The Maya Trap

By Mysteriousgirl9

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❤️Completed ❤️ This is a story of a girl Mehek Sharma who loved flowers, sunsets and mountains. A girl who lo... More

Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way...
Deal With The Devil
When Everything Goes Against You
Run Away And Never Comeback
Run Away And Never Comeback (2)
Arch Nemisis
I'm Harry and he is Voldemort
Little things
A Free Soul, A Happy Soul
A Day Well Spent
A Moving Story
Striking Again
Something's Missing
Come On Barbie, Lets Go Party...
Party Vibes All Night
Hanging Out With The Hangover
Mr. Grumpy Has An Ego
A Sand Castle
Not an update
On The Edge
Aftermath Of Fake Dating

Hating him more...

23 4 0
By Mysteriousgirl9

Well, isn't my life full of cocky bastards screwing it up all the time? 

He was being nice to call me, but I sure as hell didn't expect him to be nice. Before I could thank him, he hung up on me. 


And that's how I ended up here sitting in front of Mohit. Three days later, he kept giving me a death glare. Confused? Well, let me resume what exactly happened!

Mohit and I always had been good friends. Nevertheless, things got a bit complicated between us with time. We completely lost touch when I moved here, but anyhow, he kept checking up on me. I, on the other hand, never replied.

My one and only meeting with Mayank, where he had carried me like a bride to my room at night was caught by paparazzi. Awkward, I know. Plus, the day when Mayank and I went to the café while he was dragging me in was a cherry on top. Some asshole caught these two snaps of us and now we were all over the media. Turns out Mayank is not one of us anymore, he has grown to become one of the richest men alive, especially in the last few weeks.

Mohit was enlightened about all this from social media. It kept broadcasting the news and he took the first flight to NYC and came here. I was shocked as hell when I opened the door to find a guest for the first time. I had surely not expected him! He bombarded me with his questions and showed me the news and then he complained about me being ignorant about the fact that he was my best friend. I was blank and couldn't understand anything. He turned on the news channel and that's when it hit me.

'Most eligible bachelor is seen with his lady love. Her identity is still unknown. Sources have confirmed that she is his lucky charm. They have been together for a month now and can be seen all over each other.'

They were flashing my picture where Mayank was holding me like a bride and taking me inside my apartment building. My face was red as a tomato. I wish Mayank could notice this and handle it before it creates more fuss.

The entire week at work was awful. Everyone kept giving me a death glare, trying to squeeze me in lift on purpose, especially those girls who always drooled when Mayank walked in. Talking about Mayank, I hadn't seen him the entire week. There were no texts and no calls from both ends. I could now put two and two together and realized what was happening to me at work. For fuck's sake I am switching my television ON for the first time today!

I explained everything to Mohit, and he was now giving me a death glare too!

"Why did you not tell me? Don't you trust me enough?" He looked pissed.

"It's not about trust Mohit." I was getting irritated with this conversation now. I know it's not about trust, but I want to be on my own for a while. Mayank was not the same as before. We both had an agreement to not cross each other's paths and that's how everything was going smoothly.

"Then why didn't you tell me about him?" He almost yelled at me. He ran a hand over his face and started in a much softer tone. "He's bad news dear, please don't fall for him again."

"I won't Mohit, trust me this once. I am happy to be here to get a life and a career which I had always dreamt of. Give me a chance." I almost pleaded, holding his hands, looking deep into his eyes. Mohit was not only my friend, he was everything to me. He was like a family to me. After my parents left me, he always had my back. There were days in my life where I was left to weep in loneliness when Mayank left me. During those moments, Mohit stood tall and covered me with hope. I needed that. He was the reason I came out of depression and was standing on my feet today.

"Fair enough, but if he hurts you one more time...." I didn't let him finish.

"I will oblique to your orders Master." I said in a fake British accent and we both chuckled. We were like old friends again. His flight was not until tomorrow evening. I insisted that he stay with me in my apartment, but he apologized, saying it was not appropriate. He already had a hotel room booked for himself and he would be staying there till then. I was more than happy to know that there won't be any instance where he would bump into Mayank. Because I knew it won't end up well, and that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

"Tell me something, did you really come here because of this news?" I asked him.

"Uhh, yes, in a way, and there was a very small conference as well which I had to attend. It happened to be a coincidence that your news and the conference were together." Really? Something's fishy. Never mind.

"Well, don't you wanna go on a tour of NYC?" Mohit asked.

"I sure as hell."

December 2017
Mehek's POV

Days were passing by sooner than I had expected. I was now working full-time as a Marketing assistant, but the catch was that Mohit was now my boss. He was always a hardworking enthusiast I wasn't. I had been nothing but ignorant towards my work, especially after Mayank's arrival. I would always try to make an excuse to meet him. I would say they were generous enough when they hired me full-time in the first place. 'You have a creative mind. Try to use it often when you work.' was all my Manager told me on my one to one annual sessions with him.

Mayank was now pursuing his cricketing career full-time, trying to put in more and more effort. His team even won a cup in Ranji. Being the star he was, he had won the man of the match.

