bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilber...

By RideWithTheDevil

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There's a random phone number written in the bathroom stall and Jake is the only dumb ass willing to text it... More

CH.1- How did you get my number?
CH.2 -i wanna get to know you
CH.3- weekend
CH.4- concert
CH.5 we're all gay or?
CH.6 -Can you spend the night?
CH.7 - Party
CH.9 - back to normal
CH.10 - ... trying to keep things normal
CH.11 - I can't continue like this
CH.12 - the truth comes out
CH.13 - Some things never change
CH.14 - Can I say "I love you" without it being weird?
CH.15 - hungover
ch.16 - just fuck off
CH.17 - Getting help
CH. 18 - I feel like dancin'
CH.20 - using you (Valentines Day date)
CH.21 - what are we?
CH.22 - A little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me"
CH.23 - Dance, Dance
CH.24 - All your fault
CH.25 - breathe in, breathe out
Ch.26 - Flesh
CH.27 - bad feeling
CH.28 - N.M.E
CH.19 - Coming out
CH.29 - dose he love me?
CH.30 - Peach
CH.31 - you don't need to protect me
CH.32 - problem solved
CH.33 - end of the year
2nd book


3.2K 47 134
By RideWithTheDevil

Jake's pov:

I wake up with my head spinning. Before giving myself time to fully be ready to get up, I run out of bed to the bathroom having to throw up. As I throw up all of whatever I downed last night I can hear someone coming up the stairs.... moms going to see me at my worst.

"Jake? Holly shit are you okay?? I could hear you from downstairs." Johnnie says as he walks into the room

"J-johnnie?" I question before I get back to throwing up

He holds my hair back and put it in a shit ponytail as he rubs my back.

"I'm not surprised that your throwing up so much, you really fucked yourself last night." He giggles
"I'm surprised you didn't throw up like this last night though."

Shit...he was here last night? Oh God. What even happened?

After getting everything out of my system i flushed the toilet and Johnnie helped me get up, he also helped me clean up my face. I can't even say how embarrassing it is to have him see me like this. I just want to go back to bed and sleep this off.

"I uh...I just finished breakfast if you were hungry.." Johnnie said nervously

"Y-yeah." I stutter as he holds my hand and guides me down stairs

The breakfast wasn't much, just some eggs and toast, but it tasted really good and helped with my hangover. We didn't really talk while we ate but once Johnnie took our plates to the sink-

"Jake I uh...I wanted to apologize for last night." He started
"I didn't mean to leave you for the time that I did I just...I just got really nervous and then i-" I cut him off

"No Johnnie I'm sorry....I-i don't really know what I'm sorry for because if I'm being honest I don't remember shit but there's a good chance that I did something really dumb." I ramble

"No..well yeah you did do dumb shit but I left you and then got high and almost had a panic attack instead of just going to talk to you.." he frowns

" got high? AND you had a panic attack and didn't bother to tell me?" I says almost angry

"Well you were already drunk when we started talking so...yeah I didn't think it was important. And I got high once I got there with Alex...I was going to go right back to you but I started overthinking and that led to me panicking for an hour.." Johnnie says with tears filling the corners of his eyes

"Johnnie...i-im sorry. I'm sorry that I got so shit faced and didn't bother to even look for you." I say as I pull him into a hug

"Well, you did kinda look for me." Johnnie says as he pulls away, cheeks pink

"Well duh, how else do you think I ended up home with you." I giggle

"No I mean..when you found me at the party you said that you.." he paused
" said that you loved me then you started kissing me." His face way fully red

"I-i did what?" I question as my face gets equally as red

"You kissed me then I apologized then we hung out for the rest of the time..well until you got to drunk, then I had to drag you home." He smiles

"O-oh..I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I frown

"No!no I uh, I had a good time." He bites his lip
"I mean I have no idea what made you want to do that but I'm not mad..just wish you were a little sober doing so."

We continue our conversation to the backyard, knowing Johnnie likes his morning cig. The whole time I was trying to think about last night. I just wanted to remember something. All I can remember is me wanting to drink so much that I would forget everything... really fucking hate that I did that now. As I was getting really deep in thought I remembered the guy on the bus and that he was talking to me at the party..

