πƒπ«πšπ π¨π§'𝐬 𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐑

By ekayaria

136K 4.6K 3.1K

In the bloody realm of Westeros, a dark and dramatic tale unfolds. The young daughter of Prince Daemon Targar... More

What Can't Be Unsaid
Where The Roads Part
The Gates Of Kingslanding
That Silver Hair
A Perfect Weapon
What A Father's Lie Gains
A Strange Friend
The City Streets Have Their Price
Bones Will Heal
A Gift Of Guilt
Dear Brothers
Goodnight Princess
Feast For The Dragon's
Feeling Of Regret
Liars Always Win
Send By The Gods
Worm And Lamb
With Or Without Pride
My Sweet Sisters
Gained Respect
Danger Lurks Tonight
Let Them Whisper
Shadows of Allegiance
The Blue Gown
If Snakes Could Talk
Let The Feist Begin
Peal Me To My Core
The Crown Shall Burn
From The Fire She Was Born
Crowned Slaves
Among the Ashes
Golden Flames
Back From The Dead
The Gift She Regrets
Never Turn Your Back
The Flight
All Love Must Die
Back Wounds
Cheese For Blood
Baela Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen
Bastard Blood
My Father's Favorite Daughter
Missing My Mother Missing My Eye
Mother Save Me
Where Are You Father?

A Loud Objection

1.9K 84 87
By ekayaria

The maiden delicately brushed Aegon's silver-white locks, her fingers moving through the strands like a gentle breeze. "Your hair is a cascade of moonlight, a rare and extraordinary beauty," she whispered, her eyes reflecting admiration.

"It's as if the gods themselves painted this ethereal silver upon your head, my prince..." Maiden spoke softly, while the other women rubbed oil on his hands.

Aegon's piercing gaze bore down upon them, his eyes ablaze with a tempest of grief and anger. The vivid memories of Thereya's brutal death lingered, a haunting specter that gnawed at his soul. His heart ached for her more than he allowed himself to admit.

The cold metal of chains bound his hands, a cruel reminder of his fate. Yet, despite the physical restraints, it was the emotional chains that weighed heaviest on him. The anguish etched across his face told a story of a wounded soul, still grappling with the unforgiving reality of her tragic end.

Aegon found himself confined within opulent chambers in the heart of Qarth, a lavish sanctuary that oozed wealth and extravagance. The walls were adorned with intricate gold leaf patterns, casting a warm, regal glow across the room. The furnishings, from the grand bed draped in sumptuous silks to the polished table laden with a bounty of exotic fruits, spoke of luxury beyond imagination.

A towering balcony beckoned, adorned with intricately crafted gold railings that framed a breathtaking view of the bustling city below. The air carried the scent of spices and the distant murmur of merchants haggling in the markets, a stark contrast to the gilded tranquility within.

Sunlight streamed through sheer curtains, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the marble floor. Velvet cushions adorned every available surface, inviting indulgence and comfort. In this chamber of decadence, Aegon felt both the allure of its grandeur and the weight of its golden chains, a luxurious prison in the heart of a great city, Qarth.

As the maiden delicately applied the fragrant oils to Aegon's skin, her voice took on a flirtatious lilt, her sweet words dancing in the air like a seductive melody.

"Oh, my prince, your skin is as smooth as the finest silk, a canvas deserving of the gods' admiration," she cooed, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Aegon, however, felt the undercurrent of her advances, his disdain growing with each sugared compliment. He met her gaze with a cold, piercing stare, a silent warning etched across his face.

"Be cautious, fair maiden," he spoke, his voice a low, threatening rumble. "Your sweet words may find a willing ear elsewhere, but not in this room."

The maiden, undeterred, continued her attempts at charm. "My prince, do not worry, your eyes hold the strength of a dragon's gaze, fierce and commanding."

Aegon's disgust intensified. "Know this, woman, if my hands were free from these chains, they would find their place around your neck before you could utter another word of false flattery. I would strangle you if I could
Save your breath for someone who may be fooled by your charms."

The room, once filled with the scent of oils and subtle seduction, now hung heavy with tension. Aegon's icy gaze warned against any further attempts to ensnare him with honeyed words, the threat of his fury lurking beneath the surface. The women went silent and continued to work around.

