The Melody Of Love & Pain | A...

By trillest_lvhh

176K 11.6K 2.3K

Introducing Melody of Love and Pain, an emotional journey of heartbreak and healing. Escape into the harmonie... More

50. (START OF PART. 2)


1.6K 99 28
By trillest_lvhh


A month later

"Rock, come on. you said three weeks left" I started off while working out currently. "Now I'm working out when I'm supposed to be getting married in a couple of hours" I expressed. "At least you have a different view" he joked as I just stopped what I was doing trying to catch my breath. "Come on, rock" I said to him. "I'm getting married in like five hours, I've been training non stop, I haven't even laid eyes on Y/N nor Amara " I expressed.

"Alright kid" he said as I did a simple head nod. "Thank you" I thanked. "You practiced what you're going to say?" Rocky asked. "You know I did, I recited it to you like ten times all while training." I explained as he laughed. "You go chill before the sun burns you or something" I joked as he chuckled. "What are you about to do, you know Y/N doesn't want you harassing her" he joked as I chuckled. "I'm not going to harass her per se, I'm going to harass my mother" I said as Rocky chuckled. "Who is with Y/N" he reminded. " I know you're eager to see her-" Rocky started off. "It's been a month" I reminded hearing him laugh. "I get it but go take some time out for yourself, go take a walk on the beach or something" Rocky encouraged. "Alright, alright" I said waving him off.

"I'm hungry, you want to grab something?" I asked thinking about a nice burger and some steak fries.

"catch your breath first Donnie " he joked causing me to chuckle. "Let's go" I said as I went to my room I was staying in on the private resort we were getting married at just for right now because once Y/N and I are married we're going to a private vacation home with a private beach...just US. Everybody better eat beforehand or after because there's no reception.

Y/N and I honestly right now just wanted to keep it nice, short, and sweet. We were stacking our money for different things like our dream home, Amara's tuition for when she started school and etc. A big ass wedding for no reason just didn't make sense to either one of us, we both agreed that just because we have the money don't mean we NEED to have a huge wedding, we can put that money elsewhere. besides we wanted something small, private and intimate. Y/N suggested we could try maybe doing something big for a vow renewal but as of right now we were worried about each other and Amara.

I went to my room beginning to take a shower once I was finished I threw on a posit of basketball shorts and a t shirt along with a pair of ones. I then sorted myself with some cologne and waited on Rocky to call me so we could go down and get something to eat. So with me waiting i texted Travis about getting lunch with us asking with deciding to call Y/N.

The phone dialed for a moment before she answered. "Hello?" She answered. "Hi it's your fiancé calling you" I announced as she laughed. "You are so dramatic" she expressed placing a smile on my face. "It's nice to know you are okay and well" I added. "I thought you were training so I didn't bother you" she explained. "Shoot me a text or something it's like once you get with my mother you go M.I.A." I brought up. "We be too busy talking about you" she said as I smiled "what y'all talking about now?" I asked. "How you been harassing me about seeing my dress" she said making me chuckle. "I asked you once" I started off but she interrupted me. "Out loud and then you texted me asking to see a picture of it" she reminded as a chuckle left my lips. "Mary-Anne is saying you're just excited" Y/N assured as I faintly smiled. "I am" I admitted. "I am too baby" Y/N said as I stood up and went over and stepped out on the balcony.

"How's Amara Acting?" I asked "she's just chilling with me on the balcony" Y/N answered as I stood there and smiled. "Mary-Anne wants to keep Amara for a couple of days, she said this is a special time for us, I told her I'll talk it over with you" she informed as I chuckled. "What Mary-Anne say after?" I asked hearing Y/N snicker. Knowing Mary-Anne she probably told Y/N she's taking Amara anyway.

