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Par ekayaria

135K 4.6K 3.1K

In the bloody realm of Westeros, a dark and dramatic tale unfolds. The young daughter of Prince Daemon Targar... Plus

What Can't Be Unsaid
Where The Roads Part
The Gates Of Kingslanding
That Silver Hair
A Perfect Weapon
What A Father's Lie Gains
A Strange Friend
The City Streets Have Their Price
Bones Will Heal
A Gift Of Guilt
Dear Brothers
Goodnight Princess
Feast For The Dragon's
Feeling Of Regret
Liars Always Win
Send By The Gods
Worm And Lamb
With Or Without Pride
My Sweet Sisters
Gained Respect
Danger Lurks Tonight
Let Them Whisper
Shadows of Allegiance
The Blue Gown
If Snakes Could Talk
Let The Feist Begin
Peal Me To My Core
The Crown Shall Burn
From The Fire She Was Born
Crowned Slaves
Among the Ashes
Golden Flames
A Loud Objection
Back From The Dead
Never Turn Your Back
The Flight
All Love Must Die
Back Wounds
Cheese For Blood
Baela Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen
Bastard Blood
My Father's Favorite Daughter
Missing My Mother Missing My Eye
Mother Save Me
Where Are You Father?

The Gift She Regrets

1.8K 77 34
Par ekayaria

As Alicent followed behind Ser Cole, her thoughts became a turbulent battlefield, a chaotic clash of hope and doubt. Each step carried the weight of anticipation, but she dared not allow herself to feel relief until she witnessed with her own eyes the impossible truth... Thereya and Aegon alive.

The air around her crackled with uncertainty as Alicent's mind wrestled with conflicting emotions. The pain of loss still lingered, an ever-present specter that made her hesitant to embrace the glimmer of hope that now flickered before her.

Rhaenyra, just behind Alicent, mirrored the internal turmoil.

"Jacaerys... Go and take Luke to your chambers. Now." Rhaenyra ordered Jace sharply.

Jace immediately protested as a look of confusion crossed his face "But mother... What of Thereya, she is my sister, she is-"

"She is not your blood. Do as i say, and do it now." Rhaenyra added solemnly and Jace could only nod and listen to what she has said.

The corridor stretched ahead like a path of suspense, each step echoing the clash of emotions within Alicent's and Rhaenyra's minds. The distant sounds of footsteps and the murmur of conversation offered no solace in the face of the unprecedented turn of events.

Alicent couldn't allow herself to fully believe until she stood face to face with the living proof of Thereya and Aegon's return. Until then, the battlefield of her thoughts would remain a tumultuous terrain, navigating between the scars of loss and the tentative whispers of hope.

Ser Cole held the grand doors of the throne room, the anticipation mounting as Alicent surged forward. With a determined push, the doors swung open, revealing the surreal tableau within. Alicent's eyes widened in astonishment and unbridled relief-Thereya and Aegon stood alive and well.

In an instant, Alicent's world shifted as she beheld her son. "Aegon!" she shouted, the name a prayer on her lips. She rushed towards him, the emotions that had been a tempest within her now breaking free. As she reached him, she enveloped Aegon in a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face. The weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by the tangible presence of her son.

Alicent was in disbelief "Where have you gone!? What has happened!? We thought!-"

Thereya, witnessing the reunion, smiled faintly at the sight. Aegon, too, slowly wrapped his arms around his mother, a mixture of relief and joy evident in the shared embrace.

"Thereya..." Alicent exhaled and took Thereya's face in her hands gently as she caressed her cheek with her thumb.

The air was charged with the emotions that swirled within the room, tears of relief, smiles of disbelief, and the profound warmth of a family reunited against all odds.

As Alicent rushed to embrace Thereya and check for any signs of injuries, Rhaenyra stood in the room, her gaze fixed on Aegon. The air hung heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions, a poignant silence enveloping them.

Locked in a gaze that conveyed both the depth of shared history and the complexities of their relationship, Rhaenyra and Aegon stood amidst the shifting tides of reunion.

Breaking the quietude, Rhaenyra's voice, hushed yet filled with genuine emotion, cut through the stillness. "I'm glad you both came back," she whispered, her words carrying the weight of unspoken thoughts. The relief in her eyes mirrored the collective joy that seemed to fill the room.

