You've Got That One Thing [On...

By Mental_Directioner

15.5K 546 222

"Some people have secrets that remain unknown while some have secrets kept in their open book. Everyone has a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The Grand Competition
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 9

475 24 9
By Mental_Directioner

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 

― Dr. Seuss

*You wil get it when u read and see what happened with Ellie and 3 specific ppl. You know who. LOL


First period, Geography -with Drake, was over and the next was art class. I ran out of the room and rushed for the next class. Why am I rushing you may ask? Simple. Mr Kane, our teacher, decided to release our class late, by 15 minutes. Guess why? Beacause he had to go to the toilet and apparently it was against the rule for us to release ourselves if the teacher wasn't present. So there we were waiting for Mr Kane to return. He took 25 minutes in the toilet! One does not simply stay 25 minutes in THIS school's toilet because its stench will make your eyes water and your digested meal to make a reappearance. Yes. that's not even the exaggeration.

We were late! Terribly late. Damn the art room for being at the opposite end of the school. Thankfully, quite a number of my geography classmates were in art too - including Drake. Now, I won't be punished alone. I mean...all for one one for all right?

I looked behind my back and realised Drake was right behind me. Me, being the fast runner I am, was leading the way while the others were simply jogging.

Once I reached the class, I was relieved that Ms Andrews wasn't in class yet. Did I forget to mention she always comes half-hour late? Yes? Well, u know now. She was a great art teacher and everything but coming on time for once wouldn't hurt right? I loved art. It was one of my favourite subjects since we did not have to study. Studying is hard work. With a capital "H".

I hurriedly slumped into my seat and took out my sketchbook. I opened to the newest page and just stared at it. I was brainstorming of ideas. I played with my pencil, thinking and thinking and thinking. At the corner of my eyes I saw drake staring at me like I was an alien. I turned to stare back at him like he was an alien. He chuckled and looked away. Mission-Make-Drake-Stop-Staring is now complete

Just then, Mdm Andrews walked into class. Panting. She was a short and stout woman at her late fifties. She has greying hair which reached her shoulders. Her hair was so neat and uniform, sometimes I stare at it in wonder.

"Sorry class! I was stopped by the receptionist at the General Office. Drake, there seems to be a call for you... Go to the General Office immediately." She choked out as she tried to regain her normal breathing rate. keyword: Tried.

Wait, call for Drake? For some reason I was curious to know who it was and what he/she wanted. I turned to look at Drake. He looked puzzled. "Probably wasn't expecting the call." I thought to myself. No shit sherlock. When I say I don't curse, words like shit, crap, dang and damn were an exception. They weren't that much of curses. They were those who were 5-year-olds. Certainly not me.

Drake got up from his seat and walked towards the door with his eyebrows furrowed, thinking about who the caller might be. Then suddenly, his eyes lit up. Seems like he realised who must've called him. I take it back. Maybe he was expecting the call. Either way, I was intrigued as to who was the caller.

"Be back soon, Drake. Meanwhile, using the element of art, being lines...." Mdm Andrews started the lesson. Soon, I was so into the lesson, I totally forgot about the mystery caller.

Drake's P.O.V

"Sorry class! I was stopped by the receptionist at the General Office. Drake, there seems to be a call for you... Go to the General Office immediately." Mdm andrews choked out. She was really out of breath. Well who could blame h- Wait...did she just say Drake? As in THE Drake Anderson, who so happened to be the handsome young man also known as me?

Who could possibly call me? Everyone close to me knew my handphone number. Surely, they would have called or messaged it instead. I took out my phone and looked at it. 0% battery. Ooops forgot to charge it. My bad. I slowly got up from my seat.

Could it be Mom or Dad? Nah, they knew I was in school. How about my friends back at my previous place? Nah, they would be having school too. Or maybe it was a murderer! Or a thief! Or maybe it was Annabelle informing me about the plan for El's party.

