Author's Note Again

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Hey guys, i am very sad, cause some how, on my profile on Wattpad, all my reads for all my stories have dissapered, the votes and fans arew still there, but according to reads, i have none. 

So as i friend, i'm asking you to PLEASE share this page around and to get more reads. I don't know if on your profiles it says this story has reads, but i can't tell can i? If you understand what i'm on about, thankyou. For those that don't, it doesn't really matter. 

This story is very important to me and i'd hate for it to go down the drain. Everyone else can get a whole million or so reads, why can't i?

I'd honsetly really appreciate it if you could, this story means so much to me, and if only i had a way to thank every single one of you for reading this story, i would. But i do thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thankyou to those that have even just taken up a second of their lives to vote, and comment on this stroy, and to those that have taken up 2 seconds or so, to click on my profile and to fan me, thankyou. Even if it is 36 reads on this story and 27 fans from reading this story and more. Thanks guys.

I hope you can just take up a few minutes of your time to share this page.




Good Girl Bad Girl (Reece Mastin) *Complete*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें