Nightmare Fantasy

Bởi ShieyeOne

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One little lady pops out of a mirror and finds herself tasked to send an unsavory message to a whole World. W... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Where Angels fear to tread; Fools rush in.
Chapter 2: Friendship
Chapter 3: Reality of the World Outside.
Chapter 4: In Good Company
Chapter: 5 Tribrinkian Trouble
Chapter 6: Hidden in Hiesu
Chapter 7: Winter World
Chapter: 8 Facts and Decisions
Chapter 9: Simmering Secrets
Chapter:10 Water Works
Chapter 11: Deep Decision
Chapter 12: City of the Sun
Chapter 13: Trouble among trees
Chapter 14: Chaotic Casino
Chapter 15: Division
Chapter 16: Absolutely Abducted
Chapter 17: Left behind Luck
Chapter 18: Ready Reunion
Chapter 19: A HoME liKe no OtHer
Chapter 20: Final Request
Chapter 22: Up Rootin
Chapter 23: Dethroning
Chapter 24: Aftermath Consequence
Chapter 25: Repair

Chapter 21: Final business before Business

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Bởi ShieyeOne

Guard walked the busy streets blankly. He wore the hood of a borrowed designer sweatshirt up to hide his noticeable white hair. He especially wanted to be cautious since his appearance on Orionna’s message. Many knew of him beforehand, his unusual appearance struck even Meridak’s interest when he was a young orphan.

He sensed around to see if anyone was magically inclined at all. Only the churning of the mud gave him any movement. He sighed dismally as he leaned on a railing overlooking a section below. Had she died? Was that the last time he would ever see her? He frowned, wondering why the Great One had taken two of his friends so prematurely, but His wisdom was greater than his own. Guard felt comfort knowing whatever happened was because it was perfectly planned.

“She at least repented before passing,” he nodded, “We’ll meet again in the next life with the Great One, I guess.”

A deep tightness filled his throat as he concluded his thoughts. His grief still struck him at times. Gripping the railing tight, he promised, “Armeste you will be judged for your crimes as Nevar shall be.”
He knew the man had made frequent visits to Sirakui lately since the Elites had left. His loyal Nariasen shot him rushed information the best they could before being caught. The Tribrinkian troops were too alert, even taking their very homes over as they were forced to serve them. It had been extremely difficult on Narias since the unwanted take-over. He had to help them, soon his chance was coming. Orionna was more than willing to cease this atrocity when she took control. It helped that both the Queen and himself followed the Great One’s justice driven fairness. They both ruled nobly, dictated by good wisdom and kindness.

Some hand brushed his back as he swung around carefully. He knew enough attack magic reflexively to damage a City. He floated up and on the railing fluidly as he stared down his assailant. Onlookers gawked in wonder how the man unnaturally moved and balanced so easily on the thin railing. Below his feet, glowing ripples pooled hypnotically.

“Order!” he beamed as he was right down again and lifted her up in an enthusiastic hug.

She stammered and blushed a red so deep even roses seemed pale. He let her down happily as he gleefully responded, “I am so glad you guys made it. I couldn’t spot your magics, I do now!”

He wiped his face, disbelieving she stood before him. She remained reserved a poised after recollecting herself from being twirled around by the ecstatic Sanction Leader. A warmth grew inside her from the thought of him so happy to see her well. At least one person in the world felt that way about a measly copy like herself.

Clearing her throat, she dutifully reported, “Yes, because of you, we managed on the very last train. Both Secondaries Raige and myself owe you our lives.”

She bowed deeply as his gaze studied her intently. Continuing on, she informed, “I heard the Queen’s message today, I did try to persuade my sister’s in the palace lab, explaining the Great One before coming to Hiesu. Please don’t be upset Master that I went there on the way, I had to warn the younger ones because Nevar keeps them shattered. I love them very much. I did risk having a confrontation with Nevar, but strangely, nothing happened.”

“How did that go speaking to them? You look a bit upset talking about it. Perhaps the reason you moved about incognito was from my seal. The Great One’s bestowed power upon me is greater than Nevar’s power,” Guard nodded knowingly. At times, he exuded some strange sort of confidence about things that soothed her. Something perhaps that the Great One instilled in him as a mighty mentor to guide the weaker people.

