
By TheRealBertMccracken

643 42 0

"I love you more than anything, Gerard Way. I want your soul, your every breath, your very existence. Will yo... More

2. Dinner
3. Cross
4. Punishment
5. A Psychopath
6. Manipulation
7. Whispers Of Charity
8. Secret Room
9. Party
10. Obey Or...
11. A Dearly Slap
12. Whip
13. Defeated
14. Choker
15. Puppy
16. Good For Daddy
17. Confrontation
18. Escape
19. Under Your Spell
20. Don't Touch Him
21. Mikey
22. Invisible Ties
23. Where Did I go Wrong
24. Disorder
25. The Ghost Of You
26. Leaving
27. I Feel Safe In Your Arms
28. You Can Run Away With Me
29. The Last Warning
30. The End

1. Marriage

62 3 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

The church

*TW: mentioned of rape, bestiality*

Gerard Way sat behind the wheel of his car, the rhythmic swish of the wipers barely keeping up with the onslaught of rain. A week had passed since he summoned the courage to confront his deeply religious parents with the truth: he was bisexual. But instead of acceptance, their reaction had been swift and unforgiving. They couldn't reconcile their beliefs with his revelation. In their eyes, his sexuality was a sin, a stain on their family's honor. So, they concocted a plan to salvage their reputation: an arranged marriage to a woman named Hayley Williams. Gerard's stomach churned at the thought. He had spent years hiding his true self, afraid of the consequences. And now, just as he had dared to embrace his identity, he found himself shackled to a future he never wanted. Taking a deep breath, Gerard pulled into the parking lot of the wedding venue. The rain showed no signs of letting up as he climbed out of the car.

Deep down, he knew the truth: he was in love with a man. And not just any man, but the town's religious pastor, Frank Iero. Their relationship was a tightly guarded secret, hidden away from prying eyes and wagging tongues. They couldn't be together openly, not yet. But as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm. Gerard got out of the car and stood at the front of the church, where Hayley was already waiting and they exchanged a polite nod. As they stood there in silence, Gerard couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Hayley had refused to go through with the marriage. As they waited outside, Hayley turned to Gerard, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know you don't love me," she said softly, "but maybe we could try to make this work." Gerard's jaw clenched at her words, the bitterness rising in his throat. How could she expect him to pretend, to live a lie for the rest of his life? But deep down, he wished he could tell her the truth, to confess that his heart belonged to another. Instead, he forced a cold smile and shook his head. "Don't delude yourself, Hayley," he snapped, his tone sharper than intended. "This marriage is a sham, and you know it as well as I do."

Hayley's eyes widened in hurt, but before she could respond, the doors of the church swung open, signaling the start of the ceremony. As they walked down the aisle, Gerard leaned in close to Hayley, his voice barely a whisper above the murmurs of the guests. "I know we're supposed to be married," he admitted, "but I can't find it in my heart to love you." Hayley's smile faltered for a brief moment, but she quickly regained her composure, plastering on a smile for the watching eyes of the guests. "It's okay, Gerard," she whispered back. "We'll figure it out." But Gerard knew there was no figuring it out. His heart belonged to someone else, someone he could never openly declare his love for. As they reached the end of the aisle, Gerard's heart skipped a beat when he saw Pastor Frank standing there, ready to officiate their wedding. He tried so hard not to stare, to keep his gaze fixed on Hayley, but his eyes kept drifting to the man he loved. Frank met his gaze briefly before he turned his attention to the ceremony. Gerard felt a surge of guilt wash over him, knowing that he was betraying Frank in the worst possible way.

