glitch | jack hughes (rewritt...

By hughesluvr1989

61K 1.3K 850

We were supposed to be just friends, you don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weeke... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38

chapter 22

2.1K 33 29
By hughesluvr1989

josephine lee

On a normal day, I'd probably get up a little later in the day due to my late nights but today for some reason I woke up at 7:00 am sharp. I turned around in Jack's arms to take a peek at the alarm clock and was stunned at the fact that I am able to wake up before noon. I try closing my eyes again to get some more sleep but to my surprise, I'm fully awake and am ready to start my day. 

If I get up now I'll have enough time to make Jack and his brothers some breakfast before morning skate so without moving too fast I pick up his arm from around my waist and peel him off of me. But I should've known any movement I made in an attempt to escape his death grip of a cuddle would wake him up. "Where are you going?" He asks in a sleepy mumble, rubbing his eyes. "I'm just going to make some breakfast for you guys before you go." I tell him, pushing his hair out of his face. 

He hums at my response, tilting his head up for a kiss. I put my knee on the mattress, bending down to peck his lips then press a few down his freckled back. He sleepily chuckles at the feeling, tucking his face back into his pillow. I throw the clothes I had on yesterday and tiptoe to the bathroom trying to make the most of my slept-in makeup. 

I quietly close Jack's bedroom door and make my way to the kitchen. I look through his pantry looking for the ingredients for some pancakes. Luckily Jack has everything, down to both kinds of chocolate chips. I look through my notes app for the recipe for my Dad's pancakes and quadruple it since I'm not sure how much they'll eat and I want to make sure they're full. 

I whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar before melting some butter and adding it in along with some eggs and milk. Once it's all mixed together I sprinkle in some cinnamon and add in some vanilla extract. I pull out a large plate to put all the pancakes on and slap a small amount of butter onto the pan, watching it melt and bubble. 

Once the butter is fully melted I pour some batter into the pan adding white chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips on top. I wait for the batter to bubble before sliding the spatula under the pancake and flipping it. The pancake is beautiful, golden brown, and smells like my entire childhood. When I know the bottom is fully cooked I move the pancake onto the empty plate and repeat the process multiple times. 

As one of the pancakes cooks on a low heat I move to the refrigerator, pull out some orange juice, and start making some coffee. I'm grabbing a few mugs from one of Jack's cabinets when I hear one of the doors open. I turn my head to see Quinn, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands like a child. I chuckle at the sight, smiling at him over my shoulder. "Morning, I made some pancakes." I tell him as he takes one of the mugs and pours some coffee into it. 

"Good morning," his deep morning voice rings through the kitchen, shocking us both. I flip another pancake onto the stack I've created, handing him a plate so he can start eating. He thanks me, taking the plate from my hands, and eyeing the stack of pancakes. "I only made chocolate chip pancakes but if you want something else I can make it." I offer, watching him take four from the stack, claiming these are his favorite kind. 

He drowns his stack of pancakes with some syrup, using his fork to cut into the pancakes. He groans into the fork, dropping his head to the counter when another door opens. This time it's Luke and he's in full head-to-toe UMich merchandise. From his hoodie to his socks. "Morning Lee." He groans like he regrets getting up this early. He pulls me into a quick side hug before running over to mess with his older brother. 

"Morning Huggy, game day! Game day!" he says loudly, shaking his brother's shoulders before his eyes land on the plate in front of Quinn. He looks at me, the pan, the stack of pancakes beside me, and back at Quinn. "Are those?" Luke asks, his eyes starting to gloss over as Quinn nods enthusiastically. 

Luke's jaw drops, grabbing a plate, and adding four pancakes onto his plate. "I love you." Luke says, making me scoff out a laugh and Quinn gives him a weird look before telling him to chill on the love bombing. Quinn quickly confirmed that I put both white chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips into the batter. 

He quickly grabs a fork mumbling, "Both chocolate chips," in disbelief. "If you don't like that I can make you some regular ones, it's just how I've been eating them since I was young." I say, giving them some insight into why I make my pancakes this way. This time they both scoff, looking at me like I'm crazy. 