“Some are waiting. However, many have rejected my words. I fear for the worse, but I have said all I could to them,” she whispered delicately. She recalled the older ones with their hateful shouts and mocking. She never anticipated it leading to them yanking her hair and kicking her down. It hurt worse because it came from her sisters. Why were they so rueful over a message of peace?

Guard remained pensive in his private analysis of the situation and his casting over her as he tapped his seal on her forehead. Warmth flooded her unnaturally as she swiftly realized she had a huge crush on this man! Any touch or attention sent her flooded with emotions. He moved about, oblivious to her response, as he nodded, satisfied, “Good, the protection seal is working just fine.”

Taking her off guard, he bent down and pat her head gently. “You did everything you could for them. I know how you feel when those you care about won’t listen. I still pray for Narias.”

Order looked conflicted and ready to weep but was holding back. Guard didn’t mention it, but he understood her hurt in being utterly betrayed by those closest to oneself. Trying to cheer the poor lady up, he offered politely, “How about a bite to eat? The Elites gave me an allowance after I was ousted out of my home in Narias. It’s pretty hefty!”

He grinned like a mischievous boy as he tried to cheer her some. He hoped the meager cash he had might help cheer her up. In truth it was a little bit he earned with tiny donations after healing spells in the past and some as a thank you for healing Sky and Chaos, but he didn’t want her to worry about the Sanction leader’s meager financial state. He had all he needed in life and had an insane amount of help from both the Elites and Soei if he lacked anything. Being born to poverty, he managed what little he had conservatively.

Order nodded cautiously, and he rather thought it adorable. Staying just behind him as they walked, she was nervous but kept up a straight face. Coming to a restaurant, she sat as he guided her to a chair and consented to whatever he ordered for himself. While they waited, Guard casually asked, “How is Raige?”

She flinched as she quietly informed, “We don’t really work together, but more out of obligation. He doesn’t like nor trust copies. I’m like a robot or something in his mind, I give him the shivers when I approach.”

Guard frowned knowingly, “You carry yourself in a delicate, dedicated way. It’s not bad, but people may notice that you look regal. Orionna moves that way, too. Princess-like.”

Order shrank down full of embarrassment. She didn’t even know how to unmove the way she moved. It came natural! Guard watched her actions trying to feign aloofness all the while, but it was hard. A brief memory flickered of his dear friend Harue. She always smiled so deeply on their tea break chats. Even with the Tribrinkians, spending time with friends was so worthwhile. Always hearing horror stories of the hardened soldiers of Tribrinka known for their cruel, cold methods, he now understood their helplessness in their situation, too. In truth, he pitied them greatly. All had the constant threat of death rung around their necks. They had to appease Nevar at all costs, including sacrifices that were utterly brutal.

He next shifted toward Order. She was fostered in this situation even more so as Nevar’s special plaything, worse yet the ‘toy’ knew its finality could happen at any time with a lost temper. She was beaten in spirit more so than anything he’d ever encountered. He was sure any disapproving word from him was sure to send her absolutely dismal for weeks. She sat there sipping her juice delicately, making every move purposefully gentle so as not to stir notice or anger. It was so opposite to Harue’s general graceful fluttering or Orionna’s regal stride. Chaos and Sky were all over with their mannerisms, one moment thug-like while spying a crowd, then flawless etiquette in the more noble crowds. Marix just moved purposefully, and even when he didn’t mean to, everything he did was threatening! Gaurd frowned as he wondered his own movements. They had to be so common looking!

Fretting a little, she felt compelled to inform, “I saw that Nariasen priest with the dark blue hair in Sirakui when I visited swiftly. He can’t tell my sisters and I apart and doubt he knows I speak with you. I know he did horrible things to you, and I apologize.”

In truth, she heard him gloating in the hallways with other priests that trailed outside the palace. It took a lot within herself to settle out after hearing his mocking of her leader. She had fought with the Sanction Leader himself to know he was no waif. Those lousy priests could hardly stabilize spells that had catalysts. She knew her sisters were way more powerful than those measly stiff-necked priests! She also found Guard to be soft-spoken, like herself, but his patience and wisdom were the greatest she had ever witnessed. His meekness came from his unending self-restraint in tolerating the most intolerable personalities for their own good. Being Sanction Leader was no easy thing she observed. One had to guide and set an example for even the meanest and prideful all because he truly did care for those awful few!