"Welcome, beloved friends and family, to this sacred union. Today, we gather not only as witnesses but as participants in the divine bond that Hayley and Gerard are about to forge," Frank intoned. "Gerard, before God and those present, do you take Hayley as your lawfully wedded wife?" Klaus inquired, fixing his gaze on Gabriel, who hesitated before softly whispering, "I do." Turning to Hayley, Frank continued, "And do you, Hayley, take Gerard as your lawfully wedded husband?" Hayley responded with a confident "I do." Frank proceeded with the religious rites. "May the love that binds you be a reflection of the divine love that guides us all. May your union be blessed with strength, compassion, and unwavering commitment," Frank proclaimed. The church choir initiated a hymn, enveloping the sacred space with harmonious melodies. "By the power vested in me and in accordance with the laws of God and the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal your vows with a kiss," Frank declared. Hayley and Gerard exchanged a tender kiss, sealing their union. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Way," Frank announced, his remarkable acting skills concealing his true emotions throughout the wedding, as he officiated the union of his partner. Applause filled the church as the newlyweds walked down the aisle, hand in hand.

After an hour, the wedding had finally finished, and Hayley was surrounded by her parents-in-law, engaged in animated conversation. As Gerard's parents approached, Donna, his mother enveloped him in a tight hug. "You did the right thing, Gerard," she whispered. "This marriage will protect you." Gerard forced a tight smile, unable to meet her gaze. Meanwhile, Hayley's parents stood nearby. "Thank you for giving our daughter this opportunity," Mr. Williams said. "We know you could have chosen anyone, but you chose her." Donald, Gerard's father nodded solemnly. "We may come from different worlds, but we share a common goal: to protect our children," he replied. Gerard was picking at a tart on his plate when he felt a pair of eyes boring into him. Glancing up, he caught Frank's gaze from across the room. Their eyes locked for a moment before Frank subtly signaled for Gerard to follow him. Gerard excused himself from the table, murmuring something about needing some fresh air. He made his way discreetly towards the exit, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he stepped outside, he saw Frank waiting for him, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "I thought you might need a break from all the festivities," Frank said and Gerard nodded gratefully, relief flooding through him at the sight of the man he loved. "I can't take much more of this," he admitted. Frank reached out and took Gerard's hand in his own. "You don't have to," he said softly. "Come with me." They slipped into Frank's car, the "Just Married" sign taped haphazardly on the back window, and cans tied to the bumper clinking together. Gerard couldn't help but laugh at the sight, the absurdity of their situation hitting him all at once. "I never thought I'd be running away from my own wedding," he remarked and Frank grinned. "Well, there's a first time for everything," he replied, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel. Without a word, he leaned in and pressed his lips to Gerard's, the kiss soft and tender. Gerard's heart soared at the touch of Frank's lips against his own. As they pulled apart, Gerard couldn't help but smile, the weight of their secret relationship suddenly feeling lighter. "I don't feel guilty," he admitted.

Frank nodded in agreement, his fingers tracing patterns on Gerard's thigh. "Why should we?" he replied. "We're not hurting anyone. We're just two people in love." Gerard couldn't argue with that logic. Despite the expectations placed on them by society, despite the labels of "religious" and "married," they were simply two souls drawn together. Frank started the car, the engine purring to life as he pulled away from the church. He glanced over at Gerard, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "So, how does it feel to be a married man?" he asked. Gerard chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Honestly? It would be better if you were the groom," he replied. Frank's smile widened at the admission, a warmth spreading through his chest. "I couldn't agree more," he said, reaching out to squeeze Gerard's hand reassuringly. They drove in comfortable silence for a while, the hum of the car's engine filling the air.

They arrived at their secret house, tucked away from prying eyes in a quiet corner of town. It was a modest place, but it was theirs. Frank parked the car and they climbed out, the night air cool against their skin. Gerard unlocked the door, a smile spreading across his face as he stepped inside, followed closely by Frank. The house was small but cozy, with just enough space for the two of them. There was a bedroom with a comfortable bed, a living room, a kitchen stocked with essentials, and a bathroom with all the necessities. As they settled in, Gerard couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him. This was their haven, their refuge from the outside world, where they could be free to love each other without restraint. Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard from behind, pulling him close. "Welcome home," he murmured, pressing a kiss to Gerard's neck and Gerard leaned into the embrace. "It feels good to be here," he replied, turning to capture Frank's lips in a tender kiss.

