Trails Of Polygamy Romance (T...

Від StevieBond

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In this AU, you fill the role of the chosen one, the Ashen Awakener, and many other titles that were earned... Більше

What A Beautiful Morning (Prologue)
Heart Of The Lion (Laura)
Intimate Witchcraft (Emma)
Bracing For Privacy (Fie)
Three-Way Ambition (Sara & Claire)
Defying Boundaries (Juna & Musse)
Swiftly In Love (Duvalie)
The First Harem Round
The Second Harem Round
Final Harem Round & Going Forward

Fulfilling The Wish (Elise & Alfin)

228 11 2
Від StevieBond

It's now time for Elise and Alfin to have their turn and it's the same with Fie, so it's all good.


Following lunch at Kirsche's Cafe & Inn, the three of you moved on to the obvious topic.

"So then, how do you feel having two women in your harem?" Sara asked.

"Pretty much accomplished, I'd say." You replied. "But I still believe there are plenty of others who have yet to tell me how they feel about me."

"Really? Who else is quite fond of you?" Claire asked.

"My childhood friend, Elise. She and I have known each other ever since her father found me, but I never made the move to see her as more than a friend, out of respect for her father. Even though I've done far more than enough to not shy away from it, I still have my doubts."

"Ah, the old 'childhood friends become lovers' story. A classic tale." Sara said. "Well, considering how much she thinks of you when you're with her, maybe it's time you made that move."

"Agreed." Claire nodded. "Perhaps she's waiting for you to ask her before she can respond. And from what I've seen and learnt, it's not just her, is it?"

"Oh yeah, Princess Alfin as well." You replied. "For a crown princess of a nation, she can be very bold when it comes to talking about relationships."

Sara smirked. "You do realize that you're the main savour of the world, right? What kind of young woman wouldn't fall for a man like that?"

"A rational one?"

"Hmhm, looks like he got you there." Claire said. "And yet, we're not that much different, especially after what we just did."

"True, I was just trying to get back a bit of my self-pride."

Sara giggled. "Get out of here, like you ever cared about pride, mister humble."

"Anyway, you're both right on one thing. I do have feelings for Elise and Princess Alfin. And even as we speak, I feel kinda guilty for not having a word with them yet. So I think I know what I need to do for the rest of today."

"Then there's nothing more for us to tell you." Claire replied as she held your hand. "You should get going to Ymir."

"Yeah, I better get ready to go. What about you two?"

"We'll be staying here for a little longer." Sara answered. "You just get out there and show those ladies what a fine and passionate man you are."

"I appreciate that. Take care, you two."

You gave Sara and Claire a kiss each before leaving the cafe. You got inside Trista Station and caught a train ride to Heimdallr before switching to the Nortia Main Line to take the next journey to Roer. Speaking of Roer, you brought out your arcus, hoping to see a message from Alisa.

"Huh? Musse? What does she want?"

How are you faring, dear Instructor? I know you're taking time off from teaching all of us, but I have a favor to ask you. Could you find the time to come visit my home in Ordis? I don't mind which day, but do let me know in advance, when you're not busy being lovey-dovey with Alisa. ;)

Musse <3

You chuckled quietly. If Alfin was brave on romance, Musse takes it a step further, regardless of boundaries. Well, seeing that you made it this far with the harem, why not? You sent a reply back right away. You were thinking of asking about Juna, but she's back in Crossbell for the holidays.

The train arrived in Roer and you received another message, this time from Alisa.

Hi, Y/N. You doing good? I'm afraid I won't be back in Roer just yet. I've gotta attend a few important meetings in Crossbell. If it goes well, I should be back home in at least two days from now. As for the harem progress, you can tell me when I see you again.

Love you, Y/N xxx

You replied back and switched lanes to get the train on the Ymir Branch Line that brought you all the way to Ymir. This was the place where you grew up in and learned to become a trained swordsman. But you were here for a different reason, to find Elise and Alfin.

Leaving the cable car travel area which was the safest way to get up there, you looked around to see the village not having changed much. For you, this was home and nothing could take that away.

"Feels good to be home." You said. "I better check in with Elise's parents first, they'll probably be in there."

You made your way to the Schwarzer family home and waiting outside was a big fluffy dog that immediately barked before running up to you.

"Hey there, Badeaux. I can tell you missed me. Are they all in today?"


"Got it. I'll see myself in."

After petting his head, you walked inside the family mansion.

"Anybody home?" You called.

"Oh, is that Y/N? Come on in the dining room." A voice replied.

You walked to the dining room to find Alfin, Elise and her father, Teo, by the table.

