Friday Night Dinner's

By Wanky365

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Some of the New Directions gang have moved to New York 5 years after graduation. Some living together, some a... More



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By Wanky365

(Brittany's POV)

(The Next Morning)

I am so sore, I have never been fucked like that in my life. It was new and different, painful at times but pleasurable. Luckily for Mia I have woken up super it's her turn. I gently scoot down under the covers and climb on top of her, peppering kisses all over her naked body. She begins to stir but doesn't wake up, I slide lower and lower down her body until I am face to face with her core. I try to remember just what Mia did, I try to stop myself from overthinking I slowly dip my head closer and lightly stroke my tongue through her folds, this causes more of a stir from Mia, but doesn't fully wake her up.

I pick up my pace, circling the the tip of my tongue around her bud. Mia suddenly bolts up right, now she is wide awake. I feel a gush of wind above me hit my bare skin as Mia has ripped the sheets off of me. "God you're so hot." she pants as I look up at her through my lashes. "Let me guide you." Mia says, she places her hand on top of my head and pushes me further into her. "Go to the left." she gulps. I edge my tongue a little to the left of her bud and I seem to hit a sweet spot from the moans elicited from her. "That's it..right there" she breathes heavily as I pay attention to that spot only. Her hips start gyrating again my tongue. 

I slip one slender finger into her sex, her body reacts immediately as I feel her walls start to tighten. "I need more Brittany" she pants. On cue I slip in a second finger, slowly dragging them in and out of her. "YES!!" she cries out. I spread my fingers apart and curl them inside her as I continue to thrust. My tongue is still dancing around her erect clit, the most sensitive part of her open and exposed. I encase my lips around her end and suck gently, arousal being spread all over my face. "KEEP GOING!" she screams, I can feel the heat from her sex on my face, she is hot and slick and is turning me on, the more and more I get into this, the more comfortable I am and I am seemingly pleasing Mia too. 

With her free hand her fingers are tangled all up in my hair as she continues to push me deeper. I can't really breathe properly and my jaw begins to ache, but she is close. With one final suck on her clit she explodes all over me, all over the sheets as her body violently shakes above me. As she comes down I pull my fingers out of her, peppering kisses on her sex making her buck under my touch as she is still super sensitive. I climb up her body, trailing kisses all over her front as her chest rises and falls heavily as she tries to regain her breath. My lips finally landing on hers. "Was that ok?" I ask, feeling all vulnerable. "More than" she grins at me, pulling me into her close and flipping me onto my back as we continue to make out.


"Do you think we should get out of bed?" I laugh as I looks at my phone and see's it's almost midday. "Or we could go again?" Mia smirks. "Mia, I do want to be able to walk! I am so sore" I laugh, feeling the pull and ache in my legs from all the sex we have had this morning. "Hmmm, but it's so good right?" Mia says biting down on my nipple. "So good" I smile back. "Why don't you come with me later? Meet my parents?" Mia suggests as she trails her fingertips over my bare stomach as she lays against me. "Y-Your parents?" I stutter, not feeling ready for that at all. "Yeah" she laughs. "I can't today." I say with no further context. "Oh? No worries." she says, silence consuming us for a few moments. "But you want to right?" Mia asks, uncertainty in her voice. "Sure...just, maybe not yet." I say, unsure myself. "I am enjoying just me and you for now" I say trying to soften to blow. "Okay, another time then." she says kissing my lips. "Yeah" I nervously chuckle. "I guess I better shower then." Mia peels herself from me, pushing herself down on top of me to pepper me with kisses. "Go!" I chuckle, slapping her ass knowing this would lead to another round of sex.


(Later that day...)

(Santana's POV)

"Am I keeping you up Britt?" I chuckle as Britt yawns for like the millionth time over dinner. "Sorry, didn't sleep much." she says. "Oh yeah...did you guys.." I wiggle my eyebrows at Britt to give me the gossip. "We did...several times!" she says, sucking the air through her teeth. "So how was it?" I am fully invested and intrigued. Before Britt can answer, the waiter has come over to pour us more of the bottle of wine we had ordered. "Thank you" Britt says as the waiter walks off. "I mean it was good" she says, but I feel like she holding back. "I feel like theres a but?" I add. "But I don't know, I thought it would be romantic, gentle..but it was kind of rough!" she kind of winces bit. "Rough?" I ask. "Yeah, I felt like I was being fucked and not making love" Britt's cheek flush a little, out of embarrassment I would assume. 

