Watching and Listening - An E...

By JohannaJaneUn

1.9K 11 44

One day, False wakes up in an unfamiliar world with no memory of her life. Some time later, after False has f... More

Who is she?
Cogs turning
The cat, the scarecrow, and the sign
A friend in me
Don't judge a book by its cover
Voices in her head
Traces of guilt
A rocky start to friendship
Haunting thoughts
What is she hiding?
Building bridges
Festival of the rift
Another world
Meeting with friends
False symmetry
Trying to get answers
Secretive motives
Expose her
Observation of enigmas
Leaking secrets
New thoughts
Calm before the storm
After a storm comes a calm
Unpleasant dreams
Who's the villain?
Old friends
Spreading news
And then there were two
Two places at once
Come undone
Learning the truth
Slowly figuring it out
Angsty explanations
Mind games
Not right
The void tea party
Memory issues
The truth
False memory
Mandela effect
Close friends
Double life
Trust and distrust
Aftermath of the attack
The animals know all
1, 2, 3, 4...
In her head
New rooms
Friends in Tumble Town
Set up
Home is where the friends are
Watcher meeting
Allies in Tumble Town
Reclaiming old friends
Almost normal
Mumbo's adventures in another world
Her other personality
Distracting friends
One last day
One last night
The dreaded day
Mother sun
Watcher versus Watcher
Jimena and Herodias
A win and a loss
Sad alternate ending

Flickers of memory

17 0 0
By JohannaJaneUn

           Jimena consulted another one of False's maps of the surrounding empires as she flew through the air. Clouds rushed by her and birds would occasionally follow her around for a few minutes. It was fun, flying in the sun, with a cool breeze sweeping her on a river of wind. Jimena smiled and and put the map away again. She was going in the correct direction. Dawn should be just over the mountains that she was fast approaching. She flapped False's elytra harder to scale some more height. Jimena didn't want to crash into the peaks and lose more of False's stuff. Luckily, she didn't crash, and managed to avoid all obstacles in her path. Soon she was flying over a kingdom of warm colors that could only be her destination. 

           Dawn looked so pretty from the sky. Then again, most things looked so much grander with a bird's eye view, but Dawn's houses had such beautiful roofs. They were made up of gradients of warm, sunny colors. There was one with red edges and an yellowy-orange middle, another with stripes of orange leading to gold, and yet another with sunrise colors of pink and purple radiating into pale scarlet. Jimena could imagine that when it was sunrise or sunset, some of those roofs would fade into the sky and just blend in. But the roofs weren't the only pretty things about Dawn, of course. The actual houses that had the colorful gradient ceilings weren't any less pretty. 

           They were built differently than some other buildings Jimena had seen. Instead of being made of processed planks, the wooden houses were made of logs stripped of their bark and branches and neatly hewn together. In between the logs were clay that made sure that the wood would stick together, and it was dyed a muted brown to help it blend in with the logs. The unprocessed wood and disguised clay added up to an interesting effect that made the houses feel more rustic and natural. The windows were also different from normal windows. The glass was stained yellow rather than being clear like most windows were, and Jimena noticed that there were always windows facing the east and west, ready to meet the rising and setting sun. The light coming in through the windows would be warm and sunny all the time. 

           Nestled around the houses were so many trees. Tall and stately pines, curvy willows, short and plump oaks. Birds nested in their branches, and bees built their hives upon them. Whoever runs this empire really cares for the trees, Jimena thought. Most people would probably chop the trees down when they expand. But the way the houses are arranged, it looks like they're trying to avoid getting in the trees' growth room. And winding around the trees and houses were roads, cobbled together by black stones sunken into dark loamy soil. It had a unique effect of making all the colors around it seem warmer and brighter, because of its dark shade. Dawn's architecture played on themes of chiaroscuro; the second storeys of the houses always built wider than the first; casting shadows onto the ground. The roofs were warmer than the muted hues of the walls. The streets contrasted with the pale flowers that grew beside it.

           Jimena remembered what Shelby had said about Dawn being all about the sun. It really showed in how they built their houses and arranged the townscape. She had to stop admiring the scenery, though, because she had to land and trade for the beeswax that she'd come here for in the first place. Jimena felt for the pouch of iron ingots that False had given her to trade, making sure it was secure and shut tight before she started her descent. She landed next to a tree, startling a couple of birds and butterflies that had been perching on it, and they flew away. Jimena watched them go, soaring away over the horizon, until she couldn't see them anymore. Just then, she heard someone else approach, and turned around to see who it was. 

           There was a lady standing there, with long sunset-red locks and emerald-green eyes. She wore a flowy pink gown with brown shoulder pads and white trim. A thick gold ringlet was her crown, studded with a single large ruby that was even redder than her hair. And from her back sprouted four monarch butterfly wings, fluttering softly in the gentle breeze. She had a regal way of standing and moving, and she looked surprised to see Jimena there. Jimena frowned. For some reason, the lady looked familiar. She felt like she should know her. "Hi," Jimena waved. She paused. "Uh, do I know you?" A flicker of confusion flashed across the lady's eyes for a brief instant, but she hid it under a mask of regality and composure. "No," She said crisply. 

           Jimena was surprised, and then felt surprised that she was surprised. The deep urge that she should recognize this lady was even stronger now, but she couldn't pinpoint why. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were... someone I knew. I'm Jimena." "I'm Gem, the princess of Dawn." The lady said. Just then, Jimena felt a strong sense of hate toward the princess. It bewildered her. Why do I hate her? I just met her! But then it soon became clear. It wasn't her emotion she was feeling. It was the voice's. <˧ᒷᒲ¦リ¦...> The sound rang through Jimena's head. She shivered and looked back at Gem, who was watching her closely. 

