His Possession

By brownhair_bronte

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Nora Juniper Harlow has just gotten her heartbroken by the two most important people in her life. So in a que... More



268 16 2
By brownhair_bronte

The week flew by.

A week full of complete dating bliss.

Christian wined and dined me every night of the week and I'd be remiss to say that I wasn't falling harder and harder for him every day. 

He picks me up from my apartment, takes us to Roast Room before heading into work. I can't remember ever being treated this well and it starts to make me wonder what I ever saw in Duke. Even at our best he never treated me like this.

It's not even so much about the flowers and the dinners, but Christian takes such good care of me. He's attentive and he takes interest. My parents don't even pay that much attention to me unless I'm actively doing something they disagree with like dropping out of college and skipping around jobs.

It's just been nice.

On Wednesday Karman went with me to change my phone number and my life has never been more calm. No constant texts, no incessant ringing. Only seven people have my new number. My parents, Karman and Sam, Vivian and Travis, and Christian. I like it this way. It's peaceful.

It's Saturday morning and I stretch in bed, getting in a little body shake as I sigh in content. The heavy arm around my waist tightens and it makes me smile.

"Good morning" I kiss Christian's cheek.

He grunts, tucking me back into his body. Christian is not a morning person, I've learned. 

"It's not even that early" I glance at the alarm clock on my nightstand. "It's only nine"

I move to sit up but he keeps a hold of me, pinning me to his body. "You don't have to go every morning"

I gasp dramatically. "How dare you say that to me"

Before Christian can say anything in response, another voice startles the both of us.

"Please be decent, please be decent!" Karman all but yells before bursting through the door.

I sit up and Christian lets me, concern on his own face. "Karm, what-"

My phone rings and I look over, surprised to see Mother as the Caller ID. She never calls. Not me anyway.

"Oh damn I'm too late" Karman sighs.

Tentatively I pick up the phone and answer it. "Hello?"

"There are pictures of you online" she snaps at me.

I clutch the sheets around me. "What?"

"Pictures of you and some man. What is this about Nora?"

"I-" I look to Karman not knowing what to say or what my mother is talking about.

"Tabloids" Karman whispers. "Someone leaked pictures"

This is a conversation Christian and I had on our first date. It's too early for anyone to know and I didn't want to be in the limelight so soon, especially because I work for him. More importantly my parents. I didn't want the backlash from them.

Christian immediately reaches for his phone and dials a number before walking into my bathroom with nothing on but a pair of blue and black plaid sleep pants. He leaves the door only cracked open but I can still hear the anger in his voice.

I don't think I was the only one who wanted to keep us out of the light for the time being.

"Nora" my mother snaps at me again.

"Um" I blink. "Yes?"

"Why are you out with this man? This man, isn't he your boss?" she accuses.

"He is" I shift nervously. Karman quietly backs out of the room with an apologetic look on her face. 

"Why are you not explaining yourself?"

"I-I don't know what you want me to say mother-"

"What about Duke?" she snaps. "You just give up on your relationship so easily? Two years down the drain for some man who is sure to take advantage of you?"

"What?" I whisper, tears burning behind my eyes. "He cheated on me for a year and you want me to go back to him?"

"He was a good man Nora" she says firmly. "He treated you wonderfully and would have been a great addition to this family. It would be in your best interest to give him a second chance"

Weeks of pushing down my feelings and ignoring how hard this whole situation has been on me bubbles in my chest and I feel it erupt like a volcano. I don't yell or raise my voice ever, especially not at my parents. But I just can't take this anymore. I can't take any of this.

"He cheated on me!" I yell, hot tears running down my cheeks. "With my best friend" my voice cracks. "How could you still want me with him after that?"

Christian walks out of the bathroom, a solemn expression on his face. I look away from him and wipe my face.

"He was an asset to this family Nora" she says calmly as my if my feelings don't matter. "He's been trying to get in contact with you and you change your number? He loves you Nora. He made a mistake"

"I-" I don't even know what to say to her.

