Defamation [Neuvillette X Rea...

بواسطة Corflos

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Justice is not at all what it seems in Fontaine. [Does contain heavy topics] المزيد

The Nutcracker
The Wish
The Comedian
A Court's Fool
The Rain
The Juggler
'Not Detective'
Press Conference
The Opportunist
Milkshake Party
The Limit
The Trial
Lovers' Duel


455 18 40
بواسطة Corflos

Detention has a different connotation when applied to law rather than academics. They place you in a intimidating room, leaving you in a state of clueless anticipation for a while. No one was explaining anything yet, so it honestly felt ridiculous.

Your brows furrow as you recall the expressions on their faces when viewing the confidential folder. Whatever was in it has to be incriminating if it convinced Neuvillette that you were suspicious enough to be deemed lead suspect. Sure your behavior since the investigation has been loose and reckless but that didn't make you a criminal.

The door handle rattles, normally investigators and Gardes handle detained citizens but it was Neuvillette who entered. You never thought you'd see him look at you with such a cold stern gaze, but alas that's professional protocol against possible perpetrators. Still, you knew he was a reasonable man and that this could be resolved. Then you can see the look of trust and admiration he has for you once again.

"They were apprehensive to let me speak with you, to even take part in investigation surrounding you."
his demeanor was unnerving

"Could you please explain to me what's going on, why I'm being treated as a suspect?"

He places the file from earlier onto the table, it was printed cctv footage shots from the pipes last night. It blatantly shows you crashing into the pipes and running around armed with your sword. You laughed, this was simply just a misunderstanding. The fact they had footage could mean they captured a glimpse of the real perpetrator, especially you chasing after them. However this also meant he knew you went on that stakeout, before you could explain it to him yourself.

"Hah... okay, I can see why that looks bad but Neuvillette you know I was only there to preform a stakeout"

"I wasn't there so I cannot explain your actions, taking this footage at face-value it simply shows you were causing a destructive ruckus"
his face remained serious in contrast to your lighthearted one

"What? No, look there should be traces of.."

Looking back at the screen shots, none of it captured the actual perpetrator- not even glimpse nor a shadow. He looked at you frantically scan the pages, the seriousness of all this was slowly settling in.

"How could I be the perpetrator... I invited you to the stakeout. It wouldn't make sense!"
a solid start on your behalf

"Perhaps that is a valid argument however since the investigation on you has promptly begun, suspicious factors that cannot be ignored keep arising."

"What do you mean?"

"Your investigation journal, I made it clearly apparent last night how important it is to turn in. It was missing from the evidence inventory."
he looks at you, awaiting an explanation

"about that... I may have lost it somewhere within the pipes system."
you answered honestly

"Well isn't that convenient"
his tone laced with light sarcasm
"and what is this I hear about an unreported visit to the pipes system a while back with Rohrette? You did not mention this in your daily reports."

You gulped, recalling the first visit you made to help soothe her of job jitters. She adamantly pled that you do not tell Neuvillette, fearing she'd be deemed as helpless. You bent the rules slightly for her case, a loophole if you will. Still, faced with heavy allegations it was not your place to expose her like that to him.

"I can't say..."

"You can't or you won't? You do realize it is your job to relay the reports, it would have given you a strong alibi."

"She has a right to anonymous services"
you muttered

"Was this an official anonymous case? It was not mentioned any where that it was."

She didn't know how to make an official anonymous request, so it technically wasn't. This has put you in a tough spot. You remained silent for a long moment, trying to come up with something to save your case.

"[Name], do you realize how serious all this is?"
he raised his voice impatiently

"What if you brought Rohrette in, she can vouch for me and explain herself."
it was a hopeful attempt

"Well since suspicion shifted onto you, investigation on her was discredited. Not only will she serve as a poor alibi but we also found this."
he slides down a note

Dear anyone,
I enjoyed my time in the city of Fontaine, to have had a chance working my desired job. Due to recent events it seems I only caused troublesome discourse by my mere presence. So I am leaving for good- I won't be returning to my home village either, I'll seek a new path.
*PS. I wish you well on the search of the true criminal, may they be brought to justice.

-Best Regards, Rohrette

It definitely did resemble her handwriting. It was probably already looked at by an officer Melusine, tested for forgery. Something didn't sit quite right with the note, there really is no reason for her to leave since things were going well in her favor.

"Do you know what the people are speculating? A combined effort, human and melusine mastering a crime together. Her fleet does not benefit either of your cases."
his arms cross as he sighs, leaning back into chair across from you.

"Neuvillette, you know I wouldn't... you don't honestly think I'm a criminal, do you?"
your voice was shaky

"It's not a matter of belief, this is to remain objective. You of all people should already understand that"
you didn't like that stare of disdain...

