Magic Within Us

By MissWorld2o15

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The Bennett sisters fight to learn what it means to be witches in a world filled with supernatural creatures. More

The Return
Brave New World
Bad Moon Rising
Kill or be Killed
Plan B
Masquerade Part I
Masquerade Part II
The Sacrifice
By the Light of the Moon
The Descent
Daddy Issues
Crying Wolf
The Dinner Party
The House Guest Part I
The House Guest Part II
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance Part 1
The Last Dance Part II
Klaus Part I
Klaus Part II
The Last Day Part I
The Last Day Part II
The Sun Also Rises Part I
The Sun Also Rises Part II
The Sun Also Rises Part III
As I Lay Dying Part I
As I Lay Dying Part II
Part 3

Memory Lane

45 4 0
By MissWorld2o15

Sasha's eyes fluttered open. She yawned as she got up and stretched. She suddenly felt a sense of panic as she lost her balance and landed on the floor with a thud.

She heard footsteps and saw the bare, hairy legs of someone and a deep chuckle.

She looked up and saw Mason standing over her, holding a towel to his waist and a toothbrush in his hand.

"I told you sleeping on the couch was a bad idea." He spoke in amusement.

Sasha rolled her eyes as she picked herself up.

She froze when her eyes landed on Mason's bare upper body. Her eyes drifted to his toned abs.

She looked back up to see Mason smirking at her.

Sasha immediately tore her eyes away and cleared her throat.

She rubbed her arm which she had landed on and tried to remember what had happened the night before.

Mason being a wolf, her finding him butt naked in the woods, driving him home because he still seemed too sore and shaken up to do anything.

"Yeah well I wasn't about to share a bed with you." She spoke.

Mason seemed amused. "It's not like you haven't before." He muttered before he turned around.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." He spoke before turning to look at her playfully.

Sasha narrowed her eyes in his direction.

She checked the digital clock on Mason's bedside table.

"It's" She gasped.

She started searching for her phone and found it on the couch.

She had more than a dozen missed calls all together. Three from Elena, two from Damon, three from Stefan and eight from Bonnie. There were also messages from Matt, Bonnie and Caroline.

Sasha let out a huff as she started pacing.

She caught a glimpse of herself in Mason's vanity. Her hair was sticking out and she was still wearing the body suit and short shorts she had on at the party.

She looked a mess.

Mason came back out of the bathroom still in his towel as Sasha started looking for her sandals.

"I can't believe you let me sleep in." She spoke.

Mason leaned against the doorframe and folded his arms across his chest.

"You didn't have to stay over in the first place."

Sasha looked up at him.

"No I didn't but I wanted to make sure you were okay." She spoke angry that he hadn't seemed to appreciate that she cared.

Why did she even still care?

Mason's face softened. He walked over to the couch and crouched down to pick up Sasha's shoes.

He dangled them in front of her.

Sasha grabbed them before sitting down and putting them on.

"Thanks." He spoke quietly.

Sasha slowed. She looked up at him.

"How long have you known?" She asked.

Mason sighed. "Almost seven months now. I found out on my trip to Florida the summer before college."

The summer he had left and never spoken to her again.

"Is Tyler -"

"Going to turn into a huge wolf?" Mason chuckled. "No. That's not how it works."

"Then how does it work?" She asked.

Mason looked at her. "I can't get into all that."

"Because you don't trust me?"

Mason hesitated. It wasn't her he didn't trust.

Sasha nodded slowly in understanding.

She then shook her head. This was all a lot to wrap her head around.

"So this is why you left?"

Mason was quiet for a second.

"Yeah." He finally responded. "It wasn't because of you or anything else... I just had a lot of figuring out to do. And I couldn't do it here."

"Why not?" Sasha asked getting up. "You could have told me."

Mason scoffed.

How was he supposed to tell her? How was he supposed to tell anyone?-

It would have been dangerous and he would have put her in harms way.

"You know, you seem way more relaxed with this information than you should be." He spoke.

"Trust me, I've seen my fair share of weird." Sasha spoke.

She didn't want to tell Mason about vampires or witches or even Ali. She still cared about him but she just didn't know if she could trust him with all that yet. He was a founding family member. For all she knew he would tell the council about Damon and Stefan.

"Because of your 'friends'? Interesting company you've been keeping." Mason spoke.

Sasha watched him trying to keep a straight face. He already knew?

"You know about them?"

Mason smirked. "Looks like I'm not the only one keeping secrets."

Sasha pursed her lips.

As if her secrets were anything compared to his. Hers hadn't involved breaking his heart and shattering it into a million pieces.

"I've got to go." She spoke with a scoff.

"Come on," Mason called seeing that he had made her upset, "let me at least give you a ride."

It's the least he could do after what she had done for him the night before.

"It's okay, I still know some short cuts from when you'd make me sneak out of here early in the morning." She called coldly. "And don't worry I won't get caught."

Mason rushed after her and grabbed her arm pulling her back to face him.

He pushed her against the wall and leaned into her.

"Don't do that... don't say that. It was never like that." He ordered.

Sasha felt herself become still as she looked up at his face which was inches from hers.

Mason could feel her heart racing.

"You've always been so hot when you're mad."he whispered.

Sasha looked at his face, at his lips. The heat from his bare body radiated onto her.

Without another word and as if an unspoken communication had occurred, they both dove into each other.

Mason placed his hand behind her head pulling her in. Sasha wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips pressed together and they kissed each other hungrily and desperately. As if they wanted to catch up on all that time they had wasted.

Mason lifted Sasha and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He carried her over to the bed and lay her down.

His hands explored her body and Sasha's got lost in his wet hair still smelling the soap on him from his shower.

She let out a moan when Mason's lips trailed down to her neck where he sucked on her sensitive spot.

"God, I've missed you." Mason let out a low growl.

Sasha barely registered his words being too lost in him.