"We'll all have dinner tonight and settle this. Your father and I have given you time to sulk and Duke has given you enough space. Tonight we will all eat and work it out"

She hangs up and I drop my phone onto the mattress. Blinking in disbelief.

Christian walks towards me but stops when the door opens again to reveal Karman.

"Mother just sent out a group text" she lifts up her phone showing a text message. She doesn't have to tell me that Duke is in that group chat and my heart deflates knowing that he has my number again. "You don't have to go to the dinner Nora. I can-"

"It's fine" I force a smile. "Mother wants to have dinner so I'll go"


"I'm fine" I smile even harder. "Seriously Karm, it's no big deal. Just dinner"

My sister glances at Christian before nodding and leaving the room. I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes before standing up and smiling at Cal. "We should get dressed. My pumpkin bread and your black coffee awaits"

"Pumpkin" Christian walks towards me, his face laced with concern.

"Seriously, I'm fine" I shake my head. "Let's go"


That makes me pause and then the dam inside of me breaks. He's maybe only ever called me by my name once before and somehow it just releases everything inside of me. His voice is so comforting that I just let go of it all.

"You don't need to be fine" he murmurs against the top of my head with his arms wrapped around me, holding me as I cry into his chest. "It's okay to feel it"

Sonia and I had been best friends since the second grade. We went through everything together, everything. Family vacations, holidays. She's in every single picture. It was the worst betrayal I've ever experienced, and she didn't even given me a reason why. She never pleaded with me to hear her out or forgive her. Up until that text she sent me last week, I hadn't heard anything from her.

The pain is unbearable and that's why I've been trying so hard to bury it. I've barely cried over Duke, it was easy to realize that I never really loved him. But Sonia and I had been best friends, sisters, for fifteen years. The cut is so deep I'm not sure anything could repair it.

I'm not sure when but Christian moved us back over to the bed and I'm curled in his lap. My tears have subsided and now he's just holding me, consoling me gently.

"He's the son of my dads business partner" I say into the silence.

"Hmm?" Cal looks down at me.

"My ex, Duke" I clarify. "I think my parents always wanted us to be together but he was never on my radar. Sonia actually met him first, she introduced us"

"Sonia is the best friend?" he asks.

I nod my head. "And when we started dating, my parents were over the moon about it. I wasn't in college so I'd already disappointed them so much, my relationship with Duke made up for it"

I wipe my eyes and take a shaky breath. "Our fathers decided to do even more business together in hopes that we'd get married and merge their businesses. I didn't mind the arrangement because I loved him, or I thought I did anyway"

"How did you find out?"

"It was a video" tears spring to my eyes again. "They recorded themselves. My computer wasn't working so I grabbed Duke's. It was already up" I whisper, shutting my eyes.

Christian tenses under me as more tears fall and the pain rips me a part. Remembering seeing that video...I'd never felt so gutted in my life.

"Oh my gosh" I wipe my eyes quickly. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying like this. I'm okay I swear"

Cal moves my hands and wipes my face himself. My skin tingles under his delicate touch. Then he leans forward and kisses me softly and I find myself leaning on him, clutching his hard shoulders to ground myself. 

"Here's the deal" he says after breaking the kiss. "I won't let anyone get away with treating you like this, not even your parents who have failed you immensely"


"I'm going with you to the dinner" he cuts me off, his voice sharp with finality. "And I will settle this myself"

"I can't let you do that" I shake my head.

"I'm not asking your permission, Pumpkin" Christian states firmly and I can see why he's the CEO of his family's company. "You're with me and people need to know that. I won't allow you to be put in a vulnerable position"

"I'll have Karman"

"You'll have me"

I sigh before wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his neck. "Thank you"


"Everything will be fine okay?" my sister rubs my arms, trying to console me. "You won't even have to say anything if you don't want. With Cal and Sam and I there we'll speak for you"

Sam and Karman are leaving a little earlier to create that buffer before Cal and I get there. Cal went home to go change since the dinner is formal and he only brought casual clothes here to spend the night. 

