Nightmare Fantasy

Autorstwa ShieyeOne

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One little lady pops out of a mirror and finds herself tasked to send an unsavory message to a whole World. W... Więcej

Chapter 1: Where Angels fear to tread; Fools rush in.
Chapter 2: Friendship
Chapter 3: Reality of the World Outside.
Chapter 4: In Good Company
Chapter: 5 Tribrinkian Trouble
Chapter 6: Hidden in Hiesu
Chapter 7: Winter World
Chapter: 8 Facts and Decisions
Chapter 9: Simmering Secrets
Chapter:10 Water Works
Chapter 12: City of the Sun
Chapter 13: Trouble among trees
Chapter 14: Chaotic Casino
Chapter 15: Division
Chapter 16: Absolutely Abducted
Chapter 17: Left behind Luck
Chapter 18: Ready Reunion
Chapter 19: A HoME liKe no OtHer
Chapter 20: Final Request
Chapter 21: Final business before Business
Chapter 22: Up Rootin
Chapter 23: Dethroning
Chapter 24: Aftermath Consequence
Chapter 25: Repair

Chapter 11: Deep Decision

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Autorstwa ShieyeOne

As Sky and Orionna got back to the railway maintenance area, they were met with several personnel curious as to the commotion. One in particular struck Orionna’s curiosity as he swiftly addressed her while kissing her hand politely in one flourishing motion. He had a soft eloquence to his voice far different than anyone she’d ever met.

“Pleasure to meet you, Divine Sanction Leader of Tribrinka, we discovered you had some commotion down here in the camera’s. I’m head of Cities designs for the Tribrinkian Empire. Be at ease. However, my position is neutral, I promise to declare no wars,” the man spoke, his emerald green eyes were ever focused on her with a calm pensive demeanor.

“How do you know she’s a Sanction leader?” Sky pressed skeptically.

Emotionlessly calm and peaceful, the man waved, “Who couldn’t hear rumors of the shutdown at Sirakui or the raven haired captive. Being a transportation designer, I followed up with various cameras and Estrinka as I go to all the Great Cities. My job requires I follow in detail all current events.”

“What is your name, I’ve never known of a Cities Design leader,” Sky remarked carefully. He didn’t trust the man at all.
The man took out his mobilecom and calmly typed a few things as he showed the screen to Sky. “My name is Aurin Lyc, as you can see all credentials and also completed projects as listed. Some span over ten years ago when I started in my position. I’m originally from Dei if you’re wondering,” Aurin nodded slowly as he slid his hand through his jet black curly hair as he waited patiently.

Sky frowned as he read the screen, and it seemed in order. He didn’t necessarily disagree with the facts, but it was difficult to confirm if he was Deian as Tribrinka lorded over Dei but not to all the everyday governing. He did act like a haughty noble that was for such, Sky didn’t like him in the least.

“Well, we’ve met at least, Ori let’s go now,” Sky shot out. He could feel trouble even if he didn’t see it.

Aurin casually met stride with Orionna however as he implored gracefully, “Actually, why I came was on important business from Hydyn. They wish to meet with you now that they realized you were in Arien. But all in your convenience, I fully understand that you wish to check that all your comrades are well after such an ordeal. I also genuinely wish to be assistance to you in any way.”

Orionna bit her lip as she looked over toward Sky. She did have to, it was true, in order to contact the Great City. He shrugged and informed, “We'll head that way. No escort is required.”

“And if I have no option but to politely follow? I sadly had specific orders, you know,” Aurin winced in a simpering way.

“You wish to subterfuge an Elite’s adamant wishes? What a fool!” Sky drily remarked.

“What am I but a pawn of the Great Cities to be tossed about?” Aurin sourly remarked, “I must be insistent even with a violent brute as yourself. Hydyn and Dei demand it firmly. When you see the president, you’ll see how they boss sharp-tongued me around.”

“What about Tribrinka?” Sky skeptically questioned.

Aurin shrugged lackadaisically, “Who doesn’t Nevar order about on a whim?”

Orionna apprehensive to the others whereabouts, interrupted their dispute, “I left Chaos in a bad spot. I have to make sure she’s okay.”

Both men paused and then agreed. Since Orionna was still learning how to use a hacked mobilecom gifted from Marix, Sky used his own to call over. Orionna listened to the one-sided conversation as Sky grimaced at Aurin.

“Yeah, where are you? The situation stable? I see. Is she alright? Breathing, right? That was a bad call, we’ll meet at the clinic then. I know you’ll watch her thoroughly. Yup. Bye,” Sky chatted with a stern face.

Orionna looked up at him nervously. She had to know what that was about. Sky sighed, knowing he had to give the news. “We have to take a trip to the emergency clinic.”

Orionna looked crestfallen as she mourned, “Who got hurt that bad?”

Sky shot a look at Aurin, who lagged behind politely as he guided her there quickly while explaining what he’d heard. Marix sounded very grim on the com.

