PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse.

بواسطة Superfan2600

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Chapter 1: An Unholy Alliance.
Chapter 2: The Surprise for Chase
Chapter 3: A Dastardly Plan
Chapter 4: The Attack
Chapter 6: The Return of A Tyrant
Chapter 7: A Couple Pups vs Clone
Chapter 8: The Return of the Son of Victoria
Chapter 9: An Escape Attempt
Chapter 10: The Infiltration into The Trap
Chapter 11: The Final Battle (part 1)
Chapter 12: The Final Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 13: The Final Battle (part 3)
Chapter 14: A Ton of Miracles
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 5: Aftermath

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بواسطة Superfan2600

Everything where the Lookout stood is now destroyed. The puphouses. The gear. The vehicles. The tower itself. Everything. Katie raced over to see what has become of Ryder and the pups.

Katie: Ryder! Ryder! Ryd- - (gasps) No.

She walks through the rubble and ashes. She looked every nook and cranny for any remains of her friends. Then she sees Ryder's PupPad smashed. She picks it up and trembles. She sheds a tear and drops the PupPad and runs off. She  can't bear to look at the destruction anymore. Once she was gone, a paw raised out of a pile of rocks and ashes. Then another. Then an entire pup! It looks like the pup is Chase. He was covered in ashes, dirt and bruises.

Chase: Oh! My back! Ugh! (Feels back pain). I'm gonna need a chiropractor later. (gasps) 

He stats running through the remains of the Lookout, searching for his friends.

Chase: (calling out) Marshall! Rubble? It's me, Chase! Rocky? Zuma?! SKYE?! Sk- -

Then he hears moaning coming from a pile behind him. It was an ear. A certain fluffy ear. He recognized it anywhere.

Chase: SKYE!!

He races over to the pile and starts to dig Skye out. She looked like Chase in his current condition: dusty and bruised. She started to open her eyes.

Chase: Skye?

Skye: (coughing) Chase?

Chase: (hugs her) Thank goodness you're okay!

Skye: I punched a meteor as big as Canada to pieces. I'll be okay.

Chase: (chuckles) But where are the others?

Skye: I think I'm stepping on one.

Chase: Huh?

Then they see that Skye was right! She was on top of Marshall's leg!

Marshall: (moaning) Uuuuuuuuuggggghhhh.

Chase and Skye: MARSHALL!!!

Then they dug out their friend.

Chase: Marshall! Buddy! Are you okay?

Skye: Please, Marshall! Say something! Anything!

Marshall: (groaning) You're standing on my tail

Chase: Oh. (Walks back) Sorry.

Marshall: (stands up) Ugh. Where are the others?

Skye: That's what we wanna know. 

Then they hear a voice in the distance.

Rubble: Help! Somebody help!

Skye: That's Rubble!

Then they rush over to where the sound came from. And they see that Rubble is in the same situation as Bruce Banner when he was holding up the debris in the flooding room when Thanos attacked in Avengers: Endgame. Only it wasn't flooding and Rubble was keeping the debris from falling on Zuma who is trying to wake up the unconscious Rocky.

Chase, Skye and Marshall: GUYS!!!


Then the three dug a tunnel for Zuma, who's now carrying Rocky. Rubble got out the newly made tunnel just as the debris fell. Now the six pups are reunited. Bruised. Battered. Dusty. But still okay.

Chase: Is everyone okay?

Zuma: We're fine, dudes. But I think we need a MONDO bath. 

Rocky: (instantly wakes up, startled) NOT A BATH! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!

Everyone else: Rocky!

Then they gave their awakened friend a hug to show their gladness.

Marshall: Thought we lost you, Rocky.

Rocky: I'm just glad we survived.

Then the six look around to see the destruction that happened. 

Chase: This can't be. (Breathes heavily) 

Marshall: Our home.

Rocky: (looks at Tundra's present to Chase, still intact) Our friends. (Sheds a tear)

Zuma: (looking at PupPacks) Our PupPacks. Our uniforms.

Skye: (looks at the remains of the puphouses and vehicles) This is worse than the Pup Tower in Adventure City.

Rubble: (on his knees and screaming in anguish) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rubble is seen mourning the destroyed pup treat dispenser. He weeps over its shattered remains. Chase sniffles and starts to walk away. He can't believe this had to happen on his birthday. And the PAW Patrol anniversary. Then he trips over a lever. He stumbles and then sees that he's done something. The ground starts shaking in the area where the Lookout used to be.

Chase: Uh oh. Guys! Watch out!

Then the floor falls, with the six pups as well. It falls down to the basement. The pups groan at what happened just now.


Zuma: (groaning) Ow. (Gasps) Dudes! I remember this place!

Rubble: Me too! We haven't used this place since . . . 

Marshall: 2018?

Rubble: Yeah!

Skye: This is the basement where we hid the meteor that landed back then. 

Chase: We put the meteor here after we stopped using it when Ryder made the meteor badges.

Marshall: At least a couple months before the meteor in Adventure City.

Chase: Yeah. 

Skye: I wonder if the meteor is still here.

Rocky: Could be.

Chase: Could be?! I was with Ryder when we put that space rock away.

Marshall: Then you can take us to it.

Zuma: So do you know where it is?

Chase: I hope so. It was at least a couple years ago. But I have a hunch. Follow me.

Then the pups follow Chase to a giant, glass, squarish case with the meteor inside! Chase puts in the code. 2 - 0- 1 - 3. The case opens and the meteor rolls out. The pups got out of its way. Then they see it still glows that goldish-yellow glow from inside the rock. The pups' faces lit up. The light resembles hope. It was dim before, but once it shows up, it nearly blinds your eyes. They see their paws glow up as they once did.