"She said "she's taking Amara regardless of what you say because this is our honeymoon and you've been away training" she informed as I chuckled. "Sounds like Mary-Anne" I assured. "Mmhm you act just like her too" Y/N said as I smiled. "Have you heard from your pops?" I asked. "Yeah, i did what you told me to do and he's walking me down" she informed as there was a knock on my room door. "Is he bringing your step mother and sisters?" I asked getting up to go see who was at the door. "Nope just him" she answered as I seen Rocky at the door. "Okay well that's good he can be here for something special without any of the outside drama" I admitted. "Yeah but I got this funny feeling you know" she admitted. "Funny feeling about what? Us?" I asked confused going back out onto the balcony.

"No we're going to be fine I'm talking about my father." She started off "I love him and I know he loves me but if need be, for the sake of my sanity and the sake of protecting this family he will go" she assured. "I understand baby but everything good with you, I don't need to pop up?" I asked. "No I'm all good over here" she said which made me smile. "You rest to be Mrs. Creed?" I asked. "I don't know, I'm still thinking about it" she said. "I'm not listening to you" I simply said as she laughed. "Are you ready for me to be your wife?" She questioned. "Yeah, I always wanted you to be my wife" I honestly said as there was a pause. "I mean I couldn't tell the way you were banging on my apartment door talking to me all crazy" she brought up as I laughed.

"And I'd do that shit again" I assured as she giggled. "Just as long as you remember the timing I was on when we met around that time" she reminded. "Aggravated assault, assault and battery, attempted murder and vandalism......I was there" I listed making her laugh. "You did not have to bring that up" she said as I laughed. "Oh but I did" I said through a small laugh. "Damn, and you still want to marry me?" Y/N asked. "I do because that was your past what happened in that relationship ain't got shit to do with us. Like I told you back then, I would never look at you crazy in that situation because you were tired and hurt" I explained. "Now these past months" I brought up as she laughed. "I realized was going a little crazy so I eventually hid the bat just in case" I admitted as she giggled. "I'm not going to hit you D, he got hit because he was hitting me" she admitted "Just don't do that shit again please?" She asked. " I won't that's a time I don't ever want to go back too" I openly admitted looking at the water.

"Let me get off this phone before I get to saying my vows earlier than expected" she joked as I smiled. "I'll see you later mamas" I assured. "Okay baby" she agreed as we said our "I Love you's" then our "Goodbyes" before hanging up. "My brother, YOU ARE IN LOVE!" I heard Travis say behind me as turned around and chuckled while dapping him up. "I am" I admitted.


"You ready Adonis?" I heard my mother's voice ask as I was fixing my suit in the mirror. I turned to look at her as she smiled. "This doesn't look off does it?" I asked referring to my bow tie. She just let out a small laugh "You look fine Adonis" she assured as I took a breath looking back into the mirror. "Baby what you nervous for?" She asked through a laugh. "She's about to be my wife" I said looking at her through the mirror. "She is" my mother agreed through a laugh. "I just came from seeing her, she looks beautiful" she informed as I smiled at my mother. "Is she nervous?" I asked out of curiosity. "She is but you look like you're about five seconds from throwing up. You okay?" She asked about to laugh.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous" I admitted "about what? You two went through hell and back already and it worked out." She started off. " Not too many people can say that about their relationships, a lot of people go through honey moon phases before they are actually in the marriage and once they get in and the honeymoon phase disappears they don't know what to do" she explained. "Marriage isn't easy Adonis, in the slightest but after the year you two have had I have faith in you two" she added.

"She's a great woman and the only one I actually like" my mother informed as I laughed. "I love her like my own and I feel like she's your best friend and your equal, I look at the way you look at her, how you talk to her, how you joke around with her and most importantly how you love on her, I've never seen you like this with the amount of women you had in my face, lord" she stressed as I laughed. "I know you and the way you fought for her to be in your life after everything that transpired with you two, I know that you truly love her"  she added as I felt my eyes water some and I nodded. "I do" I answered. "And it's okay to cry" my mother assured resting her hands on my cheeks as I nodded and looked down feeling tears fall from my eyes.

"She loves you just as much as you love her, just always remember that" she reminded as I looked at her and nodded feeling her wipe my tears away. We then shared a hug as I heard her sniffle some causing me to smile. "Apollo would've loved her" she added as I continued to smile then kissed her head.