"That's just sex Britt...weren't you and Nick into rough housing a little?" I hate having to ask the question. "Not really it was all very...vanilla" she says, thinking back. "There you go then, it's something new." I say sipping on my wine. "Yeah and the sex injuries and soreness is new too." she scoffs. "Britt, don't be a baby" I laugh. "I'm not!" she snaps, getting on the defence. "Look. Sex can be rough, keeps it interesting. All part of the fun, but sex should also be gentle, romantic. If it's bothering you that much, then talk to her. When you're in a relationship with another woman, communication is even more important. You're both sensitive and emotional. So just talk to her." 

"Ladies, can I get you some food?" Our waiter from earlier has returned for our order. "I'll take the fillet, blue with béarnaise sauce please" I say, handing my menu back. "Good choice. And for you ma'am?" he asks Brittany. "I will take the Salmon please." she smiles and too hands her menu back. "What do I say?" Britt seeks advice. "Did you go down on her?" I want to know firstly. "Y-Yeah I did." she gets a little bashful. "And how was it? Were you rough?" I ask her. "No" she says looking down at her fingers. "And did she enjoy it?" I continue. "Yeah, well...she came" Britt shrugs, sipping on her wine to hide her ever-growing flushing cheeks. "So just tell her, say can we try it a little gentler next time. She is the girl you're seeing. Not some one night stand, she will listen." I smile at Britt to make her feel better.  "You're so right." Britt says thankfully. "She also asked me to meet her parents!"

"AAH BRITT!!" I squeal in excitement for my friend. "That's amazing" I add. "So when are you going?" I ask her, wanting details on this. "Well, I sort of said I can't." Britt shrugs, her face anticipating my inevitable reaction. "Brittany S Pierce!!!! And why did you say no?" I scold her. "I am just not ready..." she sighs. "Britt, it's been almost two months. That's like two years in Lesbian land." I say. "I don't know, I just want to be sure." she says. Our food arrives which momentarily halts conversation. "I just want to be sure she's worth it." Britt says as she cuts up her salmon. "Okay I am saying this because I love you..." I place down my cutlery and look right at my friend. "Ookaaaay" she says chewing the salmon in her mouth and too putting her cutlery down.

"You need to get a grip" I say bluntly, almost making her choke on her food. "Excuse me?" she says, sipping on her drink to help her food go down. "You need to take those pretty little hands of yours and get a grip. You're a big girl, I get this is all new and can be intimidating, but you just need to throw yourself into it, this is what dating is for. Just meet her parents, it really isn't a big deal." I say. Brittany doesn't say a word and carries on eating her food. "It's not that easy for me as it is for you." she finally responds. "And what does that mean?" I say defensively. "You have done this a hundred times, you have done your fair share. Just because relationships clearly don't mean as much-" I throw down my cutlery on the table, the sound clanking catching the attention of a few on lookers. "San, I am sorry I didn't mean-".

"You think relationships don't mean anything to me?" I snap. "Well, you have dated so many girls.." Britt says, her demeanour getting smaller. "Yeah DATED Brittany, but doesn't mean relationships mean any less to me." I raise my voice a little. "Sorry, it's hard to tell..." I throw my napkin down on the table and get up from my chair. "Bye Brittany" I storm off, I can hear Brittany calling out to me as I leave, but I leave her sat alone in the restaurant. 


"Babe what you doing home? I thought you were having dinner with Brittany?" Gia looks surprised to see me as she turns off her TV. I storm over and throw myself down on the couch next to her. "We kind of got into a fight." I sulk, crossing my arms over my chest. "Wanna talk about it?" Gia soothingly runs her finger through my hair. "No" I mope. "Wanna have sex instead?" Gia's words cause a huge grin to spread across my face. "Yes!" I smirk. "God, you're like a horny teenage guy." Gia laughs as my hands wander all over her, starting to undress her...


(The Next Day)

Britt has tried calling me like thirty times. But I am not interested. Truth is, what she said hurt me, it cut really fucking deep. I don't often talk about my past and my relationships, but let's say they haven't always been a breeze and I thought of all people Brittany would know that. So I know I will answer one of her calls eventually, but right now isn't that moment. Quinn and Rachel have invited me over for brunch so a few hours with them should be a nice distraction. 

I stop by whole foods and pick up some things Rachel asked me to get and I spot none other than Mia! Fuck. "Oh, hey San!" she says, turning and suddenly realising that it is me next to her. "Hey" I smile back. I wonder if Brittany said anything to her about our fight. "Have you heard from Britt?" she asks innocently. "No..why?" I ask dubiously and clearly lying. "She has been screening me. I am worried I have scared her off." Mia sighs. "I asked her to come with me to meet my parents, she said she couldn't. She got all nervous and weird and I just haven't heard from her since." she adds. "No sorry" I say, if she doesn't know that Britt and I got into a bit of a fight, I am certainly not going to tell her. "I am sure she is fine though." I add, realising I haven't given Mia much reassurance. "Okay, well if you do talk to her. Please get her to call me. Thanks San." With that Mia gives me a small smile and walks off to do the remainder of her shopping. 