"It's okay" I chuckle a little nervously. "I should speak for myself too"

Sam gives me a hug and I sigh just a little. "We got your back Norwhale"

Once they leave I can't help but pace around a little. I do love my parents and I know that they love me, at least I'm pretty sure they do, but I also know my role in my family. 

They poured everything into Karman and got everything out of her that they wanted. She's working and successful and is gonna marry her childhood sweetheart who is working and even more successful than she is. They didn't want another child so when I came along they didn't really pay much attention to me, and that's okay, I understand. They're hard on me because I'm not doing anything with my life, I get that. But I was never pushed like Karman was, no one ever cared, so as I grew up I just...I guess I never really cared either.

When there is a knock on the door, I throw on a smile and answer it. Christian stands there, dressed in a dark gray suit with a white button up underneath that has the first two buttons undone. He looks handsome as always, and the sight of him relaxes me.

"Hi" I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek as he wraps his arm around my waist. 

Christian turns his head and captures my lips, calming me even further with that simple action.

"Are you ready?" he looks down at me, taking my hand in his.

"I kinda have to be right" I smile softly.

"Don't do that" he runs his thumb along my bottom lip.


"Don't smile if it's not real" he kisses my forehead. "Not for me"

His words startle me so much that I almost cry, but I stuff it down and force a smile on my face out of habit. Christian just tsk's with a slight shake of his head before leading us to his car.

"Where's James?" I ask when I see that the car is different and driver-less.

"I gave him the night off" he opens the car door for me and I raise my eyebrows but get inside.

This is definitely an expensive sports car. With black leather seats and a rich car smell, even the dashboard lights up with blue lights and a touch screen pad.

The ride to my parents house is about half an hour. They live outside the city in the house that Karman and I grew up in. Karman and I lived a privileged life with my father being a lawyer and my mother working high up in healthcare, so our house is pretty nice. But my memories there are scarce. To be completely honest I spent most of my time with either Sonia and her family or my grandparents. Sonia was an only child and her parents always treated me like their second one. I do miss them, so much.

"So why do your friends call you Cal instead of Chris or something?" I ask as he parks in the driveway behind Sam's car. I'm stalling, I know.

Christian looks over at me. "I played football in high school and college and everyone called me Callahan. Friends just started calling me Cal and it stuck"

"You played football?" I raise an inquisitive eyebrow. I wouldn't have guessed that.

"Don't look so surprised" he smirks a little before turning to look at me fully. "You're stalling"

"I know I know" I blow out a breath. "Okay, let's just get this over with"

We walk up to my childhood house and I ring the doorbell before looking up at Cal. "I'm just going to apologize to you in advance. For whatever my parents say to you"

Cal looks down at me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "What about what they say to you?"

I inhale deeply just as the door opens and my mother comes into view. My mother, Andreia Harlow, with caramel skin and dark brown wavy hair. She's Portuguese and still has a slight accent from living there until she was eighteen and moved to the states for college where she met my father. My grandparents still live in Portugal, and we normally visit them once a year. 

"Hi mother" I smile. She intimidates me just a little. Her nails and hair are always done, always wearing light makeup. She took such good care of her skin that there are barely any wrinkles. She's always put together.

My mother looks me over before her eyes go to Christian. "You brought him to dinner?"

I take a deep breath. "Mother, this is Christian Callahan, my um...just this is Christian"

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Harlow" Christian sticks out his hand. This is not how I imagined my Saturday playing out. 

My mother stares at his hand before looking back at me. "We don't have an extra place setting"

"Yes we do!" Karman yells from the inside before stepping up next to our mother. "Stop being rude, Mother. Come on in guys"

My mother reluctantly steps to the side and Christian ushers me in first before following me inside. My mother walks further inside, towards the dining room. "Michael, Nora brought a guest" she tells my father.

"Sorry about them" Karman says to Cal who has one hand on my back and the other in his pocket.

