glitch | jack hughes (rewritt...

By hughesluvr1989

96.1K 2.1K 1K

We were supposed to be just friends, you don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weeke... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64

chapter 21

2.1K 47 32
By hughesluvr1989

josephine lee

"Well, well, well." A voice that does not belong to either of us says. My first thought after Jack and I quickly pull away from each other is that someone possibly someone dangerous has broken into Jack's house. Without thinking twice I jump, hiding behind Jack as he groans loudly. Judging by his reaction I'm assuming he knows who the guy is since he's not making any attempt to ask questions or kick him out. 

I peek at the boy sitting on the couch from behind Jack and try focusing my eyes on him to see if I know him. I don't, but I do recognize a few of his features. Most of them on the face of the man I was just having sex with. 

Oh fuck! This must be Jack's older brother, Quinn. 

I don't know much about him other than what Jack has told me, but wow what a great first impression. Jack covers his face with his hands, rubbing his fingers over his eyes. "Yeah, that's what you've been doing for," He checks his watch, referring to the noises Jack was making in bed before looking over to his left toward the kitchen, directing his vision at someone else. "How many rounds was that moose?" Quinn asks who I am assuming is Jack's younger brother. 

I'm just meeting the whole family now, huh?

As Jack's younger brother emerges from the kitchen with a box of cereal I notice that he's taller than both of them but still wears many of the same facial features as his older brothers. "Had to be like four rounds, at least." He says, shoving some cereal into his mouth before shaking his head at the thought of sitting around for four rounds of sex. 

Oh, they heard everything. They. Heard. Everything. 

Jack turns his body to me, shielding me from his brothers and looking at me with concerned eyes as he apologizes. "I am so sorry, I didn't know they were coming." To which Quinn says, "Trust me we didn't know you'd be cumming." with a loud cackle like he's proud of the joke he just made. And he should be. Had we been in different circumstances I would've laughed but instead, I am paralyzed with embarrassment. 

Jack rubs his temples, completely unamused by Quinn's jokes. "I-I can go," I whisper, but his brothers hear me loud and clear and wave me off. "No, please stay. We have so much to talk about." Quinn says, insisting I say and get to know them. He stands up from Jack's couch and walks over to me ready to extend his hand out to me. 

"Quinn Hughes, Jack's older brother." He smiles. I use a hand to pull the button-up together and get ready to shake his hand until I remember where my hands have been. I wince, pulling my hand away and excuse myself to wash my hands. Quinn's face scrunches up in disgust once he realizes why I feel the need to clean my hands and lets me run off to the kitchen, sliding past Luke to wash my hands. 

On my way back towards them I button up Jack's button up and introduce myself. "Okay, hi I'm Josie." my voice shakes slightly, this might be the most nervous I have ever been and no amount of fake confidence can get me through this. Quinn stays quiet this time around while Luke stands, towering over me. "Luke Hughes, I'm legal." He smirks, showing off the crooked smile that clearly got passed around to Jack too. 

I laugh at Luke, fighting a laugh while Jack flips him off. "Quit flirting with her." He says, causing Luke to throw his hands up in surrender. They playfully argue for a bit as Quinn stares into the side of my head, proceeding to be quiet even though he was being pretty chatty when Jack and I first walked out of the bedroom. 

"As much as I'd love to sit around and dilly-dally over the fact that you guys broke into my apartment I am starving, so I'm going to go get some pizza." Jack says, directing a fake smile at both of his brothers. He pressed his hands on his thighs, standing from the couch before switching his demeanor entirely when he looks at me. "Do you want to come with me?" He asks, focusing in on me. 

I think about going with him because I'm terrified of being left alone with his brothers without him being around in case they make me uncomfortable with a question only Jack would know makes me uneasy. I'd hate to shut down any question they had at the risk of looking rude, but if I leave it only makes me look worse. "I'll be okay here." I reassure him with a smile before he leans down to peck my lips. 

Just before his lips make contact with mine I feel him stop and watch him look at his smug-faced brothers. He turns his back to them, blocking the kiss from their vision before kissing me. As he walks away he grabs his keys from the kitchen counter and yells, "Don't let them pressure you into answering anything you don't want to." he raises his eyebrows at his brothers as a warning to not do that.

Once Jack is gone I quickly excuse myself to put some actual clothes on, because this whole matching set under a sheer white button-up is not doing it for me. I run to Jack's room looking through his closet for a random t-shirt and some sweatpants that I could roll up to fit me. Once I've got some clothes on I go into Jack's bathroom and run my fingers through my hair to make me look slightly less "fucked". 