Luke drops his fork, puts his elbows on the table, and intertwines his fingers together. "Let me take you on a trip down memory lane, Josie. 2003!" Luke starts, making me laugh at his sudden intensity. "I was two," I remind him since I probably won't remember this happening because of my age but he shushes me nonetheless. 

"2003! The Devils won the Stanley Cup, who was on that team, Quintin?" Luke asks, pointing his finger at his older brother. "Reggie Lee," Quinn answers, and I just nod my head, letting them know I'm following along with what they're trying to say. "After winning the cup, your dad went on to do interviews. In one particular interview, they said, "Reggie, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, what do you have for breakfast?" And your dad said, "Chocolate chip pancakes, both chips. And he called it 'Breakfast For Champions.'" He says, making his point. 

I smile behind my hand pouring the last of the batter into the pan. "You my friend, just made us Breakfast For Champions. The exact recipe too since you are a Lee and your Dad probably showed you how to make it." He says before shoveling a few slices of pancakes into his mouth and groaning in shock that he's eating my Dad's famous pancake recipe. 

They devour the rest of their pancakes, smiling contently at their empty plate. "Luke and I decided we like you, bp though. Before pancakes." Quinn says, making me smile. I was so worried last night that I made the worst first impression, beyond repair but here they are telling me they approve and it means a lot. I let them know I like them as well, putting the final pancakes on a separate plate for Jack. 

Just as I set the plate aside the last Hughes boy wakes up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his fingers just like Luke and Quinn did when they stepped out of their guest bedrooms. He doesn't say a word as he walks over to me with his heavy-lidded eyes. He wraps his arms around my waist, watching me turn off the stove as he mumbles a sweet, "Morning," into my shoulder. His brothers stare at him over their coffee mugs but that doesn't stop Jack from being affectionate. 

"I hope you guys weren't tormenting my girlfriend." Jack says, casually dropping the news of my new title. Quinn sets his mug down, gulping down his hot coffee to high-five me. "He upgraded! Wow, what a story from hard to get rid of to boyfriend! Inspiring honestly," He smiles, teasing his brother over what he still finds hilarious.

Jack grabs his plate of pancakes, pulling a chair up beside me. I cut into my own pancakes as Luke goes on about how breaking into Jack's penthouse was exactly what we needed as a couple. Jack rolls his eyes, taking sips of his coffee in between bites of 'Breakfast For Champions'. 

"Like Josie, Jack has this private account where-" Luke starts before Jack elbows his younger brother in the ribs, making him wince but not stop. "On the account, he talks about you without saying who you are." He rubs his side, scrunching up his face in discomfort. Jack swallows his pancake and raises his hands up to ask Luke, "What about the elbow to your rib did you not understand?" 

Quinn steps away from the table, walking away from Jack with his dirty dishes in his hands. "Yeah, it's all cryptic and mushy." He laughs making Jack's face turn red, but unfortunately, he cannot escape this I need to know more. My boyfriend accepts the defeat and allows his brothers to show me their private accounts. I go through Luke's series of posts from last night starting with a picture of Jack's door to when we were eating pizza.

After looking at their profiles it makes me want to make one to join them on the finsta life. Luke jumps at the opportunity to help me make my account putting me down as 'Legacy Lee' since that's what Jack's team and the tabloids call me. I follow all three of their accounts, following Nico and Dawson from Jack's following list. 

"Well, feel free to stalk me while we're at morning skate." Jack says, thanking me multiple times, kissing my cheek before running off to get dressed. There's not much left for me to do since Quinn cleaned up the kitchen for me while Luke made my account. I dry off the dishes, putting them in their place as Luke and Quinn say their goodbyes and run out. 

Jack stops by the kitchen to kiss my cheek with all of his things in hand. "Will you be here when we get back?" he asks, slowly walking towards the door. "Yeah, I'll just ask Meredith to bring some of my things here so I can get ready for the game." I tell him, pushing him out the door with one more kiss. He smiles at me, running towards the elevator where his brothers are waiting for him. 

