The New Hogwarts

بواسطة AliciaSteinke

72.1K 2.4K 194

After Harry's second year, He gets himself emancipated, takes over as head of house, has his parents will rea... المزيد

Chapter 2: The Reveal
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Happy New's Years)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Staff meeting Part 1)
Chapter 15 (Staff meeting Part 2)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Start of the Trials)
Chapter 18 (2nd day of Trials)
Chapter 19 (Part 1 of the Trial of Albus Dumbledore)
Chapter 20 (Part 2 of the Trial of Albus Dumbledore)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 21 (Part 3 of the Trial of Albus Dumbledore)

1.2K 52 10
بواسطة AliciaSteinke

Previously on The New Hogwarts

Severus's Pov

I can't believe I said that to Harry because I didn't mean to. I said it without thinking and I'm feeling guilty about it because nobody especially Harry to be abused like that but I got caught up in the fight which I don't know how that even turned into a fight but it did. I turn around and try to open the door but it won't open.


Nothing. I stay there for an hour before heading down to check on the Slytherins who are fine before heading into my rooms which I haven't been here for a bit. Changing out of my robes, I lay down on my bed and started crying.

I don't know how long I cried before falling asleep.


Harry's Pov

Waking up I don't want to get out of bed at all but I have to because it's the third day of Dumbledore's trial and I can't wait for it to be over. I don't know how I feel about seeing Severus after what happened last night. Getting up out of bed and heading into the bathroom, I look into the mirror and see that my eyes are red and puffy from crying last night. Turning on the water I run my hands over my face before looking in the mirror again to see that my eyes don't look as red now but they are still puffy. Before I can start thinking too much about what happened, I get ready for the day. 

I leave Hogwarts at 9 so that I can be there early to talk to Jack before we go into today. Once I was at the Ministry, I met up with Jack and I could see on his face that he wanted to ask about my eyes but I just shook my head, I was not ready to talk about it so instead we talked with the witnesses. 

At 9:45, we head into the courtroom and see that it's packed just like yesterday. I see Severus sitting in the onlooker box but I look away. At 10:00, the Aurors bring Dumbledore into the courtroom and sit him down. He still has the magic-canceling cuffs which was something I made sure of because I don't want him to use magic to get out of this.

"All rise for honorable Judge Taylor". says Amelia

We all stand up until Judge Taylor tells us that we can sit down.

"This is day three of the trial against Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore who has been charged with child abuse, child endangerment, line theft, stealing money, stealing family heirlooms, withholding Mr. Potter's right in the Wizarding World, withholding Mr. Potter's rightful inheritance as a Lord of most Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, withholding Mr.Potter rightful inheritance as an Heir of most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Withholding Mr.Potter rightful education." says Judge Taylor

"Today we would like to start with the charge of child abuse and child endangerment ." requests Jack

"Request granted." says Judge Taylor

"Despite what Albus Dumbledore has said over the years that families love each other was wrong. For the last year, my client Mr. Potter has been gathering evidence of child abuse and child endangerment by Dumbledore. Mr. Potter has discovered that when during his time as a professor at Hogwarts, Dumbledore would often ignore and dismiss any claims of child abuse that his students would tell him and then tell the students that they didn't know what they were talking about and how their families loved them. It even went into Dumbledore's time as headmaster, at the end of Mr. Potter's first year at Hogwarts, he tried not to be sent back to the Dursley for the summer but Dumbledore told him that his family loved him. I will be passing around statements from current and former students who told Dumbledore about the abuse and what he told them before sending the students back to the abuse which is where child endangerment comes in because he knowing sent students back to their abusive homes ." says Jack 

Jack passes the evidence around the courtroom until everyone who needs one has one. 

"Mr. Haley, do you have anything to add?" asks Judge Taylor

"Not at this time." says Haley

For the next four hours, we go over all the rest of the charges with Jack presenting his side while Mr. Haley tries to get his side in where he feels like it's needed for his side. I get called onto the witness stand many times and we use the rest of our witnesses including current professors at Hogwarts, current students, former professors, and students, ghosts from Hogwarts, and many more who wanted the chance to drag Dumbledore down. 

Judge Taylor sent the jury out of the courtroom about an hour ago and we are still waiting for the verdict. I'm hoping that the verdict comes back as guilty so that I can put Dumbledore behind me and move on to the next part of the plan. 

It takes the jury three hours before they come back. Everyone fills back into the courtroom and we take our seats once Judge Taylor tells us to sit. 

"We the jury, find, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore guilty of all charges for child abuse, child endangerment, line theft, stealing money, stealing family heirlooms, withholding Mr. Potter's right in the Wizarding World, withholding Mr. Potter's rightful inheritance as a Lord of most Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, withholding Mr.Potter rightful inheritance as an Heir of most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Withholding Mr.Potter rightful education, Illegally sealing Mr.Potter parents will, Illegally placing Mr.Potter with the Dursley's, false imprisonment of Mr.Potter godfather Sirius Black, Canceling important classes at Hogwarts, Canceling Wards of protection at Hogwarts, allowing dark objects into Hogwarts, Illegally making a marriage contract between Mr.Potte and Ginevra Weasley, and Illegally claiming to be Mr.Potter magical guardian." says the speaker of the jury.

I can hear cheering from the onlooker box but I don't want to turn my head to see and risk the chance of seeing Severus. 

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore you will be sentenced to have your magic bond, all of your possessions will be turned over to victims, and will be cast out of the wizarding world, into the muggle world, have your memory of the ways into the wizarding world obliviated and your name will be erased from history." says Judge Taylor

The Aurors take Dumbledore out of the courtroom and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders knowing that Dumbledore can't cause any more problems. I leave the courtroom and say thank you to Jack for everything that he has done so far and that I will reach out to him when it's time for the next part. I get back to Hogwarts where I eat dinner in my room before going to bed. 


Harry's Pov

It has been a month since the trials and I have been focusing on my classes and my duties as Headmaster. I still haven't talked to Severus because I don't know how I feel about him anymore and it's easier to avoid him when I can than to have to think about our relationship.  

Speaking of relationships, Neville came to me and asked if I could help him get the courage to ask out Draco on a date. I was very surprised to hear that Neville wanted to ask out Draco but I think that they would make a cute couple so I agreed to help. It took two weeks for Neville and me to build up his courage enough that he could ask me out before he asked out Draco. I had called Draco to my office to talk to him and when he got there, he was shocked to hear that I wasn't the one who wanted to talk to him but Neville was. Neville asked him and Draco said yes which shocked me.  I did help Neville get ready for his date and the next day, he told me that it went good and they had another date. I'm happy for Neville and Draco and I hope that they are happy together. 

I just got done with dinner in the Great Hall before coming up to my office so that I could do some paperwork for next year. Next year Hogwarts will be opened to creatures aged 11-18 so that they can learn magic. Not everyone is happy about it but I don't fully care because I own Hogwarts and everybody no matter what should be able to learn magic or more about the creature they are. As I'm writing a document about the opening feast, I feel a cold presence behind me before I turn around.


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