Mason tugged on the strap of her body suit when they heard a knock at the door.

Sasha gasped and pushed him away before sitting up.

"Mr Mason! Breakfast is almost ready!" They heard a soft voice call.

Mason looked back, irritated. "Yeah, okay! Be down in a sec Grace!"

Sasha remained frozen and silent until she heard the footsteps disappear.

She let out a breath of relief.

Mason turned to look back at her ready to continue what they had started but Sasha pushed him away.

"I'm not ready to repeat history." She spoke as she got up.

Being with Mason always consumed her, always made her forget. But she couldn't keep allowing that to happen. It wasn't good or healthy.

Mason let out a breath.

"Sasha." He spoke in a gentle voice as he followed her. "You heard what I said, me leaving had nothing to do with you. I missed you every day I was gone."

Sasha turned to him, a hurt look on her face that broke Mason's heart. "Now if that was true you would have called or texted - you wouldn't have let me spend all this time thinking that I didn't matter that... we didn't matter."

"Don't say that." Mason spoke desperately. "I couldn't tell you the truth. It was crazy and it was dangerous."

"Okay fine." Sasha spoke. "Maybe telling me you were a werewolf would have been something I didn't believe a year ago - but you're back now and you can tell me now but you won't, will you? Because we're right where we begun and you don't trust me. I guess all I've ever been good for is being your dirty little secret."

With that Sasha turned and twisted the door knob before letting herself out of the room.


Sasha walked into her house grateful that their dad's car wasn't in the driveway.

The last thing she needed was a scolding from him.

"Bonnie! I'm home!" Sasha called out.

She honestly didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone. All she wanted to do was get into the shower and drown out her Mason sorrows.

"Sasha! Up here!" She heard Bonnie's voice.

She trudged up the steps.

The only room door that was open was Alis's.

She walked over and was surprised to see Stefan present as well.

Sasha furrowed her brows at how out of place he looked in Alisha's super girly room.

He stood by the window.

Alisha was on her bed a sad look on her face as she read through a document in her hand.

Bonnie was seated close to her with her hand on her knee.

"What's going on here?" Sasha asked as she walked into the room.

Stefan looked at Sasha with a frown.

"I'll give you a minute." He spoke as he walked out but not before squeezing Alisha's shoulder.

"Ali?" Sasha walked up to the bed and climbed on it moving towards her baby sister.

"What's wrong."

Alisha's eyes looked watery.

She didn't seem to be able to form a word much less a sentence.

Bonnie looked up at Sasha.

"Yesterday when we spoke about what Ali could be..." Bonnie let out a sigh, "I told you I had an idea."

Bonnie seemed reluctant to talk but she forced the words out. "It didn't make sense that she was the only one affected by the Gilbert device. So I connected some dots. We're all witches from mum's side... that left dad's side. I tried to look through his family tree and tried to see if there was anything out of the ordinary but I couldn't find anything. Then I thought about the Lockwood's and your suspicions. Richard Lockwood was affected and now we're suspecting Masons and Tyler. It had to be a hereditary thing. So we ruled out mum's side and I already checked dad's so... I thought... maybe it wasn't dad's family tree that I should have been looking at."

Bonnie looked up at Alisha sympathetically.

She let out a breath.

"I had Stefan help me compel a nurse at the hospital to look through our birth records and... Ali's birth certificate was the only one that didn't have a father listed."

Sasha turned to look at Alisha in shock. She then looked down at the document she held realising what it was.

"What?" She asked.

"Dad's not my father." Alisha spoke in a small voice as if she was just processing the information herself.

Sasha took the birth certificate from her and scanned it. This couldn't be true.

Their father was as much a dad to Ali as he was to the rest of them.

If anything Ali had always been his favourite.

Sasha looked up at Bonnie. "How is this possible?"

"That would be a question for mum."

Sasha looked back at Alisha.

"Ali -"

"I just - I need to process all of this." She spoke as she suddenly got up from the bed.

"Ali." Bonnie called her back. "We're here for you. We haven't confirmed anything and for all we know, they could have just forgotten to put dad's name on here."

Alisha looked at her in a way that showed she didn't believe her.

"I -I just need some space... I'm going to Jeremy's house."

"Ali." Sasha called.

"I need to be alone." Alisha told them as she walked out.

Bonnie turned to her sister. "I didn't want to tell her but I just thought she should know."

"You did the right thing." Sasha told her.

Bonnie wasn't so sure about that but she nodded.

She looked at Sasha. "Where have you been? I tried to call."

Sasha sighed. "Mason, werewolf drama - long story."

Bonnie furrowed her brows. "Uhm that definitely sounds like a story I would want to hear. And I should probably add that Alisha just got confirmation that she's part werewolf too."

Sasha looked at Bonnie in shock. "What? From who?"

Alisha's bedroom door swung open and Stefan peeked in.

"Hey Ali just left, she seemed upset." Stefan spoke.

"She's heading to Elena's, it's okay." Bonnie spoke. "You might want to come in, there's a lot we have to discuss."

Stefan walked in and closed the door behind him.

Bonnie explained everything that Alisha had told her from finding Tobey and his sister to what they had told her and said they couldn't tell her.

"So they're working for someone else?" Stefan asked. "That's why they saved Ali?"

"It would seem so." Bonnie spoke.

"Can we even trust them?" Stefan asked.

"I don't know. That's why I want to do some digging. Find out who they actually are. But I don't think they're lying." Bonnie spoke.

Why would they help Alisha then?

Sasha shook her head. "I think we would have noticed if our sister morphed into a huge wolf on the full moon - but then again, Mason did say it didn't work that way when I asked him about Tyler."

Bonnie raised her brows at Sasha. "Then how does it work?"

"We didn't get that far." Sasha muttered. "In short, he wouldn't tell me."