Once I close the door and lock it, I take a quick look around at Jack's penthouse. I stand by the door, listening to how eerily quiet everything is. Being here without him feels so weird it makes my stomach twist and turn at how I feel the need to play the quiet game to make me feel less like an intruder. I tiptoe around toward the living room, sit down on the couch, and turn on the TV.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep while watching TV but all I know is that I wake up to soft scratches up and down my arms along with the feeling of lips sponging against my cheek. If I listen hard enough I can hear my boyfriend whisper yelling at his brother, begging them to quiet down. Despite his attempt to keep me asleep, I start waking up, fluttering my eyes open to catch sight of the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

A sweaty, messy-haired boy with the most breathtaking baby blue eyes you've ever seen. He looks down at me with an adoring look in his eye and I can't even begin to describe how good it feels to be looked at like that. "Hi," I mumble, wrapping my arms around Jack's neck to pull him on top of me. He holds himself up on the couch, not wanting to cover me in sweat. 

"I'm sweaty, Jos." He chuckles, pushing himself off the couch, making me huff softly before offering to take a shower with him. He jumps at the opportunity and sneaks away with me before his brother can make any teasing remark about it. Mere should be coming by soon to bring me my things so now is the perfect time for a shower.

He starts taking off my clothes the minute the door closes behind up, chucking his shirt off as he walks me backwards into the bathroom. He starts grinning the more skin starts showing and when I turn around to face the mirror I see a small bag from Target on the counter. "What's this?" I giggle, gathering all of my hair onto one side. "I picked up a few things for you, I figured you wouldn't want to have to keep bringing things over here so I just asked a lady what was good and they gave me this." I go through the bag, pulling every item out one by one. 

He has a cleanser and some moisturizer in here along with some makeup wipes, hair ties, shampoo, conditioner, and basically everything I could need. He picks up the makeup wipes, kissing my shoulder softly before saying, "I got these because I figured that's why you slept in your makeup. 'Cause I didn't have anything here." He says sweetly, thinking he found the answer but unfortunately, he's way off. 

But this is a perfectly good time to take yet another step in the right direction. I tie my hair up, pump some cleanser into my hands, and start washing my face. This is something really small yet huge for me, for the longest time I had been told I could only be pretty with makeup on but that could change. There could be someone else who thinks I am beautiful without layers of makeup on. 

He turns on the water, grabbing two towels for us as I dry my face off with a towel, with a cotton ball, and some micellar water I gently remove the rest of my eye makeup and turn around to face Jack. He looks at me, furrowing his brows, "Josie," he pauses, looking all over my face. My stomach drops and my heart starts racing as I turn around and check my face in the mirror. 

"What?" I ask, wiping my face over and over again before looking all over my face in the mirror to see what he could be looking at. He spins me around to face him, taking my hands off my face, and replacing them with his. He cups my cheeks with another adoring look on his face. "You have freckles." He points out, still looking at them.

Slowly my heart starts to settle down as I say, "Oh yeah," showing him my arms as if he had no clue my arms weren't littered with them.  He acknowledges the freckles on my body but doesn't pull his eyes away from my nose."I never knew you had them on your nose and cheeks." he says softly, running his finger over them. 

I stare up at his face unsure of what I'd even call the look in his eyes, it looks more than adoring and I'm not used to it. "They are so cute," he says, taking a deep breath like it's his first time breathing and he's still not sure how to do it. He leans in kissing me all over my cheeks, trying to kiss each and every freckle.

He could've gone on and on but once the room started fogging up I gently pushed his face away and stepped into the shower, pulling him in behind me. I pump some of his shampoo into my hands, scrubbing the product into his hair. He closes his eyes as I gently wash his hair, rinsing it out under the stream of water before he moves onto me, helping me wash my hair.

We finish showering just before the water turns cold and dry off, wrapping towels around our bodies. I grab my phone from the counter, checking Mere's location when Quinn yells my name. "Oh, Mere must be here." I smile, throwing on my clothes from earlier just to grab my fresh clothes. I run the towel through my hair so it's not sopping wet when I walk out. 

I close the door behind me, running up to my best friend. Mere stands in some green pants that hug her waist beautifully, some black-heeled boots, and a black crop top. "Hey, baby," I say in a sing-song voice, hugging her but pull away quickly when she winces at my cold wet hair. I apologize for it, telling her that I just hopped out of the shower as she hands me my clothes and my makeup bag. 

