Good Enough | hp

By Aristeria03

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When will I be good enough? Self-assured, outgoing and gregarious on the outside, Estella Lena Granger is the... More

First Year Cast
1| Do You Believe in Magic?
2| Castle on the Hill
3| Starting Again
4| Quidditch Madness
5| Christmas Reunion
6| Eventful Endings
Second Year Cast
7| Starting the Year Off with a Crash
8| Pixies and Heartbeats
9| The Spell Gone Wrong
10| A Puddle of Dread
11| The Debate in History
12| Quidditch and Bone-less Arms
13| When Three Become Four
14| Fireworks in Potions
15| Pretty Obvious
16| Skewed Loyalties
17| Cupcakes and Staccato
18| The Consequences of Cat Hairs
19| The Black Diary
20| The Singing Valentine
21| Blood and Lies
22| The Promise
23| Kill Two Birds With One Stone
24| Again and Always
25| Webs of Doom
26| The Sudden Turn of the Tide
27| The Fraud
28| Prove It
29| Phoenix Tears
30| The Soldier, The Accomplice and The Lost Mind
31| Accepted Apologies
Third Year Cast
32| A Proposal
33| Letters and Owls
34| Crookshanks
35| As Always
36| Teacups and Omens
37| First Class
38| A Conversation With A Friend
39| Pink and White Daisies
40| Advice and Assistance
41| A Sirius Infringement
42| A Stream of Doubts
44| Red Bedsheets

43| Christmas Discontent

39 0 0
By Aristeria03

Estella visited Harry again the next morning, slipping through the door and passing by the Quidditch team who smiled at her(with the exception of Wood, who looked rather hollow).

"He's going through a rough time," Alicia whispered to her out of the corner of her mouth. "Fred and George had to drag him out of the showers."

Estella crossed the room to Harry's bed, not surprised when she saw Hermione and Ron already there. Still, there was a small flicker of disappointment in her heart that she would not be able to speak to him alone.

With those two there, she felt... pressured. To remain calm and normal and not show any signs that would cause Hermione to question her or Ron to give her a look.

As she took the chair to the right of Harry and opposite both Hermione and Ron, she saw a few 'get well soon' presents on his bedside table.

There was a bunch of earwiggy flowers(which looked like yellow cabbages, Estella thought) that were no doubt from Hagrid, and underneath a bowl of fruit was a thin sheet of cardstock.

In front of it all was a bundle of broken twigs. Estella felt a frown cross her face briefly but she erased it almost immediately.

"Cards from your admirers?" Estella joked.

Ron was the one who spoke. "Ginny. She came in last night with that." He gestured to the card.

Hermione hit his shoulder. "Don't be mean Ron. I'm sure she tried her best."

"It wouldn't stop singing all night!" Ron protested. He said to Estella, "Harry had to put it under the fruit bowl so we could get some rest."

"Yeah, I figured that's why you didn't come back to our dorm," Estella told Hermione. "Madam Pomfrey was fine with you two staying?"

Inside her head, her mind was racing. A handmade card. From Ginny. 

She could envision the scene in her mind: a blushing Ginny, turning up with her creation, handing it to a smiling Harry.

She inwardly cursed herself. Sometimes she wished she could shake her head and lose all these persistent imaginations.

"She said it was okay," said Hermione, pointing to two beds on the left of Harry's. "We just slept there."

Estella nodded absently.

She recalled the events of last night, where she had sat waiting for Hermione on her four-poster bed.

Lavender and Parvati had entered, took one look at Hermione's empty bed and asked Estella if she was with Harry.

Estella had said "yes" and Lavender and Parvati had looked at each other.

"They're rather close, aren't they?" Lavender said, giggling. "Harry and Hermione."

"I guess," Estella responded, tight-lipped. 

"Do you think they'll end up dating?" Parvati had said conspiratorially.


"I'm sure Hermione would tell you if she liked him," Lavender said, plopping down on her bed.

"Probably." Like how I told her? Probably not.

Hermione didn't return, and so that night, Estella was left alone, saying goodnight to the stars, who couldn't reply.