Aegon, meeting his sister's gaze, found a quiet acknowledgment in her words. He only nodded and was quick to look away. To look at Thereya.

Rhaenyra saw that, and knew that. More than Aegon knew.

Rhaenyra approached Thereya, her eyes scanning her form with a mix of concern and recognition. Ser Cole watched from a distance, his vigilant gaze attuned to the dynamics unfolding within the room. He didn't like this.

As Rhaenyra's gaze fell upon Thereya's back, a subtle change crossed her face, a mixture of anger and empathy. With a furrowed brow, she asked quietly, "Were you whipped?" Thereya met her eyes and nodded, her expression revealing a resilience that belied the wounds of the past.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Thereya reassured, her tone carrying a quiet strength. "Just a few scratches."

The weight of the revelation lingered in the air as Rhaenyra processed what she saw, she looked at Alicent and she saw the same look she had on her face being painted on Alicent's. Disgust.

In the midst of this charged moment, the grand doors swung open, and Viserys and Otto entered the room.

As Otto stood back, observing the scene unfolding within the throne room, Viserys approached with a measured pace. His eyes, reflecting a mix of relief and paternal concern, fell upon his son, Aegon.

With a nod that conveyed unspoken emotions, Viserys spoke, his voice carrying the weight of the recent uncertainties. "I am glad to have you back, alive and well, Aegon." The words held a paternal warmth, a reflection of the deep sense of relief that echoed in the hearts of all present.

Alicent rolled her eyes then took Aegon and Thereya by their arms, "Let's fetch you a maester." Alicent glared at Viserys while walking past him. Cole followed behind them.

Viserys' gaze shifted from Aegon to Thereya, "Care to explain how you escaped the clutches of death?" he inquired, his voice curious.

Rhaenyra, however, interjected, recognizing the delicate nature of the situation. "Father, now is not the time," she urged, her eyes conveying a plea for patience amidst the tumultuous reunion.

Thereya, undeterred by Rhaenyra's caution, began to speak. "The chambers lit on fire," she explained, her words carrying the weight of that night. "We had no choice. We jumped out of the window into the sea below."

As the weight of Thereya's escape story hung in the air, the room became a tableau of shared concern and silent worry. Aegon gave a subtle nod, encouraging Thereya to continue.

She took a deep breath and continued, recounting the twists of their journey. "We feared drowning, but a ship appeared," she explained. Her words took a darker turn as she revealed, "However, they were no saviors-pirates and the lowest criminal scums. They shipped us to Essos, where they placed us among the slaves, and they were Dothraki."

A ripple of unease passed through those present as the harrowing details unfolded. Thereya pressed on, her voice carrying a mix of resilience and determination. "They shipped Aegon off to Qarth, but I stayed, and I set them free." The room absorbed the weight of her actions, the defiance against the cruelties of fate.

"And then, out of nowhere, Sunfyre appeared," she continued, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I flew to Aegon, and together, we flew back."

The room, once charged with worry, now held a sense of disbelief and awe. The twists and turns of their escape painted a tale of survival against the odds, with Sunfyre emerging as an unexpected beacon of freedom.

Then Thereya looked at Rhaenyra, "The four of us then came back, thank the gods."

Suddenly confusion crossed Rhaenyra's face, worry was visible in her eyes, "Four?"

Sudden screech echoed through the room, capturing everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards the ceiling, curiosity and uncertainty etched on their faces. Except for Thereya, who maintained an unbroken gaze with Rhaenyra.

Suddenly, from a chandelier, Thereya's dragon, Drakus, descended and perched on her shoulder. The room, filled with astonishment, watched the unexpected arrival. Alicent, too, couldn't help but stare, her eyes flickering between the dragon and Rhaenyra.

In contrast, Rhaenyra's expression reflected disbelief, her eyes locked with Thereya's. The weight of the moment hung in the air, a surreal encounter. As Alicent noticed Rhaenyra's reaction, a slight smile tugged at her lips. Across the room, Ser Cole, catching Alicent's gaze, offered a smirk and a nod, a subtle acknowledgment.

"Yes... Four..." Thereya said while staring at Rhaenyra's eyes. "The gods have rewarded my suffering. I might burned a hand but from the ashes she was born."