She looks behind her, directing her vision towards Jack's brothers before pulling me away from them to whisper, "His brothers are here, one who is unbelievably gorgeous by the way, but did something happen?" She furrows her eyebrows, taking another look at Jack's brothers. When I look over her shoulder after she's turned back to look at me Quinn is looking at her like he's waiting for another chance to look at her face. 

"One of them is nineteen, so I hope you're talking about Quinn, but yeah uh- I have a boyfriend now." I cheese at the end of my sentence, biting my bottom lip when she squeals. "Josie, that's amazing! I am so happy, but I've got to run I have casting to get to." She says, pressing a kiss to my cheek when she pulls away from our hug before making he way out the door. 

After closing the door Quinn runs in front of me stopping me from taking another step toward the restroom. I raise my eyebrows with a smile, knowing exactly why he's standing in front of me like this. "Yes?" I smile, waiting for the words to tumble out of his mouth. "Wh-who exactly is that?" He asks, getting a little flustered after he stuttered getting the words out. 

What is it with the Hughes boys taking one look at a girl and thinking that's the one for them? Luckily for him I'm not mad at his pairing since I know he means well and she's the most special woman in my life. "That is my best friend Meredith Taylor, she's a model, and her Instagram if you'd like to follow her is Meredith Eve." I tell him at lightning speed not wanting to get in his way of shooting his shot with her. 

"Duly noted." He nods with a tight smile, getting out of my way and allowing me to run back into Jack's room. I join Jack in the bathroom, dropping my things on the counter and smack his arm lightly, making him wince. "I think Quinn has a crush on Meredith." I smile, making him chuckle at my excitement. He washes his face beside me while I pull on my clean clothes telling him all the way this would be amazing. 

He listens, nodding along, and agreeing with me on the fact that Meredith is a very sweet girl. I finally shut up about Mere and Quinn and adjust my outfit consisting of black leather pants, boots, and a plain white shirt. As he fixes his hair he stops for a second looking at me before I catch his eye when I turn to look at him. "What?" I ask. 

He shakes his head, walking out of the bathroom as he says, "You're missing something." I stay in the restroom blending in some blush into my face until he comes back after rummaging through his closet. He pulls out a red bomber jacket just like my Dad's but on the back, it says 'Hughes' 86. I drop my makeup brush, walking towards him with my mouth opened ever so slightly.

I look down at the jacket and then back up at him. "You want me to wear it?" I ask softly, the corner of my lips turning up as I say it. He nods his head, jerking his head telling me to turn around, I listen, and feel him slip the jacket over my arms. Once it's on I walk over toward the mirror, checking myself out making me laugh to myself. 

 We walk out of the room together, Jack and Quinn in their suit and beanie, while Luke is in some jeans, a hoodie, and flannel. Luke looks at my jacket with another smirk on his face, "You move fast, already asking her to wear your jacket with your name on it." he tsks, earning himself a hard smack on his shoulders. Jack escorts him out, getting everyone out the door before he locks it. 

On our way to the game, we pass the phone around adding songs to the queue before Quinn groans playing the first song. "If there's anyone who is going to turn Jack into a Swiftie it's going to be you. You're our only hope." He says before I snap my head toward my boyfriend, whose eyes are trained on the road with a guilty expression. 

"You don't like Taylor Swift?" I ask in shock, hurt, and some disappointment. Okay, a lot of disappointment. "I do, I just don't know more than like three songs." He defends himself, turning on his turn signal to merge into the next lane. "Name them," I say, genuinely curious to know which three songs he does know. He wince, pressing his lips together as he regrettably says, "Could not tell you, Jos." He blows a laugh through his nose as we all shake our heads in disappointment.

Just because Jack said that we agree to only play Taylor Swift songs in an attempt to broaden Jack's pallet. We start off strong with 'Cruel Summer' a song that is impossible to hate. During the bridge, I look at Jack as I sing it, as if intensely staring at him could engrave it in his brain. Luke rolls down his window, the cold air blowing directly into my ear as he screams, "He looks up grinning like a devil!" pointing at Jack because of the team he plays for, making us laugh. 