Order observed Guard’s face contort into a painful expression as he nodded, “Yes, Armeste will be handled by me soon enough. He has innocent blood on his hands and will be punished for his crimes. In the Great One’s timing, I will be appointed to handle that issue. Don’t fret over his misconduct.”

Order felt Guard stroke her cheek in consolation as she felt guilt. He was comforting her distress, but it ought to be the other way around! That priest stole Guard’s city away and betrayed him. She ought comfort him instead! Looking down, she replied, “I am upset he betrayed you and hurt your people, I am more sorry you look like you’re in pain, more so.”

“It is alright, no worries. I have comfort in the Great One’s hands and purpose. Armeste killed my closest friend, and that hurt the worst out of it all, but I have peace in that pain. It took time, but I have more reliance on trusting His will now. I know Harue is resting safely at His side watching us all,” he calmly responded. He had a serene gentleness about his words she couldn’t fathom. She felt a little sting hearing a woman’s name she knew not. Perhaps they were lovers as he claimed her his closest friend. This Armeste was a wicked man indeed if he stole away the Sanction leader’s love!

Not really sure what else she could add to something so foreign of a topic such as deep love and the death of it, she folded her hands on her lap. She wished to disappear from some sort of embarrassment welling up inside of her. Despite being a newly grown woman, her naiveté flooded her. This wonderful man was filled with a world of wisdom and experience, her knowledge felt lacking in comparison. It was a gap she’d never reach as inadequate as she was. She wasn’t even a real being, just a copy of someone who was great, a cheap imitation! Oh, was she embarrassed, here stood an original and impressive being.

“Something wrong, Order?” Guard spoke, studying her subtle change in mood. Taking his old experience into account, he learned swiftly what might be her thoughts. Harue had taught him a very important last lesson. He tapped his hands on his legs, still not the most knowledgeable of these things, yet decided to give it a go. “Well, Armeste taking over Narias and killing my friend was an awful moment in my life, but I have had a bunch of close friends brought to my side after, too. Marix, Sky, Chaos, and Orionna, all of them have been just as tight, sacrificing limb and life this whole while. This meek little orphan has been more than blest I’d say. I even have a fellow Aneiyan friend too here.”

He pointed with a smile at her. She abruptly refused, “I’m not Aneiyan!”

He objected right back with tongue out, “Your mother was. Royalty, even! I’m just some common riffraff found on an old street.”

Order sputtered for words as he knew he teased her good out of dwelling on the other subject. He prodded more gleefully, “It’s true, I was eating out of the trash heaps in the streets of Maja, the poorest sub-city in Narias at four! I don’t remember a dad, but I vaguely remember a mother. She died of something in a hovel, then it was the streets. There weren’t any records to trace births, deaths, or anything in that section of Narias to know the history of it. The living conditions were awful, but I survived until seven that way until Meridak grabbed dirty old me up and shoved me at the grand temple for training. He’d always joke that when he found me, he didn’t even know my hair was white it was so dirty! And training me was like training an animal! Trust me, a pure and clean royal copy is way nicer than the pale tan slug I was, but the Great One chooses who He will for His service. Whoever is willing, he’ll give them the things they need for the task.”

He played up his grossness as he sniffed himself playfully with the most comical face. Order tried everything within herself to keep a straight face, but Guard could sense with enjoyment that her restraint was breaking. A brief, quick exhale was the best he got and worth it! It counted as a laugh. He felt much better himself as they finished a good curry happily.

“Well, do you want to go for a walk to settle out the food?” Guard chimed happily. He knew he couldn’t help the soldier’s with their plans, and Orionna he knew was keen to stick to Sky. It was amusing to see the pair in a world of their own. He felt he ought to let her enjoy a night near him the best she could. After tomorrow, everyone was putting their life on the line depending on how the people responded. He would pray now for the Great One to guide them all and give His wisdom. 

Order nodded as Guard paid and offered her his arm. He doubted he was all too romantic, but he hoped this counted as a genuine date. Truth be told, he didn’t know too much about these things, but he was fond of this devoted, delicate lady. She moved to naturally match his slow, uncertain stride of things. His ego was fond of her unrelenting attention that weren’t overpowering. His casual nature was soothed by her support, her naïveté to her own feelings and unknown expectations comforting. He didn’t mind guiding her all their lives and working together to see where they went in life. Better yet, neither valued their physical appearance but the workings in their mind.