“Guard and Marix got there quick, but Chaos is in critical condition. Marix, he revived her heartbeat, but she needs to get checked out and monitor her heart rhythm. We’ll go now to check on her,” Sky frowned,
“She’s always been so strong, but those copies are beyond our capabilities.”

Orionna looked distraught as she endeavored to remain calm. She had to guide these people the best she could. Trying to keep up with the long strides Sky took, she was embarrassingly getting out of breath. Sky turned and found her falling behind.

“Sorry,” he blushed as he offered her his arm. That way, he would match her pace perfectly.

“Marix didn’t even get testy with me, I’m a little preoccupied with her condition if he’s acting like that,” Sky confessed.

Orionna clutched his arm tightly, “You’ve known those two for a very long time. It’s okay to feel worried.”

Sky nodded a little embarrassed as he whispered, “Those guys are like my oldest friends. But don’t tell Marix that.”

Sky turned back to see where that other guy went. Aurin still trailed along casually. Soon, they were at a glass building set into the black rocks of the original cave. Sky gave one firm glare to Aurin, demanding he wait outside, which he shrugged and obliged. Both then walked in to the front desk.

“We’ve come to see Mrs. Tedrin if she’s stable. I’m her big brother Melkin, and my girlfriend Mia,” Sky beamed politely. As long as it wasn’t Aurin, he was back to jovial spirits again.

“Room 265,” a bored secretary drawled.

Sky nodded as the two took a glass elevator to the second floor then searched about carefully. Orionna first spotted a blonde haired man as she tugged Sky timidly, “Marix is there.”

Sky smirked as he strode in, but his smile faded to a grimness as he observed the still form unconscious on the bed. Marix was ever somber in mood as well. He didn’t look like he really wanted to greet them or talk.

“She’s been sleeping this whole time?” Sky assessed as he scanned the vitals and heart rhythm with a mild wince.

“Yes,” Marix spoke curtly.

Guard walked in with a few beverages, the two had been anticipated. He looked a bit depressed as well. Whatever they had seen was pretty traumatic.

For a day, then two, they waited. Aurin was pressing to visit Hydyn every chance he got. Relenting, Guard, Orionna, and Sky made plans for the Great City underground. Saying a gentle goodbye to the sleeping form, Orionna received a consoling promise from Marix that as soon as the tough soldier could, Chaos would send a message on the com.

It was a bittersweet moment as the three left. Taking the Mainline Train, the fastest underground train in the world, they would travel to Hydyn in record time. Aurin seemed in a much better mood, even pointing out various stops and sights as the train slid up and out of the final tunnel to tracks above the mighty City itself. Orionna looked around in shock, the lights ebbed and glowed like crystal gemstones in a wondrous mine.

“Aurin, what do you think of the Great One? We were created with a mind to make something like this, how much more amazing is nature in all its structure, seasons, and weather!? The delicate balances in biomes, the organization of the stars, all of it fits an order and pattern so intricate even we can’t quite grasp it all,” Orionna sighed in wonder. Sky smiled softly at her. She was so wonderfully created herself. No being could replace that lovely spirit.

Aurin smirked politely as he winced, “I confess, as extravagantly divine as your imagination runs, reality is a bit drab in comparison. As a builder, I see everything fall apart, age, breakdown. Nothing is perfect even if I wish it. The Great One is simply a nice, fuzzy little dream.”

“If random disorder what you see and want to believe, those intricate systems just, ‘came to be by chance’,” Sky returned.

“You will soon observe, not everyone holds your ‘rosy’ opinion,” Aurin remarked acidly with a smile.

Orionna looked over to him firmly, “It is my job to try my best to show them that it is reality. This world has fallen into decay because we chose to drift away already from the Great One. Our own prideful way following our selfish desires is why there is destruction. There is a perfectness to the Great One, and when we follow His ways, it is order. In my studies as a child, I learned that because we were amazingly crafted beings from the Great One, He gave us something different than other things, a free will.

He wanted us to decide on our own to choose to be near Him, not commanded. But that also gives us a choice to choose our own selfish ways, and that’s how everything gets broken. We chose to value our needs before others, harm others for enjoyment, and so many more horrible things. Even the meager tiny things can thrust us away, but we can always reset our eyes on Him. Now it’s so bad I’ve been called to be the Final Judge. I am not to judge actually but to speak of judgment. I plead with all my heart, turn to the Great One!”

Aurin looked over with a mildly amused grin, “We’ll see who you can persuade with such conviction. To Hydyn, we go.”

Orionna left the train stop to stride into the very Capital of the Great City of Hydyn itself. No one gave her a glance but seemed more concerned with greeting the Cities Designer. Some nodded to the white-haired Divine Sanction leader, and some recognized the old rebel Elite One. She meat nothing to these people, but she had to reach them somehow, Great One willing.