I run back out towards the living room, feeling their eyes on me as I take a seat in front of them. I'm not sure if it's just me and my nerves getting the best of me but the room feels so quiet I feel like you could hear a pin drop. That is until Luke takes a deep breath, sitting forward with his elbows on his knees, and asks their first question. "So, what's your name?" Okay, we're starting easy. I can do this. 

"Josephine Lee, but I go by Josie." I nod, popping my fingers wondering if the next question will be asking me for my date of birth, the street I grew up on, my social security, or I don't know something else. "Josie Lee?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me not necessarily asking if they heard correctly but more so asking about the ties to my last name. The ties to my father. I nod my head with a smile, watching his eyebrows fly up as I confirm the assumption he made from my last name. "Yeah, Reggie Lee is my Dad." I say.

Quinn breaks away from his focused or concerned daze to react to this new piece of information. "Get fucked! What are the fucking odds?" Quinn says, dropping his head into his hands, reminding me of how his brother reacted when I first told him in that coffee shop all those months ago. It takes them a while to come to terms with the information, squinting their eyes at me before finding a similarity. 

"I was just trying to be funny, but wow!" Luke laughs, slouching back into the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. Once the information has fully settled so has the conversation. I guess they just wanted to know my name, my relation to Reggie Lee, and nothing else. I look down at my lap, thinking of something to ask them as fast as possible.

When one finally comes to mind I look up, opening my mouth to speak before I catch them both looking at me, more like examining me but maybe I'm just paranoid of them hating me and thinking I'm not a good fit for Jack. "What?" I chuckle, nervous by the look in their eyes. Quinn presses his fist to his mouth mumbling, "Just thinking." into it. Luke purses his lips together, nodding along with what his brother said. 

I want to ask if there's anything I can help clear up but before I can Quinn clarifies that it's nothing bad in an attempt to clear all the negative ideas in my head. "It's just all coming together." He says but I still have no idea what that means, not even the slightest clue. My mind is wondering what could possibly be coming together, but luckily for me, Luke clears it up for me. 

"Jack has always been very open to us about anything and everything we're brother, but when we found out he was seeing someone, and he wouldn't say a word about it we thought it was weird." Luke says, giving me an outside perspective on how Jack's been acting. I had no clue Jack even told people he was seeing someone, that's pretty bold of him though considering I wanted almost nothing to do with him for a while. 

"That was probably my fault, uh, I kind of didn't want to be around him for a while because I had just gotten out of a really bad relationship and I wasn't clear about what I wanted. When we met I was super guarded and he somehow managed to kick a few of those walls down since then, but I'm sorry. That must've sucked, I'd probably hunt my little brother down if he was hiding a big part of his life from me." I say, trying to show them that I understand how annoying that must've been while also giving them a different perspective. 

Luke and Quinn exchange a look at one another but die laughing, covering their mouths with their hands. Luke pulls the neck of his hoodie forward while he laughs into it, leaving me out of their thoughts once again. "I'm sorry, it's just the one thing Jack did tell us that you wanted nothing to do with him but it's so much funnier coming from you." Quinn laughs, rubbing his eyes. 

In the midst of their laughing fit, I hear the door open and turn my head to see a very confused Jack looking around the room as if there was a joke taped on a wall. "What is so funny?" he asks, putting the boxes of pizza, soda, and beer on the table. Luke makes an attempt to fill Jack in but it's unintelligible through his laughter. Tears start leaking through the sides of his eyes before Jack looks to me to find the answer. 

"You told them I wanted nothing to do with you." I say quietly but it also conjures up a new wave of laughter. Jack sighs, dropping his shoulders before correcting his brothers on what he said, telling them to shut up and come eat. Their faces drop, looking like two kids who just got scolded by a parent but chuckle the whole way to the table. If they keep it up Jack might sit his brothers apart until they stop. 

They take a few deep breaths, coughing a few times before opening up their beers and grabbing some pizza to put on their plates. I grab a few slices to put on my plate and open my can of Dr. Pepper. Jack pulls my chair closer to him, putting his hand on my thigh over his sweats. With his mouth full of pizza he looks down at the sweatpants I'm wearing, lifting the shirt I borrowed to see the 86 on the top. 

He grins at the fact that I'm wearing his clothes, squeezing my thigh gently, forgetting his brothers are most likely staring at our interaction. Luke clears his throat grabbing Jack's attention before he starts asking more questions other than my name. With a mouthful of pizza he using his food to point at us and says, "How long have you two been dating?" He chews, smirking at Jack.