As Frank mentioned he was going to take a shower, Gerard felt a pang of reluctance. He didn't want to let go, to be separated even for a moment. "Wait," he said, reaching out to grab Frank's hand. Frank turned back, eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What is it?" Gerard hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "Can I join you?" A smile spread across Frank's face. "I thought you'd never ask," he replied, tugging Gerard towards the bathroom. Frank reached up and carefully removed his stole, the symbol of his role as the town priest, and set it aside. As he did, Gerard's heart skipped a beat, knowing that this gesture symbolized something much deeper than just shedding a piece of clothing. Gerard dropped to his knees before Frank, his eyes locked on his lover's. Without a word, Frank reached out and ran his fingers through Gerard's hair before pulling away slightly. "You've been a bad boy today, Gerard," he said. "Marrying that woman, betraying me like that." Gerard's breath caught in his throat at Frank's sudden shift in demeanor. This was the Frank nobody knew except for him, a dominant and sadistic side that Gerard loved.

He lowered his gaze, feeling a mixture of shame and arousal at Frank's words. "I'm sorry, Master." he whispered, his voice barely audible. But Frank wasn't finished. "Sorry isn't good enough," he growled. "You need to be punished." Gerard's heart raced at the prospect, his body responding eagerly to Frank's dominant presence. This was what he craved, what he needed: a strong hand to guide him, to show him his place. With a swift motion, Frank reclaimed his stole and looped it around Gerard's neck, pulling it tight until it pressed against his throat, cutting off his air supply. Gerard gasped, his eyes widening in shock, but instead of struggling, he leaned into the pressure, a moan escaping his lips. Frank's grip tightened, his fingers digging into Gerard's skin as he leaned in close, his breath hot against Gerard's ear. "You like that, don't you?" he whispered. Gerard nodded frantically, his pulse racing with excitement. As Frank continued to choke him, Gerard felt a wave of pleasure wash over him. He wanted more, needed more, desperate to be punished for his sins.

And as Frank released his grip, Gerard collapsed against him, his body trembling with arousal. "Thank you, Master." he whispered. "Please, punish me some more." Frank held Gerard close, his fingers tracing lazy circles on his back. "I won't punish you tonight," he said softly. "I'm too tired for that." Gerard's heart sank slightly at the prospect of being denied the punishment he craved, but he nodded in understanding. "Okay, Master" he replied. But Frank quickly reassured him with a grin. "But we can still have some fun," he added, his hands sliding down to grip Gerard's hips possessively. With a surge of excitement, Gerard leaned in close, pressing his lips to Frank's in a hungry kiss. Frank's lips trailed down Gerard's neck as they sank to the bathroom floor. With practiced ease, he began to undress them both. Gerard's heart raced with anticipation as their bodies pressed together, the warmth of the water cascading over them like a gentle rain. He reached out, tangling his fingers in Frank's hair, pulling him closer.

Frank's hands roamed Gerard's body, exploring every curve and contour. Frank spread Gerard's legs, his back pressed against the cool tiles of the bathroom floor. With a low growl, Frank positioned himself between Gerard's thighs. Without hesitation, he thrust inside, filling Gerard with a searing heat that left him gasping for air. Gerard's nails dug into Frank's back, anchoring himself to the moment. Their moans mingled in the steam-filled air and Gerard's head spun with sensation. Frank's hand came down hard against Gerard's skin, the sharp crack of the slap mingling with Gerard's gasps of pleasure. Gerard's breath hitched as Frank's fingers closed around his throat, applying just enough pressure to send a thrill of excitement. "More," Gerard gasped. "Please, Master, more." Frank's lips curved into a wicked smile as he tightened his grip, his thrusts growing more intense. As Frank's dick plunged deeper, Gerard felt like he was being consumed by the sheer size of it.

Frank's breath came in ragged gasps as he drove himself deeper into Gerard. Gerard was a mess beneath him, his body writhing. "God, you feel so good," Frank groaned. "I can't get enough of you." Gerard could only nod in response. "It hurts," Gerard whimpered, his voice strained with the effort of holding back his true feelings. "Please, Master, stop." But Frank only seemed to grow more aroused by Gerard's protests. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against Gerard's ear as he whispered, "You love it, don't you? You love when I hurt you." Gerard's breath caught in his throat at the words, a rush of arousal flooding through him at the realization that Frank could see through his facade. He nodded frantically, his body trembling. "Yes," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "I love it." Frank's lips curved into a smile as he continued to drive Gerard towards the brink of madness. Feeling the need to do their usual roleplay, Gerard lashed out, scratching at Frank's skin and pushing him away. "Stop!" Gerard cried out, his voice filled with arousal. "You're hurting me!"