Bonnie could see that her sister was upset. She decided she would ask later. "Well this is for Ali so we have to find out."

Sasha didn't like the idea of talking to Mason again but Bonnie was right. This was for Ali.

"We can start by finding the witch siblings." Stefan spoke.

He strongly believed that they were too fishy to overlook.

"And whoever they're working for who seems so overly concerned with our sister's wellbeing." Sasha spoke.

Something suddenly came to Bonnie. She looked at Sasha.

"Before Grams died she said that we had to protect Ali... from a family."

"What kind of family?" Stefan asked.

Bonnie shook her head. "She didn't say."

"Okay, we clearly need to divide responsibilities if we're gonna learn anything." Stefan announced.

"I'm obviously on Mason duty." Sasha spoke irritably.

Stefan looked at her in concern. "You sure?"

"I'm the only one who can get close enough." Sasha spoke.

Stefan nodded. "I can talk to someone who might know something about the siblings."

"Who?" Sasha asked curiously.

Stefan hesitated. "Uhm, it's best if you don't know."

Both Bonnie and Sasha looked at Stefan suspiciously.

"Trust me." Stefan told them.

"Okay." Bonnie spoke uncertainly. "I - I think I have to talk to dad... I have to know if he knew about Ali."

Sasha frowned. Leave it to Bonnie to take on the most challenging task of all.

"I can do it with you if you want."

Bonnie shook her head.

"No. We all need to get a move on. It will be quicker this way."

Sasha knew that if their father had known he had probably kept it to himself to protect them. But if he hadn't... it would break his heart.


"So your father might not be your father?" Jeremy asked in shock.

"Yeah." Alisha spoke with a sigh. She leaned back against Jeremy's head board. "It's a lot to take in."

"I bet." Jeremy spoke. He was laying down on his bed as well with his head on the opposite side and his feet facing Ali's direction.

He had a hand behind his head as he watched her feeling sorry for his friend.

"Have you talked to him?"

Alisha picked up one of Jeremy's pillows and hugged it.

"No." She spoke. "I don't even know where I would start."

Ali had always loved her father. He made her smile whenever she was down, he was supportive and kind and he loved her so so much. She couldn't and didn't want to imagine a world where he wasn't her dad.

She didn't know if he knew that he might not be her father but a huge part of her didn't want to find out.

"I just keep thinking about my mum. If she knew." Alisha spoke.

She didn't bring this up in front of Bonnie and Sasha because she knew how hostile they were towards their mother after she had up and left them.

But Alisha had always felt like their mother would have a good reason for what she did. She couldn't bring herself to hate her for abandoning them.

Jeremy sat up. He placed his hands on Alisha's.

"I'm sorry you're going through this, Ali. You really don't deserve any of it."

Alisha focused on her socks.

She looked up at Jeremy and shook her head.

"I wish I never started looking into it, I wish the Gilbert device was never activated... I just wish I was normal." Alisha spoke.

This was a bombshell that had been dropped into her life. Yet somehow she wasn't feeling the effects explosively and all at once but it felt like it was all rippling through as she continued to think about this more and more.

"Hey." Jeremy spoke as he scooted closer and placed a hand on her cheek making her look up at him. "You're special. And that's something you should be proud of."

Alisha smiled at him. "You're a good friend." She commented.

Jeremy smiled. "I'm your best friend." He spoke as a reminder.

He then dropped his hand and got up.

"If you want to get your mind off of all this we can. Let's go somewhere." He suggested.

Alisha looked up at Jeremy curiously.

"Somewhere like..."

"Somewhere we can have fun and get your mind off of things."

Alisha shrugged. "Well Sabrina's having a party today at her place -"

Alisha stopped herself. "And parties aren't your scene-"

"We can do that." Jeremy interrupted.

Alisha looked at Jeremy with narrowed eyes. "Who are you and what have you done to my best friend."

Jeremy chuckled. "You're the one always telling me to come out of my shell and my comfort zone."

Alisha knew that but they had tried it and Jeremy never really ended up having fun at places with lots of people.

She didn't want to force him to do it.

"We can do something else, Jer."

"No." Jeremy spoke. "We are going to that party and we are both going to have a great time, okay?"

"Okay..." Alisha spoke uncertainly.


Sasha walked up the porch of the Gilbert house.

She found Elena and Caroline seated outside.

"Hey." She greeted them.

Elena stood up. "Hey."

"Thanks for calling." Sasha spoke. "Mason is in there?"

Elena nodded. "Jenna invited him for her barbecue, he was a freshman when she was a senior or something like that. Bonnie mentioned you needed to talk to him."

"Yep." Sasha spoke. "And cornering him here is perfect."

Even though Sasha was still reluctant to talk to Mason she knew she had no choice.

He would give her answers whether he wanted to or not.

Sasha turned to look at Caroline. "Hey Care." She greeted.

Caroline, who was nervous about seeing her stood up.

"Oh hey Sash." She greeted sounding way too cheery.

Sasha furrowed her brows wondering why she was acting so weird.

Caroline had a lot of reasons to be anxious around both girls.

Firstly Katherine had basically threatened her to keep Elena and Stefan apart while she spoke to him and secondly she had attacked Matt yesterday.

Sure he was okay now but Caroline didn't know how Sasha would react if she found out.

Of course she knew how she would react. She would be mad. And Caroline didn't know what she would do to her. She was supposed to be proving herself and not hurting people.

Hurting Sasha's best friend... not a good start.

"Hey, have you seen Stefan?" Elena asked Sasha. "I've been trying to call but I can't seem to reach him."

"Well he was at my house this morning helping with the Ali situation. He said he'd help try and locate the siblings who have been semi stalking, semi helping her. But other than that no, he didn't give much info."

Elena nodded.

She seemed worried.

"Maybe he got so busy he hasn't checked his phone yet." Sasha spoke knowing Stefan wouldn't deliberately be ignoring Elena.