"Stella? Uh, Stella did you hear what I said?"

Estella shook her head to find Harry, Ron and Hermione all staring at her. "What?"

"I asked if you ended up sending that letter to your parents," said Harry.

Letter? Oh, the letter. Of course. "Yeah, I went to the Owlery on my way here. And I forgot to tell you. In their last letter they told you to write more," she added to Hermione.

"I will," Hermione said dismissively. "I've just been so busy."

"Topping every subject?" Estella said. It was meant to be in a lighthearted tone, but it came out all wrong. 

Hermione gave her a look.

"I'm joking." Kinda.

"I'll write to them soon," said Hermione. "I've got to look after Harry."

"You don't have to look after me," said Harry indignantly. Hermione looked at him and shook her head with a sigh.

"Alright, well I'm glad you're feeling better Harry," said Estella starting to stand. 

"Hey!" Harry coughed and then lowered his voice. "Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting up with Ernie; the weather finally cleared so we're gonna go outside."

"But-" Ron spluttered. "Harry's in pain! You're not going to stay and look after him?"

Estella raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you guys staying?"

"We are but-"

"I'm sure Harry will be alright. I just came in to make sure. You're alright, aren't you Harry?" 

"Yeah..." Harry nodded dully.

A sympathetic smile fell upon her lips and she placed her hand on his shoulder. He froze.

"Don't worry. You're Golden Boy Harry. You'll recover quickly." She leaned forward, stopping right next to his ear and whispered, "Better hurry before Oliver does drown himself."

She straightened and winked. "I'll come visit before dinner. See you." She turned towards the door and held her hand up in a wave. "Don't die before Monday!"

Harry recovered in time to shake himself and shout after her, "I'm not promising anything!"

Estella smiled and left the room.


Malfoy was almost beside himself with glee at Gryffindor's defeat. He had finally taken off his bandages and celebrated having the full use of both arms again by doing some spirited imitations of Harry falling off his broom.

Malfoy spent much of their next Potions class doing Dementor imitations across the dungeon; Ron finally cracked, flinging a large, slippery crocodile heart at Malfoy, which hit him in the face and caused Snape to take fifty points from Gryffindor.

Larissa gave him a quick high-five underneath the table.

The whole class' breaths were held in deep anticipation as they neared the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom after lunch.

When at last Hermione peered around the classroom door and gave the OK, they all filed in, with relieved expressions on their faces.

Although Professor Lupin was back at work, he still looked quite ill. His old robes were hanging more loosely on him and there were dark shadows beneath his eyes; nevertheless, he smiled at the class as they took their seats.

They burst at once into an explosion of complaints about Snape's behaviour while Lupin had been ill.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he set us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolves-"

"-two rolls of parchment!"

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Lupin asked, frowning slightly.

The babble broke out again.

"Yes, but he said we were really behind-"

"-he wouldn't listen-"

"He's such an old wart!" The whole class turned to Larissa. "What?" She said defensively, "I'm not wrong."

Lupin blinked and then seemed to regather his wits. He smiled at the look of indignation on every face. 

"Larissa, let's try to refrain from calling your teachers, ah... old warts.

Larissa grinned. "Sorry sir."

"Not to worry," said Lupin, and for a moment a gleam seemed to enter his eye. "As long as he doesn't find out."

Estella raised her eyebrows at her friends and muffled a giggle.

"Now," he said, facing the rest of the class, "Don't worry. I'll speak to Professor Snape. You don't have to do the essay."

"Oh no," said Hermione, looking very disappointed. "I've already finished it!"

The rest of the class cheered.

They had a very enjoyable lesson. Professor Lupin had brought along a glass box containing a Hinkypunk, a little one-legged creature who seemed as though he was made of wisps of smoke, rather frail and harmless-looking.

"Lures travellers into bogs," said Professor Lupin as they took notes. "You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead- people follow the light - then -"

The Hinkypunk made a horrible squelching noise against the glass. Estella grimaced.

