The Outlands (Sequel to Elven...

By larkdarkchild

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Attn: This book has male on male activity, abuse, and graphic scenes. If any of this is triggering for you, t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 29

31 4 1
By larkdarkchild

Mickey Pov

After finally getting the kingdom somewhat back to normal. I walked into the medic bay. I hate this fucking place. My father insists on seeing me. I haven't talked to or seen my mates. They are avoiding me. I know why, but of course I don't give a fuck. As soon as I get Aelasar back to its former glory, they will regret every minute they prided themselves away from me.

I walked into my father's room. He's lying in bed with his eyes closed. My mother was in his arms, asleep.

I walked to his bed and looked down on him. I looked through Makay's thoughts from the battle. Under normal circumstances her mind would be closed to me. It's a decision that we made a long time ago. I can only read her mind, no one else, but I can read feelings. To be honest, my father doesn't have many feelings most of the time. His feelings are sporadic and so are mine, I realized. My father just got better at hiding the fact that he doesn't give a damn about nothing other than his family. Of course, he doesn't feel that way all the time. Like I said, sporadic. It's the warlock. We can feel feelings like everyone else does. Our feelings have to be taught, and have to be redundant, however.

When I looked back at his face, his eyes were open. I stared at him. Then I became angry. There was no way my father should have ended up like this. He fought an unfair fight. There's no way he didn't know that monster didn't have life behind his eyes, that he was being controlled by the Raptillion creature. He fought him anyway.

My father is very powerful. Maybe even more powerful than Makay and I. He doesn't even know what all he could do. Like most of us, his powers are tied to his emotions, especially the ones that are dormant. When he gets angry, I've seen his powers escalate into something that could only be described as godly. There is no blueprint for Aeason of Aelasar. He is the blueprint.

I have seen my father move one of our suns because it was irritating my mother's skin. When she was pregnant with the triplets, her vampire side became strong. The sun would break her out into hives. She was miserable when she went out into the sun, but she loved being outside, so he made it comfortable for her.

I'm really hoping he didn't sacrifice his life or well-being to teach us a lesson. Just thinking about it makes me pissed all over again. I raged at the war going on inside me. I want to lift him up and asked him why the fuck did he do this. Doesn't he know that we would be lost without him? I especially need my father to guide me. I'm mostly running off nothing but anger and rage lately and can barely tolerate when someone questions me. Even an innocent question. I can't do this, and I want to run away from all this, but I know I can't. My father, my family, my citizens. They need me here, but I'm very close to killing.

He smiled a little. "You are your father's son. Your only thought right now is how far you could be away from all of this. And not because you don't care, but because you can't handle how much you care with him alive inside you, while he doesn't care. Your mind and body are literally at war and what's worse, it's our job to wear it with pride. But you can teach him how to love. Your mother did it for me and your mates will do it for you. You just have to let them."

I remained silent; I had a feeling he was right. Being half elven is very difficult. It wouldn't be so bad if I was a full blood witch, I would bond better with the warlock. Since I'm half elf and was taught strong family values, it's been a daily struggle since I was a child.

My father flipped the covers back. I saw his leg. I saw in Makay's memory that it was crushed by the Raptillion's champion. His pale leg looked bad. The veins are broken and discolored. It's smashed. Even if it heals, he will never walk the same again.

"I'm done, son. You have to take over."

My brain was misfiring. I didn't know how to feel about any of this. Chaos is even quiet. I feel him withdrawing, he's letting me decide all of this.

"Dad, I don't think ...."

"You're ready?"

I nodded.

"No king ever feels that he's ready. Not the good ones anyway. A good king worry about everything. Worry about making a bad decision. Worry about their family's safety. Worry about an attack and how he will get everyone out safely. And the worst part is that your warlock will never let you see it from an emotional standpoint. Only a logical one. But logic is good. It helps you make the right decision and of course, your queen will help as well. She will be your conscience." He smiled then kissed my mom on the forehead. She shifted in her sleep but didn't wake up.

He dropped his head back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "I can't do it anymore, son. My edge is mostly gone. You can handle this and the things to come. You need to prepare yourself. Makay has broken several rules already. There will be consequences. Declan won't like that. Gran told me everything. She foresaw it."

I gasped out. I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath. First gran and grandpa. Now Makay might be in danger. Fuck this. I stormed from the medic bay. I sensed her whereabouts then teleported.

When I made it to her. Her and Delcan were arguing. "What is it?" I stared at Makay.