"Yeah." Elena sighed even though she still looked unsure.

"Is Ali here by the way?" Sasha asked.

She had been upset when she left. Sasha knew that she often found comfort in Jeremy but she felt like she needed to be with her sisters for this as well.

"Yeah, uhm, she left some hours ago with Jer. I think they were heading to a party."

"A party?" Sasha asked in confusion.

She had just found out the man she had called dad all her life wasn't even her father and she was going to a party? That didn't seem like Ali at all.

"Yeah I know. I didn't even think Jeremy knew what those were."

"Hey! Food's ready, come get it." Alaric spoke as he came out the front door.

He rose his brows at Sasha.

"Sasha, hey, didn't know you were coming."

"Yeah, I kind of decided to crash. Hope that's okay." She spoke.

Alaric shrugged. "There's plenty of food, the more the merrier."

"Well, I'm definitely starving." Caroline announced loudly before going inside.

Sasha and Elena shared a look. It was game time.


"Alisha Bennett finally came out to play."

Alisha barely had time to prepare herself before a soaking wet Josh jogged up to her and wrapped her in a hug.

She squealed before pushing him off.

"Joshua!" She scolded.

She knew this was a pool party but she definitely hadn't come dressed prepared to go into the pool at any point today.

Josh chuckled.

Mike came up behind him, a smile on his face.

"Ali! I thought you weren't coming." Alisha gave him a hug. "Well I changed my mind."

She turned to look at Jeremy. "We had been cooped up indoors for too long. Figured why not get some fresh air."

Mike and Josh turned to look at Jeremy.

Mike slapped hands with him.

"T'sup man."

"Hey, how are you?" Jeremy spoke with a nod.

"Okay Gilbert. I see you, keeping our Ali busy." Josh spoke with a knowing grin on his face.

Alisha and Jeremy shared a look.

"No it's not like that." Jeremy spoke at the same time Alisha said.

"Josh, stop it."

In return Josh and Mikey shared a suspicious look.

"Well okay then." Josh spoke raising his hands in defence. "My mistake."

Alisha was relieved at having clearing that up but it hadn't stopped things from being less awkward.

"Hey Gilbert, wanna hit the water? We're playing chicken in a while and Sarah needs a partner." Josh spoke gesturing in the direction of a brunette girl who was standing not too far with her friend.

She smiled at Jeremy.

Jeremy hesitated. "Uhm I don't know -"

"Come on! I have it on good authority that she has been eye humping you lately and look at her man - she's hot."

"Oh." Jeremy couldn't even fathom the idea of another girl looking at him.

He looked at Alisha with a questioning look on her face.

Alisha gave him a small smile and shrugged.

"Uhm, okay, I guess." He spoke as he followed Josh.

"I'll be right back." Jeremy told Alisha.

"Go. Have fun." She encouraged him as she pushed him in Josh's direction.

Mike remained standing with her as they watched him run off.

Mike rose his brows at Ali.

"What?" Alisha asked.

"Nothing." Mike said. "You're just probably the most mature exes I have ever met."

Alisha looked after Jeremy.

It's not like she forgot that her and Jeremy were once more than friends. It's just that their friendship had been going so well lately she hadn't really thought about all the complications their relationship had come with.

"We're in a good place." Was all Alisha said.


Alisha nodded. "Yeah."

Mike sighed. "Okay. If you say so Ali."

Alisha looked at him sensing there was a double meaning to his words. But before she could ask, he changed the topic.

"Tam and Sabrina are over there." He pointed to a spot where outdoor couches had been set up. "I gotta man the grill." He spoke as he turned to leave.

"Okay." Alisha looked at Mike wondering if they were okay.

She turned and walked over to the ladies. She made a mental note to ask Tamela.

She would know.

Sabrina was animatedly telling a story to Tamela, Sarah and Aimee.

Tamela was the first to spot Alisha.

"Finally!" Tamela spoke getting up to hug her friend before pulling her to sit down next to her on one of the chairs.

"Ali tell them why team Jacob will always be superior." Tamela shook her.

Alisha who had just been sucked into the conversation looked confused for a second. "Uhm, because it just is?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "You guys have no taste! I will always fall for the hot and dangerous vampire type."

"There's nothing romantic about a lamb falling for a lion. Even the analogy screams red flags." Tamela spoke.

"Whatever." Sabrina waved her off. "I know my type."

"I know mine too." Sarah spoke and Aimee giggled.

Alisha realised that she was looking straight at the pool where Jeremy had just taken off his vest.

Alisha would be lying if she said her eyes didn't linger on Jeremy's surprisingly toned body.

I mean she had noticed he was getting buffer. But not like that.

"Okay. When did that happen?" Tamela asked as she sipped on her drink.

Alisha was just as curious.

"You're one lucky girl Alisha Bennett." Aimee spoke.

Alisha turned to the dark haired girl. "Oh... no. It's not even like that. Jeremy and I are friends."

She didn't know how many times she would have to explain that today.

Sarah's eyes widened slightly.

"Oh really?" She asked in interest.

Sabrina scoffed. "You guys are not seriously drooling over damaged goods."

Alisha turned to look at Sabrina worrying she might have heard the wrong thing. "Excuse me?"

Sabrina shrugged.

"Who knows what he could have gotten during his druggie phase." She spoke.

"You did not just say that." Tamela spoke.

Alisha looked at Sabrina.

"Sab!" She yelled.

"I'm just-"

"No. That is not something you 'just say'." Alisha spoke as she got up. "Will you stop bad mouthing Jeremy? You don't even know him. He is a good guy and bringing up his past is just a horrible thing for you to do. He is a good friend. Way better than you're being."

Alisha walked off leaving everyone silent.

She was furious and mad at herself for even letting Sabrina think it was okay for her to say such a thing.