"You granted me a favor, back on that rainy day. I ask that you believe me on this."
you were starting to sound desperate

"With limits to the law and my impartiality. Do you think that I can bend the law just for you? That you are excused from any reprimand?"
he was getting a bit agitated
"This is a crime against the nation, one that caused massive havoc. I will not deter from my duties just because of personal feelings."

"I'm innocent, you know I am!"
could he not have reasonable judgement?!

"It only raises suspicion that you would use emotional tactics in attempt to gain my side in this."

"Are you calling me a manipulator now? I- maybe I asked for too much of you but how can I prove my innocence"
you took a deep breath, trying to be just as rational

"A lawyer will be offered to you, I suggest you accept if you're not confident in your ability to prove your own innocence."

"...When I went against your word about the stakeout, I assure you I was only trying to help with the case. Keep your opinions if you will but please understand that"

"I have nothing else to say about all this. Now if you'll excuse me I need to handle the malpractices that occurred due to my poor judgement in character."

He exits the door, resisting any urge to look back at your defeated expression. He didn't understand why things had turned out this way, it seems he may have been entirely wrong about you. He tried his best to keep you on a clear track, focusing on your own investigation rather than the main but humans have such a fussy drive to do the opposite as told.

Whether you are guilty or not, he cannot assist you in this. It has already damaged his reputation, his authority is questioned for having allowed you a role in this case. Now he must uphold a blunt demeanor, to show that he is unbiased no matter who the suspected is. It's not anything new convicting a human he thought he could trust, when injustice is done he will enforce the law. If it came down to a pick between you or the law, justice is far too important for him to abandon.

Confinement is such a bore, you're hardly given a moment to yourself- constantly being monitored now. Oh not to mention your personal life is being looked into this very moment as they dig up more misunderstandings. Honestly a good lawyer is your best bet in all this, you're not fluent in all the petty little crimes of fontaine.

Despite all this being standard protocol it still stirred your emotions to have the one you're fond of, worked closely, and even shared affections with- be the one to call your arrest. It seems all your recklessness did have consequence, high suspicion. However the fact remains, you are innocent, you fought with the true criminal in person. You're not sure how they avoided being caught on kamera, making you look like a lunatic in the footage. Your investigation on them just isn't credible as of now, to others it'll only seem as an elaborate lie to save yourself. Still, it was truth and an account you'd have to explain to the lawyer.

Wait took forever and you were honestly tired after not having proper rest, this only contributing to another night of sabotaging your sleep schedule. They allowed naps but kept you mostly awake with energy inducing foods and drinks. They did this to conduct a thorough examination of your person, patting you down for anything suspicious or harmful items other than the sword they temporarily confiscated.

Eventually it ended up taking until the next day for the last minute lawyer to arrive. A lady rushed messily through the door of your confinement room, setting her disorganized papers onto the desk next to her hot coffee that splattered. Was this really your best bet?
She then sits down and looks at you with a stern expression, you'd thought she'd be the meek type based on her messy presentation.

"I spent the whole night reading into your case"
she says bluntly

"Ah.. it's nice to meet you too?"
shouldn't you at least be introduced to her properly

"You do realize most of us are affected by the pipes incident, you're not exactly someone any of us wants to be 'buddies' with but as a lawyer I will simply do my job so lets not pretend to be friends."
she pulled out a bunch of scribbled statements

"Your job to prove my innocence right?"

"I'll be honest, reviewing everything that turned up so far it's not looking good for you. Best case scenario is we avoid permanent exile punishment."
she starts writing notes down

"Best case scenario? Aren't you here to bring justice to my name?"
you couldn't believe this woman

"Hun, what do you think a lawyer does. My job is complete if I get you the least worst sentence because there is no chance you are winning this case. Money pays well, but not that well."

"You greedy- ugh I don't want a lawyer who thinks I'm guilty too."
you huffed

"Trust me, the others will say the same thing plus it's hard to get a last minute lawyer with your funds."

"Can't you just drop your judgements for a moment and entertain the idea that I could be an innocent person?"
you pled with her

"Lets see.. you won't explain the unreported visit, there is physical proof of you causing some damage to the pipes, the other suspected suspiciously left, and you are reported to have had the strong urge to lead the main investigation when it is not your top concern, its all just a bunch of malpractice. Do you really think you're innocent?"

"Get out."
you muttered

People like her, with no real passion for truth or proper judgement are not ones you can trust with the responsibility of legally representing you. Did people really think you were devaiting blame from yourself just because of your adamance to help solve a crime? Carried away perhaps, but guilty- No.

She was wrong about one thing, you did have the funds to find other lawyers- Ha! Unfortunately she was right about them all being the same, it felt like you were having the same conversation with various people in one day. You had literally spend the whole day buring through a list of lawyers, some begun questioning whether it was even worth trying to defend your name.