Yes, dear readers, Annabelle, Louis and his mates and myself were planning an awesome party for Ellie. Did u know that? No? Good.

As I walked towards the door, I knew it had to be Annabelle calling from the ice rink, the location of the party. I was jumping with excitement as I reached the phone booth.

"Hello!" I said cautiously. For all you know it might be a murderer.

"Hi Drake. This is Annabelle, u know, er El's friend?" Annabelle said. I chuckled. She seemed so nervous. I wiped imaginary sweat from my forehead. Thank goodness it wasn't a serial killer!

"Yes, I know who you are. So u calling me about..." I urged her to continue.

"Good. Bring her to my house. That's where she will change into appropriate outfit. Understanding so far?" She asked, sounding like a teacher explaining to a 10-year-old.

"O.K. But won't she realise you were faking the cough?" I asked. Yes, everyone. When Annabelle called El to tell her she wasn't coming to school, she fakes a cough. In reality, she was busy decorating the booked ice-rink for El. Louis and his mates booked out the Ice-rink. Cool? Heck no. That was SUPER cool. They were really true friends! Bunking school and booking a whole ice-rink. WOW.

"Yes, I guess so..." she paused, thinking. "OH! I've got it! How about you lead her to my house saying that I had left a perfect outfit. Which is partly true... Also, tell her I'm at the doctor's. While then I'll be in the rink with One direction." She suggested. Holy oranges! That could actually work!

"That could work but what if she asks how do i know that you have the perfect outfit?" I said.

" Er...tell her that you told me about the ice-rink thing and I felt bad for not being able to spend time with my best friend and friend..So I bought an outfit? Hmmm...yes. This could work!" she said. Lying is surely her specialty.

"Yes, i guess so." I replied.

"Okay then. Its settled. Remember I'll place a key under the doormat." She reminded.

"Sure. Bye." I answered.

"Bye...Wait Drake, if anything goes wrong, lie okay? I know lying is not good but its for a good cause! Thanks for doing this. Really." She said before hanging up. Okay then...Lying it is.

Can't wait for school to end!

Ellie's P.O.V

"Seeing the bell is going to r-" Mdm Andrews was interrupted by someone knocking before opening the door. What good manners! Everyone's attention was shifted from Mdm Andrews to the person opening the door. Surprise Surprise. Drake

I hadn't realised Drake wasn't in class... Holy crab pie! I was really paying attention. What do I say? I mean being a good girl on your birthday was certainly a good thing!

I cocked my eyebrow at him. Who could he talking with for a whole period? That is a very very very VERY long time. Half an hour to be exact. I made a mental note to ask him later.

"Good for you to join us again, Drake" Our teacher said eyeing him disapprovingly.

"I'm grandmother's friend's cousin's dog died?" He stated questioningly. He is an FabuLouis liar! Please, do note the sarcasm. I chuckled.

Mdm Andrews waved her hand dismissively. Drake immediately scurried towards his desk.

"As I was saying, since the bell is going t-" once again =, she was interrupted. "RRIINNNNGG!" P.E. time I guess. Our teacher groaned but let us leave without finishing her sentence. Great! No homework for art then! Cue to the happy dance mentally.

"Bye Drake! I've got P.E." I waved at Drake who was heading in the opposite direction.

"Bye Ellie! I've got Chemistry...What the Robert Pattinson!" He groaned. I chuckled. Science was always a killer. Anyways, I love P.E. (Physical Education) so, I left for it.

I reached the gym just in time before the teacher came. He briefed us that we would be playing Volleyball and to go and get ready in 60 seconds flat. I ran into the changing rooms there and got into my P.E attire. Once I was ready, I ran outside. I was there in 52 seconds flat. I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. The fish (fashion weirdos. u know like stuck up people? I call them fish. I don't know why. :)) in our class who wear super duper tight skimpy clothes took 10 minutes to change, apply a layer of makeup and sashay towards the assembling area. Our teacher was a fierce one. Disobey him, he'll shout at you to drop and do push-ups. 20 if you're lucky and 50+ if he's in a bad mood. I once came out 1 cupcaking second late and had to do 50. Why? Basically because he was in a bad mood. What the actual Kristen stewart!?

