Good Girl Bad Girl (Reece Mas...

Від MendingMyLoveSong

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What could this world possibly have in store for Alexis Bennett, just another normal girl out of all the ordi... Більше

1. Meeting The First Time
2. Run Away
3. Where Are We Going?
4. What To Do?
5. Shut Up And Kiss Me
6. Click, Click
7. Obsession
8. Liv And Brad
9. How Do They Know?!
10. Abused
11. Voices
12. Going Home
13. Silent Secrets
Author's Note
Author's Note Again
14. Loosing It
15. Back At It
16. It's Comlicated
17. Just The Beginning
18. Gone And Lost *UNEDITED*
Quick Authors Note *PLEASE READ*
19. Lost And Found *UN EDITED*
21. My Heart Aches *UN-EDITED*
Last Authors Note & Many Thanks :)
The Lonely Rose Up Now!

20. The Deadly Truth

656 25 11
Від MendingMyLoveSong

Hey guys, please read my authors note after this chapter, thanks guys, enjoy :)


~Alexis' P.O.V.~

I looked around the room, eager for someone to atleast make some kind of noise. All i got was the un steady breathing from mainly both me and Liv. Doctor Adams was still stood awkwardly by the foot of my bed. "I'm gonna go". Doctor Adams announced. He pointed to the door and shuffled out of the room. "Liv? Is this all my fault?" I asked Liv. She looked at the chair on the otherside of the bed, dazed by recent events. We sat in silence, the only noise was the sound of our breathing and the ticking of the clock. I wasn't hooked up to any machines and didn't have to wear the hospital gown, Liv brought a spare change of clothes around for me. "It's not your fault babe". Liv never took her gaze off the plastic white chair. I looked at Liv with tears down my face, even tears were pricking at her eyes. "How?" I asked. It has to be my fault, i'm the fucking one that got myself knocked up, but it wasn't sex, it was more or less making love. "But it isn't your fault, we, may have thought there was a possiblitly that you could be pregnant because most people that don't use protection, you know, but this is different, you were caught in the moment i guess. She took one glimpse at me before setting her eyes back on the chair. "Are you sayign i'm a slut who gets knocket up?" I shouted at Liv. It was also the first time i've ever yelled at her through anger. She expression changed and her mouth became shaped like an 'o'. "No, no, Alexis, of course i don't think of that of you, your a beautiful intelligant person, i know you would never do something like that, and also, you lost you virginity to Reece, unless you've meet before and done it". I looke up at Reece, my eyes wide opened. "How do you know that i-i-"

"Reece told me"


"Just remember though, none of this is your fault, you can't do anything about it".

"Yes it could of, i could ahve told Reece to back off,, but no, i encoureged him!"

"Don't put yourself down so easily babe".

"I'm not, i'm just stating the truth"

"Will stop stating, and start thinking the obvious".

"What is that supossed to mean?"

"That this was never planned, that you did get caught up in the moment, and that none of this is your fault".

I looked up to her wuth tears stung in my eyes. "How do you know?" I asked. It is still yet all my fault. "Maybe if i didn't get myself knocked up we wouldn't be in this big of a mess, hey, even a better idea; if i didn't go to that concert, we wouldn't be having any conversations at all!" I shout almost at the top of my lungs. This is all my fault. I just wish none of this would have happened. I let the tears poor out, uncontrollable over them. "It's not your fault babe, stop saying it is, it was never planned out, it's just a part of life". We held our gaze for a bit, before i broke the silence that was not at all awkward. "I guess your right". I say doubtfully knowing that she is, but still... i do have to take on some type of responsibility. Liv leans back in her seat with her arms crossed and a gleamful smile plasterd across her face. "I know i'm right". We share a laugh. "I'm so glad i have you Liv, i wouldn't know what to do without you". I lean foward and she leans foward, sharing a sisterly hug. "And me same to you". She smiles then kisses my forehead. "You get some sleep now babe, i'll be back soon, i'm just going down to the cafateria to get some... breakfast. Want anything?" She stands up from her seat and sets her bag over her shoulder. "If you could just get me an apple juice thanks babe". I smile and lie back into the very uncomfortable hospital bed. It's un-imagineable to think of all those poor people who have to spend a lot of time in hospital, let alone the beds. "Okay, i expect you to be asleep when i come back, then you'll wake up with an apple juice next to you, and me!!" She smiles and does a halfish jump. "That was so high school musical much!" She may as will suit Sharpay, but with the heart and soul of Gabreilla. "Be back soon". And with that, she was gone with a flick of her last golden hair ends, and the soul of her foot, and she was gone. But will be back soon! Hopefully.... why does everyone i always love leave me? Like.....Reece?