Everything in the building had a look like Chaos’s apartment in Arien. Ori frowned, still worried for her dear friend’s condition. Chaos had put her life on the line for her, Orionna would never forget that ever.
Sky noticed his little leader looking glum as she tried to keep up with the men much taller than herself. He was annoyed that the citizens chose to slight her by speaking with everyone but her. The place wasn’t looking too promising for accepting her words. He wouldn’t leave her for a second in this harsh, hostile City. He was quite disappointed, for that matter, Hydyn was far more causal than Hiesu or Dei with their loyalties to Tribrinka. It simply was bad tourist business to adopt the gruesome uninviting ways of the Empire City Tribrinka.

Soon, the group traversed to a great open area behind the building. It had a stunning view of several massive waterfalls cascading from the natural black rockside. Lights in the pools below lit up the falls from the bottom up, changing colors and displays in a tranquil, aesthetic way. Numerous Nariasen glowing plants were arranged in an elegant garden facing the grand scene as little tables to chat were spread out like mushrooms for discourse in the environment.

Orionna tried not to gawk, but it was impressive. If she hadn’t seen Chaos’s place, she wondered if she’d be able to keep her reserve up. She knew she owed Chaos once again. She needed every trick she could to battle against these prideful souls for their own good.

“Welcome Divine Sanction leader Guard and Elite One Sky, I am glad since you were in the area to make a stop,” a man strode in fancy attire and a tidy, sleek suit. His shiny shoes sparkled like stars, absent to the City of Hydyn's sky. “Thank you, Aurin, for acting in my stead. I am Starn Roksyde, president of Hydyn.”

He bowed politely to them with the grace of a dancer. He was certainly an eloquent fellow. Every so often Orionna was reminded she was playing a game with the best and greatest the World had to offer, she felt utterly humbled as she pleaded to the Great One to give her the wisdom in all this. She was a meager little lady. Soon, a group of Hydyn Officials followed along and surrounded the group with curiosity.

Guard offered his hand with a slight wince as he then introduced, “Perhaps you’ve not been introduced, this is Orionna Strence, Divine Sanction Leader of Tribrinka.”

The President seemed floored by the news. He only knew that the Divine Sanction leader had a trainee with him. This was absolutely shocking.

Aurin quickly smirked, “Strence, where may I ask do you come from? The name is archaic.”

Orionna blushed a bit embarrassed as she stammered, “I don’t rightly know exactly.”

“What do you know of her name?” Sky shot back defensively.

Aurin shrugged nonchalantly as he explained in a sigh, “It just sounds old, I don’t really know myself.”

After a moment, Aurin came round again with another intrigued question, “How do we know she is a Divine Sanction Leader? I never knew Tribrinka had one, I don’t think you’ll like working with Nevar. You’re too soft for it.”

Interrupting the boys before they came to her defense, Orionna faced him and sternly spoke, “It was spoken to me by the Guardian of a corner of the World, and the Great One has made it clear as well to me. As for Nevar, it is not I who will kowtow, the Great One demands all repent and follow His ways. Failure to comply will result in absolute destruction. I come not to gain some position in some court but to speak of Judgment. If you will not acknowledge the Great One, then destruction is you and Nevar’s friend alone. My heart only wants to aid everyone away from such a fate, and I will not back down.”

“A messenger, but is that really believable?” someone murmured in the back.

Orionna spread her hand across the cave ceiling as she scrawled a fierce lightning show. “This is a feeble sign of my Sanction power, but may it be as a confirmation that I have no empty words to spout.”

She then displayed her shoulder for all to see. Guard showed his as well so that the room might compare and discern for themselves what was truth before them.

“This is the seal bestowed from the Great One to show a Divine Sanction leader. Now, what questions have you for the not-so-timid pushover you hoped I was,” Orionna snapped with a queenly elegance.
Her mission was too important to be shoved down by bullies. People like Chaos, Guard, Marix, and Sky depended on her.

The President seemed utterly speechless, taking this knowledge into account, and Aurin quietly nodded while thinking deeply with curiosity. Sky came behind Orionna as a great deal of officials attempted to press closer to her for questions. It was a full hour of interview and explanation of the Great One before Sky saw to rip her away to rest. The crowd was sure to be relentless. As long as she stood there, it wouldn’t end.

They had plenty to write in their news reports and let them sink their teeth into the interviewing. It was after all several colossal things shared. One was that there was a Tribrinkian Divine Sanction leader, another was the fact she challenged Nevar directly and had the power to do so. The subject of there being a ‘Great One’ and also the prophecy of doom if the Cities and people’s didn’t repent was alarming. Her elusive background and charming grace were also another hot topic.

The final shocking news was her entourage, three Elites gone rebel, and the other Divine Sanction Leader recently ousted from Narias’s betrayal to Tribrinka. The news was soon to be lit on fire with these topics, all people would be tingling with jitters, and Sky knew his need to protect Orionna as her guard was all the more important. The fuel they had in this journey had ignited, and who knew what was going to happen now? It was sure to be explosive.
The news did indeed spread among the people as Hydyn for a week hosted meetings for Orionna to attend and listen to their governmental workings. They seemed hesitant to yet give their support either way.

Orionna met with Guard after a meeting as Sky watched in the background for their safety. He had been very stern and distant lately, and she missed the doting Sky she chatted with so many times before. They still had no update on Chaos’s condition, Orionna was feeling so worried.        