As they strolled about, Guard inquired pleasantly about her sisters since she knew now that he was a stinky orphan. He listened with amusement hearing the various personalities of all hundred plus siblings she had. He adored her amazing devotion to her family as she recounted an inexhaustible set of details of each one. He could tell that her care of her youngest ones distressed her the most. She was like a mother over them. He liked that she was so nurturing.

Late into the night, they went this way until Guard had to dismiss himself for the next day. He escorted her safely home as he bent down and renewed his protection seal on her forehead. She tried to refrain from blushing, but he silently could tell. He sighed, “Good night. Thank you for your company tonight. I’ll find you again after I finish what things I must do tomorrow. It’ll be a pretty big day!”

“Yes. I will pray for your safety. I remember my oath and will find you,” she informed, sounding as flat as she could about what she vowed.

Guard frowned, “I will do these things because the Great One wills it. You don’t owe me anything, right?”

She simply shook her head. Her mind was settled as she bowed deeply when he went away. He was attempting to hide his red face. Only that lady could shake him up like this! He couldn’t have her seeing such.

Sky flipped Ori’s hood up as they walked to the store for groceries. She looked so adorable drowning in Chaos’s borrowed designer clothes. The lacy black sweatshirt flopped over her petit legs, almost hiding her neon orange shorts. The dark blue skin tight leggings underneath at least fit well hiding that little frame from perverts. He was all over her to stave off any curious leach as innocently sweet as she was. Oh, she was a touch of bliss!

She frowned as she contemplated what to buy in the tight little convenience store. Sky confessed he had fallen into a daze just enjoying their precious time. Orionna then perked up as she heard a familiar tune on the overheard speaker as she began to hum alone. After a moment of hearing that sugary soft voice keep perfect tune to the song, she stopped and declared to him with a gleeful smile, “Chaos played that one in the vehicle driving here! I like it.”

Sky couldn’t contain how adorable she was as he leaned onto her from above, cuddling tight. How wonderful was the Great One to allow her into his life, even for these moments! A few people gawked at the punky looking couple with shaded eyes, but he didn’t care. This might be his last and only time alone with her forever more. He wasn’t certain if he’d survive, though he’d do everything to make that happen, but even so, she was Queen. There would be no more time with him after that whether she realized it or not. Dei was a taste of how the proper order would be. He would be greedy only for a night, then become a silent guardian over her.

Stepping out into the mesh covered streets to the mild almondy scent of rubber burning, he carried their groceries as he guided her to his home. He stood before a grand building seventy stories high as he pressed for an elevator. Orionna marveled at the lucid looking screens behind the mesh walls.

“It’s like we’re somewhere else beyond those walls!” she remarked, looking at a grassland peaking through a window of the meshing, golden and entrancing.

Sky laughed, “Yeah, I didn’t know Chaos owned here too, I’ve been paying good rent to her and didn’t know it!”

Coming to the fortieth floor, Sky opened the way to offer her to a regular looking hallway of decoratively bent pipework. A sole doorway existed as Orionna wriggled in suspense. If it was anything like his Dei estate, this would have to be impressive. Sky typed into the door and scanned his com. Instead of just opening, he frowned while he typed a bit more. After a moment, a green and pink light blinked with a robotic greeting, “Welcome, Mr. and Mrs.”

Orionna shot to Sky as she laughed in amusement. He whispered even though they were alone, “The code to get in is our wedding date, then the fruit we ate at the resort. Welcome home, Mrs. Teteren.”

She squealed as she lunged up to kiss him. He thudded back to the wall and laughed, surprised by her zealous joy. He’d never giggled like that before, and it was such a pure, innocent reaction from him. She wanted to see  and learn more about his character. He certainly had many layers, that was for sure! For as openly jovial as he appeared, he really kept his true thoughts quiet to an extreme.

After a little kissing, rumbling stomachs halted any further romance as Orionna looked around the place in absolute wonder. Steel countertop frames were inlaid with lit up acrylic sheets filled with shimmering reds, purples, oranges, and blues. Sky placed the groceries into the fridge and gave a tour to the monumental studio-like floor plan.