'Let's go out on a long road trip, just us.' He asked me. I wanted to agree to that offer, but I refrained from doing so. 'I can't take any more leaves. My managers have already given me multiple warnings. Besides, I have my appraisal meeting coming up. I need to come out clean to be able to get a salary hike.' He was staring at me for about five minutes. His eyes were looking sad, as if he was losing something.

I know where it's going. I was genuinely concerned about my job. I wasn't making this excuse for any other reason. My job was my bread and butter and I intended to keep it. But due to our busy schedule, we never got time for each other. He was busy with his practices, his matches, and tournaments while I was working my butt off for my job. Our phone calls took place just once or sometimes twice a day, whereas we met less than once a week.

It was alright with me, until we met at Kavi's birthday party. I wasn't prepared for it, Mayank came outside my office. He appeared to be drunk. Well, he had been drinking a lot lately. He took me to where everyone was. I was happy that we got to spend some time, but then that bitch Natasha showed up.

"Hey everyone, may I have your attention please." Kavi was on stage with a mike in his hand. Yes, his parties were that grand. And I was dressed in my least favorite formal attire, a maroon blouse, and black pants. Not my type. Thanks to Mayank for showing up suddenly.

"I would like to thank you all for coming here today on my big day. Yes, it's not just my birthday but also a special day for me." He gestured to Natasha to come up on stage and she did.

"Natasha, I don't want to beat around the bush. You are the one who is destined for me. I want to ask you," he paused, removing a small box and getting down on his knees. "I'm being selfish, but my happiness is in you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" he asked, and she was looking at him dumbfounded. Bloody brain-dead bitch, anyone would have accepted that proposal. It was just perfect. He was still waiting when she said yes. Everyone started clapping and cheering for the couple.

"I thought she had dumped him." I don't know when, but Shivani came and stood beside me, whispering in my ears.

"Why would she say NO, haven't you seen Kavi's new BMW in the parking lot with a bow on it?" I replied, without looking at her and glaring at Natasha. I was happy to match my feelings with my best friend whereas Natasha was staring right back at us. She was not exactly looking happy. She had a scowl on her face. I turned towards my right where Mayank was and found out the reason. If I could kill one person without getting punished, you know who that person would be! 

Her expressions changed from a scowl to a cheeky smile when her eyes met Mayank. On the other hand, he was giving her a blank face! I mean really.

"What is she finding so amusing in you that she keeps smiling like a pig?" I spat with all the anger I had while keeping my smile on. Shivani was now standing beside Rahul and looking at both Kavi and Natasha. I could say they were not happy about this either. Mayank didn't answer and instead and started moving towards Kavi and Natasha. What the fuck!!!

"Congratulations Kavi, I'm so happy for you." Mayank hugged Kavi and so did I. Well, Natasha came forward to hug Mayank, but I stood in between them and hugged her. I made sure that my back was hugging him.

"When are you guys planning the wedding?" I tried to change the topic when Mayank excused himself. What is wrong with him? Why is he so distant? Shivani came by to congratulate them when I took her aside with me after she shared the pleasantries and stuff.

"Mehek, is everything okay between you and Mayank?" She asked me before I could. I was feeling guilty. It's been a long time since we actually spoke to each other. She is my best friend and I really needed some girl talk right now.

"What could go wrong with us?" I said, putting a fake smile.

"Spill, before my drink is on you." She looked serious enough, I gulped whatever was there in my glass all in one go and started talking.

"I uh we... Mayank and I have been distant since he came back. It's because of my work and his practices that we don't get to spare enough time together. He came around the office today and tugged me here. But he seems pissed at something. I don't know and will try to figure it out." I said, looking at my hands.

"I see, I hope everything at his comeback party with Natasha was solved?"Whatt? But I never mentioned this to anyone!

"How do you know?"

"There were people around, babe. Natasha is a bitch. I need to tell you something. Promise me you won't overthink this." I nodded and she continued.

"Natasha liked Mayank from the very first day. She knew he wouldn't spare a glance at her because he loved you. That's why she decided to get Kavi because he was a good friend of Mayank. She dropped bombs on Kavi on purpose, and he fell for her. She was certain that Mayank would go to the UK for MBA so she plotted a plan to go with him and take Kavi along, to play the safe couple card and at the same time, be with Mayank to make him fall for her. But Mehek, Mayank loves you and just you. In the span of these two years he didn't cheat on you even once. That's why she kissed him at the party the other day. Kavi doesn't know about it and it seems like they patched up when you and Mayank left the party." She was looking at me now.

"How do you know all this?" I was curious.

"Perks of being the girlfriend of your boyfriend's best friend. He is a keeper Mehek. Don't let any bitch like her take what's yours."

She winked at me, giving me a genuine smile. I stood up to go and find my man, I was feeling more affection for him and all I wanted to do was to spend some time with him.

"Mehek, one second." Shivani stopped me.


