No. Maybe? Yes! (TAEKOOK)

By dreamistaekook

32.8K 2.3K 974

When a little boy unknowingly is pushed under the care of six mysterious teenagers, things were definitely ab... More

Chapter One.
First Character Introduction.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Second Character Introduction.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight.
Chapter Thirty Nine.
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty One. (M)
Chapter Forty Two.
Chapter forty three.
Chapter Forty Four.

Chapter Twenty Five.

541 53 22
By dreamistaekook

Mornings are always very busy for everyone in the Jeon mansion and it's very rare if everyone is present for breakfast and today is one of those rare occasions because everyone-almost-everyone is present.

The atmosphere was anything but jolly. The air around the breakfast table was thick. Everyone knew about the elephant in the room yet no one had the guts in them to talk about it.

Jin and Namjoon exchanged worried glance when they saw their youngest member playing with the fork absentmindedly but occasionally took bites of his pancake when Jimin glared at him.

Hobi had a guilty face throughout breakfast and he avoided everyone's eyes. He focused on his food even though gulping a single spoon was difficult for him as he blamed himself for everything.

"Taebear?" Jin finally spoke up without hesitation because it's enough.

Taehyung inhaled a deep breath and plastered his face with the best fake smile he could muster up at that point.

"Yes, my sweetheart?" Tae replied as Jin felt tears brimming at the back of his eyes. His literal child, who he adores like a father and takes care like a mother is hurting and putting up a fake smile for his sake made his skin crawl because behind this fake emotion, his fault is the most.

"U-Uh what happened to Lisa and Jackie? Why didn't they join us for breakfast today? This has never happened before." Jin questioned as Tae kept his smile intact.

"Oh my dearest and handsome Jinnie, they didn't come today because I asked them not to. We don't have lectures today so we will meet directly at a mall after breakfast. Which also reminds me, I won't be back before dinner, hope you don't miss me too much." Taehyung replied with a smug smile and added a wink.

If it was some other time, Jin would probably just try to act he is annoyed and irritated and throw fake glares at his precious Taebear but he couldn't muster up the courage to do that today because he knows his small Taetae has grown up so much that he is doing all these things to avoid these awkward situations and moments at the Jeon household.

"Taetae, I am not working until late at night. Do you still want to go to the mall? We could spend time together." Jimin spoke up as he glanced at his best friend, his most precious possession who just looked back at him with a big smile.

"Jiji, my love, I wish I could but I already promised those idiots. It's not good to break a promise right? Next off I'll spend the entire day with you, okay?" Taehyung replied as Jimin stared at Taetae with glassy eyes which Taetae avoided as much as he could.

"Also, Yoonie hyung don't let my love, my Jiji be bored on his almost off day and please take him out for lunch somewhere okay? And don't be disobedient to your munchkin's words alright?" Taehyung playfully glared at Yoonie who gave out his gummy smile but he never felt so sad smiling before like he did now.

Jimin had a pink hue dusted on his cheeks because he knew what Taetae was doing. No, he never told Taetae or anyone about this yet he feels that really his small little baby Taetae has really grown up a lot.

Even though his cheeks turned rosy, his throat clogged up due to the way he knew, everyone knew, their Taetae is distancing himself.

"Dad." Taehyung called as everyone's eyes widened except the person called.

"Yes?" Namjoon replied with a big smile playing on his lips. He felt sad yet he felt happy because he can get used to dad.

"Same goes for you, okay? Take my mother out." Taehyung said as he giggled loudly because in the very next moment he got a hit to the back of his head.

"Stop calling me that, you idiot. I am a man! How many times should I tell you this?" Jin yelled and Taehyung let out a sigh as everyone finally laughed.

"Yes you are. The most handsome man I've ever seen and Jinjin, I called you mother not because you're not a man but because we're blind without you. You take care of us and keep us all together, my sweetheart. If you didn't take the decision to nurture me and raise me then I would still be out there somewhere on the streets. You do a lot for me-us-hence, you deserve every little appreciation and as for the term, I don't know about others but you're no less than a mother to me." Taehyung explained with a smile as Jin felt speechless. He hates it when Taetae calls him mother jokingly but today strangely, he loved the term.

Jin felt his mouth open and close just like a goldfish. He wanted to say a lot of things yet at this point he felt his words die down in his throat. He felt his own emotions overwhelming. If only he didn't misunderstand the whole situation and do what he did then maybe his most adored person would be happy too now.

That's what he thought but he didn't know that whatever happened was inevitable. Feelings can't be hidden forever and the truth would be revealed someday or the other and this situation would come up eventually. Yes, what Jin did may have made the situation come up a little faster.

"Now for Hoba, I may meet you in the evening because Jackie is suddenly interested in dancing but he is too nervous to go alone. I'll meet you when I drag him there." Taehyung said as Hobi nodded his head. He smiled yet felt difficult to look into his eyes.

"And this is for all of you, this is none of your fault so stop feeling like you have stabbed my mother-in-law okay? I can't eat while my favourite people in the world are looking like small kicked puppies." Taehyung said and took a sip of his strawberry milk.

They were tongue-tied and even though they felt their guilt doubled right at this moment, they nodded their heads in agreement. They didn't want to hurt their favourite person in the world anymore. They've done that enough already.

They finally decided that they're gonna mope around later on but for now they can act like they're okay and not falling apart due to their guilt. They finally started smiling and laughing a little when suddenly the tense atmosphere returned in ten folds. And why wouldn't it? Afterall, Jeon Jeongguk just entered the dining hall.

