My Dahlia (MIMIN AU)

By daphnimnia

3.5K 213 25

"I have become intoxicated with the flower called you. No matter what they say. I'll choose to love you anywa... More



127 10 0
By daphnimnia


Miyeon anxiously paced back and forth as she holds her violin, they're about to perform in 25 minutes.

"You're making me dizzy." Yuqi said, getting her make up done.

"Sorry, I'm really nervous." Miyeon said.

"You'll be fine, trust me." Yuqi waved her hand.

"I hope so." Miyeon said as she sat down next to Yuqi. Soojin was at the other side, she's still practicing. Miyeon watched the younger girl, playing the chords of the violin in her head.

Soyeon clapped her hands to have everyone's attention. "Everyone, we're starting in 20 minutes. Let's do our best for today!"

"Fighting!" Everyone shouted.

Soyeon smiled and went back in her studio.
Miyeon sighed to release the tension she's feeling, It's been years since she last performed. Yuqi suddenly wrapped her arms around the Korean to make her feel a bit better.

"Eonni, it's gonna be fine. We practice this whole month, surely we definitely got this." Yuqi winked.

"Yeah... Yeah we can do this!" Miyeon said, clasping her hands together.

"Now that's the spirit." Yuqi smiled. "Look at Soojin Eonni, she looks so confident and so do I." Yuqi smiled.

"What if I make a mistake?"

"One mistake wouldn't hurt, just continue with your play confidently. People won't notice it if people knew what you were doing." Yuqi assured the Korean, shaking her up a bit.

"Thanks, Yuqi-ssi." Miyeon smiled.

The performance is about to begin, everyone lined up to make their entrance. Miyeon was in front of the violins to lead them inside and Yuqi's in front of the guitars. Soojin was way in front of everyone, she's the lead dancer of the performance.

The intro started playing, only the keyboard plays for the intro. Soojin entered, the crowd was mesmerized by the girl's moves. She gracefully moved her body as if she's performing for the ballet competition.

Minnie, Sana, and Shuhua are right in front of the stage to get a better view of the performance. Shuhua cheered for her girlfriend, Soojin smiled as soon as she heard Shuhua.

Guitars entered, Yuqi leading the way. The Chinese entered first with a very strong aura. Soyeon smiled, Yuqi's confidence made the crowd gasp. Soojin dances as the beats play.

The violins slowly entered while playing their parts, Miyeon was leading them. Her body moved slowly yet so elegant as she plays. Minnie locked her gaze towards the Korean, the stage lights shining towards the girl. She couldn't keep her eyes away. She didn't know the girl could play the violin so well. Sana was cheering for the Miyeon which Minnie's attention was caught. Minnie doesn't like it when someone cheers louder than her so she cheered for Miyeon as well, louder than the Japanese girl. Miyeon noticed the three girls cheering but her eyes locked to Minnie, she smiled and turned around to Soojin for their part.

The room was quiet for a second for the climax, the intro of the song Carol of the Bells started playing. Everyone cheered as Miyeon bowed her violin, Yuqi strumming, and Soojin elegantly danced. The two Korean danced together while the other was playing.

The three foreign girls' mouth opened on how beautiful the girls performed. Miyeon and Soojin locked contact with each other to get that stage presence. Each of them had turns to dance on the chorus, their moves are getting way more intense than usual. Everyone was starstrucked. Minnie kept her eyes to Miyeon, her graceful moves, her smile as she plays, the charisma she's giving. Minnie couldn't help but shed a tear.

The song ended gracefully, Miyeon's hand reached out to Soojin for the dramatic effect. Soojin slowly reached out and the stadium went black. Everyone clapped their hands.


"I KNOW RIGHT?!" Sana said cheerfully, almost jumping from her seat.


"You all did well today, please get home safely!" Soyeon greeted everyone as they left after cleaning up.

"That was so cool!" Yuqi said, cleaning the strings of her guitar.

"I agree. Soojin-ie did amazing!" Miyeon complimented Soojin.

"Aww shucks, it wouldn't be the same if it weren't for you." Soojin smiled at Miyeon.

"Not gonna lie, I was so conscious while playing and dancing at the same time." Miyeon chuckled.

"You still pulled it off like I told you." Yuqi winked.

"Mhm, everyone did a great job on their part." Soyeon said, walking up to the girls.

"And of course, the mastermind of all." Soojin smiled again at Soyeon.

"Hey hey, you guys performed. I was only adjusting the sound everyone made. To be honest, I didn't have to do a lot since you all did very well." Soyeon waved her hand.

The three other foreign girls entered the room, Sana spotted Miyeon and started going towards her.

"Miyeon! You did such a great job!" She said, running towards the girl and hugging her. Minnie and Yuqi's eyes met as the Japanese girl hug Miyeon.

"Thank you." Miyeon smiled.

"You did awesome, baby!" Shuhua said to Soojin, placing a kiss on Soojin's cheek.

"I heard you cheer, that made me eager to do better." Soojin said, hugging the Taiwanese girl.

"Your performance was amazing, Miyeon." Minnie said, making Miyeon pull off from the hug. Miyeon looked at Minnie and smiled.