“How’s it going Ori,” Guard sighed in his chair. He was drained from all the constant noise and political drudgery. He had left Narias happily for that reason. It was never-ending.

Orionna seemed equally drained as she enjoyed their private time. She was feeling the buzzing pressure now that the world seemed to know of her existence. She knew Nevar must have known more already since the wicked creature seemed so pressed to capture her from Narias in that horrid uprising.

“I hope I’m doing what I ought, but I want to stay until she’s better,” she groaned. They had plans to leave for Soei, but with Chaos’s unstable condition, were force to remain in Hydyn until further notice.
Guard was silent for a moment as he absently commented, “After what happened with Chaos, I really got to teach you some attack castings. That copy was very strange.”

Orionna lifted her finger up as she asked eagerly, “What was she like? I’m horridly vexed that she hurt Chaos!”

Guard flinched a bit as he described, “She looked Aneiyan, kinda on edge. She was a bit angry she couldn’t best me even trying her best. She seemed reluctant to obey Nevar but, like everyone else, not given much choice. She verbalized something about caring for her sisters.”

Orionna shot a glance up, “Are there other copies? Does she treat the other copies as sisters?”

“I confess, I hardly know. I’d like to know what Nevar is using them for,” Guard grimaced, wondering why the creature seemed so defeated before he even fought her.

Orionna’s pocket vibrated as she took out the mobilecom Marix gave her in Hiesu. Fixing it up with the best security, she felt guilty that he put so much work into something she still hardly understood. She tapped the screen and saw a message. She squirmed in her seat ever so giddy. A little squeal eked out as Sky looked over to her in alarm. He broke his surveillance to ensure she was alright.

Looking up at both men, she stammered, “Korynn sent me a message! How do I read it?! I want to so bad! Please help!”

Guard pointed to Sky as he chuckled while giving her a pat. He took the com and sat down next to her as he studied the message with a stern face. He muttered, “She took quite a long time to wake. That was a doozy on the nerves.”

He soon gave her the phone to read the message herself. She twitched eagerly as she read swiftly.

Hey Mia, haven’t chatted in a while. It’s your cousin Korynn here. Just checking in on you. Everything is sore but fine here. Hope to visit in a few days' time. Tharkis is being cruel and won’t give me his coreo. I think he’s punishing me too harsh! Just watching him take a sip over there. Oh, how awful! Smile. I’ll be back soon, and we’re going to have to enjoy a cup together one evening if I can shake off my doctor guard who’ll snatch it from me. Not going to lie, nothing gets past him, ever! Well, sending my love and best wishes! -Your cousin Korynn-

Orionna sighed with relief as a few tears glistened in her eyes. Sky embraced her as she cried, “Thank goodness she’s okay. She almost gave her life for me, and I don’t feel worthy.”

“I know Chaos wouldn’t regret it and gladly do so. I feel the same way,” Sky consoled, “You’re precious to us beaten Tribrinkians, sour as we are.”

Orionna frowned unhappily but settled out. Chaos would join them again and away they could go all together. Sky helped pen a response from Orionna to Chaos. She jumped about on him, unaware as she struggled so seriously to think of her encouraging words of comfort.

Korynn, I’m so relieved you’re okay!!!! I was so worried. You get back to us when you can, but only if you feel well! I promise I won’t leave without you! You’re my family!!! -Mia-

After a moment, Sky took out his com to send his personal message, too.

You better listen to Tharkis. - Jet-

Another few days ran together as Orionna anticipated her friends. She couldn’t seem to get the President to commit to her cause, and she longed to go where she might be of use. Marix sent Sky a message that Chaos was discharging from the clinic that day. Soon, she would be reunited with her two close comrades again. Sky had been very cautious with them gone.

Giving notice to the President of her leave in the impending future, he requested one final meeting that night with a select group of the highest officials of Hydyn. Chaos messaged to be in the meeting as soon as they arrived on train to the capital. Orionna stayed close to Sky as they nervously waited in the hall for their comrade.

Aurin came strolling by with the President beside him. The man looked to speak privately with the little leader, and conveniently, something else appeared to catch Aurin’s attention as he shuffled away sleekly.

“You’ve observed our City’s functioning for several days now. What are your thoughts, may I ask?” the President inquired with eyes looking about. He seemed unsure about their actual privacy, but Orionna didn’t hesitate at all. The Great One was watching her safety every step of the way.

“I know the City acts as a Chameleon, changing to whatever suits them best in the conflict. You have no desire to align yourself to the Great One because you’re all pressed to not displease the wicked Nevar. There will be a time however you’ll have to act, either one side or the other. Know that one choice will lead to utter decimation. I wouldn’t fear nor place your faith in Nevar. That is all I can advise, and when the call to make the choice is laid forth, I hope I explained all I can to ensure you’ve chosen correctly. I’ve given all the signs and evidences I could give, and now you must relay to your sedentary people to wake and move into action. It is demanded,” Orionna declared firmly in front of the Officials as well.