"Uhh, we're not together." Jack answers honestly, but not being the answer his brothers wanted. Quinn and Luke exchange a look, rolling their eyes and scoffing. "Yeah, okay." Luke sassily says, shaking his head like he doesn't believe us. I contain the laugh begging to come out because of their behavior towards Jack, but for his sake I contain it, pressing my lips together when there's no food in my mouth. 

Disapproving of Luke's behavior Jack shakes his head, getting up from the table to grab some napkins and another few beers. Before leaving he picks up my can, checking to see if there's any more in it. "Want another, baby?" He asks, slipping up in front of his brothers. Rookie mistake. Quinn and Luke snicker at the pet name, making my face hurt from trying not to laugh. "Yes please." I say, doing my best to not laugh hysterically at Jack's frustration. 

"Not together, my ass." Luke grumbles to Quinn as I stare up at the ceiling losing it. I muffle my laugh with my arm, tucking my face into my bicep. Quinn laughs more at the fact that I'm laughing along with them, pointing at me, making me laugh even harder. I turn red in the face as I try calming myself down when Jack goes around the table to bump my can of soda against his little brother's head. 

He mumbles out a fake apology, following that up with an even faker smile. Luke rubs the back of his head where he got hit. "I'm going to be placed on IR for that. A hit like that is going to have me out for six to eight weeks." Luke teases, holding his head until he's done eating and the bit is over. 

Jack's brothers continue to tease us throughout the rest of dinner, in between catching up and asking questions. They'll ask questions they sort of know answers to just to connect all the dots together. For instance, Quinn asked about the All-Star Weekend, knowing I was there and got all the information he needed when Jack got quiet about certain parts of his day. I fear that Jack and I will never live this night or any day before this down.

Once they all settle down from all the prying Quinn switches the topping by asking me another question. "Are you coming to the game tomorrow? It's brother vs brother." He grins, picking up his bottle of beer, and bringing it up to his lips for a swig. Jack draws circles on my shoulder with his finger, about ready to pounce at them if I don't want to answer. 

"Not sure, I'll think about it." I say, smiling with a shrug since I'm not even sure if Jack wants me to be there. If both of them are playing I bet his parents will be there and I'm not certain that Jack wants me to meet them before we're officially dating. Quinn nods, fighting a yawn as he stretches his arms up above his head. 

We check the time just now becoming fully aware that it's past 1 AM, surprising us all. We were having such a good time it all just flew by right past us. I stand up from my chair, gathering all the trash. Jack grabs a separate bag to toss out the cans, pizza boxes, and bottles. I stack the plates we used, handing them to him as he squirts some soap onto a sponge to hand wash the dishes. 

I walk back to the table, checking to see if we left anything behind when Quinn pops up next to me. "Night Rowdy." He teases, waving his fingers at him. Jack glares at him, shaking his head for the sixtieth time tonight. He's going to end up with the neck of a bobblehead by the time his family leaves. Luke says goodnight as well, giving me a gentle side hug as he tells me how good it was to meet me before heading to one of the guest bedrooms. 

Despite Quinn saying goodnight he stays put beside me watching his Jack rinse the dishes and put them on a dish rack. With his eyes locked on his brother he says, "This is different, a good different. It's nice to see from my brother. He's all protective and serious it's sweet. Rowdys all loved up," He teases, making me break into a smile at his approval. 

"Alright, Good night Josie, sleep well." He says, lifting his arm to wrap around me in a side hug just as Luke did. I wait for Jack to finish washing the dishes, taking a few steps towards him as he dries his hands off on a towel. He drops the towel onto the counter and wraps his arms around me quietly apologizing for how tonight went in between forehead kisses. 

"No it was fun, it wasn't how I expected to meet your brothers but they were funny." I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his waist before pulling away and taking his hand as he walks me to his bedroom. Once we close the door behind us and start getting ready for bed he asks about the game tomorrow. How insecure I'm about to sound builds up a nasty feeling in my stomach and I almost want to lie and say I can't, but that's not okay. 

I want to do better, and that means talking about how I'm feeling even though it feels so gross doing that. Why can't I just bottle everything up with zero consequences? "Won't your whole family be there? I mean how would you even introduce me? Hey Mom, this is my fuck buddy, a whore I picked up off the street but she told me she cares so don't worry." I go on, word vomiting as my mind races.