"Johnnie.." I start, he just turns his head to look at me
" you know a guy by the name of ugh, fuck what was it,, Darren..fuck." I start to ask, completely fucking forgetting the guys name

"Bryan..?" He asks slowly

"Yeah him." I say

"Uh..w-why?" He asks nervously, face pale

"Well I remember that he walked up to me last night and said something that I can't remember.i just remember that whatever he said made me mad and it's part of the reason I kissed you." I say hoping that he can connect the dots

"You kissed me because you were mad?" Johnnie says, trying to change subject

"Kinda, yeah...that's not the point. Point is, do you know anything about that guy? Like any reason he would say something that would upset me?"

"Yeah, we used to be friends during my freshman year. Before he graduated he changed a lot. He just did shit that made me and all of my friends really uncomfortable. He would also just say shit that would piss everyone off. But if we said anything about it he would threaten to ruin our reputation at school. During his senior year everyone got fed up with his bullshit and before he graduated he came out as gay thinking that would change anything, it didn't. People still didn't like him and many people knew how horribly he would treat others. But once he graduated, instead of moving on from highschool he decided to come back and work as a janitor.." Johnnie says frowning

"Oh shit...I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I frown
"If I remember correctly he said that you guys had something..I think what really set me off was that he told me you were dating Alex and that you saw me as desperate."

"No! What the fuck? We never dated, Bryan or Alex! And why would I see you as desperate?? He just doesn't want to see me happy." Johnnie says as he finally finishes his ciggy

"Fuckkkkk dude, I'm sorry that I let him piss me off. I guess I was already upset because I...I thought I was losing you." I pause as Johnnie just looks at me
"I just felt like I was competing against your other friends and that I was losing..we just stopped seeing each other and I felt like there was a good chance that I would never see you again. Then the fact that you hung out with Alex when we first got to the party really set me off...I know you probably think I sound crazy." I sigh is I get up to go inside the house

"..what if I like crazy?" Johnnie says as he shuts the backdoor

"What?" I asks, face red

"What if...what if I liked you being jealous that I was giving other people my attention."

I don't know what the fuck has gotten into Johnnie but man is it doing something to me. I'm not used to him being so straight forward and I'm also not used to being this flustered..

"T-then I...then I guess your in luck because if I go another week without seeing you I will hit someone." I stutter

"Good thing you won't have to do that." He smiles as he throws himself on the couch

"Sooooo...what's the plan for the day?" I ask wondering if he wanted to go do something

"Uhhh, nothing? Aren't you still dieing from last night?" He asks as he sits up

"Yeah but I don't want to keep you bored." I frown

"We can just watch YouTube." He smiles

"I'm fine with that!" I smile back

We decided to get comfortable on the couch and put on some random YouTube videos. After a few hours I see Johnnie smiling at his phone. I don't know who he's talking to but oh my god do I wish he would smile at me like that.... I think he felt my gaze because he looked up to make direct eye contact with me and smiled.

"Don't worry I'm not talking to anyone, I'm just looking at videos of you holding onto me from last night." He smirks

"You what?" I blush

"Oh! Colby is sending me videos that people took of you holding onto me or you trying to keep your balance. Or just people calling you gay because of the way your looking at me." He smiles

"Well that's embarrassing that people recorded that.." I start

"Not as bad as someone recording you saying that you need me and how much you love me." He just laughs

"Oh my God." I fell my face gets 100x hotter
"I...I don't even want to hear it."

"Whyyy? I think it was cute. You clinging onto me really makes you look so.. huggable." He smiles as he starts typing

I don't know what he's trying to do to me but whatever it is, it's working. I just want him to ruin me more than he already is.

"Well, do I not look cuddly right now?" I ask, trying to flirt back

Johnnie's POV:

"You do..but I'm just so comfortable over here and-" before I could finish my sentence Jake lays down next to me and wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on my lower stomach

"Comfortable?" I blush

"Very." He smiles as he goes back to watching the YouTube videos

I blush even more every time I look down and see his face snuggled against my body. I don't know what has gotten into me but knowing that Jake can get so easily jealous over me makes me want him even more. I know that he likes me but I don't know why I can't fully comprehend it. I just don't understand why. I smile at the thought of kissing him again even though we had just kissed last night.... multiple times. I just want to be swarmed by his love.