When the bell rang, everyone gathered up their things and headed for the door. As she was exiting, Estella saw Harry beckoned to stay behind. She shot them a curious look before being swept away by her friends.


On Tuesday Estella received a letter at breakfast.

Dear Estella, 
Thank goodness you wrote! Your dad and I were beginning to get very worried because of that huge storm the past couple of days. I'm not sure if you experienced similar weather - does Hogwarts keep storms out? - but we're very glad you and Hermione are ok.

We're so excited to see you two girls again for Christmas. The house is a good deal quieter whenever you're at school. Maybe you can play a song for us on your guitar over the break.

We have to go now. We have a very important dental procedure scheduled at the office. We'll tell you all about it when you two get back!

Write back quickly and stay safe! Don't do anything or go anywhere potentially life-threatening!

Lots of love,

Mum & Dad

Estella smiled down at the letter. She was indeed very excited to be returning back home for the holidays.

She loved school, but she missed her parents. With Hogwarts being a boarding school, she only really got to see her parents in the holidays and when the school year ended.

Last Christmas she had stayed at Hogwarts, and while the food had been even better than usual, she missed her dad's signature apple and rhubarb crumble.

It would be a good Christmas.


Two weeks before the end of term, the sky lightened suddenly to a dazzling, opaline white and the muddy grounds were revealed one morning covered in glittering frost.

Inside the castle, there was a buzz of Christmas in the air. 

Professor Flitwick had already decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real, fluttering fairies.

Estella was sitting in a quiet corridor with her friends discussing holiday plans with improved vigour.

It was when Hazel said that they were going to go visit a chocolate factory uptown that Hermione showed up.

She patted Estella's shoulder. "Hey. Can we talk?"

Estella frowned, slightly annoyed. "Is it important?"


"Fine." Estella got up and followed Hermione to a deserted corridor off to the side. "So, what do you need?"

Hermione said quickly, "I'm not coming home for Christmas."

Estella blinked. "What?" Then she processed what her twin had just said and her face descended into a deeper frown. "Why not?" she demanded, "I already wrote to mum and dad a week ago! You agreed then!"

"Well," she said slowly, "I need to use the library."

Estella narrowed her eyes. "It's no good lying to me you know."

Hermione sighed. "Estie I..."

"Can you just hurry up and say it?" Estella snapped. In the back of her mind, maybe she registered that she shouldn't have been using this tone of Hermione, but she had been looking forward to spending Christmas as a family.

"I'm staying for Harry," Hermione blurted. "You know he's here alone and he's obviously not going home to the Dursleys and the library here is helpful so it's not like I'm only staying for him-"

"Forget it," Estella scowled. "I should've known. Is Ron staying?"

Hermione nodded.

"Then why can't you come!?" she shouted in frustration. Her eyes widened and she clamped her mouth shut.

"I-" Hermione said, stunned.

"You spend so much time - all of your time - with them at Hogwarts anyway. Harry and Ron will be fine, they'll have a great time, but Mum and Dad need you home; I need you home. Doesn't that matter? Christmas is supposed to be a time for family."

"I already signed up on the list." Hermione looked down at the ground. "Besides, they are my-"

"Family?" Estella laughed bitterly. "I know. Fine. Whatever. Stay. Have a good Christmas."


Estella stormed off, heading towards the girls' bathroom instead of towards her friends. Along the way, she registered tears in her eyes. 

Why am I so upset? It's not really the end of the world.

But it felt like it. Hermione was drifting further and further away each day and there was nothing she could do.

Does she prefer their company over mine? Am I just not good enough for her?

She reached the bathroom, and once confirming no one else was there, stood in front of the mirror and dried her tears with a paper towel.

When she got back to her friends, it was with the news that there was to be another Hogsmeade trip on the last weekend of term, which she had heard in passing from some of her friends in Hufflepuff.

She sat down in the semi-circle they had created and tried to calm herself down.

She would have fun. It would be great. An entire holiday couldn't be ruined by one decision.


On Saturday morning, Estella and her friends exited the school, bundled in warm knitted scarves, their cloaks wrapped tightly around them.