She stormed off to the main house. Walking into the kitchen where she knew no one was. Everyone was outdoors enjoying the party.

Alisha caught a glimpse of Jeremy smiling at a girl who had walked over to talk to him.

She sighed.

She had been planning on leaving but she saw how much Jeremy looked like he was enjoying herself.

And that was the point of today.

Sure she wanted to forget all her drama but she hadn't really seen Jeremy be a regular kid in a while either.

"Alisha Bennett."

Alisha froze at the sound of the familiar voice.

She then turned to see Tobey leaning against the wall like it wasn't at all bizarre that he was here.

She opened her mouth then closed it again.

"What are you - how are you?"

Tobey pushed himself off the wall and smirked as he walked closer to her.

"If anyone asks, you invited me." He spoke with a playful smile as he stepped closer to her.

He looked out the window. "Spying on your boyfriend?"

Alisha looked at him in disbelief wondering why he was so weird..

This wasn't normal or okay. She barely knew him yet he didn't seem to have a problem with always appearing in her personal space.

"Jeremy is not my boyfriend." She spoke.

"Yeah well then you have a weird co dependent relationship. It's simply hard to get you alone." Tobey spoke before turning to grin at Alisha.

Alisha stared at him caught off guard by his hazel eyes.

"You've been trying to get me alone?" She asked cautiously.

She wanted to take a step back. Stranger danger had become something that was purely engraved in her now.

Tobey was quiet for a second. "We're not the bad guys, Alisha Bennett."

Alisha studied Tobey. He always seemed to be around and watching her. It's like he and Maliyah always knew how to find her.

"Why would a good guy go out of their way just to tell me that?" She asked.

Tobey seemed to be amused.

"Fair enough." He shrugged.

He didn't seem to be about to say anything else.

"Why are you here?" Alisha asked just coming out with it.

"I haven't attended many high school parties in my days. Thought I'd come check this one out." He spoke as he turned to look out the window.

"So that's your thing? You just lurk in places I will be?" Alisha asked.

"Hey, you found me last time." Tobey spoke in an accusatory tone.

"Where's your sister?" Alisha asked getting frustrated that she kept asking questions but didn't seem to be getting any answers.

"Home, she thinks I went out to get milk." He spoke casually.

"She doesn't know you're here?" Alisha asked.

"No. I didn't tell her because I knew she wouldn't like it."

Why was he being so honest with her?

"Circling back to my initial question... why are you here?"

Tobey looked Ali in the eye and shrugged indifferently. "Maybe I just couldn't stay away."


"Dress! Ballerina!" Jenna yelled as she pointed at the white board in the centre of the living room.

Lunch was done and they had retreated to play Pictionary. It was Damon's turn and he had drawn some kind of animal wearing a tutu.

Sasha watched from the kitchen with Elena as they prepared dessert.

"Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!" Caroline screamed.

"No, no." Damon spoke.

"A dog! Hound-dog!" Jenna took her turn.

"'Dances with Wolves'." Mason announced calmly.

Damon smirked at him.

"Mason wins...again."

"How is that a wolf?" Jenna grumbled.

Sasha turned to Elena.

"What's Damon up to?" She asked in a low voice.

That couldn't have just been a random drawing.

"Aunt Jenna is getting tipsy." Damon spoke as he walked into the kitchen.

"Will you stop plying her with alcohol?" Elena told him in irritation.

"I want her to like me." Damon shrugged.

He leaned against the island and smiled at Sasha.

"Hey little witch."

Sasha narrowed her eyes at him.

"I saw what you did there with Mason."

Damon batted his eyes innocently. "Me?"

"Damon." Sasha spoke in a warning.

Damon rolled his eyes.

"So I'm trying to do what you failed to. What's the big deal?"

"I didn't fail." Sasha hissed.

"You said and I quote, 'someone needs to talk to Mason and I'm the only one who can get close to him. Find out what he knows'," Damon spoke doing a poor imitation of Sasha's voice. "And what did you find out? Zilch."

Sasha glared at Damon. "I'm still working on it, okay?"

And it was personal now that Ali was involved anyway.

"Too late princess witch, I'm taking over." Damon spoke.

"Like hell you are -"

"Guys." Elena sighed. "Could you please stop arguing?"

"Let me handle this, Damon." Sasha hissed at the raven haired guy before turning to walk to the living room.

Mason was the only one still seated there.

Sasha walked towards him and sat facing him.

Mason raised his brows at her. "Just can't seem to stay away, can you?"

"I want you to tell me about werewolves." She spoke.

Mason looked around frantically before looking back at Sasha.

"Are you crazy? Someone could hear you." Mason spoke in a panicked voice.

He slid closer to Sasha.

"Listen, it's complicated okay? I can't just tell you this stuff."

"And why not? Wait oh right, you don't trust me."

Mason turned to the side to look into the kitchen where Damon stood. "It's not you I don't trust."


"I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be with everyone else, which is you know that side." Tobey spoke.

"I'm not stopping you." Alisha spoke as she walked out the side door of the Fell mansion appearing on the balcony that led to a small outdoor seating area.

Alisha knew it was Sabrina's mother's favourite place because it outlooked her garden. When she was younger and would stay over, Alisha liked to sit here and read.

Alisha sat in one of the plush seats.

Tobey remained standing, his arms folded looking amused.

"And to think, just yesterday you were hunting me down."

Alisha saw from Tobey's face that he enjoyed his phrasing of that sentence.

"I didn't hunt you down." Alisha spoke. "And it's not like you gave me much to go on."

He had led her to finding out that her father wasn't her father. Alisha tried to push the thought out of her head. If she pondered too much on it, she would break down for sure.

"Yeah well," Tobey spoke as he walked up to Alisha and settled down next to her, "I kind of like my head and I want it to stay attached to my body so... I stand by my words."

Alisha turned her body to face Tobey.

"You and your sister - someone is threatening you, aren't they?"