I pay for the few items that I picked up and head down the street to Quinn and Rachel's. The doorman recognises me instantly and greets me with a friendly hello and holds the door open for me. I spot Brittany coming out of the elevator, I shit myself and hide behind this massive plant. Childish I know, but I don't want to talk to her right now, I would only get nasty as a coping mechanism. She looks...sad. Like she has been crying maybe? And why is she here? I wonder for a split second what is wrong, to throw my arm around her and talk it out. But I have to remind myself I am mad at her. I wait until she has safely left the building and I jump in the same elevator up to my friend's apartment. The more I think about this brunch, the more I wonder if it's loaded? Is this their attempt to fix whatever they believe needs fixing. 

I reach their floor and storm down to their door, banging on it fairly hard. An all too chirpy Rachel answers the door. "HEY SAN!" I don't answer and I storm past her. "Everything okay?" she asks, a little more solemn. "Meddling are we?" I snap at her as Quinn joins us in the room. "I beg your pardon?" Quinn asks, matching my tone. "Brittany, she was just here." I say, but their faces seem absolutely oblivious as to why I am angry. "Yeah, she was here to borrow a dress from me?" Rachel says, looking utterly puzzled. "Oh?" I say sharply, building my walls right up. "Should we know about something?" Quinn quizzes me. "We got into a fight. Just a small one." I say, slumping down on their couch, they sit opposite me. "About what?" Rachel asks, leaning back, draping her arm over her girlfriend's leg. I feel like I am in a therapy session with these two, much to my resentment. "Relationships" I scoff.

Quinn almost chokes on air. "R-Relationships?" she says, I study her expression. A bit over the top if you ask me. "Yeaaaaah" I say, drawing out my words, watching her closely. "What about them?" Rachel asks, seemingly unfazed. "She said I don't care about them." I say, dropping my intense glare from Quinn. "How did that come about?" Quinn asks me, her turn to study me intensely. "We went for dinner. We were talking about her and Mia, Mia asked her to meet her parents, she said no, I said she needed to get a grip and just go, then she turned. Said relationships weren't important to me. She apologised instantly, but I don't know...I got pissed over it and left." I say, reliving the unpleasant memory in my mind. "Ouch" Rachel winces. "I know. So when I saw her downstairs I figured she was here to talk about it and you had invited me over to play mediator." I sigh.

"I promise you, she never said a word." Rachel assures, leaning over to squeeze my knee. "I mean, we can talk about it if you want?" Rachel offers. "No thanks." I smile politely. "Well, I will go make a start on the salad." Quinn quickly dismisses herself from conversation and heads towards their kitchen.


"Why did you pull a face?" I ask Quinn as I announce myself beside her. "I don't know what you're talking about?" Quinn shrugs. "Bullshit. I mentioned relationships and it was like you got fucked from behind, utter horror and shock on your face." I scoff. "I really don't know what you're talking about." she continues to deny it. "Quinn Fabray...I swear to God-" I can't finish my sentence because Rachel has walked into the room. "How's the salad coming along babe?" Rachel says, standing the other side of Quinn. "A little sour" she says, giving me a disdained look, both of us knowing full well she is not referring to the salad. 


This has turned into a slightly boozy brunch. Quinn kept funnelling with me with Prosecco, I think she did it to try and relax me. Take the edge out of the tension from earlier. "So...can we please address the elephant in the room" Rachel hiccups. "What elephant babe? There isn't one?" Quinn slurs slightly. "OH COME OOONNNNN!" Rachel sings out rather loudly making Q and I wince. "Seriously Berry, what elephant?" I say, not even bothering to pour my drink into a glass, but drinking straight from the bottle. "How much Mia looks like you!" she laughs, but I roll my eyes. "Not this again" I scoff. "Santana, come on." she urges. "Babe, drop it" Quinn squeezes Rachel's leg, to try and get her to shut up. "I just don't see it" I insist. "Well that's because you're you, you don't see you. But we do and we see Mia and we see it...all of us." Rachel rambles. "I do own a mirror Berry" I chuckle, I haven't got the energy to battle it. "Just it's weird, it's like seeing Brittany kiss you, date you." 