Taehyung felt his presence, like honestly, wouldn't he? He could tell even if his Boba was even kilometres away from him. Yet today, for the very first time, his love lost to his self respect as he didn't even spare his love a glance.

Jeongguk wordlessly sat down at the crown of the table and served himself his own food. This oddly felt like the first day when Taetae entered this household.

"What's everyone's agenda today?" Jeongguk questioned, his tone gave out that this is their sajangnim talking so everyone had to oblige except one who felt shivers run down his spine because why the fuck was the sajangnim mode of Jeongguk was so fucking hot?

Taehyung didn't even look at him yet the voice itself made him dive into thoughts that wouldn't be anything else rather than hearing the same voice withering with messy and whimpering moans leaving his pink, plump lips when Taehyung leaves trails of kisses down his flowery skin or when he is thr-fuck. Taehyung stopped his wild thoughts and closed his eyes tightly. This. This has to stop. This is exactly why Jeongguk thinks so low of him. Because even though Taehyung thinks of loving his Boba, he'll only be misunderstood because where his own love didn't understand him, how does he expect others to understand.

A mocking chuckle slipped past his lips mistakenly as the entire table fell silent suddenly and Taehyung understood.

"Sorry, sorry, you guys continue. I just remembered something funny that Jaejae was telling me yesterday. Anyway, you guys continue whatever boring you're talking about which I don't even understand, I have finished eating so I will leave, I don't want to be late." Taehyung stood up and pecked his Jiji first on his forehead and then did the same with his Jinjin.

Jeongguk couldn't help but trail each moment of Taehyung with his eyes. His baby-

"C'mon Jiji and Jinjin kiss your baby goodbye." Taehyung said as they did what was asked.


"You can call me baby, my love, Jiji. After all, I am the baby of the house." Taehyung said as Jimin felt stunned. How can he call Taetae baby when Taetae never allowed anyone to call him baby except one person.

Jeongguk felt his heartbeat rise. He shouldn't have felt the sting in his chest when he heard that. He shouldn't but he did. How can his baby let everyone call him baby?

"Oh and Jeongguk hyung you don't have to pick me up today as I am not going to college. Also, I think you don't have to pick me up or drop me anymore because Jaejae is returning next week and he will do it and that way I can even spend more time with him. He is finally returning after so long." Taehyung explained while looking deep into his eyes with a big smile as Jeongguk's eyes were boring holes into his.

Suddenly it felt like everyone was important to his baby except him.

"Okay now you guys can continue, bye dad, mOm, Yoonie hyung, Hoba and my love-"

Jeongguk's breath hitched and it almost stopped but soon he doesn't know why but disappointment crawled up his spine when-

"-Jiji. And please do whatever I asked you guys okay? Don't be disobedient, any of you." Taehyung glared at them playfully and turned around to leave.

Jeongguk felt his heartbeat stop as the back of his throat itched as if someone was choking him because this is the very first time that his baby is leaving without even greeting him, forget about the kiss that everyone (who usually gets them) got it and he didn't.

Everyone noticed it and sneakily stared at Jeongguk who had his doe-like eyes more round staring at the leaving back of the youngest member of the household. It usually shined brightly due to the galaxies residing in them yet today they knew the reason behind the shine was completely different.

While the youngest walked away he suddenly stopped and curled his hands into tight fists and turned around with a smile on his face and walked back into the dining hall.

"I came back to say bye to Jeongguk hyung. Sorry, I completely forgot about you." Taehyung said as he turned around immediately and left the room because if he had stayed a second longer, he would have let down all his guards and kissed him. And no, he cannot afford, not now not ever because that's not how his hyungs including his Jeongguk hyung have raised him. He will never force someone who has already given him a clear answer.

Jeongguk flinched and felt the bile in his throat rise up to the maximum extent because it shouldn't have stung him as much as it did. Forgot about him-his baby-no-he must be hearing things. His baby cannot forget about him.

"Haha-he is so hyperactive and see because of that he came back to say bye because he missed my cha-" Jeongguk's chuckling came to an abrupt stop when Jimin interrupted him.

"He forgot about you. He didn't miss you. He forgot you and that's what he said and meant. Anyway, I am done eating so I'll leave." Jimin answered quite sternly and stood up and left the room without another word.

"It's for good as well." Yoongi uttered next and then stood up to leave as well.

"My son's best friend is returning and I cannot say this in front of him but please Jin hyung, make sure he eats at least one meal at home because he is super hyperactive when it comes to Minjae." Namjoon said as he stood up and left.

"I'll leave, I have a concert coming up, I cannot afford to be late." Hobi said and left too.

Jeongguk watched everything unfold in front of his eyes but couldn't say a word. He saw a lot of things coming yet didn't even in his nightmare think that his baby would be so close to him, behave normally yet be so distant with him.

But is he really distant? "He is just following your words." Jeongguk couldn't help but think to himself.

From Boba to Jeongguk hyung, the change seemed too fast and sudden to him.

He was brought back to reality from his thoughts as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I am sure you wanted this. Even though I wanted this as well it feels wrong now but I know for you this is what you wanted." Jin said as he collected his own plate and walked into the kitchen.

Jeongguk has never felt this lonely. Even when his parents left him, he didn't. Yet today he felt not just a piece of his heart yet his entire heart was taken away from him.

Yes, he wanted this yet why does it feel so wrong?

No. Jeongguk is not in love. Not yet.

Do you think Taehyung's behaviour is correct? Let me know your thoughts.

I'll try to be a bit regular even though my leg has not healed completely and I am supposed to take rest but whatever.🙄🙄



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