The corners of Tobey's lips pulled up but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Maybe we should talk about something less depressing."

"Like what are you doing back here when you should be out there with your... chums."

Alisha sighed and turned her body back. "I got into an argument with my friend, Sabrina."

"The barbie snob?" Tobey asked.

Alisha turned to look at him. "Don't say that!"

"But it's true?" Tobey gave her a lopsided smile.

"No." Alisha spoke sounding way too defensive.

"Uh huh." Tobey sounded unconvinced.

Alisha cracked a smile reluctantly.

"What'd she do?" Tobey asked.

"Why am I even talking to you?" Alisha asked.

They weren't friends. She barely knew him or knew if she could trust him.

"Because us witches gotta stick together." He spoke as he nudged her and winked. "Now spill."

Alisha let out a breath. "She's been saying such awful things about Jeremy and I can't take it anymore."

"Just to be clear, the Jeremy you don't have a co-dependant relationship with?"

Alisha glanced at him.

"Just checking."

Tobey spoke.

"I say drop her."

"What?" Alisha asked in shock. "I can't do that. Sabrina has been my friend for years."

"So? You just said she was being a b*tch."

"I didn't say those words."

"But you meant them."

Alisha let out a huff. "You're frustrating."

"I'm honest." Tobey clarified.

Alisha narrowed her brows. "Not about everything.

"Because I can't. There's a difference."

Alisha looked at the boy in front of her.

He wasn't her friend. But there was something that made her feel comfortable around him and it didn't make sense to her.

"Well who were you before you became an Alisha stalker?"

Tobey rose his brows. "What makes you think I'm here exclusively for you?"

"I have no reason to believe you aren't." Alisha spoke with an exhausted sigh.

His cryptic and mysterious attitude was making her tired.

Tobey just stared at her for a second.

He then got up.

He held his hand out for her.

"Come with me."

Alisha rose her brows.


"I can't tell you much but I can show you."

Alisha hesitated. She couldn't just go with him.

But something was telling her it was okay.

And she couldn't fight her curiosity.

Her sisters would definitely disapprove and want her to be smarter.

"I just have to tell Jeremy-"

"'Course you do." Tobey spoke. "When was the last time you ever did anything for yourself, Alisha Bennett? Without anyone telling you - that is."


"Anything?" Elena asked as she came up to Sasha.

They were in the kitchen with Caroline while everyone else had headed over to the dining room to have some of Damon's pie.

"No." Sasha sighed as she watched the table carefully.

She didn't trust Damon or what he could have been up to.

"He's deflecting." She explained.

"You know, I always knew you probably had a secret boyfriend somewhere and I guess I should have known it would be Mason freaking -I have rockboard abs and a model's smile- Lockwood. You get all the good ones." Caroline spoke with a pout.

Sasha turned on her.

"He isn't my boyfriend." She spoke in a low voice.

"Potato-potato." Caroline waved her off dismissively. "You obviously still have feelings for him.

"No I don't." Sasha spoke way too loudly. Even the table had heard them.

She slowly turned to see them looking at her in confusion.

She smiled nervously before pulling Elena and Caroline aside.

"I'm doing this for Ali." She told both of them.

"Are you trying to convince us or yourself." Elena asked skeptically. "Stefan did say you spent the night with him."

Stefan had told Elena how worried he was about Sasha especially when she hadn't been there picking up her phone.

"Ooh..." Caroline sung.

"Stop it." Sasha snapped. "Both of you are being ridiculous."

She didn't mention the make out session and all the old memories it had brought back.

She turned back to watch the table.

Damon was setting the pie in the centre of the table, with a cake knife.

"Mason, why don't you start us off?" He asked.

"Sure." Mason spoke as he took a slice with his hands

He then chuckled. "I apologize, I'm an animal."

Sasha turned to Elena who had rejoined her.

"What's Damon up to now?" She asked.

Elena bit her lower lip nervously. "He might or might not have taken a silver knife out of Jenna's set."

Sasha's eyes widened.

What in the world didn't he understand by 'stay out of it'?

"So Mason, what was Jenna like in high school?" Alaric asked.

"She was always lost in Logan Fell land." Mason chuckled.

"My first mistake." Jenna replied as she took some pie herself. "But Mason here was a catch; he had girls lining up."

"Really?" Damon asked.

His eyes met Sasha's from across the room. Sasha knew that it wasn't an accident.

"I always pegged you for a lone wolf." He spoke.

"I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were." Mason responded. "How about a toast? To new friends." He spoke raising his glass.

"Would I be the worst friend in the world if I abandoned you guys and went to Stefan's?" Elena suddenly asked.

"You want to leave?" Caroline perked up seeming concerned.

"It's just that he hasn't gotten back to me and I'm starting to get this bad feeling." Elena spoke.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Elena." Caroline protested.

"Damon's got it under control here." Elena spoke.

"Really?" Sasha asked looking at her. "Him trying to kill my -"

Sasha stopped herself.

Caroline and Elena both stopped to look at Sasha.

"Your..." Caroline asked.

Sasha waved them off. "Shut up."

Caroline and Elena shared a knowing look.

"Take it from me, there's nothing worse than a clingy girlfriend." Caroline told Elena.

"I'm not being clingy, I'm just concerned. You understand, right?" Elena asked.

Sasha shrugged. "I guess."

"How about I drive you?" Caroline suggested.

"Yeah, okay, that'll be great, thanks." Elena spoke.

Elena turned to raise her brows at Sasha.

"I'll stay here." She spoke.

Damon was going to try and do something stupid to Mason, she could feel it.


"I'm pretty sure my sisters would kill me for disappearing into the woods with a complete stranger." Alisha spoke as she took off her seatbelt.

She was seated in the passenger seat of Tobey's Sedan looking out at the familiar falls.

At least she knew exactly where she was and could make a run for it if the need arose.

