๐€๐ง๐ ๐”๐ฌ

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

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6.3K 361 73
By kiikiisaidfuckyou


Kataleya held her stomach as she leaned against the headboard. She watched the TV and snacked on her blueberries and grapes as she watched "Riverdale". It was a new show she was binging considering Dejhari still had her on strict house arrest.

She didn't mind staying home all day anymore. She didn't have any energy to go out and converse with others anyway. She was at the point in her pregnancy where she just wanted to eat, sleep, and watch TV.

It was hard for her to even do homework and cook dinner for the two. She didn't have the energy to even get out of bed some days. She started feeling embarrassed about his lazy she was now that she did nothing all day.

She would spend days home alone and only spent time with Dejhari at night and sometimes early in the morning if she woke up in time before he left home. Dejhari promised as she moved closer to her due date he would start staying home with his business.

Dejhari walked into the room with bags from his daily pick ups. He often brought home gifts for Kat to enjoy because he knew her staying home was taking a toll on her. She didn't really speak to anyone like that. She mostly called DeMaya, her mom, and Treasure throughout the day when she wasn't calling Dejhari.

He felt like she should start going out more but he was scared of how it may affect her. He didn't want something to happen to her while she was out. He wanted to be there for her and make sure he was able to get to her if anything happened.

"Hey baby," He said before putting the bag down at the bottom of the bed. "I got you and the baby some shit today. How was your day?" He asked moving over to her. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers as she eyed his appearance closely.

She loved when he came home even if he didn't have nothing to give her. She hated when they were apart and it was starting to bother her more and more as she got closer to delivery. She wanted him to start being home more. She couldn't help but think that it would be the same way when she has the baby.

"It was ok. Didn't really do much." She said leaning up to peak into the bags. He grabbed the bags and moved them over so he could sit in front of her. He didn't like that she peaked because he wanted her to have some excitement when she opened her gifts. "I missed you."

"I missed you more." He said pulling the covers down and looking at her now large round stomach. It was sitting low on her lap as she sat there eating her fruit. He rubbed his hand over her stomach amazed as she watched him. "How was he today?"

She shrugged unamused. "Same old, same old."

"Did you start looking at stuff to redecorate? Jamie is coming tomorrow to connect with you about your ideas. He's coming soon so we gotta start getting the nursery and shit together." He explained as he rubbed on her stomach. He could feel his son moving around to his touch and voice. He loved this part of the day.

"Yeah I have some ideas for some rooms. I wanna change our room around for sure. Maybe the living room and dining room can get a new look too. I don't know what else to change. I know we have to do the nursery," She began before grabbing her ipad and going to her idea board she started for the house. "I have a lot of ideas. I want like a modern look for the house."

She secretly wanted a whole new house but she knew that Dejhari didn't want that. He knew that she would rather revamp the house a million times before just starting somewhere fresh. She felt like they could have something just them two. She wanted him to want that for them and not feel like she was forcing it on him.

She expressed how she felt like the house wasn't theirs but instead of just buying a new home they both loved to be their home she felt like she had to change the house around until she was more comfortable with it being hers. She wanted something they could build together as theirs. Somewhere that can be a home for them both to build their family and a life together.

She couldn't help but think about all the girls he had running through the house. All the drugs, guns, and criminal stuff that he had been involved in during his past were still in the house. She wanted a fresh start.

"Damn bae," He said looking at the Ipad full of renovation ideas. He couldn't believe that she had so many ideas. He was starting to think that she wanted a whole new house. Everything she was interested in would make his house look totally different and he didn't know if he was ready for that. "You finna make this bitch a whole new house."

She shrugged before laughing a little. "Is that wrong?"

He pulled his eyes from her ideas and looked over at her as she rubbed her round belly. She could feel the baby move around a reposition hisself as she sat there and waiting for Dejhari's answer. "What you mean?" He questioned hoping not to stir an argument.

"What's wrong with changing everything around? Is something wrong with that? Is that not what you want?" She pestered as he looked through more of her ideas. It seemed as if she had an idea for every part of the house which was totally unlike what she said.

"It's nothing wrong with it but it just don't seem like you want to renovate. It seem like you want a whole new house which is fine but I wish you would've said that before I hired this lady." He said looking over at her as she twiddled with her fingers.

What Kataleya didn't know was that the lady was charging him by the hour. Not only that, but he had to put down a deposit just to start working with her which was not cheap. $800 dollar deposit was crazy to him but he wanted to make Kat happy. He wanted to give her the best that he could find that wasn't to crazy in price. He wished that she was more honest.

Instead of responding, she stayed quiet and played with her fingers as she watched him go through the rest of the pictures she put together to show Jamie. He couldn't believe all the changes she had in mind.

"So, we not renovating? We moving?" He asked. She couldn't tell if he was mad or not and she didn't want to upset him. She knew that he didn't want to move or he would've suggested it but she didn't want to stay there anymore. "You wanna live somewhere else?"