"Y/N, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon." Elise said as she hugged you.

You hugged her back. "Yeah, I bet it's a surprise, but I realized that I had more time for today than I thought, so I reckon why not come here for the day?"

"Well, I'm glad you did." Alfin said. "And you're just in time, dinner will almost be ready."

"Good to see you, Y/N." Teo greeted. "How's life as a hero and an instructor?"

"Quite a workload to get through, even though there's peace now." You replied as you took a seat next to Elise. "And how have you been, Mr. Schwarzer?"

"Oh, I've been getting by. Just glad to finally have a year where we don't need to worry about the continent being in dire jeopardy."

"So what brings you to our home?" Elise asked. "It couldn't possibly be because of me."

"Well, why else would he visit us today?" Alfin teased. "But joking aside, it's good that you are here, because we've wanting to talk to you for some time."

"I have a feeling what it's gonna be, so can it wait until later?" You asked.

"What the crown princess wants, that can wait." Teo replied. "As for my daughter, I think it's best if she told you herself. She's old enough to look out for herself these days."

"Of course I am." Elise agreed before turning away, blushing a little.

Mrs. Schwarzer then arrived with a few dinner plates.

"Oh, how wonderful to see you, Y/N." She said. "I do hope you're hungry."

"I assure you that I am after making a long journey in my summer holiday so far." You replied, smiling. "You're looking well?"

"Yes, I'm doing all good, thank you."

When dinner was served, you settled down to dining together.

*Time skip, brought to you by a chibi Alfin sitting on a throne.*

After dinner was over, you took the discussion to the living room. You were sitting next to Elise while Alfin was on another chair, with Teo sitting on the opposite side of the coffee table.

"So, I've been meaning to ask." He said. "How's the relationship with Alisa?"

"Pretty strong for sure." You replied. "I mean, the struggles we've had to go through are pretty well written in detail. But right now, we're making up for lost time thanks to the peace we brought back."

"And we can all attest to that." Alfin said. "But it's quite a shame that the rest of the beautiful ladies didn't stand a chance."

Elise frowned. "What are you up to, your highness?"

"She's just speaking her mind." Teo chuckled. "The reason why I asked is because my daughter wanted to tell you something she's been holding back on for a long time. I'm just here in case she needs a bit of a push."

You nodded before you looked at Elise.

"Y/N? I know you're with Alisa, but it won't stop me from confessing." She said as she held your hand. "I've liked you for a long time. When we met each other during our childhood, those were the best days I've had. And when we grew up, you became a protector for me despite not being part of my family. You were always there for me, and that just made me like you even more."

"Elise..." You muttered.

"I know it's too late for me now. But I love you, Y/N! I've always loved you and always wanted to be with you, side by side, together in love. But I understand if you don't feel the same..."

You looked at Alfin who was a little worried, but she kept her smile and winked at you.

'She clearly has something in mind for later...'

"That was very brave of you. I feel happy to know that you fell for me, and how much you love me. And you're right, the bond we had during our childhood was well worth the effort we made." You replied, looking at Elise. "I wanted to tell you how I felt about you as well, for a long time. But I chose not to, because I wanted to maintain the respect and trust that I had made with your parents."

"Well, that's very kind of you, young man." Teo said. "But there are limits to how much one person can hold back on. You of all people should know that by now."

"Yeah, you got me there. So...I'm sorry that I took so long, Elise. But right now, I don't mind if it's too late. Because if you had asked me a long time ago, and if I wasn't hesitant with my feelings, I would've been happy to tell you that I feel the same way. That I love you as well."

Elise gasped, blushing and smiling before giving you a hug. "Y/N...thank you."

You then hugged her tight as she sniffed into your shoulder. "Honestly, I'm not even sure what to do right now. I wanna make it up to you, but I already have Alisa."

"Well, I think at this point, that would be up to you both." Teo said as he got up. "I've seen all that I needed to see. You're both old enough to make tough choices now. Just remember that whatever you decide, young man, we'll stand by you."

"Thank you, Mr. Schwarzer."

Teo then left the living room, allowing Alfin to sit next to you on the other side.

"Alright, now that it's the three of us, we can talk about what we really want." She said. "We heard from Alisa a few days ago, so feel free to tell us both how you really feel."

"Well, I said a lot of it already, but I I feel the same with you as well, Princess Alfin. I love you both."

"Hmhm, I always knew you had a thing for me. Thank you...for I love you as well."

You looked at Elise who smiled before you shared a soft kiss. You then gave Alfin a kiss as well, confirming your newfound love for the two of them.