"Come on," Tobey spoke grinning at her, "I'm not a complete stranger."

Alisha watched as he got out.

"Yeah, that makes me feel so much better." She spoke as she followed him out.

"What are we doing here?" She asked.

Tobey walked towards the waters.

Toney turned and grinned at her.

"You have some holes in your magic. Quite frankly I've never met a witch so out of tune with their element."

Alisha folded her arms and pouted slightly.

Was he saying she was bad at magic.

"I managed to track you down, didn't I?" She spoke stubbornly.

"Pure luck!" Tobey announced raising his voice because the falls were making it harder to hear.

"Any witch can cast a spell. I'm not talking about that part. I'm talking about balance. You can cast your spell but how do you feel afterwards or during? What do you draw from? Now when I first met you any small emotion could trigger you. That's not how it's supposed to be."

Alisha walked closer to Tobey.

Her, Bonnie and Sasha were only just figuring out magic on their own. It's not like they had someone to guide them.

"Who taught you all this?" Alisha asked curiously.

Tobey smiled. And for the first time since Alisha had met him, it felt genuine.

"My grandmother. She had a coven back in New Orleans."

Alisha rose her brows. "You're from New Orleans?"

The first tangible information she had gotten.

Tobey seemed to realise this. But to her surprise he didn't deflect and simply nodded slowly.

"Kind of. Maliyah and I spent some time there as kids."

"Did your grandmother raise you?" Alisha asked cautiously wanting him to keep talking.

"When she had to." Tobey spoke before turning away from her. "Usually witches exist in covens. They draw from each other, teach each other, learn from each other and protect each other. There's a code. It helps us stay safe."

"And you and Maliyah -"

"It's just us." Tobey clarified.

Alisha saw a sad smile on his face.

He cleared his throat. "But sometimes you find yourself alone. And when you don't have another witch you can channel-"


"Draw power from." Tobey explained. "Nature is your best friend." He spoke gesturing to the falls.

Alisha furrowed her brows as she stared at the water.

"But how do I-"

"Close your eyes." Tobey instructed.

Alisha raised her brows at him.

"You gonna push me down there?"

Tobey let out a light laugh.

"If I wanted to kill you Alisha Bennett, I would have already."

That was technically true but Alisha still didn't know what Tobey's agenda was. She couldn't trust him.

She followed his instructions and closed her eyes.

"Take a deep breath." Tobey instructed.

Alisha did likewise.

"Feel it flowing through you... all that nature has to offer... the wind, the water, the earth."

Alisha sucked in another deep breath.

When she did a spell she felt energy flowing through her.

And now it was the same but different at the same time. It was hard to explain.

But it all fit... it all made sense.

Alisha opened her eyes and saw the wind circling her and Tobey, leaves flung all over.

She let out a giggle.

"Oh my goodness.

Tobey walked up to her.

He took her hands and chanted to himself.

Suddenly the water from the falls also started circling them.

Alisha felt more power through them.

It's like it was all one, the wind, the water, the energy, the power, her... Tobey.

Everything felt... connected.

Ring... ring...

Everything suddenly stopped when Alisha lost concentration as her phone rang.

"Sorry." She told Tobey as she reached into her pocket.

It was Jeremy.


"Hey, where are you?"

"Uhm," Alisha turned to look at Tobey. "On my way back."

"Where did you go?" Alisha could hear the confusion in his voice.

She knew that he would be mad if she told him right now.

"I... I'll explain when I get there." She spoke.

"Oh... okay? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'll see you soon Jer."

"Okay." Jeremy spoke before hanging up.

"Let me guess. Your 'not boyfriend'." Tobey spoke as he strolled up to her.

Alisha let out a breath. "I shouldn't have ditched him." She admitted realising just how much her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"But all this." She gestured around her.

"Was incredible. You have to teach me more."

Tobey just looked at her, his lips tugging into a small smile.

"Maybe." He walked past her towards the car. "I should get you back to your 'not boyfriend'."

Alisha walked up to him, jogging slightly so that she could walk beside him.

"Why are you helping me?" She was genuinely curious.

"Am I not supposed to?" He wondered.

Alisha shrugged. "You keep saying you aren't the bad guy here but you don't seem to be implying that you're the good one either."

"You're quite inquisitive." Tobey spoke.

"Well can you blame me? Your whole vibe is being a mystery."

Tobey suddenly spun around catching Alisha off guard.

He seemed pleased with himself when he saw her jump.

"Best advice I can give you, don't trust anyone. Live your life like the whole world is out to get you."

Alisha frowned wondering if that's how he lived.

"Doesn't sound like much of a life."

Tobey shrugged. "It's the only sure way to survive. Self preservation." He turned and started walking to his car.

Alisha hesitated a bit before following him.


"Thanks sweetie." Jenna spoke as Sasha finished loading up loading the dishwasher.

Sasha wiped her hands on a dish towel.

"Don't mention it, It's the least I could do you know... since I crashed your party." Sasha spoke.

"Aw kid please, I love having you around." Jenna spoke as she squeezed Sasha's shoulder. "And I love having your sister around too. She's been here more and more lately. She's a good influence on Jeremy."

Sasha smiled. "Yeah Ali's sweet."

"But..." Jenna gave Sasha a playful look. "What is going on between the two of them? I would ask but you know - Jer would shut me down in a second. He thinks I'm too nosy."

"Well I don't get much info on Ali's dating life either." Sasha admitted.

Alisha seemed like she would rather talk to Jeremy instead of her or Bonnie. Case and point this morning.

"Oh." Jenna spoke. "Well I know this is super inappropriate to say but I already started imagining what my grand babies will look like... Ali's gorgeous eyes."

"Uhm, okay Jenna reel it in." Sasha spoke with a chuckle.

Sure her, Elena and Bonnie joked around about Jeremy and Alisha getting together and making them sisters but Sasha knew that in reality that might not be the case.

