The Brain and the Bass Guitar...

By adult_disneyprincess

215K 10K 1.3K

Derek Hale is a loud mouthed Londoner with the band Unknown Artist. He's been in the tabloids for everything... More

Coming Soon
Chapter One (Mature Content)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (Mature Content)
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Epilogue-One Year Later
Character Ask

Chapter Fifteen

10.2K 456 89
By adult_disneyprincess

"So Unknown Artist is nominated for an award or are you all just performing or showing up?" Stiles asks, fixing his shirt while he looks at Derek who's getting dressed in the room that has slowly become his and Derek's room. Derek smiles at him, it's one of those rare genuine smiles that makes Stiles' heart beat just a little faster, and he nods as he turns towards him. "And you're sure that I don't need to wear a suit?" Stiles asks, looking down at his plain black shirt.

"You look great by way, and we're just showing up since we're nominated." Derek tells him, slipping on his tee before putting on his leather jacket. "We're nominated for three. Best video, best group, and best song." Derek tells him, his voice laced with pride making Stiles smiles at him with happiness. He's proud of Derek too, and he moves to grab a jacket while he turns to look at Stiles. "When are you going to be back from taking what's his face to the airport?" Derek asks, and Stiles rolls his eyes at that.

For the past few days, Scott and Derek had dealing with each other with cold shoulders. Mostly they've been ignoring each other except when Stiles was there to moderate them, and then they just spoke quietly to each other about somethings that aren't important. Stiles doesn't know why they don't get along, he's pretty sure it has to do with the solid month that Derek treated him poorly, and he moves to go find Scott. "By five so plenty of time to ride with you to the show, okay?" Stiles says, and Derek nods his head at him.

"Be safe." Derek tells him, and Stiles chuckles as he goes to the guest room. Stiles knocks on his door and Scott turns his head to look at him.

"Hey, buddy. Ready to go?" Stiles asks, and Scott smiles at him while he moves to zip up his bag. Stiles wishes that Scott was able to stay for more than a few days, but it's expensive to stay long in England and Scott really didn't have it. Stiles didn't really have it either, he needed to look for a job because his father was telling him that he was getting requests for his student loan payments in the mail.

"Yeah, man. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer, Stiles, but you're coming home soon." Scott tells him, and Stiles smiles at him. He only has about five more months left for the year, but he doesn't know if he's going to be staying with Derek while he goes on tour. Derek hasn't asked him to go, and Stiles doesn't want to bring it up.

"I know. I miss seeing my dad. Give him a hug for me, okay?" Stiles says, and Scott nods his head while he grabs his luggage. "Come on then. Let's get you back to Beacon Hills before my mother-in-law shows up and tries to take us shopping or something." Stiles says, grabbing his keys while Scott gives him a curious look.

"I thought Derek didn't get along with his mother?" Scott asks, and Stiles gives him an eye roll while he moves to lead him out of the loft while Derek screams a "no comment!" to Scott's question about his mother. Scott rolls his eyes at Derek before moving follow Stiles out of the apartment. "Goodbye, Derek." Scott says, sarcastically and Derek doesn't bother saying anything to him in return. Stiles rolls his eyes at both of them since they're both being ridiculous.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" Stiles says, and Derek hollers back an "okay!" while he finishes getting ready for the award show. Everyone is meeting at Derek's loft so they can go together, and he hums to himself while he answers a phone call from his mother.


"So be good, have fun, all of that stuff." Scott tells Stiles as they walk to the terminal, and Stiles smiles as he nods his head while Scott talks to him. "Hopefully, I'll be able to see the award show due to the time delay, but I can always check it out later." Scott adds on, and Stiles smiles as he nods his head. He hugs Scott one last time, he really doesn't want to let him go, and Scott kisses his cheek before he moves to catch his plane.

Stiles waits until the plane takes off before he moves to take a cab back to the loft, and he plays on his phone while he moves to pay the cab driver. He smiles as he punches in the code to the loft while he moves to go back inside, and he smiles when Jackson opens the door for him before he can put his key in. "Hey! You look nice!" Stiles tells Erica, and she smiles at him. She's in a knee length dress with her trademark scoffed up shoes, and she has her hair pinned back with a happy smile. Her lips are blood red, and she's smiling widely.

"Thank you, Stiles. You look incredible." Erica tells him, and Stiles smiles at her before he moves to finish getting ready. He just needs to put on a different pair of shoes and run his fingers through his hair, and he bumps into Derek on his way to the bedroom. Derek reaches out to steady him, and he smiles at him.