She studied each so that they knew she bestowed the responsibility on all their shoulders. The news had reached the people to find their own conclusions. Since they needed thought, she'd give them now the time to really let it settle. The time was swiftly closing in whether they ignored it or not. Judgment could not be postponed.

"For a lady as petit as you are, you certainly are the only one fierce enough to tackle on Nevar. We will think on these things seriously. And ‘pray’ about it. We don’t take lightly your signs, nor the great change happening in the Great Cities around us. To have not only three Elites in our age, then to have them swear allegiance to another that’s not Nevar is outstanding. To see Narias bow to Tribrinka and see the City in absolute chaos. To be honest, we’re a bit fearful also to kowtow to Tribrinka to gain the same fate. We just don’t know yet what to do,” the President whispered in her ear.

“I understand fully. I have my responsibilities, and I know your’s, it is to ensure the safety of your people. I agree, all I can advise now is that you all seek prayer alone for guidance. The Great One will give solace to those who ask it,” Orionna formally bowed politely. The President made note of it with a smile.

“My dear, wherever you came from, you have the bearing of royalty,” he smiled politely.

Soon, Orionna turned as she heard a familiar female voice in the background. Aurin looked to be greeting the hidden figure as Orionna sprinted to spot Marix making banter with him. It didn’t look overly friendly, but she had missed much of the conversation.

She saw Chaos looked exhausted and thought the better of lunging at her for a hug. Ori wouldn’t risk having the tired woman fall to the ground and instead smiled warmly. When alone, she would talk more privately with her. They first had to endure the awful final meeting in Hydyn with the Officials. Nothing would be gained at the moment for their indecision.

As soon as she sat down, Sky sat next to her. He seemed more at ease with another two pairs of eyes scrutinizing the scene. She felt so much better having him there beside her. It had been hard to handle such difficult confrontations.  

The President stayed calm and orderly, he had spoken his thoughts already to the Sanction leader, half of his Officials were on his stream of thought, the other half here argued adamantly while trying to attack her credibility. He watched the Elite beside her refute their claims fiercely. He had been at her side the whole while here, watching every action his Hydynian people took.

“How can you force such foreign nonsense onto Tribrinka! Those ineffective myths from the twin Cities. Narias realized its fault in that ridiculousness and defected to serve Tribrinka instead,” one official shot out adamantly.

“So you would fully enjoy a dictatorship that Tribrinka runs? You would lose everything to that blood thirsty place, I know, I know all too well! You wouldn’t have the luxuries you have now. You would be stripped of everything, living in a grey world of fear and oppression! Tribrinka has hardly diced you up yet! I’ve had to decimate lesser cities on Nevar’s whims,” Sky snap in defense as he debated along, “What have you to say to attack her casting ability, greater than the priests of Narias, her mark of the Divine Sanction, what about the fact Nevar desires her so intently!?”

He looked around for an answer as another official argued, “We don’t know who has more power in priestly lines, and that mark can easily be a tattoo. Of course, Nevar would target someone declaring to usurp the rightful ruler, which is Nevar. A flashy show and a fancy entourage will not shift my stance won’t side to fight for your cause, on such claims.”

Sky looked red-faced as he was about to argue further until Orionna calmly rose. She looked at each person, Sky settled and remained pensive.

“This isn’t a debate about who will rule Tribrinka and whether you’ll consent to it. The subject has diverted from its purpose. The subject always has been about individual repentance and directing your life to the Great One,” Orionna paused as an uproar filled the room. She rose her hand calmly then shot off a sparkling image of a deer about the air as she waited for them to diffuse their explosive tempers. She’d ignore them until they settled as she played about a moment.

Once they calmed and gave attention again, she resumed her words, “Again, you need to acknowledge the Great One Himself. It seems there are several in the room that refuse that truth so adamantly they’d rather give their souls away for destruction. I can do nothing for that. I also have made no mention of needing your help to take down Tribrinka. The Great One is my guide, and I only follow His wishes. I am no conqueror but a judge speaking a grave message to the world. I also have to reach the Tribrinkian people with this message, but any that refuse it will fall to destruction, not by me or my power but the Great One’s. It is up to you whether you accept or decline the knowledge.”

“You say these things, but what if Nevar won’t bow to your imaginary friend?”
Orionna nodded as she spoke, “I cannot see Nevar repenting so easily, nor what the private battle between the Great One and Nevar, but in the end the victor will be the Great Existence that created all, not Nevar. I have seen that being once, Nevar isn’t all knowing nor anywhere near as powerful.”

The group flinched, realizing she was one of the rare few to ever encounter the evasive dictator.
“How can you believe in a being you can’t see?” another one countered.

“The Great One is like the wind. You can’t see Him, but how He changes things,” Sky explained. “Keep in mind Nevar is also quite elusive.”

“You say great words, but where’s your proof?” another official attacked. They were relentless, like a pack of dogs.