She knew that Ali and Jeremy loved each other but she also knew it could also be platonic.

"Okay, I'll behave." Jenna sighed. "I'm gonna take out the "Guitar Hero", I'll be back." She told Sasha with a smile before walking out the kitchen.

Sasha was only alone for seconds before Mason walked in and joined her.

"Hey." He spoke.

Sasha turned to him and sighed.

"Okay." Mason spoke. "I know I have given you a lot of reasons to be mad at me but... I just wanted to say that... my life changed in a really drastic way, Sasha. And... for some time I didn't have anyone to talk to. But you kept me sane."

Sasha watched Mason as he stepped closer to her.

"How did I keep you sane? You ghosted me, remember?" She asked.

Mason was now close enough to touch her. He lifted her hand and smiled when he saw the charm bracelet. "Every day I had this on, it was a reminder that I had something to fight for... something to get my act together for."

Sasha looked into his blue eyes searching for sincerity.

She dropped her hand pulling it away from him.

"Actions speak louder than words, Mason and it's clear from yours that I don't mean as much to you as you tell me I do."

Sasha tried to turn to leave but Mason took her arm pulling her back.

He looked her in the eyes.

"Are you being honest with me?"

Sasha let out a huff as she tore her arm out of Mason's.

She took a step toward him. "My sister is a werewolf. I want to find out what to expect. How to handle this. How to take care of her."

Mason nodded looking unsurprised. "Ali."

Sasha stared at him in surprise. "You knew?"

Mason didn't say anything.

Sasha scoffed. "Fine Mason. Keep your secrets. Just don't play the victim in all this when you're the one withholding information that you know clearly concerns me."


"No Mason. This is my sister." Sasha spoke angrily as she searched his face.

Forget what they had been through together. He knew what Ali meant to her. Even if he didn't care about her anymore, he could care about that.

Sasha saw that he still wasn't going to say anything.

"I really need to stop believing that you ever gave a damn about me." Sash turned to leave once again hurt and heartbroken.


Sasha was walking down the street trying hard to fight the tears threatening to pour down her face.

She heard the roaring sound of an engine. She turned and saw Mason's car.


Mason jumped out of his Ford and jogged up to her.

Sasha turned away and kept walking.

"Come on Sasha!"

"Enough! I'm done with your lies Mason!" She yelled as she tried to ignore him.

Listening to him give her hope and then shut her down again?

She couldn't take it.

"Please, Sash!"

Mason got in front of her stopping her.

"I love you." He blurted out.

Sasha shook her head in disbelief. "Just stop."

She tried to walk around him but he placed his hands on her shoulder.

"It's the truth. I have loved you for a long time. You're the only person who has ever seen me as more than just Mason Lockwood. You are the only person who has ever seen me for me." He spoke desperately. "We had plans to be together, to go to the same city and live a life together and you have no idea how badly I wanted that." He spoke.

"But then I triggered the curse and you have to understand - things changed. I couldn't trust myself around anyone. I didn't know who I would hurt. I had to leave. But I never stopped thinking about you." He let out a breath. "Look, maybe I got used to the lies and the secrets but... I did what I had to - all to get back to you."

Sasha watched his face. She hated herself for always believing him.

"Whatever you want to know, I will tell you. It just might not be pretty."

"And you think I'm scared of a little mess?" Sasha asked. She looked at Mason wanting him to understand that she knew everyone had their ugly sides.

She had never cared about that with him.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know. Just please... I didn't come all this way just to lose you all over again."

Sasha didn't want to get hurt again. She didn't want to trust him just to have him let her down again.

"You can't keep taking me on a ride, Mason. I'm tired." She spoke being the most honest and vulnerable she had been with anyone else.

She was laying it all out for him. Without the armour that made her her.

"I care about you and you can't exploit that."

Mason's face softened. He nodded firmly.


Sasha heard another car pull up.

She looked behind and was surprised to see Damon getting out of his vehicle.

Mason turned around as well realising who it was. He let out a sigh before turning to meet him.

"Damon? What? More dog jokes?"

Damon had a smug look on his face that worried Sasha.

She noticed he had something in his hands.

"Nah, those got old." He responded.

Sasha only thought to worry when Mason got close enough to Damon but it was too late.

Damon threw his hand back and stabbed Mason.


Sasha screamed as she watched him fall to the ground.

She ran towards him.

"What the hell did you do?" Sasha yelled at Damon. Tears were streaming down her face as she bent over to examine him.

Damon furrowed his brows at Sasha's reaction.

She couldn't possibly really care about this guy. Just the other day she had seemed so mad at him.

Sasha gasped when she saw Mason reach out and pull the knife out of his chest.

He then stood up groaning slightly but for the most part, he looked okay.

Mason leaned over to help Sasha - who was still shocked up.

He then looked at Damon with narrowed eyes.

"You know, I think it was werewolves who started this whole silver myth. Probably for moments like this."

Mason led Sasha to his car.

Damon watched in shock but tried not to show how surprised he was.

"Duly noted." Damon spoke.

Mason ushered Sasha into the passenger seat of his car before turning and walking back to Damon.

He looked him in the eye. "I was really looking forward to last call. Now you made an enemy."

Mason walked back into the car.

Sasha came out of her shocked state.

"oh my gosh, are you okay? I didn't know Damon was gonna-"

She tried to reach for Mason's shirt to see where he had been stabbed. Mason beat her to it and lifted it.

Sasha didn't see any wound.

"Werewolves heal fast." He explained.

Sasha looked at the spot where he was supposed to be hurt.

She leaned back in relief.

"Thank God."

Mason smiled at her. "You care." He teased.

Sasha turned to look at him. "Of course I do."

Mason's facial expression became serious.

He moved closer and leaned in, placing his lips on Sasha's who eagerly kissed back.

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