Luke apologizes for screaming, telling us that 'Cruel Summer' is all or nothing for him. He chugs some water when the opening notes of 'ME!' come on, causing Luke to spit out all of his water on Quinn. "Quinn, never do that goofy shit again." He says, wiping his mouth, making Quinn laugh after getting the reaction he wanted. Luke's reaction was funny but that song gets more hate than needed, if you listen to the lyrics away from the fun beat it's really good and deserves more love. 

Quinn skips his turn giving me the phone to pick the next song of the ride. I chose 'All Too Well (10-minute version) earning myself high praises from Luke. Jack continues to laugh at how much his brothers love Taylor Swift's music. Quinn adds on to the list of Taylor Swift-related things that are making his younger brother laugh by grumbling out a low, "Fuck Jack Gyllenhaal!" His voice causes me to jolt in my seat, turning back to see Quinn muffling his laugh in his hands. 

These guys are a blast, I can't believe it took me so long to meet them. We sing the song with real intensity as if we were Taylor Swift and had gone through everything she had gone through to cause her to write that song. "And you call me up again just to break me like a promise." I sing, making Jack's brothers' singing come to a halt, leaving only the sound of Taylor's voice to hang around us. 

"You can sing?" Luke asks with wide eyes and a confused expression. "Y-yeah, it's my job." I tell him as Jack turns down the music so we aren't screaming over it. Quinn tilts his head to the side before something finally clicks for him. "Ohh! Now I know where I know you from." He says, closing his eyes as if it's been bugging him for a while now. 

"I have been wracking my brain to figure out why you looked so familiar! I follow you on Instagram because I listen to your music. You sing '21' right?" He says, grabbing his phone to pull up his Spotify and show me my music in his "Liked Songs" playlist. "Yeah, that's me." I laugh, finding it amusing that he listened to my music before knowing that Jack and I were seeing each other. 

We find a parking spot as Quinn plays a few of my other songs, listening to them then pulling the phone away to listen to me speak as if he was listening to one Josephine Lee sing while the Josephine Lee in front of him was a completely different person. Jack unbuckles his seatbelt looking at us, exhaling the breath he was holding in before mouthing, 'Sorry'. 

I wave him off as Quinn plays a part of my song, 'Feels Like' and pauses it to hear me sing the end. "Our clothes matched enough to throw me off a bit, your phone was playin' "Towers" and I," I say in front of him making his jaw drop. "It is you!" he says in disbelief as if he was really having trouble believing I am the Josie he listens to. 

"Settle down super fan." Jack says, opening the door for all of us as Quinn pockets his phone. I walk ahead of them letting the photographer get a few shots of them walking side by side. I apologize for getting in her way and wait for Jack and his brothers to walk up to me before walking towards where his parents are. "Are you nervous?" He asks, bumping my arm with his. 

I hadn't told him but my heart was racing from the minute we stepped out of the car, I'm surprised I didn't fail Quinn's "Are you really Josie Lee?" test when my voice started shaking at the realization that was about to meet his parents. "A lot," I admit, causing him to raise our interlocked hands to his lips to press a sweet and comforting kiss to my knuckles.

Luke and Quinn gag at how sweet their brother is being and start racing to their parents only stepping inside the squares. Jack takes a deep breath in before putting his attention back on me. "There's nothing to be nervous about, they're going to adore you! But I am sorry you have to meet them a few hours into our relationship." He says with a chuckle before I remind him he has already met my Dad and Theo, so it's only fair that we level out the playing field. 

We know we're close to his parents when out of nowhere Luke yells, "Jimbo!" We catch Luke hugging him while Quinn hugs their mom, as we get closer to them I can hear Quinn telling his Mom how much he's missed her over and over again. Once Quinn finally lets go of their Mom she takes a step towards us. 

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Josie." He smiles brightly, giving her a quick hug before she introduces herself to me, pulling me into the same hug she gave her kids. "Hi honey, I'm Ellen it's so good to fina- to meet you." She says, stuttering over her words for a second, rubbing my back in a tight hug reminding me of the way her son hugs me. I see where Jack learned to give good hugs. 