"What does your cunt of a lord want from me and my family?" Aegon asked, his patience running low and his rage only growing.

The maiden met his gaze for a second then continued brushing his hair, "He wants you to marry his three daughters. And one day when he goes among the Gods, the city of Qarth will be yours."

"Three daughters? There is no way in seven hells I would do such a thing." Aegon scoffed and spoke with disgust.

"I'm afraid my lord doesn't care about your needs and wants. He needs grandchildren." Maiden replied calmly.

"I won't f*ck his whores of Qarth. I do not care what he wishes for me. I am the King's firstborn son. No chain will change my blood." Aegon gritted his teeth.

"The ceremony will whatsoever happen this evening. It will be painless." She reassured Aegon once again.

"But the night will be long and painful." He replied with sarcasm in his tone.

One maiden gracefully began to unfasten the clasps of his garments, her movements deft yet respectful. As the fabric slid away, revealing the contours of his form, the air seemed to hold a fleeting sense of vulnerability.

Simultaneously, another maiden approached with a set of pristine white and gold garments. The cloth seemed to shimmer with opulence, a stark contrast to the chains that still adorned Aegon's wrists.

"These garments are a gift, my prince, for the wedding" the maiden spoke with gentle reverence, presenting the clothing as if it were an offering to a king.

Aegon's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and suspicion as the maidens continued their task. The intricate details of the new attire spoke of Qarth's craftsmanship, the white fabric adorned with golden accents that gleamed in the ambient light.

"We will leave you in your chambers, now, but soon we will come back for you again, you must be escorted before our lord." One of the maids said before giving Aegon a slight bow and leaving.

Alone in the chambers adorned with decadence, Aegon surveyed the opulent surroundings in his new white and gold attire. The intricate patterns on the fabric seemed to whisper tales of a distant land's craftsmanship, but they couldn't drown out the clinking reminder of chains around his hands.

As the maidens departed, leaving him in solitude, Aegon's gaze lingered on the grand balcony with its golden railings framing the bustling city beyond. He poured himself wine from the table, the rich liquid cascading into the goblet, a temporary solace for a troubled soul.

Forgive me Thereya...

The room, once a gilded prison, now felt like a stage where the drama of his fate unfolded. The clinking of the chains echoed in the silence, a haunting reminder of his captivity amid the splendors of Qarth. Aegon, dressed in the finery of his captors, raised the goblet to his lips, savoring the bitter taste of the wine that couldn't wash away the bitterness of his fate.

Aegon's eyes caught a glint of gold in the polished mirror's reflection. His gaze narrowed as he saw a delicate necklace with a small sapphire stone, a subtle yet striking piece that seemed to beckon to him. The golden chain, fine and elegant, cradled the azure gem like a teardrop of the summer sky.

His fingers grazed the cold gold, and for a fleeting moment, time stood still. The sight of the necklace brought forth memories of Thereya, her eyes reflecting the same shade of blue as the precious stone. A pang of longing swept through him, a silent ache for the woman he had lost.

He clasped the necklace in his hand, feeling its weight and the memories it carried. Aegon could slowly feel the guilt eating him alive.

With a heavy heart, Aegon carefully placed the golden necklace with the sapphire stone into his pocket, a small yet precious token that weighed heavily against the fabric. As the cold metal disappeared into the folds, he couldn't escape the haunting truth that clung to him like a shadow.

Guilt, a relentless companion, gripped his soul as he lowered his head into his hands. The memories of Thereya's demise replayed in his mind like a cruel tapestry and the weight of what could've been lingered like a ghost in the room.

Why did I not act sooner? Could I have saved her? Aegon's whispered lament echoed in the solitude of his chamber. The opulence around him felt hollow, a cruel juxtaposition to the burden he carried.

The chains around his hands seemed to tighten, mirroring the constricting guilt that ate away at him.

Hours have passed. Aegon did not move or speak, he only let the sun slowly fall behind the mountains.

Aegon rose from his contemplation as the door creaked open, revealing the maiden who had attended to him earlier. Her presence disrupted the heavy air of introspection that hung in the room. With a subtle gesture, she beckoned him to follow, her gaze holding a mix of deference and curiosity.