           Jimena recognized the way Gem was looking at her. It was the same look False had whenever she was checking some new thing's threat level. But the fact that Jimena understood it didn't make her any less confused. If anything, it made her even more. Why would I be a threat to her? "False sent me to trade for some wax," Jimena said, trying to shake off the strange thoughts. She glanced at Gem, who seemed less tense now. "Oh, you've come for beeswax? Come this way to my barn, then." The princess walked over to a large building sitting on a hill and beckoned to her to follow. Jimena did as she was asked, walking into a noisy and smelly barn full of animals. 

           The animals were mostly cows, pigs, and sheep, though there were the occasional chickens that had wandered in through the large door and little holes in the walls; all living under one roof. They all looked at Jimena, tracking her movements, expressing curiosity over the newcomer. For some reason it made her uncomfortable. They're just animals watching you, silly. But all those eyes, even if they belonged to creatures she would have found cute on any other circumstance, appeared creepy to her now, and she moved closer to Gem. The princess was standing in the corner of the barn, checking in some beehives that hung from the rafters. Jimena suddenly realized that there were bees that lived in the barn too. 

            Those bees flew out of the hives that Gem was opening; disturbed by the fact that their houses were now being exposed to outsiders. They didn't mind Gem for doing it, it seemed, because they didn't sting her. However, they were very interested in the girl who stood next to their hives that they hadn't met before. Buzzing loudly, they zigzagged around her head, making Jimena even more uncomfortable. She did not want to get stung. She backed away, but they followed her, buzzing even more noisily. If I get stung, I just hope I'm not allergic! 


           Gem was practically an expert on bees. Even if her wings were that of a butterfly, a completely different insect, she still had a healthy and strong relationship with the yellow and black bugs. They enjoyed her company, and she enjoyed theirs. She tended to them and would often take their excess honey, but she made sure to leave enough left for them. Gem was good at handling them and their hives in ways that they wouldn't become aggressive or even mind her actions the slightest bit. Overall, the bees preferred her company over that of other beings, who would most likely get stung if they attempted to copy the sun princess. 

           So that was how Gem knew what to do when she looked up from collecting and counting beeswax to see the new girl she'd just met, Jimena, flat up against the wall, being headbutted by bees. Jimena looked pale and rather nervous about what Gem knew was just friendly bee curiosity. Gem nearly laughed out loud, but she knew that if Jimena panicked, she would most likely get stung, and there was always the chance that she was allergic, meaning that a bee sting would be fatal. So she walked over to her and started scolding the bees. 

           "Don't get so close, don't you know what personal space is?" She chided, and a few of the bees backed off instantly. A couple more inquisitive ones kept nosing around Jimena, though, so Gem carefully swatted them away. It was one of those things the bees let her do that they wouldn't let many other people do. They understood the hierarchy around Dawn; Gem was the princess and queen bee who cared for them like a mother. And who also scolded them like a mother. So the rest of the bees flew back into their hives, and Gem turned apologetically to Jimena, who looked like she was about to faint at the close call. 

           "I'm sorry about the bees," Gem apologized. "They're curious around strangers." Jimena nodded, but she moved a little further away from the bees. Gem giggled, and suddenly noticed that she'd let her guard down, for just a few moments. Be more careful, she berated herself. Even if she doesn't recognize you, her very presence here means trouble. Gem managed to suppress her inner turmoil and smile at Jimena. "So, how much does False need? And how do you know False?" "Enough to wax a whole bridge made of copper, so I think I'll need another stack," Jimena said, looking at the beeswax that the princess held. "And I met False almost two months ago; I live in Cogsmeade now. Why?" 

           Gem was obviously not about to tell her why she was asking. "Just wondering," She said coolly. She passed the box of beeswax that she'd just wrapped up to her. "I think a stack of iron will be sufficient payment." "Okay, good, I just brought a single stack," Jimena said relievedly, and emptied out the contents of her satchel onto a nearby table. A stack of iron ingots clattered loudly onto the aged wood and then spilled over onto the floor. Jimena looked sheepish and started picking it all up and putting it back on the table in a neat pile. Gem watched her finish up and then head toward the exit, keeping a careful eye out for stray bees. "Thank you!" Jimena called over her shoulder. "You're welcome!" Gem called back, frowning at the retreating figure. What is she doing here? What are they planning? 


             False stared at a candle she'd lit, sitting in the middle of a table. She tried to focus on the dancing flame, trying to bring back the strange memory that had been triggered earlier by the burning bridge. Nothing happened. She sighed. The strange flashback had really stirred things up in her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about it. So as soon as she had finished planning out the new bridge, she tried to trigger the flashback again. But candlelight wasn't enough, apparently. She'd need a larger bonfire. False took a flint and steel and went outside. The puddles from the rain had mostly dried up by now, so she collected a pile of dry sticks and set it ablaze. She sat down on a rock a few feet away, stared at the heart of the fire, and waited for the memory to come crashing down. And it did. 

           She watched with glee as the fire spread from the roof to the walls. Peeping in through the windows, she could see the furnishings were being set ablaze from the sparks that fell from the ceiling. The sight was glowing and glorious. Grinning, False went to see if the other side of the house had started burning yet. It had. Satisfied with her work, she turned away and started to leave. The house would burn itself up eventually, and hopefully the flames would spread to the nearby wood and set the forest on fire. That would certainly catch her attention. But what False didn't realize was that her small act of arson had already caught her attention. And she was standing right behind her. 

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