"Phew, now we can relax." Alfin smirked. "But I don't want us to have an early night. Mind if we go to the Phoenix Wings so we can get wild for some passionate fun?"

"Your highness!" Elise blushed.

"I should've seen that coming, knowing you." You added. "But you know what? I think relaxing in the hot water over there sounds perfect."

You got up from the sofa and having agreed to hold hands with Elise and Alfin, you left the Schwarzer mansion and made you way to the Phoenix Wings. The manager greeted you and noted that a reservation was made for the three of you.

'Did Alfin already book this in advance...or was Musse at it again?'

You made your way to the changing rooms, you took the male room for obvious reasons and got into a body towel before walking to the hot spring area and taking a seat. You had taken a few hot spring occasions like this before and they were always the best every time.

A few minutes later, Elise and Alfin joined you with bath towels on and they sat very close to you by the big rocks, so there was a bit of privacy for you three to share what was on your minds.

"So, Princess Alfin, when did you start having feelings for me?" You asked.

"Since you rescued my family...twice." She replied. "Including the time I got to embrace you at Dreknor Fortress. Since then, I had to hold myself back for Alisa's sake...until she called us one day."

"Well, since she's already told you that, are you sure you want to go further with me tonight?"

The two girls immediately blushed and looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

"After all you've done for everyone..." Elise said

"...and for us two especially." Alfin added.

They grabbed your arms. "Please take us!"

'Oh dear, what did I just get myself into?' You thought in surprise.

You put your arms around them both as Alfin went first in kissing you deeply. She put her arms around you and Elise did the same with wanting to hold you close. You then switched to Elise and shared a more gentle kiss with each other, before exchanging kisses with both of them.

The mood of the moment was heating up and you knew what they wanted. Just like it was with Fie, these two were also close to reaching 19. They were more than ready in wanting to be loved intimately and you were the only one who could give them that chance.

"Okay, I think these towels need to go." Alfin said before she took off hers and placed it on the rock.

"G-goodness, your highness." Elise said in surprise. "But're right, I don't need to hold back now."

She removed hers as well and did the same with her towel now placed on the big rock. You could only look at their bodies in silence, you never knew that behind their beautiful and cute dresses, were incredibly stunning bodies.

"Hmhm, looks like our hero is too stunned to move." Alfin winked. "Let's give him a long overdue special treat."

Elise nodded. "Of course. He's earned so much more for all he's done for us."

Alfin took off your bath towel and threw it elsewhere, revealing your rod that had already risen up. And now it was their turn to go silent when they saw the size of it.

"Holy aidios!" Alfin said in shock.

"It's so...big..." Elise added. "But it won't stop me from treating him well."

They stood close to you as Alfin grabbed your rod, stroking it slowly while Elise guided your right hand onto her breasts, letting you gently grope them. Alfin did the same, letting you do the same pleasure for her, causing them to moan in silence.

Elise then got braver by using her spare hand to match Alfin's rhythm with the handjob pleasure you were getting. With the three-way pleasure being shared, the result was slight moans that only you three heard. Thank aidios for privacy.

"It seems our handsome man is raring to go." Alfin said, suggestively. "Why don't you get to go first, Elise?"


"Of course. You won his heart first, so it's only fair."

She nodded and as Alfin stood back, Elise hugged you close, kissing you. You embraced her while accepting her kiss. You then slid your right hand down to between her legs, rubbing the lower lips, making her moan as you kept on kissing with one another.

"Please be gentle with me." She said quietly.

"I will, you have my word." You replied.

Getting into position, Elise turned around and laid her hands on the giant rock. You slowly moved your rod into her lower lips, gently moving it further in until you could feel a barrier of sorts. She nodded and you gently pushed a little deeper, taking her virginity away.

"And it was on this night, that the childhood friends became passionate lovers." Alfin said.

"Your comments aren't needed right now." You replied. "That being said, you should come over here, if you don't wanna be left out."

"Oh, I'd love to!"

Giving a minute to pause, Elise smiled at you, letting you know it was okay to move. You started thrusting her from behind at a slow pace to help her get used to the feeling. When you were comfortable with the rhythm, Elise moved up to look at you.

"Kiss me...hah..."

You replied with your lips locked with hers while she moved her left hand behind you. In return, you placed your left hand on her breasts, lightly caressing them. Meanwhile, Alfin was laying her back on the other giant rock, pleasuring herself as she looked on at the scene.

"Don't worry, it'll be your turn soon." You smirked.

"I don't mind waiting." She moaned. "I'm just getting myself ready for when you take me."