Silent and somber, Aegon trailed behind her, the chains around his hands jingling softly with each step. The grandeur of the chambers faded as they navigated through the corridors.

The maiden led him through the winding passages of Qarth, each step echoing with the weight of his footsteps. Aegon, draped in white and gold, followed the enigmatic guide into the unknown, his heart burdened not only by chains but the thought of his Thereya.

Ascending the golden stairs, the maiden halted, her gaze conveying a sense of finality. "I must not go further, my prince. Your destination awaits at the top," she spoke with a respectful nod, her eyes lingering for a moment before she retraced her steps, leaving Aegon to continue alone.

As he approached the hall, exotic plants adorned the surroundings, their vibrant colors and unfamiliar blooms creating an otherworldly atmosphere. At the end of the hall, a man with a robust belly sat, draped in resplendent gold and light blue attire. The clinking of silverware against porcelain echoed as he indulged in a lavish meal.

Aegon, still carrying the weight of his thoughts, approached the seated lord, his eyes meeting the curious gaze of the man who awaited him.

The man's chuckle resonated in the hall as he wiped his mouth, gesturing for Aegon to take a seat. "Sit, make yourself comfortable. There's much to discuss," he invited with a genial smile.

Aegon, however, could not easily dismiss the anger that simmered within him. He lowered himself into the offered seat, a semblance of compliance, but his eyes burned with a lingering defiance.

"Comfort is a luxury I'm denied," Aegon retorted, his voice sharp as a blade. "Chains may bind my hands, but they do not silence my discontent. Speak swiftly, for I am not one to savor the company of those who hold me captive." The opulence of the surroundings served as a stark backdrop to the tension that crackled in the air.

As Aegon settled into the seat, the man, still enjoying the remnants of his meal, spoke with an air of assurance. "After your upcoming wedding, my lord, these chains that bind you will be no more. You shall find a new sense of freedom under a different alliance."

Aegon's eyes narrowed, skepticism etched across his face. "Marriage may break these chains around my hands, but it will forge new ones around my heart. The ties of matrimony are often more binding than any metal could ever be," he replied, the bitterness in his tone betraying the weight of his convictions.

The man's laughter filled the hall, resonating against the backdrop of exotic plants. "Ah, my lord, you are yet to discover the intricacies of the game we play. Sometimes, what appears to be a shackle may turn out to be a key."

"I doubt it..." Aegon replied coldly.

The man looked Aegon up and down before he scoffed. "You will be marrying my daughters now, I better hear that you are satisfying them. If not... Well, let's say... We don't want that to happen." The man smiled

Aegon stared at the man but he was quiet. The man took a sip of his wine.

"The wedding will last for three days, each day you will marry one of my daughters. Tonight you will marry my oldest daughter of 19, Shireen. I will walk you outside in the gardens where the wedding will happen. Do not worry. I'm sure they will be satisfied." The man said as he stood up and motioned Aegon to walk outside with him.

As Aegon walked with the man toward the gardens, an unsettling wave of fear and anger washed over him. The impending marriage weighed on his shoulders like an insurmountable burden. The woman he desired was gone, her absence a specter that haunted him at every step.

The gardens, adorned with exotic blooms and bathed in the glow of Qarth's twilight, became a backdrop to Aegon's inner turmoil. He battled the conflicting emotions that raged within him, a storm of grief and resentment that threatened to consume his composure.

As they entered the garden, noblemen gathered like vibrant flowers in a bouquet, their voices mingling with the rustle of leaves. Aegon, draped in white and gold, stood among them.

Amidst the flourishing garden, a peculiar stone with a bowl-shaped top, containing a mysterious golden-yellow liquid, stood as a centerpiece. A woman with long, unkempt black hair stood beside it, her visage lacking the allure of conventional beauty.

More of a beast than a beauty...

Aegon's gaze lingered on the oddity of the stone, the man whispered to Aegon as he walked him toward his daughter, "When I say the words and pronounce you husband and wife you will dip your thumb in the gold you see in that bowl then wipe it across her eyes."

As the man guided Aegon toward the peculiar stone, positioning them in front of his soon-to-be wife, a look of evident disgust crossed Aegon's face when his eyes met hers. The woman, with her long, unkempt black hair, stood as a stark contrast to the visions of beauty he had entertained in his dreams.