Chase: Hmm. Let me test this out.

Then Chase ran at super speed but runs into a giant crate.

Chase: Ow. Ugh. Guys, we're back in business!

Skye:  Wanna test these above the basement?

Chase: (groans) Yep. Better idea.

Then the pups went back to the remaining of the Lookout. Rubble rolls up into a ball and hits a broken wall. But it's not his wrecking ball move from Adventure City.

Rubble: Oof! Guys, I think we lost our crystal powers.

Rubble then punches the wall and crumbles it, showing that he still has his 2018 powers: strength.

Rubble: At least I still have strength.

Zuma: (Grunts) I can't turn into water. (Shoots water) But I can still do that.

Rocky: (sees piles of scrap from destroyed vehicles) Come on, magnet paws! (Grunts, but nothing happens) Rubble's right.

Then Rocky got out his energy tools and made the scrap into a mini statue of himself.

Rocky: But I still got it.

Marshall  (grunts and puts his paws out to shoot fireballs, but nothing happens) I'm with Rocky on this one. I can no longer make fireballs. Let alone fire itself. (Uses heat paws to mend the metal next to him into a curved line) But I'm still cool. Well, I mean hot.

Skye sees a big rock and tries to lift it. But the result is just the same. Nothing. Then she uses a whirlwind to throw it. Then as the rock spins, she also went spinning. In a split-second, she got out her Wind-rider Wings and stabilized herself. She seemd disoriented.

Skye: I'm not strong anymore.

Chase: But you're still strong in the inside.

Skye: Yeah.

Rocky: So we only have our FIRST meteor powers?

Marshall: On the bright side, we can still charge up.

Rubble: Really? I can have my wrecking ball move back?

Marshall: (fist bumps Rubble's paw and they both glow) What do you call this?

Rubble is overjoyed. He does his wrecking ball move and annihilates a piece of debris into more pieces. He is back to normal and smiles a huge grin, glad to know he still got it. But once he saw a portrait of the entire team, his smile fades..

Rubble: I just can't believe they're gone.

Skye: (grimly) Rubble's right. We lost everything.

Zuma: Everyone. 

Rocky: Our vehicles.

Rubble: Our gear. 

Marshall:  And . . . Ryder.

They all bow their heads in sorrow. Chase lays down in defeat. He sees Ryder's broken PupPad next to him and he starts to sob. Then a memory came to his mind. You remember the episode in season 1 where the pups had to rescue Ryder but they don't know where he was? And they were having trouble without their leader? The episode is called "Pups save Ryder". Then his eyes widen. It gave him an idea. He stands up determined and walks over to his sad friends.

Chase: Pups.

They all look at him.

Chase: What if we use our powers to save everyone.

Skye: But remember the last time we saved Ryder he lost his PupPad? Well, there it is! (She points to it)

Marshall: Skye's right, Chase. We don't have our Adventure City powers. (angrily) If we still did, I'd send a fireball through those bad guys' throats!

Rocky: Calm down, Marshall. (To Chase) But seriously. We just lost at least seventy percent of our advantages! 

Zuma: Do the math, dude!

Chase: At least we didn't lose our old powers. Think about that.

The pups start to think and then start to see Chase's point. 

 Chase: Look. I know we don't have our Adventure City powers. We don't have our gear. But I'll tell you what we DO have.

The pups look curious but intrigued at Chase's words. The courageous German Shepherd walks to each of his friends.

Chase: (walks to Marshall) We have our friendship. (Walks to Rocky) We have our wits. (Walks to Rubble) And our will to save the world.

Skye: You know what? Chase is right! (Stands determined) We can't give up.

Zuma: We're family.

Marshall: And we're not giving up without a fight!

Chase: That's the spirit! Oh, by the way I found this. (Brings out chest) It was in the basement.

Chase opens it and they see that it's their old suits from 2018! (The picture at the top of the story) Then they put their old suits ona and walk heroically in slow motion. Then back in regular motion, they comment about their old suits,

Marshall: I gotta say. We looked GREAT in these things.

Skye: Yeah. Too bad we only used them for two days.

Rubble: At least they still fit.

Then this song comes on. Read as it plays.

Chase: (stands in front of them) Pups. By the fact we've been overpowered by these bad guys, not to mention the Lookout being destroyed. (Everyone looks behind them at the destroyed tower and back) And there is only six of us against practically a whole armada of villains. With super powers more powerful than we seen before. But I ask you .  .  .

The pups listen for Chase's words, because they sound like that if they lose, they could possibly never come back. In the most terrible way.

Chase: Who's with me? For one final mission?

Then everyone looks at each other and raise their paws, showing that they're ready to join Chase in the fight against the baddies. Chase grins and the pups put their paws down. Chase turns around, determined.

Chase: Mighty Pups!

Everyone else: Is on a roll!!!

Two minutes into the song, the pups get the remaining gear that they had with their Mighty Pup suits from 2018. Then Rocky makes the tool-belt from 2018 and everyone except Skye gets in. Skye then gets out her wings and a whirlwind so she could take the tool-belt and fly to the greatest guess Chase ever had: Barkingburg. (Stop the video at 2 minutes and 30 seconds into it) But will the Mighty Pups succeed in saving their friends AND the world? Or will Sweetie win and take it over? Find out in the next chapter of PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse.

This is amazing! I brought back the suits from the first Mighty Pups thing in the franchise, wrote an amazing chapter, and nostalgia has washed over me once again. Please comment down below on what you think of the chapter, what you think about me bringing back a blast from the past (the suits), and how high the stakes are. But don't forget to leave a vote. Peace out, ya'll!

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