Marix, looking annoyed at the drawn-out affair, suddenly rose up and stared fiercely at the creatures around him verbally attacking his comrades. Everyone in the room turned to him, unable to take their fearful eyes off the inhuman Elite. They recognized him as the terrifying ‘Second Nevar’. His nickname did his actual intimidating appearance no justice. It was no lie that the people of Hydyn shuddered when Nevar had sent that being to address things in the past. No one believed him of sane mind. What he was doing here with this ragtag group shocked them.

“We have said what we have said. At this point, you waste our time. Those that have understanding, understood, those that are wasting our time could be shone miracles that outsmart the heavens and still wouldn’t believe. Leave them to their graves. I care not. We ought not waste our breath or energy more. No more miracles and proofs for your entertainment only.”

A murmur in the crowd was heard, one bold soul shot out, “Must be nice to have three Elites behind you Sanction leaders, but it’s an all too convenient image to have them backing you really, safe as well. Must have had a lot of money to pad their pockets with before Narias tossed you aside!”

“We’re not siding with the Sanction leaders for personal gain! We could have had that in Tribrinka, but it’s a fool’s dream! We won’t receive a cent for what we’re doing, and we gladly donate our service to the Great One solely,” Sky shot out.

Marix then cooly explained as he paced around the floor, slowly intimidating each obnoxious Official, “All three of us, Elites have put everything we have to this mission. We left Tribrinka, are on the bad side of Nevar, and have few for us. There’s the constant threat of death every moment of the day. My comrade just came from a clinic after being resuscitated from one of Nevar’s nasty traps. You think we’re taking any of this lightly or taking it safe and fluffy?! We know our sacrifice, and it could be grave any moment. Don’t dare make light of it in front of me!” Marix snapped coldly.

No one dared argue with that dark creature as he continued, “We know who we put our faith in, and the Great One is the only one who'll be our safety. No easy coasting but burdened with grave sacrifice. We don’t want a cent of your money or resources. We have our own. We require your private reconciliation to the Great One. You’re the ones who are drowning. Grab tight to our words or be destroyed. That is my concise admonition. What a hassle it would be to really desire ruling you stiff-necked people!”

He then bowed to Orionna and Guard as he dutifully requested, “Since we have done all we can here, may I request us take our leave to our next task, highest Divine Sanction leaders?”

They nodded as the room stood frozen. No one dared say one thing more against that insane madman. They couldn’t comprehend his thoughts even after he painfully made it clear to them. All they knew was that they’d prefer that spirit of death leave.

When out of the room, Orionna exhaled as they regrouped. Sky tussled her hair as Chaos came by and defended, “We were only going to get so far today no matter what, but you did great, Orionna. We’ll wait and let them fight it out internally now. Looks like you’re a very public figure now because of the news, too. I bet with all the tourism it’s going to spread to the other Great Cities fast if it hasn’t already!”

Orionna went over and hugged the poor, tired woman carefully, “I missed you so much! Don’t do that again, it was so horrible!”

Chaos winced, feeling mild guilt at Ori’s discomfort but pat her back. “I’ve got to protect my little sister, and I do it willingly.”

They met eyes as Chaos gave her a big tired grin. Orionna nodded, “Yes, my big sister has to be well too, though!”

Chaos shrugged, “I’m a cockroach. I’ll pop back.”

“Alley cat with all those nine lives,” Sky chuckled to Marix, but he instead looked at him livid but silent.

They were never going to get along. Guard stepped away from them, nervous to get in the fray.

Suddenly, someone approached that the group reluctantly tolerated. “Ah, I see we’re on our way then?” Aurin chuckled in amusement.

Marix caught the wording as he repeat, “We’re? You’re not welcome to go with us.”

Sky equally joined in firmly, neither backed down. Aurin seemed unfazed as he strode by Orionna and Guard instead, giving adequate distance from the guard dog Elites.

“Yes, although there were a lot of testy people in there, sharing opinions you’d rather not hear, the President sides with you. Since I am Cities Designer, I am tasked to assist you to the other Great Cities to share your words. You’ll find my resources in the transportation department beneficial,” he bowed in his perfunctory manner of acquiesce.

“We’re fine on our own. We’d prefer to go alone,” Sky firmly stated without flinching.
Aurin merely chuckled as he spoke, “Dei has declared the lot of you a public nuisance, I could schedule an audience to defend yourselves,” he informed, “however without me as ambassador, they’ll shove you aside to appease Nevar.”

“Let them burn,” Marix remarked with hostility unreserved.

Even Aurin showed surprise to the abrupt statement. Guard sighed, “The Great One convicts me to at least try this plan. I’m not sure why, but we need to try to reach Dei and what harm can Aurin do against the Great One’s omnipotent protection? Let’s humor you.”

Aurin grinned while clasping his hands together. He seemed rather enthusiastic about moving. Orionna nodded silently, feeling this was the correct path. Although sensed it had a specific purpose, only the Great One comprehended. She would, regardless, follow the path before her.

The Elites then complied without complaint as they swiftly headed toward Soei, the forever sunlit capital of the world, while using the World’s fastest train line. Their poor Estrinkan vehicle they had originally traveled in rested in waste at Arien.