I was looking at myself in the mirror as I took a breath then closed my eyes, trying not to cry.

I wasn't sad about getting married or being off the market, I actually wasn't even sad. All day it has been nothing but happy tears, knowing that I'm in love when I never thought I would be or knowing that a man loves me unconditionally. And yes we have our problems but I wouldn't want to do this shit with anybody else but him.

"You ready?" I heard my father ask behind me as I turned around to look at him. "Yeah" I answered grabbing my bouquet as I walked over towards him. "You look beautiful" he complimented as I smiled feeling him place a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you" I thanked as we headed downstairs out to the SUV Jasmine, Cassie and Amara were already in ready to go.
My father grabbed my hand helping me into the SUV as Jasmine and Cassie was just smiling at me. "Stop before I cry" I said taking a seat as my father sat in the front next to the chauffeur.

"Awwww" Jasmine expressed as I wiped the tears that was about to come out from the corner of my eye. "Where's my child?" I asked playfully trying to change the subject. I turned my head to the back seeing her in her car seat next to Cassie. "You ready?" Cassie asked me as I nodded with a big smile. The ride to the venue consisted of nothing but jokes and laughter to keep us from all crying. "It's crazy She used to hate this nigga" Jasmine brought up as I shook my head and laughed. "She was going to use the boxing lessons from the class we went too to pop Adonis" Cassie brought making us laugh even more. "Threatening to hit men upside the head with weights in the gym because he said "damn"" Cassie brought up. "Alright now you making it seem like I be out here abusing my man or that I'm going to abuse him" I said. "Wasn't you about to swing a bat on Adonis the night you two met?" Jasmine asked. "Damn" I said to myself. "He was about to be a victim and ain't even know it" Cassie joked. "Y'all shut up" I said as we all shared a laugh pulling up in front of the private resort.

"We here" Jasmine sung as my father got out of the car and helped us all out. Cassie held Amara as she was dressed in a puffy white dress asleep on Cassie's chest. "Alright we'll be waiting" Jasmine assured me as they both hugged me staying in that position for a moment. "We're proud of you" Cassie assured "and we're happy for you" Jasmine added as I nodded feeling myself tear up. "Time to go see yo mannn" Cassie teased as we shared a small laugh. "I love y'all" I started off "and thank you for you two for ALWAYS being in my corner with everything" I thanked looking between them. "We love you too" Jasmine assured as they held my hands and walked off together while I stayed back with my father.

"Your mother would be so proud of you" I heard my father say as I faintly smiled. "She is proud of me" I corrected as he smiled and linked his arm with mines. We begun walking and talking to each other just catching up. "Your baby is beautiful she looks just like you" he complimented as I smiled "thank you, that's my little chocolate baby" I thanked with a big smile. "She's like a lighter version of you though" he said as my smile disappeared and I just looked ahead ignoring him because why when it comes to black girls do we do this? Her grandmother (Mary-Anne) is of lighter complexion, her father is a couple of shades darker than Mary-Anne, while his father is dark skinned My mother and I are dark skinned as well, the way that genes work it could go ANY way. Yes, Amara was closer to Donnie's shade but she still is my chocolate baby no matter what category this weirdo was trying to put her in because that was my nickname for her.

"And even if my baby was as dark as me, she's still beautiful because black is beautiful" I simply said. "Yeah but you're like Amara la negra you aren't like duckie thot, dark skinned" he said trying to compare my skin tone to other dark skinned women. "Both are beautiful can't you see that?!" I asked confused. "Jesus" I said taking my arm from his. "Your side chick, wife whatever the hell she is and your children from her got you thinking that you ain't a dark skinned yourself like those standards don't apply to you either" I expressed. "What are you mad about? I just told you, you aren't dark , dark" he defended as I just placed my hand on my head genuinely about to spazz the fuck out.