Viserys couldn't help but chuckle, his eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and delight as he observed Drakus perched on Thereya's shoulder. "Magnificent indeed," he remarked, his voice carrying a genuine appreciation for the majestic creature.

Looking towards Thereya, he spoke with a sense of anticipation, "Soon, we will have another dragon rider in the family." The words hung in the air.

Then Alicent smiled slyly and put a hand on Thereya's shoulder and looked at Rhaenyra, "Isn't this just what you have wished for princess? Isn't this... Just magnificent? Your husband's daughter finally having a dragon, what a mighty beast..."

Rhaenyra knew what Alicent was doing, but she came back to her senses and smiled slightly, "Indeed..."

"Now... Shall we get the children to a maester..." Alicent smiled as she took Aegon and Thereya by their arms, Drakus still placed on Thereya's shoulder, "And find a fitting place for the glorious beast..." She added.

As Thereya handed Drakus to Ser Cole, the majestic dragon perched confidently on the knight's shoulder. Alicent made her way to the measters with Aegon and Thereya alongside. However, their path took an unexpected turn as they encountered Daemon in the hallway.

Daemon's eyes, as cold as the steel of his Valyrian sword, bore into Alicent, demanding an explanation. "Where are you taking my daughter?" he asked sharply, his tone cutting through the air like a blade. Thereya, sensing the tension, stepped slightly behind Alicent, her eyes fixed on her father.

Aegon looked at Thereya.

Alicent, firm in her resolve, took a step forward. "They need to be examined by a maester for their safety," she explained, her voice unwavering. The weight of her words lingered in the air, a plea for understanding.

Daemon's gaze shifted from Alicent to Thereya, and for a moment, the hallway became a stage for unspoken battles. The silence hung heavy, fraught with the complex history between them. Eventually, Daemon nodded in reluctant acceptance, a silent acknowledgment of the necessity for the well-being of his daughter and Aegon.

Alicent stared at Daemon as they walked past him, but then he spoke "I expect you to come to the yard when you are done with the measters."

Alicent stopped and turned around, she took offense in Daemon's stupid demand, "I won't do such thing."

"I wasn't talking to you..." Daemon said coldly as he shifted his gaze from Alicent down to Thereya. And she stared back at him. Silence fell upon them. Thereya didn't say anything, she just stared at her father. But then he turned around and walked away.

Alicent stared with uncertainty, but then the put her hands on Thereya's and Aegon's back and pushed them forward.

"Walk..." She whispered as her eyes followed Daemon as they were walking away.

Rhaenyra sat in her chambers, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she pondered the impossible, the hatching of Thereya's dragon egg. The weight of the anomaly pressed on her, stirring an unease that seemed to echo through the very walls of her chamber. It hadn't hatched in ages, so why now?

As her mind raced with questions, the door swung open, breaking her solitary contemplation. In walked Daemon. Rhaenyra looked up, her expression a mix of concern and confusion.

Daemon, observing her distress, approached with a furrowed brow. "What troubles you?" he inquired.

As Rhaenyra's distress reached its peak, she couldn't contain the torrent of emotions. "Thereya's dragon egg hatched," she exclaimed, the words carrying both disbelief and anxiety. The very foundation of their understanding of dragons seemed to crumble beneath the weight of this revelation.

In the midst of her turmoil, Rhaenyra turned her frustration towards Daemon. "What if you were right?" she lashed out, her voice tinged with accusation. "Did I doom us all by giving her the egg?"

Daemon, unperturbed, sat down and chuckled lightly, a reaction that only fueled Rhaenyra's confusion. She stared at him, the air heavy with tension. Finally, Daemon spoke, revealing a twist in the narrative. "I already heard of it," he admitted, his tone betraying a hint of amusement. "I ran into Viserys in the hallway. It won't be a concert to us."

"What are you implying, don't be foolish... She is your daughter. Your firstborn daughter." She reminded him.

But to that Daemon just sarcastically chuckled again as he leaned into his seat and out his feet on the table, "You know how the saying goes... We always throw the first cubs into the water..."

Rhaenyra couldn't believe what she was hearing, she didn't want to hear it. She closed her eyes and shook her head before standing up and leaving the chambers.

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