As the man began to speak of the gathered nobles and the purpose of the elaborate ceremony, Aegon's attention wavered. His gaze, fixed forward, seemed to pierce through the opulent facade around him. The man's words about alliances and the impending union became a distant murmur, drowned out by the relentless tumult of Aegon's inner turmoil.

At that moment, the grandeur of the occasion was lost on Aegon, his mind becoming a battleground between compliance and rebellion. The stone, with its mysterious golden-yellow liquid, and the woman by his side became mere props in a play he never auditioned for.

As the man continued his speech, Aegon's mind was all messy.

How do I escape this gilded cage? These chains, not of iron, but of duty and expectation, bind me to a fate I never chose. This marriage, a web woven by others, entangles my future in a union that mocks the memory of what once was.

His thoughts circled back relentlessly to Thereya, a phantom presence haunting the edges of his consciousness. He couldn't take it.

How could I allow this to fall upon us... If we only stayed at the feist...

The woman before him paled in comparison to the vibrant memory of the love he had lost.

Maybe she she was that hideous, or maybe she just simply wasn't her...

Amid the ceremony, the garden, and the nobles, the look in Aegon's eyes was a silent plea for escape. The golden liquid in the stone mirrored the false promises that surrounded him.

As the man approached the culmination of the ceremony, his final words hung in the air like a foreboding decree. "If anyone objects, speak now, but know that objections will be silenced with death."

Aegon, momentarily snapped back to the grim reality, felt a surge of defiance and panic. The weight of the impending union and the ominous threat of death created a palpable tension. The silence that followed was oppressive.

As the man prepared to pronounce them husband and wife, the woman, perhaps sensing Aegon's resistance, forcibly guided his fingers into the golden liquid. The cold sensation seemed to seep into his very soul, a metaphorical binding that mirrored the impending union.

But just as the man was about to utter the final words, a sudden darkness descended upon them, a large shadow. A thunderous roar echoed from the sky, a sound both primal and otherworldly. The collective gasp of the assembled nobles filled the garden as uncertainty gripped the ceremony.

All eyes turned upward, searching for the source of the roar in the night sky, yet nothing revealed itself. The air was thick with tension until, suddenly, a small dragon appeared, gracefully descending to land on the edge of the stone bowl in front of Aegon.


The man's laughter rang out, echoing through the garden, followed by the amused chortles of the nobles and even the woman. The collective gaze of the assembly shifted from the ominous interruption to the diminutive creature before them.

With a sly grin, the man jokingly addressed the dragon. "Ah, The Dragon Prince, it seems your fearsome guardian has arrived. A bat... here to protect you from the terrors of marriage!" Laughter rippled through the gathering as the man's jest dispelled the tension that had gripped the ceremony.

Drakus, seemingly unfazed by the spectacle, perched on the edge of the stone bowl. A smirk appeared on Aegon's face.

Drakus's seemingly innocent demeanor transformed as she tilted her head and emitted a screech that cut through the laughter like a knife. The woman, oblivious to the impending danger, continued to jest about the dragon's cuteness, "Father if you told me he would bring his bat i might have married him sooner."

In a sudden and shocking turn, Drakus turned her head toward the woman and unleashed a burst of flames. The air filled with the acrid scent of burning flesh, and the woman's laughter morphed into screams of agony as the flames engulfed her face.

Aegon took a step backward and Drakus landed on his shoulder.

Chaos erupted in the garden as panic seized the assembled nobles. The man, his face contorted with horror, watched helplessly as the unforeseen turn of events unfolded. The once joyous occasion had morphed into a nightmare, screams piercing the night air.

Drakus, now perched on Aegon's shoulder, maintained a stoic gaze, her small form suprised many.

The man, desperate and frantic, cradled his burning daughter, attempting to extinguish the flames that ravaged her face. Panic swept through the nobles as they scattered in terror, the once-celebratory atmosphere now overshadowed by horror.

Amidst the chaos, a resounding roar echoed once more, shaking the very foundations of the garden. A colossal golden dragon landed before the stone, causing people to flee in terror. Aegon's eyes widened in disbelief and recognition, it was Sunfyre, his own dragon, larger and more majestic than ever.