"Jake...?" I ask taking a deep breath
"Can-can I kiss you?" I ask, trying not to sound cringe

"Yeah~" he says as he crawls up to get closer to me

As our lips connect I can feal him smirk. We fight for control but he ends up taking dominance and starts pushing me more into the couch, deepening the kiss. We keep at it for what felt like hours, Jake lifting up my shirt and slowly kissing down my torso till he gets to my snail trail. I keep my hands  rubbing up and down his back to the top of his head. Once he starts kissing along the lining of my boxers I tighten my grip on his hair, breath getting heavy. As I feel his grip on my boxers his phone starts to ring.

"Fcukkkk~." He moans/groans as he reaches over to pick it up
"What?" He asks kinda annoyed

Jake the puts his phone on speaker

"Jake?" I can hear Sam ask

"Yeah?" He questions, still sitting on top of ...he's on top of me..he's practically straddling me with my shirt off...I think I'm going to explode

"I was just making sure you made it home okay." Sam says

"Oh...yeah I did. I think Johnnie drove." He then looks down at me

"Ye-yeah I did." I say trying not to moan

I honestly don't know what the rest of the conversation was. All I could think about was Jake finally taking full control over me.  It's like he knows what he's doing to me. After awhile he places his phone on my stomach and starts rubbing up and down my sides, still on the phone with Sam. I put my hands over my mouth, trying to keep in my moans as he starts rubbing deep circles on my waist. Jake has to know what hes doing to me because I can see a smile form in his face the more I struggle. Once his call ends he throws his phone back in the coffee table and starts to move my hands aways from my mouth, I'm no longer able to contain myself and let out a moan. He then gets off of me and smiles.

"Hate to cut this short babe but Sam and Colby wants to hang out."

I just look at him dumbfounded.

"Sooooo that means that we have to get dressed so we can hang out...come in Johnnie you should know how getting ready to hang out works." Jake laughs as he starts walking up the stairs

I just follow him, confused on how he's not only willing to hang out after a night of drinking, but also so ready to hang out after turning me into a mess in the couch AS HE WAS STILL ON THE FUCKING PHONE. I stand in the doorframe waiting for Jake to hand me a set of clothes. He just gives me a hoodie and some jeans. We start to get dressed till I catch him just looking at my stomach, making me feel self conscious.

"What?" I ask

"I just...I didn't think that a hickey would form that fast. And so many of them." He smiles trying to cover a worried look

I look down and see a trail of hickeys covering my stomach.

"Holy shit." I blush

"I-im so sorry." Jake apologized

"It's fine. Not like anyone will see" I smile as I finished getting dressed

The rest of the day wes pretty uneventful. We just hung out at the mall and just fucked around. Nothing new really. Except for the fact that all I could think about was what Jake did to me earlier.

"No way you have fucking hickeys." Jake says to Colby, pointing at his neck

"I told you he would say something if you took the hoodie off." Sam smiles

"You dirty dog." Jake laughs as he goes to hold my hand

"What? Were dating now so..what do you want us to do? Hold hands?" Colby laugh's

"I expect you two, to not be whores. You go to one party!" Jake rambles, making fun of Sam and Colby

"Jake, at least they can get laid." I laugh as we walk into some store

"Okay, wow. Not my fault the going for is playing hard to get." He blushes

"Well, maybe if you didn't spend your time being jealous for no reason -" I was cut off by Sam and Colby laughing at us

"You guys just need to finally admit that you actually like each other already." Colby giggles

"I mean technically we have...Jake did twice." I smile

"Then why aren't you guys dating?" Sam asks

We just look at each other. Why aren't we dating? We both like each other, we hold hands, we've kissed more than a few times. What's stopping us?

"Just not ready to put a label on it I guess?" Jake says
"I mean it's more fun to mess around with a "friends" label. Adds some edge to it." He smiles

"Yeah, I guess." Sam  says confused

I don't 100% agree with Jake but I do agree that I'm not ready to lable anything. I do like Jake...a lot but do I want to labe him as my boyfriend? No, not yet.

Shit ending 2 da chapter but u should b getting a follow up chapter soon :3!

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