"Hi, it's so great to meet you." I say, holding her as she sways me back and forth until she finally lets me go to meet her husband, both incredibly welcoming just like the kids she raised. After standing around talking with them, Quinn and Jack leave to get ready for warmups. He leaves me with a quick hug and kiss to my head before asking if I'll be okay. He's so concerned, it's precious. "Yeah, I will. Good luck, make me proud." I smile, winking at him before walking away with his family. 

On our way to my suite, I told them we could sit in, Luke asks if I want to play a game, reminding me of Theo. "Ok-" I say, feeling a harsh tap on my shoulder before he makes a break for it and starts running away from me. "Tag!" He yells, running until we reach my suite. Luke rests his hands on his thighs, catching his breath even though I was nowhere near tagging him. 

My breathing comes out heavy as I show the security near the suites a bar code that they'll scan before putting wristbands on us and letting us in. "Okay, new game. You're not good at tag." He teases, making Ellen laugh at how serious he sounds. "Baby, you're 6'2, and she's in heels. You have a bit of an advantage." She reasons with him. Luke shakes his head, wagging his finger sassily like his Mom is in the wrong for trying to talk some sense into Luke's head. 

"Josie should always be prepared for tag, she should know better, so let this serve as a lesson." He points a finger at me, scolding me while I nod my head with a fake ashamed look on my face. "You're right, there's no excuse." I shrug my shoulders taking a seat between Luke and Ellen while we watch the boys skate around the ice a few times, stretching, and passing the puck to each other. 

Jack and Quinn skate toward one another, getting a picture together when I catch a man with a camera angling his camera up at us to get everyone on video. I quickly excuse myself, tucking my hair into Jack's bomber jacket, and walk away to grab a drink from the bar. I grab a drink for Ellen, Jim, and I trying to keep myself busy until I think the cameras are gone. 

Once I have a feeling that they're gone, I walk back to my seat, handing everyone the drinks I brought them. They thank me a few times before Luke brings up the fact that Reggie Lee is my Dad. "Is that so?" Jim asks, leaning over Ellen with an amused look on his face. I tell him about my Dad and what he's like off the ice. 

We talk about him for some time before focusing on the intense game in front of us. I sit on the edge of my seat with my hand to my mouth, anticipating anyone's next move. Luke isn't helping with the way he winces anytime the puck makes its way onto our side of the ice. I turn my head to see what he's looking at in case I'm missing something, but to my surprise, we're watching the same game, and anything he sees I would've seen too. 

Ellen cheers anytime someone scores with her New Jersey and Vancouver split scarf, while my nerves take turns settling before skyrocketing all over again. There's a minute left on the clock and by the looks of it, we're going into overtime, tied at 3. Once the buzzer goes off without another winning goal, I get up from my seat to pace behind Jack's family. 

For my own personal reasons, but also because if anyone scores the cameras are going to want to catch their reactions. When overtime starts Jack and Brock Boeser fight for the puck trying to pass it to one of their teammates. I toy with one of the strands of my hair as John Marino steals the puck from Dakota Joshua, bumping him into the boards as he races the puck down the blue line and slaps it into the net. 

The goal horn goes off making the score 4-3, a Devils win. Ellen stands to her feet, clapping with a big smile on her face. I press my hands to the sides of my face, cheesing over the Devils' win that I get to be here for, especially on my first day as Jack's girlfriend. Ellen looks over her shoulder at me, lifting her shoulder with the same smile on her face. 

The boys bump Vanacek's helmet before skating off the ice, giving us about half an hour to kill until Jack and Quinn come out. I blow a breath out past my lips, "That was nerve-wracking, I don't know how you do it." I say, walking with Ellen toward the friends and family room where we'll wait for Jack before looking for Quinn. "It's always hard staying neutral because one has to win and I give them separate reactions." She says, telling about the time Quinn was playing for the University of Michigan and Jack was on the USA NTDP.

I listen to all the sweet stories she tells me about the boys growing up as we wait for the hockey players to start pooling out of the locker room. I keep my eyes trained on the doors until Jack steps out, looking around before his eyes land on us. His smile grows on his face, walking towards us as he drops his things onto the ground before wrapping his arms around me. "Did I make you proud?" He asks, leaning back to press his lips to my temple. 