“Living room is obviously here. Shower, toilet, and hot tub over in the right corner, loft has a bed. I do only have one of those I’m afraid, Mrs. Teteren, so we’ll have to share that,” he giggled again.

He seemed exceedingly thrilled to have her here and couldn’t contain his glee. She loved his unreserved boyish delight with a passion. Walking about, she really liked the sunken in living room with clear white furniture covered in black lacing. The floor had such a dazzling display of splashed on metallic colored powders stained onto what looked like planking. It was like looking at peacock copper in vibrant shimmering display. Looking at the hot tub, she first noticed the floor had changed to large, smooth black stones surrounded by tiny shimmering red ones to form a neat path. Sky snapped, and fire popped on around the hot tub. Orionna jumped back in surprise as he embraced her tightly.

“I’m sorry, I just wanna show off a little in front of my love is all, I’m getting carried away a bit,” he pleaded kissing her cheek, “All this is half yours though. I confess I might have used this place only a handful of times myself. It’s better that way. I want memories here together.”

She reached to stroke his arm as they studied the Hiesuian view in the panoramic windows. He consoled, “Don’t worry about the glass. It’s one-sided and bulletproof. They can’t see even at nighttime with the lights on. I’ve checked personally, too. We can enjoy the tub and shower in privacy.”

Turning to the shower, it was large enough to fit several people and faced one of the glass sides of the building, too. Black polished stone covered the floor of it and the toilet, too. More of that shimmering colored top coat covered the tiles and stonework. It looked very fancy, indeed, and expensive. She stepped in the shower to peer down below. The heads of people looked like ants.

“They really, really can’t see us? I don’t know if I could disrobe in here,” she shuddered.

Sky laughed, “Yeah, it was a little weird for me too, but seriously, they can’t. When you work as an Elite One, you’re so tired you don’t care what a shower is. Just hurry up for sleep. I wouldn’t let you in here if there was a chance anyone but me saw you ‘disrobe’.”

She still looked down in worry.

“I’ll come in too and block the view. How does that sound?” he grinned mischievously.

She blushed as she admitted, “That’s a little better deal.”

He chuckled heartily as she felt her cheeks. Boy, did she have to get used to married life. At least she didn’t mind being embarrassed in front of him! He hugged her tighter, loving the attempt she took at intimacy. He’d been a wreck their first time, but their shared life in marriage was sweeter and sweeter as he found out more and more of her little quirks.

Leading her to the loft next, he gave her an innocent smirk as she looked above. “Oh the stars! Now daylight! Oh it’s raining in a forest!”

He sat on his bed, laying back as they flicked through the screens. The walls in the loft area also changed to an image to seem like they were sleeping anywhere in the world. Using his com, he loaded the image of the resort in. She smiled at the remembrance fondly, then slid down to rest her head on his chest as they simply relaxed there a moment. They didn’t need words to enjoy each other’s presence. He patted her head as eventually he replied, “I waited so long for you. I spent years trying to figure out if I’d ever meet anyone. No one struck me at all. I didn’t think I would, and then you popped up. I am so happy right now.”

“I feel the same, Sky,” she murmured contently.

Sky lifted his head as he responded, “I was surrounded by people and still couldn’t find a match. You were really in your own little world, and boy, am I thankful! Someone would have snatched you from me long ago! Thank you, Great One!”

She grimaced as she pinched him playfully. “That’s not nice to say!”

He giggled again like a little boy who had just finished teasing the girl he liked. He then settled to sneak a smooch as she exclaimed, “No getting me distracted, that’s awful!”

He grinned again, unrepentant for sure.

“I wish I would’ve realized how naughty you are!” she scolded in a humorous tone.

“I’ll show ya naughty! Farm boys are always a handful!” he informed with a mischievous glint as he grabbed her close. A rumble again vibrated on her back as his stomach growled. “Oye.”

“Yeah we got sidetracked didn’t we?” she laughed as the two went downstairs to cook some Hiesuian curry. 

Sky chopped vegetables and grilled the meat while Orionna made the spiced curry sauce and rice. From time to time, they would glance at each other and smile. This moment was theirs alone.

