a shirt there were hickeys going up and down his body. Now it's a blank slate, a clean canvas. I go from making out with him to biting his neck, then once again giving him hickeys all the way down his torso. Once I reach the lining of his boxers I feel his hand go on my chin forcing me to look up at him. He pushes me back and gets on top of me. He takes off my shirt and starts biting on my neck. Fuck, I never thought that he'd be doing this but I can't complain. I start to moan as I can feel his cold jewelery touch my torso. I pull his hair as he kisses me down my torso. I can contain it anymore once he reaches my snail trail, causing my moans to get louder.

"Shhh, we're at someone's house you have to be quiet." He giggles

Is he-is he fucking giggling at me as he's so close to literally sucking my dick. What have I gotten myself into?

"I-i can't help it." I pant as he sits on my lap, playing with my hair

I start to sit up and go back to making out with him. Fuck do I love him. After a good while we let go to catch our breath and Johnnie yawns.

"Are you tired baby?" I ask

"Kinda but we can keep going." He smiles as he leans in to bite my lip

"No, I can see the eyebags under your eyes. Let's go to bed. We have school tomorrow anyway." I pull him away

We both lay down, Johnnie now cuddling me, and drift off to sleep.

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