Orionna sat in a private section, enjoying the view outside. It was ever so tranquil seeing the scene of wilderness and field in the distance. After a while, she longed to stretch and view the train’s insides. Chaos was ever so tired as she rested curled up in a ball on the bench. Guard had nodded off as Aurin and Marix both focused intently on their mobilecoms. Sky scanned the scene from time to time. She loathed that he had been so distant lately. Studying his profile, he looked so stern and intense, not the jovial soul she knew before.

He seemed to sense her attention as he grinned at her. He looked around at the others with a frown toward Aurin. He really disliked his presence. Perhaps that was why he distanced himself so, being impersonal and unreadable even in her company.

“Did you need something, Ori?” Sky asked quietly as he came over and sat near her with polite distance.

“I was wondering to use the restroom?” she squeaked nervously. It was an embarrassing excuse, but she wanted to wander on the train and stretch her legs.

Sky frowned as he glanced toward Chaos. She was still drained and needed her sleep to catch up her energy. He really didn’t want to wake her to tail Orionna as she went. He nodded carefully as he whispered, “I’ll walk you there.”

Both stood as neither man lifted their heads. Marix trusted as long as Sky was there, she couldn’t be safer. Soon, Orionna found herself down a narrow hallway to the right side of their private quarters. She did have to commend Aurin’s connections. He had obtained the most spacious compartment on the train itself.

Orionna blushed as she felt embarrassed asking Sky to linger and explore with her. In truth, she missed talking with him, confiding together. He was silent and calculating, definitely like an impersonal soldier.
“The bathroom is here,” he gently informed, “I’ll only be right beside the door if you need me, just shout, and I’ll be there.”

Orionna winced, feeling a little guilt as she stepped in. She waited a moment, staring in the mirror, then turned the faucet on and off. She was killing time but felt guilt, wasting his efforts in keeping her safe. She walked out innocently while he tried not to make a face as he watched her study the path further down the way longingly. He sighed at her easy to read gestures.

Pouting, he suddenly tapped her on the nose as he chuckled, “Ori, you played me for a fool! You had no intentions in there! I heard proof just flicking the faucet on, no flushing…”

He shook his head as she blushed redder than anything. She gently murmured, “I wanted to take a walk around and explore the train…”

She looked so adorable that he felt guilty teasing her too much more. “Alright, we’ll wander a bit. Though it’s not exactly safe with the public knowing your face now,” he groaned slightly.

She clasped her hands together happily as he put his arm around her to allude they were a simple traveling couple, not Sanction leader and guard.

“So many aliases you guys have. Chaos explained how you guys sneak about so to worm away from Tribrinka. I truly feel guilty about what happened to her. If walking about like this puts your life on the line, I swear I’ll go back,” she frowned.

Sky shrugged as he bent down to whisper in her ear while blocking her face from a few passerbys, “You got the best guy for being evasive, even Marix couldn’t catch me for the longest time. It's one of my better skills.”

Orionna smiled as she looked out the window in thought. Her mind was filled with so much worry as she prayed the final outcome was to go well.

“Don’t worry about us. We want to serve you with the best of our ability. We do it willingly,” Sky consoled.

Orionna turned to face him as she scrambled to speak her thoughts. There were so many things she longed to speak with him about privately, but she didn’t know what to do now. She mostly disliked this new distance between them. She loathed it entirely. She believed him her friend, perhaps she had been mistaken.

They strolled about avoiding passengers carefully as they finally reached the end. She looked at the solitary walkway and beyond in the distance. She supposed it was time to get back again. Perhaps this was life now, surrounded by people yet feeling she was still in that solitary realm of quiet. Interacting with no one on a personal level, she felt utterly alone.

“Anything I can help with?” Sky shot out abruptly. He seemed to sense her subtle mood change as she stared out at the empty space. The sound of wind made conversations difficult to capture, perfect to discuss anything privately he observed. It was doubtful she’d ever noticed such things, but to a soldier of Tribrinka, his mind ever focused on cameras and surveillance.

Orionna shook her head as she sank down on the railing. “We should get back.”

She sprang up smiling, but Sky sat in front of the door with arms crossed and head cocked to the side grinning playfully.

“No, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, but I think not,” Sky smirked, “We haven’t had a chance to talk normally. It gets to me.”

Orionna tried to hold back her tears. In truth, she missed their company too. Did he really feel the same but concealed it in a blank mask?

She nodded as she softly admitted, “I missed chatting too.”

Sky sat down as he patted the floor beside him, imploring her to join him. Perhaps he was being a little selfish in his request, but if she wanted to talk, he was more than willing to give her the time. He wanted it more than anything to always be beside her. Even as a common guard, it was the place he coveted most in all the world.

She sat down meekly as they watched the world move away. The weather was surprisingly gentle, neither too warm or too cold, the breeze refreshing. They were moving fast to another place she’d never been.