As they sat down on stools to eat at the dining counter in the kitchen area, Sky casually informed, “I brought that dress you wore out of the mirror with me here. I guess the Nariasen soldiers took it from the palace when they left, knowing it was yours. Looks ancient, like Aneiyan, or maybe it was Tribrinkian noble dress fashion before Nevar’s rule. Whose to know but you?”

Orionna nodded as she looked over to him. “I haven’t an idea why I was wearing that, or the mirror either. I remember touching my old one in my room wishing I wasn’t so alone before I met all of you, but I got scared as it sucked me away from my home. I think in the end it was worth it to meet with you as we are now.”

Sky nudged her shoulder in agreement as he snuck a bite of her food. “It tastes better eating yours than mine,” he teased.

“That’s because you add too much spice afterward,” she pouted as another bite disappeared before her eyes.

“No, it’s just whatever is yours appeals to me,” he grinned a fully naughty smirk.

“Hey now you big bully!” she poked at him. “Go eat your own!”

She tried shoving him, but it was an impossible task for a dainty lady going against the toned soldier. Instead, she resigned herself to eat faster as she stuck her tongue out once finished. He made a mockery of his loss by pouting playfully. After cleaning up, he took the dress out for her as she examined it in remembrance. Trying it on again, she looked at the bathroom vanity in thought.

She recalled her earliest memories and her faithful maid. In the back of her mind, she did compare herself wearing something similar, just not as nice or with fine material. She wore a classic grey long dress with a white cloak lined with silver embroidery. It was all there was, and tears were mended carefully. Such common wear was hardly believed to be so out of place until she now had witnessed through Chaos a world filled with various fashions. Looking in the mirror, she truly looked like an ancient Tribrinkian royal. Her mother painted in the ruins wore a very similar dress though to the heels instead of the knees. Putting her hair up like the image, she did look uncanny in appearance to her mother.

“It’s hard to believe you really are Royalty,” Sky murmured absently while studying her image himself.

He looked a bit conflicted as the realization stung him again. He hated to be reminded of that distance and recalled the embarrassing comment Inferno roared in jest, ‘the young souled Soulmate’. She was from another time and social standing. He couldn’t deny the sight in the mirror. She looked like the Queen in the painting, in ten years time identical in fact. It stung him deep as he longed to push that thought painfully away!

She frowned as she let her hair fall back down dismally. He looked upset and she didn’t like it any herself. There was a subject that neither brought up much that they refused to address. She knew his stance on it, to keep everything about them hidden. She wanted more from him, though. Taking her dress off silently for tomorrow’s battle, she debated whether to confront him on the subject or save it until after the more important event was complete.

The fact that he remained so silent as she went about was peculiar. He wasn’t his jovial self but more pensive, too. To disrupt the mood, Sky noticed his com with several pressing vibrations. He sighed with relief as he flumped down on his couch. Orionna sat awkwardly beside him all proper as the look in her eyes pressed him to explain.

“Several of the Cities have sent on their news boards their acceptance of your sovereignty of Tribrinka and ask repentance of their city to the Great One. Estrinka started the formal declarations, and Soei pepped in with Hiesu immediately after following the same formal format. Some remnants of Narias and Dei just gathered their informal response as simple citizens now, too. There are numerous amount of Subcities and the Coastal that did the same response. Now for the big ones of Hydyn and Tribrinka. I don’t think with Nevar we’ll ever get a formal reply from Tribrinka. The Runlines are buzzing, though. To my surprise, a gutsy forty percent are stepping back from acting against you on there. It’s pretty amazing to see them publically announce something that puts their life on the line! It doesn’t account for the ones who aren’t bold enough to say their wishes. This has been pretty promising!” Sky nodded.

Another vibration caused him to flick another image on his screen. He laughed sardonically, “About time Hydyn, you cautious kingdom! They decided to finally take a stance!"

“Do you think they’re actually repentant, I wonder?” Ori puzzled carefully.

Sky answered her, “Yeah, actually. Any City posting this is. They have enough faith to stake their outcome on you and put their necks on the line. Theoretically, if Nevar continued on, Nevar would be going after the traitors all out of spite, and we all know it! Hydyn could have just kept its mouth shut this whole time and bowed out of the scene peacefully, but they are sending a heck of a lot of supplies and soldiers. Oops, I guess sent, I read Hiesu’s letter of the camp operations just now. All these guys were planning before speaking to us, it seems.”