~Reece's P.O.V.~

Plan one: Get drunk

Plan two: Kill myself

Plan three: Know i die in vain and pain for what i have just putten Alexis through.

That can all be arranged. Where's a suicidle box when you need one? (Please don't take that the wrong way, and i got that off Futurama)

I walked down the street to the nearest pub, plan one was underway.

I walked up to the bar where the bartender was cleaning glasses. "Uh young man, i'm gonna need you to show some ID please" .The man with deeply tanned skin, dark hazel eyes, and a dark ruff stuble with messy black hair, spoke while putting down a glass on the bench. "Does this count?" I ask while pulling out $200 dollars from my wallet. Why i have $200 in my wallet? Oh i don't know... maybe for an emergancy like this? "I may have another spare hundred in there if it changes your mind...?" I ask while waving the hundred or so under his nose. I know, i'm bribing, but i need to wash down my guilt, and what better way to do it? "What would you like?" The dirty looking man snatched the couple of hundred from my hand, and shoved it into his jean pocket, i smiled at my accomplishment. "Great, two Russian Vodka thanks". The bartender walks over to the other side of the bartender station filled with bottles and bottles on end along the shelf. Pulling out two glasses and the Russian Vodka, and pouring two glasses. "Here". He says in a deep man voice. Oh what, it;s not like he's a girl. Unless if puberty hit her in a different way.................................................................

I gulped down both my drinks within the 30-seconds of recieving them. I raise my hand for a re-fill.

He keeps refilling as much as i got him to. Within about an hour and atleast 9 drinks later, i was VERY drunk. I was out of my mind drunk. my head was spinning and my world was fuzzy. I swear i saw a very giant banana, okay, depends what banana it was...

I walked drunkly back home, not caring about the viabration from my phone in my pocket that would go on.

After literally drowing my sorrows, and the drunken walk home, i was home! After leaving the hospital at around 6am, leaving the bar at around 8am, then getting home at arounf 10am. Yeah, i was drunk out of my mind that i couldn't even countinue walking even wavely without walking into a fence at some point.

I got home and thankfully no-one was home. Obviously Georgina and Phillipa were at school, and mum and dad were at work, Liv was still at the hospital and so was Alexis.

Wanna know why i'm not crying my soul out to Alexis right now at the hospital saying how sorry i am and begging her to not leave me even over this? Will, i'm ashamed of who i am for putting Alexis through this and everything before hand, along with the Tara mess. She never deserved to be brought into this mess and i should have been honest with her from the start, even about what she was getting herself into. Still although i never really found a reason to bring it up, and i almost forgot myself, because i never knew i would fall in love with her, and out of love to someone else....

Once i broke up with Tara which was only 4 days before i met Alexis at the concert, i was still madly in love with Tara. But i saw her cheating on me with one of her close friends, little did i know it was her step-brother, which is disgusting! But i still felt for her, i still loved her. I promised myself that i was going to get Tara back though, even though she was having an affair with her older step-brother, again, gross! I planned on making her jealous, Alexis was my rebound, and an easy target...I needed someone to, you know.... to make Tara jealous, which worked obviously, but now i don't want it to, because now i'm in love with Alexis, i need to tell her, but i just don't have the heart to, to break her heart over and over again. In an unconventient way, somehow Tara found out, and as suspected, she has something to hold against me. I plan on sorting all this out though, but i'm kinda stuck, and not to mention being drunk is not going to get me anywhere.

I sink into the couch, when i hear the knock on the front door. I sit back up and stand up, my head spinning and having an urge to throw up. I walk to the door to open up and see the slut she is... Tara. "Oh Reece, oh how i missed you... did you hear... Alexis.... she's, in hospital... she was kidnapped! Oh god Reece... are you... okay?" She fakes being concerned and raps her arms around my neck, like a snake. She sobs into the crook of my neck, why isn't she an actor? Because it seems so believable, but with me not so much. "Tara! Get off of me!!" She jumps back in fear, that's right! You run girl! Run bitch run!!! Why ain't she running? Instead she returns the favour by smiling and placing her hands on my chest, Breathing hevily i take steps back and retreat. She just keeps walking foward. Next thing i knew she had me pinned up to a wall. She started undoing my buttons, one by one, so suductivily. In my heart, i knew this was wrong, but in my mind, was telling me otherwise. I take of my un-buttoned top and chuck it somewhere on the ground. Tara smiles. "Now that's the Reece i know". She smiles and whispers in my ear. She was wearing white short shorts and a yellow short tank top, so small, sweet, and sexy at the same time. Still knowing that this is wrong, i went along with it. It was the alchol playing around with my mind, and messing with my feelings, but still knowing deep down this is very very wrong. I take of her tank top, and leave trails of kisses along her neck and jaw line. She lets out a loud deep groan and tugs on my hair. She brings her lips to mine and forces her lips down, crashing like a Tsunami. I deepend the kiss very much, we were on full on make out mode.