Smiles graced their faces as they traversed up the little path to the wizarding village of Hogsmeade, making a beeline for Honeydukes, the candy store.

"This is the perfect place for Christmas shopping," Amelia Delaney exclaimed with glee, a puff of warm air appearing in front of her as she spoke.

Belle craned her neck to see inside. "It's pretty packed already."

"Come on!" Hazel cried, grabbing Estella's hand and pulling her inside the store.

Estella couldn't help letting a wide grin spread across her face as she looked at the shelves of creamy nougat, squares of coconut ice and hundreds of different kinds of chocolate in neat rows.

To her left she law a large barrel of Every Flavour Beans and next to it, yet another of Fizzing Whizzbees.

She laughed. "My parents would have a heart attack if they saw me shopping in here."

"Oh, of course!" Charlotte slapped a hand to her forehead. "I forgot your parents are dentists!"

"What's even the point of dentists?" Larissa crinkled her nose. "You can fix everything with magic!"

"Well, Muggles don't have magic Rissa," Charlotte said patiently.

"Yes but still!"

"Oh it doesn't matter," Hazel said dismissively. "Everyone deserves a treat day."

"I thought you said you wanted to check out those mints, Stella," Lucille said, suddenly jogging Estella's memory.

"Yes, I almost forgot! One sec..." She hurried over to the right of the store, where a small cart was parked in the corner.

She scanned the shelves and her eyes landed on a small box shaped like a tooth which - as the label described - had tiny tooth-flossing mints inside.

"Mum and Dad will love this," she said under her breath to herself.

"I'm getting mum and dad that," a voice said behind her.

Estella turned, already knowing who it was. She crossed her arms and stood up. "So? I was here first."

"You're so annoying," Hermione huffed. "And who cares who got here first?"

"Who was the second person to land on the moon?" Estella said.

"Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin."

Estella scowled. Should've known that wouldn't work. "Why do you want it so badly," she said sharply. "You're not even coming home for Christmas." 

Hermione winced.

Estella brushed past her and walked away, plucking a box from the cart with a defiant look before she left.

As she surveyed the crowd searching for her friends, someone shoved her shoulder.

Estella's mouth started to say something but when she turned, no one was there. She frowned, looking around the shop.

Deciding that maybe she had simply accidentally swept past someone, she went back to locating her friends.

They were by the barrels of Fizzing Whizzbees and Estella made for them at once.

"They're basically like pop rocks, aren't they?" Amelia said in amusement.

"Um no! They're so much better than 'pop rocks'," Larissa said with scorn. "They make you float a few inches off the ground when you eat them. Way funner!"

"Did you find the mints?" Lucille Kennedy asked as Estella joined them.

Estella held up the box for them to see. "Ran into Hermione. She wanted to buy them too."

"Did she?" Lucille said absently as they lined up to pay.

"I don't think so." Estella groaned. "Siblings are so annoying! You're lucky you don't have one."

"I do."

Estella whipped her head around as she placed the mints and a couple of other sweets in front of the lady at the register.

"What!? Since when? You never mentioned..." She turned back quickly and paid for the sweets, flashing the lady a smile.

"You never asked," Lucille said, her lips twitching upwards.

"I-" Estella spluttered. "Brother or sister?"

"I have an older brother," Lucille said, "But he's already graduated from Hogwarts. He's an artist." 

"Artist?" Estella tilted her head, following the rest of their friends as they meandered towards the Three Broomsticks. "I didn't know you could do that in the wizarding world.

Lucille laughed. "Of course you can silly. Haven't you seen all the portraits hanging up in our school? Luca paints animated portraits."

"Luca... Luca," Estella tried out the name. "Lucille and Luca. Huh. That's cool."

"He's painted quite a few portraits of me," Lucille said fondly. "I can show you if you come over to my house- oh! I've just thought of an idea. Why doesn't everyone come over to my house this holiday?"

"Will your parents be fine with that?"

Lucille shrugged. "They should be. I'll write to them when we get back. Guys!" she called, and the others stopped ahead of them, turning back. "I've got an idea!"

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