He frowned in thought as both blurted out at the same time, “Those snakes!”

Orionna laughed as Sky set his com down on the coffee table to embrace her tightly.

“Oh do I love you!” he remarked as he stroked her face gently, “You really are my soulmate aren’t you? Thinking my thoughts at the same time as me, you know what I’m thinking even when I don’t say things. This connection, how do two souls entwine and communicate so?”

He gazed at her adoring eyes as he sought to brush his lips against hers. It had been so long since they had this privacy, no fear of intrusion. Deep down, he was craving this as his mind drifted happily to intimate thoughts. Since their marriage night, his lust of her wasn’t fantasy but sweet and precious memories. He desired more and more of them with her, but how to make that work with the tightened security soon to be around her indefinitely?

She was his, but she certainly shouldn’t be, and had to hide it. He didn’t have an answer for tomorrow’s dilemma, but he wanted tonight so badly that he breached his anonymity with Marix at least. That man, quick-minded as he was, certainly knew of their closeness. Why didn’t he care, not a further question or remark? How could the man not care that a fellow soldier was in a romance with his Queen? Even if the heartless man cared nothing for love, why not question Sky’s impropriety? Why was he, himself, the only one concerned about all this?! Orionna, Marix, even Chaos seemed to brush this off like a good joke? He was not king material!

Shaking his head, Orionna stopped kissing to frown at him. “Are you okay, Sky?”

Now drifted supine on the couch she faced over him. He wiped his face as he stated breathlessly, “I was thinking of stupid stuff, forgive me. Now that I brushed that off, I’m feeling the mood to check out that bed for tonight. Make sure it’s soft and comfortable, just that, right?”

He got up as she followed, scrutinizing his thoughts, “Just checking it out?”

He grinned as he sat at the bedside, “Of course, my dear wife.”

Deep down, she understood his distress about the future. They simply chose to ignore the discussion. She crawled beside him as they stared at the ceiling with a night sky scene. To the sides, the walls displayed distant galaxies. Everything was so far apart. Orionna felt the same in her heart as she nuzzled his chest. His gentle, calming caress drifted along her body. She wanted to ignore the painful to enjoy the present. Let those worries spin to another time. She only had this moment with him. She slid up to study his desirous face, and both had chosen to forget the issue for more soothing play for the time being.

His warmth merged with hers as their kisses were more breathless. She hated it as much as him that they were so restrained to express their mutual feelings. Perhaps she really was Tribrinkian after all, but it wasn’t Nevar taking her lover away. He did that on his own! She nipped his chest a little playfully to get back at his unspoken ideas. He was far too distracted to realize her motive. She looked into his enamored face and gave up. She loved him despite all the frustration! She loved her husband and soulmate very much and decided to coddle him in the end.           

Lost in her lover’s arms later, Orionna’s eyes studied the stars above her head. Despite being barraged with a passionate moment, the subject flooded right back into her mind again like a wave crashing inevitably on a beach. This wasn’t going to go away tonight. She wanted to be closer to her husband, not be pulled further apart.

As if the idea frightened the very core of her, she immediately struck out, “We need to come out and be honest about this. I need your help as King.”

Sky looked pained as he refused, firmly explaining, “I can’t be a leader of the Empire. It’s not what I can be!”

“I can’t do this on my own, please Sky, I need you by me always!” she pleaded in tears. “I need you to fulfill that place by me as difficult as that may be! I’m sorry we didn’t confirm these expectations, I truly am, but we’re a team now, please.”

Sky turned to her, quite upset to be arguing. He hated this, and it stung him to coerced her to continue on in the plight. He tried to phrase his words carefully before concluding the conversation for good.
“I am always with you, but I can not agree to fulfill the role I lack requirements to take. I love you, but no more on this, please,” he concluded.

He turned to ignore her tears trickling down as she spoke, “It’s not the same, but as you wish.”  

She felt the distance grow dismally as she spoke her words. She felt like a lonely comet traveling its route without a soul caring, deep into the cold darkness. He watched her turn away to rest. She was obviously upset, and he hated that they decided to bring up such a horrid topic the night before! His expression twisted as he swung around her close. He wanted her to know despite it all that his love was always hers. Neither said another thing that night but hugged each other closely instead. The familiar warmth and comfort made them drift off eventually into slumber.

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