“It’s moving so fast sometimes, I miss the quiet I use to escape to, but not the loneliness. I…,” Orionna couldn’t seem to finish the sentence, but Sky looked over knowingly as he embraced her.

“Yeah, I knew when the news ran rampant about you, we’d have to tighten our surveillance. I am beside you, Ori. I really care for you. And you can take me aside anytime to talk, even if you make up trips to the bathroom. I don’t mind. In fact, I cherish these times we have alone. They are sparse given how many people we have hovering over you, but if you make the time, I am available any hour of the day. I’ve gone days without sleep many times,” Sky chuckled. He stroked her cheek longingly. She didn’t push away but seemed consoled in his touch.

Ori opened her eyes as she gritted out, “Sky, to be honest, you are my closest friend. It’s been hurting me awful not to talk to you. I don’t like the distance, or the formality, but if I don’t listen to you guys when you warn me of unsafe things I put you all at risk too and I can’t do that either! I just feel conflicted, then seeing Chaos ill and you could chance that risk too, I…”

He pat her little shaking form, “I’m like a cockroach, and I have no intention of leaving you. I will pick you up, light as you are, and flee like the wind, that is likely, but don’t worry about me.”

He paused and grinned as he nudged her shoulder, “So you like chatting with me about stuff?”

She abruptly shot a look into his face as she declared, “Of course, you’re my best friend Sky, I just told you! You really help me through a lot of things and calm me down in the tense stuff.”

He put his hands to his mouth as he blushed deep red. After a moment, he murmured, “I like talking about stuff with you too, and you’re mine best friend as well.”

She held his hand as she explained, “You know when I’m upset and troubled, you know me better than anyone else in the world. If I didn’t have you, I’d be very lost in my mind. You settle me out and all the time, too!”

Sky looked at her so longingly that he wanted to speak more but thought the better of it. He knew going to that subject was forbidden for him, but his heart wanted to press toward it regardless. She gave him so much encouragement that it practically killed him to force himself to step away.

In the end, he couldn’t utter much more. He simply hugged her and remained still as they watched the trail and distance fall behind them. Time was slipping away, the fleeting, yet precious time they could spend together alone along with it all.

After a long time, he finally was able to stammer out, “Come to me anytime you think you need to vent. I’m always watching out for you, even if it’s simple like this. I’ve seen them claw at you, and other Cities are more vicious yet. I won’t lie that I’m not apprehensive about our task, but with the Great One we’ll be safe the best we can be. I argued hard with those Hydyn leaders, but that won’t be anything compared to the Snakes at Dei or the coldhearted Tribrinkians. I…”

He clamped his mouth shut, her adoring look studying his face intently stabbed at his conscience. For her own good, he couldn’t tell her his heart. It was too much burden. He kicked himself for almost letting himself slip up. He was an Elite, he knew better.

“Tribrinka always takes what you want,” Orionna shot out.

“Huh?” Sky sputtered. He was slightly confused at the turn of the conversation.

“Chaos told me that. That’s what a Tribrinkian feels. You can’t express yourself, so you hide it in. I can see those things though, you’re conflicted, I see it quite clearly now that she explained how Tribrinkians are. Please don’t be in pain because of me,” she sadly added.

Sky swallowed hard as he denied such. She was right though, and he cursed Chaos’s meddling. “No worries, Ori, there’s nothing wrong at all.”

Orionna faced him as she gently touched the sides of his face tenderly. He neither moved but remained apprehensive. “I know you that well, Sky. We know each other better than what we speak out. I see you so conflicted you mask it with a simple smile. There’s a lot going on in your head, but you smile, and it puts everyone at ease even if you don’t feel the same inside. Talk to me about it, I want to know you too, like two kindred spirits.”

She was putting him in the worst sort of torture, that petit form was ever so intelligent! He murmured, “When I first saw you, I knew we thought so similar, and every day since I feel my soul entangled more and more near your’s. I can’t undo it, nor do I want to. I just want to be near you and help you always. I know I shouldn’t tell you these things, yet you prod at me until I can’t refrain from proclaiming that little secret. You’re naughty, but I willingly give you my weakness. Oh, you little sneak.”

He looked away very red, but she smiled as she tried to look in his bashful face. He looked like a cute little boy telling his crush he liked her. She found it endearing as she recalled Chaos’s wonderful advice and information. She now understood the clear picture of the man before her and his reasoning.

She kissed him on the cheek as she rose up. “That’s what you get for stealing my first kiss so thoughtlessly, Mr. Teteren. If I am so naughty, label it retaliation for that precious moment in my life. That’s the price.”

He looked up in mild, surprised but realized time had grossly slipped away. They really did need to return soon, or else the others would get nervous. Sky cleared his throat as a flicker of a smile laced his face. He guided her past people, still bright red and still feeling the sensation of his cheek being brushed with a gentle little pair of lips. She really knew how to torment his pathetic soul, so! To act completely blank faced after such a topic was absolute torture! Without word, they strolled back, making no mention of delay whatsoever. Both clearly lost in their thoughts, but deep down, they had an understanding for each other no one else was privy to.        

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