The fish in my class were... *drumrolls* Nikki and her "clique" or rather her wannabes. Basically her wannabes do everything Nikki says. They're like her personal slaves. I smirked as I saw fumes coming out of the teacher's ears. Oooh they're in big goo-goo! I should really bring popcorn, this would be a sight to see! I glanced at my classmates. Everyone were wearing knee-length grey or black loose pants and a t-shirt. I glanced down at what I was wearing. A fitted red t-shirt which hugged my figure perfectly. It had a big smiley face on it. P.E. with a baggy t-shirt was a big NO.

"Nikki! Macy! Nancy!" My teacher's voice boomed, calling Nikki and the wannabes.

"Hey cher." Nikki said offhandedly staring at her perfectly manicured fingernails.

"Drop and do 100! NOW" My teacher shouted in their ears - practically.

"Heck No! Did you know the amount of germ-" Nikki was about to say when the teacher shouted, "100 NOW!"

Everyone snickered as The sluts (a.k.a Nikki and her wannabes) kept chanting 'eeew!' while doing 100. They were dead after 5! They faked and slowly did the rest. I was containing my laughter.

Meanwhile, I asked the teacher the groupings and he said we could choose on our own. So, like always, the popular gang was one group and the my-type-of-people gang grouped in another. I had quite good players on team. Nikki was on the other and I can guarantee you that she was staring daggers at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

As soon as the teacher, Mr Adams blew the whistle, the game started. I stood at the front like you know the main person. Yup. Nikki had the ball and I knew she was aiming for me. Like always.

The next action came in slow motion. Or I just view stuff in slow motion to get a better aim.

Nikki, smirking at me, raised the ball ready to hit it directly at me. I was frozen. Oh my Oreos! I stared at the ball, waiting for it to hit me. I closed my eyes ready for the impact. But instead, I felt like I was being shoved to the ground. My eyes flew open. How could I not feel the ball? It was headed at me! I looked around and realise, the outcast of the school, Melody, had caught the ball. I glanced over at the opposition team and realised Nikki was with Mr Adams.

I groaned in the impact as I hit the grounds. I had landed on my butt...which I guess wasn't so bad. But it hurts. I excused myself for the rest of the game. That cupcaking fish has no boundaries. Aaaaaaah!

Suddenly, as I stared at the game, I realised I hadn't asked Drake about the call. Curiosity was practically eating me alive!


Drake's P.O.V

"RIIIINNNNGGGG!" Wonderful! Amazing! Great! Fantastic! School was over. It was over! Oh yeah! Time for Ellie's party! Oh yeah! Yippee yippee yea! I know I just met her but I am growing really fond of her , you know like a good, best friend kind of fond. Annabelle is really nice too. Where is Ellie? I need to tell her to meet Annabelle. I can't wait to see the expression on her face when she sees what we have all planned for her.

Basically, I am going to bring her there. She will think it is only the two of us but later on, the rest are going to surprise her. She will get pranked by them and then meets them and boom! Best party ever.

"Cool down Drake! Breathe in...Breathe out." I mumbled to myself under my breathe.

Just then, I saw Ellie's brown hair from the distance. There she is. The birthday girl! I ran up to her with a grin on my face.

"Ready to go m'lady?" I said in a posh voice, extending my hand.

"Ready as ever my knight!" she chuckled.

I hope she enjoys what we have planned. I literally can't wait.


So...? How was it? Good? Bad? Bleh. Hope you liked it though. We cam home at 6 pm from school and typed for all of you.'re cupcaking welcome:)

P.S. I like replacing words with food and celebrities

P.P.S What the Robert Pattinson?

P.P.P.S Vote!

P.P.P.P.S Comment!


~ Smile ~



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