I feel sick at the idea of him calling me a friend or anything worse and it gets even worse when I realize he might not want me to sit with them. What if he wasn't even planning on introducing me and I just assumed? How embarrassing, how could I even say that? I mentally curse myself until Jack rubs his hands down my arms to soothe me. "Josie honey, breath." He chuckles, holding my arms with a comforting grip. 

"I could say, hey mom this is my girlfriend, Josie." He smiles, causing my head to snap up to look him in the eyes to check if he's being serious. He runs his thumb over my bottom lip watching them quirk up at the idea of wearing that title. My heart races as I breathe out a laugh against him. Girlfriend. The title I had avoided for so long so I could spare him the trouble of being associated with me, but now I want it. I really do. 

His hands tilt my head up, making eye contact as he asks, "You like that?" pinching my bottom lip. "Yeah, I do." I whisper into the space between us. His grin turns into a cheesy smile which collides with his plan to kiss me because each time he tries our teeth clash. "You'll be my girlfriend?" he asks, eyes closed, nose against mine, lips barely touching mine. 

Despite the on-again off-again fear and anxiety in my body, I nod, taking my first step towards our relationship. "Thank God, I've waited for so long  and I couldn't stand you not being mine anymore." He says, kissing up and down my neck to make me giggle over and over again. 

He peels his t-shirt off my body, reaching behind me to undo the clasp of my bra, leaving me in my underwear. He takes his clothes off, getting in bed beside me as I cuddle myself up against him just because I can. Because he's my boyfriend. He wraps an arm around me, scratching my back while the other one rest below my neck, his other hand playing with my hair. 

I smile at the soothing yet ticklish sensation, snuggling my face closer into the crook of his neck. "Jack?" I call out, smiling into his skin. "Yeah, baby?" He answers back, calling me baby because he can. Because I'm his girlfriend, even though he did that before today. "I really like you." I tell him one more time, more comfortable because now he can't run away because of my feelings. 

"I really like you too Josie." He says right before we drift off to sleep for the first time as a couple. 


❤️ liked by dukeonthem and 34 others

mooseywoosey Q and I schemed. we're not at jack's house! I'LL UPDATE YOU GUYS!!!

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yourwildestdreams you. are. my. hero.

markstopugh dude you're so fucking stupid but I AM invested so please update. I want to know who she is.

eedwardscullen  you guys are so fucking nosey, BUT SO AM I HAHAHHA


❤️ liked by huggybear and 35 others


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yourwildestdreams STAY STRONG SOLDIER


dukeonthem this is some next level jack update account shit.

rutfrigerator RAM IS CRAZY!

❤️ liked by eedwardscullen and 37 others

mooseywoosey They're done... IM DONE! BUTTT OUR FUN HAS JUST STARTED! #SURPRISEMF firstoffim511 :)))

load all 23 comments 

eedwardscullen lukey sure did go to war, that last post was ageeesss ago. 
mooseywoosey yeah. 

huggybear you're a prick. 
mooseywoosey 1. you're right next to me 2. i LOVE that picture. 
huggybear die. 

markstopugh storytime for your pov! 👏👏👏👏
firstoffim511 maybe. no. welll..

❤️ liked by firstoffim511 and 23 others

mooseywoosey  they're feeing us after traumatizing us for hours! hope you enjoyed tonight's content come back tomorrow for more 😘😘  #vlogging #influencer #fuckitweball 

load all 17 comments 

firstoffim511  you didn't have to break in AND stay you know that right? 
mooseywoosey YAWNING. BORING. 

yourwildestdreams you're worse than jack! LEAK HER FACE #FACEREVEAL
mooseywoosey leak her face IS CRAZY

ohnickyyousofine cats out of the bag 😮 


a.n// Hi my best friends, so first things first how are you guys? How are you feeling? Second, I did split the original chapter up, but only because I want the next day to be all in one chapter. I'll be writing it today and will try to get that out for you as soon as I can. Third, JOSIE AND JACK ARE DATING?!!? TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND. 

Even though she is still working through her feelings she knows she likes Jack and being in a relationship with Jack makes her more comfortable to share how she feels since she knows he can't just up and leave. There's so many cute things waiting for them and I'm so excited to rewrite it or give you new snippets of them. 

Breakfast for champs (the recipe will be dropping), Ellen and Jim, and the Hughesbowl next chapter:) Also you know how Quinn just kept looking at Josie the reason why is also coming next chapter, you might laugh who knows?

Anyways I love you guys so so much.

Stay safe, stay kind, and DM me if you need anything.

Love Lottie💐💐💐 

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