As the crowd dispersed, a loud voice thundered from above, "Aegon!" There, on dragonback, Thereya Targaryen. Aegon, caught between disbelief and euphoria, watched as the woman he had mourned stood atop Sunfyre, a vision that defied the boundaries of life and death. Jis heart raced

The garden, once a scene of calamity, now witnessed a surreal reunion amid the chaos. Thereya's triumphant return, marked by the fiery presence of Sunfyre.

Thereya, dismounting from Sunfyre, struggled momentarily with her balance but swiftly regained her footing. Sunfyre, the golden dragon, snarled but remained still, fixated on Aegon as if recognizing an old companion.

In the midst of the chaos, Thereya hurried toward Aegon, the world around them fading into a blur. They met, and the air seemed to crackle with unspoken emotions. There, amid the turmoil, a silent monologue unfolded between them.

"Thereya," Aegon breathed her name, the weight of disbelief lifting as he took in her resurrected presence. Her eyes, filled with a mix of determination and longing, met his.

"I thought I had lost you," Aegon admitted, a mixture of relief and vulnerability in his voice. Thereya, without a word, reached into her pocket, producing a small piece of glass. In a swift and practiced motion, she inserted it into the lock of Aegon's chains.

The metal clanked, and the chains fell away, relinquishing their hold on Aegon. There, in the midst of the surreal reunion, the emotional tension lingered between them like an unspoken promise.

"Thereya, how is this possible? I saw them-... " Aegon questioned, his gaze searching hers for answers that transcended the realm of logic.

"There are mysteries that even death cannot unravel," Thereya replied slightly sarcastically, her eyes reflecting the depth of an unspoken connection. "We have much to discuss, Aegon, but for now, let us leave this place of behind... Come home... Come home with me."

As the chains hit the ground, the garden, once filled with calamity, now bore witness to the reunion of two souls entwined by fate, standing together against the odds.

Aegon's gaze descended upon the man below, the one who had orchestrated the chaos and manipulated fates. Thereya, following his line of sight, cast a disdainful look down at the man cradling his daughter's charred body, a silent judgment etched on her face.

The air crackled with tension as Aegon's eyes shifted from the grieving man to Sunfyre, the golden dragon standing beside them. The flames of anger danced in Aegon's eyes, and the man, on the ground, seemed to sense the impending storm.

Aegon, on the verge of commanding Sunfyre to unleash his fiery wrath, hesitated. The temptation to order the man's demise, to have him burned alive like a pig, lingered in the air like a malevolent specter. The man, in a desperate plea, cradled his daughter's lifeless form and uttered prayers to his gods.

Thereya, sensing Aegon's internal struggle, placed a steadying hand on his arm. Their eyes met, "Don't..." Thereya tightened the grip on his arms. "Just look at him... Don't show him mercy. Death is mercy. Let him live in fear." Thereya said coldly.

Without a word, Aegon started walking towards Sunfyre, the golden dragon that stood sentinel. Thereya, sensing his retreat, followed in his footsteps, her eyes still carrying the weight of unspoken emotions.

As Aegon reached Sunfyre's side, he turned to Thereya. "Come," he said with a tone that echoed both weariness and resolve.

Thereya approached Aegon, the air heavy with unspoken words. Aegon extended a hand to Sunfyre, patting the dragon's side as he spoke in the ancient tongue of High Valyrian, a language that carried echoes of a bygone era.

Turning his attention back to Thereya, Aegon's hands gently found her waist. With a firm yet tender grasp, he assisted her in climbing onto Sunfyre's back. The dragon, ever watchful, seemed to sense the unspoken bond between the two riders.

Before mounting Sunfyre, Aegon's gaze locked onto the man below. The air became charged with tension as their eyes met. Aegon's voice, firm and filled with anger, cut through the chaos.

"Good luck finding your daughter a new groom now." Aegon declared, his words laced with cold fury. "Cross my path again, and no gods will save you from the reckoning that awaits. Remember this moment, for your life now balances on the edge of my mercy."

The man, met with Aegon's unwavering glare, seemed to comprehend the weight of the threat. As Aegon turned away, mounting Sunfyre with Thereya behind him.