"Oh I've already apologized" I exhale a shaky breath.

"Well let's get this over with" Karman sighs. "Duke is already here" she mumbles before walking away.

My body stiffens a little and I look up at Cal for something. Calmness, reassurance...anything.

He gives me a kiss, and the kiss is everything.

I relax into his body as he holds me against him. His lips are soft yet dominating and it somehow is everything that I need in the moment. But I realize what I need, is just him.

"I'm right here" he murmurs before pecking my lips one last time.

I feel my eyes gloss over a little as I nod my head. Christian has managed to be everything I needed in such a short amount of time that it's startling, but I guess these things don't really have a timeline. I can't control when a person comes into my life, or the feelings that come along with it.

I walk into the dining room with Christian at my back, feeling stronger than any other time I've walked into this dining room. It gives me a confidence that I've never had before.

"Hi" I smile to everyone in the room. "This is Christian. I'm sure you guys already know him"

"It's nice to meet you all" Christian nods to them.

Sam is the only one to stand from his seat next to Karman. He holds his hand out and Christian reaches forward to shake it. "I'm Sam, Karman's fiancé"

I'm quick to feel Duke's eyes on me and even quicker to notice that the only empty seat is next to his along with another one that's squeezed at the end of the table next to where my mother sits at one of the heads.

Christian holds the chair next to my mother out for me to sit down.

"The other chair is for Nora" my mother says with a pointed voice.

I open my mouth to tell Christian that it's fine and I'll sit in the middle of them, but he beats me to it. "If I'm not comfortable with her sitting next to him, I doubt that she is. Have a seat Pumpkin"

His voice holds so much power and finality that I immediately sit and let him scoot my chair closer to the table. I realize now that Christian is only Cal with me. To everyone else he's Christian Callahan the CEO, and between everyone at this table, he holds the most authority. He didn't come to make a good impression, he came to let everyone know that they would be answering to him.

Karman looks at me with a sly smile and wiggles her eyebrows as Christian sits down next to me. I slightly shake my head at her.

Dinner gets passed around silently, but after a few minutes Karm speaks up. "So Sam and I finally set a date for next year" she says while cutting into her piece of chicken. "We're starting to look at a few venues now"

"That's wonderful" our mother smiles in their direction.

"Yeah," Karman smiles. "We're thinking about doing a destination wedding so we're probably going to be traveling a bit throughout the next few months"

"My family owns a vineyard in Italy" Christian says. "If that is something you would be interested in"

"Really?" Karman's eyes widen. "That would be great! Thank you!"

"Thanks man" Sam gives him an appreciative nod.

I look up at Cal, a smile on my face. "What if I wanted to get married at your family's vineyard in Italy?" I joke.

He smirks, looking down at me. "Don't worry, my family owns lots of places"

"So how's the new job going Nora?" Duke's voice is like a douse of ice cold water. "Get any promotions?"

My body freezes and the smile immediately falls from my face. "I-I like my job" is the only thing I can stutter out.

"You can't be a secretary for the rest of your life" my father say sternly. "You need to get a college education, otherwise you'll never amount to anything"

Tears well in my eyes and I keep my stare at the plate of food in front of me.

"I told her the same thing Mr. Harlow" Duke continues. "I even offered to pay for her education"

"Oh please" Karman scoffs. "With who's money, your daddy's?"

"Karman" my mother scolds her. "Duke that was very generous. I'm sure Nora will come to her senses"

"Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here?" my voice wobbles.

"Then speak up Nora" my father snaps. "You are just skipping through life like you have all the time in the world"

"I'm twenty two" I say in disbelief.

"You're a disappointment" he mutters.

That is what makes my heart shatter. Tears actually fall this time and I'm not able to stop them.

"What the hell?" Karman starts in our father, but I don't stay around to hear it.

I just stand up and and rush out of the room.


Our happy Nora doesn't come from a very happy home :(

More on this next week...maybe from a different perspective...

Hope you guys enjoyed todays chapter!

Much love,


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