"Yes but we can still use the lady to help me decorate. I mean, it's not going to cost much for it. I don't mind living here if you don't want to move. I'll just redecorate." She said slightly backing out of her ideas.

"Bae, if you wanna move that's fine. We can start looking for new places that fits us both but I just wish you been said that. I don't want our son to come and you feeling a way being in here with him because you don't like this house." He comforted grabbing her hand. "Plus, you spend more time in here than me. I want you to be comfortable."

She just eyed him. She felt a way about his comment but she knew it made sense. Considering he didn't really spend much time in the house she knew she would be made responsible for figuring out what place they could call a home but she didn't want to have it that way. She wanted to be comfortable with a place for them to raise their family in. She wanted his input.

"I want your input. I want a place we can call home. Somewhere we can raise a family in together. I want us both to be comfortable in the new house. Not just me." She explained. "If you don't wanna move that's fine. I'll redecorate and we'll be fine here."

"I get what you saying. I wanna do what you want to do. I got the money for any house you want to go to and I'll be here to help you pick somewhere just right for us. Ok?" He said closing the Ipad. She nodded her head and sighed. "Ight. I'm finna call the realtor now."


Kataleya stood behind the kitchen island sipping her tea as she watched Kaneeya, Kassidy and Kodi interact. Kodi was chasing them all through the house and even though they screamed like they wanted her to leave them alone they kept playing along with her. Kat didn't understand it but thought it was cute.

"Girl, Are you ready for that boy to come?" DeMaya asked as she mixed her chipotle bowl up. She was now pregnant with her second child and hungry as ever. DeMaya spent most of her days eating and taking care of Kassidy when she wasn't with Kat considering Jammo didn't want her working either.

Kat just shrugged and put the mug back down. She wasn't that in tune with her pregnancy as she was at the beginning. At first, she was mostly concerned on whether or not the baby would even survive the first trimester but now that she was moving onto her third she was kind of over it. "I'm just tired of being fat."

Her mom laughed. "Fat? Girl you not even that big. I remember when I was pregnant with you my stomach wouldn't fit in anything I wore. Girl you was a thick ass baby when you were in there and when you came out."

"That's how my son is. I know he gonna be tall eshit because I'm already big and I'm only 4 months. Like something ain't right. It's no reason my stomach should be this big." DeMaya said before scooping her food into her mouth. Kat eyed her bowl in hunger and noticed how good it looked. She usually didn't care for Chipotle but DeMaya's bowl made her want some.

"Maybe you're having twins." Kat suggested before grabbing her phone and opening her Doordash app. She now wanted some food herself. "I'm getting hungry. What's in that bowl? It looks so good."

"It's the sour cream and dressing that's giving it the look. I got Brown rice, black beans. Uh, some corn, cheese, lettuce, and sour cream. That's it forreal." She said mixing it together. "Want some?"

Kataleya eyed the bowl before shaking her head. She knew the food would make her sick. Weirdly, her son didn't like sour cream. It always made her sick whenever she would eat it. "Is that steak?" Kat questioned looking more into the bowl.

"Yeah. Chicken and Steak. The best of both worlds." She said before rubbing her stomach. "My son loves steak. Like I can eat it all fucking day. It's weird."

Kataleya was so confused on how her pregnancy was so different from DeMaya's considering they were pregnant with the same gender. She couldn't stand being pregnant with a boy. It seemed like she was sick with everything but DeMaya on the other hand could eat all she wanted. She was so confused on what the difference was. "Girl, I cannot eat red meat to save my life. It literally makes no sense." Kat said with a pout.

"Everybody's pregnancy is different. When I was pregnant with you I couldn't eat cheese but when I got pregnant with Kaneeya I couldn't stop." Denise explained looking at Kat as she scrolled on her phone.

"Being pregnant is really for the birds. I just want some damn liquor like this other shit just ain't for me." DeMaya said waving her hand before taking a sip of her water. She wasn't even planning to get pregnant again but when it happened she couldn't think of not having another child. "I love my son but if I could've waited a little longer I would've."

"Yeah, I agree." Kat said nodding her head. She knew that even though she had two failed pregnancies she still would've waited to get pregnant again. She always said she wanted to finish school and either be married or engaged before she had her child but things didn't happen that way.

She knew that she loved her son and was thankful for him. She was thankful that she had a son with a man that she knew would take care of her and him unconditionally. She planned to finish school while raising him and continue on to build a career. She wasn't going to let her pregnancy stop her from finishing school.

"I'm glad my baby shower is next week because after that then this baby will be here and I can get back to myself." Kat opened up before rolling her eyes. "I just don't feel like myself anymore. I don't know why."

"That happens when you get closer to delivery. I mean, I can't say it's going to be easy but It'll eventually start getting better once you get the hang of being a mom and a person of your own." DeMaya advised, Denise nodded in agreement.