"Kavi is uh a bit addicted to drugs, can you ensure Mayank is not influenced by him? I'm just warning you darling. He will do anything you ask for, make sure he isn't going down any wrong path before it's too late." She came close and was holding my hands now.

I was breathing heavily now. It was still not evident that Mayank was into drugs and all, but still, I was rethinking and could relate to our arguments in the past. Whenever I met him, he kept staring at his feet. He had never done this before. Is this all making sense? I will go talk to him and get things cleared. I started walking towards the other end of the hall where I had seen him last. I came to a halt when I heard someone taking my name from the other end of the door.

"Think about it man, do you really love Mehek?" I guess it was Kavi.

"Stop it baby, he obviously loves her. But I think it's Mehek who has fallen out of love. Haven't you seen her new man Mohit?" Ass fucking gold digger bitch! I was about to open the door when I heard something which broke me completely.

"Yes." It was Mayank's voice.

"Why are you in this kind of relationship then?" Yes, it was Kavi. I didn't hear anything after that. I was shocked as hell. How can he even think like this? I don't know how long it was before the door opened. Natasha came out with Kavi. Shivani was right, they were smoking weed. My heart ached when I saw Mayank still sitting at the sofa, looking at his shoes. They hadn't seen me, as their backs were facing me when they had left. Soon after that, I went inside and his head instantly shot up.

Ohh god, my eyes were filled with tears. His eyes were bloodshot red, and he smelled like weed. He quickly came near me, closing the door behind me.

"Mehek, I can explain." Mehek?

"How much have you smoked?" I said, looking directly at him.

"No, I did not smoke, they did." He started giving explanations, lying to me. I was getting pissed now. He looked like he could pass out any minute now.

"STOP lying to me Mayank. Look me in the eye and tell me what you just said to your new besties. Didn't I tell you to stay away from that bitch? And here you are, god knows how long you have been smoking weed with her!" I was shouting now, if the door wasnn't closed, I'm sure it would have created a scene outside.

"Mehek please listen to me..." He was on the verge of tears, but I kept going on.

"I trusted you Mayank. But you broke my trust. You were away for two Fucking years. How can I believe you now when you just said that you don't know if you love me? What have you done to us Mayank? And why??? And I think... I think it's just me putting in efforts for you and me to be US. " I was furious at him, for not defending me in front of those shithead people he called friends.

"Enough Mehek!" he shouted at me. It was so sudden that I was caught off guard. I just couldn't believe him. Is this the same Mayank I knew? Is he the same person I had fallen in love with? Wasn't he crying a minute ago? My mind was still figuring out what exactly had happened when he started. He must have been angry, those were not tears. I had misunderstood. Then again, I misunderstood everything about him.

"What have I done to us? You should probably be asking this to yourself, staying up late in office with that friend of yours and ignoring me all the time. You went to a party with him last weekend, didn't you? Yes, I have been smoking weed for a year now. Do you know why? Because I was fucking missing you, but you were too caught up with that friend of yours and going to parties and god knows what?" I don't know how but I slapped him, I slapped him hard. I was rooted to my place and I couldn't even walk out when he just confessed and shouted at me for the first time in my life. How could he say what he just said?

I turned to go out and tried opening the door, but it was locked. I should have known.

" th...the do-or." I said, looking down in sobs. I wanted to give an explanation about what he had just said. But I knew whatever I was about to say now will come out as gibberish due to my sobs.

"Mehek..." he came near me and turned me to face him. Before I could look at him, he started kissing me, pulling me to him. This was not a normal kiss. He was hurting me with it. I tried my best to stop it, but somehow it didn't work. "I love you Mehek, I love..." he was chanting in between. I was crying loudly now.

"STOP, please stop." I requested him but he was pushing me against the door, trying his best to kiss my neck, leaving a mark. I stood there without taking any action for around two seconds before I took all that I could and pushed him away. It worked well and his leg hit the sofa, resulting in him falling on the sofa. I quickly fetched the key from a nearby table and opened the door, giving him one last look.

"Mehek, wait..." was all he said. I ran towards the exit. I don't know what exactly happened, but I heard Shivani and maybe Rahul calling me. But all I wanted to do now was to escape from here. Escape from that one person with whom I had once felt the safest.

I didn't want to think about him. I don't want to think about what happened. I was chanting and running like a maniac, calling a taxi. I reached home and felt a bit better. I didn't want to create a scene in front of my parents. I checked my watch and it was midnight. They must have fallen asleep. I quickly moved towards my room and locked the door behind me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. That's when I noticed that my neck was red as hell and my shirt was torn from the corner. I couldn't control my tears and started crying. My phone was vibrating with that one name whose call I would have never missed before. Switching off my mobile, I quickly changed. Once I was inside my bed's comforter, my eyes drifted off to sleep. This was not how it was supposed to end!


It took my soul to convince me write this one..

Please don't hate me or Mayank...

The character development will happen only when the leads evolve together. They need to see bad time to be able to understand the value of good time.

Who all are still shipping Mayank and Mehek?

BTW please suggest couple names for them

Please, please vote and comment and let me know what did you liked/hated in this chapter

Till then,


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