"I'm being summoned."

"To where?"

"I don't know, but I feel the pull. Gran told me to remain neutral, but I didn't. I just couldn't. What child would sit back and watch her father be killed in an unfair fight. If the goddess has a problem with that then to hell with her."

She's blasphemy, which is making it worse.

"You say that now, but you don't know what will happen. Let me take you to the Outlands," Declan stated.

"The Outlands won't keep me from her wrath, Declan, use your fucking sense."

"Makay, you can't leave me. I won't allow it. Fuck the goddess!" Declan sounds close to losing it.

Suddenly Makay's body seized up. Like she was stuck. I moved into motion. I tried to teleport her, but I was too late. She disappeared. Gone.

"Makaaaaay," Declan screamed at the empty space. He fell to his knees, "Makay." He stared at the spot with empty eyes.

He looked up to the heavens. "You bring her back to me or so help me, you'll be cleaning after me for a fucking millennium."

"Declan stop. The goddess would send Makay or another messenger after you and not in a good way."

"I don't give a fuck. I'm nothing without Makay. I need her."

"I'll find her. Or I'll find the goddess." He wasn't listening. Right before he disappeared, his eyes turned black.

I cursed. One threat has been neutralized, now another problem on its tail. The goddess will send Makay back, or else.

I teleported to my villa that I shared with my mates. I needed to fuck. Bad. But no one was there. Hasn't been for quite some time. A snarl made its way to my lips. I tried to sense them. I couldn't pinpoint their exact location. They were teleporting all over the place at a fast speed. Another thing I have to deal with. And my father thought I could handle this in my current state. Rage has been slowly building inside me. I don't know who to deal with first, the Goddess, Declan or my mates. When I thought about my mates, my anger went into a fucking tailspin. They still want to fuck with me. Ok then. I took a deep breath.



Shane Pov

She gasps as I thrust into her. Her soft gasp and mellow sounds were sending my body out of control. I sped up. I had to. There were so many feelings attacking me, but for some reason the one I fixated on was anger. I wrapped my hand around her neck and squeezed tight.

"Shane." She gasped again. It spurred me on. I pulled from her, flipped her over and thrust back in. I laid on her back, gripped the front of her throat and fucked her hard. I snatched her head backwards to me. I bit her cheek.

"Shane, please."

I gasped out and released her neck. I pulled out. I was too angry to fuck her properly. I tried another tactic. I attacked her pussy with my tongue. She screamed and pulled my hair. She smashed my face against her pussy. I continued to devour it. After two orgasms she was begging me to stop, but I didn't. I needed this outlet. I was pissed at the recent events, at everything fucking thing.

When I finally stopped, she was exhausted. I looked down at her sleepy eyes and shook my head. She's powerful but her stamina needs work. I smiled down at her. I leaned down and kissed her. She grabbed my face and stuck her tongue in my mouth.

I slapped her on the ass. She got up. "Shower?"

I nodded, "go start it."

As she walked away my eyes followed her. Her ass was bouncing and jiggling as she walked away.

I hurriedly followed then got in the shower.

I guess I was staring at nothing for too long. "Shane, what is it?" I hated myself for keeping my thoughts from her. But I know she wouldn't like them.

I blew out a breath. "I guess with everything that has happened. I'm feeling foreign feelings. I feel like we should be there."

"But the queen said everything would be fine. That we could leave. We needed this, Shane."

"I know. It's just." I pushed my wet hair from my face and blew out a breath. We went to the medic bay. Ashford wanted to visit her father. She cried and fussed over him the whole time and he looked very uncomfortable. The queen, sensing her husband's distress, suggested that we take off, go on a mission and find out what we really want from this life. To find ourselves.

The queen said, "It's so easy to get wrapped up in everything that is going on around you that you forget to be yourself. And you can lose yourself. Quickly."

The way she worded that made me wonder if she had ever left the king before to find herself.

"You want to go back to him don't you," she asked.

I just stared.

"So do I. But we can't."

I know what we can't. This is our last attempt. She hopes the distant will show Mickey that he needs us just as much as we need him. At first, I agreed. I was proud and happy that she's taking a stand against him and his treatment of us. But this ache in my chest is damned near unbearable and it's making me angry and temperamental.

Fuck him. He doesn't deserve my thoughts or my energy. He treats us like objects. But should we really fault him though. He can't help what he is. Then I reprimanded myself.

