You're My Biggest Mistake

By Kweny88

1.5K 162 63

"Just how much of a lightweight drinker is she?" Byun Baekhyun entered SM entertainment in 2011 and met his c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 35

52 3 3
By Kweny88

Kim Taeyeon's Point of View

The familiar scent of recording stalls welcomes me as I enter my all-time favorite workplace. In recording stalls, I can express my feelings through my songs without ever having to consider what people may think. I place my notepad on the music sheet stand as I continue to make corrections on my song, <Fine>.

"You guys spend so much time together that you're becoming like twins!"

Yeah, you look like me, but are we really alike?

"The Baekhyun I know wouldn't fall out of love with you so easily."

I'm getting my hopes up

"Will you be okay if he doesn't love you back like the way he did?"

Not me, I don't think it'll be easy

"What do you expect? You broke up with him saying that you want to be selfish."

I can't swallow the words that linger on my lips

I twirl my pen and ask the song producer, "I'll try to sing the bridge first. What do you think?"

He gives me a thumbs-up and goes back to looking at his monitor. I put the right pair of headphones on, and as soon as I hear the music play, I close my eyes and sing with my emotions.

Between meaningless jokes and small talk

Amongst the crows, I look like I'm fine

I'm pretending to be numb with a smile on my face

I try not to think of the shadow called "you"

I scan my notes without looking up and say, "I'll carry on to the last chorus from that."

I work on the bridge and the choruses for a while, and when I eventually look up to see the producer's reaction, I realize that the door is about to close behind him. I quickly look down to see the hand holding the door before it closes, and I can tell that those are Baekhyun's delicate fingers.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back," I say before ripping the headphones off my head and leaving the stall to run after who I think was Baekhyun.

I wasn't wrong with my guess 'cause when I turn left from the recording hallway, I see Baekhyun's back walking away from me. I call, "Baekhyun!"

He stops and turns around. He doesn't look surprised as if he's caught like I expect, but I'm glad to see him anyway. I run to him and ask, "How long have you been in the room?"

"Since the bridge part," he answers pithily.

"Did you like it?" I try to read his emotions by looking at his eyes, but he has them deeply covered.

He shrugs, "Hm, it's ok. You did it so Taeyeon-like."

I pout at his apathetic answer, but still, I ask, "Why were you in the room?"

He hides his hands in his pockets and says, "I had to ask the song producer for something."

I tilt my head, "While he was working? And for that long?"

He clenches his jaw, "Stop being so curious."

I look behind him after sensing someone coming in our direction.

Bambam? Ah, right. I found out that we shared the same schedule in the same building, so I invited him over to listen to my new song.

After making eye contact with Bambam, he grins from ear to ear and waves at me with his hand that's holding a small, purple bouquet. Having perceived that I'm looking at someone else, Baekhyun turns to look.

Bambam adjusts his bubbly expression and politely bows at Baekhyun, "Hello."

Am I the only one who's tensed here?

Baekhyun looks at me with a stone-cold look as if he wants me to explain, but does he really think I can say, "Oh, we're just friends," in front of Bambam?

Amid the tension among the three of us, Bambam hands me the bouquet and says, "Congratulations on your song, Ms. Taeyeon."

"Oh, thank you," I smile. Although I'm looking at Bambam, I can see Baekhyun lift an eyebrow while finding this sight ridiculous.

Bambam and I look at him simultaneously, but Baekhyun continues to stare at me, acting like we're the only ones standing in this hallway. I hear Bambam swallow, afraid that Baekhyun might do something that harms either one of us.

I stutter, "Y-you can go." Upon hearing that, Baekhyun raises both of his eyebrows and moves his face closer to me as if he's denying what he has heard. I continue to stutter, "We're gonna wor- I mean, I'm gonna work on my song, so..."

Baekhyun smirks beautifully and seems he won't hold a grudge against what just happened, but I know him better. He nods and turns around to walk away from us, and I'm appalled by his lack of effort to say a simple "hi" or "bye" to Bambam.

I head to the recording room with Bambam, and he gives the song producer a cup of coffee he bought before coming. Then, I continue to work on my song with Bambam watching the whole time 'til he signs and points to his wrist, telling me that he needs to go. I smile and nod while I mouth, "Thank you."

After a couple more minutes, the song was half-done, and we decided to call it a day. I head down to the ground floor and see the guys.

Are they also working on a song?

I'm about to run to them when I see a girl in their circle.

Z. Hera?

She's carrying a lunchbox bag and I assume she made it for Baekhyun, which gives me mixed emotions.

Byun Baekhyun's Point of View

Chanyeol whines as I stride to the lobby, "Where have you been?"

"Don't talk to me. I'm not in the mood," I roll my eyes at him.

As we wait for the others to arrive, someone with a familiar voice calls, "Baekhyun!" She catches everyone's attention, and we all turn to see who it is.

Hye Ran?

She smiles as she rushes towards me, so I smile back, "Hey. Why are you here?"

"My friend works here. She left her lunch, so I'm bringing it to her," she says as she lifts the bag she's carrying.

She and the guys share greetings, and we start talking about random things. I look to my right and see Taeyeon watching us from afar. I think of something I could do to get back to her.

I playfully grab Hye Ran's bag and say, "Did you make this for her?"

"No. Why'd you take it from me?" she groans as she struggles to take it from me as I'm holding it overhead. The guys start teasing us as Hye Ran continues to jump and take the bag. I peek from where Taeyeon stands and realize she's gone.

I give the bag back and giggle, "Here."

Isn't this fun, Taeyeon?

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