"Thank you, Minnie. I'm glad you liked it." Miyeon said. Minnie smiled back at the girl.

"Of course! All of you did a wonderful job!" Minnie clapped her hands, the others cheered as well.

"Yeah, all my energy went into that performance." Yuqi said with a chuckle.

"Same here." Soojin stretched her arms out.

"Everyone deserves a good rest. And also a good grading on their evaluation." Soyeon smiled. All of them cheered once again. They packed up their things and left the room together.

The girls went outside and headed towards the nearest transport.

"I managed to film everything." Shuhua said as she plays the video on her phone.

"Ooh ooh let me see." Miyeon said, moving closer to Shuhua. Soojin is on the other side watching as they walk.

"I want to see too!" Yuqi said, moving quickly to the other girls.

"Woah look at you Soojin." Miyeon pointed on the screen.

The three girls look at the four other girls and smiled.

"They really liked their performance." Soyeon smiled.

"Mhm, you all did a really good job." Sana smiled.

"Yeah, the greatest leader indeed." Minnie also smiled.

"Aww thank you guys." Soyeon blushed.

They reached the nearest bus and went in. The couples made their way towards their seats and sat beside each other. The other three girls sat behind them, Miyeon is in between Minnie and Sana. The bus started to move, Minnie scrolled to her phone and liked the post from mutuals who have been in the performance. She looked out the window and it started to snow. She smiled, ever since she was a kid she loved winter season. The bus stops and Sana stood up.

"I'll be on my way now, bye guys!" She said, the girls waved at her as she went out the bus.

The bus continued its way to their destination, it was kind of a long ride since snow started to pile up the road. Suddenly, Minnie felt Miyeon's head on her shoulder. The girl has fallen asleep. She doesn't want to wake the girl up so she adjusted to make Miyeon comfortable. She smiled when she saw the girl's face as she sleeps.

"Cute." She thought. Yuqi saw what she did and smirked playfully. Minnie rolled her eyes and gestured Yuqi to not tell anyone. Yuqi giggled and turned her head to Soyeon.

Miyeon slept for 10 minutes, they arrived. Minnie carefully placed her hand on Miyeon's jaw to wake her up.

"Hey, wake up. We're here." She said softly, gently tapping Miyeon.

Miyeon grunted and opened her eyes, she looked up to see Minnie. The Thai smiled.

"Already?" She asked, she rubbed her eyes.

"Mhm." Minnie hummed and nodded. "We should get going, the snow's getting thick."

"Okay..." Miyeon said and carefully stood up. Minnie followed Miyeon out of the bus with the others.

"That was a long ride." Yuqi said, turning her gaze at Minnie and smiled.

"Yeah, I want to go home now. It's cold." Shuhua said while hugging Soojin. They all bid their goodbyes and went to their own paths. The couples went the same way, leaving Miyeon and Minnie.

"You're going the same way?" Miyeon asked.

"Yeah." Minnie nodded. She wants to be with Miyeon, gladly they're both heading the same way.

"Okay, great!" Miyeon said. "It's cold." She added.

"Here." Minnie quickly removed her scarf and wrapped it around the shorter girl.

"What about you?"

"Don't mind me, I don't mind the snow." Minnie said as she fixed the scarf around Miyeon.

"Thanks." Miyeon thanked the Thai, she felt warm that Minnie cares about her. She felt butterflies around her stomach. She doesn't want to make it awkward so she turned to face the street as it snows.

"How about let's play on the snow." Miyeon said as she tried to catch snowflakes.

Minnie looked at Miyeon enjoying the snow, she smiled. The moment looked magical for her, the light shining on the Korean's face as the snow falls. It's like the world turned in slow motion, she watches Miyeon all smiles as she plays on the snowflakes while they walk. Miyeon turned to Minnie, her cheeks in bright pink acting as a natural blush because of the cold.

"Don't you like the snow?" Miyeon said and frowned.

"I love the snow, it's magical." Minnie smiled.

"I agree." Miyeon smiled. Miyeon's smile made Minnie feel something she hasn't felt in years. From that moment, she knew she liked Miyeon.

"Don't just stand there, let's go!" Miyeon said as she sprints.

"Yah! Slow down, don't slip!" Minnie said while laughing. She followed Miyeon, sprinting as well. They're the only people around the street, she felt alive again. The two girls enjoyed their moment, playing in the snow. Minnie hopes this lasts forever.

They arrived at Miyeon's house, Miyeon turned to Minnie and smiled.

"Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed your company." She said and hugged Minnie. Minnie hugged back, she felt Miyeon's cold hands touch her. She didn't mind it as long as it's Miyeon.

"Always glad to help." Minnie hugged her back.

"It's getting late, I'm sorry you have to accompany me to get home."

"It's fine, really."

"Oh and here's your scarf."

"You can keep it."

"But it's yours?"

"Yeah so you can keep it." Minnie laughed.

"Okay then. Thank you, Minnie!" She hugged the girl once again and ran towards the door. She turned her back again and waved at the Thai. Minnie waved back and watched Miyeon enter her house. She walked alone, reminiscing what happened earlier.

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