"Yeah cause it's easy to get the lines mixed up. All I knew was being a mom and taking care of you. I ain't even know myself as much as I should've. It was ridiculous." Her mom said, Kat rolled her eyes.

"Well, I hope you found yourself now that I'm grown." She said before sipping her tea. Her mom did spend a lot of time with Kat and involved in her life but Kat didn't believe that she didn't know who she was. Her mom was always open with her personality and she never changed for anybody.

"My accident showed me more about myself than I ever known. I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses as a person and a mom." Denise said. DeMaya just watched the two interact. She could tell Kat didn't like what she was hearing at all and knew it would turn into an argument.

"Being a mom is hard Mama. And you're gonna see if you don't have a good support system it's gonna seem like you're alone. Being a mom takes over your whole being if you let it. Trust me bitch, it's hard." Demaya said trying to ease the mood.

The conversation gave Kataleya a lot to think about. She was scared to become a mom and she didn't want to do it alone. She realized she really needed to have a conversation with Dejhari about him staying home for her and the baby's support. She knew it would be hard for him but that's what she needed to be done.


The young couple walked around their fourth house tour of the day. They had a realtor hired to help them find the perfect modern home. Kataleya wanted dark brown hardwood floors and staircases. She wanted her home to also be safe for the baby to grow up in. Dejhari just wanted a space for him to chill and smoke in and his own office. He didn't care about anything.

Kataleya walked around the living room space rubbing her stomach. She looked around unpleased at the space, the floors, and the staircase. The house didn't feel like a home to her at all instead it looked exactly like the one they were living in.

"I hate this house." She said looking around before her eyes landed on Dejhari who was looking around. He wasn't pleased with the home either and he noticed that this was the third messed up house that the realtor, Brian had shown them.

He figured his message was becoming unclear with him. He hired him to show him nice homes. Expensive homes considering that's what the man usually specialized in. He didn't understand why each house he showed was near poverty or the hood.

"Excuse me. I need to talk to you." Dejhari said turning around to face the realtor who was on the phone scrolling. He approached the realtor who was ignoring him to grab his attention. He was now feeling a way about what was happening. He wanted to move into a nice neighborhood and he wasn't comfortable bringing Kat in a neighborhood that wasn't safe especially not while she's pregnant.

Brian looked up from his phone and noticed the anger in Dejhari face and stance. He was nervous about what his next moves would be so he quickly started to dial 911 before even indulging in the conversation. "Sir, You're in my space." Brian spoke up, Dejhari looked him up and down.

"I'm not in your space. I just want to talk to you about these houses man. I don't want my family in this environment. I told you I want a nice environment, a nice house to raise my family in." He expressed with his hands in his pockets. "That's what I'm paying you for. I don't see why you keep bringing me to these fucked up neighborhoods."

"And this place doesn't even have 4 bedrooms. I'm confused on what's going on. No office space, no extra spaces? We're having a son. This is no where near enough space for us." Kat chimed in approaching the two men with her hand on her stomach.

"My apologies. I figured you wanted something closer to home. I didn't know how far you were willing to go from your current home. I figured you would want to stay close by." Brian said clutching his notepad.

"Did you listen at all to what we said we wanted? We want hardwood floors. Either dark brown or light gray. This is carpet. We want a big space living room and extra space for a play room for our son. This place is little as hell. We want a big backyard because we have two dogs. It's a pool back there." Dejhari fussed.

"I made a mistake. I apologize. If you want, I have a home in mind that sounds more to your liking. We can go see it today. It's a bit on the expensive side but it has a deck and a huge backyard. Big rooms and the extra space that you're looking for."

Dejhari eyed them man before looking over at Kataleya. He didn't want the work with the man anymore. He felt like he was shady and untrustworthy. He didn't want to give somebody who didn't even care about what he wanted in the first place to receive a commission off of the home he was interested in.

"We good." Dejhari said. "You're fired."

Kataleya eyes bucked at the scene. She was interested in the house that the realtor described for them. It sounded like a really nice place that they could live in. She wanted to see the house and she didn't know if they would be able to see it again now. "Baby." She called out, Dejhari ignored her.

Instead he grabbed her hand and walked out the house with her closely behind him. He helped her into the truck before getting in himself. He quickly pulled off from the house and started making his way back to his home. He knew that Kataleya was confused but he couldn't even think at the moment.

"I wanted to see the new house he said was nice." She said looking over at Dejhari. He huffed and rubbed his chin as she looked out the window at the streets they were passing. He did bring them near the hood and she could tell how dangerous it was by the guys hanging outside.

"I'm not paying that racist nothing." Dejhari said simply before looking over at her. He couldn't imagine going into his pocket for someone who couldn't even respect his wishes. "You shouldn't want to either."

"Ok." She said simply. "I understand."

"If the house meant for us then we'll see it when we get the new realtor. Ok?"

"Ok." Kat said touching her stomach.


This all I have. Thanks bye 😘

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