I look around the room to see Alexis and Liv standing there gobsmaked by the front door. "It- it's not what it looks like, i-uh". This is not good. Liv quickly got hold of Alexis' arm, thankgoodness Liv, thankyou! "Do you ever learn to knock?" A sweet inocent voice rung from behind me. Not as inocent though. Tara walked up behind me and placed a wet kiss on my lips. I pulled apart and looked back and forwarth between Alexis and Liv. "So is this how it's going to be? I- i never thought you thought so bad of me! And you can't deny that you didn't kiss her back can you, you were- half naked!" I shake my head in dissagreement, i shove Tara off me who let out a scowl, and walked towards Alexis, who backed away. "No, it's- not-not like that at all- i-".

"He doesn't love you Alexis-". And her goes Tara. "No-"

"Me and Reece went out before even before you and Reece did darling, basically he found that i was having an affair, so he broke up with me, he tried to make me jealous by getting another girl into his pants, like you you slut! So basically, you were just a re-bound. He thought you were an way easy target, and look, you were, and look where that got you, already 17 and pregnant". She smiled gleefully, this is where she's being trying to get to all along! "Don't listen to her Alexis lets get out of here". I saw Liv tugging on Alexis' sleeve, i saw Liv looking at me with a way i never thought she ever would. We were always so close, and now she's looking at me like i'm some type of murderer. Will, maybe not murderer, but looking at me as if i've done the worst thing possible, which i have. Not only have i just broken up mine and Alexis' relationship, but i've also have broken up mine and Liv's relationship. The closest brother sister relationship i have ever known, now it's gone. I have never seen her looking at me so disgusted, and Alexis looking at me like she doesn't want to beleive it, but knowing that it's the truth. "No". Alexis shook of Liv's hand, and looked at me dead in the eye. "Is it trur? What Tara just said? Is our whole relationship a lie?" I nod slowly, ashamed at myself, i'm guessing the alchol wore off. "But, our relationship isn't a lie! I love-"

"Yeah, save it, come on Liv, let's go". I watched as Alexis grabbed Liv's hand, and opened the front door, she stood just right outside of it, before saying... "I never want to see you again, we're over!" With that she slammed the door shut with Liv by her side. My tears rolled down my check quite heavly. "What have you done Tara!" I scream while turning to face Tara. "Oh Reece when are you ever going to learn, it's not what i've done, it's what you've done to deserve it... this is all your fault". She smiles and chucks on her light tank top, before leaving me. Leaving me standing there alone, with nobody... i had nobody... everyone.... has just left me........... Tara is right, this is all my fault.



_____ __ ___


hey guys, hope you like this chapter, and no! It is NOT The last chapter, still have a few chapters left up my sleeve. :) hehe

So i am actually only updatinf for one reason... EASTER!!!!!!!! i know that that's tomorow, but i'm updating tonight... okay? Fine with that? If not, go stuff yourself!

So i know that also you guys didn't complete the goal for 25 v0tes and 15 comments for next chapter, but with just a few more votes and comments we could have made it for sure!

So for the next chapter, i need 25 votes and 15 comments! Okay guys I know you can do it.

Also, i need a few more people to play part in the sequel to the story, so i'll put that up next update, and also i will put up who has got the parts for the story on the last update,

I also have a new competition now.

Basically, i need someone to make a banner/cover for the next story. So you know it's called Blue Rose, and if it helps, remember that Victoria Justice plays Alexis Bennett. Who ever can submit the best banner/cover by the 21 of April, will win a follow by me on wattpad and twitter, a dedication on the last chapter or mention, and also gets to read the first 4 chapters of The Lonely Rose before anyone else. But i need to know also if your trustworthy to not steal my story while reading as they won't be published onto wattpad, i'll probally just inbox you personally the chapters, and i'll menntion you in the last chapter of the winner, so if it makes sence, get banner making! you can show the banner/cover to me at my email :)

Enjoy guys! So hope it all makes sence to all, also i will probally mention this again in the next update so yeah.

Remember for the next update though, i need 25 votes and 15 comments :)

And Hapy EASTER!!!!!


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