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Hey guys, sorry to say but this is the last chapter for this fanfic :'( Please read my authors note after this, it's kinda important :) enjoy my lovlies


~Alexis's P.O.V~

"Come find me, when you stop being such a bitchy chicken, and actually want to talk reality. News flash for ya' Alexis, you can't run away from everything, it's not that easy!".

Then Liv picked up her bag and left me, just sitting there alone, to my own thoughts and decissions. So she's basically making me choose between staying and saving this relationship, or taking the easy way out of it. And when she puts it like that, it sounds like a very bad idea. I can't even tell the difference between what my head and my heart is saying. I want to go, cause i'm afraid, and I don't even know what for, but I want to stay cause i'm leaving my whole life here. I'm not ready to move on and just forget about all this though, but who said that I was ready for a relationship and all the drama with it? Who said that I wanted to loose 3 or my bestfriends? Who said I was was ready to loose both my mum to drugs and alcahol and my dad who ran away? Who said I was willingly prepared to get kidnapped by two jurks that don't even have proper names and works for Tara?! Psh, what kind of a name is Mango and Burger?! But I never signed up for any of this! I never new Reece would cause me this much pain! If he's in pain, he put this all on himself. Yes, I do get the fact that he loved Tara, but using me to get back at Tara for cheating on him, yeah, that's real cheap. Expessially when he made me feel so loved, and I actually believed every word he said. And now all this has happened, Liv said she wasn't taking sides, and look what happened? She completly flipped off at me! She doesn't really have a right to! What happened to not taking sides?! But Reece is her brother, I guess its family first isn't it. Sisters before misters. In this case Reece is the sister and i'm the mister.

I didn't order anything so i picked up my bag and left the table, and out the door. Mum hasn't been home for the past two days, will really the week. I have no idea where she is and I couldn't really care less.

I took a bus back home. Only a 10 minute drive back including all the stops along the way. The bus stopped at a farely close bus stop to my place, so I walked the rest of the way. The clouds were a dark grey and looked heavy. There was a suttle cold breeze as I walked pushing through it. I reached my house and unlocked the door and closed it behind me. It was warm inside. The place was clean, suprisingly. I didn't clean up the mess. I didn't dare touch the mess that was mums, she could go bezurk just cause I cleaned up, shes like that now, she doesn't appreciate anything anymore. It's very hard to impress her, its like Simon Cowell on American Idol, anyone see where i'm going with this? Except it's worse. But there is a question behind this all. Who did clean the place if it wasn't me and of course it wasn't mum, she's not even here. And that's a fact.

"Hello?" I spoke. It felt like a creepy horror movie, except the horror is, the place is clean. I heard a few stomps coming from upstairs, they sounded like they were coming closer, I was already was half way up the stairs when I saw a large black shadowed figure dancing along the walls. "Hello?" I ask terrofied. I am so stupid right now, this is how people get killed, they were basically asking for it. A shuffle and a grunt from upper stairs was heard. I was freaking out right now, I was thinking about retreating when I saw "DAD!". There he was, standing there with his arms wide opened. I ran into them, as he enveloped me into a warm hug. "Babycakes!" That's what he always calls me. I got that nickname when I was 3. I was one day baking a cake with my mother, when she left for a moment, I took it as a opporunity to play with the cake mixture. I had cake mixture everywhere, in my hair, on my face, stained on my clothes, I was like a babycake! Because I was still almost like a baby and I was covered in cake mixture. But from then on, I was never allowed to bake again, and they made a good choice for me not to.

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