"Are you ready to go, babe?" Derek asks, and Stiles moves to go run his fingers through his hair with some gel. Derek watches him while he leans against the doorway, and Stiles smiles at him while he moves to wash his hands off before looking at looking at Derek as if he's waiting for him before he walks towards him.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Just let me get my phone and my wallet." Stiles tells him, and he smiles at him while he moves to get his things together. "So what should I be excepting from this award show? I've never even watched one." Stiles says, and Isaac looks at him in shock. They're always surprised when Stiles tells him that he hasn't done something that they find normal, but Stiles has gotten over it since it happens entirely too often. Erica grabs her clutch bag before everyone starts moving to climb into the car, and Stiles is pleasantly sandwich between Isaac and Derek.

"So what usually happens is that we sit for about three hours, watch some people perform, and laugh at the people trying to host the show. We aren't performing this year, I don't know why but whatever, but we are nominated." Erica says, and Stiles smiles at her while he reaches over to pat her knee.

"I hope you all win." Stiles tells them, and Erica smiles at him before Boyd slips into the backseat and she turns to smile at him. Boyd gives her one back, and that's the weirdest the thing that Stiles has ever seen. "That's weird." Stiles tells him, and Boyd rolls his eyes as they car starts moving. "How long does it take to get there?" Stiles asks, and Erica hums as she looks out the window.

"About an hour with traffic." She answers, and Stiles nods his head before he turns to lay his head on Derek's shoulder. He's fast asleep before the red light, and Derek snaps a picture of him before he moves to just wait until they get there.


Stiles blinks himself awake when he hears the loud cheering, and he turns to look at the rest of Derek's band. "I'm guessing we're here." Stiles says, rubbing his eyes while Derek laughs as he nods head. Derek checks his appearance one more time before the door is open, and Stiles follows him out before he moves to help Erica out. Boyd walks beside here while he leads them to the carpet to answer for a few questions.

"Derek! Stiles!" Stiles hears, coming from every direction at once but he doesn't let it bother him.

"I'm going to slip to the back, okay?" Stiles says, moving to go with Boyd while Derek answers questions. He sees a lot of faces that he recognizes, but not a lot of them. Stiles just sort of looks around until Derek finds him again. Stiles smiles at while he they pose for a few pictures, he doesn't mind this, and soon Derek is leading him inside the building.

"Let's go find our seats, yeah?" Derek says, smiling at him. Stiles nods his head while he moves to take Derek's hand, and Derek intertwines their fingers as he easily spots Erica's hair so he walks towards where his band is waiting. "Hey." Derek says, letting Stiles walk into the aisle. "Oh, look! It's the Australian us!" Derek says, and Ashton Irwin grins at him before hugging him. "It's been to long, mate! You said you come over next time you where in the UK!" Derek says, and Stiles smiles at them while he moves to lean forward to talk to Isaac.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asks Isaac, since his friend looks upset. Isaac doesn't say anything, he just shakes his head at him with a soft smile. Stiles hums as he leans back, and Derek pulls him to his body while the show starts. Stiles relaxes against him while the music starts, and he smiles as Derek looks at the performance that starts the show. "This is cool." Stiles hums, and Derek chuckles to himself while he leans in closer to Stiles as Taylor Swift opens the show.


Stiles is actually having fun by the time the awards that Unknown Artist are up for are called, and Stiles rubs Derek's leg when they lose best video. Derek doesn't seem to be too upset, he seems annoyed that they lost to One Direction, and Stiles holds his hand the entire time. Stiles sort of tunes out when tow young actress he doesn't recognizes, but he does start playing attention when he realizes that it's the best group category. "And the nominees for best group are One Direction, Five Seconds of Summer, Little Mix, One Republic, and Unknown Artist." She says, and Stiles holds Derek's hand tightly. "And the winner is Unknown Artist!" She says, and Jackson jumps in joy. Erica smiles widely, Isaac runs towards the stage, and Derek kisses Stiles deeply before he's chasing after him.

Micheal Clifford and Calum Hood are yelling loudly while they wave at them, and Jackson gets to the microphone and award first. "Wow!" He says, when the applause finally dies down. "I just want to thank the fans for everything, and just, yeah. Our families." Jackson says, and Isaac yanks the award from him.

"We want to draw say how amazed we are that we won since we were nominated with some really amazing artist especially our brothers in Five Seconds of Summer." Isaac says, moving so Erica can thank her family and Boyd and Derek moves to go to.

"Wow. I need to talk fast but thank you to all of the fans that took a chance on four kids from London trying to live their dreams." Derek says, and Stiles claps as he smiles and he sees himself on the giant screen for a second. "And I want to dedicate this to my lovely husband. I love you, babe." Derek says, and Stiles' heart drops into his stomach.

Stiles watches him get off the stage, and he cannot believe would do this to him. Stiles takes a deep breath before he moves to stand up to go use the bathroom, and he feels so angry that Derek lied in front of everyone. Stiles cannot handle this, lying about being married and taking pictures is one thing but Derek telling Stiles that he loves him is going to far with the lie. Stiles wipes his face before he moves to go back out there, but he can't so he leaves.

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