Shadows of Allegiance

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Alicent's mind became a battleground, torn between conflicting loyalties and the weight of her ambitions. The idea of leveraging Thereya's influence to secure the throne for Aegon hung heavily in the air, a tempting yet morally fraught proposition.

As thoughts of strategic alliances and calculated moves danced through her mind, Alicent's heart felt the strain of the ethical quagmire she was stepping into. The love for her children, eclipsed all reason, whispering seductively that any sacrifice was justified for their safety and success.

The room, once a place where little feet tapping was heard from her little kids running around, transformed into a crucible of inner turmoil. Alicent, driven by maternal instincts and political shrewdness, grappled with the unsettling reality that to secure her children's future, she might have to navigate treacherous waters.

A heavy silence enveloped the chamber, reflecting the internal conflict within Alicent as she treaded the thin line between a mother's love and the unyielding demands of Targaryen politics.

Meanwhile in a dimly lit chamber, Rhaenyra and Daemon engaged in a tense discussion about the recent events. Rhaenyra's concern for Thereya was palpable, her voice carrying a mixture of fear and frustration.

"Daemon, do you realize how close we were to losing a child, Targaryen blood tonight?" Rhaenyra implored, her eyes reflecting the genuine worry that gripped her. "It could have been Luke, Jace, or even Joffery next time. We need to address this threat, not turn on each other."

Daemon, a mask of indifference, met Rhaenyra's gaze with a cold stare. "Alicent is quick to blame, as always. It matters little to me. The princess is not dead after all."

Rhaenyra, taken aback by Daemon's lack of empathy, pressed further. "Daemon, this is your daughter we're talking about. You can't simply dismiss the danger she's in. We need to unite as a family and protect our own."

Daemon, concealing the disdain he felt for Thereya, responded with a calculated calmness. "Protecting our own, Rhaenyra, means different things to each of us. But worry not, I will see to it that our family remains intact."

As the shadows in the room mirrored the complexities of the family dynamics, Rhaenyra grappled with the realization that the threat they faced extended beyond external dangers, into the festering tensions within their own bloodline.

The tension from the night's events lingered as Daemon and Rhaenyra retired to their bed. The discussion about the threat to Thereya continued, Rhaenyra visibly stressed, her concerns etched across her face.

As they settled into bed, Daemon's demeanor remained stoic, a stark contrast to Rhaenyra's anxious energy. His indifference was palpable, a reflection of the strained relationship with his daughter.

Rhaenyra, unable to shake off the worry, turned to Daemon. "Daemon, how can you be so callous about Thereya's safety? She's your daughter. We need to do something about this threat."

Daemon, reclining with an air of nonchalance, reassured her in a tone that lacked genuine concern. "Rhaenyra, nothing will happen to Thereya. I assure you, she is perfectly safe. These threats are mere shadows and empty threats."

As they lay in bed, the divide between them widened, each absorbed in their own thoughts and concerns. The room, was now silent as they both layed with their backs turned on each other.

Rhaenys slept with their granddaughters that night to make sure they are secure and that no threat will come to them, while Corlys was speaking with Otto. The ravens were sent flying and the council was called for tomorrow.

In the quiet stillness of the night, Thereya lay in her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. The recent events played like shadows in her mind, the brush with danger leaving an indelible mark on her thoughts.

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