But instead of heeding Gerard's pleas, Frank's arousal only seemed to intensify at the sight of Gerard's apparent distress. His eyes darkened as he watched Gerard struggle against him, a smile playing on his lips. "You love it when I hurt you," Frank whispered. "You love when I take control." Minutes passed and they found themselves descending into a twisted realm of their roleplay. Gerard began to act out the part of a helpless girl, while Frank assumed the role of the aggressor. With each thrust, Gerard whimpered and cried out. Frank reveled in the role he was playing, his actions becoming more forceful and commanding. "You're mine now," Frank growled as he continued to thrust. "You belong to me." Gerard could only nod in response, part of him reveled in the taboo nature of their roleplay, while another part felt a sense of unease at the depths to which they were sinking. As their roleplay reached its climax, Gerard, still lost in his persona as a helpless girl, began to plead with Frank in earnest. "Please, don't do this," he whimpered. "I don't want to get pregnant. I'll do anything, just please don't hurt me."

Frank, fully immersed in his role as the aggressor, only seemed to grow more aroused by Gerard's pleas. "You're mine to do with as I please," Frank growled. "You can beg and plead all you want, but you belong to me now." Frank's grip tightened on Gerard's hair, pulling him close as he continued to thrust relentlessly. "You're such a slutty little girl," Frank taunted. "And you know what? I'm going to get you pregnant. Everyone in town will see it, and they'll know what a whore you are." Gerard whimpered at Frank's words, his mind spinning. "No, please," he pleaded, his voice barely a whisper. "I don't want this. Please, Master, stop." But Frank only laughed cruelly. "You don't get to say no," he growled. "You belong to me, and I'll do whatever I want with you." Fake tears welled up in Gerard's eyes as Frank's words cut through him like a knife. "Please, Master, don't ruin me," he begged. "I can't handle being pregnant again. You... you made me miscarry last time."

Frank's laughter echoed through the room. "You think I care about your feelings?" he sneered, his grip on Gerard's hair tightening with each word. "You're nothing but a toy to me, something to use and discard as I please." Gerard stumbled to a halt, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Without a word, Frank grabbed Gerard by the chin, forcing their lips together in a bruising kiss. He felt Frank's tongue invade his mouth, tasting him, claiming him as his own. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, Frank pulled away, a smile playing on his lips. "You like that, don't you?" he taunted. Gerard could only nod in response, his body trembling. As if sensing Gerard's thoughts, Frank spat on him, the saliva landing on Gerard's lips with a sickening splash. And instead of revulsion, Gerard felt a surge of arousal wash over him, his body responding eagerly to the degradation. "You're sick," Frank whispered. "But so am I."

And with that, he pulled Gerard close once again, their bodies pressed together. "You're going to rape me, aren't you?" Gerard whispered, his voice trembling and Frank's grip tightened on Gerard's arms. "That's right," he growled. "And you're going to love every minute of it." As Frank's thrusts grew more relentless, Gerard found himself consumed by a mixture of pleasure and pain. "I love it," he gasped. "I love when you rape me like this." Frank's grip tightened on Gerard's hips as he plunged deeper. "You're mine," he growled. And then, with a roar, Frank reached his climax, his seed spilling inside Gerard in a hot, pulsing torrent. Gerard cried out in as he felt himself engulfed by the heat of Frank's release, his own pleasure crashing over him like a tidal wave. As they collapsed together in a tangled heap of limbs and breathless whispers, Gerard knew that this was love in its purest form.