"You trying to compare my skin color to a woman darker than me to make me feel better about mine doesn't make me feel better it's offensive to that woman AND me. I don't need you or anybody else to tell me "you're not as dark as the next girl to make me feel better about my skin." I started off "I am not insecure only insecure bitches revel in that Bull shit I don't need that from you. " I expressed looking at him up and down crazy. "Whether my child came out light or dark skinned I love her and will ALWAYS think she is beautiful because she came from me and my husband" I simply said. "I won't look at her any less, nor will I make her the butt of the joke, I will raise her to love herself and to see beauty in things that is different from her and her FATHER will definitely make sure to tell her how beautiful she is, he already do and it's something that you did not do with Me" I finally expressed as he looked a little taken back.

"I told you, you were beautiful all the time" he argued. "No my mother told me I was beautiful all the time. You had your girl friend and your children bully and harass me, to this very day" I stressed. "You didn't protect me you encouraged the shit, told me it'll give me thicker skin and all it did was fuck me up for so long" I admitted "and I refuse for my child to go through the same thing by people who is supposed to love and protect her" I simply said as it was quiet for a moment. "With that being said I love you but I don't want you around my daughter until you can truly see that you are a colorist and that you need to fix it" I admitted. "Y/N" he called out as I shook my head. "You can go have a seat with everyone else, I'll walk myself down the aisle" I assured with a small nod. "Yourself?" He asked as I nodded "yes, MYSELF" I repeated as he walked away and I rolled my eyes from him.

"Mama you heard that shit?" I simply asked then shook my head and closed my eyes trying to get my thoughts together on what was more important. I stood there with my eyes still closed as I heard my name. "Y/N" I heard as I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Rocky. "You alright?" He asked as I nodded and quickly wiped the tears that were falling from my eyes. I instantly smiled and nodded once more "I'm okay" I assured as he smiled. "You look very beautiful, Donnie is a lucky guy" he complimented as I smiled. "Thank you" I thanked. "Let me get back to my seat" Rocky said about to walk away as I was on the fence about Jay I was about to do.

"Rocky" I called out behind him as he turned to look back at me. "Yeah?" He answered. "Can you walk me down the aisle please?" I asked. "Me?" He asked as I smiled and nodded. "Okay" he agreed as I smiled and we linked arms. "Nervous?" He asked as we started walking together. "No I'm just really emotional" I admitted. "Don't tell him I told you this but" Rocky started off as I looked over at him and listened. "Donnie was crying earlier" he informed as I let out a laugh. "Awwwwww was he?" I asked. "Yup and all he did during training was talk about you, Amara and rehearsed his vows" Rocky added as I felt a tear fall from my eyes and I wiped it before sniffling some. "

"He's matured so much" Rocky said as I nodded "he has" I agreed.  "He loves you and Amara so much" Rocky assured as I nodded again trying to not cry. "He does" I said hearing my voice crack as I looked down. "Oh Don't cry, I didn't mean to make you cry" he expressed as I laughed. "I'm okay rock" I assured as I caught a glimpse of Donnie in the distance laughing and smiling.

"You want to do another lap around or are you ready?" Rocky asked. "I'm okay, I'm ready" I assured as we started walking towards long walk to even get towards the aisle to walk down to Donnie.

I heard "Halo" by Beyoncé play as I started getting closer to the aisle to walk down to Donnie.

I finally made it as Rocky and I stopped for a moment as I seen Donnie stand there with his hands in front of himself looking as if he was about to cry.


He looked down then looked back at me with tears in his eyes. "I love you baby" I mouthed to him as he smiled and I felt tears fall from my eyes freely while Rocky and I started to walk down the aisle together.

"Everywhere I'm lookin' now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away"

She sung as Rocky and I soon stopped in front of the alter. I just looked over at Rocky as we shared a smile then a hug. I then placed a kiss on his cheek. Cassie took my bouquet from out of my hands as Donnie held my hand and helped me onto the alter.

I smiled and looked over Donnie face as he was still tearing up. He placed his face down and I could tell it was out of embarrassment but I didn't care. I placed my hand under his chin and lifted it so he could look at me. "Just me and you D" I assured him as we shared a smile and looked over at the minister who was marrying us.