"Of course," I say, letting go so he can hug his family before we meet up with Quinn. Ellen pinches Jack's cheeks so proud of him for winning tonight and he just takes it in. His cheeks turn a sweet pink color as his mother gushes over how he played tonight. "Thank mom," he cheesing, walking her out before she can "embarrass" him more. Jack is a momma's boy through and through. 

He swings his arm over her shoulders, approaching Quinn who wears a look of annoyance. "Quinn, you were amazing tonight!" Ellen says, cradling her son's face as he looks at her with an empty stare. "Yeah, yeah." he says dryly before hugging her and finishing with, "Thanks Mom, love you." he hugs her tightly, saying goodbye before moving on to the rest of his family then me. He waves at all of us one more time as he walks away towards his team who has to catch a flight back to Vancouver. 

Once Quinn leaves we all agree to grab some food and take it to Jack's for some dinner before the rest of them have to go. Jack, Luke, and I pick up the food while Jim and Ellen take the keys and settle down at Jack's penthouse. Luke continues to sing Taylor Swift music until we're walking inside, getting the table ready to have dinner. 

I carry in a bag of food, setting it down on the table while Jim asks what happened to Jack's lip. He looks over at me, remembering how I reacted after the game, and tells his Dad about the hit. Ellen helps me unpack all the food from the bag while she gets to know me a bit more. I tell her about what I do for work as the boys dig in. 

Jack puts some food on my plate, grabs a can of Dr. Pepper for me, and placing it in front of me before he goes to his room to change out of his suit. It makes me feel good knowing I'm in a relationship with a man who knows and cares about me, whose family wants to know and care about me.

 I could get used to this. Him, his family, and simply being in a relationship with a good guy. 


ilovejackhughes GUYS DID YALL SEE THAT??

hughes86 YES... </3
jackandtrevor WAIT NO WHAT HAPPENED 
ilovejackhughes when they showed the Hughes sitting in their suite there was a girl wearing a 'Hughes 86' jacket, then later you can kinda see she's sititng next to luke..
jackandtrevor maybe it's luke's gf?
hughes86 but then why would she wear jack's jacket?

josieleefan was it josie?
devilsfanatic431386 no the girl had short hair and it was way lighter than josie's. 
josieleefan oh L for josie. 

jacklovergirl I THINK I KNOW WHO IT WAS....

caption: plans: devils game

jackinthebox oh. she's pretty fs. 


❤️ liked by legacylee and 25 others 

mooseywoosey she made us THE pancakes. MY LIPS ARE FUCKING SEALEDDDD until she says otherwise. She is the boss. She is the big man. 

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legacylee lololol i'm glad you enjoyed them:)
yourwildestdreams PARDON?
markstopugh AYO HIS GIRL
yourwildestdreams legacylee PLEASE accept my follow request.. please

huggybear 10/10 pancakes, 10/10 sister in law material 

❤️ liked by legacylee and  37 others 

firstoffim511 since you all wanted a fucking face reveal. here she is. MY GIRLFRIENDDDDDD you legacylee ❤️ 

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ohnickyyousofine HEYYYY JOSIE! 

mercdawg all hail queen josie

markstopugh wow. 

legacylee heyyyyyy

legacylee also when did you take these? I feel like I would've kicked you out for taking photos
firstoffim511 oh you did threaten me. "NO PAPARAZZI! GET OUT!" 

yourwildestdreams firstoffim511  YOU BITCH.

❤️ liked by firstoffim511 and 36 others

legacylee one of my best fits! anyways.. hi i'm josie! you might know me, you might not! 1st things first sorry trevor you did in fact hit on me at a bar and 2nd big notes app apology WITH TEARS for quinn and luke coming out soon. sorry for traumatizing you 🤷‍♀️ 

view all 29 comments 

firstoffim511 youre so pretty. i'm obsessed 
ohnickyyousofine ik he's having a blast getting to do bf things 😭 
mercdawg no seriously, now she can't run away from him (BLINK TWICE IF YOU NEED HELP JOSIE)

thelastgreatamereicandynasty im still your biggest fan no boyfriend can beat that. 

theobackto505  you do not have to post EVERYTHING. god I wanted to think you were still a virgin and never had sex in your life ever!
thelastgreatamereicandynasty HAH
mooseywoosey HAH
huggybear HAH. wait. did you know? 
theobackto505 about josie and jack? yeah i feel like everyone did its not like they were slick.

yourwildestdreams I'm genuinely APPALLED 

❤️ liked by firstoffim511 and 37 others

legacylee idk what's going on with his pants but post-show because someone forgot i was a musician.  📸 : theobackto505

load all 18 comments 


thelastgreatamereicandynasty YOURE A POPSTAR! SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST

mooseywoosey photo credits hurt.. 