As Frank got up from the floor and began to clean himself, Gerard remained where he was, his body still tingling. He watched in silence as Frank moved about the room. There was always a sense of unease that settled over Gerard in these moments. But he never spoke about it, never dared to confront Frank about the split personality that seemed to consume him. Instead, he remained silent. Part of him longed to escape, to break free from the hold that Frank had over him. But another part knew that he could never leave, that he was bound to Frank in ways that he couldn't begin to understand. As Frank finished cleaning himself up, he turned to Gerard with a casual smile. "I'm going to cook dinner," he announced and Gerard nodded in response. "Sounds good," he replied. "I was thinking of making spaghetti carbonara," Frank continued, already heading towards the kitchen.

Gerard's eyes lit up at the mention of his favorite dish. "That sounds perfect," he exclaimed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I love your carbonara." Frank grinned back at him over his shoulder. "I know you do," he said. "I'll make sure it's extra delicious tonight." As Frank disappeared into the kitchen, Gerard couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth wash over him. Despite everything, there were moments like these when Frank's caring side shone through. Gerard knew that their secret relationship came with a heavy price, that if anyone were to discover the truth about them, their lives would be torn apart. And yet, despite the risks, Gerard couldn't bring himself to walk away. He was drawn to Frank in ways he couldn't begin to explain, bound to him by a love that defied all reason. But deep down, he knew the truth about Frank, knew the darkness that lurked within him. He was a respected pastor by day, but a monster by night.

To the outside world, Frank was a respected pastor, revered by his congregation for his compassion and wisdom. But Gerard knew the truth. He had seen the darkness that consumed Frank. Frank was a man of contradictions, a pastor by day and a monster by night. He reveled in the pain and degradation of others, finding pleasure in acts that would horrify most people. And Gerard was the only one who had seen this side of him. But even Gerard didn't know the full extent of Frank's depravity. He knew about the sadism, the enjoyment Frank derived from inflicting pain. But there were darker desires that Frank kept hidden, desires that Gerard could barely bring himself to acknowledge. Despite their deep connection, there were dark secrets that Gerard and Frank never spoke about. Gerard had seen Frank commit unspeakable acts. He had seen Frank rape a woman, the horror of the scene etched into his memory forever. And he had seen Frank engage in acts of bestiality with a dog, a sight that made his stomach churn with disgust.

But they never talked about it, it was as if they existed in two separate worlds. And yet, despite the horrors he had witnessed, Gerard couldn't bring himself to turn away from Frank. Gerard couldn't help but wonder if they would ever truly find peace in each other's arms. As Gerard hurriedly cleaned himself up and dressed in a hurry, Frank watched him. "You have to go?" Frank asked and Gerard nodded. "Yeah, my mom texted. I have to get back," he explained. Before Gerard could move towards the door, Frank stepped closer, a small plate of spaghetti carbonara in hand. "Here," he said softly, offering the plate to Gerard. "Take a bite before you go." Gerard hesitated for a moment, but the aroma of the pasta was too tempting to resist. He took a forkful and savored the familiar taste. "It's delicious, as always," Gerard said with a grateful smile. Frank returned the smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm glad you think so," he replied.

Without a word, he pulled Frank into a deep, passionate kiss. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they clung to each other. The taste of Frank's lips was bittersweet. As they finally pulled apart, Gerard's eyes met Frank's. "I'll see you soon," Gerard whispered, his voice barely a whisper. Frank nodded. "I'll be waiting," he replied, his eyes following Gerard as he disappeared into the night. As Gerard drove home, a sense of dread settled over him like a heavy blanket. He never liked going home, knowing that he couldn't truly be himself there. His parents' expectations weighed heavily on him, and he longed for the freedom he found in Frank's arms. But sometimes, Frank would stop him from going to their secret house, insisting that it would raise suspicions if he stayed away from his parents for too long. Their relationship was dark, twisted by the constraints of society, but it was theirs. They hadn't been born this way, but had been molded by the expectations and judgments of others.

Gerard couldn't help but wonder what their lives would be like if society accepted their love. Perhaps they wouldn't have to hide. But despite the challenges they faced, Gerard knew one thing for certain: he would do anything for Frank. Their love was a force to be reckoned with. And truth be told, Gerard would gladly lay down his life for Frank, knowing that Frank would do the same for him.


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