You focused back on Elise, continuing with the slow pace. She then looked at you, wanting you to go a little faster. So you increased the pace and held her by her waist while she leaned forward on the rock again, moaning and panting as she felt each thrust of your love for her.

While that happened, Alfin walked up to you and put her arms around you. You looked at her before sharing a deep kiss together with your left arm around her, gently rubbing and squeezing her butt before going lower and rubbing her lower lips, making her moan while kissing you.

After a few minutes passed, you could sense the climax coming. So you switched back to Elise, thrusting her faster and she can tell you were close, for she was joining in the thrusting. Wishing for you to finish inside her, which you ended up doing when the climax arrived.

You groaned as you released your warm load inside her, while she released her warmth onto your rod, making you shoot out a little more. When it was over, you slowly pulled out and looked on as you saw your warm liquid dripping out of her lower lips.

"Goodness, you came so much, she must've felt really good." Alfin said. "But I hope you have some left for me, because it's my turn now."

You gave Elise a soft kiss before helping her sit down to recover. You and Alfin moved to the other giant rock and she laid her back on it, while you lifted her left leg aside with her hands around you before interesting your rod inside her. You went all the way in, taking her virginity.

"Finally...I finally have you inside me." She sighed. "And now, my status as a virgin crown princess is gone. But I am happy to give it away to you, so please, make love to me and feel me all over as much as you desire."

"Okay, you got it." You replied.

You started thrusting her while you held each other close. You pressed your lips together, making out intimately while you kept plowing her. It was unbelievable, here you were, engaging intimately with the crown princess of a dominant nation. This was a dream come true for you.

"Yes...oh yes...yes! Keep going, Y/N!" Alfin panted. "Keep plowing me, make love to this sexy princess!"

"Goodness...she's like a different person." Elise said. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

"That makes two of us." You replied. "She's probably been waiting for a moment like this for a long time."

As you kept thrusting her, you pressed your lips together and the kisses got more intense as the tongues got involved. She wanted you badly and who were you to decline it, with how amazing you were feeling while making love to her right now?

You could feel the climax coming up again after thrusting her for a while, and she could tell, for she put her arms around you as well as her lifted leg around your lower back. She didn't want you to pull out, and you assumed that it's a safe day for her, possibly for Elise as well.

"I'm getting close, Alfin..." You panted.

She moved towards your ear and whispered. "Let's cum together, and fill me up."

The way she spoke was enough for you to climax first, groaning as you released your second round of your warm load that filled her up on the inside, and she came a second after you, almost gripping onto your rod, trying to savour it all for the moment.

Once the feeling had passed, Alfin took a moment to catch her breath while looking at you. Somewhat tired but happy to have made love with you. She then quickly went on her knees and grabbed your rod, before wrapping her lips around it, giving you one last dose of pleasure.

When she was done, she smiled happily before sitting back with you. She was on your right as she put her arms around your right arm, with Elise on your left who did the same with her arms around you on your left. You felt loved once more, and you were happy about it.

"Satisfied?" You asked.

"Yes. Completely full and happy with how much you loved me." Alfin replied.

"I feel the same way." Elise said as she hugged you. "Thank you for making me feel like a young woman. I'm so happy to be in love with you right now."

"I'm glad to hear that from both of you." You nodded. "So...welcome to the harem, you two. It may be getting crowded for me, but I don't regret this at all. I'm happy to share my love with each of you, whenever you need me."

"Thank you." They both said before giving you a kiss.

After relaxing for a few more minutes, it was time to get out of the hot spring. It was starting to get late in the evening, so the three of you changed back into your clothes and walked back to the Schawzer mansion, quiet yet happy and in love.

As for bedding arrangements, you secretly met with Alfin who was staying in Elise's room until tomorrow evening. It was a good thing too, as Elise's bed has been expanded from a single to a double size. There was enough room for you to lay down and be cuddled by both of them.

"Have a goodnight you two, love you both." You said.

They nodded happily before giving you one last kiss each. 

As the three of you waited to fall asleep, you began pondering on which girls to pursue next. And then you thought about Musse...yes, there were boundaries when it comes to teachers and students, but it was the holidays...maybe there's nothing wrong with getting a little loose for once and see what happens.

Harem List (For now...)

Alisa Reinford
Laura Arseid
Emma Millstein
Fie Claussell
Towa Herschel
Sara Valestein
Claire Rieveldt
Elise Schawzer
Alfin Reise Arnor


That's now nine girls in the harem in total, but we're not finished yet.

Next time! The guy takes Musse's offer and goes to Ordis, and finds another girl waiting...

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