❤️ liked by firstoffim511 and 30 others

legacylee my boyfriend is hotter than you

load all 8 comments 

lastgreatamereicandynasty I LOVE GF JOSIE WOOOO

yourwildestdreams then you haven't seen me
legacylee except i have.. and i rejected you
firstoffim511 I LIKE IT HERE


trevor jack what the actual fuck?

quinn there's no way her brother knew and we weren't allowed to

luke feels illegal. 

put her in the gc i want to apologize 

jack idk if i want you having my gf's number...
you might hit on her again.. 

trevor 😐

 jack added josie to the chat

josie before anything, tell me
who is who 

trevor trevor 

quinn quinn

luke luke 

josie i think i know someone who
should be here.. 

josie added theo to the chat

theo too many new numbers but im
assuming jack's brothers and his friend?

jack yep, good to have you here theo. 

trevor josie, i am sorry for hitting on you 😔 

josie it's okay. I don't even remember
it honestly 

quinn HAHAHAHAH you're forgettable 

luke theo, so when did you know

jack oh god

theo i'm pretty sure mere knew first
because jack and josie saw each other
on the first game, at the coffee shop, then
on halloween and i found out at the devils gala. 

quinn ...

theo they weren't together but they both
disappeared for A WHILE and came back 
at the same time. 2+2 =4 🤷‍♂️ 

luke i feel unseen, unwanted, unloved 

josie jack why didn't you just tell them?

jack WHY?

josie i didn't know you were this dramatic 

jack because i wanted to respect how guarded you were 
you didn't even want anything to do with me would you
have run away if I was telling my mom about you 
(which i totally did.) BUT IF YOU KNEW you'd 

josie i would not have run

quinn MOM KNEW?!

jack  remember when you saw me in the
hotel lobby and you RAN away from me?

josie oh yeah! good times!

jack yeah. i wanted to do you a solid!

josie aw thanks, but you could've 
told them. 
next time!

jack there will be no next time

theo guys this was everything i was praying for
my favorite sister and jack dating!

luke  looks like they're in it for the long run
(running joke for you josie)

josie i appreciate it 
but look now you all know! luke &
quinn you were the first to know that
we're dating. AND you guys helped me 
make my spam account

luke we did do that. 

hughes + lee

luke have you guys been on twitter, jack is trending 😭 

jack oh god 

josie fuck.. 
not me though right?

quinn you're breaking hearts and no one even knows it's you

josie at least they're not onto me. 
jack though.. good luck pal!
not my circus not my monkeys 

jack PAL?


quinn HAHAHA you just get better and better 

jack you adopted my circus when I asked you out

josie okayyy...


a.n//holy crap this took forever to write, 7k words. Okay Hi, how are you guys? How are we feeling? I'm excited that I finally finished this it was frustrating me to have it unfinished but HAH I DID IT! okay also, i'm proud of mere's username. the last great a-mere-ican dynasty. That's silly. 

I start my second semester of school tomorrow and all I'm hoping for it good time management. I want to do my work but also get some chapters out and I'll do my best to do that but also forgive me if I get swamped with work. 

Thank you for 20K reads on this rewritten version of glitch. I love you guys forever and because I love you here's the breakfast for champions recipe. Depending on how big you make your pancakes it might not make much so you can double it if you'd like!

3/4 cups of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 teaspoons of salt
1/2 tablespoon of sugar 
1 1/2 tablespoon of melted butter
1 large egg
3/4 cups of milk
sprinkle in some cinnamon & add in vanilla!
then the chocolate chips :)

Anyways I love you!

Love Lottie 💐💐💐

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