14. Loosing It

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Going to get straight into this one :) But to quickly say, thank you guys so much, have 45 votes, 22 comments and 3,277 reads exactly, not much guys but thank you. :)

~Reece's P.O.V.~

"Uh, who?" i ask uncertain, i am sure she did just not say that, on the other hand though, i am not deaf.

"I'm sorry Reece". She stands up from sitting on the couch, walking over to me, and resting her hands upon my shoulders. "I really am, i should have told you. I really should have, i am so truly sorry". Her eyes were glistening, as if she is about to cry. "Liv, look at me". Right now, her face was looking down at the ground, a few tear drops full to the ground, a few snuffles here and there. "You have nothing to be sorry about, really, it's me who should be sorry, it was my fucking girlfriend at the time who cheated with Brad on you". I rap my arms around her, she cried into my chest. "Hey, stop crying". I speak softly to her, stroking her blonde hair. "But she also cheated on you, and you didn't even know, until now". She clings on to my clothing and sobs into my chest. "Will, what's done is done. Love you sis". She looks up to me. "Love you too baby bro". Now that put a smile on my face.

Alexis was still up in my bed sleeping, will, last i cheeked, which was around an hour ago. She looked so peaceful so i didn't want to disturb her. Right now, i was watching Family Guy. BANG! "Reece, what was that?" Liv asks me, she stiffens at the sound of the 'bang', latching on to my arm. "I don't know, you stay here, i'll go check". I stand up, moving out of my comfort zone. "Okay". I slowly walked up the stairs trying to make no sound.

The sound sounded like it came form my room. So i crept down the hallway till i reached my bedroom, i heard some groaning coming from my bedroom. What the? Alexis is in there. I quickly swung open the door. "Alexis! Are you all-". She was... "Why are you lying on the floor?" She was lying right beside my bed, resting her chin on her crossed arms. "Did you fall off?" I ask walking over to her, holding out my hand for her to take, which she didn't. "No! Leave me alone!" She spats out at me. "B-but why?" I ask automatically taken back. Just her tone of voice took me back by surprise. "Because, i fell in love". She smiles a greedily grin. "W-what?!". I shout out a bit to loud, basically, Liv heard. "Reece, is everything okay?" She shouts out from the sounds at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah!" I shout back out to her. "So again, what?" I say a bit quieter towards Alexis. "What do you mean". I ask curiously. "I mean, i fell-". She made the word 'fell' obvious. "-In love, with the floor! ". She quickly kisses the floor. "I love you!" She attempts to hug the floor, lying on it with her arms spread out across the floor. "Wow, am i lucky, not only do i have the best family and life, but i also have you". I looked deep into her shaded brown eyes, she stared back at me deeply too. " And not only do i have the best life, kinda, not so best family, but i also have you too". I smiled at her and she smiled back, i held out my hand and she took it gracefully.

~Alexis' P.O.V.~

"Wow, am i lucky, not only do i have the best family and life, but i also have you". He looked into my eyes deeply, without hesitation i spoke. "And not only do i have the best life, kinda, not so best family, but i also have you too." He smiled at me and i smiled back, he held out his hand to me and i took it gracefully.

I stood up and Reece pulled me closer towards himself. He leans in to kiss me passionately on the lips, the kiss picked up speed a bit and became more heated. He lightly skimmed his lips along my left side collarbone, placing soft sweet kisses along them, then kissing the side of my neck, leaving tingles all over. I let out a soft whimper as he begins to suck behind my ear. This obviously gave him a incorrect cue to jump right at it.

He grabs my hands and intertwines our fingers with one another, he pulls me over to his bed with his walking backwards, and lays me on his bed. He pulls his shirt over his head and chucks it on the ground. He smirks at me and i bite into the side of my lip, smiling slightly, until i could taste the fresh blood. He crawls onto the bed and ends up in a position with one leg on either side of my thighs. He bends down to kiss me. I place both my hands on his bare chest, and pull my self up. I somehow flip him over on the bed so he was laying down and i was in the position he was in before.

I'm still not exactly sure if i should be, or want to do this. But, i guess you only live once, i can't be chicken all my life. Actually, i could try i just won't be actually chicken.

But, i guess you only live once... YOLO!! I love him, he's the boy i love, he's the one for me, and i wouldn't want things to be anymore differenter.

 It was that night, i lost something, that i can never take back.


 "Night beautiful". He says before kissing my forehead. "Love you". He quickly adds on. "Love you too". I say before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Okay guys, i know i updated way to late! Working between 2 stories and having another one i NEED  to update, and another story i also need to you know, 'sort out'. Um, it's not a fanfic or anything, but just check out the story, and just vote on it to say that you would actually read it so yeah.



Any who. Did you like the story? If so, vote! And also, sorry to those people that arn't all that keep on, certain scenes in the story. I know i have been doing a lot of them lately, but it has all come to a stop, for now.

Also, i'm going to try this. If i get 3 votes and 3 comments, i'll udate. If i don't, i won't until i do? Deal?    

Good if you said yes.


Naw, jokes. I wouldn't do that to you guys. Or would i?? 

DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!

Okay ma pepes, haha like pepsi!

No, okay so remember, 3 votes and 3 comments for me to update. GOT IT! :) 

Hehe,  love all you guys, thanks for the reads. Could you also check out these stories?...


This story is a One Direction fanfic, so for all you fans and Directioners out there, get reading this! It doesn't have much reads, 219 reads, 5 votes and 3 comments :( Sad i know :'( But you guys could fix that, to atleast the qautur of the people reading this now could, so please. This is the story i am going to update next :)



Hehe, yes i know, yet another One Direction fanfic. DIRECTIONER FOR LIFE! Not as much a 'LIL ROCKER' though. SHH! Don't tell anyone i said that. lol!  I have just started this story,  i will update this story after i have updated the other 1D story.

Sorry it's not Reece related at all! But, i'm trying to advertise my stories! You can't blame a girl for trying.......

Okay guys so quick reminder, 3 votes and 3 comments, and i'll update. Don't forget!




I remembered that of the Lion King! Ha!

Quick, okay so now every week i'm also going to ask you guys a question, maybe not every week but yeah.

#1- Favourite cartoon/animated movie?

Mine- Toy Story 1,2,3 :)

Okay guys, 3 votes, 3 comments :)

 Love you all and thank you :)

Bye :)xoxoxoxoxo

Adriana :)xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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