"Okay babe, that's enough!" Quinn removes Rachel's drink from her hand and sets it down on the coffee table. "I think you need a nap" she encourages her up from the couch and towards their bedroom. "Calling it an afternoon?" I ask Quinn. "Yeah I think so" she smiles at me. With all the energy I have, I lift myself up off the couch and grab my stuff. "You're hiding something Q and I will find out what it is." I say, staring at Quinn as we stand at the front door. "Goodbye San" she smiles. I peck her lips and leave.


I decide to get a cab back to my apartment. Gia is out of town so I don't want to stay at hers. I have dutch courage in me so if Britt is there, this might be a good time to talk to her. I stumble into my apartment, slightly ashamed I am tipsy at 4pm. "Helloooo?" I sing out. "I am on the balcony" I hear called back to me. Brittany. "You ready to talk now?" Brittany asks, not turning to look at me. "Well...not really; but this is my house." I drunkenly giggle. "Right" she says exhaling loudly. "You okay?" I ask timidly as I stand next to her leaning against the balcony walls. "Yeah I guess. You?" she asks, still not looking at me. "I am grand" I say, holding onto the railings at full stretch as I sway. "Are you drunk?" Britt asks me, finally turning to look at me. "No...maybe a little" I giggle at my silliness as Britt giggles too. "I needed some dutch courage to come and talk I guess." I shrug, finally stopping myself from swaying as it's making me feel a little nauseous. 

"I really am sorry for what I said San" Britt says, I can see the genuine sorrow in her eyes. "I know you are. But, what you hurt me." I say, my walls still built up. "I know and I feel bad the instant I said it. I know how much you cared for Dani and how crushed you were when it ended." Britt goes to put her hand on my shoulder, but I shimmy it away. "Crushed doesn't even begin to cover it." I say, the alcohol I have consumed accelerating my emotions to the forefront as I wipe away a few tears. "And I of all people know that, that's what makes it worse. I know you care about relationships, in fact you probably care more than all of us."

"It takes a lot for me to let down my guard with women. And Dani was the first person I did that with, I mean I let them all the way down. And for what? Betrayal, heartbreak? I was devastated. I didn't see the point in anything. So I do care, probably too much." I continue to wipe away my tears. "San...I am so so sorry." Brittany repeats her apology. "Please, forgive me" she gives me her sad puppy dog eyes, I try my hardest to not let them break me. "I'll buy us pizza..." she smirks, trying to bribe me. And it works, I can never say no to pizza! "Fine!" I roll my eyes and match her smile. "Girls night?" she says holding her pinky up to me. "Sounds perfect" I link my pinky in hers and she pulls us back into the apartment.


It's almost 8pm and I have sobered up somewhat. Britt and I ordered pizza and have watched Mean Girls and both Mamma Mia's, it's nice to spend one on one time with her. "So, Mia...have you decided what you're going to do?" I daringly asked her. "I am going to go...I'm going to meet her parents." she says, still unsure of the decision. "That's amazing B! What has Mia said?" I ask, when I ran into Mia earlier I know she hadn't heard off Britt, so this must be a relatively new revelation. "I only told her just before you got here, but she is super happy! I have borrowed something of Rachel to wear." she says, explains why she was at their apartment earlier. "So when is all of this happening? Want any advice?" I ask, genuinely excited for my best friend. "Tomorrow night." she says, dry heaving. "Stop that, I have already told you that they will love you." I say, lightly slapping her arm. 

"What have you borrowed from Rachel?" I ask a little worried, Rachel has always dressed like...well, there is no nice way to say this; but a virgin librarian. Too conservative. "The dress is in my room if you wanna go get it? I have laid out the jewellery on the side too." Britt says pointing towards her room. "Yeah I gotta pre-approve this." I laugh as I head towards her room to see what she has laid out. I walk into Britt's room and I see the dress hung up. "Hmm okay, not awful" I say to myself out loud. "BRITT WHERE IS THE JEWELLERY!?" I shout back. "ON MY VANITY" she calls. "Ah there you are!" I say as I spot the necklace on the side. I pick it up, but as I do I hear something fall on the floor, looks like Britt's diary, the clasp must have gotten all tangled somehow. I pick up the diary that has fallen open on the floor.

(Brittany's POV)

I can hear Santana walking back into the room. "You found it?" I ask, as I reply to a message from Mia on my phone. "What's this?" Santana's tone has gone low and strained. I look up at her in concern and she's holding my diary...the diary that I wrote all of my feelings down in for her...FUCK

(Authors Note)

DUM DUM DUMMMMMM!!! Ending chapter 10 on a real cliffhanger. Santana has discovered that diary, the diary that holds all of Brittany's feelings for her. Question those feelings still remain? How will Britt navigate this one...who knows...

Stay tuned...


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