Fuck him. He could at least try to do better. But what if he is trying and that's all he can do. I rub my hand down my face. Since when did I become sympathetic to him? "When you fell in love with him." I silenced the voice in my head. But I'm wondering how the hell that happened. I've seen mates together. Not all of them are in love. They respect each other because of the bond, but that's it. So where the hell are these deep feelings coming from?

I jumped when there was a pull on my penis. I didn't see her move. I grabbed the shower wall to steady myself. My toes curled at her every pull. I clenched my ass cheeks as I thrust into her mouth. My whole body tingled, and I felt weighed down with the tightness that's moving throughout my body. I grabbed the wall with my other hand as I orgasmed. I threw my head back and shouted.

My head fell forward as I continued to breathe heavily. She raised up and kissed me.

"I love you, Shane. Are you with me on this?"

"I love you too and yes. I'm with you."

We got out of the shower and grabbed some towels. We made our way to the bedroom. Mickey stood in the center of the floor. Not Mickey, Chaos.

I was a little fearful. Chaos not only looked pissed, but another look I couldn't identify.

"What do you want, Mickey," asked Ashford.

He zipped to her, grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall.

He moved so fast. "Hey, leave her alone." I went to stop him, but I was slung against the wall by an invisible force. "Wait your turn," Chaos snarled. He chuckled darkly. His voice was scarier than ever.

I couldn't move. Neither could Ashford. She was making gurgling sounds. As he continued to squeeze, I became afraid for her.

"Mickey, stop this, please. You'll kill her."

He didn't listen. Her body started to slump.

"Ashford!" I screamed; eyes widened in fear.

He finally let her go. She slumped to the ground. She snapped out of the daze and tried to stand up, but he punched her in the face. She tried to get up again, he slapped her hard across the face. He grabbed her by the throat, picked her up and slammed her on the floor.

"Mickey, stop this. You'll kill her." It didn't seem like he was going to stop. As a matter of fact, he looked like he was far from done. When Ashford landed on the floor dazed, he blasted a white electric bolt into her body. She arched off the floor and seized up. She screamed out in pain as white-hot electricity attacked her body. It moved throughout her whole body. Her body continued to seize and jerk until liquid ran from her mouth.

It seems like she was trying to say something, but she couldn't talk through the pain her body was experiencing.

He stopped. Her body deflated. He leaned over her, grabbed her by the towel and raised her up. "What's that mate? I can't hear you. It better be you trying to tell me what the fuck I want to hear."

He hauled off and punched her in the face again. She held her hand up, dazed.

"Ok, Mickey. I'm sorry. You're right. I-I shouldn't have acted so rashly and selfishly. Please, forgive me."

He growled then smiled an evil satisfied smile. "Of course I forgive you, Ashford. I'll always forgive you. I love you more than anything. But I still have to teach you a lesson about defiance. You have way too much of that lately."

He picked her up and slammed her against the wall. She fell to the ground. She looked up with fear, tears and pain in her eyes. "Ok Mickey. Please. I won't do it again. It was stupid. I..I.. just lost my head."

He wasn't listening to anything she said. He attacked her. He slung her. He punched her. He slammed her and threw her all over the room. He beat her until she was bloody and unconscious on the floor. Her face was swollen and unrecognizable. And I feel like it's all my fault. She was submissive because she knows what he's capable of. I've tried to get her to fight him time and time again.

When she was down, he turned his attention to me. I tried to fight; goddess knows I did. I even tapped into some more vampire abilities that I didn't know I had, but it wasn't enough. He hit me with an electrical blast that had my skin burning and turning a brown, burnt color. It smelt awful. When I was on the ground, he punched me in the face. He wouldn't stop. It felt like my face and nose broke all at once.

He picked me up and slammed me against the wall. He made a motion with his hand. I screamed out in agony. Blood spilled from my mouth. My body felt like it was squeezing and crushing in on itself. My lungs, my heart, even my head. I couldn't breathe. I gasped.

"Ok Mickey. Ok." How many times does he need to show us not to fuck with him before we take heed. Mickey is not normal. I feel Mickey's abilities go beyond this world. I can't think of that now. My body is in so much pain. Even my fingers are somehow throbbing.

He stopped and tilted his head and stared at me. "Please stop." My lip was swollen and throbbing. My eyes are swollen shut. Both of them.

He released me from the wall. I fell. I hit the ground hard. Pain reverberated through my whole body. I couldn't take it. I blacked out. 

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