Finally down to the 14th lawyer of the day as the sun was already beginning to set this man was much meeker and unsure than the rest but he did offer you one thing that was different- he'd hear you out. A chance was all you wanted, perhaps then you could feel confident to stand on that podium the day the trial comes.

"Ahem, I preformed an authorized stakeout when those pictures were taken. I saw the perpetrator, these bruises and cuts are from my physical altercation with them. They moved swiftly, agile enough to avoid all kameras. They got away from me when they locked themselves in the surveillance room but I'm not sure how."

"I see, honestly I can understand why the others were relucant about you. I mean... you do realize how intricate it all sounds right? You said they wore some all white suit in the dirty sewers and had a.. gadget sword that happens to be similar to yours?"
his tone wasn't accusatory, more like confused

"Yes, I know but it's the truth."

"Well if we roll with the argument that you are innocent we need undenialble proof or a strong alibi. Can you think back to anything that may help with that, or perhaps a person of interest that we can look into?"

Your mind was drawing blanks, nothing useful was coming up. Before you the only other person of interest was Rohrette and you don't think she did it either.
"Not really..."

"Then you can see why we think the chances of you winning the case are slim, you're giving us nothing to work with. I can stand to represent you, even with the claim of innocence but you want someone who is 100% sure, right?"

"Yeah... I'm afraid I'll have to reject your assistance as well then."

You sigh, unsure if this was the best you were gonna get. He packs his things and proceeds towards the door, holding a page with a small piece of tape. You walk towards the door to see him out, honestly wanting to rethink or thank him.

"I really appreciate you hearing me out- what is that?"

He tensed up when you noticed him sticking a page onto the door. The note read:
Lost Cause (Not worth it)

"Dude! Are you sabotaging my chances of getting another lawyer?!"
you exclaimed with anger beyond disbelief

"Now- p-please don't be mad but.. really don't you think this has all been just a waste of time?"
he slowly stepped back nervously

you've rarely encountered people that were intimidated by you, feeling a surge of assertiveness you grabbed him by the collar
"My innocence is not a waste of time. You're all the same, none of you care about justice you all just want someone to blame!"

Security nearby quickly broke the scene up, prying you away from the pathetic excuse for a lawyer. You watched as he frantically picked himself up, adjusting his slightly tattered clothes from the tight grip you had on it. Seeing that you were the only one held back he has a moment of smug confidence as he huffs and struts away.

In all honestly you're not usually irrationally violent but with the lack of proper rest and this system of justice- you were at your last nerve. The others deemed it was probably best to give you space, finally granting you a legitimate mattress for uninterrupted sleep. Despite the poor conditions of the enviorment, since 'criminals' aren't usually accommodated all the sleep karma hit.

Waking up you felt better but not fully proper yet, after ruining your sleep schedule one good night rest does not fix everything. You needed to re-establish the routine to prevent the side effects of sleep deprivation. There was then a knock on the door and you spoke with a yawn, allowing entry.

Neuvillette enters with apathy but you couldn't be anymore glad to see him,
"Thank goodness it's you, we need to talk about those lawyers"

"So it seem we must."
He agreed

A familiar face peaks out from behind him, the lawyer from yesterday that you brashly grabbed.
"What is he doing here?"
you were confused

"[Name], did you physically grab this man in a threatening manner?"
he crosses his arms

"I lost my cool, okay? But he was trying to sabotage me! All these lawyers were."
you defended yourself

"I honestly do not know what has gotten into you but this behavior is unacceptable, the others had their complaints as well."

"They don't care about justice, the system has been nothing but unfair to me."

"This individual will be reprimanded for his note"
he announces, which surprised both you and the lawyer

yes, this was the Neuvillette you missed- so kind and reasonable

"But you will also need to be reprimanded for an act of violence"
he cuts your moment short


"[Name], perhaps it'll do some good if you had a different perspective and enviornment. I can see that this place is stress inducing, for a fair trial you must be at your best."

"I'm not sure I follow where this is going..."
you felt skeptical

"I am going to relocate your detention. It is highly suggested you settle for one of the lawyers so they can assist you efficiently, otherwise letters of updates will be sent to you."

"where exactly am I being relocated...?"

"The Fortress of Meropide"

"Are you serious?"
Your voice cracked, this couldn't be real.

"Quite so, it'll simply be where you spend temporary custody until the trial. You should have access to tools that will help prepare you from over there."

"that's a bit... harsh"
you muttered

"[Name], I'm afraid that If I'm not harsh you will not understand the seriousness of all this. For someone so adamant about their innocence please behave accordingly."

You were left in distraught, watching him leave through that door after breaking such shattering news. As if people weren't already treating you like a criminal... now you were being sent to the fortress like one?! The lawyer then cowers awkwardly from the tension just now,

"I.. thought he was just going to scold you- yikes."
he confesses

your eye twitches in an irked manner, seeing your head slowly turn to him so menacingly he quickly excused himself from the scene he caused.

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