"I had a whole vow that I memorized and now between the crying, seeing Amara, seeing you it's like now my mind is blank" Donnie started off as we all shared a small laugh. "I don't have the feeling that most men say they have when they're about to get married to their significant other, which is "my life ending" or "this is the end of my freedom" he admitted looking me in my eyes. "I realized it before when we were together but with everything that has happened between us, I realize that you really and truly are my freedom." He added as I continued to listen. "You've shown me a whole new prospective on life I couldn't even imagine I could have especially coming from where I come from" he said. "And the love that you give is something I never felt before but I love it and it makes me want to go a thousand times harder when it comes to you EVERY time" he stressed. "I just look at you and you be getting irritated sometimes cause I just be looking" he said as we shared a laugh. "But I look at you and just admire you, because I don't understand how I got you" he admitted.

"I don't understand how I got you but I definitely want to understand how to keep you because you are my world, my everything. You have no idea" he expressed as I watched a tear fall from his eyes. "I fall deeper in love with you everyday and like I tell you all the time I wouldn't be this far without you, you are apart of me Y/N" he said as I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "And baby girl when I tell you I am so happy I knocked on your apartment door that night" he started off making me laugh "everything that has followed behind has led up to this and our family and I would do it again" he stressed. "You support me in everything and I'm a fool to think otherwise" he said as I rubbed my thumb over his hands. "I didn't just marry you because I wanted to make sure you and Amara were okay if something were to ever happen to me. I also married you because if God forbid something does happen I want to know that I had the opportunity of you being my wife and the opportunity of experiencing this level of intimacy and love until death" he said as I looked down and felt myself start to bawl.

I then seen Donnie hand me a tissue as I started to dab My tears away. "Y/N you may speak" the minister informed as I just closed my eyes trying to not cry. I then looked up trying to catch myself but tears continued to run down. "Aww" I heard Jasmine say as I looked over to see not only her crying but, Cassie, Mary-Anne and from what it looked like Rocky crying as well. "Don't look at us we been here since day 1, we crying too" Cassie said as everyone shared a laugh including me. I just felt Donnie rub my skin while holding my hand as I looked back at him.

"I know at times you feel like I hold back from allowing you to love on me and do things that a man is supposed to do and I'm not going to lie, I do ESPECIALLY in the beginning of our relationship" I started off "I just want to let you know I'm sorry that it took me this long for you to fully love on me and I thank you for always being patient and understanding with me because you could've left me alone knowing that the love that you give me is exactly what I want and what I need." I apologized. "I thank you for seeing me and my needs even when I don't see it for myself. I thank you for seeing just Y/N" I thanked as tears started to flow again.  "You are where I feel my most safe at and where I feel the most happiest at." I admitted. "I literally cannot do life without you here with me just the thought of you away from me makes my spirit unsettled. The love you give me on the day to day basis even while mad is unmatched" I added.

"I love that you love me truly unconditionally and I know it ain't easy loving me Adonis, I know it's not" I stressed through my tears "but I appreciate how hard you go and it makes me go hard as well because I've NEVER had a man love me the way you do, to have a man make me feel the way you do" I expressed. "If given the chance to go back and change something in our story, I wouldn't because our issues only taught me that marriage with you is the right decision" I honestly admitted.  "It taught me we can get through anything and nothing is too hard for me and you to overcome together, so today I stand here today to let you know that I love you so much, to let you know that I appreciate you as a man and that I fully allow you to love on me because we both deserve it. You deserve to fully love on me and I deserve to receive that love from you" I admitted as I smiled at him before wiping my tears away.

The minister then spoke up "you may now kiss your wife" he said as Donnie and I smiled. Donnie wrapped his arms around my waist as my arms went around his neck and we shared a passionate kiss. We then heard pops as we took our lips from each other and looked up in the sky seeing fireworks being set off. I just smiled and grabbed Donnie's chin slightly as he smirked and we continued to kiss.

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