Drakus flew back toward Sunfyre and landed on Thereya's shoulder.

Thereya, her gaze filled with a mixture of emotions, locked eyes with Aegon in a silence that spoke volumes. Aegon, feeling the weight of their unspoken connection, turned his head towards her and uttered a simple command, "Hold on."

Without a word, Thereya complied, wrapping her arms around Aegon's waist with a tight grip. Her head found a resting place on his back, a silent embrace that conveyed more than words ever could. Aegon felt the warmth of her presence, a bittersweet reassurance against the tumultuous backdrop of their journey.

"Sōvēs... (Fly...)" Aegon said in a demanding tone.

Sunfyre, roared with a thunderous intensity. The dragon's wings unfurled, capturing the night air, and with a powerful surge, he ascended into the darkened sky. Thereya's grip around his waist tightened.

Above the clouds, a serene quietness enveloped Sunfyre and its riders. The vast expanse of the night sky unfolded around them, adorned with a myriad of stars that seemed to hold the secrets of countless worlds.

In the silence, emotions hung heavy between Aegon and Thereya. Aegon, a master of suppressing his feelings, stared into the cosmic tapestry without revealing the turbulence within.

Thereya, behind him, observed Aegon in the quiet. Her eyes, reflective pools of understanding, held the depth of a love. The air, laden with unsaid words, was heavy.

Suddenly, as if breaking a dam of silence, Aegon decided to speak. His voice, a steady stream in the tranquil night, cut through the quietude. "There's much we need to discuss," he said, the words carrying the weight of a past that demanded acknowledgment. The stars bore witness to the conversations that awaited them, as Sunfyre continued its flight through the celestial canvas.

"Do you mean what happened in my chambers or..." Thereya spoke quietly, her mind wandering off.

"No. For the sake of gods, we are never speaking of that..." A look of disgust crossed Aegon's face and Thereya laughed.

Thereya's laughter, a sound that echoed through the night sky, reached Aegon's ears. The unexpected warmth of her mirth tugged at the edges of his guarded demeanor, and for a fleeting moment, a subtle smile graced Aegon's lips.

"A twat," Aegon muttered, a teasing edge to his tone as he looked at Thereya.

"How did you manage to survive?" Aegon asked, his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

"I figured that if they throw me into the sea, i will manage to escape. So i did that... Even though it didn't go as bloodless as it shoukd have." Thereya said as sudden grief filled her face.

Aegon nodded in silence as he saw the grief present in the look of her eyes. But then suddenly Thereya smiled to herself.

Thereya's smile held a hint of gratitude as she gently rubbed Sunfyre's side, acknowledging the majestic creature who had played a crucial role in her return. "If it wasn't for him," she said, her voice carrying a softness that mirrored the bond she shared with the golden dragon, "I would have been slaughtered long before reaching you."

"I wonder what kind of chaos is happening back in the Kings Landing, how did Sunfyre even break out." Aegon said.

"Yeah? Well, I honestly don't want to come back. Something bad will happen... I can feel it..." Thereya said sarcastically but truthfully.

Confusion crossed Aegon's face, "What do you mean?"

"I mean... Just think about it. They don't want us Aegon, they want their perfect images of us, but not us. You will never be Aemma's son and I will never be Rhaenyra's daughter..." She said nonchalantly but her words did find their way to Aegon's heart as he stared at the sky in front of them.

"They already think we are dead... Let them think. Come with me. We could make our own world, together... Just you and me... Aegon..." Thereya said softly, her eyes filling with hope, she took one of Aegon's hands in hers.

Aegon pulled his hand away and gripped Sunfyre tighter as this scared him. But not the thought of going away with Thereya, but the fact that he wanted it, now more than anything.

"Don't be foolish. And keep quiet, i just found you and you already annoy me."
Aegon said rolling his eyes.

Silence fell among them once again and Thereya decided to switch the topic as she smiled softly again looking over his shoulder at his hand, his two fingers had the gold color on it.

"What is that for?" Thereya asked curiously.

Aegon smirked slightly bringing his hand closer, "Pretty sure this is my piss, i knew it would be golden." He said sarcastically as he rubbed his hand over her face.

"Aegon!" Thereya shouted in disbelief but was quick to laughter as they flew back home.

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